
Young Writers Society

Nicotine and Spice - Part One/Three

by andimlovegalore

Edited to make more sense =D 4th Aug

Nicotine and Spice

Part One: Before the Murder

It's a long walk home, the entrance of the night is scary.

Jaice had slept, interminably, for days. His awakening was unpleasant; he remained sitting still and staring dully for as long as possible before waking up properly. The apartment, never beautiful, was tangled in clothes and empty ready meal packets, flung haphazardly around the living room. The walls peeled with dry paint, a result of the terrible heat that had descended over the city the summer before. His kitchen was clogged up with dirty plates and cutlery; the sink piled so high and so stinking with rotting food that he had long ago given up any hope of resurrecting its use. The place exhausted him, so he slept to escape from it, drugged up on sleeping pills, pain killers and sedatives. He had been woken this time by the doorbell, miraculously still functioning. It rang again, longer this time - someone was impatient. Jaice knew who it was anyway so he took his time answering, only momentarily feeling ashamed for the mess and the smell of neglect. There were only two people who came by his apartment: the landlord, who hammered on the door and yelled “rent!”, and Adrién, who was a tolerated presence for all his faults. Adrién was a man who was hard to dislike, his foul mouth and irritating stubbornness were both balanced wonderfully by impeccable taste and timing. It had taken Jaice less than a week to fall in love with him; it would probably take him a lifetime to stop.

“Jesus, shit, Jaice you asshole. Take your fucking time,” Adrién swept past him, picking his feet up in distaste. Jaice always found it funny to hear the swearwords coming out of that mouth, an accent still liltingly French despite the years, his English learned half from school textbooks and half from American gangster movies. “How do you live like this?” He asked petulantly, glancing around the room, taking in the squalor.

“I manage,” Jaice muttered coolly, slumping back down onto the sofa and waving vaguely for Adrién to take the space beside him. Adrién, eying the brown canvas of the seat suspiciously, elected to stay standing.

“Jerk, why ‘aven’t you called?”

“I’ve been sleeping.” Jaice answered, avoiding Adrién’s eyes. He felt himself being studied critically.

“For two weeks? Jesus. This place needs fumigation. When did you last get into the air? Your skin is yellow!”

When Jaice turned to take a look at Adrién’s expression, he saw concern beneath the exasperation. It was a real inconvenience, having someone always checking in on him, Jaice reflected. And what made it more annoying was that Adrién was actually good company, and incredibly attractive. He had dark hair that Jaice had coveted, back when he had cared enough to regard his own appearance, and soft, pale skin that set off his dark eyes and long lashes. He took good care of himself too, honest-to-God manicured nails and muscular arms and shoulders. It had been two years since he’d been held in those arms, and Adrién still insisted on coming over, rubbing it in.

“Why go out? There’s nothing to see out there. Fucking Eiffel Tower, again? Boat on the Seine? Or I guess I could just walk around and get mugged for being a tourist.” Jaice's voice came out bitter.

“You’re not a tourist, jackass. You’ve lived here for how many years?” Adrién pulled a face, three years and he had known Jaice since the first day he set foot on French soil. He’d been so lost then; maybe even worse than now, still reeling from the destruction of his makeshift family in America, he had turned back to France as a last resort. His passport still had him down as a French national though he had not lived there since he was six years old, it had seemed somehow easier than finding himself a visa for some other place.

“No Frenchman has red hair.” Jaice replied, lamely. "They can spot me a mile off."

Adrién snorted dismissively and before Jaice could dodge he had the back of his hand against his forehead, cool and gentle.

“You look like shit, you smell like shit, your head is a pressure cooker and you’re coming for a walk with me.” The hand transferred to his wrist, pulled him up. Jaice’s stubbornness was overcome by weakness and resentful adoration.


The air was crisp and autumnal - was it autumn already? – And Adrién kept a slow steady pace, his arm strong around Jaice’s shoulder. He felt ridiculously skinny and pale, too much of a mess to be seen in public.

“People are looking at me,” he muttered, and Adrién laughed at him, greeting a couple walking past with a polite ‘bonsoir’.

“Why would they look at you when they could look at me? I’m much easier on the eyes.”

They sauntered for what seemed like a very long time; Jaice felt as though his legs were made of nothing and hardly touching the floor. He didn’t recognise the area of the city either, it had merged into an endless stretch of streets and buildings and cars. Paris had kept its charm despite the constant attention from governments trying to make it more modern, less of a damned fire hazard. That’s what had brought him back there, though his memories of the place were tied up in death and misery, somehow it had remained a home to him. The narrow streets, old-style street markets and outdoor cafés reminded him in an almost pleasant way of his parents, of his life before their deaths.

“Jai,” Adrién said softly, “I worry about you.” Jaice was too tired to be sullen, only whispered back:

“Yeah, well I’m alright.”

“You’re not alright, though. Who lives like you? You can’t sleep through your life.” Adrién had stopped them walking. He forced Jaice to look him in the face, tipping his head up with his knuckles beneath his chin. “I want you to come and stay with me for a while, so I can look after you. And I’ll get someone to fix your place.”

Jaice was sure that it was a stupid idea, all he wanted was to go back home now and curl up on his bed and take something to make everything else disappear. But somehow, suddenly, the idea of forcing his door open past all the stuff on the floor, breathing the staleness and the rot, wrapping himself up against the cold, had become huge and horrible. He knew Adrién’s place was nice. They’d worked together once, before Jaice had dropped everything for a simpler life of sleep and squalor, tapping away on keyboards to keep the city running. He made good money, enough for two floors of a block far, far away from the disruption of the suburbs. He could stay for one day, maybe two, let Adrién cook him proper food for once, sleep under clean sheets. He allowed himself a small nod, embarrassed that he needed this and yet relieved, deeply relieved that now his problems were someone else’s too.


Adrién’s apartment was nice, amazing in fact. All cream carpeting, glass shelves and coffee tables. Jaice felt too dirty to go inside, as though his very presence would sully the obsessive cleanliness of the place, but Adrién tugged him through the door. Through the large window taking up one wall Jaice could see the city, street lights blinking on and sparkling against the increasing dark.

“Could I take a shower?” he managed. When had he last taken a shower? He had lain, soaking and freezing in a cold bath three days before, but a shower was different. Real hot water, rejuvenation of the soul. Adrién showed him to a bathroom, the same spotlessness combined with sparkle. There was a razor on the top of the toilet that he was given permission to use, a new bar of soap wrapped up in paper and stuck with real wax. High class stuff. It seemed that Adrién had planned his arrival in advance. He turned the shower on first, stepping uncomfortably out of stained t-shirt and cotton trousers. He stood under the spray. His head jangled dizzily as hot steam filled the small room, forcing him to sit down. It was blissfully quiet, far enough away from the centre to be safe from the unceasing hubbub of night clubs and party goers. Jaice revelled in it, the calm and the warm water on his skin, his face, in his hair. This was something he could appreciate. Adrién had known just what he needed. He washed his hair, shaved, went to take a towel from a rack and saw to his surprise a little pile of clean clothes laid out for him. Either Adrién was a really amazing host, or he had had similar thoughts about the state of Jaice’s trousers and his white leather sofa. They were obviously Adrién’s clothes, a little too big, expensive and well made; they felt soft and comfortable against his skin.


When he emerged from the bathroom, looking a little less Neanderthal, Adrién had headphones in his ears and his head resting against the back of the armchair he was sitting in, his eyes closed. Jaice went and sat awkwardly on the sofa at right angles to him, tucking his knees into his chest like a child. Adrién must have sensed his presence and put down his music, smiling like the Buddha, all calm and compassion.

“Feel better?”


“I’m gonna have to burn those clothes,” he laughed, “You’re a disgrace, man. Don’t you have a washing machine? Not that you could get to it past all that crap. I called in the cleaners to your place, they’re starting tomorrow.”

“But ... my stuff?” Jaice was gripped with sudden fear, what about his pills, his computers?

“They’ll keep that shit in storage. You know those warehouses.” He waved a hand dismissively and Jaice put his head into his hands.

“This must be so expensive ...”

Adrién shifted places, moving to sit beside him, blowing air through his nose in amusement.

“I have money. Anyway, this is as much for me as it is for you. I don’t like having to go to your place when it’s so smelly and dirty. Right?”


“Listen, I know how hard it is for you. I just want to help, honestly. Don’t worry about it. Are you going to sleep?”

It was only then that Jaice realised how tired he was, how pathetic, to be exhausted by standing, walking, showering. Adrién must have seen that, stood and took him by the arm.

“Sleep, then. I will show you your room.”

Pressed against clean cotton pillows, Jaice watched as the electric alarm clock beside the bed switched numbers. 10:20, 10:21, 10:22, when he looked again it said 10:50 and then he couldn’t see it at all, only a blur of red light against the darkness of the room, reflecting dully on the white sheets. He became aware, vaguely, after some time had passed, of a presence close to him. A hand touched his hair and he thought he heard a sigh, or a whisper. He didn’t look up, only snuffled a little into the pillow and brushed his own fingers through his hair, feeling someone else’s skin against his. Calmed by the familiar scent of Adrién’s washing powder, or maybe aftershave, he slept again.

Just a start =] discovery of the body coming soon! I just love these characters. I hope no one minds their sort-of mxm relationship! I haven't written a murder mystery for ages and ages, I'm quite excited =D

This story goes with a rare Placebo song called Miss Moneypenny (I put the lyrics in my blog =] weblog_entry.php?POST_ENTRY_URL=22637 )

Link to part two.

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:08 am
andimlovegalore says...

Thanks so much, everyone that's brilliant =D I fixed that problem with Adrien's accent and I fixed some of the wording problems too.

Xxx Most of the spelling mistakes are because I'm English so it's UK spellings ^_~ funny, I never knew revelled had one l in america!

Thanks again =]

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:54 am
deleted2 says...

Here you go :)

I really loved the story!!! Review in the attachment

Xxx Do

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Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:00 pm
tinny wrote a review...

Yo, I are here as requested!

A few little nitpicks first:

His awakening was unpleasant; he remained sitting still and staring dully for as long as possible before waking up properly.

This just sounds a tad awkward. Did Jaice fall asleep for days on end sitting up? I can't sleep in the car for more than a few hours before my back starts to hurt ><; The bit about the eyes threw me a tad too, personally I wake up pretty much as soon as I've opened them; there's no returning to sleep after that.

The place exhausted him, so he slept to escape from it, drugged up on sleeping pills, pain pills and sedatives.

You've got tad bit of repetition with pills there; you could just use pain-killers or something. Also, what difference is there between sleeping pills and sedatives? I always thought that the former was just a type of the latter although I could be wrong there.

The air was crisp and autumnal - was it autumn already?

More repetition with autumnal and Autumn, you could replace it with 'was it that time of year already' or something. Tis up to you.

“Why would they look at you when they could look at me? I’m much easier on the eyes.”

Ahaha XD that didn't half make me giggle a bit.

Overall, there are quite a few places where you could replace commas with semi-colons, I didn't point them out, but erm, yeah >___>

I really liked this, Jaice and Adrien seem to have a pretty good relationship, I can imagine Jaice being the type to resist any kind of assistance and help and Adrien someone who insists on helping until they give in; it's a good combination.

Questions though: Why is Jaice in France? You mention his parents, but I don't think that was the reason for moving. The thing with the computers makes me think he may be someone who spends all their time online and shunning the outside world. You mention it's linked to his work too? Even just a brief indication of why he'd moved, and how he'd ended up living in filthy conditions would be nice. To me, Jaice seems a bit pathetic and I feel a little sorry for him but I don't know if I should or not; I don't know how he ended up where he is now so that does leave me a little conflicted ><;

Adrien is French, yes? And he speaks perfect English with a strong accent? If he's bilingual, there's a good chance that when he's speaking English the accent won't be as noticeable. One of my Aunts is fluently Dutch and speaks the language with the accent and all, when she comes over and speaks English again she does have a slight Dutch accent because she's not spoken it for so long, but that normally rectifies itself in a few days. (I know someone else who's similar but never loses the German accent in his English until he gets drunk and he sounds like a proper Yorkshire-man XD) You could have Adrien make a few mistakes, or use French curse words, seeing as they're being used as slang and that usually correlates to a very high level of fluency. Also, he seems a bit too perfect? Polite, good looking, caring towards Jaice; he just seems to swear an awful lot XD

Terribly sorry if I've rambled a bit XD if there's anything you'd like me to clear up, just let me know! I'm glad you showed me this; it was very pleasant to read :3 I'll hop over and take a look at the other parts when I get the chance!

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Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:25 pm
ashleylee wrote a review...

Very good start! :D I can understand why you like these characters so much. They are so life-like, so real that you feel as though they are there. Also, you have me wanting to figure out why Jaice is so out-of-sorts with the world. Which is good, of course! :wink

I only noticed one sentence that could need some rewording:

Jaice’s stubbornness was overcome by weakness and resentful adoration.

Instead of this, it would sound better like: Weakness and resentful adoration overcame Jaice’s stubbornness.

I really have no complaints. This story was really good, flowed well, everything looked good!

On to Part Two!

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Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:40 pm
andimlovegalore says...

Clo, Stella, Sam - Thanks for the review =D I'll fix some of the confusion and uncertainty, you've all been so helpful. I'm working on fixing up this (and Ch2) before I move on to the Ch3, your comments are very useful. Thanks so so much ^__^ *grin*

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Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:06 pm
StellaThomas wrote a review...

Hey there! Can I call you Galore? Stella here!

Okay, looks like you have something interesting going on here... so I'm going to go through my Nitpicks first, then get onto specific things I've found, then my overall impression.


That meant that most nights, if he bothered at all, he had resorted to eating ready-made fried rice or curry from polythene packets with plastic forks, then flinging them haphazardly around the living room. [/b]

I just found that this sentence began very telly rather than showy. Is there any way you could fix that?

The place exhausted him, so he slept to escape from it, drugged up on sleeping pills, pain pills and sedatives.

Why is he in this state?

Jaice always found it funny to hear the swearwords coming out of that mouth, an accent so thickly French he was hardly speaking English at all. It was as though he was copying dialogue from an American movie.

I tend to find that people begin to swear in English after spending time with people who speak it natively. Is this what's happened to Adrién? Also, why doesn't Jaice speak French?

Or I guess I could just walk around and get mugged for being a tourist.” Jaice's voice came out bitter, probably he was.

You're telling from Jaice's PoV, you know if he's bitter or not.

Paris had kept its charm despite the constant attention from governments trying to make it more modern, less of a damned fire hazard

*sigh* J'adore Paris. I'm guessing you're describing Montmatre or somewhere from the rest of this paragraph.

Jaice was too tired to be sullen, only whispered back,

Cut out the "was" and put a comma in.

He turned the shower on first, stepping uncomfortably out of stained t-shirt and cotton trousers.

out of his.

They were obviously Adrién’s clothes, a little too big and expensively well-made, they felt soft and comfortable against his skin.

I would change "expensively well made" to "expensive and well made".

Pressed against clean cotton pillows, Jaice watched as the electric alarm clock beside the bed switched numbers. 10:20, 10:21, 10:22, when he looked again it said 10:50 and then he couldn’t see it at all, only a blur of red light against the darkness of the room, reflecting dully on the white sheets.

This sentence is a bit of a run-on and I don't fully understand it...

Okay so. Your grammar is all good, which means no technical points, woohoo! It's all style, so much more fun!


Right so.

A. Jaice: is depressed, and I couldn't work out why. The deaths of his parents? But he's been living in Paris for three years. I couldn't quite work it out. He seems developed well enough, a complete emotional wreck, but you didn't make it clear to us why. Tell us. Show us more.

B. Adrién: Oh, I like him. Not just because he's a hot French man (I love French people! We were in Italy, and all the Italian guys are really sleazy, but we met this group from France in the hostel who were so sweet and the girls were all stressing over what to wear and one of them said that we were all beautiful as we were and they didn't have girls like that in Paris. It was so cute and such a confidence booster. :). Okay, I'll stop now.) but because he seems realistic. The only thing is I couldn't quite decide if he's attracted to Jaice or just a concerned friend. It works either way, but I think that you could make it clear. Or maybe that's the effect you're going for...



There wasn't much of one. Jaice is depressed. He still likes Adrién. He moves in. That's about it. I know it's just a beginning though, so...


I'm sorry that I can't say much more. It was well written and after feeling slightly unsure about it, I did enjoy it! Your characters and their relationship with each other are well developed, and you've set yourself up for a good follow on.

Hope I've been of help!

PM me if you have any questions!


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Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:57 pm
Sam wrote a review...

Hey, andimlovegalore!

Because you have amazing taste in music. ^_~

I absolutely adore this story--the characters are grand, and the contrast between Paris and squalor is really cool and gives this story sort of an edge. Not to mention, it feels sort of like a fairy tale, with Adrién swooping in and his pretty apartment and the park. Very cool.

Just a few random notes, since I loved the overall product:

- What is the first line? It's in present tense, which made no sense. If it's a reference to something, italicize and quote.

- I wanted Adrién to have more than just an accent--he talks like a surfer guy, sure, or some sort of delinquent, but he seems wholly comfortable with the English language. If he has a really thick accent, that's a tip that he doesn't spend much time with people who are native speakers. Have him mess up once in awhile. It'll be a lot of fun to make him sound the goofball.

- Why is Adrién living in Paris if he can't speak French?


Sorry to keep it so short--if you have questions on a particular part that you want me to take a closer look at, feel free to PM me. ^_^

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Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:15 am
Clo wrote a review...

It rang again, longer this time, someone was impatient

That last bit is sort of just hanging there. I think a dash would suit this nicely. "...this time - someone was impatient."

There were only two people who came by his apartment, the landlord, who hammered on the door and yelled “rent!”, and Adrién who was a tolerated presence for all his faults

The first comma should be a colon, and there should be a comma after Adrien.

A foul mouth and an irritating stubbornness balanced wonderfully by impeccable taste and timing.

This sentence is hanging awkwardly at the end of the paragraph. You need to connect it to this Adrien fellow somehow. Like: "A list of which contained a foul mouth, and an irritating..."

“Why go out? There’s nothing to see out there. Fucking Eiffel Tower, again? Boat on the Seine? Or I guess I could just walk around and get mugged for being a tourist.”

“You’re not a tourist, jackass. You’ve lived here how many years now?”
Three years.

“No Frenchman has red hair.”

I'm confused as to who's talking here.

They sauntered for what seemed like a very long time, Jaice felt as though his legs were made of nothing and hardly touching the floor

Comma here is bad! It should be an "and" or a semi-colon.

They were obviously Adrién’s clothes, a little too big and expensively well made, they felt soft and comfortable against his skin.

"...and expensively well-made; they felt soft and comfortable against his skin."

Are you kidding, I love the mxm relationship! Makes the characters more interesting.

I love the storyline. One thing though: Why does Jaice live the way he does? You don't really explain why he's chosen or resorted or feel he has no choice but to live like that. Is he depressed? You never really hint toward that.

Other than that, love-ly. You've got yourself a fan of your writing. ^_^

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Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:00 am
Squibble15 says...

Very good, I want to know what happens!!!

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