
Young Writers Society


by WolfsMoon23

The clouds of smoke began to clear; revealing a girl in a black cloak standing atop the pile of buildings that had been reduced to rubble. The group of survivors below her coward back slightly as she glared down upon them. The wind blew her short red hair and cloak in a menacing way.

It seemed like eternity before she finally began making her way slowly down the pile; blackcombat boots causing small fragments to fall onto the ground. A boy, no older than 19, slowly rose up from the group and stood before her; straining to look big and strong. The girl pulled the handkerchief from around her lips to her neck; smirking at him. He swallowed hard, but kept his ground; waiting for her to do something, anything. His hands formed into fists and his body began to tense, his gaze kept on the skinny but terrifying creature walking towards him. The girl though, began to laugh; a low chuckle at first, but it soon grew into a loud and horribly evil laugh.

The man's eyes grew wide as she suddenly raised a 9mm pistol, and pointed it at his head. His body froze and he couldn't move. Everything stopped, including time, and the only sound was the eerie wind. As if in slow motion, she pulled the trigger and the bullet burst out of the barrel of the gun. He breathed in and watched as it not only missed him, but hit something behind him. His heart stopped beating in that moment as a quiet thud reached his ears. He slowly turned to face what she had shot, and was greeted with the monsters they were running from.

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Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:39 am
joshuapaul wrote a review...

I think I one off full edit would probably suffice. There's not enough story to really sink my teeth into.

The clouds of smoke began to clear; , revealing a girl in a black cloak standing atop the pile of buildings that had moments agobeen reduced to rubble. The group of survivors below her coward coweredback slightly as she glared down upon them. The wind blew her short red hair and cloak in a menacing way. (SHOW, don't tell. What is a menacing way? Did the wind send a ripple through her coat? Did it pull it across her body? Did it lift a little?)

It seemed like eternity passed before she finally began making her waymade her way slowly down the pile; black(SPACE)combat boots causing sending small fragments to falling onto the ground. A boy, no older than 19 nearing the cusp of manhood

OR something like that. The problem with your original is it tends to change the style of narration and the psychic reach of the narrator. It's also vague and doesn't really paint a picture for the reader, give us something to see, a hint of stubble, perhaps? Or a boy who is to skinny to be a man but to tall to still be considered a boy? I don't know, but you have an opportunity to say something about his character here

, slowly rose up from the group and stood before her; straining to look big and strong. The girl pulled the handkerchief downfrom around her lips to her neck;(FULL STOP) She wore a smirk. He swallowed hard, but kept held his ground; waiting for her to do something, anything(IT's cliche is all). His hands formed balled into tightfists and his body began to tense

AGAIN this seems to breach the psychic distance of the narrator, I mean ask yourself this, Where is the narrator? Is the narrator watching from outside? Is the narrator able to see into people's thoughts? Is the narrator able to feel what the characters are feeling?

Technically the narrator could see the boy tensing his body but if that is the case describe how that would look. I hope you understand what I am getting at...

his gaze kept on the skinny but yet terrifying creature(?) walking towards him. The girl though, began to laugh; a low chuckle at first, but it soon grew into a loud and horribly horrible evil laugh.

Why is the laugh evil? Who can judge that? Again you are telling us it is evil, that's what the narrator is saying but he is not showing us why it would be regarded as evil. I mean did she throw her head back? Did Her eyes narrow or were the manic and wide?

Can a laugh truly be evil? If it is evil, how is it different from a regular laugh? Find that difference and incorporate it.

The man's boy's(He was a boy a moment ago, right?) eyes grew wide as she suddenly raised a 9mm pistol, and pointed it at his head in one swift movement. His body froze He was completely still except for a single tear of sweat running down his cheek(SEE previous point about psychic distance?) and he couldn't move. Everything stopped, including time, and the only sound was the eerie faint whistle in the wind. As if in slow motion, she pulled the trigger and the bullet burst out of the barrel of the gun. He breathed in and for a moment the bullet was moving past him as it not only missed him, but (FULL STOP) It hit something behind him. His heart stopped beating in that moment(AGAIN, this boy better be a main character later on because you are giving him a lot of words and you are giving us insight into his thoughts and feelings.) as a quiet thud reached his ears.(COMMA) He slowly turned to face what she had shot,(FULL STOP) and was greeted with the monsters they were running from. Waiting with a greedy look were the monsters they were running from.

So that's about it. The trouble, like I said, with this review is it lacks feed back as far as the story goes. I mean there really isn't much in the way of characterization and I don't care enough about anyone or thing in this story to be inspired to continue reading, at this stage. I think a little more characterisation would help, but also give us something to clutch to. What I mean by that, is give the boy an out, give us something small to hope for, because right now there is no hope and I don't care enough to really see what happens to this hapless boy.


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Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:45 am
Iggy wrote a review...

Hello! ^^

The clouds of smoke began to clear;

Improper use of a semicolon. Change it to a comma.

revealing a girl in a black cloak standing atop the pile of buildings that had been reduced to rubble.

Change the bolded to a.

The group of survivors below her coward back slightly

Should be cowered*

blackcombat boots causing small fragments

Black combat boots*

slowly rose up from the group and stood before her; straining to look big and strong.

Again, improper use of a semicolon.

The girl pulled the handkerchief from around her lips to her neck;

Wait, so is she moving the handkerchief down from her lips? Because that wasn't clear and I am confused.

Okay, so wow. Wow. That ending though. xD and what a perfect title to match the feel of this short story.

Your slow buildup of tension was amazing. I was wondering why you were slowly having the girl move; her actions felt like she was moving through jello. You have me wondering why people were kneeling before her and why the man stood up to her and why she was about to kill him when she totally surprises us and shoots some out-of-the-blue monsters.

The tension in this was awesome and strong and present throughout. This was really good, especially for something as short as this is. I mean, it's really short for a short story. >_> but it packs a lot of interesting sensory details. Overall, this was very well written and I enjoyed reading it, so thank you for sharing. ^^


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Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:06 pm
cleverclogs wrote a review...

As the previous reviewer said, very chilling and intense. That was quite a plot twist. It would be nice to learn some context, though. What happened to the buildings? Who is the girl? What were they running? My brain put the whole thing in some sort of post-apocalyptic world, where they're all hiding from zombies and trying to kill them. It all has sort of a vaguely futuristic feel to it. My comment about context isn't necessary, however, it's just a suggestion. I'm intrigued by this, and I'd like to know more, is all. Great work! :)

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Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:45 am
Legibletext wrote a review...

Wooooooahoooaaah. That was spine-tingling. Nothing more eerie than reading about the slow withdrawal of a gun that is about to take someone's life! Jeeze!

Just some criticisms though; instead "horribly evil laugh" use a better adjective, like psychotically or " Poisonous laugh", "Fiendish laugh" I dunno, do what you like.

Another little nitpick, "coward" should be "cowered" but no biggie :)

Lastly, what is with the blue bold? Just a question :)

Warlord says...

it was a bit errie at the middle of it .but in my opinion there should be a little more description just to make it a little clear but at the same time keeping it grey

WolfsMoon23 says...

Thanks for the feedback and the blue bold was a mistake haha I didn't mean to add that.

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