
Young Writers Society

What I Was Missing

by WindSailor

My heart pounds, my mind ponders,

My whole being contemplates this meager existence.

To live just to die, to gain just to lose,

All of it pointless, all of it without meaning.

Depression hits like a roaring wave,

Knocking me down, over and over.

Why even bother, why even try?



This cannot be how life is meant to be,

There must be something I am missing.

Survival of the fittest, this is what they say,

But I refuse to accept this mentality as okay.

Somehow amidst the struggles of these hard nights,

I found that Jesus is the answer that brings me true life.

Through the trials and tribulations, through the unbearable strife,

I, by the grace of God, will continue to fight.



Towering over me,

Satan mocks, insults and throws lies into my mind.

Making me believe I am worthless,

And am justified in receiving nothing kind.

But God my Father, the True and Holy One.

Says “I will never leave, nor forsake you My son.”

With Me, you will change the world,

With Me, you will do great things.

No power of hell, no scheme of man,

Will ever pluck you from My hand!

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Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:36 pm
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MissRockers wrote a review...

I really enjoyed this poem. It had a wonderful message to readers of all ages. I believe everyone has to go through a period in their life where they question the meaning of life. :) Then he/she has to make a conclusion. My conclusion is the exact same as yours! We need to live for Jesus.

The only nitpick I would mention is to not use so many cliche phrases. They make it less original.

Very well done though!

WindSailor says...

Thanks for the comment. I will try to use less cliches next time, this was a spur of the moment idea.

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:14 am
Gummy wrote a review...

Hai! Gummy's my name, reviewing's my game!

What? No innocent remark regarding this piece? Ain't nobody got time for that!

So, anyway, I'll start with the good points, as always. There's no use catching people's attention by telling them to change, after all. Anyway, as a Christian, I admire your religious devotion, (and your bravery; teenagers like to... "experiment" with their beliefs, after all.) and the theme is kept firm (like our Father's grip on our hands).

Onto what you can make better. I noticed some of the lines within the same verse rhyme. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but, in my opinion, a poem either does rhyme or it doesn't. I wouldn't settle for an in-between.

That's the biggest issue I noticed, so I'll just leave the rest to the other reviewers. As always, take care, and remember, practice is key. I expect to read more of your works in the near future.

God bless,

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:00 am
ALittleFallofRain wrote a review...

Wow! :) Great poem, it carries the reader through a beginning, middle, and end like any good story. In fact, what a poetic and beautiful way to represent your testimony!

The first stanza is so Hamlet it really surprised me when the speaker had a change of heart. Here I started the poem wondering if you were going to quote Shakespeare and I finished with the final stanza, that had direct quotes from The Bible. It's like Hamlet rewritten with a happy ending.

I liked the wave imagery, it really showed the power of depression, and highlighted how even MORE powerful God is.

I also liked how you ended the first stanza with a question, showing the uncertainty. And then you ended the second stanza with a period showing decisiveness. And finally, your last stanza ended in an exclamation, seeming like a praise.

I also liked how your poem reached a climax by showing the wave of depression being replaced with Satan hurling insults on the speaker. This wave of self doubt and depression suddenly had a supernatural source. And of course, how God is your everlasting solution.

The second and thirst stanza had similar format and I like the parallels, showing the constant reliance and rescuing aspect of your relationship with God. And I liked the capitalization of Me and My, great characterization of God.

Also I could be wrong (I know this is an issue of debate) but I think you need an Oxford Comma in this line:
Satan mocks, insults and throws lies into my mind
I think it should be this Satan mocks, insults, and throws lies into my mind

Haha got you! Did you think the issue of debate was going to be a religious one? ;) Haha but good for you for speaking up about your beliefs in the form of poetry.

Bravo, great job!

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Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:47 pm
Renard wrote a review...

There is heavy religious imagery present here that really communicates your ideas.
'But God my Father, the True and Holy One.'
However, I would refrain from becoming too reliant on it. It becomes a little overdone in the final verse/stanza.

However, the message in your work is intriguing.
Including the title: 'What I Was Missing'
For you to be missing Jesus was not what I was expecting.

An interesting surprise.

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Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:39 pm
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Gravity wrote a review...

I loved this. I use Christian themes in a lot of my work as well, I thought this poem was absolutely gorgeous. However, if you've seen my reviews on YWS, then you know that I always "Have a few nitpicks".

The nitpick I have in stanza one is The punctuation at the very end. It should be a question mark, as you are asking a question. We all do this. It's all good in the hood! Lol, haha bad joke.
Second little nitpick. Second stanza, line one. The semi colon shouldn't be there. I do this all the time. Replace it with a comma or a period. For technical errors, this is all I have.
I appreciate your rhyming throughout the second two stanzas. I loved this, and I loved ow you pulled it off naturally. I just want to say that the first stanza has no rhymes, so try adding in a few there. Just so the poem is a tad more consistent.

I loved this poem a lot. It's actually one of my favorites mainly because it does incorporate Christian themes. I love how the narrator goes from an all time low, to feeling the light of Christ in them. I thought it was just a gorgeous idea, and you executed it well. So keep writing, and I hope to see more of your works. :D GREAT JOB!

Hsarver says...

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Ossum says...

I agree. Absolutely Awesome ^-^ Great job

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