
Young Writers Society

Fofofoforced Joke Haiku

by Willard

I can't write a haiku

Cause syllables are hard.

I give up.

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Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:53 am
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Vex15 wrote a review...

This is funny. But it's true. Because most people I know really can't. They try so hard to think of a topic and then give up. And I like how haikus go from 5 syllables to 7 to 5 again, in three lines. I also like how you didn't follow that many syllables. It's hidden humor.
Also, sorry for the other reviews... sometimes things bother me and I tend to go too far. Anyways, this is enjoyable. I like it.

Willard says...

Thanks for the apology!

Vex15 says...

Sorry again... I am a younger writer, and I feel bad for making another writer feel bad. This is only my second day here, so I'll try to never offend like this again.

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Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:20 am
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ashtheawesome12401 wrote a review...

What did I just read this is actually great. I read the comments and reviews below and I laughed at those too. I'm gonna try to "review" this oh my gosh. ((Seriously I can't stop laughing, And @TheShauzer knows omg))

Well the first line was five syllables good job.
The second line has seven syllables. Fantastic.
The third one does not have five lines however. :(
You tried
But maybe this is not a haiku. Maybe this was your own spin-off of one. How interesting. Okay you're probably joking about this so yeah. But overall good job kiddo.

Willard says...

Haha, thanks! The comments below made me laugh, too.

Actually, the syllables go 6-6-3, and I said that the reason why I can't write them is because its hard to have the correct syllables.

Thanks, once again!

Oh I never heard of that pattern lol. But yeah no problem!

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:10 pm
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TheShauzer wrote a review...

I'm so stifled as to how I'm supposed to review. i want points, d******! I mean *cough cough* I'm only reviewing because I'm very passionate about joke haiku's.

I always thought a haiku was '5-7-5'? It's not my strong point and I've only ever written three so maybe you can go '6-6-3' too? i don't know, I guess it doesn't matter. You didn't put this up for reviews, you put it up to be witty and gain praise. Well sir, you have my praise! I chuckled ;)

Yours in ink,

Censored by staff

Willard says...

Uriah and Lumi left reviews, which was what I wanted. This was just a cheap grab of points.

TheShauzer says...

People like you make me cringe. Does it physically pain you to take a joke? I told you I found it funny, but don't expect a literary breakdown because this is in no way artistic or creative. This is a little funny; the next time you want a review, write something that's worth reviewing and is not just a whimsical little thing like this.

TheShauzer says...

Dude it even says 'joke' in the title?

Vervain says...

Actually jokes can and are pretty well broken down in a literary fashion -- for example, read Lumi's review, which breaks down the humor content and starts a dialogue between reviewer and author. It doesn't take that much time or effort to say "what can I suggest he improve on?"

TheShauzer says...

The only way I think this could be improved on is by changing it to something else. I'm sorry, strange, but I genuinely didn't find this at all interesting or artistic or even quite funny. Any review I could have given would have gone some way like that (put a bit nicer though).

Vervain says...

Then why not take the words of the age-old adage, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"? Give a review stating what you actually think, not a joke that you think complements the work in question. Even in joke reviews on joke pieces, you should have an opinion in there, along with tips to actually improve the piece.

TheShauzer says...

Look, I'm sorry that i marked it as a review but that's all. Wish I could change it to a comment and give back my 'cheap'ly gained points but I can't. So no need to have fits.

Vervain says...

I don't know why you think I'm having a fit over this. I'm just telling you, authors don't much appreciate it when they don't get feedback on something they'd like feedback on.

TheShauzer says...

I didn't understand how I could give feedback. As Irish said, haikus are rudimentary and for me they need to be a high calibre to have some kind of impact, this one didn't. I told him it made me chuckle, which was the purpose of it. And what I said about him putting it up for praise was meant to be friendly, like an "I see what you did there" moment. I don't feel the need to apologise when I'm the one who had my time wasted by a) this piece and b) this argument. The fit thing was aimed at the author by the way.

TheShauzer says...


Willard says...

I wasn't throwing a fit? I wasn't even mad, to be honest. I was just letting you know that this wasn't a technical review, just a grab for points which you have stated in the first line of the review. You were the one who hastily attacked, and yet you act like you're the reasonable one. I never meant to insult you or anything, but I have a feeling that you assumed so at first thought. And, to guess now, you're probably going to over exaggerate my first response for it to qualify as a "fit", which is a common technique.

Look, man, I'm sorry I make you cringe, and I never intended to make this an argument. If you didn't find it special, if you found that there was nothing you could critique on, but you still reviewed it, it's only beneficial to you. It, in a sense, hurts the author. The point is to help both sides, and that's what I want to get out there. I wasn't angry, I'm still not angry, just letting you know. Thanks.

Willard says...

Sorry, I meant you acted like you were the only reasonable one.

TheShauzer says...

I exaggerated with fit, true. But I was friendly in my review and you replied calling it a cheap grab for points. That was just condescending and unfair, and now you're trying to make me look like I care about this enough to use techniques? I've said all I wanted to so I'm done. You want a review? Okay, please try harder both artistically and comically because this didn't shape up in either respect. That's it.

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:59 am
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UriahElroy wrote a review...

I can't leave reviews,
To this site, I'm fresh and new,
Nobody likes me.

Whether yours is a piece of parodic prose on the nature of a haiku, an expression of frustration regarding the act of writing a haiku, a blending of both, or none of the above; I'm unable to determine. Regardless of your intentions, however, I interpreted it humorously, as if the subject (Not the author personally) is literally unable to write a haiku. It's much like the way I am in front of an algebraic equation. If one is unable to write a haiku, perhaps it's better to "give up." They may merely be more mathematically inclined. A "Right Brainer" if you will.

If you personally are/were having difficulties with haikus, I find that juxtaposing nature and observation works rather well. Imagery and synthestasia are also easily applied in these types of works. Personally, I believe that the haiku is extremely potent, albeit rudimentary, form of poetry.

All in all, good job and thanks for making me think.

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Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:51 pm
erilea wrote a review...

Hey, Strange! You have a specialty in humor...
The only thing I'm going to comment on is your lack of an apostrophe in the second line. You should probably put one before the first word.
This was pure genius, otherwise. I love how the syllables went crazy, and the last line cracked me up. Your specialty may be making people laugh, but unlike some others you're good at it, too!
An overall extremely good job on this piece.


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Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:23 pm
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Lumi wrote a review...

Okay, so at first this bugged me because you call it a haiku in the title. I get that it's a joke, and I appreciate that. With that in mind, I didn't really smile at this until I started counting the beats per line. Even so, this isn't the best joke haiku I've read.

This is it. It's a bit more enthralling because it sticks to the formula until the final line, so it doesn't put a bad taste in the mouths of enthusiasts.

That can be said of all well-crafted jokes, though, I think.

Either way, I don't care much about the haiku you've written. I'm interested in talking about constructing jokes. Talk to me. How do you think is best to hit funny bones? Because, from experience, it's the assassinating - quiet and subversive - jokes that I find rib folks the best.


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Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:40 pm
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Alpha says...

I'm not amused.

Willard says...

I am, very much so.

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Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:03 pm
DrFeelGood says...

The title cracked me up :D

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Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:09 am
roeckercody wrote a review...

I laughed.
This is funny.
I love when people make fun of writing things that frustrate them.
Poetry can sometimes be the perfect vessel to express frustrations.
I think you did this well.

This isn't some profound piece of literature by any means.

But it made me chuckle, and that's all that really, truly matters.

Good and funny piece.

Thanks for the laugh!
Keep Writing, always!
- Cody

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— Dr. Seuss