
Young Writers Society

12+ Language


by Weareallembers

“Is there anything you would like to say?”

They all turned expectantly towards me, my sister, Alanna’s eyes met mine, there was pure terror in them that reflected my own. Say something they screamed.

I opened my mouth but nothing but a strangled cry escaped. I struggled to drag a shaky breath into my collapsing lungs. It was if the splintered shards of my heart were sticking painfully into my throat.

Voices were screaming in my head, I was drowning, drowning in blood and jealousy and my own tears. I wanted to run, to get away, to escape this pain. I squeezed my eyes shut and clamped my hands over my ears, trying to silence the drumming that was growing louder and louder and I couldnt stop it.

It was a train skidding off the rails, I was running, running and I, I couldn’t stop. Everything was crashing, burning, his face, his beautiful face and his words, they were sticking like daggers, little needles stabbing and they wouldn’t stop stabbing, they would never stop stabbing.

This roaring pain, it was swallowing up everything, enveloping me, a tsunami of despair. I wanted to get out, to escape, I didn’t want to be me anymore, I didn’t want to be anyone anymore, the pain... the pain, the drumming it was growing louder.

Love and hate rose up inside of me like vomit and they intertwined, mixed together, I couldn’t stand it. I looked into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, I always said that they looked like the Cornish sea, blue-green-grey. They were filled with so much pain and lies and disgust and I love him and I love him and there were crows digging their claws into my chest and ripping it to pieces. I was falling and falling and it was all black, and I couldn’t hear anything but the sounds of voices screaming and screaming and it was me.

I wanted to s claw out everything, gouge out everything until there was nothing left. Just emptiness no memories, no happiness, no pain, no feelings. I didn’t want to feel, I didn’t want to feel anything ever again.

There weren’t words to describe the feeling when that weight was crushing, squeezing me and I couldn’t breathe and I was choking and they were all staring at me with their patronizing eyes: Alanna’s full of worry and Annabel’s full of hate and Harry’s... Harry’s eyes.... I love him, I love him so much I wish I could give him the universe. I would die for him, do anything for him. If my love were water, it would be an ocean. I wish I could protect him from everything bad in the world, just lock him inside a safe little bubble.

The sounds of my ragged breath and the faint thumps of the pieces of my heart’s feeble beats and the pain, it was like a tidal wave that was drowning me and everything in it. It was as if, they were both playing some cruel game, let’s see how many pieces we can break my heart into before I break.

I was numb, so numb and I couldn’t contain it. I needed to smash something, to break something, I needed to make someone else feel this agonizing pain. The pain that was gnawing at me, ripping me apart slowly, laughing at me when I cried out in agony.

I started ripping the tissue up harder and harder, faster and faster. Let them go. Let them go. They are birds in cages trapped inside your heart, open the doors and let them go. Harry, he was embeded there and my hands were trembling my eyes were glazed over and I couldn’t see anything anymore, my senses were gone. I was swimming in a pool the color of his eyes and I couldn’t hear anything but the screaming in my ears and my shallow breaths and every tick of the clock, every single second that passed was pain; like the throbbing feeling you get when you bang your shin.

I looked up at him, we were sitting so close, yet so far. I wanted to take his hand and run, run away and never ever stop, never grow up, never change. There was pain, I had caused him pain.

Finally I forced myself to look at her:Annabel. It was all her, she was the evil, twisted bitch who had ruined my life. My hands started shaking, hatred and revulsion rose up in me like never before, I wanted to kill her, I wanted her to scream hours of agonizing torture that I knew I would feel later when I screamed into my pillow.

The bond the connected Harry and I’s hearts together was being hacked away at by her and I couldn’t live without it. He chose me, I chose him, we were meant to be together. If two people wanted to be happy then for god’s sake leave them the hell alone! I removed my trembling hands from my face. I forced myself to look at him, at his face, the very face that I’d watched change and grow for that past eight years. The face of my bestfriend, the boy I loved, who now hated me.

“I can’t” I whispered.

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Sun May 26, 2013 3:38 am
Audy wrote a review...

Hey Embers!

I'll have to be honest, it was really hard to read because it's all just in one big block paragraph, and mostly it was just describing the pain. I understand if you want to describe it as an intense shot of emotion and the physical sensations and all of that, but it's the: "Say it once, say it right!" writing rule.

Nether is totally right when he says that the pacing is completely off -- that's one reason you want to be as concise as possible, the other reason is that if your reader feels as though they keep reading on and on, and no progression to the story is being made, then they will skim through the piece, or they will stop reading.

You want to make sure that you are actually showing progression. Part of that can be that time is passing, part of that can also be revealing information. For example, I'm still not quite sure why this girl is feeling so much pain. This seems like this was written as a snippet of a novel or in the middle of some short story or something, and I'm not sure about the context of it. I'm not sure who is speaking in the beginning/or who she's addressing there at the end. There are too many names and too many characters and it's all in one block of text and therefore difficult to refer back to who's who. I'm not sure who all these people are who she is referring to, so clarifying and expanding on the actual story-telling aspect of this would be nice.

That being said - what you do well is staying in the mind of the character and to be able to be in her world so well that you can pull out her emotions, feelings, and thoughts is pretty cool thing to do!

Keep writing!

~ as always, Audy

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Thanks, but it's not a story. It's a descriptive piece of writing.

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Sun May 26, 2013 1:26 am
StoneHeart wrote a review...

Hey Embers! Black here for a Review Day Review!

First off, it appears that another impressive piece has crossed my path today! Your use of emotions, your wording, and your pace all mixed together here to make the perfect feel. Your emotions were extremely - I must stress the extremely – good. I'd guess that you're not overly familiar with writing things like this, but you still did a great job! A+

However, you do have problems, like all of us! Your main weaknesses, in my view, are in your grammar, spelling, and pace. Important things. Not the most important, but still critical. I'll do what I can here to knead them out of your work, but I must tell you: If you want to improve you have to take it upon yourself to act and solve your problems! I can't do everything!

So I'm going to start with Pace .

What exactly is your problem? Simple: This is an 800 something word section of a story (Mind you, that is incredibly small, just over 3 reg pages when properly spaced), in which you cover somewhere along the lines of 20 seconds of time. In these 800 something words you feed your readers pretty much nil as far as information (Real, solid stuff) about your story goes.

Look, every paragraph of your story should somehow advance the plot along some lines. Otherwise it is a failed piece of writing. In this section you repeat things a LOT, you put in information that really isn't important (Showing the same things in different ways mostly). I'd advise you to try to speed things up a bit. Don't explain how much she loves Harry. Show it. You can give us the basics, but let the more advanced details shine through in the actual actions and thoughts of the characters.

Next I'm goin to move on to Grammar and Spelling :

For some reason I'm feeling nit-picky today so I'll be mainly focusing on that type of thing. But to generalize your problem a bit, I'll see what I can do. First off, this piece is practically all 1 paragraph . . . That doesn't work. Ever. You HAVE to cut it down a bit. I used to write like this, years ago, so let me tell you, to save you a lot of grief, to cut the paragraph size down to preferably under 15 lines. Always. Also, something I'll add in about ellipses!

There are two types of ellipses and two ways to use them. Here's the first type using the first way 'txt ... txt' (No spaces between the periods) and the second type using the first way 'txt....Text'. Then here's the first type using the second way 'txt . . . txt' (With spaces between the periods) and here's the second type using the second way 'txt. . . .Txt'. Note the capitalization! Apply to your writing. :)

Now for that nit-picking! (Note: I'll take down what mistakes I can, but mind you that you have a good deal more than just these! It's up to you to get a grammar/spell checker and then read through it (out loud) and get the rest!

They all turned expectantly towards me, Alanna’s eyes met mine, there was pure terror in them that reflected my own. Say something <> they screamed.

I'll note here that you have very erratic use of punctuation that you might want to keep an eye on. For this particular paragraph I'd like to say that when you're writing interior monologue (thoughts) you ALWAYS italicize it. EOS, just do it. Instead of writing 'Say something they screamed' – this is interior monologue, they're not actually saying anything – you'd write ' Say something , they screamed'. Mind the comma!

I opened my mouth but nothing but a strangled cry escaped. I struggled to drag a shaky breath into my collasping lungs. It was if the splintered shards of my heart were sticking painfully into my throat.

Two quick spelling and grammar mistakes. 'collasping' isn't a word. I believe you meant 'collapsing'. And you need an 'as' after the 'It was' - Small mistakes.

This roaring pain, it was swallowing up everything, enveloping me, a tsunami of despair. I wanted to get out, to escape, I didn’t want to be me anymore, I didn’t want to be anyone anymore, the pain... the pain, the drumming it was growing louder.

Just tossing in a quick example of a spot where you misuse ellipses. Also, I wouldn't double use 'pain'.

Love and hate rose up inside of me like vomit and they intertwined, mixed together, and I couldn’t stand it.

Besides the fact that you overuse the 'ands', the 'they' should be there and the 'mixed should be 'mixing'. But really, read this. Do you hear the repeating 'and's'? . . .

They were filled with so much pain and lies and disgust and I love him and I love him and there were crows digging their claws into my chest and ripping it to pieces and I was falling and falling and it was all black and I couldn’t hear anything but the sounds of voices screaming and screaming and it was me, I wanted to s claw out everything, gouge out everything until there was nothing left.

This paragraph has far, far too little punctuation any way you look at it. But I fear I'm going to leave it to you to fix that. That 's' shouldn’t be floating there either. (Also, this here piece is a perfect example of that really emotional fluff that you pour into this story. You need to work lowering its ammounts!)

Alanna’s full of worry and Annabel’s full of hate and Harry’s... Harry’s eyes.... I love him, I love him so much I wish I could give him the universe.

Again watch that emo fluff! The use of 'love' is changing your tense, you need to use 'loved'. I also believe you misspelled 'Annabel's', though I don't know myself – I won't say anything.

It was as if, they were both playing some cruel game, <> let’s see how many pieces we can break Cecily’s heart into before she breaks.

Again you appear to be misusing interior monologue. Mind you, she doesn't know what they're thinking, so it's her who's thinking these things. You need to work on that! :)

Anyway! Don't feel torn down, this was STILL a very good, original looking, impressive piece! We all have mistakes! :) Good work!

Keep writing – How else will you get better?


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Thank you for your advise. "Say something" was in italics, but for some reason when I submitted it onto here it changed it! I knew I had a million mistakes, what I really did was just sit down and write what I felt. I didn't organize it, check it over etc... I really should have down that before submitting it onto here! Thank you for your really thorough response. I agree with everything you said except for the fact I should have given maybe some more background story. This was just meant to be a description of the feeling of pain, however that was my fault for including additional things to make the reader confused. Thank you :)

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