Hey there and Happy Review Day!
There's a lot going on I'm this poem, and some interesting themes that are at war with each other. I like the progression from beginning to end. Much like the MC, we never stopped moving in this piece. This feels like thw progression of anybody stuck in a bad situation who gets out but doesn't deal with what they went through.
It's interesting, because I've found that in some cases, distance IS all that's needed to make a situation much, much better. However, even when distanced from the situation, I had to do a lot of work on a personal level to heal and fix myself, and that is never achieved by simply avoiding what once was.
You can see some of that in the end of this poem with the monkey banging on the roof. You cannot run away from problems, only run at them.
The ending is a bit dour for me. Not that it isn't how some people feel, but it certainly dampens the tone and leaves us on a bit of a despaired feeling. Still, I think it hits on a lot of things at once thatost people can relate to: distracting yourself, running away, slipping into a secluded peace and then being dragged out etc. In a lot of ways this reminds me of Frodo's speech to Sam just before they enter Mount Doom, which is definitely one of my favorite scenes of all time! All in all this made me think, and more importantly feel a lot of emotions and contemplate my own history, and I think that's at the heart of what poetry should be! Hope this helps!
~ Messy
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Reviews: 667