
Young Writers Society

A Clean Bite--Chapter 1 part 1 [rewrite]

by Vampy_Girl15


I didn’t know this girl that was staring back at me. She had all my features. She had the long, inky black hair; the grayish-blue eyes and fair skin. She even had the beauty mark under her left eye. I sighed because even though this girl looked exactly like me she wasn’t the girl I knew. She had been in and out of rehab for about a year now. This girl had lost her virginity while she was too drunk to remember anything. This girl had an alcohol abusing problem and this girl was being sent to Beverly Hills, California with her twin brother. I picked up my bag and headed out to the car with a huff, not wanting to look at her anymore.

I slid in behind my brother, Carver. I couldn’t stand to look at either of them. I had ruined Carver’s reputation at school. He was now known as the guy with the slutty-messed-up-going-nowhere-fast twin sister. I knew he didn’t mind coming with me. He would go anywhere I did, but I knew he’d miss the mountain air. I started to cry again. This was all my fault. I had to get into the wrong crowd and now look what happened. We were off to live with our mother who had left us all when Carver and I were 10-years-old.

“Rose? Rosalie?” he was getting agitated.

“Oh,” I tore my attention away from the window, “Yeah Dad?” I asked him, my voice shaking a little.

“I know this is hard on you both,” he stopped. Why did he have to do that? I buried my head in my hands and began to crying into my jacket sleeves.

“Dad, don’t. We know you’ve tried.” Carver spoke softly. He was the good kid. I loved him for it and I wished I could be like him all the time. I looked back out the window, holding in my sobs of regret. Jared was supposed to keep me safe. He wasn’t supposed to take me to a party and tell me everything was going to be okay. ‘Just have a beer with me. You’ll feel better.’ He’d told me. I took one after the other. The next thing I know I’m in bed with him. I woke up in his arms with no clothes. I didn’t even remember what had happened. I’d slipped out of the house quietly. Everyone was still asleep. I ran back to my house and my dad had met me at the door. I broke down when I saw him. He didn’t even know why. He just assumed that I’d had a hard night. He told me that he would be home after work and we’d talk about it then. I couldn’t tell him what happened. I couldn’t tell anyone.

Soon I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I went to Carver. I’d told him everything that happened. He listened intently. ‘What am I going to tell Dad?’ I’d asked him. ‘The truth.’ He’d replied. He held my tightly as I cried after that. When my dad came home Carver and I were waiting for him on the couch. I told him the whole story. He had been furious. I’d told him about my previous episodes with alcohol and he got me help. I went to rehab for a while but it didn’t work out. Soon he sent me to a therapist. He said I was experiencing some depression and that I was using alcohol to find a way to leave the reality behind because it was too hard for me. I would’ve laughed at that but I was too upset to care. Maybe the therapist was right; maybe I was depressed. The doctor said a change in scenery might help. Maybe if I got away from the causes I’d get better. That night after we got home from my appointment my dad told me that I’d be going to live with my mother. I pleaded with him to let me stay and I knew it hurt him to see me begging and crying like I was. My dad left after I was done. I could see tears roll down his cheeks as he left my room. Carver came in later and told me that he’d be going with me; that he’d never let me go alone.

I was surprised that we’d already made it to the airport. I looked around the big parking lot as I got out of the car. We went through baggage and then we came to boarding. I looked at my dad.

“Be safe kid, and be good Carver. I’ll come up for visits and you both can come down here too. Call me when you guys land.” Notice how he didn’t say be good to me because he doesn’t think I can do that anymore, but I want to get better and I will. I hugged him tightly after Carver. He rubbed my back.

“I’m sorry Rosalie.” He said into my hair. We said good bye to him and started to walk away. The last thing I saw was my dad crying into his hand. Carver pulled me away and we boarded the plane. When I sat down in my seat I knew I’d have to get it together before we saw Mom. I took a deep breath and concentrated on seeming happy.

“Rosalie! Carver! Darlings! Come here!” Good old Mom for you, she always made a scene.

“Hi Mom, how are you?” I ask this because even though I already know that she is practically wonderful! Swimming in a sea full of chocolate, rainbows, and everything right with the world! Its good conversation and I have nothing else to say to the woman at the moment.

“I’m just wonderful honey, how are you both?” hmm…. How am I? Well besides the fact that I’m tired and I don’t really want to be here; I’m great.

“I couldn’t feel any better, Mom.” She smiled. I knew right then that she didn’t know me at all.

“I’m just dandy, Mom. It’s really sunny here.” Carver said sarcastically, trying to get me to smile.

“Yes the weather is quite nice. So, are you ready to see your new house?”

“Oh, yeah totally excited!” I can’t remember the last time I said totally, but hey, if it works whatever.

“Always excited,” Carver said. He sounded like a Dick and Jane poster child.

“Great let’s go!”

Going back to the house with just my mother, Carver, and me in the car with just a radio, that mom controlled, was a nightmarish experience. For one, we listened to teeny-bopper pop all the way, it was horrible. Carver wasn’t really even listening to the music just talking back and forth with mom. She was talking about this new guy she’d been dating for a few weeks. She was acting like we, we were, like we were friends! It was utterly repulsive. As well as quite annoying, I might add. This woman I hadn’t seen in 6 years was trying to patch things up by trying to be best friends all of a sudden. I didn’t even care. I was here to start over and I guess that’s what I was doing. When we were at a red light my mom looked over at me, starting to say something then stopped. She was staring at my lip. I laughed, “It’s a lip ring mom.”

“I know.” She said a bit rudely. She turned back to the road to wait for the light. I laughed once more.

When we got to her house I almost laughed at how predictable it was! Grand Barbie Dream House is what I called it behind her back. It was a light lavender color, who paints there house lavender? But besides that it was big, of course, with huge widows.

“It’s a great house mom.” He was such a liar; he hated it the moment he saw it. I know all his facial expressions very well. They are exactly my own.

“Thank you Carver. What do you think Rosalie?”

“It’s awesome,” I said with no emotion. Caver held in a laugh.

When she showed me my room I almost screamed. It was the same lavender of the house but with ungodly pink and silver thrown in! I’d paint it while she was away at work someday or a business trip. Carver just stood there. He knew I didn’t like it. We had basically the same tastes in music, colors, and etcetera.

“How do you like it Rose?” Oh how I hate it when they call me Rose! It always makes me think of an old lady. Rose, ugh!

“It’s not really the colors I would have chosen but it’s,” I needed something to say, “a nice shape,” oh yes a lovely shape! Who says that about a room? Oh well, I tried at least.

“Well would you like to get it repainted? We can also get a new bedroom suite if you like; this is a little old so it will be fine to get a new one.” Old, it looked like what I had when I was 7. But I agreed and she showed us Carver’s room. His was much more livable. It had a black bed with grayish walls. The stereo system was amazing. It took up part of his wall.

At least my room had something his didn’t. In my room there was a glass wall facing our back yard with the pool. The window was thick and had a flat screen TV built in it and I would soon remodel my room like mom said. She showed us around the millions of rooms in the house. After the grand tour, I told her I was a bit tired and needed to put my things away. After Carver put his things away he went to talk with her. She told me she’d tell me when dinner was ready.

“Oh good you’re awake. I was just about to get you up.”

“Yeah I couldn’t really sleep. I have a weird thing about sleeping during the afternoon.” Also considering that cursed sun was going down and in my face.

“What thing about sleeping in the afternoon? You always,” I kicked him under the table silencing him.

“So you’re going to meet Lewis tonight!” Uh, who? I thought to myself.


“Oh, honey I told you. That guy I’ve been dating.” Oh yeah, the one that you rambled on for the whole terrible ride here.

“Oh, cool when is he going to be here?” I think Carver was a bit anxious to hang around with a guy.

“He should be here very soon,” she has the weirdest smile. It’s almost like someone is pulling her lips off on both sides. We were all quiet for a while till we saw a pair of headlights coming up the drive way.

“Oh I think that’s him. Are you ready?” Am I ready? That’s like a question you ask when you’re about go somewhere. Yes mom. I’m all ready and excited to meet your boyfriend!

“Yeah, let’s go. I can’t wait to meet him.” I stayed silent and followed them outside.

“Okay, that’s him.” Oh no I thought it was the invisible man behind the one smiling strait at you.

Well I was definitely shocked by my mother’s great new boyfriend. He was a bit short, but had nice caramel colored hair that was wavy. He was tan, just like everyone else in this horrid place. And he had just a little scruff of a go-t. What surprised me the most was that he wasn’t very big in the muscles department, but still a little toned. Not very though, it was like he just started to work out, most likely for my mother. Anyway dinner was okay, just your normal small talk. Like what kind of music I listened to. When I told them it was rock the look on my mom’s face was priceless. Carver dared not say it was his also. How they met, how long they’d been dating, they asked if I had anyone special back home which was a little uncomfortable. Carver was straining not to say anything about Jared my ex from back home. He knew I never wanted to speak about him ever again, or speak to him for that matter. I told them there was no one of importance back home. So it wasn’t a lie.

“Well maybe here.” Ah, mother always so optimistic. No, I doubt I will find anyone here in the sunny town. I tend to shy towards to the boys who aren’t golden brown with big muscles and lushes blond curls.

“What about you Carver?” Lewis had a brisk voice that sounded like a happy walk in the park.

“We broke up right before Rosalie and I came here. Her name was Emily.” Ah Emily, she was the spawn of Satan herself. She always controlled Carver like he was her slave. I finally got him to break up with her before we left. They pressed him no further about Emily.

When Lewis left I told my mom that I was going to bed considering I had school the very next doomed sunny day and that I wanted to be ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ I have no Idea what that means but people use it as saying they want to be nice and happy so I used it, knowing I wouldn’t. Carver watched a bit of TV before going to bed. Carver’s room is right next to mine and I could tell he was watching a horror movie all that screaming, I was tempted to bang on the wall and tell him to be quiet. I read for a while before I actually went to sleep, because I like the night and looking out at the stars and moon. I find a beauty about it. I feel nothing in the world can bother me. But I found one worse thing about Beverly Hills than the sun. There are too many lights. So many that they hide some of the twinkling stars.

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Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:05 am
Abocreature wrote a review...

I like this story, and I'm interested to see what happens. There were a few minor problems, though.

1. There were a few Grammar errors. Some sentences had missing commas. A couple times it felt like a sentence was cut-off because of an exclamation point, but that could be just me.

2. When you think something, you should have some sort of mark signifying that it's your thoughts, such as a hyphening or italicizing the thought.

3. When you have a conversation of more than two people, it is much easier to understand if you write who is saying what, other than just typing the words.

4. It is much easier to visualize the characters when you explain about what they look like and what they are wearing. How old is Rosalie? How old is Carter? These are the types of things that should be described in the beginning of the story.

Keep up the good work, though. I enjoyed it!

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Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:45 pm
Vampy_Girl15 says...

Oh, wow. Thanks. I wasn't expecting a lot of people to look at it. :)
I'll look over it and apply your critiques.
I'm doing a rewrite of the other parts too so those should be up soon.

Thanks again.

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Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:00 pm
Squishy wrote a review...

beauty mark

okay, i don't know what you think of when you say beauty mark, but i think of a birth mark/ sunspot and the fact that you named it "beauty" makes your character appear to be conceited. sorry if i sound a litttle harsh, but the wording caught me off guard.

from your beginning description, it sounded like main character had just gotten drunk once and then was going to rehab because of a one time thing.

in intro to party scenerio, clarify that it was/wasn't her first time getting drunk.

if i was an alcoholic, i wouldn't use the terminology "alcohol" all the time, but instead use a little more personal term (after all, an alcoholic loves the booze). perhaps consider another more relaxed term. 'alcohol" is a little harsh.

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Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:37 pm
ashleylee wrote a review...

Hello again Vampy_Girl!

I must be honest with you. This chapter was sort of a let down. I mean, from your prologue to this...it was just a tad bit dry. Now, I am not trying to be cruel because I know you can write better than this! I KNOW how good you are! :D So that's a complement in itself!

Okay, on to the review. Now, I didn't go line-by-line. I'm just doing a big overview with this things I think you could change.

1) PUNCTUATION!! Before, I used to be criticized all the time for my punctuation and now, I have become the very thing I used to hate. A Punctuation-FREAK! There were so many instances when I was reading though this piece and I was like comma, comma, COMMA! But this is something that comes with practice so don't stress over it too much.

2) MAIN CHARACTER!! You started out strong with her feelings and emotions but then it just sort of fizzled out. You have too many "She did" "She looked" "She" this and that. Try to get inside her head instead of looking at her as an outsider.

3) DESCRIPTION!!! This is one thing that I enjoy in literature. Being able to create an image with just a few simple letters. Some how, we writers are able to create a separate world with just words. Now, I want to imagine where she lives. I want to see her face, eyes, clothes, lip ring :wink: lol I want you to create this world that she resides in.

4) OTHER CHARACTERS!! I feel as though you are missing some things with the other parts. Carver seems like a main character in this story, yet, I feel sort of shut off from him. As though he is just a quick add-in. What is his feelings on the move? What is the story with Emily? Is he made at Rosalie for her bad decisions? For her alcohol addiction? Also, her mother is too fake, false, a phony! I don't really enjoy here. I know Rosalie doesn't either but I feel as though you are missing a lot of descriptions there too.

5) WRITING OVERALL!! You need to be careful on how you portray things. Some of your paragraphs are immense "draggers" as I call them. It just goes on and on...and ON! You either need to split them up or add some description in-between what is happening.

Well, I hope this helps. And believe me, I'm not being cruel. Because, you have my attention. And I am going to read the other installments. So, that is praise right there! :D

I really do hope this helps you! If you have any questions, just PM me because I know this can be confusing.

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Fri May 23, 2008 12:57 am
tosh wrote a review...

You've got a good start. You've got interesting characters and a lot of conflict. I'd work on punctuation, though. I'm critiquing as I read, so I might bring up some problems that you solve later on, bear with me if I do =)

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: She had all my features. She had the long, inky black hair; the grayish-blue eyes and fair skin. She even had the beauty mark under her left eye.

Hmmm, could you condense those two sentences? "She had my long, inky black hair; my grayish-blue eyes"? When you say "the fair skin", it removes the reader from the similarity, whereas "my" reminds the reader that it's not just "her" features, it's the narrator's, too.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: She even had the beauty mark under her left eye.

Nice way to underline just how identical they are!

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I sighed because even though this girl looked exactly like me she wasn’t the girl I knew.

Firstly, you're missing a comma between "exactly like me" and "she wasn't the girl I knew." I also think it'd sound better if you took out "because" and put a period after "sighed."

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I picked up my bag and headed out to the car with a huff, not wanting to look at her anymore.

Why in a huff? Normally people leave in a huff because they're angry, and the girl has done nothing to make the narrator angry. Does the narrator (henceforth referred to as N) not want to look at her because she's upset at how the girl has changed, or because it hurts her to see her little sister acting like this, or because she's annoyed at how badly the girl's been acting? I want to know more about how N feels about this!

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I couldn’t stand to look at either of them.

Maybe "I couldn't stand to look at him, either" would be more effective.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I had ruined Carver’s reputation at school.

Show it. Instead of this line, you might say "he lost all his friends because..." or "people snickered at him in the hallway."

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: He was now known as the guy with the slutty-messed-up-going-nowhere-fast twin sister.

Whoa, wait, so "the girl" is N? Am I just slow, or could that have been made a little more obvious? Maybe show her turning away from the mirror before she joins her brother? Also, I think it's "slutty, messed up, going-nowhere-fast", not 100% sure, though.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I knew he didn’t mind coming with me.

So Carver is the same age as N, but they seem to have a remarkably good relationship. At first, I thought his amiability was because he was just young, but later on you say that they left when they were both ten, so they both have to be teenagers. I hope you expand on this relationship, because while I think it's sweet that Carver doesn't mind leaving his home, I'm curious why. It doesn't have to be a huge chunk of exposition, but few guys are content to just pack up and leave just because his sister messed up.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Rose? Rosalie?” he was getting agitated.

I don't really like the tag. It sounds like Carver's speaking, not Dad. It might sound better if you added "Dad said", then showed his agitation.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Oh,” I tore my attention away from the window, “Yeah Dad?” I asked him, my voice shaking a little.

Take out the "Oh". Comma after "Yeah". Is she still crying? Because that affects the voice shaking. I think the comma after "window" should be a period, but I'm pretty bad with punctuation.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I buried my head in my hands and began to crying into my jacket sleeves.

Okay, so she stopped earlier on. Continued crying? Began crying again? No "to" between "began" and "crying", by the way.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Jared was supposed to keep me safe.

Hmm, could you give me one sentence about their relationship right after this? Something simple, like "He told me he'd take care of me after my dog died" --> yeah, that's a pretty horrible example, but I hope you get my drift.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: ‘Just have a beer with me. You’ll feel better.’

Feel better about what, was she depressed? That's a weird way of convincing someone to drink.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:I took one after the other.

Took it out of his hand or drank one after the other? Just saying pills sounds either like she's taking pills or you're translating the Spanish "tomar" =P

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:The next thing I know I’m in bed with him.

Eep, you switch tenses half a dozen times in one paragraph. Stick to past tense! He told me. The next thing I knew. And so on.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:I couldn’t tell him what happened. I couldn’t tell anyone.

Okay, so you've got a lot going on in this paragraph, but you haven't really given us a reason to care about any of it. This is just a textbook example of a bad kid. You need to let us see the scene and feel the character's emotions. I drank the beers because I believed him, because he had always been right. The party was at his house, and I remember thinking it was weird that for such a tough guy, he had such pink sheets, and what was he doing, what was he reaching into his bedside drawer for? When I woke up, he had cradled me into his arms like he always did when I cried, except this time it was against his cold, bare chest. Show the confusion, the fear, the shame. Add in little details that will add to the scene - stumbling out the door over discarded bottles, pulling on her dress and forgetting her panties, the chill night air against her legs.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:He just assumed that I’d had a hard night. He told me that he would be home after work and we’d talk about it then.

Does this girl work the graveyard shift or something? I can't think of many parents who would "assume their daughter had a hard night" when she comes home at 7 in the morning, crying - in full party clothes, to boot. Even if you're trying to say something about the father, this just doesn't work for me.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:Soon I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

Show me. Even if this is an extended flashback, you need to make these scenes come alive for the reader, instead of relying on narration and exposition.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:‘What am I going to tell Dad?’ I’d asked him. ‘The truth.’ He’d replied.

"What am I going to tell Dad?"
"The truth."

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:He held my tightly as I cried after that.

My what?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:When my dad came home Carver and I were waiting for him on the couch. I told him the whole story.

Comma after "home". Change "my dad" to "our dad" - after all, he's Carver's dad too! Carver seems like the kind of guy who would hold Rose's hand while she tells him, but that's just me.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: He had been furious. I’d told him about my previous episodes with alcohol and he got me help. I went to rehab for a while but it didn’t work out. Soon he sent me to a therapist. He said I was experiencing some depression and that I was using alcohol to find a way to leave the reality behind because it was too hard for me.

Again, show, don't tell. How didn't it work out? How had her dad been furious?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:I was surprised that we’d already made it to the airport.

After such a long flashback, you need a huge, obvious transition, otherwise it's very jarring for the reader to come back to present. Actually, now that I'm here at the end of the flashback, I think it'd be more effective to present part of it, then incorporate the rest of the information through dialogue, thoughts, stuff like that. It doesn't split the story as much and feels much more natural.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote:Be safe kid, and be good Carver.

Comma after "safe", comma after "good". "Be good" just seems like a ludicrous thing to say to Carver when he's just about the sweetest kid on Earth. Unless you're showing how clueless Dad is? In that case, you should make it more obvious throughout.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Notice how he didn’t say be good to me because he doesn’t think I can do that anymore.

Ooh, I like that =)

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Rosalie! Carver! Darlings! Come here!” Good old Mom for you, she always made a scene.

Ditto this. Great contrast between Mom and Dad.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Its good conversation and I have nothing else to say to the woman at the moment.

It's, not its. I don't really understand this sentence.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “I’m just wonderful honey, how are you both?” hmm…. How am I? Well besides the fact that I’m tired and I don’t really want to be here; I’m great.

“I’m just wonderful honey, how are you both?” Hmm, how am I? Well, besides the fact that I’m tired and I don’t really want to be here, I’m great.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Oh, yeah totally excited!” I can’t remember the last time I said totally, but hey, if it works whatever.

Comma after "works". I'm okay with really casual writing if it seems in character, but your style changes from before, so I'm not sure about this.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Always excited,” Carver said. He sounded like a Dick and Jane poster child.

Okay, Carver likes Rose more than Mum. This just doesn't seem like a "good kid" way of acting, though. Does he have something against his mom, or does his overwhelming love of Rose override his natural goodness?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Going back to the house with just my mother, Carver, and me in the car with just a radio, that mom controlled, was a nightmarish experience.

Take out the first "just", you repeat it later on. Take out the commas after "radio" and "controlled".

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: She was acting like we, we were, like we were friends! It was utterly repulsive. As well as quite annoying, I might add.

Heheh. I'm getting a kick out of Mom. It'd be stronger if you took out everything after "like we were just friends!", though. We can tell how annoying it is!

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: When we were at a red light my mom looked over at me, starting to say something then stopped. She was staring at my lip. I laughed, “It’s a lip ring mom.”

Commas after "red light" and "lip ring". Hahah, that seems so in character. So Rose is riding shotgun? Maybe mention that.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: It was a light lavender color, who paints there house lavender?

It was light lavender. We know it's a colour. Period after "colour" instead of comma. "Their", not "there".

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “It’s a great house mom.” He was such a liar; he hated it the moment he saw it. I know all his facial expressions very well. They are exactly my own.
“Thank you Carver. What do you think Rosalie?”

Commas after "mom", "thank you" and "what do you think". I knew all his facial expressions very well. "They were exactly my own" sounds awkward. I'm still iffy about lying!Carver.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: It was the same lavender of the house but with ungodly pink and silver thrown in! I’d paint it while she was away at work someday or a business trip.

Hmmm, as much as I like Barbie Mom, I hope you switch it up and throw in something to keep the story from getting cliched. Though ha, painting it while she was away. Love it.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: We had basically the same tastes in music, colors, and etcetera.

Etcetera's a pretty bad word to use. What about just "music and colours"? Or throwing in examples of other similarities?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “How do you like it Rose?” Oh how I hate it when they call me Rose! It always makes me think of an old lady. Rose, ugh!

Commas after "like it" and "oh". I really like the personal touch there with the name, though. Guess I'll stop calling her Rose =P

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “It’s not really the colors I would have chosen but it’s,” I needed something to say, “a nice shape,” oh yes a lovely shape! Who says that about a room? Oh well, I tried at least.

Win! Take out "I needed something to say" and "oh well, I tried at least". Period instead of comma after "a nice shape". Capitalize "Oh yes", comma after it.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Well would you like to get it repainted?

Comma after "well".

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: The stereo system was amazing. It took up part of his wall.

How much? I don't need a 53/89 or anything, but half? A quarter? Heck, a nickel takes up "part" of my wall.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: In my room there was a glass wall facing our back yard with the pool.

Awkward. Facing our back yard pool, perhaps?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: She showed us around the millions of rooms in the house. After the grand tour, I told her I was a bit tired and needed to put my things away. After Carver put his things away he went to talk with her. She told me she’d tell me when dinner was ready.

A bit stiff. Take out "After Carver put his things away he went to talk with her." Play around with different ways to express the last line - she told me she'd call when dinner was ready?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Oh good you’re awake. I was just about to get you up.”
“Yeah I couldn’t really sleep. I have a weird thing about sleeping during the afternoon.” Also considering that cursed sun was going down and in my face.
“What thing about sleeping in the afternoon? You always,” I kicked him under the table silencing him.

Take this whole thing out, it doesn't tell us anything we don't know.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “So you’re going to meet Lewis tonight!”

Which means you need some sort of transition to tell us what's going on.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Uh, who? I thought to myself.

Move it all onto one line. Her mom doesn't think, "uh, who?"

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Oh, honey I told you. That guy I’ve been dating.” Oh yeah, the one that you rambled on for the whole terrible ride here.

Comma after "honey". And HAHA, awesome way to remember a guy.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “He should be here very soon,” she has the weirdest smile. It’s almost like someone is pulling her lips off on both sides. We were all quiet for a while till we saw a pair of headlights coming up the drive way.

“Oh I think that’s him. Are you ready?” Am I ready? That’s like a question you ask when you’re about go somewhere. Yes mom. I’m all ready and excited to meet your boyfriend!

Driveway is one word. Commas after "Oh" and "yes". You switch tenses throughout the entire piece. She has a weird smile, and then they were all quiet? It's up to you which one you pick, but stick with it =)

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Oh no I thought it was the invisible man behind the one smiling strait at you.

Comma after "no". Strait ==> Straight.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Well I was definitely shocked by my mother’s great new boyfriend. He was a bit short, but had nice caramel colored hair that was wavy. He was tan, just like everyone else in this horrid place. And he had just a little scruff of a go-t. What surprised me the most was that he wasn’t very big in the muscles department, but still a little toned.

Comma after "Well". "But had nice caramel colored hair that was wavy" --> "but had wavy, caramel-coloured hair." "Go-t" is spelled "goatee." I still don't get why she's shocked. You only mention it's because he isn't a bodybuilder. Does she expect a Ken to her mom's Barbie, or what?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: it was like he just started to work out, most likely for my mother.

Hahah, that's cute. I like it.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Like what kind of music I listened to. When I told them it was rock the look on my mom’s face was priceless. Carver dared not say it was his also. How they met, how long they’d been dating, they asked if I had anyone special back home which was a little uncomfortable.

This is confusing.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: “Well maybe here.” Ah, mother always so optimistic.

Commas after "well" and "mother".

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I tend to shy towards to the boys who aren’t golden brown with big muscles and lushes blond curls.

I don't really understand this.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Ah Emily, she was the spawn of Satan herself. She always controlled Carver like he was her slave.

Why on earth would Carver date a girl like that?

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: When Lewis left I told my mom that I was going to bed considering I had school the very next doomed sunny day and that I wanted to be ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ I have no Idea what that means but people use it as saying they want to be nice and happy so I used it, knowing I wouldn’t.

Comma after "left". You've got a giant run-on sentence, which makes it hard to read. Break it up a little.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: Carver’s room is right next to mine and I could tell he was watching a horror movie all that screaming, I was tempted to bang on the wall and tell him to be quiet.

I could tell he was watching a horror movie from all that screaming.

Vampy_Girl15 wrote: I read for a while before I actually went to sleep, because I like the night and looking out at the stars and moon. I find a beauty about it. I feel nothing in the world can bother me. But I found one worse thing about Beverly Hills than the sun. There are too many lights. So many that they hide some of the twinkling stars.

“But I found one worse thing about Beverly Hills than the sun” is awkward. How can you watch the stars and moon when you’re reading? Also, the whole “beauty in stars and moon” is clichéd. Doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it, but at least make it original.

Crikes, I've pretty much done a line-by-line. Clearly, I have far too much free time on my hands. Sorry, but I hope it helped! I like the story, I just tend to be really picky.

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15 Reviews

Points: 2458
Reviews: 15

Fri May 23, 2008 12:01 am
Wildest Temptations wrote a review...

It was great, although I am going to point out three minor errors.


...light lavender color, who paints there house lavender..

There means to go somewhere, I.E. You stand over there.

You obviously meant to put their. A possessive adjective. I think, Haha, anyway, you should have put

... who paints their house lavender...

...But besides that it was big, of course, with huge widows...

This error made me giggle slightly.

I knew what you meant though, perhaps you should fix it??

Wildest Temptations <3

Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think.
— Niels Bohr