
Young Writers Society

Chapter 1

by UNIversial666

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:16 am
UNIversial666 says...

lol I know it's a little late, but thank you.

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378 Reviews

Points: 1276
Reviews: 378

Sun May 08, 2011 10:12 pm
Soulkana says...

I spotted others after I submitted them so I say to read through it and find the sentences and dialogues that don't end with punctuation marks...But other than that there is nothing wrong with this to me...I like how Silas and his brother are completely polar opposites and how you reflect on how Demetrius doesn't like Lucy when Silas does. I can't wait for you to add more so good luck **

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378 Reviews

Points: 1276
Reviews: 378

Sun May 08, 2011 10:10 pm
Soulkana wrote a review...

“Get up! I said get up!” she shouted at me.
“I don’t want to fight you” I tried to diffuse the situation.
“You should have thought about that before#FF0000 ">.
“Before what?”
“Shut up#FF0000 ">.
Before I could come up with a witty thing to say I was blindsided by a right hook. But let’s pause this altercation for a second. Okay, my name is Lucy and the big ape that’s screaming at me while pounding my face in is Francine. Now, I bet you’re wondering how an average sized girl such as myself got into this situation. Well it all started in math class. You see I’m the person in the class that everyone cheats off of in order to pass. Today I was tired of giving everyone the answers but still being treated like crap. Francine asked for the answer to a test question and I refused, plain and simple. Francine, being the simpleton she is, didn’t like that. She did the usual, push me and my books to the ground. I thought that was the end of it. It was starting to get dark, so I decided to go home. Now on my way home from open gym after school, I was rushed by her and her #FF0000 ">(quote, unquote) don't know what that means... posse. Next thing I know I was on the ground being punched and kicked by what seemed like 100 people for at least an hour. After they got bored they left me alone and went away. I was on the ground bruised up at night and at least 3 miles from my house. Lucky me, right? I started on my trek home, but after about 10 minutes I had to stop and rest on a park bench because my ribs were hurting too much. I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness until I finally passed out on a bench. If this were the big city I would probably be in trouble#FF0000 ">, a . Ayoung girl all alone at night, no one around for miles. But this is one of those small, boring towns that nothing happens in. The ones that you read about in books and see in movies.
“Well sure, I guess I’ll just sleep on this bench”
I was too tired to continue home. Before I passed out I heard footsteps and growling coming near me.
I woke up to a delightful sound. “Of Wolf and Man” by Metallica, one of my favorite songs. I would be ecstatic if it weren’t for the fact that I was in someone else’s bed in someone else’s house. I was pleased at the sight of a full cooked course of eggs, bacon, and grits at my bedside.
“Good morning, sleepy head” he had a coarse voice like he had been yelling all night.
“Good morning” I replied in a polite manner.
“Um thanks for the food and giving me a place to stay overnight but where am I#FF0000 ">, don't think you need that comma and who are you? I’ve never seen you in town before”
“Oh my god, where are my manners? You are in our house and my name is Silas.” He said in an apologetic tone.
“Our house?” I replied.
“Yes, I live with my brother and my mother. My brother’s actually the one who found-”
But before he could finish another boy walked in, he did not look as playful as Silas. He had a bunch of facial scars and he looked angry. “Why is that thing still in my bed?”
He spoke in a stern, annoyed voice, like I was the one who dragged myself into his bed and I know I’m not the best looking person in the world but where does he get off calling me a ‘thing’?

“That’s my brother Demetrius”
“Well you don’t have to worry about this “thing” being in your bed any longer cause I’m leaving.”
And with that I stormed out of their house, but not before I cleaned off my plate. I felt something behind me so I turned around. To my surprise there was Silas.
“I wouldn’t feel right just letting you go without knowing you got home safe.” I could tell Silas was one of those smooth-talking types of guys.
I said in a quiet almost whispering voice. We didn’t really talk the entire way to my house. I was afraid I would say something weird or stupid. When we got to my house he said goodbye, gave me his number and he said to call him if I needed anything. Then he gave me a big hug. I lit up like a Christmas tree and I couldn’t help the huge grin I had on my face. It would have been all cool if my face wasn’t bruised up.
I walked in the house and went upstairs. My mother’s door was closed, this meant only one thing. She had “company” over. I went to my plain old boring room. You know, being in Demetrius’ room reminded me of how sucky my life actually is. He had a kick ass stereo system, giant HDTV, video games. All I have in my room is a TV, some posters and plain, no color, white walls. I watched TV for about an hour before I fell asleep. I woke up because I felt breathing on my face. I opened my eyes to the sight of a crazy woman in my room.
“Hey, Lucy goosey”
“Hey mom”
“You didn’t come home last night, you know you should call if you’re gonna stay at a friend’s house”
I hated that Foghorn Leghorn accent she had.
“I wasn’t at a friend’s house”
I hastily said before I noticed the half smirk on her face.
“I know, I got a call from the mother of the boys who found you. You’re just lucky they didn’t have less than pure intentions and had sense enough to help you and not just leave you there.”
“Yeah, I know”
Now the smirk was a frown.
“So, are you going to tell me what happened to your face?”

“I fell”
I couldn’t even look her in the eyes.
“You know how I can tell when you lie? You don’t look me in the eyes and you fiddle with your hands. It’s called a tell.”
I was getting irritated. The bad thing about having a lawyer for a mother was that she can spot a lie.
“Well tell or not, like I said, I fell okay? So just drop it. I’m going back to sleep and I don’t know if imma go to school tomorrow.”
I gave her my best angry face. She just looked and nodded her head.
Silas looked at me with a puzzled look. “So?”
“So why did you help her?”
Silas took a step back. “I couldn’t just leave her there!”
“That’s not the point!”

My voice was now a borderline shout.
“It was none of your business and you brought her here to the house. The next time you do something stupid like that again I’ll kill you myself.”
Silas and I were two polar opposites but closer than… Well I can’t think of a good enough analogy but trust me, we were close. He rolled his eyes
“Okay so what are we doing tomorrow?” I took a deep breath. “Tomorrow…Tomorrow we go to school.”
That morning I felt unusually in a good mood. I decided to go to school. On my way I stopped in Mr. #FF0000 ">Johnsons Think you meant Johnson'sstore as I always do before school. I picked up a paper and was on my way. I must have been distracted by one of the headlines because I bumped into someone.
“Watch where you’re going!”
A voice snarled at me. I tried to walk faster to avoid the inevitable confrontation but a hand on my arm violently whirl winded me around.
“Did you hear what I...Oh it’s you”
“Hello Demetrius. Hi Silas”
“Hey Lucy long time no see. Say hi Demetrius”
I could hear the sarcasm oozing out of his voice.
“Well it was nice seeing you but we have things to do, right Silas?”
“You go ahead #FF0000 ">Ill I'll catch up with you later.”
He mumbled something as he walked away but my attention was focused on Silas. The whole way to school we talked, not about anything specific, just random things. It turns out he knows more than he looks like he would. Not to say he looks dumb, well, it’s just you rarely see someone smart and good looking. At school I was unpleasantly surprised to find that Demetrius was in all my classes. Now, normally this wouldn’t upset me but every question the teacher asked he immediately knew even some things that even I didn’t know. To a normal person this isn’t a big deal, but I don’t like the fact that there is someone who might be as smart if not smarter than me.
Lunch was uneventful. The usual people doing the…
“Watch your step!”
And with those words I was face first into the concrete ground and my food was all over the floor. I have come to be used to this kind of treatment.
“Yeah I really need to watch where I’m going.”
What happened next I would never have expected in a million years.
“Need some help?”
Nobody had ever come to my aid before.
I grabbed his hand and with one swift motion I was on my feet. Silas had huge hands but they were as soft as they were big and his nails were perfectly manicured.
“Do you get your nails done?”
“Nope, all natural” He said amused at the idea.
“Come on, you can sit with us”
“Yeah, Demetrius is all the way over there at that table on the other side of the lunchroom. Go ahead and sit with him and I’ll get you another lunch.”
“Will do”
As I was walking away I could see him talking to Francine, what he said to her #FF0000 ">ill I'll never know but the look of horror on her face was absolutely priceless. I reluctantly sat by Demetrius, trying to be sociable I spoke.
“Hi Demetrius”
Not even looking up, he made a grunt which was probably the best I was going to get out of him. I looked towards the lunch line, Silas was being mobbed by girls, like a lamb surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves. They didn’t even faze him; he just brushed them off and got some food. I turned back to Demetrius, he was glaring at me. He had the deadest eyes I’ve ever seen, completely devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Before I could say anything to him a voice behind me shouted. “Boo!”
I must have jumped at least ten feet in the air. I didn’t even hear him coming. “Silas, don’t scare me like that”
I said trying to hold back a wave of tears.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
“It’s okay, it was a little funny” I forced a laugh.
“Okay, so tell me about yourself Lucy”
“Me? Well there’s not much to tell, umm well as you know my name is Lucy, and I love skirts. I hate my dirty blonde hair and my freckles. I have no friends or social life of any kind. I absolutely love Metallica.”
With that statement I aroused Demetrius’ attention. He looked up at me.
“How old are you?” Demetrius asked in a semi-interested way
“Sixteen” I answered
Demetrius leaned over towards me and he sniffed me. “You are fourteen”
I guess I wasn’t convincing enough.
“Actually, fourteen and a half but enough about me, it’s your turn Silas. Tell me about yourself.”
Before Silas could start Demetrius interrupted. “One more question” He said
I playfully said. “Okay, shoot”
He squinted. “Do you like dogs?”
I was sure it was a trick question but I answered anyway. “I’m more of a cat person”
And with that statement Demetrius gritted his teeth, growled at me, and continued reading. I shrugged it off and turned back to Silas.
“You can continue”
“Nothing really interesting to tell, I love football and basketball, not too particularly fond of Metallica umm I like my hair short. I love working out and my favorite kind of movies are scary movies.”
Now it was my turn to ask the questions. “How old are you two?”
Silas stretched and sighed. “I am two thousand seven hundred and twelve years old”
I burst out in a laughing fit but stopped when I saw the confused look on his face. Before he could finish the bell rang.
“Wow, time flies. Say, what are you doing later?”
Silas asked in his playful voice, so I answered in a half sarcastic, half playful voice. “The same thing I do every day, nothing.”
“Wanna hang out with me at my house?”
“Yes. But I have to ask my mother#FF0000 ">.
I think I came off a little desperate.
“Here you can use my phone#FF0000 ">.
It was one of the most advanced cell phones I’ve ever seen. My mother was too cheap to get me a cell phone, it’s not like she couldn’t afford it. But who would I call anyway. My mother didn’t answer so I assume she was busy, I left a message. Last time I was there I didn’t really appreciate how awesome their house was. They had their own gymnasium, swimming pool, and the works. We must have played Xbox for at least 3 hours straight.
“This was fun, but I got to get home.”
Silas looked sad and turned to Demetrius. “Ok, Demetrius can you walk her home? I would do it myself but I’m beat.”
Demetrius rolled his eyes and accepted. I can tell he didn’t want to but I’m a little glad he did. After what seemed like an eternity Demetrius broke the silence.
“So um what do you like to do?”
I was caught off guard a little I didn’t expect him to acknowledge me on this little trek to my house.
“I like physics things like astronomy, stars and stuff like that. Boring stuff.” Intrigued, he tilted his head to the right.
“Physics? I’m surprised someone your age would be into physics. Have you ever heard of string theory?”
I was shocked. “The hardest theory in physics? I’m surprised you do.”
“I’m not as dumb as I look”
“Well you could have fooled me”
I couldn’t believe that came out of my mouth.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that”
When I looked up at him he was smiling. All this time I’ve never seen him smile.
“Well here we are” He said.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow”
I went to turn to go in the house when he stopped me. Without saying anything he gave me a hug and a little peck on the cheek, which made me blush. I could almost swear he smelled me while he did but it might have been my imagination or the wind.

When I got home I saw Silas sitting on the couch watching TV.
“Silas, I’m back, time to go hunting.”
He didn’t even look up.
“I told you, I’m tired”
It was just like Silas to be lazy.
“Don’t give me that bull, I’m hungry”
He turned to me
“Well, go in the kitchen and make yourself something to eat”
Now I was getting irritated.
“You know what I mean, now get ready!”
Silas was always weak hearted and more compassionate when it came to hunting but I learned a long time ago, the predator can’t have any feelings towards its prey. After ten minutes we found a suitable target. From the smell of him he was mid 30s, 175lbs. He tried to run but after some 100 meters he got tired and it was easy pickings from there. One bite to the jugular and it was over but I still wanted more.
“I’m going for a run”
I told Silas to go home and get some rest; He would only slow me down. It was somewhere around 1:00 am, and I was outside a bar I, must have been out there for a good hour before I found someone I wanted. It was a couple, early 20s. I went after the guy first; He posed more of a threat. The girl was actually fast, but I got her eventually. I made sure it was quick, painless. I got bored so I went home. When I got home I decided to stay monster for the night. I hated the way my human form looked but I think it would freak people out if they saw a talking wolf on two legs running around eating people. I woke up to Silas screaming in my ear.
“Demetrius, wake up!”
He frantically said
“Have you any idea what time it is? What do you want”
I was angry because I was in the middle of a good dream. He looked at me in disbelief.
“Two more bodies?”
He handed me a news paper, the headline said something about two bodies that were found mauled by an unknown animal. I didn’t care, they had no photos or videos so I was uninterested, so I closed my eyes. He took the paper from my hands and hit me with it#FF0000 ">.
“When I left you said you were going for a run, not hunting for more people#FF0000 ">.
“What can I say, I got carried away#FF0000 ">.
I don’t think he liked my sarcasm.
“Yeah, well mom is going to be pissed when she finds out#FF0000 ">.
“I’ll deal with mom, you just cook some breakfast.”
He stormed out of my room and downstairs mumbling obscenities to himself. I win.
I wasn’t worried because mom was out of the country on business and wouldn’t be back for some time. It was Saturday so I was sure there would be more food out and about later tonight. I decided to go hunting again later tonight, with or without Silas. As I walked down stairs the door bell rang, I knew that smell anywhere. It was Lucy. I licked my lips, my mouth started watering and my stomach started growling. I yelled to Silas.
“Silas, that thing is here again#FF0000 ">.
“Who? Lucy?” He yelled back.
Sometimes I was angry at how stupid Silas could be.
“Who else would I be talking about?”
My voice shook the house. I went into the living room and saw Silas lounging on the couch. He looked up at me as if he already knew what I was going to say.
“Get rid of her#FF0000 ">.” I said
“Why?” He whined.
I got close to him and put my hand on the back of his neck. “Get rid or her or I eat her#FF0000 ">.
I growled. He got up, mumbled at me, and went to answer to the door. I got up with a maniacal smile on my face. I went up to my room to listen to music. After about an hour I got thirsty and decided to go to the kitchen and get a drink. What I saw made my blood boil.
“Hey Demetrius”
She said in a playful way. I took a deep breath to calm down.
“Hey Lucy, where is Silas?”
She looked at me and smiled.
“You just missed him, but he told me to tell you that he was going out to go to the store and he wouldn’t be back for a while#FF0000 ">.
Silas was calling my bluff; he thinks I won’t hurt her. She was looking at me with those blue, puppy dog eyes. I smiled as I made my way towards her.

Well I must say I really enjoyed reading this. ^^ I only have something advice. Remember to end with a punctuation at the end of your dialogues and some of your sentences. I caught several and wanted you to realized to go through it and fix them...but other than that I really loved and can't wait for more! Keep up the good work and Happy Writing. May you receive many helpful reviews!!

Generally speaking, a howling wilderness does not howl: it is the imagination of the traveler that does the howling.
— Henry David Thoreau