
Young Writers Society

The Triangle Effect

by Theodorable

Chapter 2

"The Usual"

He was smiling at me. He was smiling at me! But why?

“Hey, Everrett.”

“Hi, Chris.” Oh. My. Gosh. He remembered my name! “Do you have anything going on tomorrow night?”

He was asking me out on a date! Finally, just when I thought that he would never notice me. “No, I don’t think that I have anything planned. Why do you ask?” Wow, that came out calmer than I expected.

“I was hoping you could help me out with trig. I know you understand it, so I thought to ask you if you could tutor me.”

No, he wasn’t supposed to ask me that! He was supposed to ask me out! “Sure.” Why did I just say that?

“Okay, I’ll see you around 4:00 tomorrow then.”

“Well, do you know where her house is?” Landon asked.

“No, I guess I don’t,” Everrett said with a smile slowly spreading across his face.

“Then why don’t you ride home with her?” Landon replied.

“Sure, if that’s okay with Chris,” Everrett replied.

“Well, okay. I’ll meet you here after school,” I said, barely holding the smile on my face.

“Okay, see you then.” He turned around and walked down the deserted hallway.

I waited until I couldn’t see him anymore, then I turned around and just stared at Landon. “Landon, how could you!?”

“Well, you said you liked him. I just gave you a chance.”

“You idiot! How could you do that to me?” My car was a VW Bug. No guy would be caught dead in it. “I’m going to be the laughing stock of the whole school.”

I knew he would never get in and everyone would know that he dissed me. But, wait a minute, if the other girls saw him in my car- if he decided to get in that is- then I would be envied by every other girl in the sophomore and freshmen class. “Okay, he’ll ride home with me- if he gets in my car that is.” I said to everyone around me as a slow smile spread across my face.

“Sure, okay. Let’s see if you keep it together this time.” Annie knew what happened the last time I was alone with a guy. She always referred to him as the "poor guy", he didn't talk to me after the date he took me on. I did not want to repeat it.

“Shut up Annie!” I knew she would never tell what happened, but I didn’t even want to chance it.

“I didn’t say a word.” Annie couldn’t keep back the smirk on her face.

I couldn’t stand her sometimes, she always had a smart-ass comment. “I’m going home; I’m already late.”

“Bye.” They all chorused behind me.


“Mom, I’m home!” I yelled when I stepped through the door of our house.

“Chrissy Cantel! What are you doing home so late?” my mom yelled back.

“I got hung up at school. Nat’s not home yet is he?” I would never get any sleep with him in the house, he never left me alone.

“No, he had to go to baseball practice.”

Thank God. I wouldn’t have to put up with my little brother for another two hours. This was getting better by the minute. I went upstairs to my room, I put down my book bag next to my bed and sprawled myself on my comforter, my head buried in pillows. I lay there thinking about what happened this afternoon. Everrett Crosby was going to be in my room tomorrow. I just thought about what could happen in one afternoon.

I woke up, startled by the phone. I reached for it, “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s me.”

“Oh, hey Gab,” I replied sleepily.

“Wow, you sure sound enthusiastic about me calling.”

“You woke me up. I was dreaming about Everrett, he was just about to kiss me.”

“Oh great, not him again. Wait, did you clean your room yet?”

“Not yet, why?” I asked.

“Because honey, you seem to take a long time to clean everything, and if I know you, your room is a mess right now.” I heard the laugh in her voice. I was about to snap at her for saying that, but as I looked around my room I noticed that the only clean areas were my walls and my ceiling.

“Oh great,” I mumbled to myself, not realizing that I still held the phone in my hand.

“See, I told you so.” There was outright laughing on the other end now.

“Okay, you’re right about that, but it won’t take me that long,” I told her.

“Just in case I’ll let you go. Bye”

“Bye,” I said and hung up the phone. “Crap!” I knew this was going to take awhile. I hate it when she’s right, I thought to myself. As I looked around my room I saw clothes littering the floor, and just about every pair of shoes that I owned there as well. My bed was messed up because I slept on it, and a few feet away my closet was half-way closed against a mountain of junk that I had collected from my childhood.

So off I went cleaning everything in sight. It was a good thing I had only slept for an hour, after another hour and a half of cleaning my room my mom told me to fix dinner. So I went down stairs to fix something that was relatively easy. By the time it was done my dad, Warren, and my brother, Nat, walked in the door.

“Hey Chris, where’s mom?” Nat asked.

“I have no idea, I was making dinner.”

“Denise! Where are you?” my dad called.

“I’m in the living room,” my mom called back.

“Dinner’s done,” I added. After we ate my brother went to take his shower. After I cleaned up I went to take mine. With all of my chores done along with my homework, I went to my room for the rest of the night. Waiting for tomorrow.

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:17 am
niccy_v wrote a review...

He was smiling at me! [s]He was smiling at me![/s] But why?

I don't really see the need for the repeat...

“Hi, Chris.” Oh. My. Gosh. He remembered my name! “Do you have anything going on tomorrow night?”

LOL sooo realistic thought. Maybe instead of gosh... unless she's one of those polite people(?) say 'god' or 'holy luck' or something more powerful?

around 4:00

four-pm, around four tomorrow

smile slowly spreading across his face.

with a slow smile.

“Then why don’t you ride home with her?” Landon replied.
“Sure, if that’s okay with Chris,” Everrett replied.

Use another word than replied. 2 lines in a row is a no-no


Paragraph break? ha . Cool.

Chrissy Cantel! What are you doing home so late?”

Cantel is her last name? I don't really like it... sorry. Just here, it does not fit...

This an average chapter. After the bit about helping Everrett it slowly died down to just everday stuff. That's fine, every novel has it! But what do her folks look like? Young, old, wrinkled, pale, bronzed right off a magazine cover?
And why does she just shut off after her meeting with Everrett?? Because she quite literally shut up. We never saw back into her head. Try to dribble it throughout to keep it steady, to have her voice there, even if not a major presence.

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:02 am
mnesomeye wrote a review...

Hi, it's me again! I'm going to give you a proper once-over this time; a Mnesomeye special! *claps* Be warned, though; I'm a perfectionist, and I love nothing more than ironing a story out until there isn't even the faintest trace of a wrinkle.

There are a lot of wrinkles here. I think I'm going to enjoy this. ;)

~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~

Chapter 2

"The Usual"

Oh yes, here comes the nit-pickiness! When I clicked on the story and read "the usual", I thought somebody was talking and got really disoriented. Put this on the same line as 'chapter 2', and then put a few dashed lines below it. This will help tremendously.

“No, I don’t think that I have anything planned. Why do you ask?”

This doesn't sound calm - it sounds patronising, almost un-natural. No teenager of this generation would ever, ever say "no I do not think that I have anything planned". It belongs to the times where women weren't allowed to wear trousers. Try bringing the register up to par with the 21st century: No, don't think so. Why?

I was hoping you could help me out with [s]trig[/s].

Trig? Trig... where have I heard that before? Err... hmm. Oh, I remember now! Trigonometry! Ahhhhh. However, to save us that little internal dialouge, don't abbreviate it. Trigonometry is still cool to say. ;)

I know you understand it, so I thought [s]to ask you[/s] I'd ask if you could tutor me.

If you see something bold within quotation marks, it means that I've edited your work within the quote brackets. No sweat.

No, he wasn’t supposed to ask me that! He was supposed to ask me out! “Sure.” Why did I just say that?

I think you should put each of these sentences on seperate lines. That would make it funnier.

“Okay, I’ll see you around 4:00 tomorrow then.”

Ooh, that's a little direct, isn't it? I suppose this is coming from a guy that's used to breaking girls' hearts, though. *grins* However, this could possibly be 4am. I know that most of us have the common sense to work it out for ourselves, but add 'pm' after it just in case.

“No, I guess I don’t,” Everrett said, [s]with[/s] a smile slowly spreading across his face.

Player. *laughs*

“Well, okay. I’ll meet you here after school,” I said, [s]barely holding[/s] the smile on my face.

What does 'barely holding' mean? Is she upset with Landon, and trying hard to stop scowling? Or is she so happy that she's trying to stop herself from smiling? That phrase is v. confusing.

I waited until I couldn’t see him anymore, then I turned around and [s]just[/s] stared at Landon.

'Just' clutters the sentence without actually doing anything to it. Leave it out.

“Well, you said you liked him. So I [s]just[/s] gave you a chance.”

“I’m going to be the laughing stock of the whole school!

Woah. This girl is shallow.

I knew he would never get in, and that everyone would [s]know that he dissed me.[/s]

The 'know that he dissed me' is the infamous, classic mark of a high school fic. I have a golden rule for you, and it is this. Unless there is literally no other word left, DON'T use the word diss!! It automatically dates your work; that's why when people write stories in a different time period, they tend to use the slang that accompanied that time.
You using the word 'diss' screams 'cliche American authour from the 00's'. Harsh, but very true.

But - wait a minute - if the other girls saw him in my car (if he decided to get in, that is) - then I would be envied by every other girl in the sophomore and freshmen class.

The punctuation errors made this paragraph a little messy, but it's nothing a solid pair of brackets can't solve.

I said to everyone [s]around me[/s] [s]as a slow smile spread across my face.[/s]

*giggles* Wow, I just crossed out the entire quote! Basically: if you're saying something to everyone, it's quite natural that those people would be around you; you don't need to say it. The second thing was that you've already used the 'slow smile spreading across face' line with Everett, so if you repeat it we get bored and switch off. Try something else - what about "with a sly grin"? Or "feeling my face light up in happiness"? In writing, the further you move from the status quo, the better.

Annie knew what happened the last time I was alone with a [s]guy[/s] boy.

You use the word 'guy' straight after, which (even though it's a little word!) makes people bored. Seeing as it follows straight on from what I just said before, it really turns us off. Repetitiveness is only treasured when it is being used for effect.

She always referred to him as the "poor guy"; he didn't talk to me after the date he took me on.

I knew she would never tell what happened, but I didn’t [s]even[/s] want to chance it.

I couldn’t stand her sometimes; she always had a smart-ass comment to share.

The sentence seems unfinished, somehow, but I'm not sure how to alter it other than 'to share'.

“Bye,” They all chorused behind me.

As LLS said: comma comma comma comma comma. That one little punctuation mark changed the entire meaning of that sentence.

“Mom, I’m home!” I yelled when I stepped through the door of our house.

So her house consists of some walls, and the door she's stepped through. We need more description here, dude!

I went upstairs to my room, [s]I[/s] put [s]down[/s] my book bag down [s]next to[/s] by my bed and sprawled [s]myself[/s] on to my comforter, [s]my[/s] head buried in pillows.

You've tried too hard here. Try leaving out pronouns every once in a while, eh? :D

I lay there, thinking about what had happened this afternoon.

I [s]just[/s] thought about what could happen in one afternoon.

Crickey - stop using the word just, dude! :D Is it the thing to do in America, or something? Over here in the bonny UK, it's saying 'literally' or 'actually' with every sentence. We literally say it all the time; it's actually the most annoying habit in the world but it's literally impossible to get rid of. Literally.

...I'm being serious! That's how we speak... at least, that's how the girls in Hertfordshire speak, anyway. :P But you must never let these things slip through in your writing, unless you're having a dialogue with yourself. ;)

I woke up, startled by the phone.

But she wasn't sleeping - she was thinking "about what could happen in one afternoon". If she's sleeping, you need to change 'thinking' to 'dreaming about'.

“You woke me up. I was dreaming about Everrett; he was just about to kiss me.”

But I swear she was thinking! Man, we must've gotten caught up in some time warp or somethin'.

“Oh great, not him again. Wait, [s]did[/s] have you cleaned your room yet?”

“Not yet; why?” I asked.

“Because, honey, you seem to take a long time to clean everything; and if I know you, your room is a mess right now.” I heard the [s]laugh[/s] laughter in her voice, and [s]I was about to snap at her for saying that[/s] nearly snapped at her for it, but as I looked around [s]my[/s] the room I noticed that the only clean [s]areas[/s] parts / bits were [s]my[/s] thewalls and [s]my[/s] ceiling.

This was really untidy, and I'm saying this now to save myself from explaining it with every quotation: you don't need to make the pronoun posessive with every single noun! In fact, sometimes you don't even NEED pronouns. If you don't know what a pronoun is/don't know what I'm on about, search "The Guide to Grammar and Writing" on SearchKindly.com - it'll really help you out in this department.

[s]There was outright laughing on the other end now.[/s]

This whole sentence sounds forced. What about: She had stopped trying to hide her laughter.

“Just in case I’ll let you go. Bye!

As I looked around my room I saw clothes littering the floor, and [s]just about every pair of shoes that I owned there as well[/s].

You put in the 'just' and it all went downhill from there. Try: As I looked around my room I saw clothes littering the floor, along with every pair of shoes I owned.

My bed was messed up because I'd slept on it, and a few feet away, my closet was half[s]-way[/s] closed against a mountain of junk [s]that[/s] I had collected from [s]my[/s] childhood.

Attack of the possesive pronouns! D:

So off I went cleaning everything in sight.

Nah - this completely jars the entire story. Leave it out, and stick with something simple like 'I began cleaning.'

It was a good thing I had only slept for an hour; after another hour and a half of cleaning, the room still wasn't clean. [s]but[/s] However, mom [s]told me to[/s] came up and asked me to fix dinner, so I had to stop.

You ran two sentences together in a totally illogical manner; the quotation before I added the bits in bold in made no sense to me. It was as if you had begun an idea, gotten bored, and jammed it onto another one in the hope that we wouldn't notice. *grins* Sorry to burst the bubble, hun! *giggles*

[s]So I went down stairs to fix something that was relatively easy.[/s] I prepared something relatively easy to make, and by the time it was done, my dad, Warren, and my brother, Nat, walked in the door.

The sentence I've crossed out didn't sound too good read aloud, especially not leading off the previous sentence - and that's before I altered it. You're sort of beginning to 'flat write' - that is, just writing what's going on and nothing else. And, just like a flat object, it's really boring to look at/read. What about describing what they look like, or going into detail about where they had been? We get none of that - it's like a step by step account of Chris' day.

“I have no idea; I was making dinner.”

“Denise! Where are you?” [s]my[/s] dad called.


“I’m in the living room,” [s]my[/s] mom called back.

EGAD, THEYR'E EVERYWHERE! *grabs a shotgun*

“Dinner’s done,” I added. After we ate, my brother went to take his shower, and after I cleaned up I went to take mine. With all of my chores [s]done along with my homework[/s] and homework done, I [s]went[/s] retired to my room for the rest of the night. Waiting for tomorrow.

I'm sorry - I really am. But I'll copy and paste exactly the same thing that I mentioned earlier: "You're [s]sort of beginning to 'flat write'[/s] flat writing, period - that is, just writing what's going on and nothing else. And, just like a flat object, it's really boring to look at/read."

Overall comments
This review took me nearly four hours to do simply because I got bored half way through and took a two hour break. You can tell where the break is because I go from being optimistic to pessimistic in a heartbeat! :P Hun, the first thing you've gotta start doing if you want your work to be taken seriously (and I'm so sorry that this sounds horrid) is to focus more on descriptions, like LLS said.
If there's one thing you learn from this review, it should be this: less narration, much, MUCH more description. We want to see and feel and hear and taste what's going on; we want to be immersed into the story. If the story doesn't give us access to those senses - i.e. doesn't give us something for our eyes to conjure up, our noses to smell or our hands to feel - then it becomes boring. That's why the news is so exaggerated these days. :D

I hope I haven't upset you too much, I don't want to scare away a newbie! :( But please, listen to all the reviews you get and start focusing on pleasing the reader's senses. You'll find you'd probably get a much better reaction if you did.

Oh - and one more thing. I BEG OF YOU; STOP USING POSESSIVE PRONOUNS!! *dies laughing* Please!! We know that she's a rather selfish girl, but seriously, it was too much!! :lol:
"I sat down on my chair in my room and used my fingers to type on my laptop to my friend--"
Can you see why I'm so touchy about this? And I'm not even exaggerating!! Go back through your work, unedited, and you'll see exactly what I'm on about. ;)

Anyway, I've done enough talking. This is DEFINATELY my last review for the day. Phew! Sorry I haven't gone to your next chapter, but man, four hours is ENOUGH. (I hope you agree. ;) ).

Hope ya have fun with the narration!

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Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:47 pm
Theodorable says...

Hey guys. Thanks for all the critiques, they really help. If you have any suggestions for anything i should add, then please post it. Thanks sooo much!

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Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:14 pm
lucyy wrote a review...

I can't begin to tell you how bad I feel for being this late to R&R your work, school's just been so manic. But, I have made sure I had free time both today and yesterday to catch up on all my reviews, so here I am, ready and rearing to go!!
I hope this review helps you ...

Teddybear22 wrote:He was smiling at me. He was smiling at me! But why?
“Hey, Everrett.”
“Hi, Chris.” Oh. My. Gosh. He remembered my name! “Do you have anything going on tomorrow night?”
He was asking me out on a date! Finally, just when I thought that he would never [s]even[/s] notice me. “No, I don’t think that I have anything planned. Why do you ask?” Wow, that came out calmer than I expected.
[I love the use of speech combined with your MC's thoughts - it really breaks the speech down, so well done :D and it also lets us know more about your MC. However, by this point of an opening chapter you need to start giving hints as to where and when this conversation is taking place. Is it the next day, or is it still carrying on from your previous chapter? Let us know!! (: ]
“I was hoping you could help me out with trig. I know you understand it, so I thought to ask you if you could tutor me.”
No, he wasn’t supposed to ask me that! He was supposed to ask me out.[Replace with exclamation mark] “Sure.” Why did I just say that?
“Okay, I’ll see you around 4:00 tomorrow then.”
“Well, do you know where her house is?” Landon asked.[Where did she appear from? Or was she there all along - you need to make this clearer from the beginning of the chapter! Also, to break down the speech even more, I would love to know about facial expressions, maybe your MC analysing Everett's body language?][/b]
“No, I guess I don’t,” Everrett said with a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“Then why don’t you ride home with her?” Landon replied.
“Sure, if that’s okay with Chris,” Everrett replied.
“Well, okay. I’ll meet you here after school,” I said, [s]barley[/s] barely holding the smile on my face.
“Okay, see you then,[replace with full-stop]” He turned around and walked down the deserted hallway.
I waited until I couldn’t see him anymore, then I turned around and just stared at Landon[with what expression on her face - and Landon's as well?]. “Landon, how could you!?”
“Well, you said you liked him. I just gave you a chance.”
“You idiot! How could you do that to me?” My car was a VW Bug. No guy would be caught dead in it. “I’m going to be [s]that[/s] the laughing stock of the whole school.” [NP>>]I knew [s]he[/s] Everett would never get in my ___ car and everyone would know that he dissed me. But, wait a minute, if the other girls saw him in my car- if he decided to get in that is- then I would be envied by every other girl in the sophomore and freshmen class.[Replace with exclamation mark, and all of that should be in italics, as it's a direct thought] “Okay, he’ll ride home with me- if he gets in my car that is.[replace with comma]” I said to everyone[I thought it was only Landon and your MC there?? You need to make it clearer who's there and also where there is, pleaseeee (: ] around me as a slow smile spread across my face.
“Sure, okay. Let’s see if you keep it together this time.[replace with comma]said Annie[comma] who knew what happened the last time I was alone with a guy. She always referred to him as the "poor guy",[replace with colon] he didn't ever talk to me after the date he took me on.[delete full-stop] and I did not want to repeat it.
“Shut up Annie!” I knew she would never tell what happened, but I didn’t even want to chance it.
“I didn’t say a word.” Annie couldn’t keep back the smirk on her face.
I couldn’t stand her sometimes, she always had a smart-ass comment. “I’m going home; I’m already late.”
“Bye.” They all chorused behind me.
“Mom, I’m home!” I yelled when I stepped through the door of our house [major shortcut you have used here. I think that you should put in when she drives up to the house so we get a description of your house, and maybe even your MC's car? Does she like it, hate it ...].
“Chrissy Cantel! What are you doing home so late?” my mom yelled back.
“I got hung up at school. Nat’s not home yet is he?” I would never get any sleep with him in the house[who is he and why wouldn't she get any sleep?].
“No, he had to go to baseball practice.”
Thank God. I wouldn’t have to put up with my little brother for another two hours[ignore the first bit I put, but why wouldn't your MC get any sleep if he was at home?]. This was getting better by the minute [this comment sounds a bit sarcastic, so I would maybe rephrase it?]. I went [s]to my[/s] upstairs to my room, I put down my book bag next to my bed and[s] I [/s]sprawled myself out on my comforter, my head buried in pillows [This sentence is a little long, try breaking it up. And, also, be careful that you don't use 'I' too much]. I lay there thinking about what happened this afternoon.[replace with semi-colon] Everrett Crosby was going to be in my room tomorrow. I [s]just thought[/s] began to think about what could happen in one afternoon.
I woke up, startled by the phone. I reached for it, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me.” a ___ voice answered
“Oh, hey Gab,” I replied sleepily.
“Wow, you sure sound enthusiastic about me calling.”
“You woke me up. I was dreaming about Everrett, he was just about to kiss me.”
“Oh great, not him again. Wait, did you clean your room yet?”[Is Gab her friend? You may need to make it a little clearer...]
“Not yet, why?” I asked.
“Because honey, you seem to take a long time to clean everything, and if I know you, you're room is a mess right now.” I heard the laugh in her voice. I was about to snap at her for saying that, but as I looked around my room I noticed that the only clean areas were my walls and my ceiling.
“Oh great,” I mumbled to myself, not realizing that I still held the phone in my hand.
“See, I told you so.” There was outright laughing on the other end now.
“Okay, you’re right about that, but it won’t take me that long,” I told her.
“Just in case[comma] I’ll let you go. Bye”
“Bye,” I said and hung up the phone. “Crap!” I knew this was going to take awhile. I hate it when she’s right, I thought to myself. As I looked around my room I saw clothes littering the floor, and just about every pair of shoes that I owned there as well. My bed was messed up because I slept on it, [that's a bit of a strange thing to say, don't we all sleep in our beds? Either rephrase it, or delete it (: ]and a few feet away my closet was half-way closed against a mountain of junk that I had collected from my childhood.
So off I went cleaning everything in sight,[replace with full-stop] It was a good thing I had only slept for an hour, as after another hour and a half of cleaning my room my mom told me to fix dinner[why? What was her mum's reason?]. So I went down stairs to fix something that was relatively easy. By the time it was done my dad, [s]Warren Cantel[/s] [you don't really need to say your MC's dad's whole name, as this is written in the first person. You would only really do that if it was written in third.], and my brother, Nat, walked in the door.
“Hey Chris, where’s mom?” Nat asked.
“I have no idea, I was making dinner.”
“Denise! Where are you?” my dad called.
“I’m in the living room,” my mom called back.
“Dinner’s done,” I added. [NP>>]After we ate my brother went to take his shower. After I cleaned up I went to take mine. With all of my chores done[comma] along with my homework, I went to my room for the rest of the night. Waiting for tomorrow.

Last Minute Views
Your MC
Your MC's thoughts/emotions etc were very clear, and her character very well developed so great job, no improvements needed there!! =D

Describing Surroundings
This was the only major thing I picked up on which I think you need to work on. Your MC's surroundings were vague and lacked description, so I was unable to paint a picture of your Mc's surroundings. Also, at the start of this chapter, I was confused as to where the conversation between your MC and Everett was taking place and also how many of her friends were present during their conversation. So, what I think you need to work on id improving your descriptions of your MC's surroundings, and also you making sure you don't skip over any details (i.e. how many people were there at the beginning of the chapter).

The overall plot of your story is very sweet and easy-reading, which is great!! Awesome stuff :D

Overall Thoughts
I really enjoyed reading this and I thought that your writing has improved since your previous chapter, which is great! There was only one thing which I thought that you could work on, as the other aspects of this chapter were all present and correct and in good form :wink: hehe.

I really hoped this review helped you, and that I wasn't too harsh. If you have any questions or want any additional help/reviews, don't hesitate to PM me as I'll be happy to help =D

Keep writing!!
--Lucyy xx

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Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:19 pm
lucyy wrote a review...

Note to lucyy: read this!!
Sorry that this is taking so long Teddy, but I promise you I will read and review this!! I promise I will review this as soon as I have time - school work is really limiting my time on here, grr =P
--Lucyy xx

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Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:45 pm
ashleylee wrote a review...

Sorry Teddy that it took me so long to get to this. I've been too busy to come on and review yet. But now I have time and I'm ready to get started :wink:

Hopefully I will be of some help.

He was smiling at me. He was smiling at me! But why?

Should be in intalics because this is her thoughts.

“Hey Everrett.”

Comma before "Everrett"

“Hi Chris.”

Comma before "Chris"

Oh. My. Gosh. He remembered my name!

Okay, again, thoughts in italics.

He was asking me out on a date! Finally, I thought that he would never even notice me.

Thoughts in italics.

Wow, that came out calmer than I expected.


No, he wasn’t supposed to ask me that! He was supposed to ask me out.


Why did I just say that?


“Sure, if that’s okay with Chris.” Everrett replied.

Should be a comma instead of a period after "Chris"

always referred to him as the "poor guy", he didn't talk to me after the date he took me on. I did not want to repeat it.

Why didn't he? What did she do? I would go into more detail here.

“Shut up Annie!”

Comma before "up"

“Chrissy Cantel! What are you doing home so late?” My mom yelled back.

Lowercase "m" on "my" here

“I got hung up at school. Nat’s not home yet is he?” I would never get any sleep with him in the house.

Wait, I thought she was giving that guy Emerrett a ride to her house? Where is he?

Everrett Crosby was going to be in my room tomorrow.

Oh, okay, ignore the comment above :) I get it now. But what I would do is emphasis the tomorrow just because it might confuse future readers, like it did me :wink:

Oh, hey Gab.” I replied sleepily.

Should be a comma instead of a period after "Gab"

“Because honey, you seem to take a long time to clean everything, and if I know you, your room I a mess right now.”

Should be "is" instead of "I" here

“Bye.” I said and hung up the phone.

Comma instead of a period after "Bye"

I hate it when she’s right, I thought to myself.

All the bolded stuff should be in italics.

So I went down stairs to fix something that was relatively easy.

"Downstairs" is one word.

“Denise! Where are you?” My dad called.

Lowercase "m" on "my" here

“I’m in the living room,” My mom called back.

Lowercase "m" on "my" here

Okay, I really only pointed out dialouge stuff and little spelling mistakes, which all are pretty minor stuff.

What I really want to talk about is your story-telling stuff. It was decent in the beginning, but then you drifted off to the "List" style where it just sounds like you are reading off of a list while teling a story :? Try to work on slipping more description in there and such and I'm sure this story will come along.

Keep Writing! :D

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297 Reviews

Points: 9917
Reviews: 297

Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:52 pm
Kaylyn wrote a review...

Heres your critique, FINALLY, I got to it.
Okay, first off. No !? or other double ending punctuation like this, in your case it would have been! not ? because shes not asking a question. It looks unprofessional when you do this.
Your story is going okay, but you need to polish it up some. You also need to understand that romance novels aren't my thing. :)
It seems a little cliche and you need to put some of your own into it. Of course, its only the first two chapters, so prove me wrong. :)
Well, work on you grammar, I saw some of your mistakes, and youre smart enough to read back over them and find them.
Other than that, your doing fine. Don't stress over it. This is just my honest opinion. Well, see you around, don't kill me when you see me at lunch Monday.
*ducks and runs*
Keep writing, and good luck.

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78 Reviews

Points: 1854
Reviews: 78

Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:14 pm
Theodorable says...

hey everybody! i just posted this so please read it and critique. I can't get any better if you don't tell me what i'm doing wrong. so please help. thanks!

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."
— Albus Dumbledore