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12+ Mature Content

I don't want them to die.

by Tambo

I don't wish for XXXX and XXXX to die, I just wish they would stop. It would make my life if they did die. However, I believe no one deserves to die unless they take the life of an innocent person. They haven't killed anyone yet. If XXXX or XXXX were to die, I wouldn't know what to feel. Once XXXX told me to go kill myself, I knew he wanted me to die. I'm just assuming XXXX wants me to die. He reminds me fortnightly how kind! :D  Maybe XXXX doesn't want me to die. Maybe he doesn't mean it. Maybe if I did kill myself. He would feel bad. However, I wouldn't take a bullet for XXXX or XXXX, but I would feel bad if they died. Everyone in my school, except most of the teachers, hates me, I don't hate them back because I know they are just copying XXXX and XXXX. I hate XXXX and XXXX. They don't deserve to die, but they deserve a punch in the face. I don't want to punch them, I wish someone else did, though.

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Stickied -- Mon May 20, 2024 1:44 pm
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Thebroken021 says...

Yeah, it sucks to be trying to stay innocent, trying to stop yourself from thinking about wishing someone’s death because you are afraid of losing yourself and your conscience. I get that, but keep on moving, through the horrible moments, and do something about it, and there will be brighter days. I’m speaking from experience, like I know how it feels to be liked by teachers but awkward with everyone else, and it sucks. From what I can read, XXXX told you that he/she wants you to die. But don’t die, and don’t assume that, because every life is priceless, including yours. I hope you get through the tough times and never give up! (Sorry if i understood it wrong)

Tambo says...

Thank you. :D

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Stickied -- Mon May 20, 2024 1:13 pm
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AnnTran wrote a review...

If this is a diary from a character's perspective, it's a very interesting read, honestly. It feels pretty incomplete, but the general intent and emotions are there.

Author, if this is your actual diary entry, please don't give up. Spite those pieces of shits and be the best fucking you you could ever be. They don't deserve a space in your emotional tank and certainly needs somebody to pull that stick out their asses, *violently*. Both sounds like bullies, one of them suicide baited you, and that's NOT okay.

Sending you a virtual hug. Please don't give up. <3

Tambo says...

Thank you so much! :D
somebody to pull that stick out their asses, *violently*.

That is certainly correct.

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Fri Jul 05, 2024 6:10 pm
EllieMae wrote a review...

Hey friend :) Ellie here with a quick review for this piece of yours!!

I am unsure if this is an actual diary entry of yours or if you wrote in it character or for a story, but I am just going to critique it as if it were a literary piece in a book!

First of all, I noticed how you use XXXX for all of the names. This can cause us to confuse who is who when you are talking and doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing as something more simple. Personally, when I want to keep names anonymous on a personal piece, I will either 1) use the first letter of the name, or 2) use a fake name and then state at the bottom of the piece that they are not real names, but based off of real people.

Overall though, this piece felt very honest and personal to you. For example, this line especially:

However, I wouldn't take a bullet for XXXX or XXXX, but I would feel bad if they died.

That feeling of hating someone in that way of not wanting to help them, but also not wishing them misfortune says a lot and is a very complicated emotion to feel. I would say that this shows a lot about your kind heart <3 But also I can imagine that it feels really hard to be treated this way, with them telling you all of these awful things. I love the simplicity you with with the contrast of wanting them to stop, but not die. Overall, I think this was very relatable and pleasant to read.

Great work and keep writing!

Your friend,


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Mon May 20, 2024 7:47 pm
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kaitlyn wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

Anyway let's get right to it,

I don't wish for XXXX and XXXX to die, I just wish they would stop. It would make my life if they did die. However, I believe no one deserves to die unless they take the life of an innocent person. They haven't killed anyone yet. If XXXX or XXXX were to die, I wouldn't know what to feel. Once XXXX told me to go kill myself, I knew he wanted me to die. I'm just assuming XXXX wants me to die. He reminds me fortnightly how kind! :D Maybe XXXX doesn't want me to die. Maybe he doesn't mean it. Maybe if I did kill myself. He would feel bad. However, I wouldn't take a bullet for XXXX or XXXX, but I would feel bad if they died. Everyone in my school, except most of the teachers, hates me, I don't hate them back because I know they are just copying XXXX and XXXX. I hate XXXX and XXXX. They don't deserve to die, but they deserve a punch in the face. I don't want to punch them, I wish someone else did, though.

Ahh for a work quite this short, this is perhaps the most powerful one I've seen in quite some time. Diary entries are often quite emotionally charged but this one is especially so and the way you've brought it about there is especially quite powerful. I think the effect of having the name crossed out there is also quite an interesting one, almost like the person doesn't even want to think of it or had just crossed it all out in anger at a later time. Its definitely adding powerfully to this already rather charged situation.

I really like how the thoughts appear almost a little scattered here just all vying together to create this cacophony of just a horrible feeling to have there and be in this mental state. I think that was also a really good choice there to bring across this message of just agony and horror ever so powerfully.

Overall a short but incredibly powerful piece, I think you capture the complicated emotions around a moment like this quite strongly and it really echoes through quite powerfully, definitely leaves quite an impact on you this.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

Tambo says...


If I were a girl in a book, this would all be so easy.
— Jo March