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A new tale to tell

by Taithoes

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Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:35 am
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Moonlily wrote a review...

Hello Hello I hope you dont mind me popping in with a quick review. I will apologize this will be somewhat short but I hope I will brighten your day. No pun intended. However let's get into it, shall we?

Overall I really enjoyed this work along with how it's presented. The layout was clear and pretty easy to follow along with. The use of black and white reminds me of underground comics. ( The movement itself not one creator) I feel the art adds to both the meaning of the text and the mood of this piece. It's well done and seems like an interesting start to a story. You did well hooking me at least.

I am also pretty interested in the themes of this plot. Lies deceit and perspective can hold so many lessons as well as angles to take. I cant help but question where this going maybe a classic good versus evil plot or a drama dealing with how history can be rewritten or it can be neither. I will likely keep an eye out for further updates to get those answers.

regardless I cant wait to see what's next. As always keep writing and remember to drink water!

Taithoes says...

Thank you!<3

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Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:32 pm
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KateHardy wrote a review...


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!

Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;

Oooh this looks almost like perhaps a little bit of a promo perhaps for something at least judging by the fact you've titled this a new tale to tell and this reads like its a bit of a blurb there from the look of things. Either way it does make for quite a fun little tale to digest there.

It looks like we're dealing with something to do with quite a bit of deception and lies there from the looks of things at the moment here. The lines about what a light can illuminate and then what a lie tends to "illuminate" as it were are especially powerful I think especially thinking of them as almost mirrors between the other in the sense of how this particular world appears to like to operate here. I think that's done quite intriguingly there.

Its a brilliant answer to the question that is asked right at the start and it really echoes with the final lines, the idea that if nothing is revealed people are left to color things in as per their own way of perceiving it. I think its a powerful line to end on and if the title of this new tale is Skin deep like I assume based on where it is, that'd be quite the fitting title.

Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!

As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!

Stay Safe and Have a Nice Day!


Taithoes says...

Thank you for your review! I really appreciate it!

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