Hello Hello I hope you dont mind me popping in with a quick review. I will apologize this will be somewhat short but I hope I will brighten your day. No pun intended. However let's get into it, shall we?
Overall I really enjoyed this work along with how it's presented. The layout was clear and pretty easy to follow along with. The use of black and white reminds me of underground comics. ( The movement itself not one creator) I feel the art adds to both the meaning of the text and the mood of this piece. It's well done and seems like an interesting start to a story. You did well hooking me at least.
I am also pretty interested in the themes of this plot. Lies deceit and perspective can hold so many lessons as well as angles to take. I cant help but question where this going maybe a classic good versus evil plot or a drama dealing with how history can be rewritten or it can be neither. I will likely keep an eye out for further updates to get those answers.
regardless I cant wait to see what's next. As always keep writing and remember to drink water!
Points: 17145
Reviews: 164