
Young Writers Society


Roll the Credits

by Sylar

Roll the credits

Because we’ve had fun

Good times and bad times

But we only live once

We met when we were little

Just look at us now

Time has changed and so have we

Shut the curtain take a bow

Who would’ve known we’d fall in love

When we went ice skating that day

Now we’re kissing and laughing and watching the doves

Fly high in the sky

As the sun just shines

Hope he's enjoyed it

Coz I've enjoyed mine

We’ve had a good day

Roll the credits

Life has been fun

I love going on rides with you

Adventures in the sun

We like to talk for hours

And cry a lot of tears

But inside jokes and sharing cokes

At the movies take away my fears

That’s right life is a movie

And it’s time to be done

Turn it off roll the credits

It was a fun one

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Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:39 am
cleverclogs wrote a review...

Hey, Sylar! cleverclogs here to review!

This was really nice. I liked the sentimentality of it, and I also got a bit of a bittersweet vibe from it. There are really only two things for me to critique:

1. Punctuation. I know this is a song, and so the singer will sing it however the melody goes, but we as readers still like to see punctuation. It makes it more complete in our minds. ChocolateCello touched on this with that one line, but I'd like you to take that several steps further and punctuate the poem wherever it's appropriate. Just don't let it degrade into comma confetti, because that's no fun.

2. This doesn't feel like a song to me. It's more like a poem than anything. The definition of "song" is definitely fluid, but to me, a song needs to have a chorus that repeats a few times. It's what makes it catchy. So I'd recommend adding some sort of chorus, and putting this more into the structure of a song.

3. Okay, I guess there were three things to critique. This would be cool if you split it up into stanzas and whatnot. You can bring the lines closer together by hitting "shift" with "enter" when you go to make a new line in the publisher, and then you can split it up. I think it would look better that way.

Overall, this is a really great poem, but that's its main problem. It needs to be more of a song, in my opinion. Keep up the awesome work! :D

Sylar says...

Thanks and I just made a demo of it which I promise sounds like a song. Once we actually record it I'll put a link up

cleverclogs says...

Yeah, that's the problem with posting lyrics. They're not really meant to be read. I'm sure I'll slap myself in the head and wonder how I ever felt like wasn't a song after hearing it, though :)

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Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:14 am
ChocolateCello wrote a review...

Hey! ChocolateCello here! Happy review day!

I really liked this, it was a good story and (Even though I read it as a poem oppose to a song) the flow all worked out nicely.

Punctuation on the second to last line would be nice though.

Turn it off roll the credits

Add a comma, period, or semicolon between 'off' and 'roll'.

I really liked how you kept the the theme and didn't throw in any metaphors or similes that didn't relate to 'life is a movie'. The consistency really made the song great.

Sorry, this review was rather short, but there wasn't a lot to edit and I always find it hard putting praise into words.

Keep up the good work!

(Oh! Wait! Change that "cos" to a " 'cause")

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Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:28 am
Lumi wrote a review...

One thing I'm always interested in knowing when I read lyrics posted on YWS is what kind of beat, what kind of music goes behind it, the chords or melody, or maybe a sample. I wish we had a way to communicate these things universally outside of performance videos and audio recordings.

That said, if you have chords in mind for how this goes, I'd love to see them so I can get an idea for the melody.

As far as the lyrics themselves go, the biggest issue is the occasional forced or cliche rhyme. The one that sticks out the most is tears/fears. That's just been done to death ever since Evanescence hit the top 100 with My Immortal. Likely even before then, but still. That's what I always get thrown back to when I see THAT particular rhyme.

Otherwise, you have a solid thing going on here. There's an evolution of plot, there's a feeling of nostalgia and appreciation of the graduation of life and all our experiences--and even though there's a little disconnect between movies and stage performances (a la curtains) to me, it all ties together well.

All-in-all, I get a sort of All Time Low vibe from this. I'd love to know your thoughts. >:]


Sylar says...

Thank you! The song sounds more Smiths. Once we record it I'll put a link up.

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Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:42 am
ty7lucky says...

Hi I'm Ty7lucky I'm new. I liked your song and how you referred to life as a movie. The idea of friends becoming a couple was nice. And I liked how you had repetitive phrases, some songs I've heard don't have lines repeat. Thank you for reading. Ty7lucky.

Sylar says...


If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there.
— George Harrison