
Young Writers Society

Kiss of Fate (Chapter One)

by SuzieCake

Chapter One


I was sitting in my room reading, about to go to sleep, when the phone rang. On a Sunday, I don't usually expect calls because most people are at church, but I figured it was for one of my parents, so I reluctantly put the book down and walked in the living room to answer. When I looked at the caller id, I was surprised to see that it was Darien who was calling.


"Hey, Emily!" he said enthusiastically.

"Hey, Darien.” I paused, but spoke before he could. “Not that I really mind or anything, but why exactly are you calling me? Aren't you supposed to be at church or something?" I asked.

"You make it seem as though I'm forced to go every Sunday," he said with humor in his voice.

"No. It's just that you usually do. It's odd that you would call me."

"Actually, I was wondering if you would like to do something today."

I sighed. It wasn't unusual for my friends to forget that I couldn't do anything during the day other than sit around inside. "Darien, I can't. And if it wasn't a school night for you, I would say we could do something tonight, but since it is, it will probably have to wait until later. Besides, I haven't had much sleep today. Actually, I've been awake since five yesterday, and I'm really tired."

"I understand," he said, sounding disappointed. "I forgot that you couldn't do anything in the day anymore." He gave a forced laugh. "Even after two years, it's still so hard to believe all that has happened."

"It's not like anything really happened, Darien. This place is still as boring as it usually is."

"I know." He paused for a moment. "Emily? Do you miss going to school with us in the day? Because I miss being able to see you as much, and I miss spending being able to drive around with you all of the time. Now you're always sleeping during the day and attending school at night. That only really gives you one night with us a week, and sometimes you don’t even get that."

I sighed. We've had this conversation millions of times, but I still hated talking about it. "Of course I miss hanging out with you guys. But don't worry, Darien. Summer will be here soon, and we only really have two years of school left."

"I remember when you hated the idea of graduation. It's still so weird hearing you welcome it."

Not wanting to go any further with this conversation, I forced myself to yawn and said, "I know, Darien, but right now I'm tired and I think I should get some sleep while it's early. I'll call you tonight before you go to sleep. I promise."

"Alright. Sweet dreams, Emily."

"Thank you, Darien." With that, I hung up the phone and walked back into my room. I didn't pick up my book because I found it very hard to concentrate. My thoughts were racing just as they do every time Darien surprises me with an unexpected visit or phone call.

Darien has always been a very kind person. It’s one of the things that made me fall in love with him when we were together. But we’re not anymore due to a few things, and it’s a sore subject I still refuse to talk about even though it has been two years since. I’m just really glad it didn’t affect our friendship.

Pushing all thoughts of Darien aside, I went to my bed and lay down. I laid there staring at the ceiling for a long time before I finally pulled the blankets up to my chin and closed my eyes. Call Darien when you wake up, I said in my head, making a mental note and finally went to sleep.


After I hung up the phone with Emily I sat at the kitchen table and put my face in my hands. Each time I do something I think would surprise her, she finds some way to shoot me down; like she did just now. It makes me wonder if I’m just wasting my time, but I know that I’m not; I can’t be.

Getting up from the table, I made my way to my room. I stood there for a moment trying to decide what I wanted to do for the day since Emily couldn’t do anything. I thought I would call Chris, but decided against it. So, I looked around and my eyes finally came to a stop on the book Emily let me borrow a few months ago. I hadn’t even opened the book to read the first page, and decided I would do that now. Emily said it was a really good book and that I would enjoy it, so I thought I would do just that until nightfall when she would call.

I read at least half of the book before I decided I could just go by Emily’s house. Her parents never minded if I came over. I walked into the living room and looked at the computer for the time since we didn't have a clock anywhere in the house that actually worked. It was already three in the afternoon. Emily would be up soon, and going over there now would give us more time to spend together.

I walked outside and noticed my parents weren’t home. It was kind of strange that they hadn’t called me, but I didn’t really think anything of it. They probably forgot to charge their cell phones before they left, and it’s really not like they would worry about me. They knew I was going to Emily’s. So that could have been the reason they hadn’t called.

It didn’t take me very long to get to Emily’s. I knew I shouldn’t have taken my car since she liked walking everywhere, but it was a “just in case” thing. She’s always enjoyed walking, and I think now that she’s a vampire she enjoys it even more. Though I don’t really know, I’ve never taken the time to ask her.

I sat in the car for a moment and thought back on our relationship that ended almost a year ago. She’d always asked me to go walking with her every where. Actually, we were never apart. But I thought back on all of the walking trips we had. Her favorite place to walk was always Sherling’s Lake, and after walking the trail there a bit, she would always go by the pier. Her favorite time to do that was always at night, though they closed at dusk. So we found some way to sneak in. I always enjoyed watching her and listening to the things she’s always had to say. Though she doesn’t really seem like it, she has always been a very deep person. I loved how she used to be so open with me when she couldn’t be with anyone else. But things aren’t like that anymore; not since we ended things. I hurt her and though I have yet admit it to her, I regret that I did. It was a pointless reason and I know I should have listened to what she had to say before overreacting, but… I didn’t.

Pushing away all thoughts of the sore subject, I got out of the car and walked to the door. I stood there on the front porch for a few seconds and then knocked on the door. When it opened, I expected to see Mr. or Mrs. Peterson, but instead I saw her little sister, Ellie.

“Emily is still sleeping, Darien. Maybe you should come back when she’s awake,” she said.

“I know, but I wanted to be here when she woke up.”

She sighed. “Darien, I really don’t want her angry with you when she wakes up, and you know she will be if she sees you here.”

I nodded, knowing it was true, but not wanting to say anything else about it. When she stepped back, I walked past her and into the living room. “So where are your mom and dad?” I asked after I sat down on the couch.

“I don’t know. They went out earlier and still haven’t gotten back. I’m pretty sure they will when it’s time for Emily to wake up,” she said nonchalantly.

I nodded. “So what shall we do to pass the time until Emily wakes up?”

“Watch TV like we used to. What else?” she said with a smile.


When I woke up, all I heard was the sound of the TV in the living room. It troubled me at first because Ellie is usually on the phone or has someone over at this time, and I would usually smell food and hear my mother and father talking in the kitchen; usually when they went out, they would be back by now.

Getting out of bed, I walked into the living room to see what Ellie was doing or if she was even here. When I got to the end of the hallway, I saw Darien and Ellie asleep on the couch. I wanted to be angry that he was here before I called him to let him know I was awake, but I couldn’t be.

Smiling, I walked back to my room, grabbed my camera, walked back into the living room, and took a picture of them. After I did that, I stood there for a moment and silently watched the two of them. Glancing at the TV, I noticed that were watching Ellie’s favorite movie, Bambi.

I thought back to the day my parents adopted Ellie. My mom wanted to have children, but after almost dying while giving birth to me, the doctors told her she couldn’t. My father tried to tell her that I was a handful on my own, but she wouldn’t listen. It was when I was thirteen that she considered adoption.

I didn’t really go with them then because I wanted to spend some time with Darien, so they let me. When they brought her home she was just a little shy, so Darien started talking to her. “Hi. I’m Darien. What’s your name?” he asked.

“Ellie,” she said quietly.

“How old are you, Ellie?”


“Three!” he exclaimed. When she nodded her head with a smile, he said, “Wow, three. Well, I’m thirteen.”

She looked at me and asked, “How old are you?”

It shocked me at first because I realized that I hadn’t been talking, but when I recovered, I said, “I’m thirteen, too; and my name is Emily.”

She smiled. “You’re my new big sister.”

I smiled back. “That’s right.”

“Well, let’s go inside so we can show Ellie her new room, okay?” my dad said.

“Okay,” we all said in unison.

Each time Darien came over afterwards, he always spent time with her. We would always watch movies with her, play games, or read to her when it was time for her to go to sleep. And yeah, we spent our own time together, but it wasn’t just as much. And it was like that for the two years Ellie had been with us. At least until one of my dad’s coworkers came home with him. When he showed up, things in my life slowly changed. Ellie was to stay with my grandparents for a few weeks, and my parents wouldn’t let me hang with my friends. And each time I went somewhere, Aidan, my dad’s coworker, would follow me around. It was nerve-wreaking at first, but then I finally put it in the back of my mind; and I never went anywhere much. It caused a few problems with Darien and I, but somehow we managed.

A year later, Aidan finally told me what he was. I didn’t believe him at first, though. At least until he showed me by forcefully making me a vampire. I didn’t tell my parents. No one knew why I never went outside anymore, but luckily we were on summer vacation and not everyone thought it was suspicious. Late nights and sleeping in were kind of normal. But that secret didn’t really stay a secret very long. Two weeks later, Aidan called me worthless and left without another word. Ellie came home, and my parents let me go and do things I wanted and I got to spend more time with Darien; as long as it was at night.

One night I was at a pool party one of my friends was having and I was pretty hungry, but thought I could do just fine for a few hours. I was kind of wrong. Darien and I walked off on our own, and I regret that. Not even a minute after we were alone all I could think about was blood. I could even hear his heart beat and smell his blood. I kept telling myself that I should get away from him, but I couldn’t. And somehow, I controlled his mind enough to get what I wanted. Everyone there saw and eventually Darien found out, freaked, and ended our relationship.

To this day I still don’t know how I controlled his mind. I have tried a few times, but I still can’t figure it out. Not that I really need to. Everyone’s pitched in to get blood drawn so I don’t have to put myself through that guilt anymore.

I’ve been hoping that another vampire would come into town and teach me some of the things I’ve so wanted to learn, but I lost hope six months after. I have learned how to read minds and put my thoughts in others’ minds, and I have learned how to open, close, lock, and unlock doors. But as for the other stuff, I still don’t know how to do it.

Shaking my thoughts away, I quietly walked over to the couch and gently shook Ellie. When she opened her eyes, I pressed a finger to my lips to ask her to keep quiet. When she nodded, she pointed to her head. At first I thought she had a headache, so I got up to walk to the kitchen, but she grabbed my arm and pointed to her head again. It was then I realized she had something she wanted to tell me, so I concentrated on her thoughts.

Please don’t be mad at Darien, Emily. He just wanted to spend some time with you, she said.

Well, I kind of can’t help but be. He knows that he shouldn’t be here until I call him, I said.

He just wanted to spend some time with you, Emily. He still really cares about you. He told me so himself. Please just give him the chance to make things better.

It was easy to understand why she was telling me this. She thought I didn’t care for Darien in that way anymore; which is a good thing since I’ve hidden it so well for the passed year. So I told her, Everything is fine between Darien and I, Ellie. You shouldn’t worry about that.

No it’s not, she said, Darien feels completely horrible for what he did to you.

It annoyed me that my kid sister was telling me things that he should be able to tell me himself, so I simply said, Ellie, just go to bed. I will talk to Darien about this later. Now go. I wasn't kidding about dealing with him, but it wasn't going to be the civilized kind. I was going to scare him, which is something he completely deserved.

Once Ellie was in her room, I walked over to the couch again. "Darien, wake up," I said while shaking him.

"Emily?" he asked groggily.

"Well who else were you expecting?" I snapped.

He opened his eyes slowly and asked, "How long was I out?"

"I don't know. I just walked in here."

"Where's Ellie?"

"She's in bed. Speaking of Ellie, this brings me to my question I was going to ask you but almost forgot about."

He sat up. "Emily, I just wanted to spend time with you. I don't want to argue with you."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not arguing. I'm just a little annoyed that you can tell my sister how you feel when you can't even tell me."

"Well, you're not all that great at telling me how you feel either."

"You're right, but I don't tell Ellie, either. As a matter of fact, I don't tell anyone."

"And why not?" He stood up. "Is it because you're afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of anything." I was lying. There was so much I was afraid of, but it was best I not tell him that.

"Just go walking with me, Emily. We'll talk about everything that needs to be said."

"Fine." I walked to my room and changed from my pajamas to actual clothes. Honestly, I was too angry to think of how great this chance to talk to Darien would really be. All I could think about was how much I wanted to yell at him.

Once I walked out of my room, he looked at me and smiled, but I just darted passed him and walked to his car. I didn’t know if he had it locked or not, so I just stood beside it. When he got to the driver’s side and got in, I did the same, and after that, we were off to Sherling’s Lake.


The car ride was quiet. Emily kept playing “Had Enough” by Breaking Benjamin over and over again until I couldn’t take it anymore and turned the radio off. When I was just about to ask her why she read her sister’s mind, she said, “How could you tell my sister something you can’t even tell me, Darien?”

“Why were you reading your sisters thoughts?” I asked.

“Because she wanted me to. You know as well as I do that I wouldn’t invade anyone else’s mind without permission. But that’s beside the point. Why did you tell Ellie something you couldn’t tell me?”

“Because I feel more comfortable telling other people than I do you.” I sighed. “Do you think I feel all that great knowing you can read every thought I have if you wanted to?”

She stared at me, so I continued, “I care about you, Emily. Honestly, I never stopped. It’s why I call you so much, it’s why I surprise you all of the time. But you act like you really don’t care anymore. And what I would like to know is if you do or don’t.”

She shook her head. “I don’t have time for this. Stop the car and let me out. I’ll walk home.”

“Will you stop running from me; from yourself? At least for a second?”

“What makes you think I’m running?” she asked in an annoyed tone.

“Because I know you, Emily. When you get afraid, you run. You always do it when you don’t want to face it.”

“I have nothing to be afraid of,” she said.

“Stop with the bull crap, Emily! You may not be afraid of growing older like you used to be because you’re a vampire, and you may not be afraid of some of the other things we… we… mortals are, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid. I know you’re still afraid of losing us; your friends, and I know very well that you’re still afraid of yourself; of your feelings. You may be excellent at hiding things from other people, but you can’t hide anything from me,” I all but yelled.

She just looked at me, and for a moment, I thought I won but then she said, “If I can’t hide anything from you and you know so much about me, then go ahead and tell me what I’m feeling right now. Tell me what I’ve made you believe, Darien. Go ahead. Prove to me that you know me better than anyone else because, honestly, I don’t think you can do it.”

I just stared straight forward. I couldn’t say anything. My mind had gone completely blank.

"That's what I thought," she said. "You only like to believe you know so much about me, but you don't."

After that the car ride was silent until we got to Sherling's Lake. When we pulled over to a spot near the entrance, but at a spot that hid the car, I watched her before getting out. She looked like she was concentrating on something, but I didn't dare ask her. After we got out of the car, and walked toward the camp grounds of the place, I watched her even more. This time she seemed completely lost. I watched her as she licked her lips and I soon began to worry. "Emily? Are you alright?"

She looked at me, her eyes completely gold. "Yeah. I -- I'm fine." She blinked a few times and her eye color returned to the normal shade of sapphire blue with that golden ring around them.

"Maybe we --"

"No, it's fine," she said, cutting me off.

I grabbed her arm. "We're going home, Emily. You're not in any shape to be far away from home."

She looked at me; those golden eyes back. "If you're scared, maybe you should just go without me."

"I'm not leaving you here. You're not in any kind of shape to be out here tonight." Realizing that she wasn't going to listen to my reasoning, I pulled out my pocket knife and ran it across my wrist. When it started bleeding, I held it out toward her. I sat there waiting for her to make a move and watched her nostrils flare and as she licked her lips. Then her eyes darted toward my face. After staring at me a few seconds, she ripped the end of her shirt and tied it around my wrist. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Let's just go home, Darien. You're right. I'm not in any shape to be out here tonight. Maybe tomorrow."

We got in the car and sat there for a moment before she said, “Go to your house and get some sleep. You’ve got school tomorrow.”

“I think I should take you home first, Emily.”

“No, you don’t. I have something I have to do in town. I’ll make it home just fine.”

“But you live twenty minutes or so away from town.”

“I know,” she said passively. “I’ll get home. Don’t worry about me. I’ll ride with you to your house.”

I knew I couldn’t change her mind, so I just shrugged and started the car. I had a pretty good idea on what she was going to do, and though I didn’t like the idea, I knew she had no other choice. And I knew she didn’t want the same incident that happened a year ago to repeat itself. It scared her; it scared everyone. But it’s how we discovered what she’d become, and we accepted it.

When we got to my house, she hugged me. “Goodnight, Darien. Sweet dreams, and have a good day at school tomorrow.”

Before I could say anything, she disappeared. “Goodnight,” I said to no one and walked into the house.


I didn’t know what had gotten into me tonight. All I know is when I got near the campgrounds all I could hear were the heartbeats of every person there. It made me remember that I hadn’t had any blood in at least a week, and I needed some. So after I said goodnight to Darien, I went hunting.

I was following this late night jogger when I sensed something out of the ordinary. I stopped and hid behind the bushes, letting my prey slip away so I could investigate what this presence was. I sat there for a few seconds when a saw a boy walking after my prey. When he walked passed, I realized that he was the unordinary presence I felt.

He was wearing a black Slipknot t-shirt, black jeans, and black and read Adio Hamiltons. His hair was shoulder-length and blonde. I had to admit that from the distance I saw him, he looked really good.

Pushing how good he looked aside, I waited until he rounded a corner before I moved to follow. I continued to follow him for about two blocks and ended up right in front of Darien’s house. I felt my heart begin to race as he watched the house. I didn’t know what he was going to do, and though I had this sudden urge to attack this stranger, I sat still and watched, waiting for him to make a move.

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84 Reviews

Points: 3165
Reviews: 84

Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:30 am
Knurla says...

Hey SuzieCake!

I don't exactly agree with Lone-Flower's third review from the top.

"I made a mental note to call Darien when I woke up, and finally went to sleep."

I think this sounds a little bit better (no offense, Lone-Flower).

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27 Reviews

Points: 890
Reviews: 27

Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:19 am
lone-flower wrote a review...

Oooh. Another vampire story :D.

I liked this a lot. It's different from the others the way she's still living with her family and her friends accepting her for who she is. That's pretty interesting to me.

Here's a few mistakes I found:

"I know." He paused for a moment. "Emily? Do you miss going to school with us in the day? Because I miss being able to see you as much, and I miss [s]spending[/s] being able to drive around with you all of the time.

Not wanting to go [s]into[/s] any further with this conversation, I forced myself to yawn and said, "I know, Darien, but right now I'm tired and I think I should get some sleep while it's early. I'll call you tonight before you go to sleep. I promise."

Call Darien when you wake up, [s]I said in my head, making a mental note[/s] I made a mental note in my head, and finally went to sleep.

I thought I would call Chris [s]at first[/s], but decided against it. So, I looked around and my eyes finally came to [s]a[/s] stop on the book Emily let me borrow a few months ago

I read [s]at [/s]half of the book before I decided I could just go by Emily’s house. Her parents never minded if I came over. I walked into the living room and looked at the computer for [s]the[/s] some time.

Though I don’t really know, I’ve never [s]took[/s] taken the time to ask her.

I nodded, knowing it was true, but not wanting to say anything else about it. When she stepped back, I walked [s]passed[/s] past her and into the living room. “So where are your mom and dad?” I asked after I sat down on the couch.

Getting out of bed, I walked into the living room to see what Ellie was doing or if she was even here. When I got to the end of the hallway, I saw Darien and Ellie asleep on the couch. I wanted to be angry that he was [s]there[/s] here before I called him to let him know I was awake, but I couldn’t be.

I thought back [s]on[/s] to the day my parents adopted Ellie.

My father tried to tell her that I was a [s]hand full[/s] handful on my own

Hey, I don't have any time to correct other mistakes anymore. Maybe I'll edit this later.

Keep writing!

If I seem to wander, if I seem to stray, remember that true stories seldom take the straightest way.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind