
Young Writers Society


by StellaThomas

*Edited, though I'm afraid I might have put too many clichés in while editing, if you see any hanging around, shoot them. Thanks to all who have critted so far, I really appreciate it.*

I touch the scars on his face gently, running my fingers along the crimson cuts. He pauses, afraid to move.

The scars drag the corner of his mouth up into an eternal grimace. His eye is distorted, pulled down in the corner. The lines and dots run the whole way down his face. A huge gash perches itself on his forehead amongst the brown and black that will never heal.

I can see hope in these scars. His damaged eye stares at me. It’s brown inside, not a deep brown or a hazel, or different shades, just brown. Mud brown, but not rich mud or dry mud. There’s no sparkle or twinkle, no glint in these eyes. But there’s hope.

I twist my mouth, biting my bottom lip, as I let my hand drop. There's agony there as well as hope. The agony of being shunned again and again. Of being refused, of dirty stares.

But that's not all. I can see, reflected in his eyes, the pain he sees in the gaze of his friends and family everyday. “They used to say I was beautiful,” he told me once. “Not any more.”

I can’t help but bite my lip harder as this comes back to me.

And I notice how he catches every twitch of muscle in my face, and interprets it. At once, as my teeth press onto my lip, there’s disappointment instead of hope.

I widen my eyes to make them smile, just ever so slightly, and hope returns.

My next blink, unintentionally, lasts a fraction longer than usual. Behind my lids, I can see his whole life, the life I never met until a few weeks ago.

I can see how he watches everybody. He sees everything in their face, because they can see nothing in his. What has been taken away from him; he envies. Anyone would. But the past three years, from what I gather, he’s studied everyone around him. He’s seen every muscle move, he knows what every expression means, he can guess what you’re about to say long before you say it. But I’ve never let him. I’ve always tried to come straight out, or I’ve let my hands do the talking, like he does.

I open my eyes again, a nanosecond later to see the hope gone again.

“It’s okay,” he says quietly. “I get it.”

His voice is still silky smooth. He’s learnt that you only need two-thirds of a mouth to speak 'properly.' He retains his accent, upper class and English, still. He can talk with me the same way anyone can. It's only when he shouts that the scars affect his voice.

But I've never heard him shout, I think as I look at him. Always, no matter how he's feeling, there's that underlying calm that I can see.

“Do you?” I say back.

“Of course,” he says with a nod. “It’s only natural. It’s just, these past few weeks I thought that maybe you were the one who would… understand.”

“I do understand. I do.”

“But it’s not enough huh?” he asks, and I can almost hear bitterness in these words. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

I frown at him, and for once I leave him to try and interpret it. He shakes his head, so slightly, to tell me he’s puzzled.

I put my hand back up, pressing it fully against his skin. It’s rough and textured, interesting, not like my own I try so hard to keep smooth.

“Of course it’s enough,” I say. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

His fingers hover in his lap and he stutters “I-you-you-”

“You’re beautiful. Anyone who can’t see that is blind.”

He’s speechless. I look into those brown eyes and I know what he is thinking.

Very slowly, I lean forwards and press my lips to his.

It isn’t a proper kiss. You can’t kiss two thirds of a mouth. But he tastes of rejection, and denial, and exclusion.

And hope, and laughter, and friendship.

It’s enough, I think.

I smile hugely for both of us.

“I thought you-”

“You were right. I’ve gotten to know you so well. And I love you.” I told him simply. “I don’t care.”

He pauses, confusion mingles with the hope.

“Kiss me again,” he says firmly.

I do, and this time, there’s desire, lust, longing, craving and it’s all in my direction, as he puts his hand on my hip and pulls me towards him.

This time though, it seems to lack something.

I pull away and look at him. He's confused, I can tell. I just told him I love him and now I'm refusing him. I want him to know why.

A few moments pass, and he can’t seem to tell what I’m trying to tell him.

“I love you,” I repeat, trying to make my point, trying to make him see that he's so much more to me than just someone to kiss. I press my hand on the less marred side of his face.

“I love you too,” he says, and this time he kisses me.

This time, there’s nothing there but pure, unadulterated love. No beauty, or envy, or anger. Just me and my beautiful boy.

And that’s more than enough.

I was just thinking how much emphasis in romance is put on beauty. Well, this is a bit about beauty, but, mm, well, if you're reading this, you'll know what I was trying to do. Fight the cliché! Crits much appreciated. BTW, as to how he was scarred, take your pick from any number of explanations.

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Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:35 pm
ashleylee says...

I loved how you showed that love can overcome anything and it isn't just about all the beauty people make it out to be. It wasn't overly done either. Just the right amount to get across. Well done!

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Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:21 pm
KJ says...

I liked this. You did very well describing face expressions, and with your dialogue. I didn't find it boring, sappy, or over-dramatic, either. You go, writer!

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Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:07 pm
StellaThomas says...

Wow, JFW, thank you so much! It really means a lot that you've taken the time to do that for me! I'll change it.

Learned, I think, is an American thing, I'd get my head bitten off if I wrote it in class here I think :D.

And I kind of thought that it would be his house, not hers. I don't know. I just saw the scene taking place in someone's living room, though I guess it could be wherever. Do you think I should just say that he pulled her over, so that whoever is reading can use their imagination? Because if you saw it taking place outside and then I kind of break that illusion... do you know what I mean? Yeah, I'll change it.

And as for the whole ." to ," thing, sorry about that, but believe it or not, I have had it explained to me and I shall change it straightaway!

So thanks a million for taking the time to critique!

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Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:47 pm
JFW1415 wrote a review...

Eh, my review's kind of long...sorry!

By the way, if they show up side by side like I'm trying to get them to (so I don't take up TOO much space :P) then it goes one two three down, then four and five in the next column. :P


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Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:55 pm
cat4prowl says...

That was amazing. The way he interprets emotions so well really puts the frosting on the cake, so to speak. Much more interesting than beautiful people all the time, great job. Wow.

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:49 am
Leja wrote a review...

He can’t shout unless he’s inarticulate though.

You might want to rephrase this; it seems to contradict itself with the word "inarticulate".

But he never shouts. He never raises his voice. He’s the quietest, calmest, most accepting person I know.

^ This is also blatant showing. Not so much the first two sentences, but the third one, definitely. It has this odd effect of halting and speeding up the story at the same time. Almost like pausing the story, then fastforwarding it for a few seconds.

The only thing you might want to take a really close look at is your use of the actual word "hope". Hope should not be something declared by the writer, made obvious by a pointed-out look in someone's eyes, or description or anything, but a feeling the reader can take away from a situation. There is an overuse of the word "hope" in this story.

Also, take a look at the dialogue tags. In rapid-fire dialogue, tags after every phrase slow things down, and take you out of the story more than they immerse you in it.

That was sweet! The premise has potential to be tacky, but that did not happen at all in this story, so nice execution!

You're right; a lot of romance does focus on physical beauty. I like how you used a different standard for this. I'm also glad you didn't feel the need to how he had been scarred since that isn't the focus of what's important here.

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:49 pm
StellaThomas says...

Wow thanks!

As for the one-sentence paragraphs... sorry, it's a bit of a habit...

But thanks a lot for reading!!!! (again, it means a lot!)

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Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:36 pm
Heatherish wrote a review...

This is not the first thing I have read of yours but again, I'm not disappointed in the least. You have this incredible ability to write pieces that are happy, sad, emotional, romantic, and hopeful all in one. It's truly amazing. The one and only negative(ish) thing I will say about this piece is that there a lot of one sentence paragraphs. I dont know if that was done on purpose for affect or what, but um, just, there are a lot of them. Anyway I'm moving off the negative. Again, this was really good and I sincerely hope you continue to write.

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Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:20 am
saves says...

This was really moving.
I can't find a single thing to say exept, please, please write more.

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Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:40 pm
StellaThomas says...

Wow, thanks!

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Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:38 pm
Rei says...

You certainly do have talent, and a mind for deeply emotional pieces without being sappy. And a talent for keeping me attention, which is not easy to do on a computer screen.

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Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:11 pm
SimonCowellLuver wrote a review...

I can find some punctuation mistakes but not a bid deal. But great story I loved it. It had touched me. Great content not rude or anything negative. Well expressed and planned written. Keep writing things like this and you will have your own book. LOL XD!

I enjoyed it a lot. Keep On Writing.


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Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:15 pm
DarkSweetRose89 says...

This was really touching and sweet. I loved it. No mistakes at all. Good job :)

Keep up the good work.

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Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:04 am
PerforatedxHearts wrote a review...

This is really nice, very warming, but there are some problems I have with this:

1. You start almost every paragraph with "I". Vary it.

2. It's over too fast. I think you should, not in terms of elaborating because you already have that going on, but developing your characters. We know he's a bitter person, and we know she's willing to look past that. But the story ends too fast.

3. The action also moves too fast. First, you're dragging out the moment. Half of the piece is dedicated to description, the other half is pretty much cramming in the sexual activity.

That's pretty much all I can say, for now. I had to skim over the piece, but I'm a fast reader anyways.

Good job. You're not quite there, but you certainly are on the way.

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Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:35 am

Awww I love a story where the person looks beyond appearance.

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Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:27 pm
kirstybree wrote a review...

This is a concept that has been done many times over but I like the simple approach that you took to it. The symbolism that you used was interesting. But at the end with the kisses it didn't work for me, it was a bit confusing. Is it just friendship? Is it just lust? Is it love? I know ultimately that it says its "pure love" but I get thrown off by those other feelings described, just make it a little bit more clear. Other than that I liked it :)

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Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:25 pm
cloudy.skiesx says...

I don't have a single bad point to mention, I think that's brilliant. I really love it, I don't know what else to say really. Keep up the great work!

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Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:31 pm
musicfish789 wrote a review...

This piece really touched me. I love how it emphasizes that love is not about looks or how smooth your skin is. It show that love is pure if you look beyond the outside of a person. Or, that's my interpretation of it. I know that this is an awful critique, because I can't find anything wrong with your story, but I absolutely loved it! Keep writing, because you have a real talent.

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