
Young Writers Society

The Violet Saga: Year One Chapter 5

by Soulkana

Chapter 5: Adoption

Anulekha drifted into the room. Graceful and reserved footsteps allowed her the capability to sneak in without being spotted. She let a small smile appear on her face. at the young girl asleep on the bed. Transparent hands attempted to stroke the soft black hair only to go through. The child shuddered and turned away. With a sad sigh Anulekha took out of her pocket a violet pawn. Fingers gently grasped the wooden piece as she whispered, “Ayax viel.”

She set the violet pawn down. No longer was it a polished wood it now was made of amethyst. Now the child would know of her existence. It was vital this child knew of her or the plan could go awry.

Placing the pawn on the bedside table she whispered, “Good luck, little one. I will do my best to protect your future.”

As quietly as she had entered she left. She wished fervently that she would be able to keep the child safe as the plan went on. Shaking the images of all might happen if she failed from her mind she appeared back into her pocket of space and time.

She stepped back into the room and felt time slow down. The feeling of being back in her little home between two time streams. The warm breeze caressed her hair as she walked to the board. It was laid out on a small table with several papers scattered around. Scribbled and balled up many of them now lay abandoned on the floor. Kicking one of them off somewhere she gazed down at the board.

Scattered around the board were several red, black, and violet pieces. The game was clearly recently started. You could tell by the lack of missing pieces and how close the pieces were to their starting areas. She let out a small triumphant smirk as she waved her hand over the board. One of the violet knights moved up from its starting point.

‘This will come back and be very important later on. I can feel it.’ Anulekha thought as her mind spun webs of possible moves and outcomes. She finally realized that this would be a right choice for this present time. She smiled as she muttered, “I always will protect you, Chieko.”

Alexis peered at the sun. Feeling better than the day before but still feeling sick. She got out of bed and went to the closet, looking for something to wear. First looking at the right side of her closet she pulled out a yellow sundress. Eyes stared at it with harboring disdain. After putting the monstrosity back, she then went to dresser in the back and pulled open the first wooden drawer to find a white crew neck shirt and in the last drawer was some simple jeans. Looking pleased she shut the dusty old drawers and walked.

She leaned against the wall, closing her eyes, briefly, before opening them. Something felt different, she felt different. Somewhere in her head alarm bells rang, with a determined drive she went to the bathroom and looked at her reflection. There were slight changes in her appearance. While they weren’t obvious if you looked close to an old photo and to her reflection you’d see it. Her hair was slightly lighter, and the tips were colored silver. Her eyes were now darker, the color of amethyst and seemed to swallow you in their gaze.

Getting down from the stool, Alexis walked downstairs into the kitchen. She saw Rosa, who was nursing a cup of coffee and looking over a rather impressive stack of papers, her eyes, seem to be distant, and clouded with an emotion Alexis couldn’t describe.

“Rosa, what are you reading?” Alexis asked, curiously as she took out a box of Frosted Flakes from the cupboard. She sat at the table and looked at Rosa, waiting for an answer.

Rosa blinked, pulled out of her thoughts by the young child and said, “They’re adoption papers, Alexis. I was looking them over, in case you would say yes...”

Alexis cocked her head to the left slightly, her face turned to confusion as she asked, “If I would say yes to what, Rosa?”

Rosa smiled, her eyes sparking with laughter, as she explained, “Well Alexis, since I was your godmother, I was wondering if you would like for me to adopt you as my own child?.”

Alexis sat in the chair, her head still tilted slightly, and her legs began to swing back and forth, as if she could stay still for more than a few minutes, and asked, “So you’d become my mommy?”

Rosa chuckled and said, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean your mother still isn’t your mother. And she doesn’t love you any less.”

Alexis paused in her eating, and said, “Of course mommy loves me! So does that mean I can call you mom?”

Rosa laughed, as she sat the coffee down, and watched Alexis carefully. Hoping she would see any signs of what she was thinking, however the child seemed to be thinking deeply, but her face and eyes weren’t giving anything away.

“If you want to or you could just call me Rosa. Whatever makes you the most comfortable with.” Rosa said, as she noticed Alexis was frowning slightly.

Alexis pondered the idea, her thoughts seemed to be going in different directions, ‘Will Mommy be mad if I called Rosa Mom? She said, though she hoped that I would find Rosa instead of someone else. So maybe Mommy and Daddy would like it if I became Rosa’s child too.’

Rosa began to worry that she had pushed too far when Alexis didn’t reply. She got up and went to the counter, remembering the antibiotics Alexis had to take. As she pulled one out to give to her she heard Alexis whisper, so silently that at first she thought she had imagined it, “I would like to....call you mom.”

Rosa smiled, as she handed the pill over, saying, “Alright then we’ll go over to the agency with the papers signed later today. So what do you want to do today Alexis? Nothing too strenuous though, you’re still sick.”

Alexis glanced up at her and asked, “Can I read in the dining room?” Her eyes were bright with hope, her smile practically brightened up the world as Rosa nodded and ran upstairs in her excitement.

She grabbed the books her parents had sent and held her excitement in, just enough, to walk down the stairs instead of running. However it quickly vanished when she reached the bottom and she ran into the dining room, and sat in a corner, between two bookcases. It was her usual spot for reading, and the other kids knew not to mess with it or disturb it if she left books there. She always knew if something was taken.

She opened the book, The Beginner’s Guide to Lordship/Ladyship, and began to read. Her fingers traced the lines as she read, as she faithfully absorbed as much information as she could.

Chapter One: The requirements and Responsibilities of being the Lord/Lady

In order to become a Lord or Lady of a family, you must be the legal heir and of age of seventeen. You may be able to receive the title of Lord or Lady when you are accepted into a magical school, but this is most often not chosen due to the fact you would need to have someone make the decisions until you reach your final creature inheritance.

The reason this is uncommon is because it gives the family’s enemies the power to take control of their profits if they succeed. Most families have a member that acts as the one who will take control should you wish to take the title earlier than your inheritance.

When you become the Lord or Lady of the Angemon family you gain three things. You gain the insight of the funds and properties you inherit, you gain the family’s official ring, passed down from heir to heir, and also a skill only the heir and the former heir may receive.

The ring may be given to you the day succeeding the coming into the creature inheritance. To receive it you must go the family manor and into the vault, protected by wards and enhancements. You must pass the test of loyalty devised by the ancestor.

There will be many responsibilities required of an heir and then the head of the family. You must protect the family and the heirs. You must take care to keep the line going by making sure of having at least two eligible heirs. The Angemon family has always supported female and male heirs.

The heir must learn to respect every family they meet. They must be able to be polite and curtsy to any noble, even when facing the enemy. To disrespect a noble of equal, more, or even less power could prove to be very harmful to the reputation. The heir must be taught in all languages and customs of the nobles world wide and to be versed in the mannerisms in which they will be required to use.

As an heir, you must be willing to protect and serve your family. To lead the family forward for the good of family, not for just yourself. Such selfishness is frowned upon by the Angemon family, should you use the power for such use the consequences shall be dire.

She set it down when she began to feel tired, her eyes began to droop as she fell sideways, only to be stopped by the bookcase. She was soon asleep, the pendant felt slightly warm against her skin, comforting her.

Rosa poked her head in the dining room doorway a few hours later, around lunch time. Seeing the child asleep in the corner, huddled with the books clutched to her chest, she smiled. She felt slightly guilty for waking the child from what seemed like a peaceful sleep, but it was lunchtime and she needed to take her medicine once again.

Meanwhile, high above, a young man was glancing down at Alexis, his transparent blue eyes gazed down at her, thoughtfully. He pondered over asking to being able to talk to her as his wife could, but decided he would wait and see. He rested his hand against the pair of blue and violet wings he sported, and smiled, proudly down at his child, “I love you Alexis, you shall become a great young woman.”

Alexis shifted in her sleep as a soft voice whispered in her head, as if was coming from all directions, “I love you, Alexis, you shall become a great young woman.” She felt the pride and love in that voice, sounding so much like her father, she whispered sleepily back, “I love you too, Daddy, I’ll make you and Mommy be proud of me.”

Rosa had just touched Alexis’’ shoulder to wake her up, when she heard the child whisper in her sleep, “I love you too, Daddy...” she couldn’t hear the rest, but she wondered if she was just repeating a memory she had of her father or something else.

She shook the child awake and said, “Alexis it’s time for lunch. Come on, sweetie, up you get.”

Alexis grumbled as she pushed Rosa’s hand away, mumbling sleepily, “Nooo I don’t wanna get up.”

Rosa felt laughter shake her body as she fought to keep it under control. Barely she managed to say, “Come on sweetie, you can go back to bed after you’re done.”

Alexis pouted, before sighing. Getting up, she relented to the fact she was going to have to eat, even though all she wanted was to sleep. As she fixed her shirt, she walked behind Rosa, wondering if the voice in her mind had really been her Daddy, it had sounded exactly like him.

She watched as Rosa placed a bowl of tomato soup and a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches in the center of the table, and wanted to protest she wasn’t hungry but her stomach growled, betraying her. She sat down and allowed herself to take a sandwich and dip it into the tomato soup.

Rosa watched her eat and wondered if the child would be well enough to go to school Monday, as it was Thursday. The child was getting better remarkably fast. She seemed to get sick too often though and she worried if there was something more dangerous wrong with her. She set a goal to call the doctor to have her examined just to be safe. It would be needed for schooling later on, when she was accepted into a school like her parents and herself had attended around her age.

Alexis finished the soup and sandwich, looking tired once again, but she took the pill and swallowed it with the help of the rest of the apple juice. She glanced at the stairs, and mentally whined about how much energy it would take to walk up them and into her bed.

Debating her delima she didn’t notice Rosa’s amused look until she picked her up. Letting out a small shriek of shock, Alexis squirmed, not knowing what she was doing, causing Rosa to laugh.

“Relax, you looked tired and I figured it would be faster just to put you in bed myself. After all I’m sure you don’t want to walk all that way on your own.” Rosa said, jokingly, laughing at Alexis’s horrified expression.

“NOOO!!!” Alexis shrieked, horrified as she thought of having to walk there on her own, knowing she’d probably fall asleep before she reached her bedroom.

As Rosa opened the door to the bedroom, she noticed the soft breathing of Alexis, and knew she had fallen asleep. Smiling to herself she placed the child in the bed, for what seemed like a routine now. Pulling the covers over the child, she kissed her on the forehead and whispered, “Sleep tight, lil child.”

She closed the door, leaving it ajar just enough so light still streamed inside, knowing that Alexis still feared the dark. She went downstairs and shifted the books she had left in the corner, so that they would be hidden from view of the younger ones. That way they wouldn’t touch them. She picked up the phone and dialed.

“Excuse me, but may I request an appointment to be held in a few hours?” Rosa asked as she began to check in on the other children, seeing some of them stirring, nightmares plaguing their dreams.

She gently stroked their hair as she spoke quietly to the person on the other line, “I wish to finish the adoption of a child at the Orphanage.”

She hemmed and hummed as the woman on the other line continued to speak, as she left the room, silently, so not to disturb the now sleeping peacefully children, “Yes four o’clock will work. Thank you.”

As she ended the call she glanced at the clock which read, two thirty. She decided to wake Alexis up at three fifteen to get her ready and the papers signed so they could leave and be back by five at the most. With that in mind she began to do chores around the house, keeping record of the time.

Meanwhile, Alexis was upstairs, dreaming. She was once again in the courtyard where her mother stood in stone as a guardian angel over the pond in the center. Alexis moved to the pond and stared at it, curious as to what it held. The liquid was clear, but it wasn’t water. As she gazed into it she saw herself as a child, another as a baby. Then she saw herself when she has seen the red block, just two days before.

As she gazed at a voice spoke, “Welcome back, sweetie. That holds all your memories. It is something I want to teach you to change.”

Blinking, Alexis looked up at the angel, but it was still in stone, “Mommy? What do you mean change? How can I change it?”

“This is your mind, Alexis. You can change how it looks as you want. You will also be able to hide your thoughts and memories for those with telepathic powers. How you can do this is by clearing your mind and allowing yourself to change your mind so your memories are more sorted out.”

Alexis nodded in slight understanding and asked, “So what do I do now?”

“What do you like to do? Do you like sports, science, reading?” Her mother asked as Alexis nodded her head when her mother had said reading.

“Picture your mind as a giant room of bookshelves with my statue somewhere in the room. Be as creative as you wish, my child, this is your mind.” She said, her voice soft and full of love.

Alexis nodded and closed her eyes and pictured the room as hard as she could. When she opened her eyes, her mouth hung open in amazement. It had changed completely to what she had imagined!

The courtyard completely disappeared and was replaced by a large library. The color scheme was violet and silver. The walls were a light silver, the bookcases,, which lay empty at the moment were colored violet. The floor and ceiling were violet and the couch that lay off to the corner was silver. Her Mommy’s statue was standing, proudly, at the entrance. It was almost as if she was standing guard, to keep people out.

In the center were hundreds of books. Each held a different memory, therefor, requiring a separate color or design. Alexis moved to them and heard her mother’s voice saying, “You may organize you memories how you wish. Just be sure to protect the ones that mean the most, so you don’t lose the knowledge they give you.”

Alexis nodded as she began sorting them out. Her fingers gently stroke each book she picked up, her eyes glowing as she saw the memory that book held. With a plan in mind she began, working fast. When she finished she layed down on the couch, her eyes glowing with joy.

All along the room sat many bookcases. She had organized them by importance, the least important were up front They served as blocking the way to the more important. They were floating around the room, in a spiral Almost like a ever present fog. Inside, the most important were locked up and required a specific phrase or word That were ones she could remember. With a smile, she slipped back out of the mindscape and into dreams, sighing in content.

Rosa opened the door to see Alexis sleeping, only this time, she seemed peaceful. As she walked into the room, she could feel a lingering sense that something had happened. The child’s face wasn’t as pale as it usually was nor was her dreams troubled by nightmares.

Gently she shook the child’s shoulder, saying, “Alexis, sweetie, its time to wake up. We need to go finalize the adoption.”

Alexis’s eyes opened instantly, and she jumped out of the bed. Grabbing Rosa’s hand, she shouted, “COME ON COME ON COME ON!!!!” She tried pulling Rosa out the door, but Rosa was too strong for her.

Chuckling at the child’s excitement and began to walk down the stairs. She laughed as Alexis huffed, her lips turned into a childish pout. Apparently, they were still going too slow for her, Rosa said, “Be patient, child, we’ll get there.”

Alexis pouted still, but her eyes gleamed with excitement and impatience as Rosa took the papers out and placed them in front of her, saying, “Alexis I need you to print your name on the line, right here,” Rosa pointed to the dotted line that said, child of request.

Slowly Alexis printed her name: Alexis Elizabeth Angemon. As she put the pend down she watched Rosa print her name down She also printed the names of Alexis’s parents. As she picked up the papers, Rosa said, “Now we can go.”

She helped Alexis into her green jacket, and into the car. As she pulled out of the driveway, Alexis asked, “Rosa, do I seem different from the other kids to you?”

Rosa paused slightly and replied, her voice loving and soft, “When your parents went into hiding with you, two weeks after you were born, I had thought I would never get to see you grow up. It was far too dangerous for you to be seen outside the Angemon Manor. I worried when I saw you on the doorstep that day. You were completely terrified, but yet you had found your way back into my life. I do not want to lose you again, Alexis.”

Alexis nodded, her face brightening as she chirped happily, “I just knew when I found the Orphanage that I’d be safe there, somehow.”

Rosa nodded, knowing that Alexis was one talented young child She hoped that she would be able to be a good mother. She worried about doing something to frighten the child but most importantly she was afraid she would lose her all over again.

The two sat in a hushed silence for a few more minutes before they came to the Adoption Agency. Rosa pulled into an empty parking spot and Alexis opened the door and jumped out, her eyes dancing, cheerfully.

Rosa chuckled as Alexis skipped, merrily in front of her, and said sternly, “Walk inside Alexis, no running or skipping. You might run into someone.”

Alexis pouted slightly, but it vanished when they went inside. She smelled the scent of newly picked mint. With a deep breath, she took in the smell as Rosa directed her to a room, where there was a young woman, sitting at a table, waiting.

Alexis sat down in one of the chairs as Rosa handed the papers to the woman,

whose name tag on the suit read, “Mrs. Sanders.” Alexis was fidgeting in her seat, unable to hold still.

Mrs. Sanders smiled at them and said, “Now all I need to do is ask Alexis, here, a few questions and we shall be done.”

Alexis glanced up at the woman and said, “Okies!”

The woman chuckled and said, her voice turning serious, “Alexis, may I ask where you forced to sign these papers?”

Alexis’s eyes turned from happy to confusion and then to indignation as she scowled, “No one made me do anything! I signed them myself!!”

Mrs. Sanders smiled as she said, “Ok, do you understand what will happen if we make this final?”

Alexis’s eyes darkened as she snapped, “Yes I do! When it is over, Rosa will be my mom!!”

Rosa turned and said sternly, “Alexis, do not speak to Mrs. Sanders that way! It is her job to ask those questions now apologize!”

Alexis’s eyes widened with fear as she quickly said, “I”m sorry!”

Mrs. Sanders smiled comforting saying, “Its ok. Well I’d say that you two will make a happy family and I shall sign the papers to finalize the adoption.”

After she had signed it, Mrs. Sanders wished them good luck and they headed back home. Alexis chattering, cheerfully, the whole way back.

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Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:08 am
Mysterious19 says...

Great job sis. keep up the good work :)

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:43 pm
Soulkana says...

This isn't all of chapter five but it's still in progress since I haven't had time to finish last night. And okies I will listen to them tonight hugs*

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:46 pm
Qoh16 wrote a review...

Oh my jeepers!! Sis I love it!!! We are defientely working on chapter 6 tonight. There were some concerns I had but I will save them for tonight. I know I am a little late with the review but I'm doing it now. I can't really go into depth like i want to but i am in school. So we will talk later.Great job!! Keep writing!!! <3 <3 <3

Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.
— Welcome to Night Vale