
Young Writers Society


Mother and Father Part One (Jigoku Shoujo The Saved and the Damned)

by Songmorning

Warning: This work has been rated 16+.

Matthew sat on the bed in his college dorm room, staring down at the black straw doll in his hand. Enma Ai watched him through the window, her red eyes seeming to glow against the darkness behind her. “The rest…is for you to decide,” she said softly.





Paul and Lucy had been dating for almost three months, and they were sure they were in love. When Paul entered the university 5 months ago, Lucy was dazzled by his fun and outgoing personality. Though Lucy had a boyfriend at the time, Paul began secretly revealing his interest in her. Feeling that she didn’t want to be tied down by that boyfriend anymore—especially when Paul was available—Lucy tearfully broke up with him, giving him some vague reasons, but nothing that would make him suspect she liked another guy. A month later, she started dating Paul.

Paul always met Lucy at the bench outside her dorms after their classes were over. Usually, as he approached the bench, Lucy would wave with a grin, excited to see him.

But today, she didn’t wave or smile.

What’s the matter with her? Paul wondered, frowning, Is she mad at me for some reason? He sat down on the bench beside her. She still hardly looked at him. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

A group of students passed on the sidewalk, talking and laughing loudly. Lucy looked up at Paul, biting her lip. “I think we should go talk someplace private,” she said.

Paul became even more uneasy. What could it be? he thought as he got up and followed her into her dorm building, Is she going to break up with me? He really didn’t want to break up, and as far as he could tell, he hadn’t done anything that would make her want to break up. They hardly ever fought. The only thing he could think of was that he had slept with her a while back. He wondered if she might have suddenly decided she was mad about that.

Lucy led him into her dorm room, closing and locking the door behind them. Paul vaguely heard her saying that her roommate had gone to the library, but he was too caught up in his anxiety to really listen. “So what did you want to talk to me about?” he asked abruptly, interrupting her without realizing it. If she was going to dump him, she had better do it quickly.

Lucy moved closer to him and lowered her voice to barely above a whisper. “I’m pregnant,” she said.

Relief washed over Paul. “Oh, is that all?” came out of his mouth, and a silly grin appeared on his face.

Lucy glared at him. “What do you mean, ‘is that all’?” she returned angrily.

Stupid thing to say, Paul rebuked himself, but the smile didn’t leave his face. His relief was rapidly turning into a deep, heart-warming happiness at the thought of having conceived a child. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that at all,” he told her hurriedly but earnestly, “I don’t mean it’s not a big deal, I just…” he cut this sentence short, deciding not to tell her that he thought she was going to break up with him. “But still,” he went on eagerly, his eyes lighting up, “This means I’m going to be a father, right?” He had always wanted to be a father.

To Paul’s dismay, this only made Lucy even angrier. “What is the matter with you?!” she demanded, “Don’t you see what kind of situation this is? We’re only college students; how are we supposed to take care of a baby?”

Paul’s smile vanished. “Well, I…I already have a part-time job. I could work more hours,” he offered. He was using that job to pay for his college expenses, but if need be, he could pay back his student loans after he graduated and got a good, full-time job.

Tears were forming in Lucy’s eyes, and she suddenly broke down sobbing. “Can’t you understand my feelings at all?” she cried, “This isn’t just about the money! I’m not ready to have a baby! I’m not ready to start a family! And what will my parents think if they find out?”

Paul hugged her, and she wept into his shirt. “We could get married,” he suggested cautiously, “Your parents wouldn’t suspect a thing, and I could take care of you. We could tell your parents that the baby was born early, when it’s born.”

“No, that’s not enough! I’m terrified, Paul! I can’t do this!”

“Don’t be scared,” Paul said with a reassuring smile, “I won’t run out on you like most guys would. You won’t be a single mom. I’ll be your baby’s father.” His confidence grew as he gave her these comforting words, and he felt more and more like this was what he wanted to do.

Yet instead of being comforted as he had expected, Lucy pushed him away and stood, staring at him with burning eyes. “You won’t be a father,” she said, emphasizing every word.

Paul’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?” he gasped.

“I’m going to have an abortion,” Lucy told him.

“What? No!” Paul cried, “Please don’t do that, Lucy. That’s my child too. We should…we should take a little time to decide first.”

“I’ve already decided,” Lucy said firmly, though she was shaking, “And I thought you would support me with this, but…but now…” a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I will support you,” Paul argued desperately, “But I won’t let you have an abortion. I want to keep our baby.”

“You only ever care about yourself!” Lucy snapped at him, “It’s your fault that I’m pregnant, and now you won’t even consider how scared I am!”

These words hurt Paul. “How can you even say that?!” he shouted back, “Haven’t I already shown you that I care about you by not leaving you?”

“Well, then why won’t you support my decision?”

“Because I can’t let you kill my baby!”

“It’s as much mine as it is yours, and I have the right to abort if I want to! No one can use my body without my consent, especially not a non-thinking, non-feeling fetus!”

“I won’t let you do it,” Paul said through clenched teeth. He was growing angrier every moment, “I won’t let you do it!”

“Then our relationship is over,” Lucy told him furiously. She pointed to the door. “Get out.”

Paul stormed to the door, seized the handle and jerked on it. The door rattled but didn’t open. Remembering that Lucy had locked it on their way in, Paul sighed harshly and unlocked it. Then he wrenched it open and left as quickly as he could.

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1737 Reviews

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Reviews: 1737

Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:10 am
BluesClues wrote a review...

Last one for today, I promise.

Okay, so I see now that Matthew was in the story beforehand, which is actually kind of nice because then when he comes back in the end you're like, "WHOA, IT'S THAT GUY FROM THE BEGINNING," although frankly that was enough of a plot twist even without having any prior knowledge of who Matthew was.

Other than that, I honestly think this whole chapter could be cut. Obviously, I didn't read it before because it wasn't in the Green Room (that's where I got all the other chapters except the prologue and the bit I *thought* was part 1 of this but was not) and I missed it in the list of related works. But I was never confused about who Matthew was or what had happened with Paul and Lucy.

I mean, at times I was curious about how he'd treated her in the past, but I didn't get anything extra on that point from this chapter. All it gave me was some extra backstory that I honestly didn't need. Plus Paul was all worried that Lucy was going to break up with him, but later he hates her so much just for her decision to get an abortion that I'm having a hard time taking him seriously.

But that's probably just because I know how this all turns out.

Wait, this is fanfic? (I just saw a glimpse of the first review, but I am obviously unfamiliar with whatever it's fanfic of, because I did not even realize that at all.) Did not even notice the genre up top. Well, it was really good.

But you already knew that.

Oh my gosh I feel so bad about all the notifications you are about to get and I probably look like a crazy person but oh well

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214 Reviews

Points: 14468
Reviews: 214

Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:19 pm
artybirdy wrote a review...

Happy Review Day!

First impressions: this chapter is intense. It didn’t feel like a FanFic as the characters appeared to stand-alone, and had their own fears and conflicts. I didn’t need a back-story to understand the story, and I think that’s also because you executed the idea well.

I felt that the starting paragraph didn’t fit in with the actual story; it was a sudden shift from a spooky to a light atmosphere. I hope that’s explained and linked in later chapters.

The news was somewhat expected, to be honest, but I loved their heated argument. Not in the sense that it broke them apart but more because their decisions didn't match; in general terms, to see how people deal with that is always interesting.

You have done a brilliant job! It’s the first time I have read a story in which a young father is against abortion and the mother is fighting to pursue her interests. However, it still felt a bit unrealistic for him to accept everything as quickly as he did, and to make spontaneous plans. I’d suggest you to slow down and consider his thoughts and feelings carefully to develop the scene. Is he afraid at first? Nervous? Does he think he’ll also miss out on his potential future? Have him think deeply about it all before he confronts her.

Overall, great work.

Well done, and keep writing!

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177 Reviews

Points: 1093
Reviews: 177

Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:20 am
Chaser wrote a review...

Oh, hey. You wrote another one.

Well, this seems to place the conflict earlier than in Insult to Injury. There's nothing wrong with it, I just hope you don't run out of material. Now, let's start:

Style: While I do enjoy the way you portrayed their anger (excellent use of powerful words like "snapped" and "wrenched'), I do think that the story might be missing contrast. Would the blows sting more if the reader knew the way Lucy treated Paul before this, and what made him fall in love with her? In my opinion, it could become even more surprising and devastating.
There are a few particular spots that I have advice for:

Enma Ai watched him through the window,

It's a bit confusing if you're unfamiliar with the source material. Could you give a smidgen more detail to hook the reader in?
She still hardly looked at him.

Where was she looking? I can only assume "down" because in the next paragraph, you said she looked "up" at him. What did her eyes look like?
These words hurt Paul.

Show, don't tell. It'll make it more interesting to read. Did the words "sting" or "knock the air from his lungs?" Especially with emotions, implying details is the most popular way to go.

Characters: I suppose I should know better than to speak on them yet. Still, you've given a good portrayal through their dialogue. The logic, again, flows soundly, and would perfectly set up Jigoku Shoujo's appearance.

Overall, this is still an exciting read. But it doesn't have the same initial impact as Insult to Injury, so I'm hoping for it to pick up in some way. Until then, you've still done a nice job here. Cheers!


Songmorning says...

Thanks so much! You have some of the most helpful reviews. I've been trying lately to bring more description into my stories, because I've always emphasized dialogue and now feel I don't have enough description. These practical suggestions on what I might add will help me practice and understand that concept much better.

The reason a boat sinks isn't the water around it. It sinks when water gets into it. Don't let what's happening around you weigh you down.
— dalisay