
Young Writers Society

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It's Me. Your Greatest Friend.

by Snowery

A/N My first attempt at a short story. I hope you like it and please do dissect and massacre. :) :)

You're scared.

Don't worry, I like that. It's probably my fault anyway.

You don't know who I am?

Really? How could you forget me when I am the only one who can truly claim I've known you all your life? No, don't shake your head. I was with you just yesterday, the day before that and the day before that. I was with you when you were a child, and you believed there was a monster in your closet. I held your hand when you were a toddler, crying because you thought you were lost. I was there when you were a baby, screaming for your mother. In fact I've been with you before you were even born.

Please don't look so shocked.

I was next to you mother as she wondered whether you would come out healthy and whole. I stood by her as she gave birth to you, thinking that she was going to die.

You still don't remember me.

I'm disappointed. In your deepest and darkest moments I was there with you. When you were completely alone and even hope abandoned you I remained. I held you tight, stroked your hair and caressed your mind.

You have no truer friend than me!

For only I know the deepest contents of your heart. No matter what you have been through or what you have done, I have always been and will always be by your side.

Is that a flicker of recognition?

It's coming back to you know isn't? Remember me? Your greatest friend. Your worst enemy. I have made you who you are.

Yes, you know me now. I can see it in your eyes. It's me, Fear. The one who loves you the most. Come now into my embrace because I will keep you safe. No, there is no where you can run. Nowhere you can hide.

From me there is no escape.

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Wed May 07, 2014 1:17 am
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Alchemist wrote a review...

Hey there!

I just started wandering the place and wasnt sure what will i stumble upon, but this, my friend, is stunning.

You made Fear come to life to me, i think i had to watch over my shoulders a few times while reading it, expecting to see someone whispering to my ear.

Those short sencences after Fear being all chatty and talkative is what makes this story suit the genre you wanted, horror, and it really makes the story scary.

I was quite suprised at the end, i have expected something that would probably be a little bit more cliche-a Death talking to the person, so even in such a short story you have made an interesting twist, at least for me.

I will totally keep on following your work.


Silverlock says...

Thank you for your review! :)I'm glad you liked it! :D

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:19 pm
MaddyMae wrote a review...

Hi there! I'll be honest here... at first, I was a bit skeptical of the second person viewpoint (it's not the most common viewpoint out there) but as your piece of art went on, I decided that it was an absolutely smart choice to make. I like the concept of Fear talking to me. I love the irony that was thrown in there 'Come now into my embrace because I will keep you safe'. Fear might keep you 'safe' but it holds you back. ;P Either way, this was written brilliantly! :)

If maybe you feel up to it, I wrote a short story called Mind Games where it's also where the Emotions are talking to the main character. I don't know if it interests you, but I'd love it if maybe you checked it out and left some feedback? :)

Again, bravo!

-MaddyMae :)

Silverlock says...

Hey MaddyMae, Thanks a lot for reviewing my work. :)
I'm glad that you liked it :D I'll definitely try getting around to reviewing your piece. :)

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:15 pm
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Panikos wrote a review...

Pan is here for a quick review, and, let me tell you, she is very impressed.

This is a fantastic idea. It's brilliantly original, and I love the way that when you read it a second time it suddenly makes complete sense. The way Fear talks to the reader personally (using second person was an excellent choice, by the way) is very chilling, and I adore how you transformed him/her into a creature that almost thinks of itself as a guardian. It's very mocking and possessive, kind of like the friend that loves you but also shows affection by way of teasing and manipulation, and exactly like you'd expect Fear to be if it was a person. From the style of speech alone I was able to conjure up an appearance for it.

Moreover, I liked the way that you chipped in the little bits of denial from the person it was talking to, because I think we've all tried to suppress our fear in the past and pretend it doesn't exist only to have it scratch away at us insistently. The whole piece was an excellent metaphor for how we battle with the relentlessness of anxiety, and you conveyed it with ease.

If I could suggest one improvement, it would be in the writing. I love the simplicity of it - don't change that - but sometimes your syntax is occasionally a little bit...I don't know...limp? The rhythm of the words doesn't always feel right, either. I don't mean that harshly at all, I just think that those two aspects are the only things stopping this from reading like a professional piece of writing. The idea and characterisation are already there.

Bare in mind that I am being incredibly picky because this is very good. Here are my little problems:

How could you forget me when I am the only one who can truly claim I've known you all your life?

This sentence, in general, feels a bit of a mouthful. The main problem lies in the bold section, because the way you've got your point across is a bit clunky, if you get what I mean? Maybe change it to 'how could you forget me when I'm the only one who has truly known you all your life?', or something similar. Either way, I'd rephrase 'truly claim I've know you', because that bit sounds off.

In fact I've been with you before you were even born.

Okay, okay, I'm being horrendously picky here, but I really think you could do with a comma between 'in fact' and 'I've'. Why? Rhythm. Look at this:

In fact, I've been with you since before you were even born

(I inserted a 'since' because it makes more sense, I think).

The hesitation between those two words creates tone in the reader's head, and it makes us think that he/she is reflecting his time with the person he is addressing. It's really difficult to explain why it sounds better (you're probably wondering what the hell I'm going on about right now) but all I can really say is that it makes the sentence sound more like it is being spoken aloud, and that seemed to be what you were trying to go for in this piece.

When you were completely alone and even hope abandoned you I remained.

Again, the word order and phrasing are a bit funny here - it doesn't flow as easily as other sentences. I'd maybe write it like this:

Even when you were alone, abandoned by hope, I remained at your side.

It sounds a bit less wordy, see?

In summary, I'd suggest that you read through the piece a gazillion times to make sure that all of the phrasing is just right. Read it out loud, actually - it'll help a lot, seeing as this piece does have a monologue-like feel to it.

Anyway, I'm done being picky. Overall, I absolutely loved this, so please write more short stories. Once you've nailed your syntax and word rhythm (is there a fancy word for that?) then you'll be next to flawless.

Fine work, good sir!

Keep writing! :D

Silverlock says...

Hey Pan!! Thanks so much for taking the time to review my work! :)
I was really glad that you got the way that I was trying to portray fear. I completely understand all your editing and I think that the fancy word for the rhythm might be cadence? I'm not sure.
"How could you forget me when I am the only one who can truly claim I've known you all your life?"
I originally wrote it the way you said but changed it after a d=friend called Doubt crept in.... :)

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:14 am
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Bugslake wrote a review...

You did a really good job with this story. I'm surprised that it wa the first thing that you have written. I like how you make the main character talk to the reader, it creates a sort of personal feeling.

I did think it was kind of creepy, mostly because I didn't know who the main character was until close to the end. This made me keep reading, the curiosity of who has been stalking me all of my life.

It was really good and, for your first, it was well written. Welcome to YWS.

Silverlock says...

Hi Bugslake!! Thanks so much for reviewing!! This isn't the first thing that I've ever written but it's my first short story. I usually write novels and can express myself through many pages. It's different to be writing in a much more compressed space. :)
I really liked why you kept reading. It's te feeling that I was trying to come across. :)

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:11 am
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Emotion1405 wrote a review...

Wow, this is great, truly describes fear. I think it is great how you have described fear as a friend and an enemy and how it is in all parts of your life and the part about been next to your mother shows how fear is also around other people's life's.

"Really? How could you forget me when I am the only one who can truly claim I've known you all your life? No, don't shake your head. I was with you just yesterday, the day before that and the day before that. I was with you when you were a child, and you believed there was a monster in your closet. I held your hand when you were a toddler, crying because you thought you were lost. I was there when you were a baby, screaming for your mother. In fact I've been with you before you were even born. "

That there was great because it was setting questions off in me head about who this was. It really keeps the reader in suspense. Really well written :) Well done :)

Silverlock says...

Hey Emotion1405!! Thanks so much for reviewing! I hope all the hints made sense once you found out that that Fear was the narrator. I'm also really glad that you got what I was trying to say :)

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38 Reviews

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:11 am
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cha3739 wrote a review...

Wow this is really striking. I had to finish the whole piece because I didn't catch on to exactly who the narrator is until the end. The was you personified Fear is really interesting and surprisingly true. There weren't any grammatical errors that I could find, except the line:
'You still don't remember me.' Personally I would make that period a question mark but that's up to the discretion of the writer. Other than that, this was a great piece. You did excellently for your first shot at a short story. Good job!

Silverlock says...

Thanks cha3739!! Your review means a lot. I'm glad that you liked it and I'm glad that you found my portrayal of Fear accurate :)

Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.
— Castiel