There's only one problem with that... I'm pretty sure the candy is as hard as rocks, and sticky too.
When your head starts to spin
And your mind gently bends
And you want to be obsessed
Without all that mess
And your teeth yearn to ache
With the sweetness of cake
Times ten
Then trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry
Lol... that sucked.
There's only one problem with that... I'm pretty sure the candy is as hard as rocks, and sticky too.
*laughs* sounds like a great way to sing it!! *goes the Fred and George Weasley way and puts it to the tune of a funeral durge*
Anyways... getting back ontopic: I liked it. I want some Ronko's Rock Candy now...
It's sort of like the Hogwarts school song. Pick a tune, and let's all sing together!
Uh... how does the song go? It was hard to sing along to.
Sam outta like this one!
Haha, I got a kind laugh out of this, Although... I'm pretty sure my teeth are highly offended by that now
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