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Young Writers Society

Sailed This Ship

by Shakespeare

I have sailed this ship for many years,
And I shall not dock it now,
I have more seas yet to discover,
And journeys to commence,
Through sun or storm; whatever weather,
My voyage shall not end,
The sea is strong,
But my courage is stronger,
And I have not one doubt,
For I have sailed this ship for many years,
And I shall not dock it now.

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Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:43 pm
Justagirl wrote a review...

This is a great poem, James :D I think that it could be a bit better with some imagery in it, though, and definitely more punctuation.
A poem is not just commas, it can have periods, too, and I don't know if you knew that. But, you'd have realized it pretty quickly if you look around the site a bit.

So, nice job with this, but, knowing the rules of punctuation and such from your LA + English classes, I'd say to add some more periods and such.

-Nixy (That's what people who know me in real life/know my real name call me on YWS)

P.S. Lol, I don't think Kes - munchkin - knew it was you when she commented on this.

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Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:13 pm
munchkin says...

Nice job on this, I personally like boats very much, and they are part of my life. Well done. Keep writing! =D

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Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:51 am
shystormxxx says...

I really like your poem. I can really feel the passion of your character towards sailing and exploration. The lines are well organized and probably well thought of. I want to read more of your work so I'll watch out for you.

Think of all the beauty still left around you, and smile.
— Anne Frank