Getting Your Life Together: Day 3- Speech And Dignity
Hello, friends!
I hope you've learned to embrace your smile, based on the last post. Are you feeling beautiful yet? You should. If you don't I'll tell you that you're beautiful, and that isn't coming from some random internet person; through God's eyes, we are all beautiful. Let's get into it.
Today is day three of 'Getting Your Life Together: Day 3- Speech And Dignity'. In the comments of this post, before we even dive deeper, just give me a sentence that sounds like how you talk in real life; NOT how you type on the internet, because this is how people talk on the internet:
'bro I did this when I was like 9 lol'
'oop really'
'dat real bad'
(I'm sorry it's so cringy, forgive me). But, you get the idea, right? We're looking for some real-life treatment. Talk to me like you would in real life, not like I'm some stranger you met on TikTok. How do you see me? As an acquaintance, one you'd like to know better? As an opponent getting in your way? As a stranger that's already ticking you off? Please, reflect on your comment! It will be crucial to today's post.
See friends, our words do not simply portray our personalities, or where we're from; they also portray how we treat other people in our lives, and how we feel on the inside. Do you treat yourself with quality? How about others? These are all things that can be found in our speech. And I don't know about you, friends, but I want to sound confident, and valuable when I'm trying to make a friend. So, set down the curse words and pack away the self-diminishing jokes; you are worth so much more than that. So, here are some tips to dignify others and yourself with what you say:
1) No cussing. Cussing is vulgar, and very far away from elegance. I can't see someone going for a 'pink' or 'soft girl' aesthetic saying words that diminish what they're trying to say with a bunch of things a guy at a pub (in a movie) would say. Even if you are going for a different vibe, such as weirdcore or goth, it's more professional and mature to speak without cussing. That being said, don't sound like a five-year-old by using things like 'poopy-head' or 'butt-sandwich'; that just makes you sound childish. Choose words carefully; there are better ways to express yourself that aren't cussing or toddler speech.
2) Be positive. I know, I know; there's just so much to complain about, right? Well, there's a lot to be grateful for, too! Instead of saying, 'My dumb brother hit his head playing football,' say, 'I'm so glad my brother is okay!' I know that positive people may be annoying, but people are also attracted to those who lift them up! So, be that positive person! Lift other people up with kind words and thankful remarks! I recommend making a 'Gratitude List' of all the things you are thankful for.
3) Don't be too loud or quiet. I'll give you two conversations between you and a person. Let's see which one you like:
a. You: Hi, Tessa! What do you think you're getting here?
Tessa: OOOOOooooooHHhhHHHHHHhhh! I think that I'M going to get a SCONE! How DELISH! This place is ADORABLEeeeeeeeEEEEEEeeEEEEEeeeeEE!
b. You: Hey, Marie Anne! What do you think you're getting here?
Marie Anne: Well...uh..maybe a cookie....i. I dunno...
Who would you want to talk to for longer? If you are a normal person, probably neither. This is why it's important to keep a normal, presentable volume. You don't want to be too over-the-top and throw someone off, but you don't want to tick someone off by being too quiet to hear; being too loud makes you seem oblivious, and being too quiet makes you seem underconfident.
4) Add emotion when you speak. Being monotone makes people want to DIE of boredom when they listen to you. I used to have a teacher who had a HUGE room that left plenty of space for projection and enunciation, but he instead spoke as if he was talking flatly to only one person. He's a nice teacher, no hate, but make sure your voice has a range of vocals. Make sure to move your face, too. This is a personal struggle for me as well, but it's fine since we can work through it together!
Now, go back to your comment. After reading these tips, do you think you sound hospitable? No one should change themselves, because you are all amazing, but as people, we want to put forward the best version of ourselves; not some half-baked sleep-deprived person who stayed up till three a.m. If that's you, remember you are better than that. You want to be a warm and inviting piece of bread, not some gross one that's gooey in the middle. It'll make you and other people feel good if you're fully baked with the perfect amount of butter.
And yes, I was hungry while I wrote that.
Write down a couple of sentences or as much as you like. See how you sound, and practice your sentences in a mirror. Look at your face; does it reveal your emotions? How about your tone; does it move up and down? These are all things to practice, friends. Remember, I'm here with you, every step of the way; remember when you feel embarrassed that I'm doing it too!
I love you!
🡴 THIS could be you.
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