
Young Writers Society

Break my Heart and Hope to Die

by SeleneForeverDream

*This chapter is really just to show everyday emotions the main character has. The story's plot will really pick up in the next chapter.*

Break my Heart and Hope to Die


I looked into the mirror and cried. I cried so hard my body shook with grief, but I never allowed one sound to escape my trembling lips. Tears fell as a current, a flow of moisture down my cheeks. School would be starting soon, I knew that in the back of my head that was still sane, so I looked up at my ceiling, royal blue with white splotches, and blinked away my tears.

The cell phone was still in my shaking hands, but I was still too shocked to put it down. My vision was blurry, so I felt my way over to the bed where I let it drop to the floor. My frame shook with a new wave of tears as I thought about what Sara had told me. I closed my eyes and felt my energy rush out of me as I was pulled back into the memory that had taken place just moments ago. It seemed like an eternity.


“So Jen, how was your summer?” Sara had asked. I was getting ready for school, packing my backpack at an unreasonable hour in the early morning. I was so excited for my first day of school, filled with this longing to see my friends again. Sara was the only person I had spoken to a few times this summer, everyone else had been whisked away to camps or was on vacation. Sara was my best friend, but I had only seen her a few times, even if she lived only a block away. It was as if we were growing apart, but I was certain that would change once school started again.

Her question was... hard to answer. If you found out your friend was in the hospital, how would you feel? I don’t really think you’d be bright and dandy. He had been in a car accident at the end of the year, driving home with his drunk older brother. His brother was fine, but his little brother, Ryan, had been on his other side where the car received full impact.

Ryan had been in the hospital for months now and I visited him as often as I could, but this summer had been a trying one for me. My parents finally decided to go through with their divorce, forcing the weight on me just in the middle of the summer when I was enjoying myself. This summer had consisted of pain, stress and suffering, so I was really eager to get back to school.

“It was... fine,” I told her. I could hear Sara harrumph, almost in disbelief, but then she quieted.

“Is this about Ryan? I know he was a good guy, but that was a month ago. I guess I knew you guys had a thing.” she said quietly. What was she talking about?

“What are you talking about, Sara? I saw Ryan just a...” I stopped dead in my tracks. Had it really been that long ago that I had paid a visit to my old friend? Had it really been a month? Or more? I counted the days mentally in my head and then recounted. It could have been longer. I took a deep breath, but then smiled. Well, I guess I’ll just have to pay him a visit then. I continued on, “Well, how is he?” I asked.

There was a pregnant pause, but I didn’t mind it. I was putting on my clothes and combing through my wispy thin, blonde hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror and didn’t pay any attention to the awkward silence in our conversation. I was too busy looking at myself in the mirror, my dimples when I smiled and the cute freckles that sprinkled the bridge of my nose. Today was the first day of my freshman year and I had promised myself I would look at least decent.

“Sara, you still there?” I said nonchalantly as I filed my nails.

“Um, yeah.” she said breathlessly. She seemed to be bordering hysteria.

“You okay?” I asked, concerned. She exhaled quietly, calming herself and then began,

“Jen, I think you’d better sit down.”


That’s how I had ended up on my bed, still gripping the phone in my shaking hands and sobbing. My whole frame trembled and shook as the earth seemed to melt away beneath me.

Ryan had always been more than my friend, he had been my life-line.

“I guess I knew you guys had a thing.” Sara had said. Yes, I think we did like each other, whether he felt the same way or not, I guess I would never know now. Ryan was a rare person that I don’t think I’ll ever have the chance to know again. He was distinct in the matter of how he lived life, always brightening a room of unhappy people, smiling even in his hospital bed the last few times I saw him. He was a person unlike any other I’d known. And he was gone forever.

I began to choke as I thought these things, my throat constricting as if I was being strangled. My body was beyond tired even though I had woken up moments before, but I continued to tremble as I tried to calm myself. I have to get to school, I thought firmly. But my body didn’t respond. I tried to wipe away the torrent of tears that were so determined to fall, but I couldn’t. I didn’t care about my first day of my freshman year, the only thing that was on my mind was Ryan.

Exhausted, I finally gave up and sagged into my soft bed and closed my eyes, clutching the small cell phone to my breaking heart.

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Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:33 pm
SpencerNolanRivers wrote a review...

Had it really been a month? Or more?

It would be better if it were stated "Had it really been a month, or more?"

There was a pregnant pause,

This sentence does not flow well.

I smiled and the cute freckles that sprinkled the bridge of my nose.

I find it vague and unrealistic for a character to describe themselves (or a feature of themselves) cute, unless that person is meant to be preceived self-centered or vain.

Ryan had always been more than my friend, he had been my life-line.

Why not elaborate on that then? Tell us of how they became friends, how long they were friend and much more details about their relationship.

This story was alright. It kept me entertained, but there is a lot of stuff that needs working on. Elaborate more; you could convey much more emotional feeling if you were to tell more of Sara and Ryan, and even the main character herself.

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Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:04 pm
Young gun wrote a review...

A very well written and emotionally gripping story.This is what I suppose could help you improve it:

He had been in a car accident at the end of the year, driving home with his drunk older brother. His brother was fine, but his little brother, Ryan, had been on his other side where the car received full impact.

Do not bring a character out of the blue because sometimes it may irritate the reader.Give an introduction like the one given to Sara.

“Is this about Ryan? I know he was a good guy, but that was a month ago. I guess I knew you guys had a thing.” she said quietly. What was she talking about?

This part was confusing as it was hard figuring out who said what.Make the dialogues clear to your reader.

School would be starting soon, I knew that in the back of my head that was still sane, so I looked up at my ceiling, royal blue with white splotches, and blinked away my tears.

The word"so" does not seem to have much of purpose here.

Criticizing aside,here is what made the poem interesting:
Good use of the flashback technique.There was no problem tracing what is happening and when it is happening.

The relations between the characters and how they developed.Intricately described relations add to the beauty of the story.

Development of the storyline-simply fantastic.

Keep putting such techniques to good use.

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:34 am
toribethh wrote a review...

It's so sad. :( I love it!

I can feel the emotion in the pages. I can see the scene playing out in my head.

I can't wait for more! Good luck in your writing! :)

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:20 pm

Thanks for the review! :D

And welcome to YWS!

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:15 pm
Armagan wrote a review...

First of all, i am not so good at the grammer so i wont be any use there, BUT i do like to comment on the ideas used in stories. So...
I honestly think that if you developed this it would be a good story, although the jumping back and forth through time did slightly confuse me. I think that you have a knack for describing things, which is something that not many writers are able to do, so thumbs up for that :D
I would advise you to just play around with the writing though, see what its like to write in narrative or through Sara's eyes, and maybe have all three in the story. But then it's completely up to you! I'm interested, and i want to read more (:
Keep it up!

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:57 pm

Thanks for the review and and encouragement. :D

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Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:43 am
tk92 says...

I don't think you should change any grammer! I think it's ace just the way it is. Honestly It's git talent.
P.s how can I criteque if I feel something is fatastic already?

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Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:33 pm

Thanks for the review, Cat. I'll have to work on that. This prologue really has nothing to do with the story, but I should catch the reader's attention a bit more.

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Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:04 pm
Linx wrote a review...

Hey Selene! I saw this and thought, "Wow, I haven't reviewed anything of her's lately."
Here are my nit-picks:

School would be starting soon, I knew that in the back of my head that was still sane, so I looked up at my ceiling, royal blue with white splotches, and blinked away my tears.

That is one long sentence that doesn't really make sense. School would be starting soon, I knew that in the back of my head that was still sane Huh? I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. Maybe rephrase it so we can understand what you are saying.
Second, seperating the sentence into two will help clear it up, too. :wink:

Sara was the only person I had spoken to a few times this summer, everyone else had been whisked away to camps or was on vacation.

That comma needs to be a semi-colon if it is going to make sense and be proper.

He had been in a car accident at the end of the year, driving home with his drunk older brother.

End of the year or end of the school year? They are two different things.

Ryan had always been more than my friend, he had been my life-line.

The comma should be a semi-colon again.

Okay, I thought this was pretty good. What I didn't like was the prologue. It just didn't grab me. Why not do it like that last time Jen visited Ryan? Add a little bit more. It will help. :D

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or comments.


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Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:16 pm

Thanks for the review. I'm a grammar freak too, but I guess we still make mistakes. :)

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Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:08 pm
Musicaloo7311 wrote a review...

Hi! I'll critique your story. Haha. Be forewarned, I am a complete grammar freak. :D

I cried so hard that my body shook with grief, but I never allowed one sound to escape my trembling lips. Tears fell as a current, a flow of moisture down my cheeks. School would be starting soon, I knew that in the part of my head that was still sane, so I looked up at my ceiling, royal blue with white splotches, and blinked away my tears.

The cell phone was still in my shaking hands, but I was too shocked to put it down. My vision was blurry, so I felt my way over to the bed, where I let it drop to the floor.

You had "still" twice in the same sentence, so I took one out

“So[b], Jen, how was your summer?” Sara had asked.

The driver was fine, but his little brother, my friend, Ryan, had been on his other side where the car received full impact.

The way you said "his little brother" sounded like your friend had another brother in the car, so I changed the words a bit.

Ryan had been in the hospital for months now, and I visited him as often as I could, but this summer had been a trying one for me. My parents finally decided to go through with their divorce, forcing the weight on me just in the middle of the summer when I was enjoying myself. This summer had consisted of pain, stress, and suffering, so I was really eager to get back to school.

Well, I guess I’ll just have to pay him a visit, then. I continued on, “Well, how is he?”

The "I asked" at the end of the line isn't necessary since you led in to the dialogue with a phrase and a comma

There was a pregnant pause, but I didn’t mind it. I was putting on my clothes and combing through my wispy, thin, blonde hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror and didn’t pay any attention to the awkward silence in our conversation. I was too busy looking at myself in the mirror, my dimples when I smiled and the cute freckles that sprinkled the bridge of my nose. Today was the first day of my freshman year, and I had promised myself I would look at least decent.

“Um, yeah,” she said breathlessly. She seemed to be bordering hysteria.

She exhaled quietly, calming herself and then began, “Jen, I think you’d better sit down.”
I think you should start a new line at "She" instead of ending a paragraph with a comma.

“I guess I knew you guys had a thing,” Sara had said. Yes, I think we did like each other; whether he felt the same way or not, I guess I would never know now.

My body was beyond tired, even though I had woken up moments before, but I continued to tremble as I tried to calm myself.

Exhausted, I finally gave up, sagged into my soft bed, and closed my eyes, clutching the small cell phone to my breaking heart.

Well! I thought this was a great introduction. I think you did a wonderful job in the description area, and look forward to reading more!

On a side note, I have a character in my novel named Ryan who dies, too. Why must all the good guys named Ryan die? Sigh...

Anyway, great job! :)

Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.
— George Eliot