
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 13: Fredrian

by RoyalHighness


As soon as we get home, I go straight upstairs, avoiding Asteria and Juno’s verbal battle. What you have to understand is that I have three sisters. There is no shortage of "girl talk," in this house, and some days it drives me crazy.

Reginald peeks behind Juno’s door, asking me with his monkey eyes whether Juno is home.

“You might want to wait, Reggie,” I say, scratching him under the chin. “The girls are a nuclear bomb waiting to detonate.” I slip into my room, put my stuff down, and check my phone. A text from an unknown number–Adrian?–makes my heart freak out.

Come over. I’m bored. - Adrian

I grin like an absolute idiot. Adrian lives just down the street, I think to myself. I could be there in three minutes tops. Maybe that's why he never bothered to give me his number before today. But, wait, what about the girls? They won’t be mad for long, will they? I start typing.

I’ll be right there. You’d better have food waiting for me.

I shrug at my unfinished Brit Lit assignment and head downstairs. I hear Asteria and Juno digging into each other.

“I’ve never had a guy like me before,” Juno is saying when I get to the kitchen. “You can have whoever you want!”

Juno’s never really liked Ben, but I guess when you think your blindness makes you less beautiful, you feel inclined to take what you can get.

“You’ve had a guy like you before, and you know it,” Asteria says, and I can see it on her face as soon as she says it. Shame written all over, scrawled on her cheeks, etched into her eyes. Juno takes a step back, absorbing the blow of the words, remembering the incident we all choose to forget every single day.

“Juno, I–”

“Forget it, Asteria,” Juno says quietly. She wipes her eyes with the back of her right hand, smearing the eyeliner Asteria had applied that morning. “I don’t even like Ben that much anyway. I guess I’m just a little desperate–” she gestures to her dead eyes, which makes me upset because she doesn’t know that we all can see past her blindness, even if she can’t. “It’s fine, Asteria.”

“No, it’s not,” Asteria insists, taking Juno’s shoulder in one hand. “What I said...it was a low blow.” There’s a silence. It sits between us. “Look, if you want to get to know Ben, you can hang out with him at the Lock-In on Friday. But that’s it.” Asteria’s voice reminds me of water freezing and melting. “No dating. I still have dibs, remember?” Juno agrees, and they hug.

“Uh, guys?” I say, waving a hand. “I’m gonna go over to Adrian’s for a bit. I’ll be home for dinner.”

“Have fun, princess,” Asteria calls as I walk out the door. I roll my eyes.

Roughly three minutes later, Adrian pulls me by my shirt collar into his house.

“Well, hello to you, too,” I say, somewhat breathlessly. Adrian laughs.

“I thought we could celebrate–or mourn, depending on your outlook– the beginning of our last year in high school with a little movie-and-Cheez-Its party,” Adrian says. We walk into a very open, light-filled kitchen. On the granite counter sits a big bowl of cheddar Cheez-Its, a personal favorite of mine.

“You have your choice between 21 Jump Street, Paranormal Activity 3, or West Side Story.

“Is that even a question?” I ask, popping three Cheez-Its into my mouth.

West Side Story?”

“True to our theatre geekiness!” I laugh. Adrian sets up Netflix on the TV and I decide where to sit. Adrian’s sitting on the couch, so if I want this to be a cuddly kind of movie, I’d of course sit with him... But I don’t want to come on too strong, and I certainly don’t want to make him uncomfortable, since he just came out to our families two months ago. He and I are both closeted as far as school is concerned, so I don’t want to cause any scandal–

“Frey,” Adrian says, waving a hand in front of my face.


“Sit on down,” he says, pointing to a nearby armchair. Ah, I see. We’re starting this slowly. I like it better that way.

Throughout the entire movie, it’s as if we were two straight guys casually watching a romantic musical together. We talk and laugh about how weird it is that we’re seniors, about what character is our favorite, how much we love old movies, and why we like musicals. And I love every second of it.

“I wonder who would play who if we put this show on at school,” Adrian says about halfway through. He passes the half-empty bowl of Cheez-Its to me.

“I’d be Riff,” I joke. For those of you who are theatrically un-cultured, Riff is the leader of the Jets, a gang in New York. Adrian grins.

“I’d be Bernardo,” he says. Again, for you more sports-inclined folks, Bernardo is the leader of the Sharks, the rival gang of the Jets.

“But they’re rivals,” I point out. Adrian shrugs.

“The best real-life friends make the best onstage rivals!” Adrian drones, quoting our director. I roll my eyes. Our director is full of shit. Still, I can’t ignore the buzzing in my head saying, He said best friends! We’re getting somewhere.

The movie ends and the credits roll in a weird silence that seems to beg the question, “What now?” Adrian answers it.

“Can I talk to you?” He fidgets. I remember saying and doing exactly the same thing when I first came out.

“Of course. You know you can talk to me about anything,” I reassure him. Adrian takes a deep breath.

“Do you ever...like...plan on coming out to the rest of the school?”

I thought for a moment. I nod slowly.

“When I’m ready,” I say. “My family has always supported me in my decisions, and up until now, they’ve supported me being closeted. So, for now, no. But maybe in college or maybe even before we graduate if I’m brave enough.” Adrian doesn’t speak, so I ask. “Why are you asking?”

Adrian takes another deep breath.

“Because... I want you to come out with me,” he says. “Both of us. Together.”

Asteria's friends will totally love that, I think to myself.

"I'll think about it," I say after a pregnant pause. Adrian nods, looking down at his hands.

Together, is all I can think as I walk home, minutes later.

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Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:02 am
cvandoren1 says...

This chapter is just as great as all the others!

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Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:57 am
ANADIR wrote a review...

Oho! Here we go, another great chapter! I never thought it, But i'm shipping Frey and Adrian so hard right now!!! O>O I KNOW HOW THE FANGIRLS FEEL NOW! This chapter was awesome, Royal! I know i'm writing erratically right now, but it's because I have to force myself to write a review before I go on to the next chapter o.o Well, I'm off now. I shall not write another word here!!!!!!!
now im off.

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Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:42 pm
Deanie wrote a review...

Hello your Highness ^.^

I have next to nothing but good praise for you. These chapters are just getting better and better and absorbing me in to the story. All your characters sounds realistic and have conflicting emotions, the whole family all act like a family would. Kind of how my family does as well. I wonder though, Frey is the only guy in the house apart from his dad? How does he feel about this? I mean, the girls arguing over some guy and doing all their other girly things... I wonder if he ever feels kind of crowded in or like he really needs some of his own girl time? The perfect time to mention this if you want to would be when he is up in his room, before he receives the text from Adrian and is just escaping from his sisters arguement. However, this isn't a necessity, just me being curious and wondering.

Also, congratulations on the great choice of movie. Well, all apart from Paranormal Activity that is. West Side Story is my fave musical of mine of all time <3 I think I like their taste.

since he just came out to our families two months ago

Do you mean 'we' instead of he? Seeing as you say our it makes it seem like each came out to their own family, but for some reason I've got the inkling that Frey would've come out earlier? If it is supposed to be he, then maube just say his instead of the our there.

You did a brilliant job of teasing us about Juno's past. We get to see that it really was an emotional time for her, and now we also know a guy was involved somehow! Argh, you keep tearing me up with this waiting! I can't wait to find it out! Perfect suspense <3

“Because...I want you to come out with me,”

I think I have mentioned it before but make sure you have a space after every ellipsis! Otherwises you are connecting two words together that shouldn't be, and that is not relally correct, technically. So make sure you edit this!

I wonder what it is about school that makes Frey so unsure about coming out to them? Maybe you should make Frey think about it when it has been mentioned so we can perhaps see his reasoning. His school seems like generally a nice one, and I doubt his mother would hold for him being teased too much at all, as headmistress as all. So is it the teasing, or perhaps just the feeling of being so exposed? What's holding him back? Because it seems like Adrian is all out and ready to go for it, even if he only came out a while ago to his own family.

I felt like I was missing out on something essential in this story as well! Adrian asked him to come out to school with him together, and Frey just says he will think about it, and then Frey is walking home! It would be super interesting to see Adrian's reaction to that answer. Does he look a little hurt to be kind of denied by Frey, does he seem understanding or does he seem angry/upset/or satisfied? The reaction can show a bit about Adrian's character and what type of guy he is himself. So, don't skip over this but let us know!

Finally, I didn't know that Adrian and Frey weren't dating already? D: They better be by the end of this novel Or better yet, by the halfway point

Hope this helps! I best move on to the next chapter :D

Deanie x

Deanie says...

The title of this chapter is their shipping name
That is so cool <333

Alrighty! I have edited according to your wishes.
Those DARNED ELLIPSES MAN they keep eluding me!
Thank you so so much for your review, Deanie!!!! Your opinion means the world <3

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Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:45 am
ConfusedGlasses wrote a review...

Hey! Confused here for a review!

Okay so it took me so long cause I took the time to read the previous chapters.
I like the story so far and I like how you inserted that bit of background story:

"...“You’ve had a guy like you before, and you know it,” Asteria says, and I can see it on her face as soon as she says it. Shame written all over, scrawled on her cheeks, etched into her eyes. Juno takes a step back, absorbing the blow of the words, remembering the incident we all choose to forget every single day..."

And I am dying to know how it all happened.

So hey, if Ben did all of that even when Juno was sighted, it means he knows that Juno wasn't born that way right?
Of course.
So that will add to the spice of the story.
I'm really looking forward to your next chapters.

Luckily for you I haven't found anything to nitpick.

Thank you for the review!!
And wow, I wasn't expecting you to really read all the other chapters! :O Dedication, right there.

You. Found. The. Hole. In. My. Story.
I four hundred and fifty percent did NOT THINK ABOUT THAT.
Welp, I guess we'll see what happens.
Now I don't even know how this is going to end.
This is will be interesting for all of us, believe me...
Thank you for your review!

Its been a pleasure, Your Highness

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Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:58 am
Noelle wrote a review...

Hi there!

Oh yes! I've been so preoccupied with Juno's relationship that I forgot about Frey's! Thank goodness he's finally found someone. Up to this point it's like he hasn't had anyone to talk to and really hang out with. But now he's found someone! And I'm so happy about it :)

I grin like an absolute idiot. Adrian lives just down the street... I could be there in three minutes tops... Maybe that's why he never bothered to give me his number before today... But, wait, what about the girls? They won’t be mad for long, will they? I start typing.

I'm not a big fan of ellipses. I feel like they're really only necessary when you need to draw out something over time or you need to trail off at the end of dialogue. But they really aren't needed here. You can just as easily take them out and make sentences instead of stringing them all together. I think it'll work that way better even.

“You’ve had a guy like you before, and you know it,” Asteria says

Man, why you leave me hanging like that?? D: I really want to know who this boy was now and what happened! It's something that you'll want to explain soon. Seriously, I really want to know! And it's not really something you can glaze over without explaining ;) Now, I know it'll be hard to share this information because Frey said everyone tries to forget it even happened. But maybe just have one of them think about it without even meaning to. Just something that'll help us understand what happened with Juno and this boy.

So overall another nice chapter. Like I said before, I'm so glad Frey has someone to hang out with now. Maybe this will make him less bitter. I do have to say, the whole argument between Asteria and Juno was resolved a bit too quickly for my liking. What Asteria said seems to be really bad, the part about the boy. I highly doubt that Juno would be able to shake it off that quick. Just my opinion. That's really the only thing that I found that I wasn't so sure about.

Keep writing!

Thank you for the review!!
I fixed the ellipses because I agree with you%u2013 they can get annoying!

As for the resolution between Juno and Asteria, I didn't think the exchange between Ben and Juno was really that big of a deal. I mean, they're not together. They just talked for a few minutes. I almost wrote a whole chapter where Asteria and Juno fight all the way home, but that was too much. My point is it may seem to the readers now that the problem is over, but the apologies made here are superficial compared to the conflicts boiling beneath them. Don't worry, this fight is not over.

Make no mistake, Juno has not forgotten what Asteria said, or what caused her to go blind and who is responsible, but she won't admit to that in front of Asteria. She's too proud.

Hmm. I feel like if I have to explain all that, I'm not doing something right... I'll get back to this after I finish the next chapter.

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Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:44 pm
IamTraunt wrote a review...

Hey, RoyalHighness! It's me, your loyal servant, IamTraunt!
As you know, I was looking forward to this chapter so much I felt like I'd have a fit if I didn't read it soon. The tension and the answers to questions were building up!


“You might want to wait, Reggie,” I say, scratching him under the chin. “The girls are a nuclear bomb waiting to detonate.” I slip into my room, put my stuff down, and check my phone. A text from an unknown number–Adrian–makes my heart freak out.

So, in the previous chapters you told us that Frey gave Adrian his number. The thing is that you contradict yourself a little in this sentence, as you say it is an unknown number, but Frey says he knows who it is. So I think it would be better to put 'hopefully Adrian' and then maybe when he texts, put 'Yes it is'. Just a suggestion.

Adrian lives just down the street...I could be there in three minutes tops...Maybe that's why he never bothered to give me his number before today...But, wait, what about the girls? They won’t be mad for long, will they? I start typing.

You just need a space in between the words and the ellipsis.

Shame written all over, scrawled on her cheeks, etched into her eyes.

Shame written all over what? Her face maybe?

“I thought we could celebrate–or mourn, depending on your outlook– the beginning of our last year in high school with a little movie-and-Cheez-Its party,” Adrian says.

What's a 'Cheez-it'? I'm a little confused. Is it some form of watsits?

But maybe in college or maybe even before we graduate if I’m brave enough.”

I think this sentence needs a hyphen in between 'graduate' and 'brave'.

Characters and Storyline!

No - Frey - what are you doing!? Seriously?! Your dream guy and you said: 'I'll think about it'?! How could you do this to me? My feels are seriously confused right now.
So, we get to learn more about the mysterious situation of How Juno Turned Blind (Did you see what I did there? I capitalized the words like... Yeah I think you get me. Heh). I find the build up to this very dramatic and yet needed. It gives the reader something to focus on and keep them reading so they can find out how Juno turned blind. I'm seriously wanting to read on and find out - which is a good thing as you know because it spurs me on and gets me OH SO EXCITED! Hm, so a boy was behind the Juno Incident? I'm intrigued.
Aw. This so, so cute <3 You are really doing well in developing the relationship between these two - sometimes as writings we get the urge to spring into action and make the two characters a couple, which isn't realistic - but you are taking at the right pace and really making this seem life like, which is brilliant news. You really express this through Frey's narration as you put: 'Ah, I see. We’re starting this slowly. I like it better that way', which really proves my point. You even use Frey to say it himself.

Loved this chapter! Sorry it's short, but next times review will be better :) Till next time!

Freydrian! Yeah!

I needed this review.
I fixed those darned ellipses, and the Adrian text. The "Shame written all over," has a nice ring to it for me, so I'm going to keep it like it is.
Cheez-Its are a popular American snack. Basically, you have this small, square-shaped cracker infused with cheese flavoring (cheddar, white cheddar, it doesn't matter) and sprinkled with salt. It's delicious and it comes in huge boxes and I love them!
Yes, a boy was behind Juno's blindness. Now, I don't know how everyone's going to find out the true story, but they will eventually. It's up to the characters to decide when, really.
I'm glad you like the pace, because I personally wasn't sure whether I was going fast enough.
Yes, Frey walks out, mostly because he's not sure if this thing with Adrian is worth the abuse he will inevitably get for coming out at school. We shall see!
Don't forget, we still have the Lock-In, and we have to do something about Asteria's drinking problem, because it's going to land her in some more trouble soon!
Thank you so much for your review! Be on the look out for more real soon!

IamTraunt says...

Your very welcome :)
I want to try Cheez-it's!! Why don't we have them in England?! I'll have to take a trip to America and eat in style.
I can't wait to read about the Lock-in. I just have a feeling something is going to happen. And oooo! Aestria and trouble. Not surprising but certainly exciting!
I CAN'T WAIT! Ahem. I look forward to reading on.

IamTraunt says...

Your very welcome :)
I want to try Cheez-it's!! Why don't we have them in England?! I'll have to take a trip to America and eat in style.
I can't wait to read about the Lock-in. I just have a feeling something is going to happen. And oooo! Aestria and trouble. Not surprising but certainly exciting!
I CAN'T WAIT! Ahem. I look forward to reading on.

The author of my life has some ambitious ideas for me to become a super villain
— FireEyes