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Things Fall Apart: Chapter 10: The King, The Queen, and...Juno!?

by RoyalHighness


Just when I thought school couldn’t get any worse, I have to save Frey’s ass in class. It totally throws off my flirting groove. And now it’s lunchtime, so I really have to be on the ball. Remember? I get to (have to, according to Juno) eat with Ben James The Boy With Two Names. I can’t let Frey’s snaffoo with his inner gayness get in the way of my relationship with Ben James TBWTN. Oh, my God, here he comes now.

Ben James saunters down the hall, bookbag slung carelessly over one well-toned shoulder, held by one strong, deeply-veined hand, his feet stepping in time to my heartbeat.

Did I really just say that?

Dear God, I’ve become Juno.

“Hey, Asteria,” says Ben with a smile so inimitable, Mona Lisa would be jealous. I swear on my grandmother’s enormous nose, I have never seen such thick eyelashes. I mean, it’s not fair for guys to have awesome eyelashes. It’s not like they need them anyway. Wait, he just said something. What did he just say? Oh. Right.

“Hey, Ben,” I nearly stutter, almost walking into some stupid freshman’s open locker door. I trip over a backpack and nearly plant my face into the floor like a memorial to a long-dead school founder. Ben didn’t see me, right? Okay, good.

“Ready for lunch?” says a voice right next to me. It’s Ben. He saw. Kill me now. Please. Just. Do me a solid. Right here, right now, God, please kill me.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s go,” I say, my voice climbing the scales. I hope Juno isn’t around to hear. She’d call me out on my baby-rabbit-on-helium Nervous Voice right in front of Ben without even knowing it. She does that.

So Ben and I walk, and for a while it’s too loud in the hallways to say anything. And that’s nice. I try not to steal glances to my right, but I can’t help but notice how absent he is. It’s like he doesn’t even notice that the Queen Bee of the school, the three-time Homecoming Queen and one (and soon to be two)-time Prom Queen is gliding along the floor like a Greek goddess right next to him.

It’s like he’s blind or something.

“What’s on your mind?” I say, bumping his shoulder as we exit the freshman-infested hallway. Ben doesn’t hear. I snap my fingers.


“What, yeah, huh?” That idiot. That adorable idiot.

“I said, ‘What’s on your mind?’ and you didn’t respond,” I say, telling my annoyance firmly to stay out of my voice, damn it. “Where are you right now?”

“Just...thinking,” he says. I hear Juno talking across the courtyard. Ben’s head snaps around like he’s been bitch slapped into next Tuesday. Juno’s laughter fades away and Ben goes back to being all thoughtful. That was...weird.

“O...kay...” I say, trying to shake off what I think you already know might just be a possibility. I won’t give away any spoilers. No spoilers here.

Anyway, there are about forty-thousand high school movies with scenes dealing with cafeteria drama, and honestly, this school is no different. Yes, the cool Asians sit at one table together and the jocks sit together at another and the geeks sit together at yet another, and so on until you finally get up the social ladder to my world. Ben grabs a cheeseburger, and I take a salad, conforming to our usual stereotypes.

Henrietta had saved us a table, like the adorable minion she is. She waves us over.

“Hey, girl!” I say with a slightly fake smile. Henrietta makes me nauseous. Her tangled red hair always gets in the way of her mud-brown eyes that are framed by an inordinate number of freckles. Plus, she picks her nose when she thinks no one is looking. Ew.

“Hey, ‘Steria!” she chirps, patting the seat next to her like I’m some kind of deranged lapdog. She notices Ben at my heels and her stupid smile fades a little. That’s right, Henrietta. He’s mine. I toss my head just slightly (“Too proud,” Juno would say). Our trays clatter to the table as Ben and I sit down. The other minions join us.

“So, how was your summer, Asteria?” asks Lindsey Hambernut, a blonde who fits her stereotype better than her ass fits into that knock-off Michael Kors mini skirt monstrosity.

“It was fine,” I say vaguely. Oh yeah. Two months of A.A. meetings, dodging Juno’s pranks, keeping Frey straight at parties. Whoop dee doo. I remember my social obligation a little too late. “How was yours, Linds?”

“It was fabulous until I ran into You-Know-Who at the You-Know-What in the You-Know-Where,” she says just before taking a sip of her diet sugar-free Dr. Pepper. The other girls around the table nod knowingly. I have no idea what she’s talking about, but clearly Henrietta does, because her gasp is big enough to swallow the earth and its surrounding satellites. Henrietta has a big mouth, both figuratively and otherwise.

“NO!” she nearly shouts. “Tell me more!” And so the two dimwits dissolve into what seems to pass for an acceptably interesting conversation and the part of me that isn’t an airhead Queen Bee sighs with frustration–until Ben starts talking.

“So, Asteria,” he says, turning to me secretively. My knee starts to shake. Pull it together, Asteria, I think. “I was wondering if...” Here it is. The moment he asks me on an actual date. I close my eyes and wait...But his voice trails off. I look around for the source of his distraction. Juno sits at a table across the cafeteria, with Emma and Frey’s theatre friends. I snap my fingers again.


“Oh, sorry,” he says, flustered. “Uh. Um. I was wondering if Juno's going to be at the Lock-In on Friday.”



This cannot be happening.

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Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:40 am
cvandoren1 says...

"I close my eyes and wait...But his voice trails off."
*no need to capitalize that b in but

One thing you might want to pay attention to is that you switch between tenses a lot. I don't really have much to say about this one except for the nice plot twist in the end there! Great job.

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Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:49 am
ANADIR wrote a review...

Hey, another great chapter! However, I decided I would show you one worthless little grammar mistake that nobody really cares about. Here you go! XD

"Ben James The Boy With Two Names"

You might want a comma after James. Just saying. :P And the drama at the end of this chapter is AMAZING! :D I love how Ben has turned on the drunk and gone for the better girl! :P Great work! I shall now move on to endorsing myself in another one of your chapters...

Thank you so much!!
Unfortunately I have orders from the Mother to hit the hay but I haven't even read the entire first chapter of UNLEASHED >.< goshdarn everything. I'll see you in the morning!

ANADIR says...

Cya! (I still reccomend reading A War With No End, but suit yourself!! :) I shall review a few more today and then hit the hay myself. The hay has been bad, I shall smack it severely.

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Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:03 pm
Cithara says...

I believe I see a Mean Girls reference in this chapter ;) which is why I love this chapter even more :D

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Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:26 pm
Noelle wrote a review...

Hi there!

So Ben and I walk, and for a while it’s too loud in the hallways to say anything. And that’s nice. Just walking.

I feel like the 'just walking' part at the end here is unneeded. You said they were walking at the beginning so there's really no need to mention it again so quickly. I know it's something of emphasis on the fact that they're not talking, but there's always other ways to express that. Not to mention it just kinda hangs there. "Just walking". *shrugs* seems a little out of place to me.

Yes! I was so hoping that Ben would fall for Juno! Now Juno just needs that little nudge to fall for him.

I really like how you portrayed Asteria in this chapter. I feel like I was actually inside her head, going through everything that she was. You've done a good job with keeping all of this realistic. I can't find a place where you break the style of how you've been writing. So good job with that.

There really isn't anything I have to say about this chapter. We don't really know Asteria's friends all that well, but I feel like they'll just end up being minor characters later on so it doesn't matter that much. And I feel like we met them in an earlier chapter? I can't really remember.

As always, let me know when the next chapters is out! And oh gosh, I totally ship Ben and Juno. Please let it happen, please, please! ;)

Keep writing!

Oh YES I'm so glad you like that ship because I LOVE IT!
I fixed the "Just saying," because I'd forgotten I'd even written that and you're right, it's a little weird.
EEEEK I can't wait for everyone to see the next chapter!

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Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:25 pm
Deanie wrote a review...

Hi there your Highness!

Ooh this was a good chapter. I don't think I can emphasize how much the voice of each character comes through in all of the point of views. I don't think the style could clearly show how Asteria is more of the drama queen of the family who likes to think she is playing the older sister role and holding everything together for them in school. She only has their best intentions at heart but I wonder how she is going to take this whole Ben James fancying Juno thing. Especially as Juno doesn't seem interested in him in the slightest. It must sting quite a lot, and I am curious as to what her response will be.

Ben James TBWTN

Do we really need the abbreviation every time we have his name? I know it's there to emphasise that he is special and has two names, but saying Ben James and reading that is a mouthful enough without all the excess. I wouldn't have minded leaving the whole Boy With Two Names thing behind in the last chapter because I felt like it was more of a distraction than something that added to either character and voice.

Frey’s snaffoo

Um, care to enlighten me as to what a snaffoo is?

Hm, this isn't something I thought of until now. But does the guy Frey is with have nothing against hiding the fact that they fancy each other? Maybe he understands and is a bit worried about the whole bullying aspect of things too. That could be it, but that would be something worth mentioning. Or maybe he isn't okay with it, and you should mention them discussing it so the other guy has a chance to state his reasons and beliefs on the matter. I think this would create a bit of tension between the couple, wouldn't you think?

Brilliant job with the foreshadowing there, and the use of blind. I know IamTraunt already mentioned this, but wowza, nice touch, I loved it <3 Very clever and made this chapter all the better. I don't really have much else to say to you here. Keep me updated as always :D

Deanie x

Thanks Deanie!
You know, I think you're right about the TBWTN thing. It's getting to be a pain to type every time.
Stay tuned for more Frey and Adrian action in the coming chapter! I promise, much shall be revealed of their relationship.
Thank you for reviewing!

I fixed the abbreviations. I just left one for emphasis. Hope that helps!

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Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:02 pm
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IamTraunt wrote a review...

Hey! IamTraunt here to review yet another amazing chapter of Things Fall Apart!

Okay, so lets begin! I was so excited about this chapter and being able to read more about the relationships going on between the characters here. So, we get read a lot about the 'spark' that Aestria is waiting to happen here, which unfortunately doesn't happen (to be honest I wished this would happen as I think Juno and Ben would be so sweet). But, anyway, you have really built up and foreshadowed, OMG, you foreshadowed.

Spoiler! :
It’s like he’s blind or something.

Well, sort of. You can call it foreshadowing, right? Even though your not foreshadowing him going blind, your talking about... Ahem.

You do really well to show the obvious in this chapter and yet you show Aestria's obliviousness towards Ben James TBWTN. I love putting that. Makes me feel special. Hee hee.

Spoiler! :
I can’t let Frey’s snaffoo with his inner gayness get in the way of my relationship with Ben James TBWTN.

Now, I know that your story is based on realism, so I was thinking, to portray that realism maybe you should use a different word than 'snaffoo' as I don't know what it means and I'm not too sure if other readers would either. It's just a suggestion, but I would put trouble.

I love Aestria's character, she is a fun character - but you also present her as a stereotypical popular girl, who is - in my eyes - slightly snobby and proud of herself, especially when you mention that she was Queen Bee and other highly esteemed positions who-knows-how-many-times. The way you put how she views herself as a 'goddess' just proves how full of herself she is. Good job!

Spoiler! :
This cannot be happening.

You need to change the full stops after 'what' to a question mark. I'd even add a exclamation mark in there to make Aestria seem more dramatic and stricken with pure shock towards Ben James TBWTN.

Now, I don't want to hog, so I'll let the rest of your fans read and review!
(I'm your number 1 though).

You sweetheart! <3
A snaffoo is an incident in which something has gone awry or not according to plan. Synonyms include the following: incident, accident, happening, occurrence, etc.
Thank you for your wonderful review m'dear!

IamTraunt says...

Oh! Right, I did look it up but couldn't find the meaning. Thank you for teaching me a new word! I'll use that in my English (to see if Miss knows what it means) hee hee.
And your welcome! See you till the next review ;-)

IamTraunt says...

Oh! Right, I did look it up but couldn't find the meaning. Thank you for teaching me a new word! I'll use that in my English (to see if Miss knows what it means) hee hee.
And your welcome! See you till the next review ;-)

The brain is wider than the sky.
— Emily Dickenson