
Young Writers Society


by Ross

Author's Note: For those of you who don't know the gorgeous Emmy Rossum, here's a videoclip of her singing the song in this writing piece. The song is "Stay" and it is one of my favorites.


Hush now close out the light

No need to speak

Helen Johnson waited in the shadows, deep purple ones that cloaked her from view. The foyer was darker than usual, the lamps glimmering a deep, smoldering amber.

A smile curved her full lips as she dared to lean forward as Andres Segura swept past her. He smelled of the night air, of musk and the dinner they had recently ate. A sigh soughed from her lips as she treasured the scent, treasured it like the finest wine…

Time will slow when we surrender

Whisper now over the edge

“Go on,” Andres was telling his mother. “I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”

The mother nodded. She was walking out in the night with a swirl of perfume and heavy velvet. Helen sighed once more as Andres approached her, hands out only to touch her face. His dark eyes bored in hers, the rugged face framed by his longish hair.

Head rush

Are you still breathing


Taking me higher

“Helen…” that was the only word he spoke before his sweet, sensual mouth slanted on hers. Instantly, her hands threaded in the velvet of his hair as she cherished this moment…cherished it.


Darkness take over now


No thinking twice

Stay for tonight

“How much is a little bit?” Helen managed as Andres kissed at her neck, brought sensations she never thought she could feel. The sensations that only belonged in romance novels. But then again, she was in her own romance novel, a cliched version of the quiet society girl falling for the foreign, handsome stranger...

The sound of your heart racing faster for me

Is what will save me

”Tonight…” Andres whispered. “I don’t give a damn, frankly. About what they think…they don’t own my life.” He stared hard at Helen and she almost laughed, almost cried at the emotion filling his eyes.

Whisper soft

Anticipating this eclipse

“I love you…” Andres whispered. She smiled. She was the one to kiss him this time. And she was the one to start peeling off the other’s clothes…

Pulling you closer

Melting now covered in silk

Letting go into the stillness

His jacket fell to the floor, along with Helen’s hairclip. Her long, copper-blonde hair spilled over Andres’s face, his shoulders as she kissed him with the passion she was always amazed at.

Head rush careful don't drop me

Shiver taking me higher

”I love you too,” she said against his lips as she pulled off his shirt. “I love you so much…”


Darkness take over now


No thinking twice

Stay for tonight

The sound of your heart racing faster for me

Is what will save me

She felt the silk of her dress peel away, felt it pool around her feet…Moans filled the foyer and Helen felt the soft press of heated skin against hers, the passion beginning to show in Andres’s kisses, his caresses smoothing over her curves.

Faster for me

Feeling you save me

The belt buckle was undone. So was the pants fly. She was clinging to him like he was her air, her water, her nourishment…and he was taking them upstairs.

Memorize every moment (Breathe)

Letting this love take you over (Breathe)

Just breathe and stay

To the bedroom.


Darkness take over now

Finally…Helen was nestled in the mattress, feeling so right and yet so dirty…


No thinking twice

Stay for tonight

“This is wrong…” she protested thinly. “We shouldn’t be doing this…”

Andres didn’t let up, just whispered in her ear, “Please. Stay. Stay for tonight.”

The sound of your heart racing faster for me

Is what will save me

Helen nodded her assent…

Faster for me

Feeling you save me

And then she felt the rush of heat envelop her.


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Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:03 am
omsvmars22 wrote a review...

I liked this story a lot! It was short and very romantic. I liked how you mixed the lyrics in with the plot line, it was very well done.

The only thing I don't like is the mother...either expand on her or cut her out. Other then that it was fantastic and I am very glad that I read it!

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:07 am
Livinginfantasy wrote a review...

How cute! I love stories where they mix lyrics into the story line.

Andres Segura... you couldn't have picked a more perfect name.

The only thing I have to say is... why is the mother in this? Why did Andres speak to her directly? And why did he tell her one minute? He's gonna have some explaining to do! :wink:

Overall: I love it. I've got nothing constructive to tell ya... that's how good it was.

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Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:37 am
casey_kent says...

Hey there sweetie!!

OMG, I loved this story. It's short but very romantic! Another good one!

And please, change the envelop to envelope.. That's all the critique I can give.

With love,

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Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:53 am
karebear wrote a review...

okay. that was very well written, i must say, and i deeply and thoroughly enjoyed it. but i was still a bit confused. I don't understand the part with the mother. so its his mother and shes somewhere and he leaves and he tells her he'll be back soon, and then he goes off and has passionate sex with a blonde chick named helen? im confused. the mother is going to be worried about him lol. but, seriously, where did she go? was she in the house or not? im guessing that this was secret rendezvous between helen and andres? it was really good. but im still confused on where his mom went. i really like how you described andres hair and her hair. the part where her hair tumbles down out of her hair clip is very sexy, passionate, and it shows the beauty of love and sexuality. i also liked the way that you incorporated the lyrics to "stay" in your story. it made the piece very unique and added some flair. it was good for like i guess you would say breaking? in between the 'scenes' if you will. it made you have to do less description, because yeah, we can all guess what's going on, lol. it makes the reader use their own imagination of the scenario and adds a scencerity to the love of helen and andres. on the whole, the piece was really really super dooper amazing, just describe more about where they are, what the mother was doing, the setting, the time of day, etc. it would be easier to follow that way.


i am sooo totally new to this place but sincerely glad that i discovered it. ya know? contact me if you want, k? thanks

"and when it all goes to hell, will you be able to tell me you're sorry with a straight face?"
'the patron saint of liars and fakes'
~Fall Out Boy

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Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:44 pm
ashleylee wrote a review...

Okay, at first I thought they were like in a restaurant or something so when they started undressing...I was like...um WHAT?? But then I figured out that they were in a house...so yeah! lol A little awkward...

But anyway, I thought it was really neat how you combined the story with the lyrics with a song. And I'm pretty sure I know what song you are talking about. And I absolutely love it (if I'm right on what it is. The lyrics sure do sound familiar :? )

I do agree with the others that he would tell his mother to wait a second....and I also wonder why the mother was there?? I feel the like the beginning part of this should have been expanded a bit.

But other than that, this was good! :D

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Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:23 am
Flame11 wrote a review...

I agree with the other reviewers that the mother part was confusing... Why would he say, "I'll be there in a minute" then have sex with Helen? I've had no experience but i think that sex takes longer than one minute. :lol:

The song lyrics were great. But I got confused about which ones were the song and what was in the story. Now that i look at the thing under the review box, i see that in there, all of the lyrics are in italics. As i said before in another review, you really need to preview it before you submit it. Just to make sure that it's all what you intend it to be.


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Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:28 am
day tripper wrote a review...

Hey DW:D

Okay, first thing.
For your authors not you should place that in bold or else but a line under it so we know when it ends.

I got this. Like, I knew that it was supose to be fast, rushing, impulsive... flashing. I could see it in my mind, a girl and a boy in a dimmed foyer, kissing fast, everything rushing into one, and then next they were pushing themselves up the stairs, on the bed, and leading into the night. The song lyrics were amazing with it too, I couldn't get over how much I got this piece! In my opinion, another song that would have gone just GREAT with this piece is the song "Hands in the Sky (Big Shot)" by Straylight Run. If you ever get the chance, you should check it out(:

Alright, what I dont get is the mother part.
I was a bit lost in the begining. Like, I knew there was Helen waiting in the foyer,
there was a foreign Andres, but then all of the sudden he is telling his mother to go.
Care to explain? Haha

Another thing was he told his mother he'd be there in a minute, but then as soon as she's gone, he is trying to have sex with Helen.... that would deff. take loner than a minute(;

"The belt buckle was undone. So was the pants fly." This sentence bothered me.
I feel it should be reworded like
The clinging of the belt buckle indicated it was undone, the zip of the fly gave off the hint that the pants were coming off.
Or something like that.

"She felt the silk of her dress peel away, felt it pool around her feet…Moans filled the foyer and Helen felt the soft press of heated skin against hers, the passion beginning to show in Andres’s kisses, his caresses smoothing over her curves."
The begining confuzled me. d:
Not what was happening but the wording.
It should be something like:
She felt the silkyness of her dress float down her, revealing her body. She pushed away the puddle of her dress as she wrapped her arms around Andres neck, their moans echoing off the foyer walls....

"Her long, copper-blonde hair spilled over Andres’s face, his shoulders as she kissed him with the passion she was always amazed at."
Umm, I'm not gunna lie, I was one hundred percent lost at this. a-ha.

At one part, Helen moans about How long is a little bit and Andres responds with:
About what they think…they don’t own my life
Who is 'they' and what are they talking about?

Well, as I said, I got this piece. You did a very nice job(:

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Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:24 am
Dr. Jamie Bondage wrote a review...

I liked it!

One thing that was confusing t me was what parts exactly were part of the song and what parts were in the story. I would suggest making all those parts in italics.

I aslo agree. There wasn't enough setting or description.what does she look like? Were her eyes shining? What exactly was she wearing? what did the material feel like? was it confining? What about him? Is he handsome? Tall? thin?

Good job on the way he smelled. but give more details.

You donzt have to describe the sex in order to give details about the character.

Someone told me once you have five senses, taste, touch, sight, feel, and smell. Use all of them in your story.

Overall, this was well written and I really liked it. add a bit more detail and you should be set.

Hope this helped.


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Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:07 am
Clo wrote a review...

And then she felt the rush of heat envelop her.


This is a lovely story. I like the mixture of lyrics and storyline.

The only thing I can think to point out is setting. There's no description of setting, and this somewhat confused me at the beginning. The mother is present, leaves, no setting described, and then suddenly they're professing love and reaching for each other.

And they end up in a room in the end. Did they move? Were they there the entire time? Just more description of setting, please.

Thanks for the read. Keep up the writing =D

Pain is filtered in a poem so that it becomes finally, in the end, pleasure.
— Mark Strand