
Young Writers Society

Chapter 2 of Wrong or Right?

by Ross

"Honestly, Chad!" I huffed as I stumbled up the stairs, my cousin's hands over my eyes. "Why all the secrecy?"

"Because I want it to be a surprise," Chad's hot breath hit my ear and I found it hard to supress a shiver.

"Yes, but you don't need to make me blind, thank you!" I snapped. His only reply was a chuckle.

I growled, "Chad, I'm warning you...If--" Chad's hands dropped and my jaw did likewise.

Gone were the armchairs, the low couch facing the TV. A gray backdrop--like the one for school pictures covered the TV itself and a white piece of paper was on the floor. Then the camera...

"Oh my God!" I squealed. Squealed like a total girl. I jumped up and down, then realized one element was missing.

"What do I photograph?"

Chad smiled, "I was wondering if I could...model for you and..."

"Yes, yes! I've always wanted to photograph models..." I threw my arms around him. His arms came around me and we stood there in an embrace.

I was the one who broke the hug, my cheeks red. It had lasted a touch too long.

"Um, yes." I stammered. "Sure," Chad nodded and then took off his sweater. Just like that. My mouth was dry as I watched him kick off his shoes, peel off his socks. My gaze darted to the tattoo of the cross on his arm. The one he had got a year ago, for his eighteenth birthday.

Chad walked in the "modeling space" while I was behind the camera, directing him.

It went like that for a while, with him doing crouches, positions of running, dancing. Every pose imaginable.

“Okay, good…” I stopped snapping for a moment and looked over at Chad with a smile. “Well, mister model. Anything you wanna do?”

Chad looked at me, his smile sheepish, “I actually had an idea, but it might be a bit…inappropriate.”

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “How inappropriate?”

“It’s not that inappropriate. Just a bit…risqué.”

“Tell me,” I demanded.

“I was wondering if you could take pictures of me…in my underwear?”

My other eyebrow rose and I carefully considered his offer. It was risqué, but I decided to take the chance. Viewing Chad—my cousin Chad that I knew so well—in underwear was not the same as a handsome stranger being nude.

“Calix?” Chad’s voice jarred me out of my thoughts. I nodded, “That’s a good idea. You can, um…do what you have to do.”

Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he undid the fly of his pants, pulled down the zipper. A little shimmy to his hips made the jeans pool around his feet. He stepped out of the fabric and a second later the tank top was added to the pile of blue denim that was his pants.

His body was magnificent—almost like something taken off one of those pocket-book romances my mother read so much.

My face must have betrayed my overwhelming shock and wariness, because he suddenly said, “If you’re too uncomfortable with this…”

“No, no,” I took my place behind the camera. “You know, Calvin Klein and Dolce does this a lot, so this is a bit standard. Better to start early.”

That made him chuckle and I took a couple of photos of him caught in mid-laugh. Then I instructed him to turn around (showing me his back) and look over his shoulder and down. I was just about to take the picture when something on his back caught my eye.

“A new tattoo?” I asked. Chad glanced up at me, nodded. I walked to him to see the tattoo better.

“It’s pretty,” I reached up, traced his tattoo lightly. It was a picture of an angel with the black cursive print above the angel’s blond curls. I felt his shoulders shudder under my touch. I took my hands off—without knowing why, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just—can you give me a massage for a second?”

"Did you do something to your back?"

"No, I'm just a bit tense...modeling is a lot of work."

"Okay, only for a second."

Chad got on his knees and I began kneading on his shoulders and back. Then I worked my way down his right arm and just as I was massaging his palm, his fingers closed over my hand. I looked up from my entrapped hand to his dark eyes, eyes full of a emotion I could not decipher.

Our heads tilted at the exact same time—his to my left, mine to his. His hand guided mine to his chest, under his heartbeat. My gaze darted to his lips—full, shapely lips. My tongue flicked out, wet my own mouth.

Our faces neared each other’s. Stop. This is wrong! something inside of me screamed.

But still I couldn't resist; something led me on, moving closer and closer until I could feel his breath against my face, feel my eyes drowning in his and he moved to kiss me, my lips burning with the desire for his touch but it never came. My cell phone rang and like a spring pressed too tight, we were thrown apart.

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Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:03 pm
thewritingdoc wrote a review...

Hmmh.. this chapter was much more sensual than the first one.

I felt a bit of the sexuality issue in the first chapter but here it really heated up.

I thought it was amazing the way you described the moments leading up to the kiss.
Very sweet but also full of passion and wrongdoing.
I felt the naughtyness:P

Not much else to say escept that it's a really brave story to tell so far.
The idea of incest and sexual confusion. That's a loy to take on for a young writer. But it's really amazing.

I'm off to read chapter 3!


You must give me some writing tips!


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Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:36 pm
JFW1415 wrote a review...

Hello again! Same format as always.


Highlighted Comments

1. Maybe show how sudden this is?
2. Ellipses are generally not good, and this is no exception. I would reword this to avoid them. Show us the camera, and make it magnificent, so we see why he loves it so much.
3. This style is completely different than the rest of your writing – try to stay consistent. Also, is he embarrassed by it? Too excited to notice?
4. Slow it down a bit!
5. He smiled, then sounded this unsure? That doesn’t seem to match…
6. Again, his dialogue sounded unsure. Does he stand there for a moment, then slowly reach up?
7. I’d ditch this word.
8. Thanks for telling us, but it would help if we knew earlier. (You do realize you are now writing about gay love, incest, and something that’s illegal if they go farther? Well, here anyway…16 is the legal age for consent in NH.)
9. Apostrophes, please.
10. Needs to be expanded – a lot. Show how it feels at first to be photographing him – awkward? Once we see them in action, you can tell us that they did many more poses. Then he speaks, and we see that they’re now comfortable.
11. Maybe a little bit too quick to accept? Maybe he knows it’s strange, and that they shouldn’t, but he wants to anyway? Also, I’d like to see the cousin’s reaction here.
12. Don’t tell us his name so late – I already classified him as a ‘Matt’ in my head. It messes with the reader's image of them if we learn it once we’re attached to them.
13. I’d ditch this – it’s a bit obvious, and slows the flow.
14. If this is two different brands, it’s ‘do.’ If it’s one, you’re correct. (I don’t know this/these brand(s,) sorry!)
15. How’s it feel? Is the laugh light? Does it put the MC at ease?
16. ‘I [action.] Chad [action.] I [action.]’ A bit annoying, don’t you think?
17. I’d ditch ‘a picture.’ It’s not really a picture…
18. I’d ditch this word.
19. Saying what?
20. Tell us that it’s Chad’s shoulders – my mind is still on the angel, so this sounded odd at first.
21. Show us!
22. Show us the pause, the uncertainty, etc. You’ve fallen back into your habit of having no description around dialogue.
23. Agreed way too fast. Give more descriptions around the dialogue, and this might be all right…
24. I don’t really like the wording here – it sounds like a how-to book with the ‘thens.’ Maybe ‘Chad dropped to his knees, and I slowly began kneading his shoulders and back. I worked my way down his right arm, the muscles relaxing under my touch. As I massaged his palm, his fingers closed over mine.’ I also think you need more emotions here.
25. Suggestion. Also, I would start a new paragraph at ‘it.’ You’re trying to build suspense here, remember?
26. Not really. Maybe show that they pulled apart? This sounds like someone pulled them away from each other.

Overall Comments

Good job – this was much better than the first chapter! I only have three main suggestions for you.

Firstly, show the confusion and hesitancy a little more. Even if they know that they are gay, they didn’t know they’d fall in love with their cousin. You show that they’re hesitant at parts, but you need to keep it consistent. Show that they know it’s wrong, but they need to be together.

Secondly, gay people aren’t always feminine! Watch how much you do this. It’s rather annoying, especially since he’s mainly masculine here. (Your MC.) Don’t do the whole ‘Oh, Chad!’ thing. It sounds like a girly-girl, and later on he sounds like a guy. I think ‘it’s pretty’ is a good limit. It shows that he’s feminine, but it doesn’t go over the top. Try to stick with stuff like that.

Finally, you do need to give them more of a history. I’m glad you didn’t let them kiss, but this shouldn’t happen for a few chapters. Maybe just write one or two chapters before the first one? I think that would really help with this story.

Other than that, it’s much better, and has potential. You really know how to learn from your mistakes – that’s excellent!

Well, off to chapter three! Good luck, and happy editing! PM me for anything!


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Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:25 pm
Rydia wrote a review...

It turned out that Chad’s surprise had been a makeshift photo studio. He knew I loved to take pictures and planned to be a freelance photographer when I grew up. So he had taken me up here to the media room and presented to me my “studio.”

On top of that, he had volunteered to model. I had given him a hug and accepted his offer. This was why he was now standing barefoot in a tank top and jeans in front of the camera; standing in a way that showed his tattooed arm.
[You know what I'm going to say, don't you? Describe this! Do you not realise how much fun you could have with them walking up the stairs, one behind the other, their limbs tangled as Chad tries to cover his cousin's eyes. You could really show their relationship and then the shock and gratitude when Calix sees the room. Describe the hug, does it last that touch too long? Do they feel uncomfortable?]

Our heads tilted at the exact same time—his to my left, mine to his.

Our faces neared each other’s. A part of me screamed to stop, but something led me on. And then our spell was interrupted by…

The annoying squawk of a cell phone. [You could have made this more dramatic. Something like: 'Our faces neared each other’s. Stop. This is wrong!But still I couldn't resist; something led me on, moving closer and closer until I could feel his breath against my face, feel my eyes drowning in his and he moved to kiss me, my lips burning with the desire for his touch but it never came. My cell phone rang and like a spring pressed too tight, we were thrown apart.]

I preferred this to the first chapter, some good description of Chad and his clothes but try not to have sections of 'telling' that take your reader out of the story, especially when they present such perfect opportunities for relationship development. This was good. Maybe show a little more hesitation before the massage – maybe Chad says he has sprained his back? Only the request and acceptance seem a little too sudden.

Keep in mind what I said about chapter one as well and keep writing!

Heather xx

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Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:17 am
Summerless says...

Part two of "Wrong or Right" was more intriguing than part one. I like the word choice: risqué, entrapped, freelance, and shimmy.


I can't wait to read more!

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Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:08 am
Flame11 wrote a review...

Great! Only one typo that i can see.

“I’m fine, just—can you give me a massage for a second.”

I think it should be a question mark not a period.

That's all i think you should change... Maybe some of it but i think it's fine the way it is.


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— Homer Simpson