
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Wool of the Prince-- Chapter 11

by Rook

Chapter 11

~1,080 words

“We’ll need some rope or something…” mused Shep.

“Hold on Ato,” Fleta started, wading through the sheep that were cowering as far away from the pit as possible. “I have this gash in my hand. Do you have any bandages or anything?”

Shep slapped his face and moaned. “How could I forget about that? Yes, I have bandages. What did it feel like?” Shep started rifling through his bags.

“It felt like a blade was there where I touched the line. I couldn’t see one, and I couldn’t actually feel any metal. One second I was fine, and the next second I had a huge cut through my hand.” As Fleta described this, Shep cleaned the cut with some water, put a wet-looking leaf on it, and bound her hand with a long strip of cloth.

“How does that feel?” asked Shep.

“Better. I think I saw some rope in the far corner.”

Godfrey held onto one end of the rope as Gilfred tossed the other end down into the pit. Everything was silent. A small thud was the only sign that there was indeed a floor at the bottom of the pit. “We need an anchor,” said Shep, peering around at the walls.

“Will this do?” Jay pointed to a rusty eye-hook on the wall.

“This building was obviously built expressly for the purpose of repelling down the pit. Yes, Jay, that will do perfectly,” Shep answered. He tied the rope in a complicated knot that wove in and out of the hook.

Godfrey stuck his head over the edge of the pit, but quickly came up again. “It’s dark as a dragon’s belly down there. Anyone got a light?” Shep, who seemed to have everything in his packs, brought out a lantern and lit it. Godfrey went back to the edge of the pit and held the lantern out beneath him. “What the… This pit is bell-shaped or someth’n. It’s narrow enough at the top but spreads out.”

“That complicates matters,” Shep said. “It means whoever repels down can’t walk down the wall. They’ll be descending with no solid thing next to them.” There was silence.

Finally Fleta spoke, “So… Who wants to go first?” Everyone looked at each other warily, waiting for someone else to speak up.

Jay surprised himself by saying, “I’ll go.”

Shep clapped him on the back. “Scream bloody-murder if something attacks you on your way down or when you reach the bottom.” Jay faced the pit, deciding it wasn’t a good idea to think about how he couldn’t even make it to the top of the rope in gym class. Shep must have seen the look of uncertainty on his face because he offered Jay a square of cloth. “You can use this to slide down the rope rather than climbing down. Just make sure to stop sliding before you reach the bottom.”

Jay could imagine what it would be like it he didn’t stop before the end. He steeled his courage and grabbed the rope.

“Good luck Jay!” shouted Fleta. With that, Jay let go of the edge of the pit.

He slid faster than he would have expected. The air rushed around him, and panic rushed within him. It was so dark it didn’t make a difference if he had his eyes open or closed. It felt like ages before he had the idea to stop. Jay tightened his grasp on the rope that seemed to be pulling up between his hands rather than his hand sliding down it. Jay slowed a bit, but didn’t stop. He caught the rope between his feet and thighs slowing him down considerably. Jay had no idea how far he had come or how far he had yet to go, so he proceeded at this slow place, his muscles cramping.

The air suddenly got colder as Jay became aware of something beneath him. Soon he felt the ground beneath his feet, and relief washed through his body. “I’m down!” he called up, then tugged on the rope. He heard a shout back, but couldn’t make out the words.

A little while later Fleta called down to him from somewhere above him, “How much farther?”

She sounded pretty far off but Jay couldn’t tell exactly where she was. “Keep coming, but slowly. You have a while to go!” When Jay could hear the sound of Fleta sliding down the rope, he called to her again, “Slow down! You’re almost at the bottom.” Jay heard her feet hit the ground, and her sigh of relief.

Next Shep came down, a light dangling from one of his robes. “It’s a good thing I thought of putting loops in this,” he confided to Jay, unhooking the light after he had landed.

As the trolls came down, Gilfred first, and finally Godfrey, Jay thought he heard Shep whisper something to Fleta, “See you proved it to us. Without you, we couldn’t have gotten here. You are not a hindrance.”

After they were all safely on the ground—except for the sheep, of course—Shep shined his light around the vast room. It illuminated a metal door set into the stone wall. They crossed the huge floor in silence, awed by the enormity of the room. Jay wondered how such a place could exist without the knowledge of everyone on the island. Then again, it was magic.

Jay had expected the door to have a complex lock on it, but when Shep tried the handle, it swung open easily. Beyond the door was a blank stone wall, and nothing else. Godfrey held the door open so that it wouldn’t lock behind them. Shep examined the wall, running his hands over every inch.

Finally he turned around a look of worry on his face. “There’s nothing here.”

“What?” Fleta said.

“There’s should be something here, but there’s not. Why isn’t there anything here? Did someone find the sheep already? They can’t have!” Shep looked panicked.

Jay hadn’t realized how disconcerting it was to see the man who was prepared for everything going to pieces.

“Lemme see the wall,” Godfrey growled, stomping up to it like he was going to knock it down with sheer force. Unfortunately, this left no one to keep the door open, and the entire group except for Godfrey watched in horror as it slammed shut. Shep’s flame flickered a deep shade of purple before going out, and they were plunged into darkness.

Then the wall started glowing.

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Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:24 pm
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TimmyJake wrote a review...

Timmy here!

This is your best chapter yet--and I am not saying this because I am writing it right now and I need some last-minute praise to fudge up my review. It really flowed well, had the perfect amount of description, and I could really see your character's personality and feelings throughout. Your style is becoming more prominent and developed as we go through this--and we are only at chapter 11! Much more to come along the way!

built expressly for the purpose of repelling down the pit

I am afraid I am in agreement with your first reviewer. Even if repelled is the correct word for this situation, it isn't used very often for that purpose and in this... Erm, situation, so I think you should use something else that your reader could relate to better. Repell makes me think of something revulsing, something that you want to push away from you--or something that is repelled away, like the opposite sides of a magnet.

“Good luck Jay!” shouted Fleta

Comma before "Jay" and why is Fleta shouting? Is she far away from Jay or something, or does she just want to yell? Sounds weird for her to be shouting.

Okay, now I am just going to comment on a few things I noticed that either need to be brushed up or worked on to make more sense. (Erm, both choices are pretty similar. xD)

1) When they are talking about the pit--what kind a pit is it? I mean, I understand that its dark down there and blah, blah, blah, but what about the sides of the pit right up close to where Jay is? Can he see the sides? As he goes down, can he bump into the rocky or dirty sides of the pit? If you can't use our visual sense, then try for something else. Perhaps someone can drop a rock in the pit, gauging how far it is to the bottom by how many seconds it is before they hear the clunk! of the rock.

2) Jay is in the bottom of the pit, right? And Fleta is coming down. Think about it: No light down where Jay is, but plenty of light at the top of the pit. Jay would be looking up at a scene full of light. In other words, I think he would see Fleta coming down as well as hear her coming down. Unless the pit is really that deep so that the light dissipates before it gets to him. In that case, you may want to clarify with that so that your reader (meee) understands how far down this pit is.

3) They don't check the rope to make sure its in working order. O_o It reminds me of Bride to Terribithia (an amazing movie, even though I probably spelled the title wrong--but I am going off track), where there is a rope they use to swing over the river. They use the rope for a while, saying that the rope can never break. The rope breaks, and the girl dies. So yeah... I think a brief check-over of the rope would be a good idea.

That's all I have for you on this chapter! The story is becoming quicker paced, and still full of fantastical adventure--which I love. Fantasy, if you aren't aware, happens to be my life! Its so much fun to read and write. But, once again, I am going off topic. xD

Great job! Now you have left me wondering what is on the other side of this wall, and why it's glowing... <.< Stupid cliff-hangers.
~Darth Timmyjake

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Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:13 pm
kayfortnight wrote a review...

First some nitpicks.

Shep slapped his face and moaned.
Groaned might be more appropriate. Moaning is usually associated with either being in pain or whining, and Shep is neither here.

Rappelling. Repelling is disgusting or nauseating:)


Jay surprised himself by saying, “I’ll go.”
Oh, come on now. It requires quite a bit of experience to rappel and we've never been shown that Jay has the skill to do this. Currently this is a deus ex machina-you should add some stuff in earlier chapters saying he did cliff climbing with his family or something so it doesn't come out of nowhere. And if he couldn't climb to the top of the rope in gym class, then it's highly unlikely he has the upper body strength to even hold onto the rope or slow himself down. After all, he doesn't have any equipment but a rope. Also, Shep's supposed to be somewhat aged, so he should have trouble with this. And Fleta will definitely have trouble with an injured hand. And if they're sliding, they should be accelerating due to gravity-that little bit of friction isn't going to slow them much. When Jay slows because he grips tighter, his shoulders will hurt a lot and his hands will probably get friction burn, because his body wants to continue moving.

The rest of the chapter is interesting and fits with fantasy, though.

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Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:05 pm
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Noelle wrote a review...

Hi there!

So I have the teeniest of nitpicks here.

“Hold on Ato,” Fleta started

There should be a comma before 'Ato'. Whenever someone is talking and mentions someone's name like that, there should be a comma before it. Only if they're talking to someone though. Does that make sense? For some reason it took me a long time to figure out how to explain that...

We've got another interesting chapter here. I have to say, I really do feel like I'm reading a novel here. Everything is going in the right order and it's all linking together quite well. I never feel disconnected from the storyline and the characters. Everything is going smoothly. Two thumbs up for that.

You've done a good job with your descriptions in this chapter. I got a good picture of this room that they landed in and the door that they found. It was such a short, simple description, but it worked well enough.

There really isn't anything else I have to say about this chapter. Okay, I lied. There is one thing. It's not totally specific to this one chapter and I think I might have mentioned it earlier. Alright, enough rambling. I think Jay ought to be thinking about home sometime soon. I know that he was running away from everything to begin with, but don't you think he'd be missing Earth a bit? I don't think anyone can just enter a different world and automatically feel comfortable there, comfortable enough that they wouldn't want to return to their own world. And his mother; wouldn't he be worrying about her a little too? Surely he thinks she'll be worrying when she realizes that he's gone. Just a little something to think about. If you're gonna add anything like that in here you'll have to wait for some downtime. I wouldn't expect it to happen in the next chapter or maybe even the one after that. Downtime is reallythe only time that this kind of information/memories would fit. Just a suggestion.

I can't wait 'til the next chapter! I want to know what's in this room and why the wall is glowing. Stupid cliffhangers... ;)

Keep writing!

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Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:50 am
Wolfi wrote a review...

Another great chapter, Fortis! I'm impressed that you wrote it so fast!

There were a few nitpicks here and there, but they were all minor.

“Better. I think I saw some rope in the far corner.”

This is a sudden topic change. Here's how I would change it (you do whatever you want):
"Better." She looked up at Shep, her face warm and thankful. The trolls lumbered by, clearly searching for something. "Oh!" Fleta exclaimed, "I think I saw some rope in the far corner."
Something like that. And one other thing.... if Shep has pretty much everything in his packs, wouldn't he have some rope?
“This building was obviously built expressly for the purpose of repelling down the pit.

You say it later, too...
“It means whoever repels down can’t walk down the wall.

I don't know what context of "repelling" you're using.
She sounded pretty far off

Remove pretty, please. Haha "pretty please" remove pretty. Basically, you can find a better word than "pretty."
Then the wall started glowing.

Excellent ending!

After reading Deanie's review, I can't really comment on much else. She brought up several excellent points that I hadn't even thought of. I'm sorry if this review is on the shorter side, but it's mostly because your chapter was so good! I am agonizingly waiting for the next chapter!

Rook says...

Repelling? Y'know, like climbing down rocks? here look at this
But thanks for the review! :D

Wolfi says...

Oh, ok :D It doesn't look like dictionary.com has heard of it, either!

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Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:32 pm
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Deanie wrote a review...

Hey Fortis!

Yay! I knew I was going to get here faster this time :D This was a pretty great chapter and all on its own, and you've left me with next to nothing to comment on. So I apologise for this being as short as it will be.

What I loved the most was that I could see so much of the feedback that had been requested already answered in this chapter. For example Fleta being praised and what the circle had really done to her <3 I think it's great you incorporated so quickly as well. I loved the chapter ending here, I just want to know what the wall is going to say/show, or if it is going to be any help at all.

I think someone should've stayed at the top of the rope with the sheep? Maybe one of the trolls or something. Just to watch over the sheep and also help them climb back up the rope. Because, I can imagine it wouldn't be too great to find Cabot had stolen all of the sheep away while they had been away trying to rescue another one.

In fact, with everything they're doing they should be thinking of Cabot a lot more. A point would be because we wouldn't want the reader to forget about Cabot and later on be like, who was that again? But also because he adds pressure to the story. How does he know everything about them? Isn't he following them, trying to get hold of the sheep and putting pressure on their task? It needs to be something they think about and fret about, making them work faster and maybe make some regrettable rash decisions because of their fear of him. And, because of him the sheep they do have would need some protecting.

Nitpicks! (Very few and far between)

The Godfrey held onto one end of the rope

I didn't think Godfrey had earned the title 'the' yet :P Maybe just cut it because without it the sentence still makes sense.

Who wants to go first?”.

Really small thing to mention, but the full stop isn't necessary here.

“Lemme see the wall,” Godfrey growled, stomping up to the wall

I would change the second 'the wall' to it, seeing as we know what Godfrey I referring to, and it would be nice to avoid some repetition. There were some other points in the chapter when the repetition was fairly close to one another, but it wasn't too bad so I didn't pull anything out apart from this one. But you could look over the chapter and make small adjustments if you spot any and decide they are too close together after all.

Apart from this, there really is nothing more to say. This story just continues intriguing me and always getting better <3 Some characters are developing and I have an inkling that Jay is getting closer to finding his first sheep with his new mates. (You should have him think of home at some point. Is Jay thinking of just hanging around this world for the rest of his time, or does he want to go back eventually? If not to his family just to earth, at the very least?)

I am looking forwards to the next chapter! I shall have one eye on the club ;)

Deanie x

I feel like if I was the mafia I’d leave a voicemail.
— Tuckster