
Young Writers Society


Ronenzel32 - Britoniah's Gate

by Ronenzel32

Guys, sorry for the excessive spaces I used. I literally just copied this from the Microsoft document, and it turned out like this.

So basically, this is only the first part of the book. The entire thing exceeds 700 pages so I'm only getting a third of it on this.

The .jpeg files - it's difficult for me to edit the pictures due to the amount of words there are on my screen. It's too laggy for me, and I can't enter the correct pictures into the document - so I apologise for that.

So I've been trying to show my book to people for the past four years. I tried publishing it to several companies but, I needed a particular audience for myself to be able to be known once its published. I'm using this website now as a way for me to be known.

I know that this is basically late, but I hope you'll enjoy the book that I've been developing for so long.

Here's the blurb:

In the year 2013, Rion and Seobi find out the past of their races death and the truth of who’s behind everything. But how is she meant to do it, if Rion somehow lost all of his memories?

Why did he lose all of his memories? Is Seobi really by herself in this investigation?

And as soon as they’re segregated by the other three majestic human races, the two find out the dark past events of their family, and why they’re rejected by society.

In a world where science has jumped out of its own hierarchy and proclaimed as ‘magic’, Seobi and Rion find out that the ones who discovered science originated from members of their large family. As they fight their way through life, compelling themselves to the brinks of death, they find out that these scientists found the process of how demons posses humans; including the steps to control the central nervous system, stealing the memories of another from the hippocampus, and transferring them to yours, and even manipulating a persons’ persona through the distortion of the frontal cortex of their brain.

In this world, people may appear as you want them to appear, but inside, they’re possessed by someone who you’re yearning to obliterate with your own bare hands.

But as soon as Seobi finds out something inhuman about the behaviour of Rion’s skin cells, she’s gripped to unfold the truth to why he’s a completely different person.

Is he also being possessed by another human being?

Or did he simply forget his memories?

Though, with the help of their imagination and the unbreakable bond of love the two have for each other, nothing can stop them.


Title Page.jpg

By Faiz Jitno

Chapter 1 – Seobi – Magic and Science

Seobi's Face.jpgIts five o’clock in the morning now, and the sun hasn’t even risen yet. Rion leaves our hotel room, eager to seeing the sunrise, and I stay inside for preparation of my first day of school.

Pencil case – check. Exercise books – check. Clear water-bottle – check. Toiletries – check. Evidence of being human – check. Courage of suppressing anger – check. And... for my hair?

One tail? Or maybe two? Sometimes I can’t discern the difference, but sometimes I can! Agh!

Putting that aside, I have to look as pretty as I can before I go out. I can’t allow others to look down on me and push me through the fence! Everyone must have a good impression of me whenever I go out.

“Hey Rion, how do you think I look?”

“You look atrocious” suddenly I heard him mutter.

Surely – he’ll never change.

Rion - the only person he’s with now is me, and I treat him like my son.

I fed him like a baby.

I had to pay someone to toilet train him.

I had to rub his tummy when he was sick.

I had to read him night books before he fell asleep.

And that was when he was fourteen.

So actually, I’m pretty much like a mother to him – a sixteen year old mother – and I know that sounds weird in so many ways. It’s not much of a choice to live with another person that’s like you, particularly when the rest of your family is destroyed. We both lived in the same castle called ‘Brigadonia’ four years ago with the rest of our family. But after the incident that occurred, everyone died – except Rion and me.

It was atrocious, hell, devil-like and destroying.

And now, even after all of that destruction, I've been stuck with this baby for the past four years.

"Can you clean my undies?"

"Rion, you need to learn how to do it by yourself."

"But I don't like to! I do what I want to do."

Before the incident that murdered everyone, he was completely different – mature, patient, charismatic, soft-spoken and dependable. Something inside him changed after the incident – he became a rather immature, ignorant and rebellious individual.

He’s being getting into my nerves literally every day, and I wonder when he’ll change? Or, should I say, change back?

Most importantly though, I’m pretty sure he cares about me as much as I care about him, it’s just the way we express our feelings towards each other are different. It’s as if, we’re family, you know?

We even live and sleep in the same room.

Don’t get me wrong – I know that a boy and a girl shouldn’t be sleeping or be alone in the same room, otherwise some unwanted consequence can arise. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. But for Rion, it’s completely different. As I said, I’m like a mother to him, and he literally acts like a kid! It’s insane? Wait – is he insane?

And that’s why I have to act as the mature one – the one who’ll teach the kid about the fundamental aspects of life.

Even friendship.

"Hey, good luck for your work!"

"Mm." he murmured.

And now we both assist each other to earn money for ourselves. Rion works in the nearby market to sell fruits, while I usually help him or assist in hospitalising sick people. It’s the modern world, and the job I took wasn’t much of a job. The reward was priceless, since in this world magic is everywhere – or should I say – ‘advanced science’. After weeks of deciding, I finally chose to go to school because of this reason. Treating wounds with magic is what the doctors do – and that is surely my dream as well.

“Seobi, if you were to contribute yourself to the world, what would you do?” I remember my mother asking.

“Of course I’ll rid people from pain!” I responded gratefully.

I’m still grateful in fact, that I still have this ambition despite my mother leaving. I actually wanted to only impress her back then, but now I want to fulfil it.

Today is my first day of class! I feel so excited! The first time I’ll ever be taught how to treat wounds! I have to remember – I’m from the ‘infamous’ Shwanseah family. I have an advantage of curing wounds.

That’s odd, don’t you think? Just because I’m born from a different race, I’m better at this then everyone else in the world.

But I don’t exactly know how it’s easier for me to cure wounds! Haha! I guess by taking this journey, I’ll soon find out. But I wonder – do the rituals simply process faster? After I’ve went through the studies of health science, I’ll be able to help everyone else in need and earn my own income. It would be best if Rion were to come to school with me and study his own, but he needs to keep the funds for us going.

“Alright, Rion I’m going now.”

He looks out the window and waves without looking at me. No goodbyes, good lucks, just… wave. But who cares, as they say – look at the positive side.

As I leave the house, I see people staring at me, and then looking away like I’m an eyesore to them. It’s a thing I experience every time I go out. But honestly, I can’t care less.

I guess I can say that it’s probably because I look different from them - with my blue hair, incredibly pale skin and maroon eyes; I’m basically an alien towards them or something.

So yeah, basically the world I’m living now is split. That’s right – our race is being rejected and looked down upon; while the ones who look ‘normal’ as a human being are the dominant culture.

"Hey, you screwed-up freak, take a nap and rest your demon-red eyes." as I remember an individual I met alongside the chariot road nearby.

People think we're demons, people think we're individuals who are physically disordered and have the 'z' chromosome, or we're just chosen by nature to be 'retarded' as they say.

After a fifty minute walk or so, I’ve finally reached school – Falkenstein Health Institute – the school with the highest league within the entire island. I’ve heard rumours from others that if you misbehave just a little bit they’ll literally ‘throw you out’.

It all began because of a past student who was in fact, really smart, but was the lord of all the bullies in the school. Except, he's gone now – hopefully.

No one knows what happened to him.

And now since I've come, hopefully I’ll be able to listen to everything the teachers tell me. But I’m quite confident to stay in a school like this. I mean, I’ve done the test right? I think that’s already enough.

I see everyone accompanied whilst I walk to my class alone. They all have wonderful clothing and nice hair (I guess this is what you can do with a lot of money). I enter the classroom with joy and excitement, the teacher tells the class to choose any seat available.

"Yeah, just like, choose wherever your butt fits."

The front seats get taken instantly – probably by the smart ones, and the backs are empty. I stand clueless to where I’ll sit, until finally a decision rises to just simply sit in the back.

It’s pretty difficult to choose where to sit! It seriously indulges you into a dilemma, since the spot that I take is probably the seat I’ll have for the rest of the year. Luckily I’m not sitting next to any of those rebellious types.

Actually, I don’t think there are any.

Everyone seems so well educated, or am I just being less pessimistic?

“Good morning class. My name is John Flaris. Welcome to the first year of health studies in the Falkenstein Health Institute. Now, I’m pretty sure most of you know who Falkenstein is, right?”

Falkenstein Jeutonburg – the first ancestor of the Jeutonburg side of our large family.

Yes – he’s from ‘my’ family.

Well, technically, our family is split into three other families. But by the fact that he’s from our family, he’s special like me. The ‘Jeutonburg’s’ is one out of the three sides of our family. I’m from the Shwanseah, Rion is from the Bayerische.

I’m special in curing injuries and sicknesses.

And he’s... well...

In this world, the ones who discovered science were the Jeutonburg’s. Falkenstein was the head.

Despite them also being ostracised like us, they were known for discovering all the sciences in this world. Then somehow, all the hard work done by them was leaked into the normal, dominating nation, and now everyone studies it.

“So yeah, assuming you all know him – without him, we wouldn’t be here. In this subject, we’ll be focusing on the fundamentals of how the environment around us will be capable of curing hand-to-hand wounds.”

He then goes on about the other types of people who use magic as a role for combat, but for us – we use them for assisting. He then calls the roll, and at the moment he calls my name, he looks at me.

“Oh, someone from the Briteria family?” said Mr Flaris in distinct astonishment.

Everyone looks at me with an incredulous gasp.

Gah, am I feeling a bit left out already? It’s been only seven minutes of school! I look back at the teacher and completely shy to what to say.

“Yeah… I am.” I muttered with embarrassment. Does he think my blue hair is intimidating? Well, sorry then. As if I can change it –

“It really suits you – compared to those other rebellious folks who dye their hair in all sorts of blue, green or white colours. It just doesn’t look right for them; but for you, you look pretty.” After he spoke the last few words with such elocution, he smiles.

But so do I as well.

Except my mouth kind of ‘drooped’ open in happiness! Oh my gosh, I love school already!

He said I look pretty! He said I look pretty!

“Thank you so much sir!” I expressed my delight. I jump to my feet and give a bow.

Wait – was that too much?

I look around to see everyone smiling at me and keeping silent. It's as if one of them muttered -

"Teacher is kind of … creepy... and she’s weird."

After a few seconds, they all turn around to face the teacher again, except for one.

Except for this one person... I wonder who she is?

She has black hair, contact lenses and extremely pale skin (but obviously, I’m paler). We both stare at each other for a bit, until she waves at me with a joyful smile. I wave back cheerfully, and continuously thinking that she could be my first friend.

Black hair – and that pale skin of hers.

In this world, there were four main military factions denoted by their compass positions in the island, and by their particular physical characteristics.

The Eastern ones, who lived in the east coast of Britoniah, were called the Sheng-Quishi Empire. Their physical characteristics are predominantly of bright yellow, pale skin, and rather slightly squinted eyes and obsidian black hair. Millenia's ago, they were called 'asians' or 'orientals'. As for the one who waved at me, I’m pretty sure she’s from the eastern, asian faction. But her skin colour, it looks a bit too pale for their faction! No! I’m not being racist, but like… it suits her so well. Genes are just amazing – really. But for the only types of individuals, who are closest to having the same skin colour type as me, would probably be people who are albino.

As for the Northern faction – Algeria, they comprise of a darker skin colour, but with also the same hair colour as the Eastern’s. Millenia's ago, they were described as 'Africans', but now, 'Algerians' by their King's name as Algeria III.

The Western – the Schneizal Kingdom, bright white skin, red – blonde hair and green – dark brown eyes. They're described as the 'Caucasian' side of this world.

And finally, the Southern.

Yeah, we’re a new race.

That’s me – I’m from the Southern faction – the Briteria legion. Red eyes, pink, blue, red and lavender hair colour, and extremely pale skin.

I remember when all four of these factions used to fight for the one responsible for a catastrophe that shook the world.

But until now, racism in our society declined decades ago.

Well – for those three factions, at least. Not four.

So this doesn’t mean that we’re not still being segregated upon.

I mean, yeah, probably my family did do bad things back then...

Like, conquering the world. Since, we were literally the strongest nation in the world.

But, I’m not like them.

Despite all this, school is already enjoyable for me –the life here so far is much better than the outside. I just hope that I won’t perform anything hateful that would make me a target.

Finally, we were able to learn about the ability of healing others. The process takes place by manipulating the particles around us and causing them to increase in density.

Afterwards, by reciting some phrases, we’ll be able to submerge these dense particles in the rays of sunlight and thus placing it on a wound. It’s similar to how a plant performs photosynthesis, except this process is for only repairing tissues.

It’s so amazing isn’t it? Without magic, our world will be in destruction. Well actually, Falkenstein, the one who discovered magic used to call it ‘science’. He was the leader of the ‘Jeutonburg’ side of our family – the side who thrived in the discovery of science. But as time passed, Falkenstein discovered numerous abilities to manipulate nature as if they were mere tools. After so much study, it was far too powerful to be considered as ‘science’ that it jumped out of its own hierarchy and became ‘magic’. He even did some dreadful acts to our pets, and using them as experimental purposes. Surely, I can never forgive him for what he did.

We’ve decided to begin with practical work, and depart from theory for the second day. It’s to cure the wounds of various injured animals – cats, puppies, Chihuahua’s and chickens. I’m quite surprised they actually used these animals for test subjects.

But what if I fail?

What if anyone else fails?

This world is so weird – I mean, where are the animal rights? Aren’t there any ethical issues regarding this kind of stuff?

The class assistant arrives at my desk, and places the injured cat in front of me. It’s just lying down in pain, yearning (meowing) to be cured. Putting that aside – oh my gosh, it’s so cute!

But then, I suddenly feel a destroying feeling arise in my heart.

How can the school do this? Will I be able to do it? This is my first time ever performing a cure on something alive. What if I fail? Will the cat suddenly explode and have its organs splattered all over my face? Before this day, I’ve practiced the magic for healing – and only my hands appear fluorescent. I honestly thought it would’ve been more dramatic. But I can only find out if I were to try it on something alive, and wounded.

No, no. I can’t do this. It’s just an animal! How can I experiment my ability of magic to a living animal? This is outrageous!

Suddenly, a student puts their hand up. And in fact, she’s the girl who waved at me yesterday.

“Yes, what is it Annelie?” The teacher began.

Oh, Annelie, is that her name? It’s my first time ever hearing a name like that.

“I have a question; why are we using live animals for performing magic?” I heard her speak in a peculiar tone.

So everyone has the same perspective as I do? I guess it’s just the teachers then. Have they got used to this kind of stuff negatively? I hope we’re not the next.

“I know, but the wounds they have are only minor and this is the best way for you to learn. Plus, the worst thing you can do to them is not cure them. It’s rather cure, or not cure. If they aren’t cured, we’ll bring them to the main hospital of this country, which is like on the other side of the island.”

I guess it’s rather no cure or cure then... if that’s what he’s trying to say. But they’re in pain, they should get help immediately!

Annelie keeps silent, and elicits a rather disgruntled expression.

Everyone progresses on their practice. I watch everyone placing their hands on the wounds of the still animals, and reciting the magical phrases.

So far, no one is succeeding.

I guess it’s my turn. I wonder if these people even practiced.

Well… let’s just see what I can do.

But suddenly, a memory strikes my mind. It’s the memory of my mother curing a cut on my hand. Since we’re from the Shwanseah family of the Briteria legion, we’re capable of curing basically anything that harms the human body. I remember when she placed her hands softly on my wounded pale arm, and a blue luminous glow shined at the midst of her palm. Then when I looked at my arm again, the wound disappeared. Surely, the type of healing I’m doing now is completely different from what my mother did.

I just hope one day, I’ll be able to do the same thing.

I place my hands on the wound of the cat, preparing my mind and reciting the incantations.

Forcing myself to concentrate. Forcing myself to be in the 'mood'.

Just as I start reciting, my hand suddenly gets a cut. I didn't feel anything cut it, nor did I see it. But now, I watch my fresh, wine-coloured blood drip slowly out of my hand.

I look at it closely, and I wonder what caused this cut to appear… was it the cat?

I didn’t even feel anything pierce through my skin and engrave this cut on me.


I recite again, but suddenly stop to realise that another one is being engraved on my hand.

What...? What's doing this to me?

…. agh! Who cares! I really need to do this now!

I need to cure this cat!

Hurry up, Seobi!

I continue reciting and ignoring the cuts, until a migraine obliterates my concentration.

No, I have to keep going...

… Or maybe not.

I stop the recitation and look at the animals in shock. I don’t get it, what’s happening? I try to continue reciting, but the headache keeps coming back. Alright, let’s do it. I’m going to ignore the headache and the cross-looking-shape on my hand. I continue the recitation once more.

This time, I'll do it. This time, it'll work. Regardless of what kind of things happen to me.

The wound on my hand grows bigger, and the headache becomes more intense.

Ignore it Seobi, you're going to cure the cat. I swear - you will.

I close my eyes for a bit, still with my hands on the wounds of the animal. Then out of the blue, a figure of a man and a small female child appears in my head – it’s my brother and I.

What’s going on? It’s this some sort of dream?

OUCH! Did something just go inside my hand? Into the wound of my hand?!

I find myself back in reality, looking at the wound on my hand in front of me, and seeing a concentrated amount of a blue-fluorescent fluid settling itself on it.

What's this?

I abruptly take my hand away off the animal, trying to take the blue fluid off of me, but feeling it to be as viscous as mucus. This is gross! Who put this here?!

I blink, and in an instant an ocean of blood bursts out of the animal.

The cat explodes.

… What have I done?

With the feeling of incredulity bolstering itself through my spine, I spin my body and see the splattered blood and organs of the animal scattered throughout the entire classroom.

Oh my gosh – what have I done?

Everyone is looking at me in disgust.

"… what an alien."

"So this was why the Schneizal Kingdom lost the war."

Oh no – please.

“Seobi! What were you reciting?” shouted Mr Flaris.

“I wa-was trying to perform the cu-cure!”

Embarrassment compels me – and I feel my body heating up.

“You weren’t reciting the right thing. Didn’t you practice before this day?” I heard him exclaim and taking a deep breath.

More like... his sigh.

Sigh, what’s wrong with people not doing their homework! Forget about the mess you made, just leave it to the assistants to clean up. Yuck, this place is full of intestines and muscle. Actually, go clean up your face first. You look like a murderer.”

No… I’m not a murderer.

… Don’t say that.

I do as he said. Exit the room in shame, run to the bathroom and drench my face with water. What have I done? I just did what they told me to do! I’ve done nothing wrong! I take my hand and slam the mirror that reflects my face.

… Oh no - I broke it.

The mirror is shattered.

Uh oh - I'm dead if they find out.

What am I supposed to do? Sticky tape it all back together? Glue it all back together?

Come on, come on, come on! I don't want this to happen! Why is it that all of these things are happening to me now?!

It's ridiculous!

I stand up, trying to line up all the broken pieces of the mirror together with my heart racing for fear of someone arriving.

And also, wouldn't the teacher be suspicious if I were to stay out of class for too long?

I need to hurry up!

Come on, faster, faster! I'll probably run to the closest stationery shop to get some tape. That'll be enough.

But then, my heart shocks my entire figure like an electrical bolt after I realise one of the cubicles opening.

Oh my gosh... someone was in there this entire time.

I'm so dead.

Don't worry, just explain it to her. Then tell her that I at least tried to fix it.

I keep my eyes staring at the floor, waiting for her to say "did you do this?".

… if only I have had fixed the mirror...

If only that cat didn't explode...

But – she’s just staring at me.



"Yo-You were just glowing as soon as I ope –"

Wow... look at that braid. Look at that golden Caucasian hair.

She's really pretty.

"Oh-oh was I?"

Wait - what did she say again?

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Oh-Oh, I didn't - no, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

I begin wiping my tears, realising that I was actually crying. "Yeah, I'm okay."

She looks at me with a smile, walks closer to me with such an astonished look, and draws her face closer to mine.

... Is this weird?

"Your red eyes are beautiful..."

She complimented me. Hurry up and compliment her back!

"I-I like your hair." I sensed my hesitation.

"Oh, thank you."

She looks at me once more with that smile, then waving away as she leaves the bathroom.

Oh, I didn't ask her name.

Wait a second - she didn't even say anything about the -

… the mirror?

The mirror... is fixed?

Wait a second – what happened to the mirror?!

It's all back together! As if I haven't even broke it apart yet!

… It's just like the way it was...

What's going on? Did something happen? Who did this?

Who cares, I need to go back to class before Mr Flaris shouts at me again.

He shouted at me, I can't believe it. Whatever I did before was completely different. I wasn’t performing the cure at all. I continue walking back to the classroom, but my mind is grabbed by the reflection of a tinted window.

I look at my face through it, checking once more if there's any blood, then attempting to revise the recitation before I had back. But then suddenly, I suspect something on my hair reflecting light. A few strands of hair around my crown are hard as glass.

Is there a piece of mirror on my scalp?

It – it isn’t coming off!

No - it's a part of me. I can't pull it out, and my hair is blending into it.

I poke the tip of the strands, and finding that it’s sharp as a needle.

That’s odd – it’s never been like this before.

Come on Seobi, you're good, let's go.

I embark my feet to the motion again, and walk back to where I was. I step my foot into the room and instantly run towards Mr Flaris by the thought of wanting to rid his wrong impressions of me.

“Sincere apologies sir! I honestly did not mean to do that!” I said out loud, then subsequently performing a bow to manifest my apology.

“I understand your family. So don’t worry, you’re forgiven."

He understands my family? What does he mean by that? I'm pretty sure someone would be even angrier than him if I blew up a cat in front of his face!

But... look at the way he's expressing his words. It doesn't seem like he's angry, or even pissed.

Maybe he does understand my family?

I turn around, finding that the desk I was previously working on is now clean.

"Go join the other group in the back, they’ll probably tell you what you need to do.”

Thank goodness he forgave me. It feels terrifying for me to even hear him shout at me like that. I mean, the last time we spoke to each other was on the first day – when he complimented my looks.

Now when I think about it; that was pretty weird.

But oh well, I guess he was simply shocked to what he saw when I blew up the cat, and I don’t think anyone wouldn’t be.

He was simply eliciting his fear – and anyone would do that when they’re scared of something.

I followed his directions, and joined a group of black-haired students – perhaps from the Algeria or Sheng-Quishi Empire – or compared to a millennia ago, the African and Asian society.

“That was… weird what you did there. But, welcome to our group! I’m Annelie.” She spoke out in pure delight.

That’s right – I can tell how delight she is just by those words.

Just by looking at her eyes yesterday, I was able to tell that she was a person that I’ll be able to trust.

“Thanks Annelie.”

She then nods, and gives me the sheet and what I have to recite to perform a cure. I'm pretty sure this wasn't here before - I guess they decided to give it to everyone because of what I've done.

I look at it, and read it. But it was exactly what I’ve been reciting yesterday – and I think again now - what was I reciting to cause an animal to explode? I rushed to look at my hand, and the cross formed by cuts was gone.

“Are you alright Seobi?” I heard her say in such a soft tone.

“I’m… yeah, I’m fine.”

She then offers me a turn to perform the cure. I try doing the same thing, but now realising late that I’m now reciting a different verse. As I begin the incantation, I don’t feel any cuts forming on my hand, but a green viscous substance being produced on my palms.

What was that blue viscous substance that was being produced?

No - don't worry.

I close my eyes and concentrate…

No images were forming in my head, just a mind filled with the intention of reciting. The liquids produced from my palms then drop on the wounds of the animal, causing them to reform and regenerate. I watch the skin move together gradually, then completely concealing the wound.

I open my eyes, and I see everyone on the table express amazement. The puppy sits up, and runs out of the window in such joy.

Wait… we’re on the fourth floor of the building.

“Woah, Seobi, you did it!” I heard Annelie express her compliment.

I look around to see everyone in my class staring at me in wonder, and then Mr Flaris starts clapping.

“Good job Seobi!”

I feel… so weird but happy in the same time. But this isn’t how the Shwanseah family cures. It didn’t look like this the last time I saw, before my family was destroyed. Where’s that blue luminous light?

Scan0003.jpgChapter 2 – Rion – The Fearless Demon of Carnage

As I look aimlessly at the azure sky through the window, I dream about myself wearing all that cool fancy armour that the Knights’ of this world wear.

It’s going to be shiny, tough and strong.

I can imagine myself as a Knight in shining armour – wielding the hilt of the sword and butchering every bit of a villain. Surely, I will block the path of darkness from reaching the people who I intend to protect with my shield, and being a hero to save the day.

I’ll be so cool.

No, I’ll be far from cool.

I’ll be amazing.

I’ll be the hero that everyone wants me to be. Because I'll be so cool.

As I continue staring through the window, my eyes are caught by the vitreous reflecting armour of a Knight strolling through the streets. I can see a layer of steel shielding his chest, shoulder and both of his legs. Through the joints of the limb, the skin is surrounded by only a chain mail to prevent the restriction of movement. The helmet that he wears is concealed completely by the metal layer with vertical-shaped gaps in the front to allow vision.

I wonder if I can ever become a Knight in shining armour, and maintaining the order in this wretched country.

No. It’ll be impossible.

First of all, I’m from the Briteria family, and we’re looked down upon from society. Second, I’m poor.

Bet the cost to even be entrusted with those armours is the same as me working for a year without spending the cash I earn.

I wish Seobi would just finish school already. That fat cow is just too stupid to do anything else other than sitting on a chair and reading junk.

It’s eight o’clock in the morning, and it’s time for me to leave this wretched house to do my daily shifts –and that’s to work in the worst possible shop there is in the world.

I leave my house, and walk down the streets to find the usual – people staring at me so aimlessly. They’re so annoying – geez, I wonder if they’ll ever stop. Without even looking at their face, I exclaim with smug satisfaction (yeah, Seobi keeps telling me I’m smug) –

“Go away, you dog.” and then walking away as if I didn’t even notice them.

But I can’t even care a bit about the difference of my looks compared to them; I have lavender hair and maroon eyes, slightly similar to the fat cow, Seobi.

I enter the market and begin cutting up some bananas. One slice, two slices and three slices – oh this is rotten, yuck!

As I throw the banana in the bin, my eyes are caught by the only person who I can consider as a friend. His name is Britenzo Krieghart.

Yo! Rion!” He said with joy, while I respond with a mutter.

Sup bro.”

He cares for others surely and manages his customers very well.

“I heard a new student joined the top school in Junquious” he said to me in awkward hesitation. “She’s known for her odd phenotypes – blue hair, maroon eyes – well actually, she looks almost like you but with blue hair.”

Yep, that’s the fat cow, one-hundred percent sure. Do her physical traits really make her known throughout society? What about me? And plus, she looks atrocious.

Not pretty at all. She looks like a guy but with long hair.

But really, why can’t I be known that quickly? In order for me to be a hero, I need to be known. But probably through the hard way; I’ll have to kill a blood-lusting demon to be known throughout society.

Screw that, I’ll have to train myself before I get that far. Probably if I were to join a school too, I’ll be famous like Seobi.

Maybe even more famous! Since I’m like way cooler than her.

Haha, stuff you, Seobi.

“Oh!” I sensed his delightfulness again.

“I heard from my sister that she also performed a cure on a dog. Out of the class, she was first.”

Geez, is this guy obsessed with Seobi or something?

Pfft.” I expressed a tone of annoyance. “Who cares? I can cure a dog with sticky tape.”

Suddenly, he laughs passionately. But as I watch him having his eyes shut and flexing his mouth up to the ceiling, an echo of sarcasm strikes my mind.

But, since its Britenzo, I can’t express all my anger at once. “Why so sarcastic for?”

“But it was funny!” He replied instantly in passion, as if he slightly suspected me to say that. “Okay, it probably wasn’t.” I heard him instantly change his expression as he continues organising and preparing orders behind me.

“I only laughed because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

Wait, what? What kind of – did he just say? That’s the first time someone ever said something like that to me.

We both continue working on our shift; I stay in front of him cutting the fruits up while dealing with the job of a cashier. And then as I turn to handover an order to a customer, I see from the side of my vision, a man dressed in a suit of armour approaching me.

The light from the outside penetrates his armour, and the armour reflects the light back at my face.

“One watermelon please.”

So these types of heroes eat fruits? Seriously? Tch’ – screw eating fruits! I’d rather consume something like rice cake to keep my energy going.

“So sir – that will be two coins.” I replied with eloquence. Then suddenly, silence bewitched us.

“Oh really? This junk is worth that much?” I heard him reply with smug satisfaction.

Wow! This is the attitude of a person who I admire?

I nodded slowly.


That tone was so intimidating – I have to say.

“Alright then.”

I see him take a large blade from his back, slicing the watermelon straight in half, right in front of my face. “Do you think I can eat this? Throw this junk away before I tell your boss!”

What the heck did he just say?

Flamed – I’m so flamed. I want to punch this guys’ face.

I couldn’t care if he was a customer – I’m just going to release all my anger.

Oi you fat cow. Get out of my market mate.

He approaches closer, engulfed in adrenaline.

“You’re telling a customer to get out?”

Out of the blue, a lengthened cutting-edge blade brandishes the air in front of my eyes. Fear didn’t consume me – because nothing can break my bravery.

So what do I do? What would a hero do in a situation like this?

I can consider this person as a slight criminal, due to the way he acts. But this moment, is my golden moment. Time to show all the people who are watching, what a hero would do.

I said, get out of my shop!” I exclaimed through a corrosive manner.

But then he smiles – and it seriously aggravates me. I’m going to get you.

I then put my right foot on the edge of the desk, propelling both of my feet and jumping over to get my furious hands on his shoulders.

But without even realising it, he performs a vigorous spin to instantly deliver a kick of his own at my chest. The force propels me a few metres away as I feel my back crashing down on the floor.

Certainly, the pain is rather destroying – my spine plunged itself to the floor, and I’m immobilised.

Damn it – he – he – he just ‘flogged’ me!

In front of me, the man approaches with a malevolent smile.

“You actually thought, that you can challenge me?

As the feeling of terror possesses my bones, I can feel my body not wanting to move an inch. But – why? I want to butcher this guy with my kitchen knife! But my body isn’t reacting to the anger I want to let out! Honestly, this impudent customer has to pay for insulting us!

“Rion!” I heard a shocked manly voice from behind.

Britenzo runs between us and dissipates the feeling of rage inside me. “What’s going on?” he turns around continuously to get a view of all the shattered plates and cups on the floor.

“You’re little lavender haired friend here isn’t respecting his customers as he should!”

Gah! He’s so annoying! Not only that, but the way he rested his hand on his hips as if he controls this place freaking pisses the heck out of me.

Suddenly, Britenzo approaches my knocked-out figure on the floor and nears his head to mine. “Rion, what have you done?” he whispered with his eyes of disappointment. “Don’t you know what our boss will conclude out of this?”

With my anger yearning to be unleashed, I break the atmosphere of ‘whispering’ and raise my voice carelessly. “But he himself isn’t respecting us! So it’s time for me to treat him the way he should be treate-” As I get interrupted, he squeezes my cheeks to restrict the projection of my voice.

Don’t take it, Rion.” He muttered.

Once I’ve cooled down, I watch him regaining his posture and taking a bow of honour towards the impudent customer.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience delivered from my friend, and from the rotten watermelon we gave you. Please forgive us.”

Out of rudeness, the man shows his back –

Psh, get an actual shop that would sell proper fruits.” He expressed with disappointed satisfaction as he leaves our shop.

It’s seven-thirty-five PM, and I finally arrive home after such a hectic day – but who knows? This day can get even worse once Seobi realises that I lost my job.

I simply want to follow my motivation – but no one allows me to! I want to save people; I want to be a hero!

But ridiculously, because of whom I am, and the ridiculous situation I’m caged in now, I can’t achieve that ambition.

I stop by the doorstep and take a long ‘Sigh’.

What would Seobi’s reaction be after I told her I got fired? Surely, she’ll be angry; and despite us already leading to a decision to only focus on Seobi’s future now, and mine after, will she actually kill me this time?

I go to the closest window that I can see from the hallway leading to my hotel room, and checking if there’s any blood marks on my clean, pale face.

Luckily, there are only a few – and I was able to get rid of them by simply wiping my face with my sleeves.

I need to hide everything that happened today. No traces of a fight, no, just nothing.

“I’m home!” I expressed a forceful tone of delight to diminish the evidence of anything happening – “Hello?”

As I open the door, I look at Seobi sitting on her chair, and lying her head down on her studying desk. She suddenly opens her eyes as soon as she realises the door opening and seeing my presence. “Ri-Rion!” She instantly regains her posture. “How are you? Why are you home late? Are you okay?”

Wow! What’s gotten into you all of a sudden? Stay away from me!

I react to her realising my presence with a rather surprised manner – backing away slightly and staring aimlessly at her eyes of wonder. She continues to wait for my answer; until I watch her turn her head back to the books in front of her.

“I know – I don’t usually react that way to you – do I?”

Oh – her emotion suddenly changed.

She just said that with her expression of joy instantly wiping out from her eyes.

Okay, I guess I have to admit that she is or was worried about me. But, we don’t share the same care for each other. I don’t really care what happens to her to be honest.

I begin walking pass her sitting posture carelessly and towards the bed, ignoring the question she asked me, as I lie myself down. But then, with me realising that I took the wrong move, she spoke through a vehement tone.

“You’re not going to reply? Can you stop being disrespectful.”

With tension filing up my spine, I fall into confusion to what I should do.

She knows that I ignored her – but the guilt inside me is forcing me to tell her that I wasn’t ignoring her. But then, I’ll be lying.

Plus – me disrespectful?

Wait – what does that even mean? Oh well, regardless, I know she is, she always is, so what am I?

“Oh, sorry, I was just, thinking about somethi-” I said with an itch of guilt for not being truthful again – but then, I get interrupted by her shocked expression.

“Did something happen?! Can you stop being silent?” she jumped out of her seat and began staring at me again with those eyes of wonder. Then now, I realise that I’m actually looking at her eyes fearfully as well.

“… I’m fine.”

Seobi continues staring at me, then lowering her head down back to her books.

“That’s good. If there’s something wrong, please tell me.”

The way she said it – it’s as if she was actually shy to say that to me.

Yeah – that’s just pure evidence of our so-called ‘connection’.

With that last phrase I just heard, I choose to not say anything. But honestly, how long can I keep this little secret for? Wait – little? I don’t think it’s a ‘little’ secret.

I mean – I just lost my job.

And without me, Seobi won’t be able to continue on her school life.

Chapter 3 – Seobi – Britoniah as it is

I can’t believe I was able to perform the cure on the dog before! Oh yeah (I suddenly regain my posture on the bed in joy)! I haven’t felt this joyful in like, how many years, ever since my family was separated?

Yeah, probably.

Could this be the start of the happiness in my life? But, no – no, I can’t think too ahead yet. I mean, I can’t go too extravagant onto expressing my own joyful feelings – or else it’ll kill me when the opposite strikes.

Alright, now I look around and Rion is gone.

His bed, it’s empty. I usually wake up before him to wake him up.

That’s odd.

Isn’t his work shifts today four hours from now? Why did he leave so early?

Suddenly, a feeling of content locks my posture to the bed.

I wonder what Rion’s reaction would be after he realises that I cured a dog?

No – he’s not the Rion before. The Rion before would probably buy me a gift for achieving this – but, this Rion – he’ll probably express his jealousy somehow. Though, Rion, I’m sorry for not embracing your future first.

It just, had to be like this. Our life is so abnormal – and I’ll certainly take it as a test.

I certainly believe that for me being with Rion, is simply a test of my patience. And I’ll have to continuously think of how lucky I am to be alive, while everyone else in my family is gone. Rion should also be lucky that he's alive. But … he doesn't seem like he's grateful. Oh, well who knows actually?

As usual, by thinking of myself going through these tests of life, it continuously fills me up with confidence to keep myself going in life – and finally, not having the urge to kill myself to rid of the feeling of anguish.

That’s what I believe in – life is a test.

I leave the house and walk to school in such passion, with confidence indulged in my heart. On the way, I spot a few gardeners in front of their homes staring at me with their usual alienating looks. I smile instantly, and I wave at them!

“Hey! Hello!”

With my bravery, I couldn’t care if they think of me as a weird individual!

They looked at me as if I’m some kind of freak – but who cares!

I continue marching in passion, and I hear a man calling my name through the alleyway. “Seobi Shwanseah!”

Huh? Did he just call my full name?

I see him walk closely to me with his undiscerning face. The passion departs from me, and the feeling of alertness engulfs my entire figure.

Who is this person? How does he know my name?

He stops a metre in front of me as I stay clueless to whom he is. I’m able to recognise that he’s from the same school as I am by his uniform.

Then suddenly, by realising that, the passion strikes back to me. But what makes him so unusual is his hat – a cylindrical hat that resembles a presence of a magician.

His sunglasses too!

They’re so… attractive for some reason. Its’ like… made of a luminous, reflective blue material.

“Why do you wear those glasses?” I questioned with wonder.

“To attract girls”


No, I didn’t get attracted. Yuck, they’re so reflective it’s blinding me!

“… So you’re walking to school as well?” I changed the topic.

“Of course I am! You’re too, right?”

“Yeah, why would I be walking in the same direction as you?”

We begin starting a conversation about how I performed the cure on the dog without him actually introducing himself to me. I just described the amount of concentration that I had to put on in order for me to perform it.

It isn’t that hard, actually. Just do your homework and you’re done!

“Don’t be too amazed about it” He focused a tone of vehemence. “All you did was curing a dog. Eventually everyone in our school will be able to do it.”

That’s true, performing a cure is only a basic form of magic. I shouldn’t be too surprised – or else I’ll surround myself with the arrogance of destruction.

“Oh, by the way, I’m Pheria.”

There’s his hand Seobi – go take it.

He took out his hand to manifest his introduction to me. I take it, shaking it with the guilt of not asking his name first. But wait –

“How did you know my name, Pheria?” I expressed in a tone of wonder.

“Everyone in class is talking about you.”

Wait – he’s in my class now?

Finally, we then enter the class with Annelie. I sit in between both of them, but suspect them both to be ignoring one another.

Do they even know each other? And by the way Pheria looks at Annelie, is quite...

... strange in fact.

Okay, let’s break the atmosphere.

I try to begin conversations to consider them both, but at least one of them would be left out. Mr Flaris starts the day off with a passionate “Good morning!” and begins talking about the history of Falkenstein Jeutonburg.

I guess this is what we do for the theory, while performing magic is what we do for the practical.

After the session ended, Annelie asked me to meet her in the school library regarding the history of Britoniah. Though, for some specific reasons, I’m kept in class after everyone left. Mr Flaris approaches me – grabs a chair and sits.

“Seobi, have you paid your fees yet?” He began.

Oh! I forgot that yesterday was the due date for the fees! How can I forget? I got too overwhelmed by performing the cure!

I guess I’ll have to ask Rion for the cash once I get home. But before doing that, I want to make him happy for once – I feel so guilty that I’m the one embracing my future first.

I need to find a way to thank him –

But how do I make a guy happy? What do guys like?

I can’t buy anything for him – because that’ll be using the money that he earned. Plus, we’ll also need that money.

Probably the best solution is to take him somewhere.

Yeah! That’ll be alright!

He doesn’t see me this happy often, so why don’t I just show him how grateful I am? I guess I could also do that without bringing him somewhere – yeah – but still, what if he gets the idea that I’m joking?

By bringing him somewhere, I’ll manifest my gratitude for him. And I’ll bring him somewhere that indulges so much of my memories.

And maybe, his too.

I find myself outside of the classroom, taking a step into the school library entrance.

“Seobi! Look at this!” I watched Annelie branch her right arm and waving her hands at me. She passes a large, rather new, dusty textbook to me with a picture of an island on its cover. The title is – ‘The Land of Britoniah’.

Annelie flips a few pages over and shows me a picture of what looks like an archway or some sort. “This is what catches my attention -”

Two-thousand-and-nine? That was four years ago! This information must have been taken on the year of the destruction of my home! How did they manage to get this kind of information back then?

Oh no – wait a second –

‘Vaxia Alexandre’

It just brings me back memories. There were two students who came to Brigadonia to perform their own studies before the destruction came. There were Shamiya Siglestria and Vaxia – and from what I know now – his surname is ‘Alexandre’.

So this is what he was studying? I didn’t even talk to him back then, but still, it turns out that he was used as a spy or some sort to steal information about us.

Or was he?

“So Seobi, don’t you find this interesting?” Annelie began by pointing her finger at a description of the picture.

The Britoniah’s Gate has the power to shift individuals to another dimension. But ever since the wretched Briteria family came to our world, the Gate has never been in function – Vaxia Alexandre, 2011.’

Another dimension? Did the Jeutonburg family really get this far in science? They even found out how to move from different dimensions? How can that be possible?

“Do you believe in this, Annelie?” I kept my eyes focused on the picture of the gate.

“Seobi, is this ‘Vaxia’ person, telling the truth? How did he get to Brigadonia? He isn’t a Briteria person like you. How are we supposed to know if this is even true? Doesn’t your race hate… us?”

“Actually, I remember that he had a professor from our family. His name was Reaperion Jeutonburg. It didn’t seem like they hated each other or some sort –”

Reaperion Jeutonburg –

I haven’t heard that name in years. He was in fact, one of the closest Jeutonburg members to us, until the destruction occurred. Did he somehow, help Vaxia sneak into Brigadonia? If only I remembered more, I would make better conclusions to this past situation.

Suddenly, Annelie points at a last paragraph –

This new dimension will be the place where the Briteria families will flee to. From then, we’ll finally live in a world where there will be nothing stopping us from tranquillity.’

What – excuse me?!

I find myself in flabbergast from what I just read.

We were trying to flee from Britoniah? Is this true? But how much freedom will this even give us, if we were able to flee?

Annelie begins again –

“But I don’t understand, the Britoniah’s Gate was used to save the Briteria family from a war.” She paused for a bit in confusion, then continuing again.

“I mean, the reason why everyone hates your family is because we’ve been shifted to another dimension different from our own. We were merely taken here by the problems caused by another war.”

“Do you mean, The War of the Britoniah’s Cataclysm?”

I’ve only heard that name recently from Mr Flaris. I’m not exactly sure what actually happened –

“That’s right. Everyone in Britoniah knows about it, and that’s why they’re all, isolating you.”

I’m quite flabbergasted after what she said – and I can get a speck of her nice heart because she diminished those last words with a mutter.

I can tell surely that she dislikes that we’re being segregated from society. Honestly, I can tell that she has a good heart.

“The war started by four miners disobeying the king during eight-hundred or so A.D. It seemed like the king wanted something from them, but then they hid it away by performing some sort of enchantment. I’m not sure; this is what Mr Flaris told me.”

Mr Flaris, Annelie, anyone – regardless of who they are I’m still obscure to this intriguing topic. Why isn’t it that I don’t recognise all of this? I’m a Southern, so shouldn’t I know about all that happened in the past?

“So, who were the miners who disobeyed the king?”

“There were Britelza Bayerische, Brizenska Shwanseah, Salzburg Neuschwenstein and Falkenstein Jeutonburg.”

Those names – I see three of their surnames are the names of the families – except for one.

Finally, people who I recognise; Brizenska Shwanseah is my ancestor – she disobeyed the king in order to take something from him – I guess that’s how it goes? But what did they take from the king? I’ve always heard from my mother that these four individuals were the kindest people in the world.

Why would they do such a thing to oppose the king in their times?

“Annelie, do you know the reason to why they disobeyed the king?”

“No. But certainly, the thing they stole from the king made themselves into Briteria-like-people. “

“Wait – then why did the king desire something that would turn us into these ‘things’ –” I gestured to myself to manifest my words – “that would make us look like pure aliens?”

“Probably to prevent you all from becoming what you are now. Then whatever the four did to flee, caused an entire part of an island to shift to another dimension – as Mr Flaris said. The innocent individuals in the island – like, the citizens - were taken in the enchantment, ripped off from the mainland, and now we’re here because of those four who started it all.”

Annelie then takes the book off me once again, flipping pages and scanning every one of them thoroughly until she stops at a rather small map.

“This is the map of the world. The rest of the planet is just plain sea.”


This is it..? That’s the world that we live in? It’s just that?

The scale that’s even stated is quite shocking too –

I’ve always thought that our planet will be surrounded by other islands beyond the oceans. Though, it seems like this is the only island that exists!

“So, this is all that the world has explored? Or did they somehow draw a picture while they were outside of the planet?”

“Well, we haven’t been outside of the planet ever. So the map is according to the amount that we’ve explored across the world.”

“Oh, then maybe there’s more?”

“Actually there is – at the top hemisphere there’s a continent that we haven’t explored yet. Though, it takes years to travel there by boat.” She ended those words with a mutter again.

“So you’re saying that sailors have travelled around the entire world looking for new islands?”

“Yep – that’s exactly right. The only island we’ve found is our own – and we’re still obscure to what’s at the northern hemisphere.”

I guess I have to reluctantly accept the size of our small island. All this time, I’ve been thinking our island to be much larger than it shows on the map. But from this, it’s enough evidence for me to believe that our island was transported from another, larger-scaled island. So in summary, the history flowed similarly to this: Four individuals took something from the king of the mainland of Britoniah, and decided to rip a part of the entire island to escape, then transporting it to another dimension with the use of the Britoniah’s Gate. This catastrophic event was called the Britoniah’s Cataclysm.

“Annelie – does everyone think of us as villains?” I began with intrigue.

What if those four individuals had no choice but to shift the islands for the own good of mankind?

“Seobi, everyone in this island have the notion that the Briteria family disobeyed the king by stealing something that he cherished. So I guess, they won’t think of you as a villain, but they probably thought the four who brought us here were.”

I hope she’s right. But by that vehement tone she was saying persuaded me well to believe what she was saying.

Since I’m a descendent of Brizenska, one of the four who performed the cataclysm to shift the island, then they wouldn’t think of me as a threat. But does this also go for Rion as well?

“… But, I don’t think the rest of this world knows about the whole story. There has to be more!”

I look at her eyes in amazement.

Annelie, you have such a pure heart. I can surely tell that she isn’t opposing the Briteria family in any way.

But if there’s more to the story, then the other races in this island will continue to have the wrong notion of my family history.

After her and I continuously searched the library for more histories of Britoniah, they all literally stated the same information that we read from the first book written by Vaxia Alexandre. I’m fatigued, and I decided to say farewell to Annelie and departing from school. As soon as I decide to meet Rion at his work place, I approach the exit of the library. But through the right side of my view, I see a large hat protruding out of the low shelves of books. The student wore a slightly attractive pair of sunglasses – wait, no! Not attractive!

It’s Pheria – he was here too.

Why is it that I feel slightly odd for his presence?

Chapter 4 – Rion – Holding the fury

Finally, after three hours of doing completely nothing in the centre of the city, I arrive home. Its four o’clock now and I stand in front of the door in such anxiety. I can feel the guilt building up as I continue keeping this secret from Seobi.

But I know that I can’t keep this secret forever – there will be one time where she’ll release all of her anger towards me because I kept it as a secret. She’s the boss of me, so I have to listen to her.

I branch my arm forth to the door knob in fear – while subsequently preparing to setup a proper, unquestionable mood. As soon as I begin twisting the knob, I hear the steps of an individual coming my way from behind.

Oh shoot.


Suddenly, the guilt instantly bolsters itself and forces me to turn around to face her in such swift. With fear and guilt pinning my spine, I watch her branching her arm towards me and waving her hands as if we’re actually friends.

“Let’s go somewhere, Rion!” Seobi pronounced in such passion.

Wait, what does passion mean?

Wait – no, this is strange! Why is she this happy towards me? Oh, this just compels me to keeping my secret even more. She’s in such a happy state now – I can’t just break the chain by telling her that I lost my job!

But in the same time, I also want her to stay happy like this towards me…

Um – excuse me, what did I just – what?

Damn – what do I do?

“Rion, are you okay?”

Oh no, she’s suspecting something odd of my behaviour now. Shun! Shun! Shun!

Out of the blue, I perform a solute –

“... I don’t think that’s how you do a solute. Rion, are you okay?”

“Yep, I’m fine.” I pronounced in a way to let go of all my anxiety; but then, she strikes me instantly after I feel the warmth of her hand taking mine.

“Let’s go to a place where you might regain your memories!”

Why is she holding my hand?!

I rip my hand out of hers, and hide them in my pockets.


Awkward silence.

“... That’s okay.” She muttered.

With the dreadful feeling of guilt bolstering itself after each second of myself keeping the secret of me losing my job, the feeling of the happiness that I’ve been isolated from compels me to treat Seobi as if she’s my friend.

But, she’s still a fat cow. I just don’t want her to realise that I’ve lost my job.

The atmosphere of silence breaks as soon as we approach a cumbersome collection of rubbles covering kilometres of many thousands-of-mega-radius.

Wait, what does radius mean?

We both stand behind a fence that separates us from a deadly cliff.

“Rion, I’m so sorry for having myself to embrace my future first -” She dropped a sorrowful tone. “… and postponing yours in return.”

I feel even guiltier that she feels guilty just for that –

“… well, we’ve already decided it, right?” I continued to shun my guilt for her.

I subconsciously avoid eye-contact with her, but I hear a dismal sigh as soon as she begins speaking again –

“I just felt like apologising again, because my life is much better than it used to be. It’s better because of you, Rion.”

Excuse me?

Wait – what’s this new feeling?

A new feeling rises from my body – the feeling of content. I find myself instantly turning my head towards her in such swift; almost forgetting the feeling of guilt continuously building up. She honestly has so much limpafy for me.

Wait – limpafy? Impithy? Or was it ‘empathy’?

All this time, I’ve always thought that she didn’t – or I didn’t even bother considering her perspective of me.

Alright, before she gets happier, I should tell her about my secret. If I keep hiding it, I’ll have to suffer the severe consequences.

Reluctantly, I begin –


Come on, come on! I can’t keep this secret forever!

“Yes?” She turned her head as soon as she expressed a tone of seraph. “Umm -” I murmured in such impression.

I mean – apprehend (?) – ‘apprehension’!

And it’s just not working…

Come on! I have to tell her!

“What is it, Rion?”

“Do you know…?”

I suddenly feel myself scratching my back subconsciously despite myself not feeling a single bit of itchiness.

“Do I know?”

As soon as I turned my head to her eyes, I’m astonished to see them resembling pure happiness and joy.

If I were to tell her about my secret, all of this will disappear away from me. I continue staring my eyes at her, then watching her turn her head up to the sky, exposing her neck, and feeling the blow of the breeze.

“Do I know how we don’t usually hang around like this?”

Then here it goes again – I’m bewildered by that smile of hers.

. “… is that what you were trying to say, Rion?”

I keep myself silent, by continuing to look at her eyes of delight.

“I know Rion we don’t usually do these kinds of things together. It’s okay; I knew you were quite shy to say that.” She muttered in shyness, then turning her head to the rubbles in front of us. Oh my god – I just lost my chance. Geez – how long will this fat cow blabber about corny things I don’t give a cow about.

She should stop eating corn beef and use her time more on learning how to talk properly!

You’re so funny, Rion.

“This was our home – except, you only remember up to the time it was destroyed, right?”

“… Unfortunately.” I forcefully expressed care, despite me having no consideration of what she’s saying.

“So you don’t even remember our family? Our cousins? Or even… your ancestor, Britelza?”

“No… I don’t remember anyone, except for you and your brother.”

I guess I can admit that it’s strange how I only remember my life up to the age of fourteen. The first person I saw in my life was Seobi, then her brother Abrenite. It began when I woke up on my bed as if I started a new life – no memories of the past, no clue of what was around me. I didn’t know who I was, or even where I was, until Seobi came by. But not even Seobi knew what happened – and if Seobi didn’t know, I guess there’s a high chance that no one else knows.

“Seobi, who was I previously?”

Wait – did I just say that? My mouth must have spoke out uncontrollably.

Oh, wait a second! I’m actually indulged in the topic now.

Why isn’t she responding?

“… Before the tragedy, you were the kindest person I’ve met in my life.”

Yeah, I remember her telling me this. She used to keep saying this line over and over again to encourage me to do something that I don’t want to do. There were so many moments when I thought she was lying – but for the rest, I only remember myself not even taking it in.

I didn’t really know what to say – it feels kind of awkward that she’s said that phrase at this point in time, where we were just having a few happy moments together. Suddenly, I feel something warm touching me –

It’s her hand, and she’s grasping mine once again.

“I’m sorry – everyone knew who you were because of how kind you were! You were really charismatic, really cheerful, and a person that anyone on the phase of the earth can trust.”

But as soon as I sensed her eyes of delight diminishing away, an itch of frustration bolsters inside me.

I feel rather insulted about what she said; but I expected this answer, and I was the one who asked the question.

Then, she starts muttering. “And finally, you were there for Shamiya Siglestria.” She finally lets go of my hand.

Shamiya – who? Back in those days where I didn’t follow her ‘orders’, Seobi would always ask ‘what would you do if I was Shamiya?’. And now, I’m still obscure to who the heck she is.

“Rion, whenever a problem encompassed Shamiya’s life, you would always be there to help her.”

Are you guilt-tracking me now? But, honestly, after all that she said, I can actually feel my mind growing to care about… this fat cow. I guess I can call this the feeling of empathy. But why have I only realised now? I should’ve earlier –

“Hey, I’m sorry if that insulted you.” She muttered once again.

“It’s alright. I’m sorry that I’m not the type of person you thought I was.” I expressed an echo of the guilt that’s been building up in my mind.

Alright, it seems like her happiness transformed to a rather sorrowful one – it’s time for me to tell her and let all of the guilt out.



“I lost my job.”

Yeah – just look at those eyes of disbelief. Look at them focus on my face so intriguingly.

Wait – quick Rion! Look away!

I instantly face a different direction – avoiding her eye contact and feeling the guilt departing my body.

I can tell that she’s experiencing incredulity due to the silence that bewitches us both.

“… Wait, what? Say that again, I didn’t really catch that.”

With the fear compelling me once again, I speak out the terrifying words the second time. “I lost… my job, Seobi.”

I manifested those last words with dreadfulness by looking at her eyes of shock.

But a part of me wants to laugh.

She blinks for a few seconds in disbelief, until the words of sorrow depart from her mouth.

“… Ho-how?”

Okay, so her rage hasn’t bombarded her yet.

“I was in a fight with a customer. He didn’t treat the workers and me well.”

Yes, more guilt gone!

“But, you need your job so that I can –” She stopped, and I see her mouth twitching as if there was so much for her to say, but she’s holding it in for my sake.

Suddenly, in incredulity, her knees drop to the floor. The guilt is striking me once again, probably because I finally have empathy for this fat cow. Or do I?

“It’s all due tomorrow – the fees.” I heard her express a soft tone.

“Oh, how much?”

Seobi suddenly regains her posture, standing up and walking away slowly. “Don’t talk to me, we won’t have enough.”

The empathy I have for her strikes me once again; as soon as I hear her breathing heavily and… crying.

... Wait – what have I done?

Chapter 5 – Seobi – A new life

It’s the morning, and I don’t know where the heck Rion went. Sigh, just when I thought the happiness in my life has started, it turns out I was wrong. Why did Rion keep it a secret from me? Well, it’s too late to think about that now. But I guess I can’t be too angry at him, I knew that he felt guilty inside. It must’ve hurt for him to keep it inside his heart for so long. At least he was truthful and as long as we still have each other – I find everything acceptable. Plus, I’ll treat this as a test.

So, because of not getting the amount of cash I need, I’ll stop attending school. But, this is my last day today. I should probably spend as much time as I can with my friends, maybe. I mean, not that I have many – like, two?

I depart the room, carrying my bag with my right arm, and marching my way to school with such dismal.

For today’s class I sit myself next to Annelie – at least, I need someone proper to talk to for once.

We’re learning the factors that affect the way you cure – such as temperature, the atmospheric pressure around you, and your condition. It turns out that really energetic individuals perform their curing processes quite well.

I need to be like that – but, it’s just too hard. Particularly with Rion… it’s just too hard.

Suddenly, Annelie pats my shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”

I look at her without an expression –


“Seobi? What’s wrong?”

Sigh. What am I going to say? My friend ‘dogged’ me? But, I should at least tell someone a part of what’s happening to me, and how I feel.

I take a deep breath.

“This is my last day, Annelie.”

“What?” she exclaimed so loud that the whole class looks at us, even the teacher. “Hey! Be quiet!” Mr Flaris raised his voice.

“I’ll tell you the rest in recess” I muttered.

The tree I’m under is really, really nice. But unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to see it again for a while. Despite that, I thought that I’ll be meeting up with Annelie?

Before I go to the office and tell them that I can’t manage the fees, I want to see her at least one more time.

I take another deep breath, lay my eyes down on the ground underneath me, and thinking about the past – back when everything was peaceful. I wonder how my life will be now, at this very moment, if I was still with my family.

Nah, I’ll probably be attending the same school but, life would be much, much more peaceful. I wouldn’t have to fight with Rion everyday – and no, actually, I would probably never even fall into a dispute with Rion. I remember those days when I had that feeling for him. But ever since he changed, they faded away. I don’t exactly know how much that feeling could have augmented if he still hadn’t of changed. I would probably be in love with him – ha!

But yeah, I miss the past. Though, I shouldn’t cling to things too easily. Who knows? This might be the correct path I’m supposed to walk through?

Suddenly, the shadows of a group of people appear in front of me. I look up in bewilderedness to see Annelie.

Wait – what’s going on?

“Seobi!” She expressed in delight. “Meet Priscilla Edenburgh!”

I look at the individuals face, with the luminescent golden hair dangling behind her ears, and seeing her cheerful personality diffuse into the atmosphere.

…. Western, Schneizal.

Wait a second! I’ve seen this girl somewhere!

“Hey, Seobi!”

“It’s you! I saw you in bathroom that other day!”

“Yeah! When you repaired that mirror with your cool powers!”

... my cool powers?

She branches her hand out, and I retrieve it for her to pull me up from the ground.

“So wh-what’s going on?” I muttered.

“So I heard from Annelie that you don’t have the funds to stay in this school?” she pronounced in such an eloquent voice.

“… That’s true.”

“Come on.” she takes my hand, “I’ll pay the fees for you!”

… Excuse me?

My bones suddenly freeze –

What? What did I just hear?

She’s going to – what?

Why would she do this? Is it because I ‘repaired’ the mirror?

Did I even?

My mind indulges in content after I heard those luminescent words. I look at her with such astonishment. And then, I hear it again –

“Are you alright? I’ll pay the funds for you.” Priscilla said again, with that pure eloquent manner.

What kind of – is this a joke? No – wait.

Should I? Should I? How can a person like this be present in this world? She’s so generous to give me an offer like that!

“Is there… a catch?”

“No! Of course not.” She laughed.

Instantly, I approach her even closer, and grabbing her shoulders. “Thank you!” I sense a slight tear of joy dropping from my eyes. I don’t care if there’s a hidden catch to it – regardless of what’ll happen, I’ll have to be believe in Priscilla.

And since Annelie’s the one who brought her, it just manifests my persuasion to stick to what she said. But still, I’ll keep an eye out.

“So, are you planning to pay for full-time, or just the weekly fees?” she asked.

“Just… weekly fees for now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Thanks though.”

I can’t let her pay the fees I need for the entire year – that’ll be crazy. The price is like ten times more than Rion’s previous income in that fruit shop.

As I run to the administrations’ office, I continue to ponder to the reason why she gave me the money I need.

I mean – why would she help me?

It has to do something with the mirror, and when I saw her in the girls’ bathroom.

Or is she just being ‘way’ too nice?

I sit myself on a chair, next to a desk with the cash that Priscilla gave to me. In front of me, I see a form that highlights the payments I need to keep me attending this school. But I guess I’m still so glad we can pay our fees weekly.

The office manager on the other side of the desk expressed such an intimidating look. As I write my personal details on the form, I can see from the side of my vision that she’s just staring at my face. I mean, can you just stop?

I finish the form, and I avoid keeping eye contact as I handover what I’ve done. She takes it from me, still maintaining her eyes on my face, then instantly looking down on the form.

“So, you’ve only filled in five boxes out of… seventeen.”

“Sorry, I don’t really have a family –”

But I mean, does it really matter?

“You didn’t collect this money yourself, did you?”

“No. I didn’t.” I release a part of my anger.

Is she trying to get on my nerves? I hear her take a breath, putting the form away into a drawer on the sides of a desk, and leaning her head close to mine. I finally have my eye contact on her, then withdrawing my seat slightly backwards.

“So, Seobi, what happened?”

Is she trying to know more about me? Oh no – am I getting the wrong idea?

I think for a bit – and wonder why she’s asking me such a question. Her dead-serious eyes keep looking at mine; keeping her hidden intentions so intriguing. I take a deep breath –

“My family-friend lost his job. We both live with each other – supply food for each other. Without him, I would be even more famine. But due to his careless reasons, he lost his job, and I wasn’t able to pay the fees. Then today, my friend suggested putting herself in my position, and giving me the amount of cash I need to pay the fees.”

Done – I’m done now – so can you stop annoying me?

She leans to her seat, folding her arms and wiggling slightly on the chair. I stare at the window behind her for a few seconds, and wondering what she’s thinking. Suddenly, she blocks my view and gives me the payment form back. “What?”

Wait – what just happened? Why did she give it back?

“You know, have your money back.”


I’m like sucking your life. How about, I’ll give you a year to quickly find a job and suffice yourself with your own money. For now, you won’t have to pay your school fees – okay?”

A year?! That’s long! Oh my goodness! How much do I love life? Why is it, that only now, all the good things have started happening? Am I passing the test?

Joy fills my mind instantly – I take her hand, grasping it and shaking it vigorously. “Thank you so much! Thank you!

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!

I can’t believe this is happening!

Suddenly, with so much joy compelling me my head falls to the desk as I continue shaking her hand.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I repeated with such miraculous astonishment.

Alright, I should stop. She might think I’m a beggar, and I have to respect myself as well. I lift my head up again, and reveal my teary face to her. She smiles delightfully, and starts speaking –

“You’re family friend, and you, are the only Briteria individuals left in this world, right?”

“Yes?” Suddenly my mind traps itself again and wondering what she’s intending now. “What does he like doing?”

“He likes… fighting.”

Yeah – fighting. So what?

What is she intending to do?

“Haha – do you think he has a good imagination in designing?”

“I’m not exactly sure –“

“Let’s try it – yeah?”

Wait – try what? Bringing him to this school?! Are you serious? And isn’t this a health school not a drawing school?

I keep my eyes at her again, preparing for something big to hit my mind again –

“What do you mean by ‘try’?”

“Let’s try bringing him to the Graphics Academy –”

“Gra- what?”

“It’s our schools neighbour – some students do other subjects there as well, and comeback here to do their health subjects.”

“That’s amazing!”

“So yeah, bring him here, okay?” She sent me one more delightful smile.

Honestly, she has so much empathy for me. I thought of her wrongly.

I arrive at my hotel room, with my hand clenching on the doorknob. Okay, so why do I want him to join our school?

Because we’ll have a double chance of getting a better career in our future! With two of us studying without fees for one year, we can work to the best of our ability! And in that time interval, probably during the semester breaks, those could be the days we’ll use to earn cash for the fees!

I twist the door knob, finding Rion looking out the window as he usually does, and I run in such passion, towards the bed that’s blocking me from getting to him. He turns around instantly, watching me drop my bag and opening it with such haste.

Rion! Rion! Rio-o-o-o-o-o-on!”

I bet he thinks I’m being weird now – but, he must know that I’m in a happy mood!

“What…?” I heard him say in such a peculiar manner.

I take out another set of my school uniform; but this time, it’s for a male. I place it on the bed in front of him, and rest my hands on my waist. I watch his confused expression as he examines the uniform.

Come on, please join me!

For the guys, the design is slightly different. They don’t have to wear their blue tie – only on winters. Their sleeves are short as ours, and another blue material protrudes from the tips of their sleeves. Their buttons don’t begin from their collar, but near the right shoulder, then progressing towards the centre as it goes down to the pants.

But out of their torso, their pants are grey – and the females’ uniform comprises of only a blue skirt. The similarities are… well, our shirt is dominated with black buttons about four centimetres in diameter, and a white texture surrounds the primary material, and we both have the blue, school ‘V’ symbol attached to our chest pocket.

“So what’s this for?” he began.

“Well – you’re coming to our school.”

Please agree with me!

Suddenly, he drops the school shirt in shock, and looks at me with agape.

Oh no.

What did you say?”

I maintain my hands resting on my waist, and speaking to him like a superior. “That’s right! You heard me!” I expressed my passion. I wait for his response, and wondering why he’s stalling. I mean, to be honest, I kind of suspect him to disagree instantly, that’s why I’m forcing myself to be passionate about wanting him to join me. But… he’s actually stalling –

Meaning that, he’s actually thinking… probably thinking about my perspective, and thinking about joining! He’s having a ‘Theory of Mind’ for me – maybe.

But then, he makes his decision – and all my empathetic aspects that I just thought he has, suddenly disappears. “No, I don’t want to.”

The feeling of incredulity strikes me.

Well... I have to do something about it!

I repeatedly shiver and blink my eyes as if tears are beginning to be released. “Wh-wh-why?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

I detected the way he looked away, and perhaps, he’s telling the truth.

Just face it, Seobi. He doesn’t want to go.

And it’s true… probably he doesn’t have empathy for me. But what if I just try, get it out of him?

Without myself knowing, I drop to the floor.

Am I that sad already?

“Can you do it… for me please?”

Wait for a response Seobi.

Probably by expressing this much sorrowfulness he might change his mind.

Then as I anticipate it, I instantly see his head turn around to face me through the sides of my vision. I look ahead to him with my eyes repeatedly blinking with incredulity.


He kept looking at my desperate eyes – until,

“What will I be doing?” He asked.

Yes! Nice work, Seobi! It worked!

Part of the tension that’s risen in my body suddenly dissipates away in seconds.

“Oh – um, yeah, you like designing things right?”

I remember back before Brigadonia was destroyed, Rion’s strength was in graphical designs of buildings and structures. He didn’t like Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, or any other science subjects. He’s more of the imaginative type. But I wonder if this interest has disappeared from his mind?

“Yeah, whatever, I’ll join.”

Yes! I instantly flex my knees and hop out of the floor like a frog, and branch my arms to Rion. He lifts his foot up, and I crash into it.

“Thank you so much, Rion!” I feel the drop of tears of joy.

I walk to my school, with Rion by my side. His school is in fact, right behind mine, so we’ll both be going the same way. “So are the people nice here?” Rion began with a slight excited mood.

“Yeah! They are! One of them even helped me pay the school fees.”

“Oh, so that’s how you got through with yesterday –“

“Yeah!” I turned my head around to express a smile of joy.

I’m not usually like this to Rion – I’m usually cold or rather slightly sceptical to him. But, I’ve never felt passionate towards him, and I’ve never felt passionate because of him ever in my life.

Chapter 6 – Rion – I won’t forget you

Aish, I’m only doing this because of what I did to Seobi. But yeah, I guess I do have a slight interest in designs. Though, what keeps me wondering, is that how did she know?

I arrive in my new classroom, with my bag still attached to my back. I only brought the things that Seobi told me to bring – a T-square, set squares, pencil and a rubber. We did a few drawing practices before today, and in fact, Seobi knew the things that I was drawing. They were just random pictures of buildings, but Seobi knew straight away what they were… she even named them, even though they came straight from my mind and I never had a chance to even talk about it to Seobi. It’s as if she knows me more than I do.

I knock on the class door and opening it slowly, and feeling shyness engulf my entire body. Psh, just look at them, they’re looking at me as if I’m an alien.

“Oh, welcome, Rion” he gestures to me to come to him.

I approach the teacher slowly, and looking at everyone in the class. The teacher places his hand on my shoulder for a rather, ‘good’ welcoming for me.

“Everyone! This is Rion…” he stops, and turns his head to face me while we’re in front of the class. “… It’s Bayerische.” I answered with slight annoyance.

It’s so easy to pronounce, how can he not? Ba-yer-ish-hee

“Sorry, your name is just too amazing for my mouth –”

Suddenly, everyone starts laughing, and the shyness inside me gets replaced by obnoxiousness. Subconsciously, I feel my arms folding instantly to manifest my annoyance. But honestly, that was the worst joke I’ve heard. Everyone here is a jerk. Plus, they all look like fat cows with that white uniform – oh wait, I’m wearing it too.

“Come on, Rion say hi to everyone.” I heard him say in a rather, intimidating tone.

Fine. Whatever.

“Hey.” I muttered and suddenly lift my head slightly.

“Yeah, you’re really going to fit in.” He replied sarcastically, then hearing everyone in the class laugh again.

“So you’ll be sitting over there” he points to an empty seat. “There, next to Priscilla. Oh wait, here, take this worksheet.”

… That’s odd. Seobi anticipated me to be drawing on an A-three worksheet. It turns out she was right.

How did she know though?

As I look across the room where I’m sitting, I see everyone staring at me with those intimidating looks. I look in the distance and find my seat on the left of a girl.

Sigh, why do I have to sit next to a girl? I would probably be enjoying my time here more if it was Britenzo I’m sitting next to.

But seriously? Another girl, like Seobi? Sitting next to me? Far out! She’ll be the next person I’ll be shouting at, I bet.

I put my bag down, sit on the seat, and expand my legs. The desks are rather high, and the seats are high as well. Each of the desks have their own drawing boards, with two sets of clips to – which I’m guessing – to clip the drawing and preventing them from moving around and distorting the drawings.

But what’s bloody annoying me is the girl who I’m sitting next to.

That stare she’s giving is just so intimidating. It’s as if she thinks I’m some kind of delinquent or something.

“Oi, what you want?”

Yeah. Take that. Feel how annoyed I am.

She doesn’t respond, but looks away with a chuckle. I bury my hands in my pocket, and simply ignore her.

As I look around the classroom, I detect a few of the students still having their bodies turned and staring at me with that hypnotised look of my presence.

After school. Jerk. I do a gesture of slitting my throat.

Once they looked away, I gain my attention on what everyone else is doing.

I mean – I should probably start too.

I see everyone doing their own work – with a large A-three sheet of paper in front of them. With mine, I clip the drawing up and look at the shape I have to draw. The question is asking me:

Draw the isometric view of the table – in reference to the dimensions given.”


According to Seobi, the isometric view is like a three dimensional representation inclined on a thirty-degree axis. I feel slightly grateful that Seobi prepared me for this. Probably this is the first time I’ve felt thankful for her.

I lock my T-square parallel to my desk, and start drawing my first horizontal line with the pacer. As soon as I start, a student in front of me rotates his body to face me, and leans his arm on my desk.

“Can I borrow your rubber?”

He wants to borrow my rubber.

I mean like, did he just ask a new student that question?

Freaking piss off you careless dork.

I deliberately stare at him with my vehement eyes as my body leans on the seat.

“No, you can’t borrow my rubber.”


Are you seriously kidding me?

Seriously? Is this guy a beggar or something? I already said, no!

I kick his seat, pushing it back to his own desk and finally say –

“I already said, no.”

Through my right, I see the girl who I’m sitting next to just stare at me as if she saw a ghost. “For crying out loud! Would you just stop looking at me?!”I exclaimed with such horror.

She looks away again, gets back to her work - but this time with a more serious expression.

Its recess now and I’m sitting by myself, on a seat isolated from everyone else. In the distance, I see a blue haired individual running towards my direction.

Why am I… not surprised of her presence?


I’m not surprised that I have no happiness when I see her running at me like that. “How’d you go on your first day?”


Yeah – totally.

I purposely look away carelessly. “Haha, usually you don’t say anything. So I’m guessing ‘boring’ could mean that you had fu-”

“No Seobi, it was literally boring.” I interrupted her.

Just remember, I’m doing all this for you. I felt sorry for you, so I’m doing what I think I should do.

I hope you might suspect it as well, because I’m getting sick of this…

Suddenly, silence diffused itself into the atmosphere.

“Thanks for coming again, Rion.” She finally spoke out.

I keep my eyes away from her, then standing up to walk off a different direction.

“Oh, wait up.” I heard her from my behind. Strange – she’s following me. “So what do you have next?”

I dunno.”

“I have Neurobiology.”

She continues walking beside me in the same pace as I grab my bottle from my bag and begin gulping it.

“So, do you want to do something after we finish school today?”

“No.” I muttered with inconsideration.

I continue walking, then realising that she stops. “Rion, what’s wrong?”

Can you stop bothering me, please?! It’s getting so annoying!

Instantly, I respond with a slight tone of anger –

“No, I’m fine.”

I turn my head away, and continue walking away with such careless satisfaction. She isn’t following me anymore – well, why should I care?

This school really sucks anyway.

As I look at my right, I see a small field of grass with a tree on its centre. A couple of girls sit there and glare at me as they eat. I look at them as they do to me, looking away, and then looking back. These jerks are seriously annoying.

Stop looking at me!” I exclaimed with pure corrosiveness.

But then, as I soon as I said that, I look straight back at the way I’m walking and find a group of boys in front of me. “So, it’s Seobi’s boyfriend?”

I stare at him vehemently, and slowly processing the words he just said…

Do you want to die, freak?

“You sir, look jelly.” I heard one of them say to the other.

“She’s a stick. I don’t like sticks.”

The anger topples up once again. I approach the man who said that in such a fast pace, grabbing his collar and carrying him upwards with such force.

Despite myself being angry, I guess I like how I’m using this anger to transform the feeling into strength.

Yes – it’s so invigorating and satisfying.

Say that again and I’ll cut your head off.”

First of all, he commented on Seobi’s stature. Second, he said that I was her boyfriend. That’s the worst insult I’ve ever heard from anyone. I will never have a girlfriend as terrible as that bloody fat cow.

The man grasps my wrists tightly, making me release him. I guess I can say, I’m not scared of what’s going to happen in the next few seconds.

Because there’s nothing to be scared of.

The guys he’s with surround me with their hostile looks.

I guess they want to fight?

“Yeah, I also heard from others how rebellious this guy is –” I heard one of them mutter. “I can tell he’s completely different from Seobi.”

Why are they comparing me to Seobi? She isn’t that great –

“I’m going to count to five, and I want you guys to disperse. If you don’t I’ll ki –”

“Well I’m going to count to three, until you apologise for clenching my collar.”

Apologise? That word is not in my lexicon. Why would I ever apologise to someone who insulted me first?

“You aggravated me first – so why should I apologise?”

“I merely complimented you.”


I gather a bit of saliva on my mouth, and spitting it on the floor next to me. “If you ever ‘compliment’ me again, I’m going to kick you in the face.”

Oh – shi –

As soon as I said that, the ones around me grab all my limbs. Through my behind, I can feel someone head-locking me, and preventing me from being able to even look at the one I was talking to. “I guess, this is why the Briteria family has such a bad reputation.” He said with smug satisfaction.

Freaking hell. Once I’m out of this confinement, I’m going to bash you. I’ll destroy you.

Perhaps, rip you apart.

But then, my attention is caught by the presence of a figure on my sides –

A young teenage girl approaches him, and slightly extending her index finger to poke his shoulder. “Stop.” I heard her in such a soft tone.

Instantly, all the jerks around me back off, and so does the man in front of me.


“Leave him alone.” She spoke out again. And in fact, I recognise this person. She’s the one who I sat next to in my first class; but, I forgot her name.

“Priscilla, wasn’t he a bit mean to you in class?” The student, who I was arguing with, said to the girl.

“You just need to understand him.”

What the heck, did she just send a smile to that jerk?

She did it with such delight as well.

Oh my – this surely compels me with annoyance.

Subsequently, all the men walk away from me – keeping their eyes on mine, and then looking away as soon as they disappear into the distance. I’m alone with Priscilla now.

“Hello.” I heard her soft voice once again.

“What is it?”

“So you’re Rion?”

Yeah – I mean, you saw my introduction in class.” I lose my eye contact with her, and looking out into the distance.

“I’m Priscilla Edenburgh – a friend of Seobi’s.”

Excuse me – what did I just hear?

I fall still, and instantly turn my eyes to hers.

What? Since when did those two know each other?You know that fat cow?!”

“Fat… cow?”

Seobi’s f-f-f-fat.

She chuckles for a little bit as soon as I said that.

I don’t get it – everyone’s laughing so easily in this unbelievable place.

“She’s pretty skinny to be honest.”

“Ha – compared to me she’s fat.”

“So you’re saying you’re really, really skinny? But being too skinny isn’t good too, you know.”

Damn it – she just said it with such eloquence. It’s as if she just destroyed me verbally.

I guess words are my weakness, but my muscles aren’t.

“Shut up.”

Sigh – I feel like stopping. My mind is getting tired with all this stress.

I folded my arms to restrain my aggression, and feeling as though I’m getting sick of being angry. As soon as I said that, she starts chuckling again. I turn around in such anger and exclaimed –

“Stop laughing!”

“So yeah, and then, Seobi went to the office and gave the fees.”

“That’s it? Then how did I get here?”

“I’m not sure – go ask Seobi.”

As I continue walking and ignoring what Priscilla is saying, a ball suddenly rolls towards me. I look towards it, and find another individual running for it.

Oh, you want the ball? Jerk?

Well here it is!

I grab the ball, throwing it with such velocity towards them, despite them only two metres away from me. It strikes their head rigorously, and the man falls to the floor.


“Hey! What did you just do?”

Bro – you didn’t have to scream your words like that.

“What? I gave the ball back to them. You got a problem?”

Listen! You need to change –”

“Me? Change? What’s wrong about me? What position are you in to say that?”

I watch her look at me in agape, and blinking her eyes in astonishment. “Do you know why everyone treats you so badly?”

“Because they’re stereotypical jerks?”

“Wh- ho- it’s strange because, Seobi is the same race as you, and everyone looks positively on her, but… probably not you, because of the way you treat them. That’s the notion that everyone has I think. Do you think they’re ‘stereotypical jerks’ now?”

Are you stereotyping me? Just from the way I was treating those idiots?”

What?! Everyone is different regardless of race! This person is so stupid!

“N-well- okay, look, not everyone is treating you well – that’s what I’ve realised, particularly from what just happened recently when you were with that gang of boys. And this reason is probably because of the way you treated them.”

“So you’re saying, I should treat everyone differently, so that they’ll treat me differently?”

“Well, I’m saying this because you should normally treat people nicely – regardless of them treating you badly or kindly. But if they go too far, then I guess that’s when you take your chances.”

That how you roll?”

I look at her eyes and see her nodding slowly.

Damn it – here comes the aggravation once again.

I take a deep breath, to imply that I’m getting annoyed of her. But, I probably do need to change. Maybe, I just find her annoying because she isn’t minding her own business.

Finally, it’s three o’clock, and it’s time for me to go home. I begin walking, and realising that I don’t exactly know the way back; but then, I feel someone behind patting my back.

“It’s this way, Rion.” Seobi became convenient for once.

I begin following her, and keeping my eyes on the ground beneath me.

Priscilla… she kept telling me to be nicer to people. I’m just wondering about the benefits I’ll get if people treat me differently.

“So, how’d you go overall today? Boring?”

Okay, it’s your chance now to see –

If I’ll say something with a more kind behaviour to Seobi, will she realise and start treating me differently? Wait – once I think about it, ever since she came back to this school, she has in fact, been treating me differently.

Priscilla also said during my last class with her –

If someone treats you nicely, you should do the same.’

Here I go – I’ll try being ‘different’ to Seobi.

“It was fun.”

Is Seobi going to reply? I look back, and realise something odd. She’s stopped her walking pace, and she begins looking at me in agape with her eyes blinking in astonishment.

“… Fun?

Yeah – it was fun (or should I say that she misheard me and I said fine?)

I guess this time I should just try smiling for once. I want to see Seobi’s reaction if I were to smile.

Maybe, it’ll make me actually feel better for myself? And probably rid a part of my anger as well?

I do the same, and look at her eyes to deliver a delightful smile. Priscilla does that every time – so I guess, I gave it a shot.

The sun sets and its night time now, and we’re both on our separate beds, sleeping. I lean to the left side – the side that faces the window, and I look at the glamorous moon in wonder.

Whenever I look at the window – I always think how I could become a hero, and become as bright as the sun or the moon.

Bright’ – that phrase somehow puts me into such intrigue. If a hero is ‘bright’, doesn’t that practically mean that they’re someone who beholds a good attitude?

Okay, probably my attitude isn’t right. Perhaps I should change it –

Through the reflection of the window, I see Seobi on the other bed changing her position as she sleeps, and facing the window as well. She slightly opens her eyes, and sees my awoken reflection.

“Are you alright, Rion?”

I close my eyes, attempting to ignore her, and removing the thought of becoming a hero once again.

Just go to sleep.” I muttered.

A part of me wanted to wait for her response –

I probably shouldn’t have just said ‘Just go to sleep’.

I open my eyes again, feeling an itch of her feelings.

“I’m alright, Seobi.”

“Rion, if there’s something wrong, I want you to tell me straight away.”

A slight feeling of comfort hits me –

She’s never said anything like that before…

“Okay.” I muttered once again as I close my eyes, and put my body to sleep.

I wake up again, taking a shower, putting my clothes on and leaving for school with Seobi beside me. “Oh, I can’t believe I haven’t asked you this question yet!”

“What is it?”

“Made any friends yet?”

“Of course I have –”

Suddenly, she stops once again. “Serious?”

“Yeah” I turn around to actually keep eye contact.

“Who are they?”

“There’s one… Priscilla.”

I continue my walking yet again, and sense Seobi’s footsteps catching up to me. “What?! Priscilla?!”

Yeah – I would expect you to be surprised!

“What’s wrong?”


“… Nothing. I’m just so happy for you!”

I doubt she knows that I know Priscilla’s the one who paid her the fees.

As we both enter the school, I see a girl waiting at the front gate with her figure leaning on a nearby pillar. She stares up the sky, and I see the incandescent sun unveiling the true caramel colour of her black fibrous hair. I guess this is the way you can define dyed black hair, to Asian black hair.

“Annelie!” Seobi called out with joy.


I watch her attention get caught by my figure, then branch her finger out to point at me.

“Oh, Rion! You’re here too!”

“Yep, thanks to Priscilla!” Seobi begins to chuckle a bit.

Annelie leans her head slightly closer to mine with intrigue –

Wow – hey, don’t get too close to me. Even if you’re a girl, I can still bite.

“So, how’s school going?”


She takes her eyes off me, and then approaches Seobi.

“Hey, do you mind if I copy your homework?”

“Do you need help?”

“No – well – yes – I do, but we’ve only got five minutes till’ next period!”

I watch Seobi rush to her bag, then giving her an exercise book.

Are you serious…? Just like that? You’re giving your work to her, just like that?

Seobi follows her as she takes off to a desk, and preparing her workstation. She takes out a pencil, an empty book, and begins writing every single word that’s on Seobi’s book.

That’s cheating.

I even think so.

“Hey! Do I detect a ‘rule-breaker’?”

We all turn around, and see an individual approaching us. With her golden braided hair and blue eyes, I can tell instantly that it’s Priscilla. Annelie spins her head instantly, and I find her shocked of Priscilla’s presence –

“Oh – oh my god, you scared me!”

“Naughty – doing your homework five minutes before class!” Priscilla teased. Then, she saw me –

“Hey Rion!”

What? You expect me to say hi back?

Then, the person in front of me catches my attention instantly.

Seobi suddenly expresses a flushed face –

“Aren’t you going to greet her back?” She nudges me as she whispered.

“Fine –” I muttered. “Hey.”


All the people around me are girls.

I kind of wished I had a guy with me to accompany me.

I rest my chin on the desk. Annelie sits on the other side, while Seobi watches her as she sits next to me. Priscilla comes by, and sits on the opposite side of Seobi, next to Annelie, then reading over her work.



“Oligodendrocytes aren’t in the peripheral nervous system – they’re in the central nervous system.”

“What?” Annelie teased Seobi.

“Sorry! That’s my fault!” She suddenly takes her book and corrects the error. “Thanks for telling me!”

I don’t know what the heck she just said – but, I don’t need to care.

The group continues to keep quiet after that last sentence, and Priscilla and Seobi just watch Annelie continue on her copying.

But then, Seobi breaks the ice

“So, Priscilla, do you have any brothers or sisters?”

… Priscilla?

So do you? Are you okay? You’re not responding.

Priscilla looks at her, but then drops her face to what I think is sorrow.

“Um – nope.” She muttered.

“…. Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No – it’s fine. But it’s the rule in this world, to only have one child per family.”

Excuse me?

“Huh?!” Seobi fell into flabbergast. “There’s a one child policy?!”

Wow – isn’t a one child policy horrifying?

“Yeah – it’s been like this for decades. They probably have a different rule for the Briteria family though.”

… I hope so.

That actually caught my attention!

I can hardly believe it.

…. The Briteria family is different. So this is society for you?”

“That’s right, and my little sister was taken away when I was six years old.” She rests her hands on her face in sorrow. “And I’ve never seen her since.”

Seobi takes out her hands, and then grasping Priscilla’s in comfort.

“But if you’re in an adopted family, it’s different.” Annelie began. “Britenzo and I have been living in the same family for years. Well, actually, it isn’t much of a family it’s just a facility where orphans are waiting for adoption.”

What?! So Annelie and Britenzo aren’t related?!

I spin my head towards her in curiosity –

“Wait, you’re saying that, you and Britenzo aren’t related?!”

“No – we’re not. But he’s my ‘brother’.” She muttered and gestured, then continuing back to copying her work. “An orphan ‘brother’ who I’ll always stick with.”

“Oh – I never knew that.” Seobi said.

“It’s all because of over-population – the reason why the one-child policy exists.”

“… over-population. No one in my Briteria family ever discussed that – but that’s probably because there aren’t many people in the family compared to your side.” Seobi said with eloquence.

“Yeah – maybe. But, I remember the story of an individual in your family, marrying a Schneizal like me.”

I don’t really care about much of what she’s saying, but, really? So a Briteria and a Schneizal?

“Oh – tell me!” Seobi spoke out with intrigue.

“Well – it began by the princess wanting to be married to someone.”

“Princess? Do you mean the Princess of Junquious?”

“That’s right. She wanted to marry someone, but she kept it a secret from her father.”

“Why did she keep it a secret?”

“Because that certain person was from the Briteria family.”

No way…” Seobi pronounced in flabbergast.

“Then, there was a time when she asked her father – ‘if I was to get married, can I have two kids?’. But then, the king told her – ‘No. It’ll be unfair for everyone else.’”

“So even the king prevented his daughter from disobeying the one-child policy?”

“Well, in order to be a good king, you have to be fair to everyone.”

“But then, the princess thought of another solution, since she thought that the one-child policy was completely ridiculous.”

“What did she do?”

“It was completely insane...”

“What was it?”

She wanted to destroy a large portion of the population with a uranium warhead. It would rid mothers from the pain of losing a child, and it’ll reduce the population greatly, and prevent the policy to come to existent.”

“I can’t believe it – that’s horrendous! And the uranium warhead? Didn’t the Briteria family use those in the war?”

“Yeah – but this took place years after the war. And I have a feeling that the reason why the princess wanted to be with the Briteria individual, is to make that statement come to existent.”

You mean to make that Briteria individual she wanted to marry, produce the uranium warhead? And get rid of the policy?”


“How do you know…?” Seobi released her curiosity.

“Well, because if you read the entire story, you would sense a suspicion to the words she was saying. And reviews even pointed it out as well.”

“Where are those two now then?”

“The Princess was executed for being with a Briteria.”


Just like that.

This world really is wretched.

“Are you serious…?”


“But I have to say, this world really is over-populating. I wonder what we’re going to do in the near future with population exponentially increasing.”

“And… I don’t understand. Killing a large portion of the population, as a substitute for the one-child policy?”

“Well, I guess that was happening in the Princess’ mind – since she thinks letting the mothers die, is better than them experiencing the feeling of losing their child. I bet she also wanted to clear out the population so that the policy would be gone.”

“I can’t believe it….”

“We haven’t experienced ourselves losing our child, so we wouldn’t know how it would feel.”

“Did she have children with that Briteria member?”

“Yeah – she did. She had two. They were both half Briteria and Schneizal – but as soon as the second child was born, he was taken.”

“I wonder if, that was the reason why she wanted to go on with the population massacre in the first place.”

“Maybe…” Priscilla ended the conversation.

That’s so horrendous.

All that I can gleam from that previous conversation is that our world is more terrible than I thought.

But each culture has their own ways of living, and that’s merely because of the environment they’re exposed to and how they decided to adapt to it.

Or, everyone is just simply different. That’s what makes this world diverse.

Finally, I find myself sitting next to Priscilla again in our graphics class. Well, it’s basically the only class I have in this school. The teacher passes out our A-three drawing sheets, but I’m slightly startled as soon as he approaches my table –

“So, how was your first day yesterday?” He said with eloquence.

“Yeah, it was fine.”

“Made any friends yet?”

Fine, fine. I’ll respond.

“Yeah.” I muttered without looking at his face.

Damn it – I should have looked at his face.

From the side of my vision as I stare at the drawing paper, I see Priscilla leaning her head slightly closer to me. “So, did you treat Seobi well yesterday?”

“Go ask her” I responded with careless satisfaction.

I don’t know, sometimes I feel careless to respond to people’s answers not because I don’t want to talk to them, or I’m lazy, but it’s because of the questions they’re asking!

“… Really, Rion?

What’s with that peculiar tone? You think I’m not telling the truth?

… Take your hands off your hips. It intimidates me.

“Well – because, if I agree, I’ll probably be depositing pride into myself. Don’t you think?”

Yes! Now she understands that I’ve been listening to her teachings!

“Yeah – I guess…

Suddenly, the student in front of me who previously asked for my rubber spins his chair and faces Priscilla. “Dude – why do you hang around with this guy?”

The feeling of intimidation tickles my spine. I look at his ignorant eyes as they look at Priscilla’s, and I watch him speak negatively about me purposely in my presence.

“Why can’t I? He’s nice.”

What kind of –

Wait – no - she said I’m nice. She said I’m nice. She said I’m nice! Honestly, ever since I’ve joined this school, my life became full of surprises!

“He’s nice?” The student questioned with shock.

“Yeah! You just need to understand him more!” she turned her head and faced me.

I have to say, Priscilla’s probably the nicest person I’ve met in my life – well, not that I’ve met many people.

I look back at my drawing, and so does she.

Dude – at least say thank you. Or else you’re ‘really’ a jerk.

Alright, fine. I’ll thank her. Happy now?

“Thanks, Priscilla.” I muttered with shyness.

“Haha! You’re welcome!” She chuckled.

I can sense the other student glare at me slightly, and then leaning back to his desk and pushing his chair back inside.

I place my feet on the bars that connects the legs of the chairs, and lifting my figure to get a better view of the entire drawing paper. I take my pencil out, preparing my set squares and reading the question.

‘Draw the perspective view of Object A’

I find it sometimes difficult to draw my lines in fact; since if I press too hard and perform a mistake, it takes quite an effort to erase it off – but despite me erasing it off, parts of the graphite still sticks to the paper.

I guess I have to just keep trying –

And actually, I’m quite amazed at myself to being able to understand all the basic topics there are for this subject. Despite this being my complete first time doing something like this…

In the beginning, before I even attended the class, we learnt how to draw the different views of shapes and objects. There was: Isometric, a three-dimensional representation of the object inclined on a thirty-degree axis; orthographic, a two-dimensional set of drawings that represent the top view, front and side view of an object; and an oblique view, which is another three-dimensional representation of the object but inclined on a forty-five degree angle.

Is it me, or I’m starting to like it?

It’s strange – when Seobi was teaching me how to do all this, I learnt it all in approximately one hour. It’s as if I already knew all this –

As I continue drawing, I’m stopped by Priscilla starting a conversation. “So, are you still keen to changing your personality?”

Am I still ‘keen’?

“I guess I am…” I muttered as I draw another line on my paperwork. Then suddenly – “Let’s hang out again this recess, yeah?”

Instantly, I snap the graphite on my pacer with shock.

Did she just –

Quick! Respond! Or else she’ll think that you’re pondering about it!

“… Yeah, okay.” I expressed with a shy tone.

This is awkward!

“Hey, you know, there were times when I’ve met my best friend in random places –”

Wait – where did that come from?

It just suddenly spat out of my mouth!

I didn’t even mean to say that! Or – no – it must’ve been because I was so shy, that it came out. I subconsciously wanted to hide the fact that I was shy after she asked me that odd question…

Alright Rion, you successfully started a new topic. Good job!

“Oh yeah? Who’s your best friend?”

“… His name is Britenzo. I doubt you know him though.”

“Oh, isn’t that – never mind, keep going.”

“I guess I can say, he’s the only person who I respect in this world. But then, there were a few times when I’ve came across him, caught up with a conversation, then saying goodbye.”

“Oh.” She dozed off her eyes as if she’s wondering if I’m done yet. “… and then?”

“A few seconds later, we see each other again.”

Holy cow, I’m actually making a point of what I’m saying!

“Don’t you find those types of situations awkward?”

She suddenly spins her head towards me with a smile.

Yes! I’ve done it! Good job!

“Yeah! Those moments are the most awkward! That’s why I like, wait and make sure that they’ve disappeared, and then continue on what I was doing normally!” She expressed in such a joyful manner. “But, if you see them again, just smile!”

Well I guess her and I have something in common. As soon as I had that thought, the feeling of content suddenly strikes me.

Wow… I feel so, peaceful now, for some reason.

“Hey, I’ll buy you something at recess?”

B-b-buy me something? I’ve only met her yesterday, and she’s asking me if I want something to buy!? I have to admit it – she’s really nice.

Wh-what’s there to buy?”

“Have you tried the Aloe drinks?”

Its recess now and I watch Priscilla queuing in the canteen with a few coins on her hands while I’m staying stationary outside. The boys in front of her are being rather rough on each other – playfully arm-wrestling each other with the barriers that separate the queues as a source of their stand. From the front of the line, I watch a student depart the canteen with the drink he bought in his hand.

The line elevates forward, except the students arm-wrestling each other don’t realise it, but stay stationary and block everyone else.

I see Priscilla just standing there behind him, and not retaliating.

What is she thinking about?

With a slight feeling of annoyance, I approach the individuals.

“Guys, stop playing and move forward.”

They ignore me, and I try holding my anger.

Priscilla doesn’t realise my presence, and focuses on the list of drinks that she can buy. But seriously, these guys are just ignoring. And I’m starting to get ticked off and losing my potential of holding my anger, since the people behind them are waiting to move forward.

I grab one of their shoulders, and speak out –

“Guys! Move forward!” I released all my annoyance instantly.

Okay – okay, calm down.

The men realise my presence, so do Priscilla and the rest of the students in the queue. “Rion?!” I heard her mutter with a rather tensioned tone.

“You want to go me now, punk?” The man grabs my collar with the barrier separating both of us.

Okay – never mind, you can let it all out if you want.

I can tell straight away from their eyes, that they comprise of a vexatious, delinquent personality. I don’t know, but anger continues to bolster inside me as they grasp my collar tighter.

These jerks should really be banished from this world.

I clench my fist, and plunging it into one of their faces, until I realise that my arm is stopped by someone’s hand.

“Stop Rion.” Priscilla muttered as she shook her head. I look at her in the eyes, then leaving the queue to sit myself on a stand in the distance.

“Don’t move. My spot’s saved.”

Alright – I take that back. They don’t deserve to be banished from this world.

After five minutes of waiting or so, she approaches me with the drinks. “Man, you need to hold your anger more when those situations arise.”

Psh, she’s lecturing again.

“I tried to.” and I’m doing that now.

“Yeah, I know, it’s kind of hard sometimes. But in those situations, you come across a dilemma where if you should suppress your anger or retaliate. I usually go for suppressing, and not causing any trouble.”

But isn’t it better to retaliate sometimes? Oh well, I’m just going to suppress it now – and if she thinks that deeply into my feelings, she’ll understand that I’m following what she said at this very second.

“I agree.”

“Alright, cool!” She looked at me with that smile once again. In the end, we both end up sitting on a chair and socialising the entire way. She tells me numerous methods to behave normally, and with an altruistic manner.

But the thing that gets me the most is this –

You have to think more about people’s perspectives, Rion, even to Seobi.”

As I begin walking home, Priscilla’s words echo in my mind. Each time I hear ‘even to Seobi’ an itch of something odd begins to prevent me from moving.

That itch… it’s as if, something inside my body, wants to come out.

But in the same time, I get the feeling of content, for some reason.

It’s odd – Seobi is the person who I, basically, dislike the most. Why is it that I’m feeling contented when I hear her name?

Or is it because it was in Priscilla’s voice?

As I continue thinking about that particular girl, my arm tends to twitch even more, and the feeling of content continues to consume me.

Content – it feels good.

But, why Priscilla?

Why does my body react negatively, and positively when I think about her?

Suddenly, a wind blows towards me. The feeling of gust is enjoyable I guess – but it doesn’t relinquish me from the itch I get when I think of Priscilla.

Then without me realising, I take a deep breath, covering my mouth with my hand then sneezing instantly –


I return my hand, and find … something rather odd.

Rather odd…

Is it even odd?

The object on my hand?

That amethyst-like object, on my hand?

The sun shines itself on it, and the reflected rays blind me. Then in an instant, after opening my eyes once again, the piece of crystal disintegrates into the atmosphere.

What was that? What just came out of my mouth…?

“Rion!” I suddenly heard someone call out. I turn about ninety-degrees to my right, and see Britenzo running at me.

“Oh my god – how have you been man?”

“Hey! I’m doing brilliant.”

Wait – did I just say I’m doing ‘brilliant’?

Wait.” Britenzo pauses. “Did you just say you’re doing ‘brilliant’?”

“And did you just smile for a second there?!”

“Yeah! I did.”

Oh – this new feeling – it surely makes me want to continue to act like this!

He steps in front of me, and we begin walking to the direction I was walking –

“Going home, I’m guessing?”

“That’s right.”

It becomes slightly awkward as no one talks for a few seconds. Topics – can we run out of topics to talk about so quickly?

What hasn’t he spoken to me about? What haven’t I spoken to him about, that I can use to start a conversation?

Maybe how school was today?

“You know – that I’m an adopted child?”

“… Yeah – Annelie told me this morning.”

“Wait – I already told you last week though!”


“Anyway – I discovered that I’m a half.”

“Half Schneizal and … what?”

He keeps silent for a bit, and stops on his spot as we were walking.

“No – don’t worry.”

I remember Priscilla stating something about someone being half-half, but I completely forgot what she said.

I wasn’t really paying attention actually. I was in the beginning, but trailed off…

I’m at home now, eating dinner on the dining table with Seobi on the opposite side. “So, did you have a good day today?”

“Yeah, I did.” I pronounced with a slight sense of joy.

“Oh, what happened?”

“Priscilla bought me something from the canteen”

“What?! What did she buy you? Why didn’t you ask me if you wanted to buy something?” She expressed a slight tone of anger.

Wait – why are you getting angry all of a sudden?

“Well, she offered it…”

I watch her resting her fork on the dining table. “Did you even prevent her from buying it for you?”

To be honest… I actually didn’t. Now when I think about it, I only accepted what she gave me; and didn’t even think about her perspective as well.

“Rion!” She leaned her head closer to me with a frown. “You need to show more altruism! Don’t let people buy things for you, and taking it for granted! You should at lea-”

You’re pissing me off now.

“... Yeah. I’m sorry.” I interrupted.

You don’t even realise how much I’m trying to change now.

And you’ve just destroyed my motivation.

And now – something else comes to my mind.

Why would I need to ask you if I want to buy something?”

“Um –”

“It’s my money we’re using anyway.” I muttered.

“... Yours?”

... Why did I say that?

“... Just when I started to think that you changed.”

I hammer the table hard with my fist; showing her how much anger she’s given me. With her fear, I see her instantly lean backwards to her chair in shock. “You don’t even know what I’ve been trying to do these past few days, have you?”

“What…?” Seobi expressed a tone of confusion and fright.

“I’ve been trying to change! And I hate people who underestimate like this!”

… So don’t say anything like that to me again!

I look at her shocked expression focusing on my face of vehemence. Then suddenly, I remember –

Man, you need to hold your anger more when those situations arise.’

Damn it – sorry Priscilla. But I don’t want your voice to echo in my head as if you’re some kind of ghost.

I rest back to my seat, staring at the food in front of me. But her muttering voice startles my anger once again.

According to what you just did, I don’t think you’ll ever change.”

Suddenly, the words of Priscilla disappear from my mind. And instead, her soft spoken voice repeats. The soft voice that resembles the amount of purity she has in her heart. Though, it’s blatantly obvious that Seobi doesn’t have this trait.

“You know, sometimes I wished you were Priscilla.” I muttered with my tone suppressed.

“You – what?!”

I said it.

She leaps on her feet, and I see the shadow of her head on the centre of the table.

That’s right – she would be much more of a family member than you” I continued to express my true perspective of her.

Actually, I’ve only started to think about it now. But honestly, Priscilla would’ve been a better person than Seobi. I would’ve been taught how to behave better earlier if Seobi was Priscilla instead –

I sense the tension in Seobi’s face. She instantly falls back to her seat and expresses a rather stunned look of shock.

Oh well, I don’t care. She’s been so terrible to me all these years. Treating me like a kid, disciplining me, and ordering me to do things.

I’m sick of this shi –

“After all that I’ve done for you – you think of me as someone as lower than a friend that you just met two days ago?”

Here we go. Gear Change: Release everything.

Alright, bring it on Seobi – let’s see who can become the angriest out of both of us?

She pushes her seat back, regaining her posture and taking such vigorous steps closer to me. “You don’t think of me as someone who’s always been by your side?!”

“Exactly! You’ve been that merciless fat cow that I’ve always thought of you as!”

Yes! That’s right! And it feels so good to repel the fury that’s been yearning to leave out of my mouth.

But then, my blood suddenly jumps as soon as I see something colliding towards my face –

She just slapped me.

“I’m… merciless? Well look at the one who has no pity for anyone!” she exclaimed with such a vitriolic manner.

How dare you slap me?

With the anger flamed up inside me, I stand up, clenching my fist and barraging at her face.

Then suddenly, silence bewitched us both again for a few seconds.

That’s right – take that, fat cow.

Did… you just hit me?”

Didn’t you just hit me?

She walks a few steps away from me with her head still facing the resulting direction of my colliding fist. I watch her lean herself with incredulity on the wall of the room.

Okay – maybe I shouldn’t have done that…

“Get out.”

Then suddenly, the feeling of regret hits me. I probably shouldn’t have done that… I didn’t even suppress my anger at all…

No, I can’t leave. Where would I go?

The dilemma keeps me still.

“I said, get out of here!”

Oh – she even slammed the wall. I’m actually quite terrified.

Come on, get out. Get the heck out of there. Close the door, and just leave! LEAVE!

Wait – am I crying?

I’ve never done something as terrible as this before to Seobi. Actually, I’ve never done anything like this to anyone before in my life!

I actually feel really sad. It’s as if all the blood inside me lost its form of movement because of what Seobi did. It’s shocking –

Come on, come on, I have to get away from that place! Quick, I don’t want her to see me!

I find myself running away with my bones attempting to restrict as much movement as it can. My bones – they aren’t moving! My body doesn’t want to listen to me!

It just… wants to keep still.

Freaking run!

I mean – she told me to get out…

She told me to leave her.

I remember before how I wanted to not be with her; but now, to be betrayed by her, it’s totally different… and shocking.

I keep running, and running, and running until I approach an empty alleyway. Oh my god, what have I done? I actually had the audacity to hit her.

This is the consequence of letting all your anger out, and opening the gate that distinguishes a human being to a beast.

Why did I do that?

I’m so sorry Seobi.

Then unexpectedly, I hear someone calling out my name.

“Rion! Where are you?”

It’s Seobi.

I stop at the closest building that shuns me from her view. I peak my head out for a little bit, scanning the place in anxiety. I approach the source of the sound – closer, and closer, but then stopping as soon as I’m about twenty metres in front of her. The feeling of anxiety engulfs me, and I lay myself in the shadows, concealed.

“Rion! Please, come back!” she called out with her hands opened up around her mouth to somehow resonate her voice.

I can see her face… she’s also regretful for what she did. Every part of her eye is completely red – it’s not the red of her eyes, but the red of blood revealing itself from tearing too much. She’s been crying really heavily, and I can also tell by the amount of tears I see on her neck. Then suddenly, she drops to the floor, crying like a baby, with her face being controlled by so much tension.

Rion, what have you done?

She continues crying and calling out my name while her tears pass her mouth.

“Rion! I’m so sorry!”

She even apologised.

Should I like… approach her and apologise as well?

“You’re the only family I have left! Please come back!”


Her emotions hit me. Without me, how lonely will she feel? I’ve been too rough on her…

With her head being concealed by her arms, she lies on the floor in desperation… in desperation for me. But as soon as I approach her even closer, I feel anxiety manipulating my mind and pulling me back.

No. No. I can’t get near her. Not now!

I turn around, with the feeling of guilt, and running away to the distance while hearing the echo of her crying.

I’m so sorry Seobi! I’m so sorry! I promise I’ll apologise tomorrow! Yeah? Okay?

Without myself knowing, my legs fall into paralysis and I fall down to the ceramic pathway of the streets violently.

Where am I going…?

I look up at the sky, finding the light of the moon illuminating the dark night.

“Hero… I failed to become a hero…”

And then, my vision blackens out.

Without Seobi… my life will be empty. She’s in fact, like a family member to me. No, she is the only family member I have.

… Wait – what’s this itchy feeling I’m getting on my right hand?

Out of the blue, I feel someone shaking my shoulder. “Oi! Rion!”

As I open my eyes, the sunlight blinds my vision with its incandescence.

Who the heck is calling me so early?

Is it Seobi?

No – It’s Priscilla.

“Why were you sleeping on the floor?”

Wait, how did I get here again? And why am I at school?

Oh… I forgot – I had a fight with Seobi –probably the most fearsome fight.


I regain my posture, and find Priscilla with a shocked expression. “You’re covered in blood.”

What? How am I covered in blood?

Seobi only slapped me.

In such a fearful pace, I scan my uniform and find it ripped apart numerously on my right arm, and, with the presence of blood.

How did I get this cut…?

How did I get these cuts?

“What?! How did I – I only remember…”

Suddenly, the feeling of sorrow and guilt strikes me once again. “… Seobi slapping me.”

Sorry – I have to be honest with you, Priscilla. This time, I actually ‘did’ hurt her…

Not just with words, but with my own fist.

From the top of my lowered vision, Priscilla leans away from me. “How did she… slap you?” I sensed her manner of incredulity.

“… I’d rather not talk about it.”

Did you listen to anything I told you about controlling your behaviour?”

It’s as if the scenery of me fighting with her repeats again as soon as Priscilla said that. But, the state I’m in now, is a rather docile one. I don’t think I’m in the mood to getting angry again. “I tried too… but then, I guess my anger overwhelmed me.”

As the sorrowful mood diffuses into the atmosphere, I see students walking passed and staring at us with wonder. Damn it – this is embarrassing. How did I even get here? I only remember myself passing out on a walkway.

“Come on, it’s an hours until school starts, let’s have this conversation somewhere else. She takes my hand, helps me stand up, and we walk to the centre of the main oval of the school. It’s rather empty before school starts, but during recess and lunch, it’s packed with the athletic students.

We sit beside each other, and I detect her sorrow low-profile face as she stares at the grass in front of them.

“When I met you, I saw your behaviour, and I wondered how Seobi survived with that behaviour.”

She said ‘survived’ – I guess the guilt inside me bolstered itself once again.

“So then, for Seobi’s sake, I decided to change your personality to becoming a better person.” Priscilla said in a meaningful, eloquent tone.

I keep myself still, halting myself from dreadful comebacks –

“So, you did all this so I could be nice to Seobi?”

“A part of it...”

“So, you didn’t do this because I’m your friend?”

“No – you’re my friend; someone who I can trust; and because I can trust you, I told you all of those things about changing your personality.”

She trusts me?

“And so that... you would stop hurting yourself and getting into fights.”

I instantly take a deep breath, and feeling the invigorated feel of parts of the sadness inside me leaving my body.

Probably because I’m getting happier, a bit.

So, it’s time to be honest now…

“I told her that you were a better person than her, and that you’d be a better family member than her.”

Sorry – but, I’m expecting a scary response from you.

She suddenly turns around in shock. I look at her face of agape, then looking away with fear. “Ho-how can you say that to her? Hasn’t she been with you ever since you were born?”

“That’s what she said, and I think she’s right – but, I only remember being with her a few hours before my home was destroyed – which was in fact, just four years ago.”

“So, you lost your memories somehow? So she’s been with you for four years? That’s still horrible! How can you say that?!”


“So… amnesia?” She kept her eyes in contact with mine, then looking away slowly. “But anyway, you should be more grateful for how much effort Seobi put to supplying you and herself with food and shelter!”

That’s true. All that I used to do is get the money then Seobi deals with the forms that she has to complete, and all the talking. And when I mean by ‘talking’, as in, falling into desperation for me and her to pay for the hotel funds and seeking help from others who she’s obscure to, by even walking to another city in Britoniah by herself. Compared to me, she’s experienced tougher times.

“Not only that, but she raised me. I had no clue of life four years ago. She taught me everything.”

I have to be more grateful towards people. That’s what I’ve learnt from yesterday –

“Priscilla, thanks for everything.” I expressed my words with such a peculiar and shy manner.

“Thanks for telling me how many things that I need to improve on to becoming a better person. Now that I’ve felt this, I know that I have to be more grateful to Seobi.”

I stare my head on the floor, smiling, and expecting her to see it.

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

Suddenly, the feeling of content fills me up. I feel like moving around and expressing my happiness in front of her. Wait, not only just happiness, but I feel like showing her my bravery.

“Priscilla –“


“You’re my best friend!” I said it out loud and feeling grateful that I said it.

I know – it’s kind of ... corny.

But, yeah – you are. I had to say that. But – what’s this new feeling? It doesn’t feel good at all.

Unexpectedly, my body starts vibrating vigorously and uncontrollably. I can feel my entire body shaking so energetically.

“Um – Priscilla, what’s going on?”

I look at her delightful and chuckling face, then seeing it transform as she looks at my body vibrate intensely. “Are you okay, Rion!?”

Oh no – why am I scared all of a sudden? But still – this is kind of creepy!

What’s happening to my body?!

She goes to my aid, steps closer to me and wondering what she should do. Suddenly, my arm feels like... something wants to come out.

“M-my hand is lifting by itself!”

Priscilla goes to the side of my right arm, and holding it with the incredulous feel of not knowing what to do. And then… this is where I get scared.

I can feel something wanting to burst out of my muscle.

“Wait! Get away from my hand!”

Ouch – ouch! It’s – it’s – it’s coming out!



… What’s this?!

What – what’s this? What’s going on? What’s this object protruding from my hand?

A purple, vitreous, crystallised needle has gushed out of my right palm.

… What kind of –

I see Priscilla looking at it with such horrendous fear. She crawls backwards, standing up, and backing away slightly with her face of agape.

... You - you’re going away?

In the distance, I see one student watching the scenery – and then another, then another, until I see about ten people in shock.

Despite us being in the centre of the oval, the students who walk by can see the brightness of the purple object protruding metres from my palm through such a wide distance. And now, an audience gathers.

I look at Priscilla scanning them then falling to the floor to aid me once again. She grabs my right arm in haste while I try to resist –

“No, leave your hand alone.” She ordered. I do as she said, and find her grasping the needle tightly with her hands. Priscilla then starts reciting something – something that I’ve been hearing thoroughly back at home –like someone that’s memorising phrases to perform a cure.

I suddenly see some form of liquid leaking from her palms. She continues reciting, and the liquid on the needle, that’s also partly on my palms, starts emitting a luminous light. With amazement, I watch the needle start to crack – and then, on the liquid I see numerous red veins protrude grotesquely out of the needle. It takes over the light of the liquid, then moving onto the source – Priscilla’s hand. I watch her express a face of pain –


She releases her hand, and falls to the floor as soon as the needle disintegrates into the atmosphere.


I regain my posture, and come to her aid instantly to find out what’s going on. I take her hand, and find it completely normal. I wiggle her shoulder, incredulously calling out her name.

Priscilla! Priscilla!”

Luckily, she opens her eyes of purity and looks at me as if she was blown by some explosion. “… Huh?

Silence diffuses into the atmosphere –

Seconds later, I see her turning her head to the audience then back to me. “I’m okay” She said with her soft voice yet again as she regained her posture. I do the same, and find a heap of people staring at us. Through the crowd, I see someone quite visible in the distance by her contrast in hair colour.

It’s Seobi.

She’s looking at me with such an annoyed look, and as if she’s been crying for hours, then walking off through the distance.

Seobi – can you come back?

Its recess and I’m again, sitting next to Priscilla; indulged in a conversation about what happened before school started. “So, you’re okay, right?”

“Yeah – I didn’t feel anything actually… but I’m obscure to what those red-vein-y things did to me…”

She’s speaking normally, as if nothing really did happen.

“Hopefully it didn’t do anything.”


I wonder what Seobi is doing now? How is she? Then as I thought about her, Priscilla begins a new topic.

Rion, we’re going to meet Seobi, aren’t we?” she began.

Yes, I need to apologise to her!

“Of course…”

We both leap on our legs and I begin following Priscilla’s footsteps. “Do you know where she hangs around?”


Alright, I’m getting closer to Seobi, and every time I take a step closer, the feeling of anxiety topples up. Then suddenly, it gets mixed with the feeling of annoyance. I look around me, to see other students staring at me widely. Yeah, I’m probably like a monster to them.

But from what I’ve learnt from Priscilla, I need to hold my anger.

I seriously need to.

After dozens of metres of walking, I find myself in a small grassy field with a small maple tree at its centre. Under it, I see Seobi sitting there eating a banana, about ten metres away from me.

Wow – calm down Priscilla!

Unexpectedly, Priscilla pushes me closer to her, and Seobi realises my presence.

Well, here we go. Don’t be scared Rion, you’re more mature than you were before. You should do something different this time.

We eye-to-eye each other, and I watch her looking away instantly as soon as I decide to step closer to her.

I’ll probably look away as well...

… Should I back off?

NO. Keep going! Don’t leave where you are, and only approach her more.

And then –

What is she doing? She’s standing up?

I see her taking her banana, and fortunately, only walking to the closest bin. I approach her with a faster pace with my face lowered, and find myself right behind her after she tosses her banana into the bin.

She then turns around and expressed her shock to see my figure right behind hers.


I need to apologise to her –

Suddenly, I grasp both of her shoulders with both of my hands, bringing her body closer to mine and cuddling her as hard as I can.

Wow – I’ve never done this before!

“Ri-Ri-Rion!?” I heard her flabbergasted voice. I close my eyes, grasping her body with mine even tighter, and finally saying it –

I’m so sorry. I’ll never do what I did ever again!”

In that split moment, I feel a tear fall out of my eye. I’ve never felt this emotional about someone before. But suddenly, I can feel this object inside my arm wanting to come out –

Whatever it is, I have to resist it.

And I simply clench my arm even more to relieve of the feeling.

And then, her soft hands grasp my back –

It’s okay.”

Now – it’s time to be honest with her, and how I actually feel about her.

“Without you, I wouldn’t be alive, Seobi. You’re the most important person I have in my life.”

Her body vibrates slightly in astonishment –

Well, I’m glad I said what was in my heart, right? I guess I was allowed to let ’that’ go!

Oh, well, me too”

We give each other space to see our faces, and I detect her lowered eyes. “So, we’re good now?” I took my arms off her shoulders, and changing the atmosphere. I then detect a speck of nervousness as she looks away in shyness –

“Ye-Yeah, we’re good.”

Was that the right thing to ask her? Oh well. I’ve cleared it up at least.

I turn to my behind, and see Priscilla slowly clapping her hands with the eyes of joy. It’s as if she’s implying ‘you two are so cute’.

Thanks Priscilla, for making me be able to get this far. Because of you, I can tell that I’ve become a better person.

Never leave like that again, Rion.” Seobi began as we continue journeying our way to the hotel. The feeling of content fills me up as soon as I hear her say that. Then, she continues –

“I’m sorry for making you go. I promise I’ll stay by your side.”

… What should I do? I have so many things to say to her too, but not all of it can come out of me once simultaneously.

I grab her hand, and clenching it to manifest the amount of vehemence I want to express without saying anything. Sometimes, words require some bravery – but gestures sometimes don’t. As for this particular situation, I think I’m comfortable by performing a gesture –

As soon as I did so, she stops walking, and stares at my hand holding hers.

I know – just, don’t feel weird about it, okay?

Did you somehow get your memories back?”

The feeling of incredulity strikes me. She only thinks of me like that? Me? Getting my memories back? Is that the reason why I’m acting like this?

I approach her closer as we stand in the middle of the pathway. “No, I’m still the Rion who kept a terrible secret from you about losing his job.” I said with sorrow and guilt.

I watch her face transform with a smile – suddenly, it also fills me up with delight. She grabs my free hand with her other and approaching me closer.

That’s okay. I have no caring whatsoever of you remembering your memories or not. I like who you are now, and you’re putting so much effort to maintain that state.

Oh – thank you. I guess you also realise now, that I’m trying to change and be a better person to you.

Then unexpectedly, I feel something wanting to burst out of my hand yet again. I take my hand off her grasp abruptly, and clenching my left elbow with my free hand. I see her shocked and confused expression, causing me to lay my eyes down on the ground floor in nervousness.

“I-I’m sorry. Let’s go home.”

I begin marching my way back home, until Seobi grabs my shoulder and turns me around to face her. “What’s wrong, Rion?”

“N-Nothing” I expressed my anxiety.

I’ll always be by your side, right? So can you tell me? Please?” I felt the words of comfort emit from her.

I lift my shy head up, and see her eyes of care. “I probably just can’t handle this new feeling.”

I rotate my body, and continue my way back home, hearing her mutter from my behind –


She then let’s go of my hand unexpectedly –

“Rion...” Seobi lowers her voice.

Strange – the atmosphere suddenly became sentimental.

“What am I to you? Who do you see me as?”

What are you to me? Who do I see you as? That’s an odd question. If the question is asking, what type of person I see Seobi as – I know that I don’t see her as a friend.

Nor do I see her anything further as a friend.

Nor do I see her as a sister.

But probably...

“... a mother.

She suddenly widens her eyes as if she was astonished from what I said.

“a – a mother? Really?”

“Yeah – because the level in which you take care of me; I think it’s what a mother would do to their son.”

“Then I’m happy that you’re grateful, my son.”

As soon as we arrive home, I find the entire house destroyed.

And what I’m seeing completely stuns me.

The chairs and the dining table are tipped over and the pillows, blankets, ripped pieces of paper are scattered amongst the floor.

She must’ve been angry. How much did I destroy her heart?

Rion, how could you?

“Oh… umm… give me a minute to clean all this.” She muttered.

Seobi… I’m so guilty for what I did.

“Seobi… I’ll treat you better from now on.” I muttered with overflowing guilt.

She suddenly halts, and silence surrounds the atmosphere.

It’s my entire fault. It’s okay, you don’t have to reply.

“Me too.”

I arrive at school again, waiting for Priscilla to arrive. As soon as she comes, I’m going to leap to my feet and thank her for everything!

I’ve changed because of her. She’s made the life of Seobi and mine so happy.

I retrieve the drawing paper from my teacher, clipping it on the drawing board once again, and hearing him call out the roll.






The door suddenly slams open –


Oh! What an entrance!

The class stares at her in surprise –

She looks so fatigued…

“Everything okay, Priscilla?” The teacher asked.

“Yeah! Everything – is – fine.” She continues to take deep breaths.

I see her look at me, then delivering a small and faint wave as the rest of the students turn their figures to have a look at me.

Priscilla – I hope you’re okay.

From what happened yesterday, I wonder if that ‘thing’ affected you –

She sits on her seat next to me, and takes out all of her stationery equipment.

“So, what’d I miss?”

“A quarter of the roll.”

“Did you take any notes – oh wait, never mind.”

It doesn’t seem like she’s sick, or hurt, or anything.

Looks like everything is fine. So no need to worry, Rion.

“So, who here likes designing buildings?” The teacher announced.

Surprisingly, no one puts their hand up except for Priscilla.

“Well, that’s kind of depressing. Aren’t you all here because you intend to be architects?”

In an instant, everyone puts their hand up.

“That’s more like it!” The teacher called out.

The entire class heads over to the school hall with our exercise books. As I walk with Priscilla on my side, I look over to see other classrooms on my sides, and see other students staring at us as we walk pass.

Probably we shouldn’t make that much disturbance.

“Hey, everyone, listen up!” I heard one of their teachers call out. “So the microglia…” he continued teaching.

Wait… microglia? Isn’t that something from neurobiology?

I remember Seobi mentioning them to me briefly…

I take a few steps backwards and feel intrigue pulling me, and then I peak through the window once again.

Blue hair…

Maroon eyes…

It’s Seobi. She’s in this class as well.

I see her staring at the board with such concentration. Her pages are full of writing – with those blue pen marks scattered all over the lines in the book, I can be sure that she’s actually really dedicated.

Well, I mean, of course. Every day at home I always see her sitting on her chair with the same pen, drawing pictures of things which I think are organs.

Or – probably not.

“Who you lookin’ at?” I suddenly suspect Priscilla behind me. “Oh – it’s Seobi. She’s studying hard!”

Then without me expecting it, Priscilla takes my arm away as the teacher faces the students again.

Oh – well, I guess the reason why I wasn’t caught was because he was occupied by the board?

We catch up with the rest of the class, and I find myself and Priscilla in front of the school hall.

“So our first assignment will focus on the designing of a school hall. This’ll be the first task of urban planning that you’ll have to experience in the school of graphics.”

Urban planning, huh.

For some reason, I think this’ll be easy.

“So when you mean, urban planning, do you mean we have to consider environmental conservation factors?” Another student called out.

“Of course! Imagine you’re designing an actual building! Incorporate all your knowledge of the factors which affect the environment!

That kind of thing, huh.

Alright, this will seem quite easy.

Wow! Rion, what’s that arrogant look on your face?”


How does she detect arrogance on people’s faces when they haven’t even said a word? And me? Arrogant? Seriously?

So for a reference to this project, maybe we can start by analysing the design of the school hall?” He began again.

With our books, we scatter ourselves inside the glassy, cube-like design of the hall. Priscilla instantly takes out her pencil and her exercise book, and begins writing and drawing vigorously.

Then for some reason, it seems like I already know the design I’m going to do.

It’s all already pictured in my head.

I take out the pencil, finding a place to sit, and then drawing my way through the entire session.

Scribbling, rubbing out and partially wrecking the paper, it seems like I’ve already gotten used to this. It’s like I’ve already done something like this before.

And it’s as if, the exact lines that I’m drawing, I’ve already done before early in my life.

It’s strange… why do I know all of this stuff?

“You know Rion, what do the male toilets look like?”

Damn it – she just broke my concentration!

Where was I again?

Oh yeah – female toilets, that’d probably be on the opposite side of the male toilets.

But, what do the female toilets look like?



“What do the male –”

“What do the female –”

“Can girls pee while they’re standing?”

Wait – can they? I’m pretty sure they can.

“… I’m guessing males can?”

We all arrive back in our classroom, and begin copying everything to an A-three drawing with clearer detail. I begin drawing the three-dimensional image of my design, and embedding anything extra which I’d like to put on.

The student in front of me (the one who initially asked for my rubber) turns his chair around and boasts his design to Priscilla.

“Hey! You like it?”

He gets off his seat, and approaches Priscilla closer. “Let’s see yours.”

Priscilla puts her pen down without saying a word, then giving him way to look at her design.

I wonder what her design is like…

I try taking a peak, while she stares at the other students’ drawing.

“Hey! It looks really good!” She complimented.

“Yours too!”

Then, the other student detects me trying to get a view of Priscilla’s.

Oh – it looks rather impressive – pillars are surrounding the cube-like hall, with a concave shape roof.

He turns around with those emotionless eyes, and walks over to my end of the desk.

“Let’s see yours.”

As that emotionless look turns into an arrogant one, I let him view my work with Priscilla.

There’s a slight pause, and I watch his face bewilder.

“…The heck is that?”

“That looks, amazing!” Priscilla exclaimed with such a joyful expression.

“Really? It looks like a spaceship to me – kind of immature to be honest.”

Seriously, what does this guy want?

“Come on – immature or mature, it doesn’t mean you can’t perfect designing!”

“Since when did you say something intelligent Priscilla?”

“… That wasn’t… intelligent at all!” She suddenly bursts into laughter.

The student takes off, and goes back to his seat. Priscilla continues staring at my design, and highlighting the features which I’ve bestowed on it.

It feels rather pleasant for someone to examine my drawing just like that.

This is my first time experiencing this feeling.

I feel like… I’m good at designing things.

It feels like, I should keep going.

“You know, by any chance, did you copy this design from somewhere?”

Then – the feeling of shock strikes me.

… What did I just hear?

She thinks I copied this from another source?

“No! I didn’t!” I spoke out vehemently –

“Wow!” She reacted to my expression. “Okay – okay, I believe you!”

I just… don’t want anyone to think of me wrongly, that’s all.

“It’s just that, I think I’ve seen this design from a book. You can go ask Seobi about it, if you want.”

Someone… already used my design?

“... Uranium warhead...”

... Excuse me? Did she say something? Uranium warhead?

... What did you say?”

“Oh – I didn’t say anything. It just ... looks like something.”

How can that be even possible?

I got it straight from my mind, nowhere else.

“That’s odd – all of this was from my own ideas.”

Priscilla chuckles a bit, to calm me down I guess –

“I believe you, Rion! Don’t worry!”

“… Thanks.” I muttered.

“It’s just that, it looks exactly the same. I wonder if the designer is somehow related to you?”

“Who knows – I’ve forgotten everything, remember?”

Actually – I don’t know why, but I think I shouldn’t have brought that up.

She lets down her head after what I said, then looking back at me with a sorrowful look.

Yeah – I can really depend on this person.

I want to always be, by her side.

“Ouch!” I exclaimed. I clench my right arm and feel it slightly vibrating –

No…It wants to come out again.

“Rion, are you okay?”

“No! Don’t get near me!”

I don’t want her to touch me. Or else that needle will somehow cause trouble to her again. I don’t even know what that did to her, but honestly, it won’t make her feel any better through any way.

I think.

I sink my arm into the underneath of my thighs, and begin grasping my elbow as hard as I can.

Don’t think about Priscilla.

Don’t think about Priscilla.

Don’t think about her!

Come on, what’s the last thing that made you happy today?


I have to think –

What has? Seeing Priscilla compliment my design?

No – think about the feeling of pleasure from when she complimented your work.

But, not the words that Priscilla actually said – just think about the fame you think you got yourself into –

Priscilla even likes it right?

And Priscilla is famous, isn’t she?

And even if someone like her complimented your work, don’t you find that kind of amazing?

You’re good Rion.

You’re awesome.

You’re the best Rion.

No one can beat you.

No one is better than you in designing.

You’ll save the world from its destruction –

Rion! Ar-Are you okay?!”

Wow – what’s going on? She said it with such astonishment it catches my mind. Then I realise that all this time I had my eyes closed.

Rion! You’re glowing!”

And now, in front of me…

I see a sapphire light engulfing the A-three sheet, blinding everything on the sides of my view and forcing myself to only concentrate on that particular image. I see small particles in the air, and they congregate together followed by the luminescent light.

A wound on my palm begins to be revealed – probably from yesterday when that weird-looking needle purged out.

I’m glowing! My skin is glowing! And sapphire-coloured particles are gushing out of the wound!

... The particles – they’re converging together! Making a solid object!

“Rion… that looks amazing.”

No – we’re not looking at the particles. It’s the thing in front of me, and it looks amazing.

It does… it really does look amazing.

I continue looking at the object forming in front of me, then seeing it take the figure of my three-dimensional A-three design of the hall.

But this time… it’s a physical object. A crystal blue physical object derived from exactly what was on my mind.

… I’ve successfully created the physical form of my design with the sapphire particles.

I stare at it with such amazement. The sunlight penetrates its reflective figure, causing the diffraction of the beautiful rainbow colours to scatter across the entire classroom.

“So this is the power of the Briteria?”

“Is that a prism?” I heard another comment from the front of the classroom.

Everyone is looking at me with such peculiar expressions…

I wonder if they’re thinking of me negatively, or positively?

What about… Priscilla?

She continues sitting next to me, with her eyes and face of agape struck by the image.

Do you mind if I touch it?”

“G-Go ahead.” I said with an itch of shyness.

Slowly, and with slight fear, Priscilla branches out her long pale arm and places her hand on the blue sapphire object.

“It seems pretty tough. It’s truly like crystal!” I sensed her delightful tone.

But honestly – what did I just do? What’s this sapphire material in front of me?

Is it, really, the power of Briteria?

The reason why I knew how to draw such a design off of my head, was it because I’m from the Briteria family?

I don’t get it, and some of it just doesn’t make sense.

“I think Seobi can do the same too – but it’s for something else.” Priscilla muttered.

“So you’re saying this design I did, which I literally took off from my head, was also something that Rion designed in the past?” I eloquently said to Seobi.


“To be honest – I don’t even know what I designed – can you tell me?”

“... it doesn’t look like hall. That thing at the top, at the centre, do you know what those are?”

“No – but I just drew that because it matched the overall design.”

“Rion, you showed this to me six years ago, and those acicular spikes at the centre of the roof of your design, are warheads.”

“... warheads? Uranium warhead?”

“... Yeah, that’s the uranium warhead – the second generation types. I know because you asked so many questions about it, and if it looked menacing or not.”

“... I drew a weapon, without myself knowing, that has already been designed by myself that was planned to be used for murdering people?!”

“It means that you’re getting your memory back!”

My memory… back?

“I wouldn’t say so… but I guess, I wished.

Yeah – I wished I got my memory back. Because if I did, I can…

I can…

What can I do?

So what if I get my memory back? I kind of like who I am right now…

“Rion, what’s wrong?” She caught my attention. “You look like you’re pondering about something.”

Should I tell the truth?

Or should I not? She said to me a million times that Rion was much more of an incredible person than I am.

Or I was…

Perhaps, I’ve changed?

“Seobi – do I really need to get my memory back?”

I mean, do I? Was Rion really a kind and impressive person? Was he better than me, or better than ‘I was’?

She keeps silent for a bit, not uttering a word.

“Everything okay?” I asked to make sure that I didn’t promote any hurt in her heart.

Seobi’s eyes continue to be in dismal, until she looks back at me with her clenched lips.

“Seobi, is there something you want to tell me?” I expressed my intrigue.

“Yeah. There is.”

Through Seobi’s lowered face, I can tell that she’s experiencing something rather sentimental. I wonder if she’s reminiscing about the ‘me’ in the past, actually.

“Well, I want you to remember who I really was, Rion.” She muttered out of sorrow. “I want you to remember, how much I was to you.”

What is she trying to say…?

How much, she’s to me?

“I don’t want you to think of me as a mother anymore, or like a big sister. I want you to treat me as your best friend, once again.”


What did she just say?

Me, as her best friend? Can a guy and a girl even be best friends?

What kind of – no. No. It’s totally fine. Why am I finding it rather deleterious for her talking to me like that?

I should be softer to Seobi. Haven’t I forsaken my old self?

“Then hello, best friend.” I pronounced with an extremely soft tone.

Haha – corny.

Seobi keeps her eyes at me with such amazement. Slowly, her mouth opens in agape, until she jumps towards me to wrap her arms around my figure.

No – please, don’t.

As soon as my shirt comes in contact with her arm, the itchy feeling of something bursting out of my arm comes back.

It’s the needle… again.

Then with a sudden force, I grasp Seobi’s shoulders instantly, then pushing her towards the chair she was sitting on.

No – what have I done?!

Seobi falls on the chair, and the chair tips over backwards on the other side and falls to the floor violently.

Shoot – that was totally the wrong move!

With her knocked-out figure, her hair dangles everywhere on the floor.

Dude – what have I done?!

No – I hope she doesn’t get the wrong idea! I hope she doesn’t think that I’m angry at her or anything – just like last time when I punched her!

I run to her aid, but stop as soon as I see her attempting to regain her posture.

Wait – can’t I just continue to her aid? Why did I stop?

Rion? Wh-Why did you do that?” She lets out a low, but serious tone.

Oh – I’ve realised it. That’s why I stopped to her aid.

I can’t grab her hand. Or else, the feeling will come again. The feeling of the needle wanting to purge out of my hand.

It must have something to do with touching girls, or maybe the feeling I get when Seobi touches me.

Since she… never really… expresses her emotions physically towards me before.

Well, not often.

And now, it’s a new experience for me, and maybe my body can’t adapt with it, so it reacts negatively.

With what’s near me, I take the pen which Seobi uses for school, then using it to take Seobi’s hand as a substitute for my hand.

“He-here.” I tossed my hand over with awkwardness.

She looks at me bewilderedly and probably wondering why I’m using a pen. Her eyes catch mine with a rather odd look, then taking the pen.

“Seobi, I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed in such guilt, followed by a diminishment of my face.

“Do you care to explain…?”

Well, let’s start off with the truth, shall we?

“Seobi, you’ve been touching me a lot lately –”

Yes – that’s true! And I’m sorry about saying it! But, it’s true! And – it’s not that I don’t prefer it, I actually like – NO – it’s good for you to express your feelings like that, but can you lead it to a halt please? Because I’m not used to it!

Suddenly, she expresses a shocked and disgusted look.

Probably not like that, Rion.

“No-no! I mean…” I take a slight pause. “… you didn’t usually express your feelings through actions, Seobi. And now, it feels like my body still doesn’t suspect you to do such things, so it automatically rejects it.”

Sorry… but I think that’s what I’ve gleamed from all my experiences with this ‘itch’.

“Well, that was kind of harsh.” She muttered.


I stand still on my spot, facing the ground in guilt.

I can’t believe I actually pushed her.

She wants to be my best friend, and the first thing I did was to push her!

It wasn’t just a normal push, but I basically plunged her to the floor!

“Truly… I’m so sorry.”

I hear Seobi recover her figure slightly, then catching my attention as she speaks –

“No, Rion, it’s completely fine. I understand you.”

…Thank you.

Sigh, it’s another day again at school, and I wonder if I should tell what happened last night to Priscilla.

I want to try ask her, why I’m acting odd towards Seobi.

Maybe she knows?

The teacher calls out the roll again, and I wait for Priscilla to arrive.

Strange… she’s starting to come a lot later now.







I wait for her to burst out of the door, just like she did last time.

“Priscilla?” The teacher looks around the classroom with his still legs. “Oh, probably late.”

Priscilla, where are you?

The entire class looks around the room, until a few begin looking towards her empty seat. “Priscilla?”

Where’s Priscilla…?

There we go – I sit on my seat for the entire lesson not speaking to anyone. She was in fact, the only person I spoke to in class and recess. I can feel how abandoned I am when I realise how important someone is.

The student in front of me suddenly twists his figure with that same, emotionless face.

You didn’t do anything to her, did you?”

Why is he asking me this?

“I don’t know…” I spoke with honesty.

I actually don’t know. Did my needle hurt her?

“If it turns out that she’s sick, because of you, I’m going to call the mob again.” He expressed his words with vehemence. “And I don’t care if you can create crystals on your own.”

… I don’t know what to say, really.

Because, it might actually be my fault that she’s absent from school.

I guess I’ll just, continue on my project again.

Without Priscilla here.

In recess, I meet up with Seobi, discussing about how I’m going in my subjects.

“Yeah, it’s fine. Drawing lines over and over again then finally forming a shape. The difficult part is just to maintain the stroking of each line.” I attempted to respond with the best of my ability.

Should I tell her about that sapphire-like crystal I created the other day?

No, she’s going to think of me as the original Rion once again.

I don’t want her to think that…

“I understand – that does take time to master.” She nodded as she consumes another piece of a banana.

And then, a question that I’ve wanted to ask rises. “Oh, how did you know how to do the things that I’m doing now?”

“You mean, how did I know the things that I taught you before your first day?”

“Yeah – exactly. Back then, did you used to draw too?”

“No, it’s because you taught me.”

What? Excuse me? I taught her how to do all of this?

“I did…?” I expressed a tone of sorrow. “Before I lost my memory, right?”

I honestly wonder how I was like before I lost my memory. Was my personality like how I am now?

“Hey, but don’t let that get you.” Seobi faced me with such a seraphic smile. “I like how you are now, Rion.”


But despite that, Seobi has a nice smile. And why do I only realise now?

Is it because, I don’t usually see her smile?

Particularly… towards me?

But I’m still so sorry for what I did to her. Probably it isn’t best for her to hug me or touch me at all.

“You know, last night, I’m so sorry.”

“Hey – forget about it, alright? It’s totally fine, best friend!”

Then, that feeling strikes me again.

The feeling of something wanting to burst out of my hand.

I stop, and realise that I’ve felt this feeling before when I called Priscilla my best friend.

Oh no. Not again!

I back away from Seobi abruptly, and she looks at me in such devastating confusion. “Rion?

In shock, I focus my eyes on my palm, being ready for the needle to pop out once again. Seobi suddenly stands up, and approaches me in shock. “Rion, what’s –”

“Don’t get near me!” I interrupted her with a fearful shout.

Freaking hell, it bloody hurts.

I fall to the ground in pain, with my left hand grasping my right.

It’s happening again, isn’t it?” I heard her exclaim in worry.

Wait – she probably knows about the needle. Probably because, she saw the event in the school oval.

But does she know the cause of it?

My face tenses, resisting the pain as much as possible. As soon as Seobi approaches me closer, I turn around, standing up and fleeing away from her. She chases me, but as a guy being chased by the opposite gender, I run to the male toilets.

I run into one of the cubicles, sitting on the seats and grasping my right hand as hard as I can.

Don’t go out. Don’t go out. Don’t go out or else I’ll have to put Seobi’s life at stake. Because I’m sure such a thing is dangerous towards others.

I just know it.

As soon as she leaves my mind, I can see the needle disintegrating away in the atmosphere, just like what it did last time. With amazement, I realise that it doesn’t need to be cured by anyone. It only depends on me – and probably by the way I’m feeling.

Or maybe, it finds some of my feels as a hostile to its existence?

This ‘needle’ thing started bothering my body ever since Priscilla taught me how to behave into a better person. What if this has got to do with my personality? Or am I destined to become an un-empathetic person, and live a different life without this needle affecting me?

Then, I hear her echoing voice.

“Rion, I’m sorry if I’ve done something.”

… Seobi, I’m sorry for making you worry!

You didn’t do anything.

“Seobi, why are you peaking your head into the male toilets?”

… Do I recognise that voice?

“Hey – sorry, I’m just, worried about something.”

“… Everything okay?

That voice.

I know whose it is! And I’m so grateful to hear her fine voice again!

I burst out of the cubicle, running to the entrance –


The feeling of happiness engulfs me once again – but in the same time, the feeling of the needle bursting out comes back.

“Oh – wait.”

I run back to the cubicle, hearing a few chuckles, and then grasping my hand again to think aimlessly once again.

I just… have to stop thinking about her.

Those girls, it’s because of them that I’m like this.

Damn it! Britenzo, where are you?! I’m sure that this wouldn’t happen if those two girls were… guys!

Wait! That’s right! Imagine those two individuals as guys!

Yeah – okay, Seobi with short hair, and muscular arms; Priscilla with a tank-top, a beard, chest hair and…

A six-pack.

Yeah – I know, girls have them too. Don’t be sexist!

Finally, the needle disintegrates yet again, and I come out of the cubicle, and back to the entrance to find Seobi and Priscilla having a conversation. They realise my presence, probably by the large footsteps I was taking as I exited the cubicle.

“Wait – did you wash your hands?”

“Um – no…”

“Yuck! Go wash them!”

But – I didn’t need to wash them!

Oh well, just listen to her, Rion.

This is embarrassing.

“Did you get it all out Rion?” Seobi began.

“Hey! You’re not supposed to ask that to a guy!” Priscilla exclaimed, covering her embarrassment.

“No! You don’t understand what happened!”

“… Sorry?”

“It’s the needle – he went to the toilet to hide himself from me, and basically letting the entire needle out, I’m guessing.”

Thank you Seobi – you made her forget the wrong idea!

“You know what I mean… about the ‘needle’ right?”

“Yeah – I do. But, I don’t think he’s learnt a way to taking it out…”

I emerge out of the toilets for the third time in a calm mood.

Finally… calm.

“So, did you, Rion?” Priscilla asked with eloquence.

“Yeah… I did.” I muttered back. “So, where have you been lately?”

“I was late, as usual. So, how did you do it?” She changes the subject.

I don’t … really want Seobi to know for some reason.

If I say, ‘it depends on what I think, and how I feel’ it would hurt Seobi.

Since it seems like, she wants to get close to me. But I don’t want to hurt her.

“Sorry, I don’t really know.”

Priscilla begins staring at me intriguingly –

Maybe she knows that I’m hiding something. Maybe she knows that I actually know how to stop the needle from bursting out of my palm?

“Anyway, I have to go meet up with Annelie. So I’ll see you all later, okay?”

“Okay.” Seobi and I said simultaneously.

Now… it’s just the two of us.

So, everything all okay now?”

“Yeah, luckily.”

“Rion, tell me what’s wrong with your arm.”

For some reason, I feel as if Seobi doesn’t think that the needle is related to the reason why I pushed her.

I think, she thinks of it as a separate issue actually.

I walk over somewhere else, other than the toilets, and sense Seobi emerging on my right.

I kind of want to stay away from her. It’s not because I don’t like her, but it’s because of the needle! I can’t adapt to the scenario when Seobi is here!

“I think my body is just having trouble adapting to the scenario here.”

“Adapting to the scenario? You mean you’re not used to roaming around in a place like school?”

“No – as in…”

Damn it – what do I say?

“… As in, I feel less comfortable at school, but as I continue to fight it, the needle gushes out of my palm as a sign of me pushing too hard.”

… What did I just say?

But, what is that needle? What is that?”

“Seobi, I don’t know at all.”

What is that needle? I don’t think any other human being would have such a thing inside their arm!

“Do you think I should bring you to the doc –”

“No! Don’t! It’ll – it’ll do something…”

“What’s – What’s wrong?”

“Priscilla tried curing it, and I think it somehow affected her!”

“It – It did?” She takes a long sigh, and she begins scanning my arm. “Whatever that is in your hand, I hope it’ll go away soon. I’ve never seen anything like that, and I can tell that it’s harming you like a parasite.”

I agree, it is harming me like a parasite and I want to get rid of it as soon as possible!

Suddenly, our attentions are caught by the bell.

Oh, it’s the bell. But I feel like that I want to stay by her side…

I detect her low-staring face, and she lifts it back up with her clenched lips.

“Well, alright then, I’ll see you after school, best friend.”

Damn it – the feeling is coming back. I would prefer it, if you’d stop saying that...

It’s passed a week, and I’ve created quite a well bond with Seobi. Now that she and I understand each other, we’ve decided to halt our disputes and misconceptions. And now, it seems like she enjoys getting closer to me – but not to the brink of physically touching me at least.

Despite that, it’s really a new experience to be honest. I’m also glad that I’m now not hurting penetrating her heart anymore. I’ve become prone to wanting to protect it.

Finally, I arrive in my class, pinning the next drawing sheet and taking out my pencil yet again. I’ve been basically repeating the same process over and over again; just the shapes that I’m drawing are completely different.

Suddenly, the class is alarmed by an individual knocking on the door. I turn around, seeing it opened and experiencing the feel of astonishment.

It’s Priscilla.

Priscilla! Why do you keep coming late?” The teacher asked through a joyful tone.

Oh, in the morning, my flu is intense.” I heard her soft weak voice.

“Are you fine now?”

“Yeah! For now...” She jumped and expressed a smile.

I face her and deliver a small wave. And honestly – I hope nothing terrible is happening to her. I hope she’s actually telling the truth of what’s happening to her…

She does the same, and I watch her walk to her seat.

“So, that’s the reason why you come late? You have a cold?”

“Yeah! I do! I’m serious!”

“Isn’t it summer now?”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean I can’t get a flu. Haha.”

Oh well, I don’t need to ask if she’s okay. Straight away, I can tell that she is by her behaviour. But out of everything, her skin is much paler than before.

“You look really pale.” I stared at her with a slight worry.

“Oh, do I?”

She then takes out her hand and examines her arm. “Looks normal to me.”

Whatever is going on, I want you to tell me. Honestly, you’re my best friend. And I cherish you so much.

Out of the blue, another student emerges behind us, followed by the voice of Priscilla. “Oh, hey Jose!”

“How are you? Are you okay?”He asked with a tone of nervousness.

“Yep! I’m happy!”

“Are you busy afterschool today? Do you want to hang out?”

At that moment, I clenched my fist tightly.

I can feel jealousy deluding my heart.

In fact, this could be the first time for me to have this feeling. It’s rather painful…

I look at Priscilla’s surprised expression, then turning her head back to her drawing. “Sorry, if I knew you more I would, and just as friends.”

“Oh, what if I say, Annelie will be with us too?”

Haha, then that’s going out with you and Annelie, not just you.” She laughed with delight. The other student performs a high-five to represent his gratitude right after Priscilla nodded. As soon as he leaves, silence indulges both of us.

I feel hurt that she’s going somewhere without me. I guess I can say clearly, that his is the feeling of jealousy that everyone talks about. I wonder if this is my first time ever having this feeling?

I take another stroke of my drawing, then breaking the lead of my pacer as soon as I think of the other student.

“Are you alright?” she asked me softly. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Seconds later, Priscilla spins her head to the opposite direction of me, instantly covering her mouth with her right palm, then coughing in such a vigorous manner.

I watch her aimlessly, and I can tell straight away that she isn’t alright. I wait for her to recover herself, then leaning slightly closer to her –

“You’re not alright, Priscilla…”

She lifts her palm and I watch her looking at it with a slight face of frown. But then, her expression changes instantly to a joyful one as soon as she realises my presence. “Na, I’m fine Rion.” Priscilla delivered another smile at me.

I can tell that she’s still sick, but she’s covering it up! And seriously, I don’t know how I’m going to let it out of her… how am I going to make her tell me her true condition?

I’ll just think of something up –

“Priscilla, if there’s something going on – can you please tell me?” I began with nervousness.

“Oh? Yeah, okay I’ll tell you…”

Suddenly, incredulity fills me up despite her not even telling me, and then –

“… When there’s something going on.”


I can feel my shoulders hanging themselves again.

My feelings then rest, and I retrieve myself from the frightened mood. She really doesn’t want to tell me.

For some reason, now when I sit next to her, I feel so nervous to say a word. In these situations, my subconscious takes over and I express my feelings physically than with words. I’m just scared if I might do something like that in a few seconds time…

“Hey Rion,” I heard her begin with a high-pitched voice.


“So, how are you and Seobi?”

“Yeah, we’re really close because of you. I’m her best friend now.”

Abruptly, she spins her figure and wacks my shoulder with such passion. “Yes! I’ve done it!”

Seeing her like this slightly amuses me. But it also indulges me with a segment of sorrow – since it really feels like, she’s hiding something from me.

“Yep, you did, and thank you.”

Out of the blue, I find her eyes staring at mine in the sides of my vision. I turn around and face her eyes of incredulity.

Incredulity… but why? I can just tell from her eyes that there’s something she’s deluded about.

I don’t keep my eyes at her, or else the feeling of anxiety will arise once again, just as it did before the needle came out the moment before. And then, I realise something soft on my hand.

I’m holding Priscilla’s soft hands.

“Rion, are you okay?” she muttered.

I turn my head around in slight fear, until the feeling of content fills me up. As my nervousness engulfs me, I speak –

“Umm –”

Silence bewitches us for a few seconds. From the side of my vision, I see her turning back to her own work.

I then release her hand, and continue on my own work.

Whenever I think about her now, I get a new feeling. It’s as if, I want to be with her.

Then for the rest of the day, neither of us speaks a word. She ends up tagging along with her original friends instead – with her friend called ‘Annelie’. By not telling me about it, it obviously means that she’s trying to avoid me for some particular reason.

But it’s okay – there must be a good reason behind it.

I’m probably getting too close to her? And she doesn’t feel comfortable?

I probably shouldn’t have grabbed her hand.

Damn it.

It’s the afternoon, and I arrive at my hotel rooms’ doorstep. Today felt really lonely without Priscilla – and the only person I can interact with now is Seobi. I grasp the handle, twisting it then suddenly feeling passion fill up my mind.

”Happy birthday Rion!” I see Seobi extending her arms to me to give a card.

The muscles in my face forcefully deliver the smile of cheerfulness to Seobi.

It’s… my birthday. How can I forget? So many things have been happening that I’ve forgotten my birth date! I take the card, and opening it to see a paragraph written by her.

I look at her one more time, and seeing her fists clenching on her chest. From what I can depict, I think she’s really hoping that I’ll enjoy what I read, and that she’ll suspect a wonderful reaction from me.

Well, whatever it is, I’ll for sure give you the most pleasant reaction, Seobi.

And I can’t believe you devoted this birthday to me – I’ve never had anyone else do something like this.

Probably I should do the same as well when it’s her birthday. Oh well, I’ll ask when it is after I read the card.

I scan the first few words –

“Rion, read it out loud, haha!” She laughed delightfully.

I nod, and do as she said.

“Dear Rion Bayerische, AKA my closest family member, AKA my only family member, AKA the person who I cherish most in my life.”

Wow – that was unexpected!

I lift my head up, and thank her for what she said, then continuing on reading. “You’ve become such a wonderful person to me, Rion. Whatever happens, I want you to remember that I’m always by your side. If there’s anything wrong in life, please don’t hide it from me. I want to protect you, and be together with you until we die. I promise I’ll never separate from you again.

Best-friend-love, Seobi.”

Damn it – that itch is coming back.

I finish reading it, and finding that my entire head is filled with the heat of gratefulness.

Despite my hand hurting, I guess it wouldn’t compel me to not even express my vehement words? I mean, I’m actually really, really, really thankful for what she said!

It makes me really happy, actually. And I want her to know that I’m happy…

I don’t want to go away from her just because of this ridiculous needle in my hand!

I approach her slowly, with the feeling of content consuming me. “Thank you so much Seobi. I want you to tell me as well, if you have problems in life.”

As soon as I get this close, she grabs her exercise book and begins patting my head. “I will. And I promise I’ll be a different person to you, Rion.”

... different person? Why am I implying something else?

And then… I can feel its strength bolstering inside me, the feeling of the needle wanting to purge out of my palm.

Even if she’s patting me with a book, the itch still comes.

“Oh!” I barged out her hand that was literally floating on top of me. “So when’s your birthday?”

“My birthday?” her emotions expressed a slightly awkward and confused tone. “It’s the same day.”

I take a moment to blink with a slight surprise. “Same day as mine?

“Yep. We were born on the same day!” I saw her delightfully branch her arms out as the feeling of happiness engulfs me.

“That’s quite a coincidence.”

With her joyful smile, she drags my arm and sends me to the dining table with the cake in the middle.

She’s… touching me again.

I thought she knew clearly, to not touch me?

Just resist it. It’ll break the atmosphere.

Oh! I can’t believe it – she devoted all of this for me! Haha!

I look at the cake in such amazement; and losing my eye-contact with Seobi as I speak. “Seobi… thank you so much.”

I’m mesmerised by the cake. And the letter she gave me. Suddenly, she takes something out of her pocket.

“This is your letter!”

My letter? Wait, what? What did I just read previously?

“Oh, I thought the one I read before was the card-”

“Haha!” She laughed passionately. “That’s the introduction of today!”

I take the card, and feeling myself so indulged with all the things that she gave me. I can’t believe she’s doing this!

Oh my god, Seobi, thank you so much!

I have to repay you back, somehow!

“Seobi! What do you want for your birthday?” I began.

“Haha, no don’t get me anything. Thanks.” She expressed her altruism. “No! I have to get you something!”

And there we go – the never ending chain of altruism.

“Hey, you said you lost parts of your memory, but you’ve been to your actual home right?” Priscilla began with intrigue.

“You mean Brigadonia? Yeah, I have. Of course.”

“I’ve been quite curious to where all the science in this world originated from…”

So what is she asking?

Does she want to go to Brigadonia?

.. Oh – alone, with me?

“Say, do you want to go to Brigadonia after school?” She rests her jaw on her palms.

Did she just – ask me to hang out with her?!

Then, I feel the tickling pain again of the amethyst needle wanting to burst out of my hand.

This thing is seriously bewitching me. It’s restricting me from doing so many things in my life!

I grasp it as my hands stay under the desk, and I try to represent a joyful face towards Priscilla –

“Yeah, okay.”

“But please…” She muttered. “Don’t think of it the wrong way. I’m just trying to go there for my own curiosity.”

I’m sorry Priscilla.

It seems like you don’t want me to feel that way towards you.

“Because, there were another two individuals who used to stick with me a few years ago.”

Two individuals…?

“Who were they?”

I watch her lower her eyes in depression –

“They were Vaxia and Shamiya.”



Have I heard of her before? Oh – wait.

Seobi used to continuously state that name to me in order to ‘open my eyes’.

‘Rion, whenever a problem encompassed Shamiya’s life, you would always be there to help her’ I remember her saying.

… And till now, I’m still obscure to who that individual is.

Those two were your friends? And they went to Brigadonia? My tone trembles with intrigue.

“Yeah, same grade and same class, but I’m not sure what happened.”

I can’t believe it, that ‘Shamiya’ girl came to this school too? Was she also part of our large Briteria family? Or was she also a Schneizal just like Priscilla?

“They haven’t come back for four years.”

Four years…?!

“Priscilla, four years?!”

Yeah… Four years, Rion.”

I’m guessing there were another two individuals just like Priscilla. I wonder if their personalities were similar – but how am I supposed to know? Priscilla is famous throughout the entire school.

Though, just because someone’s personality is pure, it doesn’t mean that their friends’ hearts are. People can choose who they stick with, and shield those influences with their walls of principles.

But for Shamiya – considering how much Seobi mentions her name to me in that disappointed manner, it seems like Shamiya might actually be someone worth protecting.

Or someone with a personality that’s worth cherishing.

As for Vaxia, I’ve never heard of that name before. Who could he be? What’s he like?

“That’s why I’ve always been waiting for a chance for me to go to that city.”

“So you haven’t been there yourself?”

“No – I’m too –” I watch her continuously staring at the desk her arms are leaning on. She grasps her palms tightly, shutting her eyes, lowering her head even more and even closer to the desk –

“I’m too afraid.”She pauses slightly in hesitation –

“That’s why I want you to go with me.”

She wants me to go with her, because she’s afraid. Could this mean that, she’ll feel braver in my presence?

Would my presence make her feel stronger?

“Why didn’t you go with Annelie, or someone else?”

That’s right, why didn’t you choose someone else? Why did you choose me, Priscilla?

“… Rion, don’t get this the wrong way but – the first time I saw you, I could tell straight away that you’ll be able to take on anything.”

I wonder if it’s because before, she saw me as a rebellious and deviant individual who would pick a fight with anyone. Yeah, I was like that – I would get annoyed so easily, that I would battle my way through anything that passes me to rid of the feeling.

That strength and audacity is what she thinks of me positively of. And that’s the reason why she chose me to come with her.

“Alright Priscilla, let’s go.”

I want to tell her that this strength of mine can also be used to protect the one who I care for as well – and not just my attitudes.

After our last class, we departed west of Junquious, and towards Brigadonia. Who knew that an hour walk would feel so fast when you’re accompanied by the person you cherish?

Certainly, I want to grasp her hand as I walk through these fallowed lands. But, she’s keeping them inside her pockets.

Probably so that I won’t take it without myself realising – just like I did last time.

“… Osmium, Iridium, Platinum…” I overhear her reciting the elements from the periodic table. “… Thallium, Lead and Bismuth. Done, that’s eighty-five elements. And that’s all the elements which we know.”

“I can’t believe you’ve memorised all the elements on the periodic table.”

“No, I’m reading it from my book, Rion.” She said with a slight chuckle.

Well, her left hand is in her pocket, hidden from me. But actually – now when I think about it, I don’t think she’s actually thinking about me taking her hand.

Sigh – I’m thinking too much.

I have to stop pondering about all of this useless stuff.

“I copied the periodic table from a book I borrowed in the library. I’m going to use this to compare with how many elements that the Briteria family knows.”

“Maybe, there’s a chance that they’ve discovered more.” I muttered.


We arrive passed the castle wall gates, and see through the distance an enormous field filled with rubble. Some of the structures are still intact in fact, such as the three which probably breach the height of twenty metres. Their shapes are slightly triangular – with a sharp tip at the tallest part of the structure. As it goes down, the width of its base increases from a centimetre to probably about twenty metres. Certainly, these architectural designs are completely different to the ones back in Junquious.

But… the design, and the types of patterns of the bricks are quite similar to the one I drew for the project.

There are two of those on the eastern and western most of the field, but at the distance in front of me, there’s an even larger one.

The biggest one.

The tallest one.

The one that rises up to the clouds.

“Come on, let’s check it out!”

She takes off instantly, leaving me behind until I catch up, and we find ourselves in the gate of the tallest structure of what’s left of Brigadonia.

Or maybe, it has always been like this?

Jeutonburg Tower. Is this what it’s called?”

How is it that you know everything, Priscilla?!”

“It says on the sign.” She muttered while scrubbing off some bloodstains on the sign. “Jeutonburg Tower – Building 1 - The Citadel.”

She dashes off to my left as if she’s not scared at all if a zombie will jump out of the ground and grab her foot. I catch up, taking about two minutes to run to the other side, then towards the next triangular-shaped structure.

“Building 2 – Bayerische.”

“Building 3 – Shwanseah.”

“Alright, I’m tired of running Priscilla. We probably just ran a kilometre distance back and forth.”

“Wait! Why don’t the Bayerische and Shwanseah buildings have their own label like ‘The Citadel’?” I sensed her intrigue.

“Didn’t the Jeutonburg’s have the most power in Brigadonia?”

“They did?”

“According to Seobi…”

“I see.” She paused slightly. “Then you’re from this building” Priscilla points to the Bayerische building. “And Seobi is from the Shwanseah one. So all the families have their own building?”

“Yeah – only the three families that existed in Brigadonia.”

“Oh okay. I remember Seobi mentioning about the three families, and Annelie too. But you weren’t exactly biological families right?”

“… No, we’re not. How were we meant to expand then?”

I seriously doubt.

“That’s true. Hey, I think that was the first intelligent thing you said!”

Wait – what was that sound I just heard?

As my mouth opened a centimetre, both of our figures lose our voluntary movement by hearing the sound of a door opening. I maintain my posture in front of the gate of the Bayerische building, but see Priscilla slowly trailing off to the source of the sound.

“The door to the Jeutonburg tower… just opened.” She points with astonishment.

Wait – what’s that?

Taking a few steps of fear to Priscilla’s hypnotised figure, I realise that she wasn’t staring at the door anymore. But, at a silhouette of what looks like a man through the windows of the Jeutonburg building.

It’s moving. They’re looking for something.

“Hey, don’t you think he would’ve noticed our presence?” Priscilla began with intrigue.

“Yeah. Of course he would. He probably just ignored us.”

“Rion…” I heard her soft voice. “That’s…”


“That silhouette is of Vaxia.”

Excuse me? That was Vaxia?!

Instantly, she took off to the Jeutonburg tower with such haste and curiosity of his presence.

Vaxia?! Vaxia!” I heard Priscilla repeatedly call out his name.

Vaxia..? Is that him? Why would he be here?

I follow Priscilla from her tail – running through the automatic gates of the Jeutonburg tower, dashing through a hallway and finding myself through the stairway to the second floor.

“Priscilla!” I step in front of her to block her path.

“… What is it?”

“Look, you can’t exactly judge a person from a silhouette! What if he’s someone else?”

“No. I’m dead-certain that it’s Vaxia.” She spoke vehemently, and walking right passed my still figure.

With obscurity, I follow her slowly, down another hallway and find the figure of the man at the end in a larger and expanded room. There were desks, chairs, and numerous garden pots on its sides. Directly from the hallway, you can see the enormous rectangular series of windows encompassing the entire building.

And I guess, through these windows, is where we saw the figure of the man.

“It’s… Vaxia.” Priscilla elicited her astonishment.

The man realises our presence and turns around to face Priscilla. He wears the same uniform as us, surprisingly.

Except… it’s covered in blood. And it’s been ripped excessively.

Then in seconds, I detected Priscilla’s nervous aura –

“Hey, my memory states that you’re Priscilla Edenburgh.”

That blatant smile of his, and the way he just said that…

It sounds inhuman.

“Vaxia – wh- where have you been these past two ye-years?”

Surely, I can tell that there must be over a hundred words in Priscilla’s mind right now that just want to go out all at once. She’s probably also bewildered to why Vaxia wouldn’t be telling her without asking…

“Vaxia, you never came to school! You never messaged Annelie or me!” She bolsters her ultimate wonder and intrigue once again.

But what’s with the way Vaxia is acting? It’s as if he doesn’t even care about Priscilla’s presence…

Vaxia keeps silent, doesn’t speak of a word and simply continues wondering around the room we’re in. Approaching a desk, flipping some papers and placing them back – I can surely tell that he’s hiding something from Priscilla.

Of course he would be.

Being missing for four years, and inhibiting every form of communication?

Well, I don’t know the relationship between the two well – but by Priscilla’s stunned expression, it seems like she’s shocked to the actions he took.

“Vaxia! Why aren’t you replying?”

He continues trailing off to the right-end of the room and nearing the window. Takes a piece of paper, and scrunches it up with his bare hands.

I see his face through the reflection of the glass, and realise that his eyes have caught mine.

“Rion Bayerische.”

Did he just call my name? He knows me? Since when? “One after the other, one has to submit themselves to his command.”

“Wh-Who’s command?”

Vaxia brings out his arm, throws the piece of paper which he scrunched up towards me. I succeed in catching it, but become uncertain to what I’m supposed to do with it.

“Open it.”

I do as he says, and I find a black and white drawing of a rather tall and slim man.

But his expression…

With that smile of his and those eyes, he looks like a diabolic reaper with the aura of malevolence.

He wears a lab coat and a rather large astral shaped earring on his left ear.

“Who’s this?”

“He’s your creator – but failed to retrieve you after that jerk Britelza took you away from him.”

… I don’t get what he’s saying.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.

Priscilla steps forward, snatches the piece of paper from me and rips it into shreds.

Wow – Priscilla, are you sure you’re not aggravating him by any way?

Vaxia looks at her with a slightly disgruntled look as she approaches him in a fast pace.

“Vaxia! You haven’t answered my question yet!”

“Just when I’ve finally found you Rion, now you’re telling me you’re with another girl?”

“I’m with another girl?!”


Schneizal? Why are you calling her by the name of her race?

Call her by her name, you idiot!

Instantly, I run to Priscilla’s aid –

Oh no – what is he doing to her?!

Vaxia grabs her neck and chokes her violently. Her feet set off to the air while her hands try to prevent the choking helplessly.

Anger burns my blood, but I’m in a dilemma of what I should be doing.

“Va-Vaxia, what ar-are you doing?”

“… After all that I’ve done, you’re still calling me with that horrendous name?”

“Let go of her!”

If you hurt her, I’m going to kill you.

As soon as he realises me preparing my fist, he flexes his arm and throws Priscilla at me. Her figure strikes me ferociously – causing me to plunge to the floor with my head crushing the tiles.

“You were assigned to be with Seobi, not her!”

I still… Don’t know what he’s saying.

With both of our stunned figures, I find Priscilla severely injured by the blow. I attempt to assist Priscilla and regain my posture – except, it doesn’t seem like I have enough strength to do so.

“Wh-Who are you then?” I heard her soft voice reach out.

“I’m not Vaxia Alexandre – and I thought it was pretty obvious.

He walks towards our immobile figures and begins pulling the end of my shirt to drag me away from Priscilla.

“Look, this is the reason why he chose me as a backup to fulfil his plan. You were meant to do it, but it seems like you left that job and moved on to liking a Schneizal.”

… I don’t have an idea of what he’s saying.

“Stand up!” Vaxia exclaimed violently as he carries me by my collar. “Listen to what I’m saying!”

I don’t get a single thing of what you’re saying!”

After that last reply, it seems like he’s cooled down a bit. He stops his lifting, letting my feet reach the floor once again, and looking straight towards me with such sinister eyes. “Tch. Britelza took you that early, that you don’t even have a memory of why Reaperion bewitched your mind?”

Wait – a second, what did he just say?!

“… Is this the reason why I don’t remember anything?” I said with anxiety.

Then I feel the gripping of fear as soon as Vaxia lets out an unbelievable laugh.

“Yeah! I think so! I think this is the reason why you’re wasting your life right now with this Schneizal.”

“Then tell me, why have I lost my memory?”

Finally, Vaxia lets go of my collar. I take a deep breath, taking a few steps back just in case and finding himself doing the same.

But instead, he fell to a seat behind him.

“Reaperion Jeutonburg needs someone to produce a key to the Britoniah’s Arc. This key can only be produced by the mind of a Bayerische member.”

The Britoniah’s Arc… What’s that?

Who’s Reaperion Jeutonburg?

“That’s why he created you – a Bayerische member with the power to manipulate Carningrenate and Briteria with your own will, and constructing something depending on what you think of.”

“I don’t know what you’re say –”

“THINK RION!” He clenches my collar again. “Has there ever been a time when you produced a crystalline sapphire textured object ever in your life?”

Have I?

Wait – now when I think about it, I have.

When I was designing the look of my school hall for my project, I produced the physical image of it.

The physical image that was derived from the mental picture of it in my mind.

What was pictured in my mind was produced in front of me as the exact same picture.

“I know. I can tell – by that look in your face, you have experienced it before.”

“Yes. I have.” I finally admit.

“And that’s because you were thinking of it so much that motivation compelled you and your neurons passed the point of the Britoniah’s Gate, and that the Briteria cells around you converge to your body, and replicated the image that was projected in your mental framework.”

… Is that Briteria?

Briteria cells?

The thing that constructed that physical, blue object was Briteria?

“Those are Briteria cells. They are the sources which mediate the true feelings of a Briteria user into a physical form. When I mean feelings, it means any feeling.”

“… What are you trying to tell me?”

“The feeling you have there, for that girl behind you. That’s meant to be for someone else.”

… How can you say that?

You can’t tell me who I should fall in love with.

“You think that I can’t tell you who you should be with, right?”

… What did he just say?

Did he just read my mind?

“Haha, yes, I read your mind.”


“The Briteria cells around you completely changed its behaviour after I said that. They were circulating your figure with such heat before I mentioned about whom you should be with, then when I said it they began scraping my skin microscopically. Possibly signifying that your mind is somewhat around the rejection of what I said.”

Tch – Damn it! He can predict the behaviour of the Briteria cells!

Then I guess these cells are a darn giveaway of how we feel!

“And now – the feeling that’s supposedly for Seobi was meant to be expressed as a certain object. This object is the key to the Britoniah’s Arc! And it can’t be produced if you’re with that Schenizal!”

I don’t care what object that I have to make – but I’ll only stick to the feeling that I have for Priscilla.

But you know what? I’m just going to release it all.

I don’t even know why I’m needed to open this ‘Arc’, but it doesn’t seem like it’ll promote any goodness.

“Let’s just say that this is revenge for making me lose my memory”

Instantly, I plunged my fist to his surprised face – causing him to take a few steps backwards by the impact.

“Certainly, Reaperion doesn’t deserve to make me produce this ‘key’ if he manipulated all my memories. I don’t care if I’ve agreed on it before, but I’ll make sure this time that he can’t treat humans and their feelings like mere objects.”

My fist strikes his abdomen violently, causing him to fall stunned by the impact and dropping to the floor.

I can tell that he’s in agony by the way he’s cuddling his tummy. But then, I watch him change his expression into a rather …

Malevolent face.

“Yeah, I know. This body I’m in is really weak.”

With shock, I couldn’t really understand what he was saying once again.

“But the type of personality that this body beholds is something special.” He continued talking with eloquence.

Something special? Wait a second – could a person’s personality change how the Briteria cells mediate a persons’ feelings?

I watch him wiping the blood off his lip and regaining his posture while I’m hypnotised with what he’s saying.

“From all the things I’ve done to your friend there, my body strains itself with guilt. I can feel the bond that my body has with Priscilla, and I know all the memories this body had with her. Now the bond and my action plunge together, causing my brain to continuously think of what I’ve done, and how I can fix it. It’s like a poison.”

It seems like he’s talking like a ghost that controls people’s bodies.

Just like in those performances we see in the centre of town – people doing plays and acting as if they’re controlled by a ‘ghost’.

No, not ghost.

A demon.

“So you’re saying, you’re like a demon possessing the body of a human?”

“Exactly. We scientists found a similar way demons possess the body of humans. And now, we’re manipulating that.”

Ho-How is that even possible?

Aren’t demons supernatural entities that even hardly people believe in?

How did they go this far for science?

Or should I say… magic?

“So what are you trying to do with Vaxia’s body?!” I heard a weak voice from behind.

Priscilla – don’t come near us! You’ll get hurt!

“As I said – whenever I do something regretful, this body continuously thinks about what I did and it becomes an obsession.”

‘This body’ – he certainly is like a ghost, or a demon.

“It’s so annoying, it’s killing me. I don’t even choose to do this, it’s just the obsession that’s bewitching my mind. And with this obsession, the strong feelings are at its peak. When they’re at this peak…”


The floor around him breaks into numerous bits, followed by a sapphire light.

“… My neurons begin releasing Blesphamine – a neurotransmitter that gives a signal to my surface skin cells, and telling them to radiate light of a specific frequency.”

I suddenly detect Priscilla’s voice.

“So Rion, the reason why you were glowing the other day when you formed that physical object, was because of the neurotransmitter, Blesphamine.”

What’s a neurotransmitter?

“From what he said, I can gleam that these neurotransmitters are released when you’re body is feeling motivated to do something...”

I can’t believe it – this is all so complicated. These things – is it only specific for Briteria people?

“And then, the Briteria cells in the atmosphere detect those specific frequencies of waves from your glowing skin, and mediate those feelings by crashing into each other, and forming a physical object by the optimum level of motivation. This is the point of my neurons passing the Britoniah’s Gate.”

The floor in front of me begins to crack, so do the desks and the chairs surrounding me. I run off with haste and flee away from Vaxia, taking Priscilla’s arm and rushing down the hallway.

“Briteria cells are crazy. Since when did my family become this strong?” I express my shock.

“I-I-I don’t know! Don’t ask me!” I sensed Priscilla’s terror. “Let’s just get out of here!”

We run down the stairs in haste once again, exiting the tower and back into the centre of Brigadonia.

On top of us, the windows obliterate itself - probably by the presence of the Briteria cells – and reform together into… into… I won’t look.

I’m just going to keep running.

Luckily, behind the tower there’re remnants of residential units which we can hide in. I find one with a rather fixed form, and plunge the door with my leg.

“Come on, let’s hide in here!”

As soon as I entered and shut the door, I find us in a rather clean living room. There were couches, tables, desks, and basically anything you would have at a home.

Wait – Priscilla, are you okay?!

But my mind is caught by Priscilla suddenly releasing my hand, and instantly dropping to the floor.


I fall to her aid, catching her head as it almost falls to the tiled floor.

Priscilla! What’s wrong?”

Sh-She’s trying to talk! Her mouth is open, but it seems like she’s struggling to talk!

She’s choking.

Her neck is flexing as if something is stuck between her throat.

She’s clenching her neck, and coughing vigorously.


Damn it! What am I supposed to do?!

Then suddenly – she regains her posture abruptly and spits to the tiled floor in front of her.

It’s as if she just spat out sputum.

But no… it’s not sputum. It’s a mixture of saliva and amethyst-like crystals.

Without me realising it, one of her hands grab my arm helplessly. She leans her body forward abruptly, nearing her head to the floor and suddenly …



She’s vomiting crystals.

… What’s going on? Briteria cells, a demon in Vaxia’s body, and now this?

I just look at her expelling all those amethyst crystals out of her body.

It’s not a good scene… but I’m just watching her.


She continues grasping my hand in pain, having her eyes shut and continuously being restrained by the reflexes of her body.

Those crystals… it’s what makes the needle that protrudes out of my arm.

That’s right… I gave this to her.

I did this.

It’s my entire fault. I’m so sorry.


Oh – Priscilla?! Are you okay?

Then finally, she stops and begins breathing heavily. As soon as she releases my arm...


Her face drops into the pool of amethyst crystals that were spouted out of her mouth.

I just sit there… watching her immobile figure on the tile floor in front of me.

Then from my behind, I hear a large object piercing through the building walls.

But… I don’t care.

I only cared about the thing in front of me.

“I’ve finally found you.” I heard a familiar voice.

I learn my body forward, taking her from her shoulders and resting her head on my laps.

She isn’t… breathing anymore.

I can feel it now – that tears have been falling from my eyes this entire time.

Could it be that, it’s the end of her? She’s not breathing anymore… What’s happening?


No, she wouldn’t respond. She can’t respond.

Because, she’s dead.

That’s right. And I haven’t even told her how I feel for her.

I wrap my arms around Priscilla’s still face as she lies on my laps. Yeah, I can’t feel her breathing at all, and nor can I feel the blood pulsing on her wrist.

She’s definitely dead, Rion.

But – this can’t be true! How can this happen to her?! She’s dying at such a young age, because of me!

“Hey Priscilla, you’ve been such a good person to me. And I guess, you’re the one that changed me too.”

It seems like, by talking casually to her as if she’s awake, it doesn’t make me feel any better.

Then again, I hear footsteps behind me – marching closer and closer.

“But, I want you to know that…”

… It’s my time to say it. I don’t care if that needle plunges out of my hand again.

“I wa-want you to know th-that –”

My body is crying so heavily – releasing its tears rapidly and even restricting my words.

Priscilla –


That’s right! I’ve finally said it!

Now, I can feel that invigorating feeling of acicular needles protruding from my arm! Yep! It’s not just my palm! But my ENTIRE ARM!





… Wait, disappear?

I look at my arm again, and I can actually move it now. And all those needles suddenly vaporised…

And actually… the temperature around me is so different then what it was when I actually hid myself inside this building.

Is it … the Briteria cells? It’s the sapphire light once again!

Suddenly, the entire building obliterates into microscopic pieces. An object strikes the ceiling and plunges itself into the tiles metres in front of me.

It’s a sword. A rapier.

What? If these are Briteria cells, how do they relate to how I feel?

Or how I feel about Priscilla?

The feeling of love and a sword. Yeah. That’s right. I’ll protect her with my life.

The rapier I see in the distance suddenly vaporises and regenerates on my palm as I grasp the hilt.

The Rapier of Brigadonia!” I heard Vaxia’s voice of incredulity.

I scan over the shiny blue see-through blade, and find the following engraving:

‘Rapier of Priscilla Edenburgh – Siglestria’


Wait – why is it shaking and –

Without expecting it, the blade suddenly brightens and becomes engulfed by an extremely bright white light.

Siglestria? What does that mean?

Oh well, I don’t care what it means. And despite Priscilla being already dead, I’ll still protect her body – because she’s the one who I love.

I rest her head slowly on the tiles with a rather depressed feeling itch my spine.

“I’m sorry for what I did. But I hope you’ll live in peace now.”

‘Sorry’… is that really enough?

I regain my posture and find Vaxia staring at the blade I’m holding. I wonder if this is actually the ‘key’ he was looking for?

No. The ‘key’ was meant to be generated if I were only with Seobi.

Probably… if only I had these particular feelings for Seobi.

As for Vaxia, it seems like the shattered glass pieces from before coagulated into a rather large sapphire blade as well. But for him, the formation of the crystal begins on his wrist, and then thins out as it departs from the arm.

And as I said, I’ll find and take revenge for the one who made me lose my memories.

Not only that – but could this also lead me to the culprit who destroyed mine, and Seobi’s family?

Who annihilated the Briteria family? What happened?

I flex the rapier I have on my hand and swing the rapier with one violent blow.

As I swang it, I just realise now that it expanded by metres. It plunged Vaxia straight into the structures behind him – locking him in position and merging him with the sandstone bricks that he’s trapped in.

But then suddenly… the world around me begins to change.

The skies reddens, the rubbles around me fade away.

The ground transforms to clear water, and I see the complete reflection of myself as I stand on a wooden boat.

Yeah – it’s just like a liquidised mirror. But, where am I?

I know for sure, I’m no longer in Brigadonia.

Through my back, Priscilla’s gone, and all I see is a complete clear ocean reflecting the red sky.

I’m in the middle of nowhere – but what’s in front of me, is a man with lavender hair maintaining his position on another wooden boat.

Lavender hair...? And he looks no longer like Vaxia!

This is the true identity of the one in Vaxia’s body!

“You finally found it. Just one more step, and you’ll possess Vaxia’s body.”

The man… he had lavender hair like me, but a bit more thick. He also had maroon eyes like mine, but his jaw seems a bit more defined.

Actually… the dimensions of his face looks exactly like mine.

He looked slightly taller than me as well, and more muscular.

“Who are you?!” I raised my voice to ensure he heard me.

He takes a few steps forward on his boat, and a sapphire floor generates on his ground as he walks on it.

“That key you’re holding isn’t the corr –”

I don’t care whatever key I’m holding you son of a bi –

I swing my arm instantly and have the blade expand until it reaches his face.

I said, who are you?”

“I’m Noir Bayerische, and I’ve failed.”

He suddenly takes the tip of my blade with his bare hands, generating those blue crystals once again (which actually, I think are Briteria cells) and bonding the two together. The Briteria crystals consume my blade, and reach my hilt. I let go instantly to prevent myself from being taken as well, but then finding myself dropping into the clear ocean beneath me.

The ocean was completely clear – and it’s as if I’m swimming in an ocean of freshwater. I swim vertically to the surface, and finally peak my head out –

I don’t know where Noir went, but I find something else.

Where he was standing, on top of him was a large formation of clouds spelling out:

‘Central Nervous System’

Wait a second – I’ve heard of this before.

It’s from back then, when Annelie, Seobi, Priscilla and I were sitting on one desk. And Annelie was copying off Seobi’s work.



“Oligodendrocytes aren’t in the peripheral nervous system – they’re in the central nervous system.”

The central nervous system.

I look again to my right, and find something else catching my attention –

‘Entry to motor cortex’ and to my left ‘Entry to somatosensory cortex’ – and under them, were large islands which seem like they’re inhabited.

I don’t know all these terms, but they seem like things which you would learn in neuroscience.

Could it be that – I’m in the brain of Vaxia?

My mind suddenly shuts down, and I feel a needle pierced right through the back of my head, and out of my forehead.

I wake up again in a place consumed by rubble. Yep – I’m back in Brigadonia, and I have no idea where I just was.

I regain my posture and find Vaxia standing right beside me, and looking at me with such a sinister look.

“I’ve failed the Jeutonburg’s.”

Suddenly, the temperature around me begins to cool down, and the sapphire crystal begins reappearing and consuming Vaxia – no wait, Noir - Noir’s figure.

That’s right, that man called ‘Noir’ was possessing Vaxia’s body.

Now I can surely clarify that that wasn’t Vaxia at all…

The true Vaxia must be somewhere else, but his body is still alive, and it’s right next to me.

The Briteria crystals consume him, and he becomes caged.

… Is it finally over? He just froze like that.

I take a step forward and find a rather emotionless expression on his face.

He said that he ‘failed his master’. Was he meant to make me produce the ‘key’ with Seobi?

Why not Priscilla?

Would I create something else other than a rapier?

But why would I care now? This rapier probably signifies the feeling I have for Priscilla.

But she’s dead.

I turn around and find her corpse a few metres behind me, and see the figure as if she’s sleeping peacefully.

Look – she’s sleeping Rion. Wouldn’t it be better now, that she won’t be feeling anymore pain?

As I take my steps of incredulity and sadness, I fall to my feet and grasp her hand.

“I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you.”

Tch – what am I doing?

Sorry? Will that really suffice for what I’ve done?

I know you weren’t with me for so long, but I’ve really grown a strong bond with you.

If only I hadn’t have stuck with you so much, you wouldn’t have been like this.

But I guess all that I wanted was to have you always be by my side.

That’s right, always by your side…

The ambient temperature around me begins to chill, and I feel a large solid object forming on my hand.

The sapphire Briteria cells converge on my hand to form a solidified bond between the hilt of the rapier and my hand. I couldn’t really care what was going on, but I watch my hand carrying itself to the air.

But then – this is when my attention is caught.

The rapier points directly towards Priscilla’s heart.

“Wh-What’s going on?”

Why is my arm moving by itself? And why is it placing the tip of the rapier at her heart?!

And then suddenly, it pierces through it.


The area around me begins to dissipate once again, and my surroundings transfigure into a garden of vermilion flowers. Pillars of caramel sandstone surround the field, and branch up to the orange sunset sky with tens of thousands of metres. In the middle, is an elevated platform produced by a white, luminous material.

A temple rests at the spot, and I see an individual with golden long hair sleeping on a throne.

It’s… Priscilla.

Priscilla Edenburgh, why are you here?

I run with such velocity and astonishment of her figure –through the gardens of vermilions, and straight up the sandstone stairs. After about a hundred steps, I find myself finally in front of Priscilla’s corpse.

Corpse… or… what?

Her entire figure is consumed by the amethyst crystal, and I can just see a segment of her left hand protruding out.

Those things… those crystals… it’s what did this to her.

If they weren’t her, she would’ve been normal, and she would’ve been alive!


I take my rapier once again and attempt to break off the crystals which such anger and hatred. This is what killed her.

These crystal, are the ones responsible for murdering the one who I love.

I’ll obliterate its existence.

Destroy it.

Pulverise it.

Eradicate it.

As I repeatedly slash the crystals consuming her, I fall into quite a surprise after I see them breaking off so easily.

If I were to plunge the blades anymore, it would strike Priscilla’s innocent figure.

They shatter into microscopic bits after each strike – and instantly revealing the pale skin of Priscilla.

Priscilla – can I at least take all of these crystals off of your body? Can I at least free you while I’m here?

This body of her that’s in front of me – what is it? Is it her corpse? Or is it something else?

Even so – I want to take this body and place it where it should be.

I don’t think it should be in this throne, and I don’t think it should even be encaged by an amethyst-like crystal.

So I begin taking off the crystals slowly, and accurately –

It’s as if I’m skinning a potato with a knife – but this time, it’s different. I’m peeling the crystals with my blade, slowly and carefully, and making sure that I’m not touching Priscilla’s actual skin.

In the same time, despair burns my blood – followed by the gripping cold of depression.

It’s quite difficult to trim these solids off; I have to keep the blade at a certain angle to prevent it from touching her.

Priscilla, I’m so sorry for what I’ve done. Please forgive me!


Done, I’ve taken all the amethyst crystals from her left arm. But, I don’t even feel relieved in any way. I mean, why would I?

Now for her entire body.

It doesn’t feel right to be doing this to a dead body. I’m on my knees cutting the crystals off her skin with my blade as if I’m ‘exploring her body’.

But no – I’m not doing that. I’ll never do that. But then again, for some reason, my body wants to persist in what I’m doing.

Maybe… this’ll change something?

Wait – what’s going on? What did I just hear?

After finally trimming off the last bits of the crystals settling on her neck, I find the field around me to suddenly change.

The vermilion flowers begin growing metres high up and the sunset sky clears off to change into a rather clean and blue azure sky.

From the distance, I hear the movement of machinery operating. The pillars settle, and I see numerous residential units revealed –

“Central nervous system.” I read a large billboard in the distance.

It’s just like before – when I was in Vaxia’s body.

Or should I say ‘brain’. Could it be that I’m in Priscilla’s brain now as well?

What if the place changed because it’s got something to do with Priscilla?

I see another billboard in the distance, and find –

Reticular formation (ONLINE)’


What did I just hear?

I slowly turn my head, and feeling the itch of obscurity climbing down my spine.

I couldn’t twist my body properly. I couldn’t even breathe properly by the voice I just heard.

As my incredulity traps me, I find myself not being able to even say a word or even change the expression on my face.

The figure stands up and looks at me with such an innocent smile –

The smile that I’m always yearning to see.

“Thank you, for saving my life.”

She grasps my hand, and a bewitching light consumes the both of us.

I find us back in Brigadonia, and the night sky has shown itself.

Wait – what the heck just happened?! What did I just do?!

Rion, I feel better!” Priscilla exclaimed with joy.

She catches my hands and grasps them thoroughly –

Thank you – thank you so much!”

Huh? I don’t understand what I just did? But… it somehow saved Priscilla!

Priscilla falls to my chest and rests her head under my chin. I begin feeling her tears going through my clothes, and I wrap her figure slowly with reluctance.

But then – I inhibit myself. What if the amethyst crystal gushes out of my body once again?

Actually, when I think about it now, it hasn’t been coming out ever since I said my true feelings to Priscilla.

I wrap my arms around her, hoping for nothing negative to happen, and slowly sensing her warm back. She lifts her arms and does the same to me – and it feels like we’re both sharing the same feeling towards each other.

But… it only seems like it. I can’t be too hasty about how she feels about me.

The air around me begins to feel rather warm, and it feels like the Briteria cells are sensing my feelings as well.

She sets herself back, revealing her teary face and releasing my hands.

“Uh-uhm, so yeah, thanks.” I sensed her shyness.

She maintains a lowered glance; shunning her face from me while I look at her with happiness compelling me.

I’m actually really happy right now, particularly that she just did something to me which she doesn’t do normally, but I just don’t know if I should be expressing it or not.

I mean… she probably still wants to stay away from me.

But, is it okay if she doesn’t? I mean, the needle isn’t coming out anymore.

Plus, wouldn’t it be better if I were to have these feelings for Priscilla instead of Seobi?

What if they were for Seobi?

Would that ‘key’ produced be of a different form? Wouldn’t Noir’s ‘master’ use it for something malevolent?

But… I’m not even sure if it’s for a malevolent purpose!

I don’t know what to think now, but from all the things that I’ve learnt from school and this, I don’t want to perform anything rash decisions.

“It’s good to see you again, Priscilla.”

She delivers that loving smile once again, and I guess it causes me to do the same. Priscilla continues to look away from my face, but it’s completely okay. I mean, she probably doesn’t want us to be this close.

“Come on, let’s bring you back home. Seobi’s going to be worried.” She muttered.

True that.

Its night… and Seobi’s going to ask me what I was doing.

“So Rion, what’s that on your hand?”

“It’s the key – the key which the person inside Vaxia mentioned.”

“The person inside him? Who was that anyway?”

“Someone who looked exactly like me; but a bit older. His name was ‘Noir’”.

“Noir… I’ve never heard of that name before.”

Not surprised that you wouldn’t know.

“And I guess this key I’m holding is meant to be of a different form if I were with Seobi. His master ‘Reaperion’ wanted me to behold a different object on my hand.”

Wait – did I just bring up something about Seobi which I shouldn’t have?

“I see, but you produced that rapier instead, because…”

“Because I can finally confirm … “

“Finally confirm?”

Well, I’m going to say it. I’m going to say it before I lose her again. I want her to know how much I feel about her –

“The loving feeling I have for you...”

That’s right – the loving feeling I have for you, and how much I want to cherish your heart with my own.

… Silence bewitched us.

She stopped, and began lowering her gaze back to the grassy floor.

I stopped in front of her, slightly in regret, and approached her slowly.

“This is probably something you wouldn’t want, and… I’m sorry.” I muttered with guilt.

“No, why are you sorry?”

… What?

“It’s okay for you to have feelings for me. I don’t mind, and I guess it just makes me feel even warmer when you’re with me.”

… Warm. She said ‘warm’.

“I just hope that, I wouldn’t expose you to any danger if you were to be with me. But if you’re feeling for me would expand as much as your rapier, then I feel so protected to be with you, Rion.”

Oh my god – Priscilla, thank you! Then I shall always protect you!

The feeling inside me bolstered itself, and I find myself staring at her eyes with such content from what she said.

“Come on let’s get you back home before Seobi worries, okay?”

“So you were at Brigadonia? Doing what?” I heard Seobi’s soft and worried voice.

“Priscilla and I went to look for signs of her friends in Brigadonia. It turns out that her, Vaxia and Shamiya were all good friends. Except the two went missing.”

“Vaxia… Shamiya…” she muttered.

“You’ve heard of Vaxia, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, I have. He was the author of all those books relating to Brigadonia that I read.”

“He was studying there and…”

“Well, were you looking for him? And Shamiya?” She pauses, then suddenly recovering her posture instantly. “Wait – did you find them?!”

… Did we?

No. We didn’t find Shamiya.

And I guess… we also didn’t find Vaxia, right? It was just his body. I just have to mind with my honesty…

“Sorry, we didn’t find either of them there. But I saw Vaxia’s body.” I muttered.

“What? His body?! A corpse?”

“... yeah, a corpse.”

A moving corpse that was possessed by someone else.

Sorry – I don’t what to continue. I guess I have to be slightly untruthful for now. Because, it’ll lead me to talking about all the events that took place.

I don’t want her to know – she’ll overreact.

She loses her startle, and sits on the bed once again.

“Oh okay.” I sensed her calm voice.

What would happen if they were found? Wait – what am I saying? Vaxia and Shamiya seemed to be close with Priscilla, and Seobi seems to be close to Shamiya. It would be some phenomenon for them if they were found. But I just feel rather disappointed that I don’t remember them at all, or any memories I had with those two.

It’s as if, whenever I even state their names, I’m just exaggerating the only speck of feeling I have for them. As if, I’m talking like I knew them.

And it’s as if… I’m lying about my feelings to the people around me.

“You know, I’m just happy you’re back. I was really worried about you.”

Empathy is such a beautiful thing.

And it was something which I didn’t have back then, and I probably do now.

Yeah, it is. Just by seeing Seobi say those words to me, it makes me want to stay with her for longer and protect her.

If she’s having the same worry as me, I feel as if I’m worrying about her as well…

Even though, there’s nothing even happening to her right now.

“You should change Rion – your uniform is all dusty.” She muttered without eye contact.

I can tell she’s sad about something. Why is she speaking so calmly? What’s with her down face?

I sit myself next to her with an itch of shyness – and yes, I know that when there’re two people on a bed, of the opposite gender, it may expose to some regretful circumstances – but, honestly, she’s like my sister.

And that’s why, I don’t feel awkward when I’m here sitting next to her.

It’s like our relationship is too close for that.

I turn around and grasp her shoulders abruptly that she expresses her shocked eyes.

Seobi! Are you okay?!” I released my passion.

She pauses slightly, turning her eyes to look at both of my arms.

I know… I’m touching you.

And look, nothing is happening to me.

“Rion, you’re touching me.” Seobi muttered.

My hands let go of her soft shoulders, and I rest them on my knees. “I know, I’m not supposed to touch you. But, something changed inside me, and I would prefer to express my feelings physically if I can’t do so verbally.” I said with eloquence.

I continue detecting that down expression of hers – still lowering her eyes away from mine and not even keeping eye contact.

“Doesn’t it mean that – no, never mind.”

Doesn’t it mean that… what? What was she going to say?

“You still haven’t answered my question yet.”

“Oh – sorry. I feel tired Rion, that’s all.”

She pulls the blanket that I’m sitting on, gesturing for me to get off the bed. I do so, and pull out the shirt I’ll be wearing to go to sleep.

I walk my way to the bathroom and get one more stare at Seobi.

I wonder what’s going on in her mind. I just hope she’s fine… That’s all.

Sorry if I’ve been thinking too much about my perspective, and disappearing just like I did, Seobi.

I won’t do it again.

As soon I finish changing and washing up, I find Seobi to have already been deeply asleep. I can hear her breathing heavily with her face buried in the blanket.

All this time, what ‘was’ in her mind?

… I’m so curious to find out, because I want to eradicate my worry for her. There is a way for me to find out, but I’ll be intervening with her privacy.

Intervening with her sleep.

If I were to go inside her mind while she was sleeping, in order for me to find out the reason why she’s acting strangely, I wonder what would happen?

Let’s see and find out.

I call the rapier once again and branch my hand out. It materialises on my hand, but I suddenly stop –

Wait – how did I do it again?

Didn’t I just stab Priscilla’s heart with the blade in order for me to go in her mind?

I did the same thing with Vaxia’s body, but it was when my blade collided with him after I swang it.

What if, this time, it doesn’t do that?

… I’ll just poke her, and see if my surroundings will dissipate like they did last time, and transport myself into a new realm.

I watch the tip of her blade, and slowly have it touch her still forearm.

It touched her, and my surroundings aren’t changing.

Not only that, there’s a drop of blood on her arm where I poked the blade.

Damn it – I’m so stupid. Why did I do it from the tip of the blade?

Gosh – I’ll never do this again. I’ve been thinking too much on what I did to Priscilla.

Seobi’s hand suddenly emerges while she’s asleep, and begins scratching the microscopic wound on her arm unconsciously.

Ugh! I’m so stupid!” I begin scratching my hair vigorously.

Wow – luckily I whispered that!

I drop the rapier, hearing it subtly dissipating into the atmosphere –and searching in the drawers for a bandaid to seal the wound. I follow it up with some cream to enhance the healing, then pouring and placing both on the wound without her knowing.

There, that’s better.

Finally, all the guilt is gone.

But wait, something isn’t right. What if she wakes up, and asks about the bandaid?

UGH! I have to do something!

What am I going to say? I stabbed you with a rapier?!

Abruptly, I peal a bit of the bandaid, and rip its entire off instantly with such anxiety.

“Ouch!”Seobi exclaimed in pain.

Oh no, she’s awake.


She rotates her figure towards me, and looks at the wound on my arm.

“Oh, Rion?” I sensed her drowsiness.

I look at her eyes, and find me holding a bandaid. “Sorry, it’s just that…”

Damn it, what am I going to say?!

I poked you? With a rapier? A RAPIER?!

“You’re… bleeding.” I muttered with such an anxious voice.

“Oh, I dreamt of scratching my back in my dream. Probably I was actually scratching my arm.”

Oh, yeah, she was scratching her arm. For some reason, I find it quite amusing.

“Hey, why are you smiling?”

“Oh – nothing!”

Then, that’s when I feel my body finally filling itself with content. Seobi, she’s actually smiling now. It makes me feel much better.

“You were putting a bandaid on my arm?”

“Yeah, I was…”

Because I was the one who did it.

“Thank you, Rion.” I heard her seraphic once again, and that luminous smile of hers.

So yeah – I’ll do the same thing.

I’m just relieved that she didn’t ask what caused her arm to bleed. If I were to tell her, I’ll have to tell her that I was trying to interfere with what’s going on in her mind. And honestly, that’s quite immoral of me, and quite immoral for anyone, and now I’ll have to hide it from here.

I really hate hiding things. I can feel the sin bewitch me, and gripping me with the hatred I’m trying to run away from.







The teacher raises his glance and expresses his joy to Priscilla –

“Hey, you’re not late!”

“Yeah… I’m not late.” She muttered.

As the teacher continues calling out the roll, Priscilla leans her head closer to me as if she’s going to start a conversation.

“What’d you do with the rapier?” She whispered.

“As soon as I wanted it to disappear, it disappeared instantly from my palm. But for some reason, I have a feeling that it’s still with me.”

Yeah – that’s right. As long as I have this feeling for you Priscilla, the rapier would stay with me.

“And when I need it, it’ll come to me”

Just like it did last night, when I called for it.

“I see. That’s some convenient thing you have there, haha.” She chuckled slightly. “Did Seobi get angry at you last night?”

“No, she didn’t. She was really worried though, and I’m really glad to have someone care for me that much.”

Wait – Priscilla, what are you doing?

Priscilla rests her elbow on the desk, and then her head settles on her palm with an expression of delight as she looks at me.

“You’ve certainly changed, Rion.”

“It’s because of you, Priscilla.” I muttered without a single speck of shyness. Sometimes I just have to be honest – and sometimes, it really does feel good to be honest with how I feel.

She leans her back to her seat and folds her arm as if she’s trying to avoid a sentimental moment.

“Well, I’m glad that I’ve been by your side.” She muttered.

Oh – thank you. I know that sometimes, people get sick of being sentimental. But, it’s better to be truthful with what you say than diminish it.

“So, who’s Reaperion?” Priscilla begins a new conversation.

… Reaperion Jeutonburg. That was his name right? And why is it that I know his full name so well?

Whoever this person is, I have a feeling that he’s still out there.

And probably… looking for me.

“Didn’t Noir say that he’s his ‘master’?”

“Yeah, I remember that he did. But out in the Briteria family, there’s still a situation going on that hasn’t ended yet; even after the destruction of Brigadonia. I’m sure of it.”

I agree, I mean, a Briteria user inside the body of another? Vaxia – his physical characteristics represented those from the Sheng-Quishi Empire, or Asian for short. Hence, he’s not from the Briteria family, but Noir – who’s from the Briteria family – was controlling his body.

There must be other Briteria members still out there, and not just Seobi and I.

And I can guarantee – considering that Noir just controlled the body of another person not from our family, I can guarantee that the other Briteria members aren’t planning something pleasant.

But rather, malevolent.

Still – who knows who annihilated the Briteria family?

Will I ever find out? It looks like if I progress on, I’ll find out who the culprit is?

“I agree. There’s someone out there that’s planning something dark. And Seobi and I are probably not the only Briteria left.”

“Exactly– and didn’t you say this morning that Noir looked like a bigger version of you?”

“Yeah, that’s right. He does.

I remember Noir’s physical characteristics were dead-similar to mine. His facial dimensions were similar to mine but with a rather defined jaw. And from the looks of it, he seemed much taller than I am – mixed with much more masculinity.

“So now, he’s encaged in Briteria. I wonder if his ‘master’ will let him out.”

“Who knows? Maybe the Briteria cells around him will mediate his true feelings of getting out.”

“Yeah… those Briteria cells are truly amazing, Rion.” Priscilla muttered. “So don’t you dare hide anything from me! Haha!”

Yeah, now these Briteria cells have bolstered my will of being honest. If I were to hide my true feelings, the Briteria cells will express it out of my body without me even wanting it to.

“I agree with you.” I said in a calm and soft voice.

I really enjoy that feeling when people have the same perspective of you about something. It’s as if, the connection between you and the person continues to be toppled up. Not just that, but by accompanying them when they don’t even ask of it, or even inviting them to accompany you honestly strengthens the friendship bond between you and the person.

And I guess I’ve learnt all this from the girl sitting next to me.

She’s a ‘legend’.

Then with just my curiosity, I wonder if she also gained a pleasant feeling of me agreeing with her?

Despite it even being something so trivial, would it affect her expression?

Then there it was – she was smiling. Folding her arms, having her back leaned to the chair with her eyes glaring downwards with a smile.

I just don’t want to lose this precious person. I want to protect her.

I fall to the grassy floor and stare at the blue azure sky. The clouds position themselves dispersed away from the view of the sun, clearing up the skies and bringing out such a relaxing weather. It’s not too hot – I can feel the breeze – and it isn’t too cold.

“Rion!” I heard a familiar voice.

I stand myself up, lifting my legs abruptly as if there was an emergency. Priscilla arrives in front of me with a rather confused face –

“Rion, why were you outside of the school grounds?” I sensed Priscilla’s disappointment.

“Outside of the school grounds? Me?”

What is she talking about? I’ve been lying down here ever since she ditched me!

“I was here this entire time, since class ended.” I said with a perplexed face.

“Really? Oh –”

… Hey, what’s going on? If she saw me outside of class, she couldn’t have mistaken me for someone else, since there’s only one person out there who looks like me, and that’s me. Or, she saw another Briteria member?

Unless… it must’ve been… Noir? But, what are the chances of that?

“You were looking at me with such an emotionless face over the school fences. I was calling your name, and you just walked away…”

“Me, walking away? I would reply to you, Priscilla!”

“Oh – yeah.” She muttered.

But then, who must that person be? If Priscilla did call out my name at that ‘someone’, then he must’ve looked like me.

What are the chances of making a mistake with a person who has lavender hair, maroon eyes and extremely pale skin? Particularly when everyone in this school is practically not looking like that?

“But what’s weird is –” I sensed the feeling of fear emerging –

“You wore a shirt completely covered by blood.

“Shirt? This shirt?” I gestured at my chest.

“No, a different one. It was white with black tips on its sleeves. Are you wearing another shirt underneath by any chance?”

“Only a tank-top.” I checked just in case.

“That’s odd. Just when I started to think that you were at two places at once…”

… Then if I’m not at two places at once, that person must have been someone else.

“And that also means that there’s another Briteria here, right?”

“There must be someone else here.”

I knew it. They’re looking for me. I bet Noir’s master, Reaperion, is probably looking for me. I wonder what he actually looks like. I saw him through the drawing Noir gave me, but it had no colour.

What if he also had lavender hair?

What if he also looks like me and Noir, and probably we’re all related somehow?

But if we’re related, why is his surname ‘Jeutonburg’?

Isn’t that surname derived from the most majestic family in the Briteria nation?

I don’t know – there isn’t much I can speculate about who’s who right now.

Maybe that person Priscilla saw might’ve been Reaperion – or someone else, who’s working for Reaperion.

I mean, who would dress as a Briteria these days? Aren’t we being segregated from society?

“They must be looking for me, Priscilla.” I muttered,

“Don’t worry, you can fight them off! Right?”

Fighting them off – yeah, I guess. But what will that achieve? I’m not really even synchronised with what’s going on.

I just want to have a normal life you know? Not with all of these people chasing me.

“If they ever interfere with my life, I’ll do what it takes to ward them off.”

“Yeah! That’s the Rion I know!” Priscilla expressed her joy. “By the way – how did you remove those amethyst crystals from my body?”

Oh – what a difficult question to answer.

I stared at her with wonder and obscurity – not exactly knowing how to answer the question.

How did I do it? I cut off the entire crystal formation from her body, and made her free?

I sense her looking at me with awkwardness, probably because I’m not replying to her. I’m sorry – I’m just thinking about how I should respond to you.

“We-Well, you did say that we were in my ‘central nervous system’ right? You saw billboards of the things in my central nervous system too, like the other parts of my brain.”

As Priscilla said this morning, the central nervous system is the primary point in which nerves across the entire body converge and process information with the brain, via the spinal cord.

I guess it’s one of the most fundamental parts within the human body – which probably was the reason why when I entered Priscilla’s body, I found myself there. Within the central nervous system, there are numerous sites which control the functioning of the human body.

This includes movement – via the motor cortex; feel – somatosensory cortex; word production and inhibition – frontal cortex. There are more, but those are the only ones which she told me.

“That’s right. It felt like that world was a much deeper physical representation of those parts in your brain.”

“You saw residential units there, didn’t you? Were they part of the cortical sites in my brain?”

“What are cort- never mind, and yes I saw residential units there which may also have been a representation of your central nervous system.”

“What if we were to destroy those residential units? What will it do to me?”

… another difficult question. What will it do to her?

Why did I hear machinery in the back right after I obliterated the crystal formation encaging Priscilla?

It’s as if I just restored the functions of a human being, I guess. But in real life, that would merely be the operating of organs and neurons, but what I heard were machines moving by themselves.

They must have a correlation with her waking up. And if I were to destroy them…


“I think you’ll lose something in your central nervous system.”

Is that right? Did I say the correct thing?

She glares at me with a slight astonished look, then looking away as if she expected it. “I thought so. Then once that happens, I assume I would be closer to retardation.”

“I think the Briteria cells are representing our mental framework as a physical form towards us. Just like how they mediate feelings as a physical form.” I attempted to make an accurate assumption.

“And that’s why we saw buildings and residential units in my mind?”

“That’s right.”

“But you told me before that you also saw vermilions? Why wou –”

… Why would she?

Wait – did she pause?

“Don’t worry. I know why the gardens we saw in my mind were full of vermilion flowers. It’s because I’m curious about the Briteria family.”

Wait – Excuse me?

Then doesn’t that mean the things we see in our mind are related to our attitudes and beliefs?

“If that’s true, then Briteria is that amazing.”

The bell finally rings to indicate the coming of the next class. In the distant clock tower, I fall slightly shocked that it was already ten-forty.

And when the clock hits ten-forty, it signifies the end of our break.

“Rion – later on, how about you’ll go inside my mind again and explore more of what it actually is?” She continues as if she didn’t hear the bell.

“To be honest, I don’t know how I went inside your mind.”

I become quite hurtful after I see her frown face, then seeing it clearing up by an emotionless one.

“I even tried going into Seobi’s mind last night while she was sleeping.”

“­Yo-you – what?!”

“When I got home, she was really depressed for some reason.”

“Probably because you came late?”

“I think it’s the reason that made me late, she’s worried about.”

“Well, what did you say?”

“I told her that I was with you in Brigadonia looking for signs of Vaxia and Shamiya’s existence.”

“Well, that’s quite a big thing to stuff in someone’s head in a few seconds.”

“It’s as if Seobi knows that I did more than that in Brigadonia.”

“You did, didn’t you?”

“Yeah but – I don’t want to tell her…”

“So I’m guessing you’re feeling bad because you’re hiding something from her, isn’t that right?”

With guilt and regret, I nodded. I’m doing it again... hiding something.

That’s the factor that consumed me with so much intrigue. I actually didn’t know myself – but I think I was just scared that she might suspect me to hide something from her.

And probably, she does suspect me.

And her speculation is right then.

“Well, what would happen if you were to tell her about what happened? Like, everything?”

Why don’t I tell her?

That’s true. What if I tell her what happened in Brigadonia?

I guess the only thing stopping me last time is if she’ll be too worried about me.

Too worried about me, that she’ll prevent me from going with Priscilla to anywhere around the world. Yeah, that’s the main reason.

But I guess that ideal of her actions were probably derived from the ego I had with her when I thought of her as a parent.

“Then I guess I’ll tell her everything when I get home.” I gripped myself with bravery.

I’ll even tell her about Noir suggesting me to make this ‘key’ with Seobi.

But I wonder how that’ll work out.

I mean, should I say –

‘Seobi, we’re meant to love each other. But we don –’ alright, no. That’s wrong. I’ll probably do my best to avoid that topic.

“So sir, may I know why I’m kept in class? It’s been twenty minutes ever since school finished.” I did my best to avoid disrespect.

My teacher digs into a large folder and places several A-three pieces of papers on the desk.

It’s my project for the school hall.

“Is this your work, Rion?” he begins with a speck of disappointment.

But, why is he asking if it’s my work? Doesn’t he trust me?

“Of course it is. What’s wrong with it?”

He lifts himself back up and digs into a nearby drawer to collect a large black folder filled with A-three drawings. I read its label and find something rather shocking –

‘Noir Bayerische – Class Eleven D-Two Two-Thousand and Nine’

Noir?! He used to study here as well?

I sat there in shock – despite me not really knowing why I should be in shock.

I mean, he used to study at my school too. But, so what?

No – wait, why is my teacher going to show me Noir’s work?

… This can’t be true.

As soon as he opened the folder, my entire figure compels itself with trauma –

“Look, your design is exactly the same as this students’.”

… No.

What - ?

I trace every line of his drawing with mine, and detect it to being exactly the same.

I compare it with mine one again, and find that each particular perspective of the drawing is done in the same angle and in the same exact dimensions.

Everything is the same…

“I wouldn’t be sceptical if the dimensions were different. I mean, at least your incorporating a bit of knowledge and creativity by changing someone else’s design. But from this –” I heard his voice temper rise, followed by –

Damn it – that startled me.

Followed by his hand slamming on the desk in front of me.

“But from this, it’s complete evidence of plagiarism!”

N-No. This isn’t possible. How can my work be exactly the same as his, despite me getting all my information from my brain?

“No, this isn’t right!” I tried my best to persuade him.

“There’s no point lying, Ri –”

Suddenly, both of our attentions were caught by someone knocking on the door.

Tap. Tap – tap – tap – tap.

The frequency of the taps started to increase, followed by the forcing of the door knob to open.

“Hey – what is it?!” My teacher called out.

“Help me!” I heard a familiar voice.

I jumped out of my seat, ignoring the presence of the one lecturing me and letting Priscilla inside.

She instantly locks the door and places her index finger in front of her mouth as if she’s gesturing –


Why is she telling us to be quiet?

What’s going on?!” our teacher spoke with slight worry.

Seconds later, she suggests us to lean our backs to the door -

Quickily… and silently.

Sir and I do what she says – and I’m quite surprised that he would follow her instructions.

And then, as soon as I detect a figure, my spine begins itching with fear.

I rise myself up slightly with curiosity, and through the small see through glass on the door, I see a man with blue ha –

By the door!’ I read her voiceless movement of her lips.


We keep silent.

Pinning ourselves to the door once again, and hearing the footsteps of a tall man on the other side of the door.

The door leads to the hall way – and I can assume that Priscilla was probably being chased by this person.




I continue hearing his footsteps until they stop.

The last tap I hear compels me with the feel of air rushing into my back.

He’s probably right in front of the door.

On the right of me is my teacher, and on his right is Priscilla. We’re all pinned to the door, hiding, and waiting for the person on the other side to walk away.

... This is actually... scary.

I can feel fear collecting into my heart, followed by sweat flowing down my forehead.

I can also sense the fear of the two on my right. Sir continues to shiver uncontrollably, while Priscilla continues to hold her breath with anxiety.


I heard the footstep once again, causing me to feel my heart vibrating horrendously with scare.

He’s right behind us.

I can tell.

He hasn’t disappeared yet, and he’s probably peaking into the glass above us right now.

If he looks down a bit – he’ll find us.

I’m not even sure who the person is, but I’m still compelled with such a terrifying feeling.

Suddenly, I feel an intense heat source on my right.

It’s on my shoulder. Between my teacher’s shoulder.

I twist my head and find…



We all jump, and blood splatters all over our faces.

No! This can’t be true!

Priscilla and I turn our heads to the teacher’s body.

… An enormous blade… is protruding out of his chest.

I can’t believe it.

He’s dead.

The sapphire blade suddenly dissipates into the atmosphere, and I leap to my legs to grab Priscilla’s hand –

“We have to go! Noir is probably back!”

She instantly clenches my hands and we approach one of the windows on the opposite side of the door, and attempt to break it.

Oh my god – we need to get out!

“Come on! We need to get out of here!” I sensed Priscilla’s horrification.

Thoughts of fear continue encompassing my mind, and I’m pulled to the brink of desperation –

I branch my hand out – thinking about the rapier which I produced the last time a situation like this came.

Priscilla Edenburgh – the one who I’ll protect for the rest of my life.

That’s right. I won’t let her go.

I’ll be with her forever!

I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her!

Yes – here it comes!

Suddenly, I feel a coagulation of matter occurring on my palm. I grab the hilt of the rapier and cut the window into numerous bits.

“Come on let’s go Rion!”

I propel my legs and leap off into the air, through the window and to the outside of the building.

We’re all alone in the fields of this school… with Noir.

I continue grasping Priscilla’s hand as hard as I can, and venturing ourselves away from him.

I’m not even sure how he found Priscilla and me as well in this school, but all I can think of now is running away from him and bringing Priscilla away.

After that, I’ll fight him off.

“Rion. Stop.”

… What?

She let my hand go! What’s wrong?

“Look, I’ve gleamed something from all of this...”

You’ve gleamed something? What have you gleamed?!

Rion, Reaperion’s after me! Not you!”


“Yes! Reaperion!” She looks at my eyes of shock. “… And now, I think I should let myself go before he harms you.”

What are you talking about?! This rapier is here because I’m going to protect you!”

What the heck is she thinking?! If she thinks she’ll leave me and get herself killed, I won’t let that happen! I’ll do whatever it takes for me to save her, and help her!

I pull her aside from my view, and find the figure of a tall, blue-haired man with crimson eyes emerging from the destruction of our classroom.

Oh my god – is he even human? His eyes are those of a demon…

I can just tell…

All of my bravery completely dissipates away.

Then, the tsunami of fear condemns me with immobility, and the intention to run away.

Is that… Reaperion Jeutonburg?

I see him with that diabolic figure –looking at me with those eyes of Briteria.

But no – I have to protect Priscilla. If he’ll kill her because I’m merely not following what ‘I’m created for’, then I’m going to vanquish him with my blade.

I take a step back, branching my arms slightly to protect Priscilla –

“Don’t you dare get near us!” I prepare my blade and attempt to fill myself up with bravery.

But then, the bravery begins perishing away, followed by my body constricting –

Suddenly – he lets out a malevolent laugh –

Flexing his neck and having his head facing the sky; as if he really is indulged with his own laughter.

“You really think someone like you can defeat me?

“… I don’t care who you are. But with this rapier, I’ll stop you!”

Come on Rion! Regardless of what he does, you have to stay fearless!

The man takes a step forward, taking a bow and delivering an odd gaze to me.

“My name is Reaperion Jeutonburg, or also known as ‘the chef’.” He said with complete eloquence.

I take another step backwards in fear, and feeling Priscilla’s arm grip on mine.

But then, I’m frozen by his actions yet again –

I watch Reaperion branch his hand out and expanding his fingers towards me as if he’s asking for my hand.

“Come on – get yourself away from that Schneizal. You’re supposed to be with Seobi.”

“I don’t care who I’m supposed to be with! And I might as well prevent you from producing the key!”

He retrieves his arm back and represents a rather emotionless look.

“Tch. Creating the Chains of Brigadonia will only promote me to saving the Briteria race from any more pain.”

“S-Saving us from any more pain? What do you mean by that?”

“Our lives were sentenced to the dreadfulness of the world. Now it’s my job to butcher the culprits until they’re consumed by their own blood.”

Suddenly, the temperature around me begins to heat up, and his skin begins glowing.

His figure begins to emit a luminous white light, and his eyes appear as redder than blood.

The sapphire crystallisation of Briteria begins to collect on the floor around him – changing the texture of the grass from green to blue.

“… Just like how the uranium warhead did it.”

“Priscilla, look out!”

I turn around instantly, grabbing Priscilla’s figure from her shoulders and falling violently to the grassy floor.

Wh-What was that?”

I look to the distance, behind Priscilla, and find a large chain with a blade at its tip plunging itself into the ground. I track the end of the chain and find it generating from a holographic incantation circle floating around Reaperion’s figure.

That’s odd… the colour of the chain is the same as … that amethyst crystal that protrudes out of my arm.

I regain my posture instantly, preparing myself for battle.

Priscilla does the same and I continue to hold her hand as tight as I can.

Then, I grasp it even tighter when I see Reaperion ready to kill us both.

Another barrage of chains attempts to strike our figure with vicious velocity.

I do my best to plunge those chains with my rapier – slicing them bit by bit. I step forward numerous times and continue slashing them vigorously to protect myself and Priscilla.

But then… as soon as I did that last swing, I sense Reaperion’s figure flying right past me.

And ignoring me…


No… this can’t happen.


I turn around instantly, preparing my blade –

But Priscilla is about three metres behind me. Will I make it? Will I save her?

I run to her figure with such fear, taking every step and feeling the striking feel of a chain plunging my back.

I ignore it, and find something rather … terrifying.

No – Priscilla. This can’t happen to you.

No – I can’t accept it!

With incredulity compelling me, I continue taking my steps of devastation, and finding the figure … consumed by blood.

And what I see through my eyes.

Makes me just want to…

Say sorry to her… Cry… Hold her hand… Hug her… Kill myself… Kill … Murder… Butcher… Massacre … OBLITERATE.




I’m going to freaking kill this guy. I’m going to torture him, I’m going to butcher him – I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him!

I plunge my murderous blade straight at the spinal cord of the reaper in front of me.

Twisting the blade.

Pushing it in.

Feeling his blood gush all over my face.

Taking the blade out, and plunging it again to one of his bones – twisting it again rigorously and enjoyably, rotating it like a drill, and feeling the softness of the muscles that keep his arm intact, with the bloody edges of my butchering blade.


The figure releasing that agonising pain suddenly turns abruptly and attempts to plunge a bright crystalline blade of Briteria straight at me –

But with my incredible agility, I avoid it and brandish the tip of my rapier back towards his figure.

Though – it collides with him, like a blunt rock.

… blunt? The tip isn’t as sharp as before – but blunt?!

I look back at the rapier, and find out that the sharp edge is somewhere else…

And that what I’m holding is no longer a rapier...

But it’s a scythe. The flat top is what has collided with him.

Cool. Let’s seriously pulverise this jerk, shall we?

I swing the scythe vigorously toward the still and fatigued figure. He begins leaping backwards, avoiding every slash that I deliver to him.

Come on – freaking hell, hit him already!

He begins running away with blood dripping from his behind –

But, who can run away from a grim reaper like me?

I clench my scythe, preparing and flexing my arm to throw the scythe rigorously and attempting it to finally slice his demonic head off.

But without me realising it, I find it coming back to me –


Wh-What? What did he just say? Isn’t that –

I feel it strike my chest –

What’s going on…?

I find myself on some solid white tiles, and I look up to find a large bridge in front of me with a sign saying – Schneizal.

“Schneizal..? Priscilla?”

No. This can’t be!

I turn around instantly and find that I just fell off a large throne. I look above it and find –

‘Central Nervous System’

How did I get here?

Who made me come here?

Damn it! I remember – whatever is distorted in this world will distort my actual existence in life. I regain my posture instantly, and finding me not wounded a single bit.

I look around the place, wondering if the one who made me come here, is still in here.

And then – I hear a gate creaking behind me.

I sprint passed the throne, and find a gate with a sign saying ‘Hippocampus’.

Hippocampus? What’s that?

How is that important to me? What would happen if I were to lose it?

And then, I see Reaperion running straight through the gate and entering a realm full of large…




Of… what I’ve seen before.

I stare at it with such shock – and realising that all of this could be the memories that my brain has recorded.

Then in the distance, I see Reaperion producing a lock around one of the large holographic-moving images.

And in those images… I see myself holding Priscilla’s han –

Ouch – what was that? It seems like my brain just got hit by some rock from the sky.

I continue looking at the moving pictures with such devastation – but… hardly being able to remember what I just saw.

I remember, I was holding Pr –

Ouch! What was that? It happened again! Is there a rock slide on top of me?

Wait – no, what’s happening? Who was that person I was holding hands with?

It was something like P… ‘P’ something.

P… P… No. I can’t remember it.

I can’t even remember her name now.

Wait – who? There was a girl who I used to be with?

And where am I? I’ve never been to a place like this before.

Then suddenly – it came to me. There’s a Briteria person in front of me! I thought Seobi said that we were the only ones left!

“Hey!” I wave with such passion. “You’re like me! A Briteria member!”

The man with the blue hair looks at me oddly, and I see him moving to a series of more moving pictures.

Wow! Those moving pictures look incredible!

But… I think I’ve seen those before!

No.. wait, somehow, could those be… something that I’ve seen recently in my life?

Me putting a bandaid on Seobi’s arm? What – is that for real?

Ouch! It seems like a rock just hit me from the sky!


Ouch! Damn it! Is there a rock slide on top of me or something?

Ouch! Not again!


Suddenly, I hear the voice of a nearby man.

“Now, it’s time for me to change your amygdale back to how it was before you met Priscilla. Then I’ll reset your central nervous system and your entire brain.

Amygdale…? Central nervous system…?

What’s that?

Who’s Priscilla?

Chapter 7 – Seobi – You’ve changed… Why?

I take a deep breath, sitting on a seat next to the entrance of the hotel and waiting for Rion’s arrival. It’s been four hours already after school finished, and I’ve left the hotel continuously to look for him – through streets and even to Brigadonia.

My worries have already bypassed its limits…

I’m shivering in anxiety now; uncontrollably flexing my legs over and over again to somehow ‘shake’ the feelings all off.

I just feel like moving around… that’s all.

But, if I leave the hotel, what if he arrives later on in my absence?

Sigh – What do I do?

It’s getting cold too… I should probably at least take my sleeping blanket from my room, and wait for him outside. I regain my posture, finally being able to stand up, then re-entering the hotel.

But then, I hear the sound of footsteps behind me. I turn around, and through the darkness, I see a man drenched in blood.

It’s Rion.


Wait – it’s so late! Why is he late again?!

I begin running at him with such haste then expanding my arms to give him a hug.

He’s here! Finally here! He’s finally here!

... Wait – what?!

Then, the feeling of horror brandishes my heart. With such force, I fall to the floor and roll my figure vigorously.

He… pushed me?


“What the heck was that?!” I heard him exclaim vehemently.


I stay on the floor, with the feeling of destruction as the blood in my body begins to heat up in fear. I can feel my body shaking of incredulity in such a rapid pace.

He walks towards me, leans his head forward towards me as I lay on the floor. “Never do that again. Fat cow”

He… just called me… fat cow.



I can’t move – I’m completely still.

He called me ‘fat cow’… Fat cow… Oh my god, what’s going on? Didn’t he say he changed? Why would he push me to the floor again and call me that?!



Carelessly, he walks away from me and back into the hotel.

Oh no… what just happened?! Rion… what happened to you?!

I can’t believe this.

I can’t believe what I just saw!

Then suddenly, from my sides, I see him peak his head through the entrance. “Can you like, open the door for me.”

WH-WHAT?! H-he just spoke as if nothing happened!

He pushed me to the floor! That’s almost immoral for him to do! What happened to him? He was completely different a few hours ago! What just happened?!

Then from this, the anger inside me is triggered. I regain my posture instantly, flexing my legs and finding myself back on my feet. I approach Rion as fast as I can, then grabbing his shoulders vigorously. As soon as I’m next to him, I couldn’t think of what I should say; too many things are jumping up and down in my head.

What happened to you!?” I let out all the anger that’s buried inside me. “How can you just walk pass me like that while I’m on the floor? And why did you come home so late?!”

… Come on, answer me!

He expressed a face of flabbergast – as if a huge rock was just thrown at him.

“Rion? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong…” he muttered with carelessness.

I take a step forward with disbelief, looking back at his eyes to see if they were still the eyes of the changed Rion I knew.

“Don’t look at me like that!” he exclaimed.

Shock endows me, stimulating my neurons and freezing my figure with hatred.

And maybe… betrayal as well.

“… You’ve changed…?”

Changed? Why would I ever change? I’m not going to be like that ‘Shamiya’ chick!”

The surge of blistering anger topples up again.

“I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it! Why are you being such a jerk now?!”

It’s as if he lost his memories again! What the heck is happening?! This is unbelievable!

Just when my life started to become so pleasant, why do all the negatives barrage at me all of a sudden!?

I weakly propel both of my palms towards his chest slowly with my eyes shut by the uncontrollable tears.

Then suddenly, my body drops to the floor. With the echoes of footsteps, I hear him walk back into the hotel, and leaving me there… carelessly.

It’s passed about an hour now, and I’m still out in the cold, thinking about how much he changed. He called me a fat cow again, and he left me as if he had no consideration in his surroundings. Fat cow, fat cow – no! Shut up! I suddenly find myself propelling my leg up in the air in anger.

Did something happen to him today? Why was he covered in blood?

But with the grasping feel of incredulity, I can’t move an inch, nor can I lift myself up. If I come to the room, and see him not caring of my presence, I don’t know how much my desperation will exceed.

Straight away, when I saw his eyes and the tone he spoke, he’s a completely different person. Compared to the changed Rion, he would never leave me like that…

Only the Rion who lost his job, would leave me like that. Something happened to him… but what?

Why did he come home so late?

Why is he drenched in blood?

Why is he… back to his rebellious personality?

My strength finally returned. I stand up, running to my room and opening the weak, wooden door in such a fast pace. I watch him sleeping on his bed peacefully as if nothing has happened. I approach him closer, and find a large bruise engraved on his forehead, with partial marks of blood leaving his scalp and ears. What could this mean?

Did someone do something to his head?

Who must have done it? Could this be the reason why he’s acting differently now?

Instantly, with fear and intrigue dominating my mind, I unsheathe a part of his blanket as his body leans to the side of the bed that’s closer to me, to reveal his pale blood-covered arm.

... He didn’t take a shower. Gross.

Should I try curing him? Maybe not? He might explode?

But wait – there aren’t any wounds engraved on his arm – it’s just full of blood.

Then if there aren’t wounds, what if the blood on his hand is from someone else’s body…? By any chance?

That’s it…

I give up.

It’s the next day now, and I’m alone in recess. Rion didn’t want to go to school, since he completely didn’t know what he was meant to do in school. He completely had no memory of going to school, and no memory of all the things I taught him about graphics.

It’s as if, he’s a completely different person again...

We had a small fight, but due to his stupid comebacks, he wasn’t worthy for me to keep asking him to go to school. I sit under the tree in the centre of a grassy field and chewing on my favourite food – banana. But as soon as I gulped the last bit, a group of students approach me. Surprisingly, they’re all guys.

“Well if isn’t Seobi.they expressed a tone of vehemence and stepping right in front of me as if I’m going to be bullied.

“Wh-What’s wrong?”

“Do you feel satisfied?”

What’s this person talking about?

“Satisfied? Satisfied of what?”

The group suddenly keeps silent – but I still suspected an itch of anger urging to burst out of all of them.

“Hey, didn’t they confirm that Seobi wasn’t a culprit?” One of them broke the silence.

“… They did. But, what’s their evidence?”

“Those purple-mineral fragments were found all over the wounds of her body – inside and outside. And… don’t you remember Rion having that, instead of Seobi?”

“You mean that needle we all saw?”

What are they talking about? It’s as if they’re implying that Rion did something to Priscilla.

“Wait –” I interrupted them. “May I know what you are all talking about?”

I sensed them inhibiting themselves from telling – intending to look away and keeping silent.

Until one of them steps forward…

“I didn’t think you were involved, Seobi. But Priscilla is dead.”

Priscilla is – what?!

Excuse me? What did I just – what?

I stand up instantly with intrigue and a speck of disbelief engulfing my heart.

“… Sorry, what?”

I take a few steps back in shock after what I heard –

What? Priscilla’s dead? And, it’s because of Rion?

“It’s because of that purple needle that she’s dead! Now where is he?”

Then suddenly, a forgotten memory strikes me –

The time when he was in the main oval with Priscilla, a day after he threw his fist to my face. Why did all the audience gather around him?

It’s because, something came out of his hand.

And I think… the reason why Rion didn’t want to get close to me all this time, or even touch me, was so that the needle doesn’t reveal itself.

But what is that purple texture? I’ve never seen it in Brigadonia, ever. And why is it originating from Rion?

But Priscilla… she’s dead. How can she be dead? I just saw her a few days ago!

Oh no… Priscilla…

“Oi! Tell me where Rion is!” I heard one of them exclaim with pure anger.

“Why should I tell you?”

“Damn it – since I think you’re hot, and that you’re pretty famous in this school, I’ll let you go.”

Sorrow suddenly trembles my every movement.

Priscilla’s dead.

But I don’t understand. There must be a misunderstanding to this. Rion couldn’t have killed Priscilla, even if he’s back to his rebellious personality now!

But – I can’t even really confirm that.

Rion… why were your arms covered in blood last night? Were they of someone else’s’?

The group of boys walk away from me, until one of them come back in a hurried pace. “I’m just saying, you two are kicked out of this school.”

Sorry? What did I just here?

My head flexes instantly to face the student who told me that.


How can I – what? Me? What did I – No! Is it because of Rion?

Just go to the office and see for yourself.”

I propel my legs and run to the school office with anxiety. I approach the entrance, knocking on the door vigorously and hearing the manager call out “Come in!”

I enter, and find her leaning on the chair in calm. Alright – let’s get to the point.

“Am I… kicked out from this school?

I watch her stare at me for a few seconds, then pushing her chair back and regaining her standing posture. “Look, your friend killed a student. Straight away, that told us that we shouldn’t even have any Briteria members in our school.”

Excuse me? What did you just say?!

I look at her in disbelief. She just… blatantly stereotyped us.

“Your race is completely different from ours! We’re normal, and you guys are like aliens to us.”

Damn it. Stereotypical jerks – as Rion says.

I hammer her desk to express my furiousness.

How can you say that?! We’re humans just like you!

Look!” She expressed her anger through the same way. “It’s my responsibility to protect the students in this school! If you don’t abide with my rules, then you should talk to the Knights of Junquious about this issue!”

“Then I wi-”

“Yeah, do that. And I’ll tell them that your friend murdered one of the students in this school! Do you know what they’ll do? They’ll banish you from Junquious!”

Oh my god…

I stay still in incredulity – shocked at what I just heard. We’re back to where we started…

Being marginalised, and looked down upon by others.

“Now get out of here!” the manager exclaimed once more. Slowly, I depart from the room, taking my bag with me and just marching my way away from the school. I’ve had enough of this. First it was Rion’s changed persona, then us being kicked out.

... It’s all part of my test.

I depart from the school grounds in the middle of recess – walking in such a vehement pace. I see the people around me in the sides of my vision, staring at me as the silence diffuses into the atmosphere.

Goodbye… everyone.

Goodbye, Rion and Priscilla…

I arrive home, feeling fury tremble throughout the blood of my body. I approach Rion in such a vehement pace, and slam my hands on the part of the table in front of him.


I’ve got too many things to say to him right now…

I don’t exactly know where to start.

“Rion, where were you last night?” I tried muttering and holding my anger as much as I can.

What’s with that look you’re giving me?!

He delivers a peculiar look at me as he stops drawing pictures on an A-four piece of paper.

“I woke up in some grassy field.”

“Why were you drenched in blood?”

“I have no clue.” He continues on drawing.

Oh my god. He seriously doesn’t know what’s going on.


Yeah – that’s right. Show me that shocked look.

“My entire career is destroyed because of you! And it’s all because you murdered a girl!”

“Murdered a girl…? Who? You’re the only girl I talk to.”

… What? Why does it seem like he’s confused to what I’m saying?

Why does it seem like he’s back to the Rion who lost his job? Could he have actually lost his memory somehow? He doesn’t even know who Priscilla is?!

“Rion – who’s Priscilla?”


He pauses slightly, and I detect him dwelling into his memories.

“I’ve heard someone mentioning that name before, and I remember myself in a really, really weird place.”

… Huh?

“Weird… place?”

“Yeah – there were huge moving pictures everywhere. But, I had this intense migraine and I wasn’t even able to open my eyes properly. And then this guy…”

“… Who? A guy?”

“I heard a voice of a man saying – ‘Now time for me to change your amygdale back to how it was before you met Priscilla. Then I’ll reset your central nervous system and your entire brain.’”

… What? What kind of person would say something like that?

How can you reset the amygdale? And the central nervous system?

What’s going on?!

“I don’t even know what all those terms mean, so can you just leave me alone now?”

You don’t even know how much destruction I’m experiencing.

Careless jerk.

But still, I’m sure something odd happened to him. Someone is manipulating with his life – and that’s probably the reason why he isn’t like the Rion who knew Priscilla, and the Rion who was back in Brigadonia.

He’s different… he changed again.

Something happened to him – and I have a feeling that someone is responsible for this change.

What am I going to do now? There’s no way we can get a proper career in the future through school work. And the only thing we can do now is to work in a job that doesn’t require much training, or skills.

I take a deep breath, intending to clear all the anger that’s been buried into my body. What kind of things can I do though? I guess I’ll go outside and search for something.

By reminding myself continuously that I’m back to where I started, it just indulges me with such sorrow. It feels like the beginning again – where we were segregated and known for our unusual acts in the Briteria family. But now, we’re known for murdering an innocent person.

I take another deep breath.

Priscilla… I’m not even sure if you’re still alive or not. But if you are, it would be quite pleasant to see you again.

I guess… I still can’t accept the fact that she’s gone.

So now, if there’s anyone who would stop me just because of my physical appearance, then I’ll certainly kill them.

I’ve already had enough – seriously.

Right after I stand up, Rion, who was sitting on the dining table, calls out.

“Where are you going?”

“Going to get a job.”

“Let me come with you!”

I didn’t feel like saying anything to him, so I simply walk off by myself as if I ignored him. But still, this question deludes me – has he forgotten who Priscilla is too?

Well, regardless if he has or not, I’ll still remember you, Priscilla Edenburgh.

As I step out of the hotel, I see a sheet pinned to a poke next to the door.

‘Britenzo Krieghart – MISSING – you’ll be rewarded!’


Isn’t that Rion’s friend?

I have to go back and tell him!

But as soon as I turn around, his figure is already behind me. I watch him walk closely to it in incredulity, and reluctantly ‘taking it in’.

“Britenzo… what happened to you in my absence?”

Despite myself not knowing him too well, I still feel rather shocked that a person like him is ‘missing’.

It was Priscilla… and now it’s Britenzo. What’s going on in this world?!

Suddenly, I feel the presence of a cold hand pulling on my left arm. “Seobi! We’re going to find him!”

Did he just ask me to find him? And help him?

I guess, it slightly reminds me of the Rion back then. But I have to remember, that he’s now a different person.

He might’ve even forgotten about that birthday present I gave him.

Oh well…

As for what’s in front of me, I’ve never actually volunteered to do these kinds of things – volunteering to help in an investigation and being rewarded – but can’t we just let the Knights of Junquious perform the investigation? Despite him being Rion’s friend, do I have to help?

Plus – I’m already tired from all the things that just happened.

I don’t exactly feel like moving on just yet…

My motivation was just destroyed yesterday, particularly after seeing Rion behave like that.

I guess I can say that, I feel rather bad for choosing this way. But, I’ve literally already had enough… I want to do something else that does not involve Rion.

“Rion, you do it yourself. I’m going to look for another job.” I represented my carelessness. Instantly, I turned away from Rion, departing from him and beginning to walk on the main street.

But a part of me wanted to turn around and see if he had a response.

In order for me to suffice for the guilt I have for him, I turn around and see him folding his arms with a rather dismal expression. “You hate me that badly?”

What did he just say? I hate him? That’s funny Rion.

Rion completely has no clue how much I’ve been through. Yeah, I actually do hate you – but – why – because he’s treating me dreadfully like normal? Most of my anger is focused on how he lost his memories again…

And perhaps, he isn’t actually responsible…

I run up to him in haste, watching him tilt his head towards my direction. “Rion.” I began with a vehement tone. “Do you remember who Priscilla is?”

Instantly, he replies –


As expected. He lost his memories again. And that’s something that he can’t change, so I don’t think he deserves to have myself hate him because of that.

For his rebellious personality, I’ve been with it for four years already – hence, it doesn’t compel me with anguish.

So then, I’ve made up my mind –

“Alright, whatever, I’ll help you.”

Happy now? Huh?

I look at Rion’s face, but then he only locks his view at me expressionlessly.

No gratitude at all?

He then walks away to an office nearby. I follow him, and find a large sign on its roof saying:

The Hall of Heroes

Heroes? Oh, I guess what I’ve agreed to do with Rion is a rather, heroic act. But it’s simply finding a missing person – though, then again, what if that missing person was kidnapped?

Hopefully Rion will enjoy this investigation, since he has an ambition to becoming a hero. It’s his turn to embrace his future. I’ve already tried mine, and I failed. Maybe I’m here now because Rion will be successful in the future?

‘Everyone inside the ‘Hall of Heroes’ is here to accomplish mysteries and investigations for a substantial amount of cash’ I just read on the noticeboard.

It’s kind of like ‘Bounty Hunting’, I guess.

On my right is the counter, with an officer with yellow, wavy hair. I’m guessing he’s the one who prepares the investigations for us.

On my left, there’s a large hall where people are socialising, eating-up, drinking, and looking at the numerous ‘wanted’ posters there are. Who knew that there will be so many criminals in such a small island!

I see Rion coming up to the counter and asking to begin the ‘Britenzo Investigation’. The man takes out his drawer and searches through a never-ending amount of A-four papers. He flips almost every page until I hear him mutter –

Britenzo Krieghart

He takes a sheet from the drawer and places it on the desk in front of Rion. “So –” The man began with such a lazy and indolent tone.

“Do you both fill in these criteria?” he gestures at the sheet he’s holding. In order for us to begin the investigation, Rion and I have to be above eighteen for safety-sake. But with Rion’s compelling urge to find Britenzo, and the indolent mood of the man, we find ourselves signing up for the investigation.

I’m not sure if by persuading him we were lucky or unlucky –

“Alright, so the reward is two thousand coins, guys.”

Two thousand!?

“TWO THOUSAND?!” Rion imitated exactly what I said in my mind.

Wait a second! How much can we do with two-thousand? Rion’s income per-week is only one percent of that!

Wait – this might actually be the next path of where my happiness may lie!

Okay – let’s take this new path, and let’s perform this investigation!

Seconds later, Rion grabs my hand and takes me out of the door. The officer looks at me with a delightful smile –

“Don’t die.”

Priscilla – maybe this will be my chance to actually save myself from being poor?

Thank you so much for supplying the money I needed the other day.

I’ll always remember you.

Well, Rion seems rather enthusiastic.

“Alright!” Rion releases my hand and branches his hand out to the sky. “So, where are we going to start?”

Exactly, this is an investigation. How the heck will we start?I’ve never experienced myself solving a mystery like this.

“I don’t know. How am I supposed to know? You’re also the one who initially decided that we should get through with this investigation – so why ask me?”

Rion folds his arms and dozes off to the sky. I lean my back to a random wall and waiting for his response.

“I know!” he flexed his index finger to gesture an idea. “Let’s find clues!”

Clues… is he just referring ideas from a board game that we’ve played when we were kids?

So ridiculous. Yeah – we’ll find Britenzo soon.

Wait –

How can he refer to ideas from the games we played back when we were kids?He forgot his memories.

Wait a second –

An idea suddenly rises to my mind – though, this has nothing to do with the Britenzo investigation, and I should’ve thought about it years ago.

“Rion, the Knights of Junquious, do you think they’ve halted their investigation of the destruction of Brigadonia?”

A few days after our home was destroyed, the Knights from this city came by to investigate what happened.

I don’t know. Do you want to see?”

The General is really familiar with Rion and me. He has a kind, generous personality that can transform into a manipulating and corrosive one. Ever since our home was destroyed, he kept mailing us about the evidences found that proves that a Briteria user was the one responsible. I remember him saying in a letter –

“… a few of our Knights found strange, blue fluorescent coloured crystallised stones scattered around the castle…”

And in fact, that’s true. Because I still remember that tragic day, when everything was being obliterated by an unnatural storm of blue-coloured stones. It seemed like a meteor shower.They crushed the lives of so many of my family members – wrecking havoc,by as well, crushing the castle structures with weights of numerous tonnes.

But I wonder – who could’ve done that?

By taking this journey, will I somehow find out?

Rion and I finally arrive in the Knights’ academy. Despite the General being a General, Rion and I have the authority to interview him when it’s necessary.

Suddenly, a Knight approaches us. “With honour, Miss Briteria –” He bowed with politeness. “Why are you here?”

“We’re here to see General Kepunzel. It’s regarding a certain investigation.”


The Destruction of Brigadonia?

“Sorry, that investigation was cancelled years ago.”

What? Cancelled!? How can Kepunzel do that?

“What?! Why?”

He’s someone who’s always persistent in his investigations! How can he just… cancel it?

That’s it –

I run off up the stairs with Rion behind me, and hearing the alertness of the other Knights. “He ordered all of us to let him be!” I heard another exclaiming vehemently. I don’t care if I can’t see him! But I know that this isn’t right!

Desperation surrounded my blood, and I continue ignoring the other Knights chasing me from my behind. I crash in the General’s door, and attempting to force myself to get in. “Seobi! You’re crazy! Do you know where we are?!”

I don’t care how scared you are and I don’t care where we are, Rion.

I continue pushing my figure at the door, with a tone of weakness –

“General! Why did you stop that investigation?!”

Suddenly, the door breaks open.

Uh – what? What’s going on here?

The feeling of sorrow transforms into confusion –

The room is empty.

Due to the silence in the atmosphere, I can tell that all the others Knights behind me realise the same thing. With their shocked faces, they barge into the room like I did.

What is this nonsense?!”

Something obviously isn’t right. The General of the highest level of Knights in this whole island, is missing? I decide to look around if there are any notes or such. But, there isn’t. First the death of Priscilla, then Britenzo, now Kepunzel?

Is this world okay?

I turn around in haste; running down the stairs and feeling my body halt itself once I hear a familiar voice on my right. “The investigation of Brigadonia was cancelled because it was insignificant. We had to halt it in order to search for the missing individuals across Britoniah.”

It’s the Knight from before – the one I spoke to earlier.

But what he said – is it true? Did they really cancel the investigation?!

Without my eyes even looking at his, I fall disbelief possess me and I fall to the gound in shock.

They all forsook our family.

But remember, it’s to save other people Seobi – I attempted to regain myself with righteousness. With fury filling my heart, I ram my figure to the exit and finding myself on the footpath of Junquious yet again.

But then, an annoying voice echoes from my behind.

“Hey, don’t do that again! If the General was actually there, what would he have done to you?” Rion released his rage.

He wouldn’t have done anything to me you imbecile.

Rion forgot his family due to his odd memory loss, and now he wants me to forget it by making me stay away from the General?

No, I will never forget my family. I don’t care if you want to stop me Rion, but I actually have care for the ones who nurtured me ever since I was born.

So shut up, Rion.

With my continued fury, I rotate my body vehemently in the direction of Rion.

Shut it. You don’t know anything.”

I turned back to the direction I was walking –

Wow! What was that?!

Then, I accidentally ram into a woman carrying numerous instruments.

Hey! Look what you did!” she expressed her shock.

Oh no – what have I done? Everything is on the floor, and I feel somewhat embarrassed for what I’ve done…

The feeling of anger transforms into empathy –

“Sorry, I’ll pick it up for you.”

As soon as I branch my hand out and laying myself to the ground, she whispered corrosively. “Don’t touch it”

What? You don’t want my help?

She repels my hand while I continue watching her collect all the instruments, then seeing her walking away with a slight murmur – “Stupid Briteria users.

She just… leaves me on the floor. Can this day get any worse?

I continue staring emotionlessly at the floor with incredulity, until Rion blocks my view. For some reason, I’m not surprised, but he offers his hand. “Here, grab my hand.”

I stare at him dreadfully and slap his hand away. “I don’t need your help. I’m not that weak.

Chapter 8 – Rion – Are we friends or enemies?

Tch, is that how you want to play Seobi? I’ve been trying to be nice t you, and this is how you react? To be honest, I can’t care less about the destruction of our home. Would it even give me a clue to the reason why I lost my memory? Because, honestly, that’s the only thing I care about, other than the reason why Britenzo is gone.

I walk ahead, leaving Seobi about ten metres behind me. She deserves to be left –

I mean, she doesn’t want my help so, that’s fine with her.

I won’t help you then. That’s fine with me – it just makes me know that you’re not worthy to be helped by me.

… Singing? Do I hear singing?

Suddenly, the anger I have for her shifts into a rather astonished mood. I overhear the sound of cheering, as if a performance is going on. I continue following the source of the sound as it leads me to the centre of the city. An audience gathers around a stage in front of a large fountain.

And there she is – my favourite performer, Emelseah Thompson.

She’s a famous celebrity known across Britoniah. I love her voice and her extraordinary looks. There was one time when I attended another performance of her, and she was offering a guy to dance with her. With passion, I was chosen. The audience continues cheering for her with such joy, as if there’s no sadness at all in this world –

“You go Emelseah!”

“Thanks guys!” I heard her cute voice.

I stand a distance away from the audience and feel myself being entertained by the song she’s singing. Through my sides, I hear an individual sitting herself down on a chair nearby.

It’s Seobi.

She doesn’t like music for some reason. All that she told me was – ‘… it hinders you from your religion. Except, you completely forgot everything, so why would you care?’

Religion… to be honest I have no clue to what that is.

Suddenly, I hear Seobi mutter something. “Is she really that interesting?” she expressed it in such careless satisfaction.

After I told her that I lost my job, I had this new feeling for her – a feeling of empathy. But due to the way she reacted to it, I don’t think she deserves it at all.

Meh, who cares about that fat cow?

I look away from her carelessly, and continue watching the amazing performance. Surely, when a dance is performed in synchronisation, it just looks so fantastic! Have I ever have an ambition to becoming a dancer? No, no, that will be horrifying. Plus, I won’t be able to help people when they need it. Being a hero is my first priority.

The music unexpectedly leads to a halt, and then Emelseah begins speaking out. “Hey guys!” She announced with great passion. “I’m getting married!”

Huh? She’s getting married? To whom?!

In an instant, the guys in the audience fall to the ground in flabbergast, while the girls cheer for her. Out of the crowd, one of the guys ask her who she’s being married to –

“You all know him – he’s name is Jeon!”

Jeon! He’s that other male singer who’s always performing solo-songs!

Now, the girls fall to agape, and the guys cheer for him.

But then, something else through my sides catches my attention =

“… Dogs...” Seobi muttered.

Dogs? The closest thing to a dog is you, Seobi. When you get angry, you act like a dog taking down its prey.

I avoid Seobi’s figure, and ignoring what she said. I watch a man from the crowd emerge and approach Emelseah to deliver a kiss on the cheek.

Wow! That guy is lucky!

A slight feeling of jealousy hits me, but I’m sure I’m not fit for someone like Emelseah. She’s in a completely higher league than I am.

Yeah – it’ll take years to get out of this league I’m in…

The crowd falls into a mixture of shouts and cheers, while I just stand in my spot, keeping silent.

I guess by standing here, I’m not progressing on helping Britenzo.

Well – I’ve put it on a lower priority, and I know that the Knights of Junquious will find him soon anyway.

I turn around, looking for where Seobi went, then finding her about ten metres ahead of me. “Wai-wait up!” I began chasing after her.

Why is she leaving me? Does she want to go look for Britenzo now? If she does, why doesn’t she work together with me?

Did we confirm that we would?

Then when I finally catch up, I grab her shoulders and express my annoyance. “What’s wrong with you?

Wow – why are you so mad?

Instantly, she spins her body rigorously to my direction. “Can you just stop bothering me? God” She expressed her words vehemently.

Then, the dilemma hits me –

Should I stay watching the performance, or go after Seobi? Come on man –

I turn around, and take a few steps forward for Seobi. “Hey, wait up!”

I find myself in Brigadonia by following Seobi. She takes a deep breath, and lies down on the grassy floor. “… So, we came all this way to take a rest?”

Obviously, she ignores me. Oh well, I think girls are like that. Ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore all day!

“Yeah, that’s right Seobi, keep ignoring me.” I muttered sarcastically in annoyance.

Wait – when I think about it, the only girl I’ve spoken to is Seobi. I’m sure there are nicer girls out there, like Emelseah, but Seobi is just retarded.

Hmm, there aren’t many things to do here. Doesn’t she know that I’m here to comfort her? I mean, just yesterday I lost my job, didn’t I?

And I was just hanging around in the city for hours, not doing anything!

I did that, because I wanted to avoid her and continue hiding the secret…

It turns out it was a bad move, so I thought it would be okay for me to comfort her after she realised that I lost my job!

Well, she probably doesn’t realise it. So – oh well, I’ll just go. If she doesn’t want to get comforted, then I’ll just go.

“Alright, I’m going to stop comforting you. Bye!” I said with careless satisfaction.

And then, I hear her muttering. “Tch, comforting? Go away, imbecile.”

Did she just call me an imbecile again?

Oh well. Stuff her.

I take a step forward, rotating my body, and journeying my way back to Junquious. Ha, I wonder when Seobi will ever grow up.

Ignore me aye? Yeah, do that. In the future, I bet you’ll do that to your husband, imbecile.

So, I’ll probably watch the performance again once I get back to Junquious. Emelseah is so pretty! I wish she was my wife! But, she’s like, twelve years older than me.

Haha, that’s kind of scary!

The atmosphere suddenly gets so silent once I leave Seobi.

Oh – well, is she following me now? What are those sounds from my back?

Out of the blue, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around, thinking that it’s Seobi, but realising that no one’s there.

That’s odd.

I find myself shrugging, and continue my journey back to Junquious.

I arrive in the eastern district, but finding no one around.

Strange – why is it empty?

Wow! What was that?!

I feel the wind of an object fly pass my face and pinning the ground. It’s a knife –

With fear and compelling shock, I look at the dead-sharp blade once again and consider how lucky I was for it to have just missed me.

That was indeed, really close.

But, can this person take me?

I mean, take on someone like ‘me’?

“Hey, wherever you are, I’m not an easy target you know!” I said with such eloquence to diminish my fear.

Then instantly, more of those knives pierce the air around me from all directions.

Okay, screw that! I’m running!

I run to a random direction ahead of me, avoiding them and finding myself in an alleyway randomly. What’s going on? Geez – those knives certainly can kill!

Oh wait – I think they were meant to kill me.

As I stick my body to the wall, a feminine figure runs towards the alleyway I’m in and hides inside like me. Wait a second –

“What are you doing here, Seobi?”

“What are you doing here?”

“No, I asked first.”

Suddenly – the both of us are hypnotised by the sound of running footsteps.

The sound dominates the silent atmosphere, and it gets louder and louder – closer and closer. As Seobi and I pin ourselves to the walls of the alleyway, a small group of people – including Emelseah, surprisingly – run in such fast pace pass the entrance of the alleyway. Strange, why isn’t Emelseah doing her performance?

“Come back Reaperion!” I heard Emelseah’s voice of vehemence. I wonder what’s happening. I release myself from the walls of the alleyway, while Seobi watches my every move.

“What are you doing?” She muttered. I depart the alleyway slowly and find myself on the clean concrete path. Those guys… I have to follow them.

“Seobi, let’s go.” I grabbed her hand and running rigorously through the same tracks as Emelseah and her group took.

But then, something else takes my attention –

My hand, I’m no longer holding Seobi’s.

“Seobi, let’s go!”

… She isn’t responding. And for some reason, she’s looking down on the hand that I grabbed.

Why? Did it hurt when I grabbed you? Well someone needs to work on their muscles!

But as soon as I put myself back to my running pace, they disappear into another alleyway. Damn it Junquious, why do you have to have so many alleyways?

We both begin following their tracks again, but halt at a Y-intersection.

“Do we go left or right?”

Suddenly, we both hear the sound of screaming from our right. I take a step forward, until Seobi pins me to the wall.

What?!” I expressed my astonishment. “Shh –”

I wonder a bit – why did she pin me to a wall near the entrance of the intersection?But then, I realise that there are two individuals at the right side of the intersection that we were going to run towards.

And now, we’re eavesdropping.

There’s a girl on the floor with vermillion hair, probably in the same ages as Seobi and I. In front of her, I see a black-haired male adult resting his hands on his waist and leaning his head close to the girl on the floor.

It seems like, she’s being interrogated.

And luckily, they can’t see us. We’re still hiding ourselves behind a wall on the entrance of the intersection. They were still about twenty metres away from us.

“If you ever escape again, I’ll truly shed your blood on my blade.” The man expressed a tone of vehemence.

“What’s the point?” We both heard the girl in desperation and fear. “You’ll still kill me if I stay where I am!”

Wow! She’s really helpless! We have to help her!

Suddenly, Seobi and I both jump in shock after hearing the sound of metal falling to the floor. “I want to go home…” I heard her echoing one of fear once again.

We both continue standing on our spot silently with guilt building up in both of us.

Who is that man? Could he be the reason why people are missing, by any chance?

That’s just a simple guess – but despite that, I have to help this girl. I’m a hero, so shouldn’t I have the protection of the girl as my first priority? Suddenly, we both hear the sound of a manly scream.

Seobi and I turn around in shock, and find the young girl placing her mouth on the man’s hand, and biting it as hard as she can. The man exclaimed his horror, he releases his hand, finding it bleeding, and let’s go of the young girl as she flees to our direction.

She’s coming to our direction.

Seobi and I look at each other in a fast pace, and planning to take action as soon as possible. “What do we do?”

I don’t know! What do we do?!

“Damn it, where are the Knights?”

Instantly, the young girl passes us without even realising we were there. “Seobi, go tell the Knights.”

Oh – that felt pretty good saying that!

“I’ll stop this guy for now!”

Okay, I’m screwed.

Seobi instantly nods and disappears to the central district.

Alright – just do your best, okay?

I prepare my fists, and being ready for a barraging.

Oh no! Duck!”

The teenage girl continues running, until I see an object suddenly fly through the air and striking her back rigorously. She falls to the floor, and I stay in my position, preparing to deliver my first strike to the man. Without thinking, I stick my foot out and successfully tripping the man –

Wow, aren’t I lucky?

As I see the man hit the floor violently, I jump on his back with haste and disarming the swords he was holding. I take one, and locking his head with my right arm to the floor. I gesture at the young girl, and exclaimed.

“Run! It’s your chance!”

As soon as I said that, the man throws a chain to the young girls’ leg, and locking her in position.

No you don’t!

With his other free hand, he pushes the ground to lift himself from the immobilised position I caused. I fall off his back, with a slight expectation, and seeing the man turning around to kick my figure at a random direction.

Damn it! That hurt! How did he recover so quickly?

He strikesme vigorously on the bricked wall; feeling myself slightly stunned by the impact.

At this moment, I know that I’m not being a hero. I’m just being an idiot – or as Seobi said, an imbecile.

The man walks up to me slowly with such a vehement look. On his hand I see a chain leading to the ankle of the young girl being pinned to the floor.

He picks up one of the swords that I disarmed from him earlier.

And now, when I look at the blade, it looks rather… unusual.

The material is made from such a purple, luminescent colour with numerous red veins engulfing it.

Rion! You’re stalling for too long! Get back to your guard!

As I attempt to regain my posture from the bricked wall, I feel his hand clench my neck and lifting it up to the air.

“… Are you really a Bayerische?” He muttered silently.

What the heck are you saying…?

Then instantly, he drops me to the ceramic floor as if I’m a stick.

Am I Bayerische? What’s that supposed to mean?

Suddenly, he prepares the sword with the odd, crystallised purple texture, and plunges it into my –

I scream in agony.

My shoulder is experiencing so much pain –

It’s just so excruciating, and I’ve never felt a feeling like this before.

It really hurts – it hurts so much!

The pain is immense! And I can feel it piercing my bones and my muscle!

Oh no – what is he going to do?!

As the purple crystal blade stays inside my shoulder, I suddenly scream in pain –

He strikes the blade vertically downwards slowly, and feel as if my parts of my arm have been lashed off –

It hurts! It hurts! Stop it!”

Please! Seobi, help me!

Then, as he bestows immense strength on his hilt, he plunges it downwards abruptly –


It caused my right arm to – no, and I can’t feel it anymore – I can’t feel my right arm!

My arm… my arm…

Please, someone help me.

It hurts so much! The pain is excruciating!

I open my eyes, and find blood sprouting rigorously out of my right shoulder – and fear bolsters inside my heart.

As I look beside the foot of the man, I see my right arm separate from my body.

He slashed my arm off.

I look at it with such compelling fear and pain. Screaming my throat out with the muscles I still have left in my body.

My vision starts to blur out, and I can feel a strong migraine emerging from the back of my head. I think… I’ve lost too much blood.

Oh – have the Knights finally arrived?

In my blurry view, I see two individuals in the distance –one with red hair and the other with blue. I hear one of them call out my name, but I can’t even distinguish whose voice it is.

I see the man’s face right in front of mine – except, it’s all blurry. I close my eyes again, leaving my body to recuperate itself –

Until –

His face flies off metres away by a kick.

“Don’t you dare touch Rion!” I heard Seobi exclaim vehemently.

She comes to my aid and I hear her gasp dreadfully.

She probably saw my shoulder.

I can feel her hand on the part of my arm that’s still left, and it’s as if she’s blocking the loss of blood.

Then suddenly, she grasps my other hand tightly –

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you. Please don’t die.”

She’s here for me…? Please don’t die? Seobi, you don’t usually say those things to me.

Please work! Please work!”

Suddenly, I hear the rapid, incredulous breathing of Seobi. It’s as if she’s hyperventilating, for me.

For me… she’s putting all this effort for me.

I can even feel her tears falling to my shirt.

I continue to hear her reciting verses of some sort, and finding her to burst into tears after each one.

I guess…it isn’t working?

“No! Why?!” She expressed her incredulity. “No! Not now! Please!”

Then suddenly, she halts her recitation and begins murmuring calmly.

“Mummy... how did you do it?”

Mu-mummy?! I’ve never heard that from her before!

As my eyes continue to be closed, I feel the splatter of blood pounding on my face. I start to regain my view, and seeing Seobi’s figure covered by blood. Though, the blood wasn’t from my shoulder, but it was from her hand.

There’s a large wound on her hand.

It looks like some sort of symbol –

Chapter 9 – Seobi – I’m more than a doctor

Why can’t I at least seal the part of his shoulder where his arm came off? Why did it work on a dog, but not on an actual human being? Just the moment when I needed it most, it doesn’t work!

Damn it – is it because the last time I did such a thing, was almost a week ago?

If I hadn’t of left school, I guess I would still be quite sure how I was to do the cure.

What did Annelie tell me in those classes? What did Priscilla tell me?

Come on, despite it being sometime ago, I should still remember how to perform the cure!

No, this can’t be happening! No! I can’t lose Rion, he’s the only person I have left in my family!

Even though he’s lost his memories for the second time, I still need to protect him! I don’t’ care if he’s lost his memories! He needs to be alive with me!

Despite him being a jerk, he still needs to be with me!

… He’s still a human being and he’s someone who I’ll never leave behind!

There must be a way for me to cure him!

I don’t care about anything anymore now! I don’t even care if the man who did this to Rion is right behind me!

I know that Rion is currently losing too much blood, since his face is pale as a sheet of paper!

Does the curing only seem to work if there’s a certain amount of blood in the human body? Damn it – if only my family was here, this wouldn’t have to happen. If we actually lived a proper life, this wouldn’t have to happen. I want them all back – I want my family back! I want to relive those times I had with everyone!

And why is that symbol appearing on my hand again?

It’s the same symbol that caused the cat to explode on my first day of school!


No. I don’t want Rion to explode!


I find myself slamming the ground in anguish –


Wait – what did I just do?!

A blue fluorescent light suddenly engulfs me, and the ground around me disperses into atomic bits.

I also find my skin glowing so brightly.

Wait a second – I don’t feel angry anymore – and it’s as if all of my fear and anguish disappears instantly by these beautifying luminous lights surrounding me.

These illuminating particles merge together on the part of Rion’s arm that’s cut off, and forming a bright blue coloured stone.

… Oh my god – this is amazing…!

I stare at it; and feeling as if I haven’t blinked for the past dozensof seconds –

“That’s incredible…”

These particles then reassemble and take the shape of –

My arm… it’s coming back.”

His arm… I’m reconstructing his arm!

It’s amazing!

I watch Rion moving the arm that was created by the luminescent particles – rotating, flexing his fingers and lifting his elbow repeatedly. And then suddenly, his pale skin colour takes over the blue texture.

Oh my god – what did I just do?

Seobi… thank you.”

Surprisingly, Rion regains his posture in front of me.

I did it… and I think that, this isn’t the power of curing, but it’s the power of Briteria.

And Rion thanked me again. Just like, how he was, before Priscilla disappeared…

Wait – Rion! Don’t be too hasty!

Rion runs towards the unusual man who’s still in devastation from what I did, and plunges his fist straight into his abdomen. By the impact, the man releases the chain that was pinning the young teenager from her freedom and takes a few steps back with devastation. He stops as soon as his behind strikes a wall – then digging into his pocket and smashing a dark stone to the concrete floor and pauses for a bit.

“… Briteria users.”

A dark gaseous texture surrounds him and dissipates through the atmosphere, leaving no remains.

We’ve done it.

I stay on the floor, engulfed by the pure amazement at what I just saw.

I’m a Briteria user – and yes, I agree. But is that what it meant?

Could it be that, those particles roaming in the air before were Briteria? And I was the one controlling them?

I’m part of the Shwanseah family – and this is what I’m good at!

This was the talent that Brizenska Shwanseah – the first ancestor in my family – had!

And now, I have that talent too!

Oh my god! Rion! I’m so happy!

I regain my posture and find myself subtly expressing a delightful smile to Rion. He scans the arm that I reconstructed, and approaches me in haste.

“H-How did you reconstruct my arm?” I sensed how bewildered he is.

I examined his arm once again, and finding that it looks as if it’s supposed to be a part of him.

I take his other arm, and finding them to be both identical. I’ve finally done it. This is my profession!

Seconds later – I find myself jumping on my feet repeatedly.

“I can’t be still from what I did!”

Oh my god! I’m so happy! Could this be the reward from all of those tests I came across?

Ha! I love myself! I can reconstruct Rion’s arm, finally! That means I can almost cure anything! Anything!

I feel so passionate about what I did that I find myself pushing Rion to a wall and running off to an opened area, with my eyes closed and my arms branching out to the sky.

“I reconstructed someone’s hand!”

Am I okay?

As soon as I regain my sanity, I find the young red-haired girl standing in front of me.

“M-M-My back –”

I wonder why she was being pursued. Why was that man after her?

Oh no! Are you okay?

Suddenly she falls to the floor, and I find a small blade plunged into her back. I come to her aid –

“I’ll have to take it out first, alright?”

“Y-yeah, okay.” I sensed how weak she is.

As soon as I grasp the hilt of the blade, she grabs my arm in fear.

Don’t worry – I’ve got this.

“Do it quick…”

In an instant, with the fastest pace, I take the blade out, feeling her repel the feeling of pain intensely by shaking abruptly. I toss the blade away from her, onto the floor –

“Th-thanks again.” She expressed such a weak, soft voice as I fill up the wound on her back with the blue luminescent particles once again.

See? I’ve got everything under control! And that’s all because of these particles!

I grab her hand to manifest my care for her, and looking straight into her eyes of purity. “You’re welcome.”

Rion emerges from her behind, happy for his health, and crouches beside both of us.

“So, who was he?” Rion began.

The two of us stare at each other for a few seconds, until the girl beside us begins to speak.

“He’s the reason why people are missing in Junquious.”

That man… is the kidnapper.

Could he also be the reason why Britenzo is gone as well?

If so, this is a good start to the investigation!

Out of the blue, Rion takes her shoulders and looks at her eyes vehemently.

What’s his name? Was Britenzo with you?”

Damn it Rion, give her a break! He didn’t even ask her about her welfare at all!

“Rion! Stop, she needs to take a rest.” I manifested my empathy for her.

“I don’t know his name… and I don’t know who Britenzo is.”

Well of course! How is she meant to know who Britenzo is, even if the kidnapper was actually the man who we encountered before?

“You have to be kidding me!”

Seriously Rion? Just stop already!

Regardless of how incredulous you are about this, you should hold what you say!

With the tension building up on my spine, I take action once again –

“Shut it, Rion.”

I turn my head again to the girl as she begins to speak once again. “I’m Frilldert Lurina, by the way.”

Frilldert Lurina…?

A door opens in my heart, welcoming the new bond of someone –

“I’m Seobi Shwanseah” I take out my hand and shaking Frilldert’s to enhance my introduction. “The guy behind you is Rion Bayerische.”

“Oh, hello.” She greeted Rion politely. “So, you two are from Brigadonia, right?”

Is that… an issue?

“Yep.” I agreed as I shun my slight annoyed feeling. To be honest, I don’t know how I’m feeling annoyed. “So that means, you know about the destruction as well?”

“Yeah, I do. I researched quite a bit of it before I got taken by that freak.” She ended her phrase with a rather serious tone. “Then, once I saw you reconstructing his arm, I kind of expected it from you.”

What? She expected it?! She knew more about me than I do!

Well actually, that’s quite understandable I guess –

Since the Shwanseah family had the special ability to cure wounds. She must’ve suspected something out of the ordinary to come from a Briteria individual like me. Though, I’m still obscure to what the Bayerische and Jeutonburg family can do –

I just, forgot.

“So you know that I can already manipulate Briteria?”

“Yep, exactly. All Briteria users can, right?”

Briteria users... I’m one, but why exactly are we called ‘Briteria users’? Is it because we have the Briteria in our blood, that it makes us have these phenotypes?

Is it because we can use these Briteria?

“Frilldert, what’s Briteria?” I began with intrigue.

“Briteria is the ore that the whole Britoniah fought for in The War of the Britoniah’s Cataclysm.”

That name… I’ve heard it. Annelie’s mentioned to me when I was in the library with her. It’s basically the reason why we Briteria individuals exist. I remember her stating that the four individuals – Brizenska Shwanseah, Salzburg Neuschwenstein, Britelza Bayerische and Falkenstein Jeutonburg – stole an artefact from the king. We didn’t know if they did that for the sake of mankind’s safety, or they did it to lust for power; but now, according to Frilldert, the artefact was Briteria. Since she stated ‘ore’ then I can conclude that it’s a material.

“Do you know why they fought for it?” I kept my tone still and steady with intrigue. “All I remember is that the king back then, wanted it because it looked… beautiful. It was more of a demand than gold, considering the blue luminescent light that it emits when it absorbs sunlight.”

I stare at her eyes in astonishment. The king wanted it for only its looks?

I guess I can also assume that the four individuals took it away from him because it beheld some sort of deadly power – and that deadly power were the abilities of the three Briteria families; where I know now, that the Shwanseah family are able to manipulate it to cure sicknesses and wounds.

Could it be that, this is also the result of our physical characteristics?

“So the bad guy, was the king?” I sensed ambivalence in my words.

“I think so…”

Oh – so then my family were heroes, then?

She suddenly then focuses her eyes onto mine – as if she’s prepared to ask something big. “Would you like to help me save the others?”

Saving the others…

So, there must be much more people who are missing, I’m assuming.

Well – even the General as well…

“Please! With your ability to cure, we’re unbeatable!”

Hmm… I’m not exactly sure yet –

She even has her arms branching out like that. I mean, maybe we might have a chance.

I guess that if we’re able to save Britenzo and the others, Rion and I will be in for a big reward. But, how can we even accomplish it with just us? The kidnapper, the man whom we just encountered, literally ripped Rion’s arm off. Plus, curing takes a while to proceed – and I guess that’s a hindering factor. And maybe, he’s already thought a way to counteract my ability.

Between Rion and me, and Frilldert as well, I’m the only one that can heal the wounds of them both. If I was to die, or fall into a severe pain strong enough for me to not even cure myself, we’ll all end up losing our lives.

So, why don’t we just simply call the Knights over to help us?

How about we seek help from the Knights of Junquious?”

“No, we can’t. If we were to bring a large group of people towards where they are, or even soldiers as visible as they are, the culprits will flee and hide themselves somewhere else. That’s why I preferred for only us four to go.”

Wait – did she just say ‘four’?

“… Four?”

“Yeah, the reason why I was able to escape from that captivated place was by the help of another individual. I don’t know his name, but he had quite high-class arsenals to fight off the one who kidnapped me.”

“Do you know where he is now?”

She pauses for a bit, then looking away as if something is bothering her.

“I don’t know… but I know he’ll come. He was professional enough to free over ten hostages out of thirteen.”

I express my amazement and subconsciously covering my mouth with my hand.

Ten out of thirteen? There were thirteen people kidnapped?

That’s outrageous!

But as for that person, he must be incredible! That’s a true hero!

“That’s quite a bit, isn’t it? And he’s the only person?”

“Yep. That’s right.”

But, those last three – I wonder who they are? Hopefully Britenzo is there, and maybe Kepunzel too. Where did Kepunzel go, actually? Did he really get kidnapped?

… But as for performing this investigation –

I wonder if Rion will want to join us – actually, no doubt about it, he’ll want to.

Yeah – lets’ do this. I have the courage, and I’ll have it when I do it.

So let’s do it as soon as possible before I lose it.

With my vehemence, I take Frilldert’s hand –

“Alright, let’s do this.”

Its sunset now and we all agree to meeting up tomorrow in the morning outside of Rion and my hotel. As soon as we all disperse back to our homes, I think continuously about how I reconstructed Rion’s arm.

Without knowing, I turn around and face the area where Rion lost his arm.

Wait – what’s that?

I find Rion’s old, rotting, previous arm still lying there on the floor – dried up, dissipating away and surrounded with his blood.

... It’s disgusting. But, there’s something that catches my mind...

I approach it with no one else around, and see it deteriorating and dissipating slowly.

It’s like its reacting to the air around it. As if, the particles around it are taking parts of it away…

But then… I remember something…

Why was Rion always holding this arm whenever I got close to him back then? What happened when I saw Rion with Priscilla in the main oval of the school?

… Is it the needle?

I look closer at the arm and stare at the part of it that’s been cut off. With all the blood dried up, I see a cross sectional view of the insides of his arm.

Yuck – I guess it disgusts me slightly – but I’m compelled by intrigue.

I find another two layers of muscle before it reaches the skin surface –

Wait, that’s not muscle.

One layer is bright blue, while the other takes a dark-purple texture.

It looks like rock.

Then instantly, the arm vaporises into the atmosphere –

I arrive home with Rion already eating his dinner. As soon as I take my shoes off and lying down on my bed, I’m caught by Rion suddenly turning his face to my direction.

“Seobi, umm...”


“You’re truly amazing. How did you reconstruct my arm?”

He just complimented me. And, I can tell he was quite shy to say it.

It reminds me of the Rion when Priscilla was around.

And it also reminds me of the time when we were both together in Brigadonia.

Other than that, it’s strange to see him complimenting me now. It feels weird to hear Rion do that.

But I guess he might be changing again? What if so?

Then again, what if he changes back to the rebellious Rion as soon as I form a good relationship with him?

I can’t keep my hopes up.

I lift my legs off the bed, and approaching him to examine his new arm once again. I don’t know what to say to him – but a compliment back will be sufficient.

“Rion, you’re truly amazing too.” I muttered. “You have so much courage to save others. You’re truly becoming a hero.”

Suddenly, he represents an awkward expression, and looks away instantly. “No, I’m an imbecile who doesn’t think before he does something!”

I feel slightly regretful for not denying he isn’t an ‘imbecile’.

Chapter 10 – Rion – The Impeccable Strength of a Team

Its ten AM in the morning now and Frilldert still hasn’t arrived yet. In the meantime, Seobi waits outside while I come back into the hotel hall to read some kid-stories to pass time. I look around the hall to see others registering rooms, and parents reading books to their young ones. I approach the kids-corner and take a random book to read.

Honestly though, I’ve never read these kinds of books in my life. They’re used to educate young children right? Am I considered as a young child if I’ve forgotten my memories?

The first book I take is called ‘The Bully Reaperion – written by Vaxia Alexandre.’

Wait – Reaperion? I think I’ve heard that name … yesterday, when Seobi and I were fleeing for our lives into an alleyway, and hearing Emelseah run pass us with a group and calling his name.

I flip the first page, and start reading. It’s a cardboard kid-style book about a group of kids being bullied by the magician Reaperion. The book resembles him as a man with red eyes and a magician hat, while the kids are completely innocent. It starts off with two of the kids visiting an individual’s house, doing the ‘trick-or-treat’ (as its Halloween in the book), then running off back to their house joyfully. In the glamorous night, an individual with a black magician hat approaches the kids from behind silently. “Hey, kids!” I felt the grotesque feeling. “Here, have this! It’s tasty, tasty! Take a bite that’s bright! Taste it as much as you can, because you know what’s right!”

The kids accept it and replace their candy with Reaperion’s. “Yum – yum – yum! Sure, it’s tasty – tasty! Can I have some more?”

“Sure – sure – sure! You’ll just be a little sore!”

Reaperion watches them with a grotesque smile and sees them doze off in the dark night. They consume it even more, and more vigorously, until they end up falling asleep. Reaperion then goes through their bags and takes the candy that they had initially, and leaves silently.

... What did I just read?

The message basically prevents kids from taking candies from strangers, despite it being Halloween. I don’t even know what Halloween is, but surely, I will never receive any candies from people who I don’t know.

Because they’re all fat cows.

Finally, I hear Frilldert arrive. I exit the hotel and see Seobi and her together, looking at me delightfully.

Well, Seobi looks happy today. Shouldn’t she be scared?


“Oh, hello Rion.” Frilldert greeted passionately.

I look at the contents behind Frilldert’s back from the distance, and see an arrow quiver and a large wooden bow.

“Archery…?” I suddenly blast in laughter.

“What’s wrong with that…?” Frilldert expressed her puzzled tone. “I stole it from an old archery school on the southern district. You should be proud of me!”

“Wait – do you even know how to shoot an arrow?”

“Yeah, you just pull the band back and, ka-bwem!” Frilldert gestured an explosion with her hands.

Bows were a weapon used years ago in the traditional times to hunt down animals. Now everyone has guns and projectile-launchers.

How can a single bow be sufficient to take down someone like the kidnapper?

“Come on, let me use it! Please! I got nothing else. Without a weapon for myself, I’m useless. I’m not strong as you, Rion.”

“I only have a kitchen knife.”

“Yuck! Rion, make sure that you don’t use it again for cutting the vegies if we do end up coming back!”

Come on Seobi – I’m not ‘that’ dumb…

“You also got your fists! And my fists are soft as pillows!”

Frilldert suddenly brings her fist up to the sky and represents her passion.

These two are so happy today. What if we… die?

Or are they bolstered with confidence because of that ‘fourth’ member?

Despite the effectiveness of her bow, the way Frilldert dresses totally suits it. It perfectly resembles her as an animal hunter.

“Alright guys, let’s go. I know the way.”

I watched her dash ahead of Seobi and me. We catch up with haste, and try to adapt to her fast walking pace.

“Can’t you slow down?” I complained.

“Sorry. There’s a bear on the loose kidnapping people!” She called out without even turning her head to look at me.

Finally, we walk pass the north gate of Junquious and see the full fields of green. I can feel the compelling fear amplifying as I continue following Frilldert.

Will I be able to do this?

Numerous trees make way for the path in front of us as if they were Knights giving way for their king. I fall into amazement by the amount of green present in the grass as it moves with the incoming breeze with such peace. I hear the sound of leaves moving about the trees, and the feeling of the breeze is so purifying – it’s as if all the fear that’s compelled on my mind suddenly fades away.

Like a leaf being taken away by the wind.

I branch my arms out, closing my eyes, and diffusing my figure into the wind and looking up at the sky of azure. I lay down my view, and see Seobi staring at me with a smile.

“… What are you looking at?” I muttered in suspicion.

I used to find it annoying when people looking at me like that. But, for Seobi, I think the feeling is a bit different.

“Haha” She laughed for a split second. “Nothing.”

We continue following Frilldert until she randomly reaches a stop in the middle of the forest. She turns around towards us as if she saw a ghost. “Guys, do you know how I said that it wasn’t a good idea to bring the Junquious Knights along with us?”

… Why am I feeling scared all of a sudden?

Seobi and I nod in intrigue. “Another reason was because – there’s a person who scouts Junquious and these forests.”

If there’s a scout in this heavenly forest, then I can assume that he’s the one that indicates whether or not the kidnapper should stay put where he is, or move about. And if it’s just us three, it would be harder for us to be recognised by the scout.

Wait a second –

“Frilldert, where’s the fourth person?”

Oh no – why is she lowering her head? Why does it seem like she’s not sure about what we should do?

“He’s – well – I don’t know.”

“What?” I expressed my incredulity. “What do you mean?”

“He’ll come. Trust me.”

He better come, or else my arm will be ripped off just like a chicken wing if I meet that guy again.

We continue following Frilldert, until she stops again close to a large bush. She steps over it, and I hear her footsteps to be soft as grass, then hard as wood. “It’s over here – the entrance.” I saw her hop continuously to manifest the presence of a wooden trapdoor leading to an underground area.

Guy...” I called out slightly.

As soon as Frilldert attempts to open it, I see something flying towards us in seconds –

Fear inclines my spine –

“Duck guys!”

The next thing I see is a man emerging from a high tree. He jumps off with immense strength on the soft grass, and revealing his figure.

Wait a second – what’s happening here?!

Why is he – no, this can’t be true!

I stare at his eyes, and find them to be vermillion like mine and Seobi’s.

“Bri-Britenzo, what happened to you?”

Since when did he get vermillion eyes? The last time I saw him, he was just… normal.

Oh – what’s with that stance he’s taking?

Suddenly, he takes out his blade, as if he’s preparing to challenge me.

“If you go through that trap door, you wouldn’t be able to leave.”

That tone he said it in...

It certainly sets a serious atmosphere.

Wait – was is he doing? Why is preventing us from accomplishing our mission?

I don’t want my best friend to be my enemy!

What’s going on?! He was taken, and now, he’s like this?! What’s with those eyes? What’s with that pale skin he has?! He’s not from the Briteria family!

“Rion! Why is he like this?”

“I don’t even know – he’s turned into one of us?!”

Without me realising, Frilldert takes a step in front of me and my attention is suddenly bestowed on her.

“Don’t try and stop us, or we’ll tell your boss that you’ve failed your mission.”

“Tch – either way, I’ll fail my mission.”

Wait – mission? What mission?

Is Britenzo the scout?!

“All I’m trying to do is help you, Rion!”

… Excuse me?

So he’s not my enemy?

“Don’t listen to the girl, she’s a maniac!”

Silence diffuses into the atmosphere, until Frilldert’s tiresome voice surrounds all of us. “Rion, this man” she points directly with her index finger at Britenzo. “… Helped in the kidnapping.”

I suddenly blink by Britenzo’s abrupt move –

Britenzo tosses a blade instantly at my direction, then leaping into the air to deliver a deadly kick to Frilldert.

No Britenzo!

As soon as I see her realise it, she jumps off to the air, searching the quiver for an arrow with haste, pulling the band back and releasing it to brandish the arrow straight towards Britenzo with incredible velocity.

He grunts, and falls to the floor by the striking impact. He rips the arrow out of his bare flash, then suddenly closing his eyes as if he’s performing an incantation.

With the Bio-tite replica, I call for you –”

Wh-What is he doing?

A dark energy engulfs Britenzo’s figure, until it collects onto the hand with the arrow. His pale skin begins to glow, and his red eyes begin to appear as crimson as ever. Suddenly, it disperses into atomic bits, and reassembles to form a purple-textured blade.

As I continue staring at it, I find red veins twitching repeatedly as if it’s taking pulses – as if it’s alive.

What did he just do?

He just reassembled the arrow into a weapon of his own!

That was pretty neat man! But what’s with Seobi’s and Frilldert’s bewildered expression?

“Since when were you a Briteria user?”

Excuse me?

Briteria user?!

Isn’t that the same as Seobi? But it’s odd – because, he’s not from our family.

Why is he able to do this?

Oh no…

What’s he going to do with that blade?

Frilldert, stand back!

In haste, I run towards Frilldert’s aid as Britenzo approaches her closer. I take her hand with haste, tossing her away from Britenzo and using myself as a human shield.

Come on – you’re a hero! Endure the pain for her, in order to save her life!

Instantly, Britenzo spins at his spot and leaps about a metre into the air to perform a charging kick at my face.

I duck with my reflex, and attempting to plunge my fist straight onto his abdomen as soon as his left leg falls to the ground once again.

No! How did he –

He catches my fist, crushes it with his bare hands, then striking my chest with the tip of his foot.

“You can’t beat me, Rion.” He said in a tone of rigor.

Why is he saying this? He’s my best friend!

I blink my eyes by the devastating impact, and drop to the floor with the excruciating pain.

But then – I find something rather hypnotising on his front –

… there’s an arrow.

“It-it burns.”

“I dipped the tip with Hydrogen Cyanide.”

What’s Hydrogen Cyanide?

With his eyes death-staring the arrow that’s plunged into his chest, he marches backwards in shock. “Neither of you can beat me –”

No Britenzo! Don’t get the wrong idea – well, with me, at least…

But then my guard is compounded by Britenzo charging a fearsome attack –

He strikes the ground by an impeccable force, causing his skin to glow and his eyes, then generating another layer of dark energy surrounding him to deliver parts of the Earth around him to crack. I see pieces of dust around him elevating itself slowly into the air, until they reassemble again into a round, three-metre radius shield.

That was… amazing. Can Seobi do it too? She’s a Briteria user too!

Wait – why am I amazed?! He made it to take us on!

Oh no – it’s coming! Guys, duck!

Without us realising, the shield jets through Frilldert and I. I watch her instantly rolling to the sides as if she dodges a meteor, while I find my body not moving an inch.

Huh? Why aren’t I moving?!

Am I bewitched by hesitation?

As I stare with amazement at the shield charging at me, Seobi takes my hand from my sides and tosses me to the floor violently. “Be more careful.” She muttered.

Seobi! Get down!

Suddenly, Seobi gets pushed by Britenzo’s figure. He takes my hand to forcefully regain my posture, then pinning his arm at my neck –

Britenzo – what are you doing?

… And head-locking me to prevent my every movement. “I’m telling you! Don’t go in there! He’ll kill you all!”

I’m for sure that he’s now trying to help us from reaching our danger. I guess I can say that I was scared to accept it, and I didn’t know what to do.

Frilldert also encouraged me to draw an attack.

As everyone focuses their attention on Britenzo, we all hear a sound coming from our behind.

The trapdoor is opening.

“What’s going on here?”

Who’s that…? And, why is it that I recog –

Wait a second – isn’t that the KIDNAPPER?!

Seobi and Frilldert focus their dead-set eyes on him, and reuniting in front of me. Britenzo lets go of me and pushes me with his back to join Seobi and Frilldert. “Britenzo, I thought we had a deal?” The kidnapper expressed through a peculiar tone.

“I can’t let you touch my friends! I had to stop them myself!”

… That malevolent laugh. It’s freaky.

The man starts bursting out in laughter, slapping the ground in front of him vigorously to manifest the so called ‘amusement’. “What a stupid man – but I guess, I suspected this from you.”

Suddenly, we all see an object flying to the sky, then encaging Britenzo’s feet. They’re shackles.

“Curse you!” Frilldert exclaimed her fury.

She takes my kitchen knife and charges it towards the man.

“No! Frilldert!”

With such strength, he strikes Frilldert’s neck effortlessly and begins to choke her. But through my sides, I see the shield which Britenzo brandished at me previously, and watch it colliding towards the kidnapper.

Frilldert is released instantly from her confinement, and then the shield strikes his figure dreadfully.

I guess that wasn’t anticipated…

The next second without realising it, I find the shield coming towards our direction –

“Watch out Seobi!”

I propelled my feet to push Seobi out of the way with haste. Though, the shield just hovers on top of us, and I hear Britenzo’s feet propelling from the ground.

What is he doing? Oh –

He flew away with the shield.

Now, it’s just us four.

Suddenly, the kidnapper approaches us fearlessly. With confusion indulging my spine, I see him taking an honourable bow. “Good morning users, I’m Vaxia Alexandre. The so called ‘kidnapper’, and researcher.”

Vaxia…? Doesn’t that remind me of something?

I fall into flabbergast, and reminding myself of that name.

Wasn’t he the one who wrote the kids book of Reaperion?

Out of the blue, I hear Seobi exclaim.

“Vaxia! Priscilla was looking for you!”

Wait a second – why has Seobi’s emotion suddenly changed?

Where have you been? Where’s Shamiya?”

“… Excuse me? Do you dare be so impudent to ask those questions?”

Wo-What? Impudent? Does he deserve a single bit of respect?

“Answer me!”

“The name Shamiya echoes in this body of mine – trembling the blood and causing it to act so vigorously. But Priscilla – I’ve never heard of that name.”

Who’s Priscilla? I guess I can say that I heard that name somewhere…

But I remember myself being a really odd place – a place with huge animated pictures.

Except, I think that was a dream. And dreams and imaginations can honestly ruin actual memories of the past.

“How about the book of the Britoniah’s Gate. Did you write that?”

“Indeed, I did. Except almost everything there is a lie.”

What are they talking about?

“A lie…?” I heard Seobi mutter in incredulity.

“That’s right. I wrote it in order to trick every single researcher in Britoniah, so that no one would know the true intentions of the Briteria users.”

It becomes silent, as if Seobi and Frilldert are processing the information so thoroughly. Though, I don’t even get what they’re talking about.

“What true intentions…?”

“Haha! We Briteria users will take revenge on all those people who rejected us!”

The ones who rejected us? Doesn’t that basically mean everyone in this world who aren’t from our Briteria family?

And that clearly means that Vaxia was from our family as well, right? According to what he’s saying.

Seobi and Frilldert exclaims in shock. Then, he approaches me slowly with such a grotesque smile.

“Looks like you had no ability to manipulate Briteria when I first saw you, Rion Bayerische.”

Manipulate Briteria? Just like Seobi? And how does he know my name?

“Or should I say…” I watched him deliver a sinister look at me. “The one who gave me the rotten watermelon.”

Huh?! Is that you?

I fall into shock – focusing my eyes straight into his with such vehemence. “You’re the one who got me fired.”

“What?” I heard Seobi from my behind. The man suddenly bursts into laughter of malevolence once again. “All I wanted was to see how you fight. I was surprised that you didn’t use it”

“Use what?”

“What else? You’ve got some similarities with your sister here.” He gestured at Seobi.

Huh? I can also reconstruct someone’s arm as well?

I stand there in wonder. What does this mean? Is there some hidden potential inside me too?

“Wait!” Seobi begins.

What is it Seobi? What are you planning to say?

“Last week – Rion saw your corpse in Brigadonia.”

What? No I didn’t. Well – I don’t remember.

“Rion saw you there! He told me! And now – why is it that Rion has forgotten all of his memories? I know you have something to do with it!

What...? I told her what? Since when? And will this really let me find out why I don’t remember anything?

The man keeps silent, and rests his hands on his hips.

“I can tell you I wasn’t at Brigadonia, and nor was I in Junquious.”

“Then tell me who you really are. You’re not Vaxia – because only Vaxia would have been in Brigadonia at that time! There’s only one Vaxia – and you must be an imposter!”

But he didn’t even see you there...”

“Rion and Priscilla were at Brigadonia at that time – he told me, he saw your corpse. If you’re saying that wasn’t yours, then you’re someone else!”

... He’s someone else? How did Seobi gleam to such a conclusion? What’s happening in that girls’ mind?

“That’s right – I am. And I’m quite amazed how you believed everything that jerk said, particularly when you weren’t even in the crime scene.”

“Of course I did – everything he said was truthful.”

“Well – I wasn’t there when he was at Brigadonia, I’ll say. The man, who saw Rion, and probably Priscilla, was there though. He put so much effort into that picture he drew of our master, and yet Rion never knew who it was.”

I don’t remember all of this! There was another man? Who drew me a picture? I don’t get it... I’m missing out on so many things! What’s going on?!

“It’s quite depressing really, I bet, for him. But other than that, I’m glad you weren’t in the crime scene or else the plan would have been destroyed.”

I see Frilldert jetting her legs towards Seobi to step between her and the kidnapper. “Why did you kidnap the others?!” She exclaimed with vehemence.

“You won’t understand – only the Briteria users will.”

No – Frilldert! Don’t take the wrong move!

All of a sudden, Frilldert prepares another arrow and strikes it straight to Vaxia. Without even realising it, he stops the arrow by catching it before it touched his face. “You lack precision, lady.”

I suddenly detect her eliciting a disgruntled expression.

Frilldert pauses for a bit and then folds her arms in obnoxious satisfaction. “Close your eyes, Rion and Seobi.”

Oh – okay. She’s got a trick up her sleeve, I’m guessing?

And then, there it is –

The arrow emits an extremely bright luminescent light that caused Vaxia to fall into a temporary blindness.

“What did you do!?” I heard him express his fury.

I leap to my feet, running pass Vaxia and aiming to dive into the trapdoor. But then, he grabs my leg and restricts my movement, causing me to fall straight to the ground.

Far out! Let go!

I grunt in pain, and watch Frilldert and Seobi in front of me with astonishment.

But behind them, in a distance of a few kilometres, I see something else that catches my attention.

Something else that catches my attention…

It’s the presence of blue hair.

The presence of another Briteria member!

He positions himself up a high mountain, and I see him preparing some sort of device at me. Suddenly, I hear a violent roar coming from there, with Frilldert and Seobi turning their direction to the source.

Oh no – is it aiming for me?!

A projectile was just shot from the device.

I duck, wishing that he would miss, and opening my eyes again until I feel the impact of it strike the ground behind me.

Vaxia’s arm is pinned by some sort of blue, diamond object.

Finally, I’m free. I regain my posture and reunite with Seobi and Frilldert as they watch the diamond object halting the movement of Vaxia. Seconds later, Frilldert takes both of our hands away to a distance, and we both hear a violent explosion caused form our behind.

Holy cow that me jump!

The diamond object exploded –

“You again.”

Did Vaxia just say that…? With that weak and damaged tone, as if he’s actually hurt?

“We’re saved…?”

Suddenly, more of those diamond-shaped bullets jet through the sky and striking Vaxia repeatedly in such a vigorous manner.

I think this is the cause of the ‘fourth’ member that Frilldert mentioned previously.

Vaxia had to do whatever he needs to protect himself – running up trees with such impeccable speed, jumping from tree to tree and finally striking the ground and attempting to catch the projectiles with his bare hands. The shooting leads to a halt, then Vaxia jets through pass us and into the trap door. We begin chasing after him with haste, until a man with bright red ribbons, and red, white and black suit of armour runs pass us instantly.

Wait a second – he looked rather familiar. With blue hair like Seobi’s it seems as if I’ve met him before despite me losing my memory.

My movement is suddenly stopped by another hand –

“Rion, did you see who it was?” I heard her soft voice.

“He looked familiar, didn’t he?”

Seobi then expressed a face of confusion. She’s probably confused that I knew who it was. Maybe she thought I forgot about him due to my memory loss? Unless, I met him after I forgot my memory –

“Come on!”

Oh – let’s go, Seobi!

We all jump into the trap door, and find ourselves in a dark and damp underground hall. To the sides, we see three individuals tied up to a wall by numerous chains.

It seems like there were heaps of people living here, due to the amount of chains pinned to each space of the wall.

I scan through the individuals who are captured – one’s a random individual in a formal suit, the other is a chef, and the final is –


Yep – thanks for defining it, Seobi.

Behind us, we all continue hearing the blasting of the diamond-shaped projectiles, and the rattling of chains. Suddenly, Vaxia leads to a corner by the ‘fourth’ member –

“… you got me.” Vaxia exclaimed in tire. “… Abrenite Shwanseah.”

Abrenite Shwanseah?! Yes! I remember him! He was with us when we escaped!

… But he’s alive? Didn’t he die saving us?

“Abrenite! That’s you?!”

Wow – Seobi, you’re tearing up!

Abrenite focuses his eyes on Vaxia and takes out an alien-like weapon studded with five diamond-shaped, sapphire-coloured stones. “I’ve got you.” He finally prepares his blade with his free hand.


“I give…” Vaxia muttered. “… Up.”

Wait – Abrenite! He’s lying!

Despite what he said, he suddenly picks up his blade instantly and charges it towards Abrenite. I watch his figure leap into the air and successfully avoiding the slash. I see the two in amazement – the way they fight is totally incredible.

Will I ever achieve this level of combat?

I see Vaxia’s vehement eyes still focusing on Abrenite’s flying figure. With the ability to move freely on the air, he suddenly performs a flip and prepares his alien-like weapon.

“… Brigandign!” I heard Abrenite mutter.

The diamond-projectile loads up, and he pulls the trigger to deliver a violent roaring sound that blasts my ears off to its limits. The projectile he shoots jets through the air and pierces Vaxia’s shoulder violently, causing him to be fully immobilised and gripped by the excruciating pain.

He falls to the floor in desperation, reacting to the torment of an object through his shoulder. “To think – I lost against you.” He muttered incredulously, then dropping his entire figure to the floor as if he falls unconscious.

“Abrenite! You came just on time!”

Oh – Frilldert and Abrenite might have a decent connection.

I mean, just by seeing Frilldert branch out her arms like that, what could it imply?

And well, he’s alive. And I thought he died.

I don’t get this.

What’s going on in this world? It’s like, the things that you see in your eyes, are merely illusions.

Suddenly, we hear footsteps behind us, and it’s the three who were still confined by chains before we arrived.

“Thank you, all.”

Yes – I guess I feel slightly relieved by hearing that voice again, despite it being soft and weak

But don’t worry General, we’re here.

But as soon as he said it, Seobi didn’t care about his presence. Instead, she runs towards Abrenite to expand her arms and wrapping them around him as well.

“Abrenite! You’re still alive!” I heard her crying of joy.

.. Uh – why do I feel hurt? Those arms around Abrenite – why do I feel hurt?

Suddenly, a new feeling strikes me –

I can’t describe it.

But I feel alone after what I saw.

I couldn’t do anything to express it – but for some reason, my eyes begin blinking repeatedly, as if I fell into incredulity from what I saw.

Without realising, I hear Frilldert approach me from my sides. “Thanks, you two” She performs a bow. “Let’s call the Knights over.”

I guess, everything is finally done. But, I still feel hurt after seeing Seobi…

… Do that.

Anyways, once we hand in Vaxia, what kind of reward will we get? How much cash was it again, Seobi? Was it two thousand?

… No I can’t stop thinking about Seobi.

What’s going to happen to me now? Now that Abrenite is here, Seobi’s spending more time with him than with me. I’m just, tagging along from behind.

We exit the Knights’ Academy and celebrate the reuniting of Seobi and Abrenite.

So I guess we weren’t the only Briteria individuals left. Maybe there are more?

To be honest, it doesn’t feel like a celebration at all – I mean, I’m left out. Seobi isn’t talking to me. But I guess I could say that it fills me up with content to see her continuously laughing and smiling passionately.

Wait – content? Am I feeling in content? Are you serious?

This doesn’t make sense. Not –a –single –bit.

While for Abrenite, he seems more talkative around Frilldert and Seobi, instead of speaking to me.

But… why though?

The only words he said to me were:

“Do you still remember me?” And,

“I’m glad you’ve been with my sister all this time. Thanks for taking care of her!”

And also – there were a few times when he expressed a sinister look towards me. Why though? I haven’t done anything, have I?

Unless he’s been watching me treat Seobi like trash all these years.

But despite how silent he is towards me, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. I can see how much he cares about his younger sister, actually.

Oh, there goes Seobi again, doing her ghostly laughter.

She’s really passionate about her brother – like a hyperactive fat cow.

Fat cow…?

Seobi isn’t a fat cow. Come on man, that’s ‘sad’.

Well, I’m glad she’s happy now. Though, I guess a normal person would feel quite joyful to see someone who has been separated from them for the past four years, particularly when they’re a siblings.

And I have to admit, the bond between the two is blatantly incredible.

They must’ve had enjoyable memories together back in the past – and that’s what’s important.

Except, I don’t remember my memories.

I don’t think I can ever experience the feeling that Seobi’s experiencing now.

And I don’t even have a brother. I think.

Chapter 11 – Seobi – Long Lost Brother

After four years, I’m finally reunited with my brother. It turns out, that Rion and I weren’t the only Briteria individuals left from our family. Maybe there’s more? Who knows?

Strange, I thought Abrenite disappeared after the destruction of Brigadonia? It happened during the day we were fleeing for our lives. Chunks of stone were falling from the sky and plunged every object it collided with.

It can be confirmed that the catastrophe was not done by nature, but by someone.

I mean, come on, rocks falling from the sky?

Brigadonia isn’t even near or on a valley, it’s up a large mountain in the southern hemisphere.

So what could have caused that unnatural destruction? Why were there rocks falling from the sky? Could it be, from the fall of the tallest structure within the Briteria region?

The cit-cit- something – or was it – citadel? But who knows – it might’ve been something else. So, I’m still left clueless to what caused that rock-storm.

That’s the thing that’s been deluding every bit of brain cell ever since it happened four year ago.

I remember that it was just a normal day – we were all doing our thing; studying, training for combat, celebrating the birth of children and even playing board games! I was fourteen years old, and so was Rion. From what I remember, I arrived to his room casually, and in fact, without knocking.

Actually, I used to knock on his door before I entered his room, but until we got close, that bit of dignity just dissipated away. That’s what I mean – we were close. I guess we still are, but that’s due to the catastrophe’s that happened – the death of everyone brought us together.

But back then, it’s as if nature brought us together to be close.

Then when I entered Rion’s room, I asked him if he wanted to do some activities to pass time – such as playing board games, doing the laundry, taking out the trash or even fishing. With my casualness, I woke him up after entering his room, then shaking his shoulder to get his attention. As soon as he opened his vermillion eyes, he looked at me with such confusion. The first thing he muttered was –

Who are you…?

Just by reminding me about those words he spoke still fills me up with anxiety - because, that’s the split second when my heart was destroyed.

He continued avoiding me and backing away as if I was some kind of demon. Though, I simply stood there in shock on that split second of time, and confused to what I should’ve said to him.

So with such a peculiar tone, I began introducing myself to him. “I’m Seobi…?”

Then, he spoke out the question that manifested a twist in my fate.

“Who am I?”

Instantly, I knew he wasn’t joking. With his clueless face, I knew straight away that he was being serious about his lost identity. I remember him scanning his hands, arms and limbs, and then looking towards me as if I was a stranger to him.

It hurt me so much, because the bond that took eight years to create suddenly disappeared in eight seconds.

I was severely shocked to what I saw, so I brought him to his parents to consider the situation more deeply. But then –

Before even reaching his parents, the storm of stones began.

The storm that twisted my destiny.

As it hit, the tranquillity that dominated Brigadonia disappeared instantly. The storm stroke every bit of object present on the ground, and splattering it vigorously – walls, roofs and every structure collapsed as each piece of rock obliterated its form, and family members falling to their deaths by the crushing weight.

In that instantaneous point in time, I was in the hall with Rion. Panting and panting as I look for an exit for the both of us. The walls around us were shattering, and there wasn’t much time left –

We ran vigorously with my hand stuck with Rion’s in fear, and finding any exit available. All the exits in the hallway were blocked by the obliterated rubble of the castle walls –

Until my brother, Abrenite came to save us.

He cleared the way with the drastic strength of his Briteria-formed weapon called ‘Brigandign’.

With his hand grasping mine, and mine grasping Rion’s we left the hallway and found ourselves in the grassy floor of Brigadonia, surrounded by the obliterated remnants of every structure that was standing before the storm.

Including the three family towers, the school and all of our homes.

With the strength that Rion and I had left, we approached the final gate that led us to the grassy fields; free from the violent carnage of the stones.

But without us knowing, and before even reaching the gate that day, a stone bombarded our tops. I screamed in shock, afraid that the weight of the rock would crush every skeletal bit of my body. But then, I felt that astonished feel of being lucky that I was alive.

Then suddenly, we were pushed through the gate.

I turned around and saw Abrenite being crushed by a large, five-tonne stone with all his limbs immobilised.

And I still remember that gripping feel of shock that caused my blood stream to tremble.

“Leave me, and live your life!” I remember him exclaiming in such a serious tone. I felt so guilty at that point in time. Not just because he’s rescuing my life for his, but because everyone rejected him in the Briteria family.

He was isolated from everyone else.

Everyone thought of him as a jerk that made stupid decisions.

Everyone knew him because he didn’t think before he did something.

Everyone knew him because he had no empathy for anyone.

The alien-like weapon that he carries is the formation of a rock – now that I know it’s Briteria – that beholds the soul of a dog we cherished long ago with our lives. But ever since Abrenite subjected him to an experiment with one of the members of the Jeutonburg family, he was turned into a weapon.

Back then neither of us knew the objectives of the one who performed the experiment on him, but Abrenite almost killed himself after seeing what he did. From then on, our entire family rejected him to the brink, except for me.

They all blamed it on him.

Despite myself having the feel of hatred clinging on my spine when I saw him back then, I still wanted to be by his side and continuously reminding him that he’s not alone.

And now, all of those dreadful feelings I had for him disappeared after realising that he’s still alive.

Yes, the last time I saw him was the split second when I left the remnants of Brigadonia.

He was crushed by one of the rocks that splattered from the sky –

So how did he escape? How did the gun-shaped object help Abrenite escape from a rock that was crushing, and immobilising him?

According to Abrenite, the gun-shaped object transfigured itself into a beast, a beast that the Briteria family calls the ‘Guardians of Brigadonia’, or the ‘Hyperdrillion’. Back in the days when we were bombarded by the striking power of the super faction during the War of Brigadonia, these things helped us.

I remember – in the history of Brigadonia – there were two wars.

The War of Britoniah was also known as ‘the Britoniah’s Cataclysm’ – where part of the island of Britoniah was transported to the new ‘dimension’ as they said, in order to run away from their malevolent king to protect the ore – which I know now is Briteria.

But then… The War of Brigadonia was completely different.

After the Britoniah’s Cataclysm, the three factions – Algerian Union, Sheng-Quishi Empire, Schneizal Kingdom opposed each other as majestic dominions. But as soon as the Briteria emerged, and after they realised that the cause of the Britoniah’s Cataclysm was because of the Briteria legion, the three factions joined together into a ‘super-faction’ and called themselves the Heiligen-Jaeger to fight them off.

With fear compelling them, they ravaged the new enemy called the ‘Briteria legion’ with never-ending aggression.

But all that the Briteria faction could do was to defend and fight back.

They’ve sent countless messages to them notifying that they don’t mean any harm, but the converged super-faction continued to ravage Britoniah until it was consumed by death.

But then …

Since the Briteria legion were the ones who discovered science in this world, their knowledge of technology was much more advanced, and on a different hierarchy than the ones that the Heiligen-Jaeger super-faction used.

I guess – one of these sources of defences was to put the death of people’s souls into weapons.

But they didn’t just have that – they also had the uranium warhead, and also the Hyperdrillion.

We used these Hyperdrillion’s to assist in overcoming order in society, and defending the Briteria family from those who rejected it.

From those who rejected it – the Heiligen-Jaeger.

The Hyperdrillion’s have the capability to manipulate themselves into the air by the roaming Briteria cells. They can also jet through the skies with uncontrollable thrusters embedded on their behind. Both wings and their neck are all connected by a centre body called the ‘shell’. At this point, the vertical stabiliser (the tail that points vertically upwards) is positioned at the very middle of the shell, where an individual grasps this part of the Hyperdrillion as they target their opponents with bow-and-arrows.

Then finally, after a few years of fighting, the war quelled by the victory of the Briteria legion.

It’s all because of the first ancestor of the Jeutonburg family – Falkenstein Jeutonburg.

Seriously, doesn’t he have a single bit of consideration for the life of our pets?

Their wings brandish the skies like birds, and their faces behold such a grotesque mask –

Text Box: RUDDERText Box: CHESTText Box: BRIGANDIGN -Scan0006.jpg

In our family, killed beloved pets of individuals are turned into these Hyperdrillion forms right after they experience death. It’s a tradition which the Briteria family practiced in order to fight back with the kingdom of Heiligen-Jaeger. So basically, even our pets were used as weapons of mass destruction by dismantling its corpses and somehow forming the Briteria beast – the Hyperdrillion.

They say, the soul of the pets are bestowed into the body of the Hyperdrillion –

I’m not sure if this is true or not, but how else did these animals manipulate themselves in the sky without any control of anyone?

They’re alive – and there must be something inside controlling its every move, because this is what saved Abrenite from the destruction of Brigadonia.

I find myself chewing on a piece of cheese cake while Abrenite finally takes a deep breath from the story he told. “Then yeah, thanks to Brigandign, I can see my sister again.”

Strange, he never said those kinds of things to me before –

“Thanks.” I muttered as I place my spoon on the table in front of me.

“Seobi, I’m not the only one who survived the destruction of Brigadonia.”

Oh – excuse me?

And then, the feeling of astonishment and intrigue crushes my mind. “Who else survived?”


Reaperion Jeutonburg –

That name overcomes me with comfort for some reason.

Without realising, I find Rion’s eyes of intrigue focusing on our conversation.

Does he remember him by any chance?

He was a rather generous and modest individual who had so much empathy for others. Though, he had a terrifying reputation for performing experiments.

Then suddenly, a memory hits me –

“Wasn’t he the one who experimented on Elza, and failed?”

I can’t believe it. That was depressing – and it still is.

“That’s right.”

“Who’s Elza, Seobi?” Frilldert expressed in a peculiar tone.

“Elza was…” Suddenly, I realisemy eyes moving to Rion’s. “… Rion’s cat.”

“… I had a cat?”

“Reaperion Jeutonburg” Abrenite began. “A scientist who followed the traditions of Falkenstein Jeutonburg to fight off the Heiligen-Jaeger’s by producing weapons of mass destruction. But instead of using animals which have already experienced its deaths, he used the living for tools of murder.”

… What? Reaperion did such a thing? I mean, he did more to other animals other than Elza?

Wait a second – I knew that he had malevolent beliefs of casting experiments on subjects, but other than that wasn’t he a man endowed by the attitudes of righteousness?

Wait – why did Reaperion decide to make these weapons of mass destruction, if the war of Brigadonia took place hundreds of years ago?

“Abrenite, why would Reaperion want to fight off the Heiligen-Jaeger’s?”

“For some unknown reason, he still has a strong form of hatred to fight off the Heiligen-Jaeger’s.”

… Why would he have hatred to them? Is it because they ostracise us in society?

I can’t believe it, he must’ve been marginalised to the brink to even have the mind of making weapons of mass destruction for the Heiligen-Jaeger’s.

“… The process of turning them into such tools was to maintain the life of their soul and using it for a purpose of protection.” Abrenite continued. “But don’t be surprised with animals –” he paused slightly. “… Falkenstein did the same for two of our first family members – Britelza and Salzburg.

What?! So this time, its Falkenstein, and Reaperion merely followed his attitudes?

That’s atrocious!” Frilldert expressed her shock.

Falkenstein – he’s the head leader of the Jeutonburg family. I’ve never actually seen him in real life, but according to what Abrenite is telling me, he used the souls of dead people as weapons…

Though – despite all that, Reaperion copied these teachings despite the absence of no war.

He used them just for experiments…

But now – look at what he’s done.

He’s put the souls of animals into weapons – and who knows if he’s done that with other people who existed before…

I wonder – was there a dark past that he experienced?

I’ve never thought of it before…

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

We finally arrive at the previous investigation office and receive our prescribed reward!

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Two thousand cash!

“Two thousand cash!”

Ouch – my throat! Wh-What did I just do to my throat?

I screamed a bit too much – and now everyone is looking at me

…Like, literally.

But it’s not surprising that Vaxia’s head is worth that much – I mean, it turns out that he kidnapped so many people, and in fact, he murdered ten of the people he kidnapped.

But as soon as we ask the officer about the reward, we didn’t earn anything from the Britenzo investigation, since we didn’t retrieve Britenzo.

And instead, we’re earning twenty million cash.




Is this some kind of ridiculous joke?

Suddenly – I can feel wind on my tongue – as if I’m opening my mouth so widely.

Twenty Million…

Oh my god! Are you serious? How much can I spend with that amount of cash!?

Then suddenly, my hyperactivity is forcefully quells by Frilldert –

Hey Seobi, you wouldn’t have been able to stop Vaxia without Abrenite.”

“That’s true…”

Damn it – what would Abrenite think?

“Abrenite, do you mind if we share the reward?” I asked him through such a soft and calm tone.

I mean like, Rion and I have been suffering for the past four years because of our low income rate. We need money!

How much can we do with even a thousand cash? Or an income of at least five hundred cash weekly? We’ll be able to shop for food weekly, instead of a month period. Plus, I’ll probably be able to join another school somewhere in Britoniah to study, and also focusing on the ability to curing. I’ll be able to help in the hospitals across Britoniah and contribute to society! Oh, and for Rion too – he’ll be able to embrace his dream as well, other than working with indolence. Didn’t he say that his dream was to become a hero, and protecting mankind?

Well guess what, Rion? We might be able to embrace both of our dreams and help the society!

And then, with hesitation, I suspect something out of the ordinary –

Abrenite is looking at me with my eyes of hope.

“Of course you can!”


God, thank you so much.

I find myself running up to him instantly, my arms branching and wrapping them around his figure so tightly.

“Thank you so much!”

I shouted his name repeatedly with me caging his movement, and recognising that I completely have no shame for the ones staring at me awkwardly.

My life is complete!

‘Our’ life is complete!

I can’t believe it – I can’t believe it – I can’t believe it!

Wait – what would Rion think?


I ‘cool’ down, and approach Rion with such a delightful expression.

Hello there! Knight in shining armour!”

YES! I actually mean it now!

Then, I find myself now hitting him playfully on his shoulder.

Haha – look at that awkward face he’s making!

Surely, I can tell how awkward he’s feeling now about the way I’m acting. As he may know, that I don’t usually act like this – but, if he hadn’t have lost his memories before Priscilla died, I would at least be seeing a delightful smile on his face.

Priscilla – I remember when you also gave me money. And I didn’t even have a chance to pay you back.

… My blood, everything is cooling down.

Priscilla – I miss you.

As soon as I think of Priscilla, my mood rests and turns into a rather solemn one. Through the sides of my hearing, Frilldert questions Abrenite about the reward.

“Wait, I contributed too. So, can’t I have a bit?” She said with a rather shy tone, as if she doesn’t want Abrenite to think that she’s taking it for granted. With Abrenite’s generosity, he nods his head with a luminescent smile. “You know what; share the reward between you three. I won’t need any of it.”

What did he just say?

My face falls into agape once again.

Despite the reward we earned, Britenzo is still out there. It didn’t seem like he intended to harm us at all – but in fact, as he said, prevented us from reaching the kidnapper. Surely, he still has a good heart, and he was simply being manipulated by him.

But the question that deludes me is to how he manipulated the particles on the Earth, and reassembling them to construct an object he desired? It’s quite similar to what I did – but instead, I reconstructed Rion’s arm.

Could it be that he also holds the power that I have?

But how can he? He isn’t from the Briteria family –

Well, I’m not too concerned about Britenzo. But probably Rion is…

For now, we all decide to disperse into our homes –

We wave our farewell to Frilldert, and thanking her for initiating the investigation and allowing me to meet up with my long-lost brother. It’s just Abrenite, Rion and I now.

Just like old times, except with the absence of one more – Rion’s brother. Or actually, for the sake of the sympathy I have for this other person, I would say: ‘except for another two individuals.’

So there was Abrenite, Rion, Rion’s brother, me and Shamiya.

She wasn’t from our family in fact, but she stayed in Brigadonia to study about the world. Despite me being left out when she was with us, and taking the attention of the boys, I still want to have a slight memory of her.

No, she wasn’t taking the attention of the boys. How can I say something like that?

I guess I can say I was slightly jealous of how pure she was. Shamiya had all the best aspects a person can have – a charismatic, caring, considerate and calm personality. She probably had more.

In fact, she reminds me of Priscilla.

Yeah, those two teenage girls were the purest people I’ve met in my life.

And I’ll never forget them.

Abrenite follows us to our hotel, and expressed such a joyful manner once he realises that we’ve been together and protecting each other ever since the destruction of our home. Well, I wouldn’t really say ‘protecting’ when it comes to Rion. But, there were times when he ‘did’ protect me…

But from all that he experienced, he deserves that label.

“Yeah, the place is pretty small.” I muttered in disappointment.

“Size doesn’t matter!” Abrenite replied joyfully. “I’m really glad you’re safe, strong and still smiling.”

He suddenly pats my head – in shyness, I take his hand off and find Rion staring at us with a bewildered face. But, surely, Abrenite and I are both having the same positive feel for each other. Other than having the urge to see the rest of the Briteria family, my second desire on the line was to see my brother. It’s a new feeling to actually ‘want to see him’ because I didn’t think positively about him one bit when our home was still in existent. But since he’s the only one I got left, and the regret I have for letting everyone treat him like trash, I have no choice but to release the desire I have to depend on him.

And I don’t mind if he depends on me too.

In the sides of my vision, I see someone rotating their head instantly, and towards a window. It’s Rion.

Oh, I almost forgot about Rion.

He continues looking at through the window aimlessly, as worry for him compels my heart. I hope I haven’t been leaving him out –

“So, have you also found your ability of a Briteria user, just like my sister?”

True, when will Rion find his power to manipulate Briteria like me?

Will it be the same – or different, since he’s from the Bayerische family?

“No, I haven’t.” He replied with contempt as he continues looking out the window. Suddenly, Abrenite wraps his arm around Rion’s back in comfort, and also looks through the window. “Don’t worry, you’ll find it soon.” He replied in such an eloquent tone.

Wait – Rion, what are you doi –

“Don’t treat me like a kid. I’m more mature now.”

Rion! Calm down!

But with the feel of astonishment, I can see Rion expressing an indignant arousal and flexing his elbow to forcefully be free of Abrenite’s hand.

Rion, he’s comforting you like a brother. He isn’t treating you like a kid!

“Aren’t you already mature? What’s wrong?”

Obviously, Abrenite is oblivious to Rion losing his memory. So he’s quite similar to being a new born child within a sixteen year-old body by losing his memory – and hence, the aspects that shape his personality are still similar to a child. But what Rion means about ‘being mature’, is that he’ll change from the Rion who lost his job to the Rion I cherished back when Brigadonia was still in existent.

And probably, the same Rion who was changed by Priscilla Edenburgh.

In fact, Rion’s personality back then is exactly similar to the personality he beheld when Priscilla existed.

He changed back to his ordinary self –

But lost it again –

By any chance, does Rion have an amnesia disorder? Or, is someone ‘really’ manipulating it?

And since Abrenite is oblivious to all that Rion’s experienced, he won’t understand the reason to why Rion acts differently at this very second –

“No, I wasn’t already mature.” He expressed a tone of disappointment. Is Rion acting this way because he hates himself for not being ‘mature’ towards me? Or not treating me as pleasant? Why is he treating Abrenite like trash? He should surely welcome him as my brother, or ‘give thanks for saving our life four years ago’.

“Rion, I know you and I never had a pleasant bond. But, with me here now, can’t we just get along?”

Oh – why do I feel so hurtful when I hear the dissatisfaction in his words?

Wait – what’s Rion doing?

Why did he suddenly run to the corner away from Abrenite?

And why do I detect an itch of indignation in his face?

“I don’t know who you are!”

Rion! You don’t need to shout!

“I only remember that you saved Seobi and me from the destruction of Brigadonia!”

I see… he’s probably angry at himself that he doesn’t remember anything of his past before the incident.

But I can’t make any assumptions – because I’m clueless to what’s going on in his mind.

I don’t know what it feels like to know that I’ve lost my memories…

It’s the next morning and Abrenite is forcing me to re-attend my previous school – the Falkenstein Health Institute. Memories in my mind playback from the past – reminding me of Priscilla’s pure heart and Rion’s pure heart.

“But then, how else will you embrace your future, Seobi?” Abrenite continues to insist.

“They banished me because …” I paused, and continuously reminding me that Rion killed Priscilla – or so they said.

“They banished you!?” I heard him express his shock.

Damn it, I understand that he’s my brother, but can’t he at least understand that there are some things that I’d rather not state?

“Come on, let’s go and see the principal. I’ll put you back into the school.”

Abre-Abrenite! Let go!

He grabs my arm forcefully and drags me towards the school gates. As soon as I began resisting, Abrenite stops.

Not because he didn’t want to threaten me, but because he has his eyes on a sign –

‘Bowemen’s School of Archery’

Excuse me?!What happened to the school?

No – it can’t be.

The school is gone…

This can’t be happening.

Go Seobi – do what you think is right.

With the feeling of astonishment propelling my legs, I run vigorously to the main office of the school and barging at the door impudently. “What happened to the Falkenstein institute?!”

The lady behind the counter backed off her seat in fear of my presence – probably due to myself being a Briteria user. “It-it-it got moved to Ma-Mayatopia!”

Wh-what did you say?

With horror, I fall to my feet.

The school got moved…

Even if I ever decided to move back, I’ll have to travel to another city.

This is just great.

Uh-uhmm” I heard the lady mutter in nervousness. “… It was moved because of the amount of criminalisation here in Junquious.”

That’s right, the students and families must have been frightened by numerous victims being kidnapped throughout the city. Then I guess, I’ll admit I’m quite happy to hear that they were moved.

They took action to maintaining the protection of children.

Simultaneously, this encourages me to move my home to another city as well for the same reason.

And then suddenly, a dark-skinned individual approaches Rion, Abrenite and I. He’s from the Algeria union – the northern part of Britoniah – probably was used to be called “The African Region”.

As he tightens his tie and lowers his hands on his pelvis, he stops and expresses a delightful smile.

“Oh, hello there.”

The lady behind the counter suddenly regains her standing posture and performing a bow. “President!”

With a glamorous look, I continue looking at her bowed posture, then turning my eyes to the person in front of us. I do the same, showing my respect, and expressing my words of honour –

“President –” I lift my body back up to its original position. “The Falkenstein institute – was it moved to Mayatopia?”

“That’s correct.” He replied instantly. “Sorry if it’s a bother for you to travel there.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“It was my decision alone to move the school there. With Vaxia being the worst criminal he is; as a Knight of Junquious and a President of this school, I’ve ordered the Falkenstein institute to escape from the horror.” He pronounced with such eloquence.

Well I guess, just by hearing his words, it compels me to believe that he made the right move.

“Well, a lot of the parents also devised for an idea like this. They feared their children may be in danger.” The lady on her seat said with, surprisingly, no nervousness at all (probably due to the presence of the president).

“Don’t worry, Briteria.” I watched the President staring at me without a blink. “You’ll find your destiny there.

Excuse me? What did he just say?

What did he mean by ‘you’ll find your destiny there’?

That’s an odd thing to say to someone.

Particularly when it’s the first time they’ve seen you.

… Or not?

He then walks off into the office and disappears out of our sight.

Chapter 12 – Rion – I think I miss you…

I lay on my bed, thinking about Seobi, and the last few words she said to me before she closed the door were –

“Good bye Rion.”

Yeah, I’m thinking about Seobi.

Ever since Abrenite came, she didn’t talk to me, except for those last words she said in a sorrowful tone. Since it was sorrowful, I guess that could mean she’s sad that we were being separated?

With another person for Seobi to talk to, and I guess, to cling to, I feel as if there’s no one out there that will accompany me.

But, it’s my time to become independent. I don’t need Seobi anymore –

I can live by myself now.

With the reward we all earned from finding and imprisoning Vaxia, I can finally embrace my future and become a hero.

So here I am, in Junquious, now preparing myself to stack myself up with armour once I enter the academy. I approach the door, feeling myself flamed up, and twisting the door knob. As soon as I open the door, I see two individuals in front of me.

Wait –what?!

What kind of ridi –

“Oh –” Seobi takes a few steps backwards in surprise. I do the same, and almost tripping myself by the chair behind me. As I see her presence, the feeling of joy fills me up.

But, what’s Seobi doing here?

“Hey-” She began with nervousness. “Where are you going?”

Wh-Where am I going?

Are you actually asking me? Because I feel so happy to hear you say that for some reason…

As I try to move my mouth, the same nervousness grips me. “I-I-I’m going to the Knight’s Academy.”

Wait – why do you look sad all of a sudden?

I watch her lower her head to the floor in sorrow, then looking back at me with a delightful smile. “I hope you’ll have an enjoyable time then!”

Just by looking at her eyes, I can tell she’s trying to shun her sadness.

Shunning the sadness for me.

“Enjoy yourself in…”

Seobi – I’m going to miss you, I have to say…

“… Mayatopia.”

She delivers the smile once again. Filing my mind with the space left for joy, and approaching me slowly to bring out her hand and extending her pinky.

What is she doing?

“Pinky-promise me that we’ll see each other again, and that you’ll be safe.”

I didn’t know what to do, but I grasped her entire pinky with my hand. She giggles slightly, moves aside to give me way, then extending her free hand to do a wave.

After we found Vaxia, this is the first time I’ve felt happy.

Well, goodbye Seobi.

I’ll see you later.

As I exit the hotel, I find Frilldert running in such a stressful manner. “Hey, have you seen Seobi?” She said in such a hasty tone.

“She’s inside the hotel.” I muttered with wonder of what’s going on.

I hope nothing bad is happening…

Frilldert looks behind me, waves at me, then propelling her legs away in such incredible velocity. “Thanks.”

Why is it that I’m feeling nervous about something?

Anxiety fills my heart –

Do I sense danger?

No, it’s my time to leave them.

The three can deal with anything by themselves. If a killer approaches them, they’re unstoppable – particularly with Abrenite.

Rion… just leave them. Don’t worry about them…

Don’t worry about Seobi.

With the feeling of ignoring that specific issue, I continue my way to the Knight’s Academy. But as I try to ignore it, I can feel anxiety bolstering itself in my mind.

Maybe I should just check?

No. Don’t.

Instantly, I bypass these horrendous feelings by thinking about the positive things that happened in the past.

Except, I don’t remember anything.

I mean, there haven’t been any happy moments I’ve experienced, that I actually remember.

Seobi, I want to see you again.

I want to make you smile more.

I want to do something that’ll make you happy.

Because I miss you, and I should’ve done all of this when I was with you.

I continue walking with dismalness restricting my locomotion, but then…

Well, here I am.

I feel it disappear instantly as soon as I see a large castle in front of me.

Academy of the Knights of Junquious’

I approach the gate, with two Knights in the armour that I’ve been craving for years, standing beside the gate. I look at their swords prepared on their hands, and watch their honoured, still postures. “How can we help you, sir?”

Suddenly, the other Knight on my left takes a bow of respect –

“You must be Rion Bayerische –” He began. “Thank you to you, our General is recovered.”

“Oh – it was nothing.”

“The General would like to see you.”

Oh – okay. That’s quite on honour, I guess?

I didn’t really anticipate this…

The Knight approaches the large gate, opening it then performing one more bow. I do the same, since I’m obscure to how I should reply.

As nostalgia halts my movement, I remember that I was here with Seobi.

I treated her like trash.

But I also remember that she ran to the highest floor to see the General. I guess that’s my lead to the path of where I should go…

Once I arrive at the door, nervousness compels me yet again. How much respect should I show to him? Two bows? Three bows?

I knock the door with anxiety. Instantly, I hear the General call out –

“Come in!”

Well, there he is, Rion.

I twist the door knob, and see him staring at the window on his leather seat. Instantly, I bow to him to represent my respect.

I bow again, then again, then again, then again, until he exclaimed –


Damn it! I was probably being like a chicken pecking instead of showing respect!

“From now on, you’re my brother!”

What? Me, a brother? The only person who addressed me as a brother was Britenzo!

I’m his brother…?

What’s that supposed to mean?

He’s like Abrenite to Seobi?

I feel my muscles tense, and it’s as if my eyes are gripped on his by…

… Passion.

“What’s with that look? It’s meant to be a compliment!”

I’m completely obscure to what I should say.

He stands up from his seat then begins walking around the desk to get closer to me. With my still expression, I see on the sides of my view that his hands are sliding around the table in front of me as he walks.

With shock, I feel his hand position on my shoulder. “Hey, thanks for saving me. I’ll always be in your debt.”

“Th-thank you.” I expressed my nervousness once again.

“You know what? I’ll show you a good view of the entire castle.”

A good view of the castle? What does he mean?

We leave the room, and I follow him through the castle as I expect him to surprise me. We journey through various stairs and doorways, and then finally reach the top.

Wow – the breeze of air is so nice.

It’s as if I can feel everyone’s happiness just charge at me with winds of freedom – the azure sky, the clouds that act as white shields of the Earth from the incandescent sun.

I watch the General leaning himself on the bricks which prevent us from falling, while the wind cools down my nervousness.

It’s as if he’s preparing something…

Preparing something big to say –

“Just look at them, they’re so loyal to me.” He began as he stares down at his soldiers on the ground floor. “This is why I enjoy this world, Rion. And thanks to you, and your friends, I was able to live longer in this world.”

With my heart in a dilemma to show respect, my mouth moves casually as if I’m speaking to Britenzo. “You’re welcome, General. I was just doing my job.”

“You’re job?”

Ops, was that the wrong word to say?

“You want to be a hero, don’t you?”


With the feeling of astonishment filling me, I feel my words let out in a slow pace. “… Yeah.”

Really? Am I going to be a hero? Can I be the one who’ll be able to protect people?

Protecting them with justice and my own strength?

Is this a dream come true?

… If it is – then thank you Seobi, for allowing me to get this far!

Suddenly, he brings out his hand for me to shake. “How would you say…”

Come on… say it.

Say it.

I want to be the one who’ll bring justice to this world.

And be the police of mankind.

“We’ll start training you today to become a Knight?”


I knew he would ask me that ultimate question.

I didn’t need to undergo so much reasoning to lead us to this question!

With passion, I find myself grabbing his hand and shaking it vigorously, then completely losing the fact that he’s the General.

“Yes, please!”

Finally, I can embrace my future.

Just wait Seobi I’ll be a hero soon.

I have to fill in a form of registration. But most of the things I’m asked of, I can’t answer due to me not remembering what happened back in the past. Though ‘its’ okay’ said the General. He’s an understanding person, and I can’t imagine anyone who would bypass his barrier of kindness. As soon as I finish the form, I’m given a manual of the codes of being a Knight.

“As time passes, there’ll be classes and lectures held across Junquious. Your job is to attend all of them without being indolent.”The General ordered.

This time, I’ll have to take it seriously.

This is my future –

Once I’ve done the examination, I’ll be taught the combat basics.

After such a happy day I arrive home, and realise that the happiness hasn’t ended.

Seobi left a note on my bed.

Enjoy being a Knight in shining armour! Who’s going to be the person that you’ll rescue first, aye? Anyway, come to Mayatopia soon! ^^

Okay, Rion?


Oh – Seobi did this for me?

Seobi – thank you.

I feel content filling me up with motivation to embracing my dream – compounded with care.

And this care is for Seobi –

Thank you so much.

Of course, I’ll be there for you in Mayatopia. Once I see you, I’ll treat you as best as I can.

I’ll be different.

I’ll be nicer.

I’ll be more empathetic.

Honestly, I’m glad I met someone like her. I’m glad she was with me all this time.

I put down the note, intending to cherish it as much as I can, and then opening my textbook on the desk that Seobi used to sit when she was studying.

And when she still had school to attend to.

Once I complete all these trials, I’ll be able to save people’s lives.

I’ll be a hero.

Everyone will like me.

It’s passed about two months, and now it’s time for me to take my examination. I’ve tried sending letters to Seobi numerous times, but she hasn’t replied.

It’s quite odd… and I feel rather alone.

I hope everything is okay, and I hope she isn’t avoiding me for any reason.

No, she can’t be.

She’s too nice.

Anyway, I should forget about her for now –

It’s time to look at the exam, and sense the presence of a feeling arising…

With the feeling of nervousness compelling me once again, I look with shock to see the amount of pages present within the exam paper.

Why the heck is this so thick?

With our desks scattered across the hall, everyone keeps silent.

“You may now begin the exam.” The supervisor announced.

Instantly, everyone turns over their papers and begin writing. According to what I’ve read over during perusal, I find out that it’s a written essay that I have to write within a two-hour period, plus a list of multiple-choice questions. The first few questions they ask are the values of a Knight, and what they’re expected to do during certain situations. Only certain circumstances I have to take out my blade: if the enemy is offensive, or if they’re persisting on disobeying my orders in contributing peace in society.

As a Knight as well, I’ll have to be available at any time during the day – whether it is day or night. I’ll have to be prone to being deprived of sleep in order to maintain the protection in our city, particularly in Junquious.

The next question asks me the topic I’m most confident on – The Knight’s Chivalry.

The chivalry is our code of morality that states that all Knights must protect others who cannot protect themselves. As a Knight, I must vow to be a loyal, generous and noble-bearing person. Whenever a comrade is in danger, I’m required to assist in the situation and guard the honour of all fellow Knights. We must always have to obey those who are placed in authority, and must never refuse a challenge from an equal. Should an opponent was to tell me their name, it’s an order to answer by telling them mine, or else I’ll be labelled as an assassin.

After an hour and twenty-two minutes of multiple choice, I’ve finally finish the exam. Should I feel lucky that I’ve finished early? Or should I feel guilty? What if I hadn’t of written enough?

Sigh. Uncertainty compels me and I find myself rereading my work.

As soon as two hours pass, the supervisor announces for everyone to stop working. Instantly, everyone in the exam hall hears an individual call out with disappointment and stress –

“It-can’t... end-like-this!”

Well – that just makes me feel even better that I edited my entire work and wrote an extra one page. But quantity does not define quality –

I have to be careful with what I’m confident about.

I exit the exam hall, and find myself back in the Knights’ Academy at the highest floor.

“So, how’d it go?”

I don’t know – how did I go?

“I’m not sure –”

Did I do well? Do I have to redo it?

I seriously hate this gripping feeling of nervousness…

He regains his standing posture and we continue on the next phase to becoming a Knight. I find myself at an empty dojo alone with the General, and watching him swing the blade vigorously through the air. “At all times, you can confirm a threat by preparing your blade for a parry with theirs.”

Suddenly, he stops and puts down his sword.

And then, there it is.

He’s giving me it.

“It’s yours now.”

As we train through the night, he teaches me methods for countering attacks and dealing pain to the opponent, such as blocking an enemy’s strike then instantly thrusting the blade while they’re immobilised by their own impact. A few notes that I have to remember in protecting myself, is the way the blade must be held before preparing myself for their strike. Despite me already knowing how to use a kitchen knife, I still have to show him my strengths in carrying a weapon.

Finally, I’ve begun the test for my combat, patience and bravery skills. I’m now here in a maze filled with bricked walls, and probably twenty floors underneath Junquious. My mission is to find and retrieve an individual trapped in the maze.

Well, of course, they’re not actually ‘trapped’ – but I have to simply progress my way through and find her as an objective of the test. My companions say that the individual is in the second underground floor – and within that floor wolves will be unleashed to hinder me from my objective and taking me down. I guess it’s quite convenient for all the tests for each student to be the same – I’m glad that we’re able to seek advice for this from our companions.

Alright – Rion, let’s begin. Let’s finish this test and get this all over with.

The area is engulfed by pure darkness, until I take a step and find numerous candles lighting up by themselves. A path is revealed, and I do my best to keep my eyes at the correct turns.

It’s damp and dusty.

There are even spider webs blocking the path way in front of me –

I have to even use my sword to slice them up.

I run continuously in circles, until I come across various dead ends. After about an hour of walking and running, I find the staircase leading me to the second floor. I march deeper and deeper into the city of darkness, with candles lighting up the pathway once again and unveiling the invisible dusts.

And then, I remember, there’ll be wolves here.

I prepare my sword and ready myself for anything that’ll be running my way to eat the flesh out of me. But then, the first twenty steps I take, I realise something rather…


There’s blood stains scattered across the maze walls around me.

I stare at them in shock, then assuming that these marks of blood could’ve been due to past situations dealt by other Knights.

But that’s just what I assume –

I continue following the blood stains, and then –


Wow – did I just say that out loud? Damn it! Pick up your blade! And keep quiet Rion!

B-But, what’s this in front of me?

There’s a dead wolf in front of me.

It’s split in half.

But I can’t let these things make me lose my bravery! I have to keep going!

Probably that’s just what I’ll do – split them in half with my blade. I just hope that I won’t be taken by a whole herd of wolves.

One-by-one won’t be much of a problem.

… Wait – what was that?!

And then, a sound of horror frightens me. I hear the barking of wolves coming my way. With pressure compelling me, I hold my sword tightly on its hilt then leaning on the maze wall. From here, I can now see whether the wolves are coming from my behind, or my front.

But then, I hear the wolves whimpering all of a sudden.

Then the sound diminishes.

With fear restricting my movement, I continue walking and seeing the candles lighten up my way. I continue travelling through the maze and looking for the one whom I need to rescue.

But… it’s too quiet. I expected the sound of running feet to echo throughout the entire maze.

As I continue walking, I can feel the atmosphere changing. Through the bricked walls of the maze, I see more blood scattered through the walls and floor.

Seems like there were a lot of fights here in the past.

I keep following the blood tracks –

With my astonishment, I take a gasp to see a wolf on the floor expanding its diaphragm repeatedly and taking heavy breaths as if it’s about to die. I see numerous wounds engraved on its body, and on its neck.

Wait – who could have done this? It seems pretty recent…

I approach it closer with fear, then finding blood gushing forth from the wounds engraved throughout its body.

Slices… sword marks….

Due to the look of the blood loss and shape of the wound, I think there’s another Knight in here…

… or someone else.

And I thought it’s my test.

Unless, the person who I’m supposed to rescue did this?

I continue following the blood stains, then finding large double doors in front of me.

She must be in here.

With both of my hands, I twist both doorknobs and pulling them to the opposite directions. … Don’t worry Rion, be brave. Why should you even feel scared at this point? You’re not alone now!

I find myself in a large hall, but then finding the person, who I’m meant to rescue, pinned to a pillar by ropes.

But wait – something doesn’t seem right!

Her feet stay stationary on the ground, and I see blood dripping from her agape mouth.

Hey! Are you okay?!”

Instantly, I run to her aid with haste –

I grab both of her shoulders and shaking it as much as I can. And then suddenly, she mutters –

“You finally took your mask off. Thank you –”


Huh? Mask? I don’t get it – why is she thanking me?

“We’re not out of here yet!” I exclaimed in fear for her to die.

No! Don’t go!

Suddenly, her eyes doze off slowly, until her head hangs aimlessly from her body with blood dripping from her mouth to the solid floor.

She’s dead…

I failed my mission.

How can this happen? Was I just too late? Did the wolves do this?

“No! This isn’t meant to happen!”

I find myself picking the blade which I just plunged to the floor by anger, and finding it blunt.

Damn it! I couldn’t save her!

What kind of hero am I?

What will the General say about this?

What about her family?

With the bravery I have left, I carry the body on my shoulders and intending to show the General something unexpected once I arrive back. I walk down the hall, away from the giant pillar that the woman was pinned onto, then approaching the exit.

I’m sorry…” I attempted to rid of my guilt.

As she hangs on my shoulder, I use what’s left of my strength to grasp the two doorknobs and opening the large door once again.

… What?!

And then, my muscles are jolted.

Instead of finding me in the bricked maze as I should after opening these doors, I find them leading me somewhere else…

… In a house.

An abandoned house.

What happened? Are these doors bringing me somewhere else?

With fear and intrigue compelling me, I find myself stepping forth through the two large doors. A hallway appears in front of me, with openings of numerous rooms throughout its walls. A red vermillion colour dominates the wall texture, while the carpet contrasts through a brownish dark colour. But the aspect of this place that keeps me curious is the slight memory of me being here in the past.

Was this my home back in the past?

With myself urging to know the truth, I continue walking to find a room that prompts my memory.

That’s right – this was the place where I woke up, and finding that I remember nothing about the world.

I was here on the day everything was destroyed.

I was here when Seobi was standing right in front of my bed, wondering why I lost my memory.

I was in Brigadonia when the storm of rocks hit –

And I’m in Brigadonia now.

I can see a bed, a sword hilt leaning on a wall, a closed window, a mirror and a desk with a picture frame placed on it.

The picture frame – I’ve never seen it there before.

No – I don’t think I even looked around this place when I woke up, realising that I lost my memories back then.

I approach the picture, and realising that I’m so gripped of its presence.

I see three individuals – Seobi when she was young with a rather dismal expression, another teenage girl with black hair, and another wrapping his arm around her neck with a scribbled face.

Scribbled face?

… why is his face scribbled?

Wait! What was that?!

I swear I just heard a footstep!

And then, I feel myself jumping in shock as the walls on my right bursts with a grey, cumbersome blade protruding through it. The man with the unusual suit of armour stares at me with such a grotesque mask, and drops his cumbersome blade on the carpeted floor.

“Wh-Who are you?”

… Of course he won’t reply.

With my feeling of fear, I watch him crack his knuckles repeatedly, as if he’s gesturing for a fight. I put the one who I was meant to rescue on the bed close to me, then preparing my sword.

Who knows, this could be part of the test?

I guess I still have to stick to my ideals of being a Knight –

“Who are you? Who sent you here?”

Oh well, since he isn’t complying, I’ll start off with –

“My name is Rion Bayerische!” I called out as he stops approaching me. “As a Knight of Junquious, if you don’t tell me your identity and the land you’re from, you’ll be marked as an assassin!”

The man appears silent, until through the mask I hear –

… Why is –?”

… Excuse me?

“Ad-Adrenaline… I feel angry by your presence! Why?!”

Wait, I can see his figure shaking all of a sudden.

I wonder what’s going on inside him.

I prepare myself for a fearsome battle as he runs at me, with my fists ready and clenched-up. I attempt to thrust my fist towards his face, but he dodges it in such a vigorous manner. With my body still recuperating from the blow I delivered, he plunges his fist to my abdomen, making me grunt and fall into pain.

… Agh. Damn it.

“… You’re nothing like me.”

I’m nothing like him?

I don’t even know who he is, and he’s saying that?

Suddenly, he charges his leg and strikes it to my face. With blood splattering out of my mouth on to the walls, I find myself desperate to regain my posture.

Is this the end…?

Is this how I’ll die?

What if it’s just a test?

Well, I guess I failed it. I’m not competent enough to become a hero.

He kicks me one last time, until I find myself immobilised on the floor. With the energy I have left, I watch the man walking away from me, picking up the cumbersome blade which he placed next to the wall, then approaching me again. With his behind facing me, I hear him mutter.

Carningrenate, Briteria, or both. You’ll never be as strong as I am.”

… No, this can’t happen.

My entire body is immobilised, and I can see the man approaching me slowly as he grasps the hilt of the sword he’s carrying. He begins swinging it through his top, then charging it straight at me.

Why can’t I move?

Good bye, Seobi. I close my eyes in sorrow, thinking about her for my last few seconds of being alive.

Then suddenly, a blue light engulfs me.

The man’s blade stops as it collides with the blue blazes of fire surrounding me. Through the distance, I also see the remnants of blueness coming from the bed. It’s as if the one who I’m supposed to save is experiencing the same thing.


The fire consumes me, and I find myself back in the empty dojo of the Knight’s Academy with the woman next to my figure of tire. Through the window, I realise that I’ve been in there for almost four hours.

It’s dark already –

“Rion! What took you so long?” He looked at me with a bewildered expression. “And why are you drenched in blood?”

… I’m drenched in blood.

He scans my body, then the woman’s.

“… Fei.” I watched the General examining her emotionless face.

Wh-What? What happened?”

Suddenly, he cuddles her with his arms and falls into silence.

“Her last words were: You finally took your mask off. Thank you –”

Mask? Wait a second. Why did she say mask…?

Well, I wasn’t wearing a mask.

The man that tried to kill me was.

The General raises his head to face me vehemently as he continues wrapping his arms around the woman.

… Did you say ‘mask’?” I suddenly heard his voice change into a deeper one.


“Someone obviously destroyed the system. The wolves would only attack Fei if they’re infuriated enough by an interloper. In this case, this wasn’t you.”

… An interloper?

“I saw another man.” I said as I watched his eyes of fury. “… He held a rather cumbersome sword, and I found myself in an old abandoned house.”

“… Cumbersome sword? What colour was it? Abandoned house?”

I take a memory of what I saw when it was leaning on the wall –

Sword of Diz.jpg

“It had a grey texture –” I replied with uncertainty. “And it had a lot of spikes.”

“… Salzburg.”

Wait – Salzburg?

That name prompts me slightly – but who was it again?

Oh - the masked man, his name was Salzburg?

Suddenly, another Knight emerges through the doors, to our behind. I see him with a rather joyful face, then opening his arms to something. As soon as he finds the corpse of the woman, Fei, I see his expression instantly changing into a solemn one. And then, he drops to the floor dreadfully, and crawling up to her face that’s hanging from the General’s shoulder. He realises the Knight’s presence, and passes the corpse carefully to his arms.

“… Wha-what happened?”

That tone he said that in…

He must be hurt.

“I’m sorry…” is all I can say.

“You didn’t save her…” I watched him suddenly turn at me with his sorrowful face.

“I failed. I’m sorry.”

And then, I’m startled.

The Knight suddenly jumps to me in rage, plunging both of his hands around my neck and choking it with fury. “Because of you, she’s dead! You didn’t protect her!”

I feel like I deserve to be punished like this.

… This should happen to me.

Or should it not?

I try to take control of his hands and preventing them from even touching my neck. But the fury he’s unleashing on me is overwhelming the strength that I have left. The General suddenly regains his posture and taking his figure off of mine. “Ferion, get to your senses. We were all oblivious of an interloper.”

It’s the next day, and I arrive at the academy with bandages scattered throughout my body. Despite me still healing, I’m still up for some combat. The General told me that I wouldn’t need to get through the maze once again, and that I’ve still got one more examination to do. This final test is the challenge to oppose a real Knight. Should it ever happen in the future, this test focuses with ‘the Knight’s Code’ and the chivalries that we have to bestow on one another.

I find myself in the centre of the academy, in a large hall where all the other Knights sit as audiences. My objective is to challenge the Knight that strangled me yesterday – unfortunately.

I bet he’ll express all his rage on me.

I stand on my spot, ten metres away from my opponent with the referee between us.

This will be the final test for you both!”

I suddenly catch his sinister eyes facing mine.

In order for any of you to pass this test, you’ll have to show the audience and your opponent the chivalry. Whether it is win or lose for any of you, you’ll still pass the test if you fight fair and square.”

That’s right. I have to fight fair and square, and so does he. But I don’t understand how you can’t? I mean, what else can you do other than swinging your blade towards your opponent?

Then, the referee begins the countdown.


The audience suddenly begins cheering.


Instantly, nervousness compels me. Damn it, I felt normal a few seconds ago!


And then, the bell rings and I start with the Knight’s Code.

My name is Rion Bayerische!”

“I’m Ferion Reglasta!”

“ … And we both challenge each other in honour, as the Knight’s of Junquious!”

We approach each other with a rigorous pace and our swords on our hands. I perform the first slash, piercing the wind and finding it colliding with his shield. The force I plunged with my first attack rebounds to my body and feeling partially immobilised. He then spins vigorously, and performing a slash through my waist. I jump myself to my behind and attempting to prevent it from touching me, but unexpectedly I hear the sound of clashing metal.

Parts of my chainmail broke off.

As I lift my head to see his, he chuckles slightly. Come on, you’re supposed to be showing honour!

Instantly, I parry his second strike. With our blades brawl each other like madness, I protect myself from every attack he deals to me.

All I’m doing is defending.

I should be more offensive!

With my mind in a dilemma, I end up defending his slash with my shield, and charging it towards him as an offense. As he’s temporary immobilised, I spin energetically on my spot and plunge my blade towards his. Suddenly, he overpowers my strength and I drop to the floor violently. With only my sword in hand, he strikes it with incredible strength, and blowing it off to the distance.

I’ve got nothing on both of my hands now.

Instantly, he approaches me and points the tip of his blade to my face.

“As a Knight of Junquious, I, Ferion Reglasta, proclaim…”

I’m locked.

I can’t move any of my limbs.

I see the tip of his blade right in front of my eye of fear.

If only I had my blade, I would be able to release myself from this misery.

If only I had my blade – if only I had my blade – if only I had my blade!

Pain is focused on my hand.

Suddenly, blood gushes from its top – revealing an odd looking ‘cross’ with sapphire-coloured particles being emitted like jets. My skin begins glowing uncontrollably, blinding Ferion.

The ground beneath him and I obliterates and elevates to the air on top of us. I become free once Ferion lets go of his blade.

What’s happening? Has someone saved me?

“Vi – what?!”

I’m glad this came on the brink of time – because if he said those last words, I would’ve lost.

But still – it would be fine if I still lost, right?

The fragments of stones on top of us shatter into atomic bits, causing a luminous blue light to blind the eyes of Ferion and me. With the vision I have left, I see numerous particles of blueness reassembling together to form a sapphire, crystalline object, and slowly hovering down towards me as if I need it most.

It’s my chance.

I take the blade and running towards Ferion with his bewildered expression.

It’s my chance – and I can still proclaim victory for myself!

With the slight feel of guilt of not being quite ‘fair’ I strike him one last time and clashing my blade with his.

Wait a second – maybe I shouldn’t have done this?

Suddenly, his blade breaks by mine, and he falls to the ground in shock.

I point the crystallised sword towards his face like he did to me, and finally proclaiming my victory.

“As a Knight of Junquious, I, Rion Bayerische, proclaim victory!”

No one is applauding.

I look around to see everyone standing from their seat and looking at me with such horror.

I guess they all knew I didn’t play ‘fair and square’.

Then, I hear the whispers from the audience.

He used Briteria!”

“What a freak.”

“He shouldn’t be a Knight at all!”

“He’s an alien!”

… I took the wrong move.

I put my blade down in shame, watching Ferion regaining his posture with such a sinister look. He looks at me with horror, and continues to walk away with his eyes still on mine.

You alien…” Ferion muttered.

“I’m sorry!”

I’m sorry! I knew I shouldn’t have done that!

Wait – what did I just do, actually?

Unexpectedly, I feel two other Knights grasping both of my arms with such fierce. They drag me off the field, until I see the General approaching us.

“Let go.”

He suddenly grasps my shoulder, turns away, then we journey our way to his office.

“General, what’s wrong?” I sit myself on the seat with fear while he does the same, except he’s turning through the window.

“Kepunzel… did I pass?”

Wait a second – why is he smiling at me?

“Nope. But you passed in impressing me!” I suddenly heard a completely different voice.


Without me knowing, he puts his hand in front of me. “Join me, Rion.”

Oh, he’s offering me to become a Knight!

But wait –

A feeling of intrigue keeps me hanging.

“In what…?”

“In becoming immortal.”

“… I’m sorry?”

We’ll become invincible! We’ll kill all the ones who rejected your family!

“What do you mean…?”

He chuckles slightly, and putting his hand away.

“We’ll kill all the ones who aren’t Briteria users.”

What? Why would a Knight do that?

What’s going on through his mind?

“But, that disobeys the will of a Knight!”

In an instant, he blasts into laughter and dropping his head to the desk in front of me. “You’re funny! You think they’re that great in this world?”


It seems like he’s a different person.

Then behind the door, I hear the sound of a large group of men. “That Briteria man, I knew I couldn’t trust him!”

“We have to get in there before he does the same thing to the General!” I heard another exclaim with ferocious might.

The door bursts open and the Knight’s reveal themselves. As for the General, I see him keeping his eyes straight to mine. He’s hiding something from everyone…

“Bring him to the prison!” I heard him announce with the General’s voice once again.

Oh no! He’s trying to frame me!

I gesture my vehemence by swinging my arm and exclaiming –

“Get away from me! It’s the General you want!”

But unexpectedly, as I swing my arm, I’m boiled by tremble.

… It’s back. The sapphire texture –

Not only that... but I’ve split the walls around me in half. I just casted an enormous blade from my right hand.

I don’t know how big this blade is – but it’s heavier than a few tons. I shouldn’t have swang my arm.

They all fall to the ground by the instant flash of blue light, and unfortunately, some sliced in half. I’m sorry guys – I didn’t mean to do that!

“What an alien!”

I run my way through the exit of the entire academy. I avoid every other Knight that attempts to take my arm or lock me in position. As I exit the academy, I see another on a horse in front of the gate.

“Stand down!”

I point my crystalline sword towards him –

“I’m an alien – you should get away from me! Now get off the horse!”

But as soon as I pointed it towards him, I watch it expand instantly to plunge his chest right through.

In shock, I drop my weapon –

It’s just like what happened before…

But this time, the blade is protruding right from my hand – without a hilt.

Just like a gauntlet, but with an enormous blade protruding out.

From my behind, the previous squad of Knights who were blinded appear.

With the feeling of intrigue, I feel like I should swing my hand once again.

And so, I did.

Then the same blue crystalline blade appears on my hand once again, expanding dozens of metres instantly and crushing anything that stood in my way. Without myself knowing, I realise that the blade also slashes right through the actual academy –

This is impossible…

I can’t believe I have a power like this.

… I did this?

I’ve caused so much destruction.

Then behind me, I hear the sound of a horse beginning to gallop away. The feeling of fear disappears from me, and I jump on its back to find myself escaping from the destruction. As I pass the centre of the city, a man with a magician hat and rather, ‘unappealing’ set of glasses stands in front of me with his arms spread out.

He’s in my way – or – wait – what is he doing?

“I’m a friend of Seobi’s! Quick, go to Mayatopia! The city is in destruction!”

In destruction? Seobi is in danger?!

With fear and incredulity compelling my spine, I grasp the collar of the man as I hang from the horse. “Wh-what do you mean!?”

“There’s so much criminalisation in Mayatopia that it’s crazy!”


Wasn’t Mayatopia the city of peace?

That’s Seobi’s school!

“You can’t be serious…”

I don’t care if he’s lying or telling the truth, but I have to make sure that she’s safe. Because, she’s the most important person I have in my life. I can’t lose her.

I gallop my way through the streets of Junquious, and find myself leaving through the east gate of Junquious. A few Knights tag on my trail, but I brandish my arm out once again and destroying the gate behind me.

I’m alone now, and I’ll save you Seobi. Because whatever happens, I’ll always be there for you!

Chapter 13 – Seobi – The Briteria legion

I find working in the hospital and helping the ones in need really enjoyable for a person like me. The income is enormous, and I’m famous throughout the entire city for my ability with Briteria. Everyone’s perspectives of me change all of a sudden – as if, they think that it’s actually good that I’m from the Briteria family.

But I’m still wondering where the Falkenstein Health Institute went? Where did my school go? I remember the President of the Archery School back in Junquious, President Bowe, said that the Falkenstein Institute moved here?

But, I couldn’t find it anywhere.

There’s no health school in Mayatopia at all.

Despite that, I’m really enjoying my life here. But, I guess it would’ve been better if Rion was here with me. We’ve experienced so many hardships together, and it feels rather nostalgic that now, we’re off to where we’re contributing in society instead of suffering in our house and contemplating about useless topics.

I hope they’re accepting Rion too, back in Junquious. But I’m still obscure to the reason why he hasn’t replied to my letters. We haven’t spoken a word for the past two months, and I feel rather worried for how everything is going for him.

During my break next week, I’ll be going off to Junquious to visit Rion. From then, I’ll be able to know how he is, and the reason why he hasn’t been replying to my letters. But I have to finish off my work first –

Every time I’m off for work, I’ll have to put on my lab coat before I attend a patient. I guess I can say that’s the most annoying bit, since tying the knot behind is so frustrating sometimes. But despite that, I really love it here.

Suddenly, my alarm rings.

Alright, it’s time to get back to work.

I regain my standing posture and say farewell to the nice view from the balcony I’m at. I sit next to my desk and scan through some of the diseases that I’ve cured – Malaria, Tuberculosis, Alzheimer’s, Ischemic Heart Disease and the plague, or should I say small pox.

With my ability to cure, my patients won’t even need a single pill to reframe from any sickness. It’s just like how I reconstructed Rion’s arm, and seeing him use it freely.

Just with the power of Briteria, I’ll be able to help everyone in the world. Without this power, I’d probably be nothing.

I also remember a time when someone’s leg was amputated from a war that raged out against the Briteria family. I reconstructed his leg, just like for Rion, and he was able to move it at his own will as if it was actually his leg. So with curiosity, I decided to inspect microscopically the cells I used to reconstruct his leg. But surprisingly, they were ordinary skin cells.

It’s weird because, with my power, I can manipulate any form of matter and turning them into… skin cells.

I guess it’s just some kind of science that only the Jeutonburg’s know – or should I say the magic that they know.

It’s now four o’clock and I’m on my way to home. After eating a bit of dinner, I’d go back to a parent’s house to do some babysitting. I was asked to take care of three sick children for a night – from seven PM to seven AM in the morning. And of course, it’s my duty to help these people and stay by their side.

I board off my chariot and wait for the next. I sit down on the closest chair I can see, then watching people stare at me aimlessly. I wave at them passionately with the best smile I can give them, and basically implying that I’m not harmful at all.

But, what if they’ll think I’m weird?

Nah, who cares!

As I wait at the edge of the ceramic road, I see the silhouette of a man in a horse galloping his way behind the moonlight. He catches my attention because I see everyone else so focused on him, and a few seconds ago they were staring at me.

But as soon as the figure emerges, I fall into astonishment –

I regain my standing posture, looking at the man with agape. He stops his horse next to me, and mounts off with a passionate expression.

Wait – excuse me? Is this really him?

You’re alright!”

Rion suddenly grabs my shoulders and forcefully pulling my figure towards his.

He’s … here. He’s hugging me. And he’s all sweaty.

… But I’m so happy that I can’t even move.

“Ri-Rion…?” I muttered.

“It’s me, Seobi!”

I can suddenly feel a tear falling off my eyes, and then I carry my arms slowly around his back. “I missed you so much, Rion.”

He allows me to see his face. I instantly try to wipe the tears off. But then –

You’re crying!”

It’s too late.

“You’re crying, for me?”

Oh dear – I’m so happy!

“Of course I am. You never even replied to my letters!”

“Huh?” He expressed a confused face. “You never replied to my letters!”

Wait – we were both sending letters to one another, but we never received them?

“I don’t get it – neither of us retrieved them!”

“Oh well! I’m here! And we’re together again!”

He said ‘together’.

“Mm – yeah.”

“Seobi!” He began another topic. “… where’s all the destruction?”

Excuse me? Did he just say ‘destruction’? How can he assume that?

I express a puzzled face –

“Destruction? This place is so peaceful!”

“Oh” He paused for a bit. “I was told the contrary by some… man.”

Strange, is there someone who would want this place to fall into destruction?

As we both wait for the chariot, we sit next to each other on the seats behind us – except he suddenly backs away slightly from me as if he’s shy to see me. It’s strange – a few minutes ago he was quite passionate to see me. Now he’s backing away like usual.

But I guess it’s because we haven’t been seeing each other for the past two months, he’s expressing some shyness towards me.

… I understand.

Also, he doesn’t usually act passionate, so he’s probably taking it in an awkward manner for my first time seeing him like this. He must’ve realised that he’s acting different after he boarded off his horse, then his body forced him to act the way he did in the past.

As in the past with Priscilla, and before the destruction of Brigadonia…

With the silence bewitching us, I choose to lead it to a halt by starting a conversation. “So, according to the suit of armour you’re wearing, you’ve finally embraced your dream?”

He lays his head facing the floor, and finding a rather dismal mood compelling him.

But I instantly detect his answer –

“No.” Rion muttered.

Wh-what?” I find myself repeatedly blinking.

“I was doing the final test, but then I accidentally used Briteria.”

He used Briteria!? Like me?

“Oh! What was your ability like?” I expressed my intrigue and forgetfully disregarding that he didn’t embrace his dream.

“I don’t know… but I kept constructing swords. Big ones, particularly.” He looked at me bewilderedly.

Swords…? What kind of ability is that?

I’m from the Shwanseah side of the family, so my profession is for medical situations. For the Bayerische, what was their profession?

“It started when I was just about to lose; my opponent was claiming his victory, but I was in denial and thinking that I could’ve only won if he hadn’t have disarmed my sword.” He suddenly turns his head to face me. “… and then, as I kept thinking about myself holding a blade, it came true. The ground demolished and a crystalline sword appeared on my hand.”

as he kept thinking about himself holding a blade…

Is it imagination?

Despite what the ability is – poor Rion; people in Junquious hate him for using Briteria. But for me, in Mayatopia, it’s the total opposite. Everyone in this Algerian region is so nice.

But, shouldn’t he be grateful that he discovered his power?

“Don’t worry.” I intended to comfort him. “Let’s just treat it as a test. Maybe great things will come to you if you wait?”

Suddenly, he takes a long sigh.

“I agree.”

I really wanted to comfort him because he wasn’t able to embrace his dream in the same time as I was. So with my instincts, I pat his back to satisfy my feel of sympathy. He looks at me awkwardly, then looks away –

“Are you shy?” I embarrassed him.


But honestly, what can comfort Rion? I never knew I would even feel like this towards him – I mean, all those other days, we fought together so much.

I can never understand all that he’s experiencing in his mind.

I can’t understand what it feels like to have a blank mind of no memories of my past at all. That’s probably the reason why he doesn’t also know how to express his feelings well.

But, I’m sure I can tell that he’s become a better person compared to the time he lost his job. And, I want to show him that I know that he changed.

What if I treat him as the way I used to treat him before our home was lost? Will that comfort him?

… Or before when Priscilla still existed?

I think this is the only way.

I look at Rion’s sorrowful expression as he continues staring at the floor. I approach him closer with him realising, then I place my hand on his –

Rion, are you alright?” I expressed through a soft and low voice.

He suddenly turned his head to mine, taking my hand away then chuckling a bit.

“What?” I reacted to his sudden emotion.

Well, I guess I tried. Or, what if that slight action I performed comforted him?

It might have comforted him, considering the way he reacted!

And then, he smiles –

But, he might be hiding his emotions as well.

Silence bewitches us both and I realise that something else rises to Rion’s mind.

“Should I go back to Junquious?”

Poor Rion, he went all this way to see if I was okay.

It’s kind of sweet I guess…

And I’m happy that he’s like a saviour…

I think I prefer if he were to stay here with me – plus, didn’t he say that the Knight’s of Junquious are after him?

“No stay here. What if they do bad things to you?”

He turns his head away and keeps calm. I continue staring at his emotionless face as I sit close to him. Then with the empathy I have for him compelling me, I satisfy myself by patting his back.

“If there’s a problem, tell me, okay?”

I remember when I said that to the Rion that knew Priscilla.

Who knows, maybe this Rion could become ‘him’ once again?

But despite that – I think there is something in Rion’s mind. What if, there’s actually more that has happened in Junquious than the things he’s telling me?



“There’s something I’m not sure of –”

“General Kepunzel wouldn’t bring about destruction, would he?”

“Of course not!”

... He suddenly keeps silent.

I arrive back at my motel to bring Rion a place to stay. I insert the key in the keyhole, but then watching the door open by Frilldert.

“Rion! You’re back!” She pronounced passionately. As for Rion, he keeps silent by only nodding – probably because Abrenite is staring at him from the behind of Frilldert.

To be honest, the two never got along.

Not even before our home was lost.

They always fought with each other.

… It’s just weird.

Ever since our group split, Frilldert also embraced her ambitions here. She became a fashion designer – and a rather splendid one as well. Despite her being the same age as Rion and I, she’s more ahead in her career than we are. But this could be due to her having a sufficient amount of funds for supplying the things that she needs. Unlike us, we had to attain our things the hard way – simply because we were looked down upon, and our family was dispersed.

As soon as Rion steps into the motel with a rather shy expression, Abrenite breaks the silence between the two and passes his hand for a handshake.

“Welcome back, Rion.”

I take a breath out – phew – luckily he accepted it. Or else a fight would probably have emerged. But despite him accepting it, I can still depict the shyness he has towards him or Frilldert, or both. He continues staring at the ground beneath him, and not uttering a single word. I’m still not exactly sure what caused Rion to be like this – was it by the fact that he couldn’t embrace his dreams? Or maybe he’s dismal because I did?

All three of us sit on the dining table and consume our meal. Frilldert grasps both the knife and the fork, while I only have a spoon on one hand. As for the boys, they enjoy using their hands.

“Did you cook this, Seobi?” Rion kindly asked.

Haha –” I chuckled a bit. “No, I don’t cook as well as Frilldert”

Aw – thanks dear.”

As soon as I finished my meal, I decide to leave an hour early for my babysitting. But once I close the door, Abrenite opens it. With my expression of confusion, he keeps silent, then pulling me slightly to the distance under the dark night as he closes the entrance. Now, we’re isolated from Frilldert and Rion.

“So, did Rion find his Briteria ability yet?” he spoke with eloquence.

“No – he only told me that he accidentally transfigured the ground into a weapon.”

Abrenite then begins telling me the reason to why he investigated Vaxia, and that he’s signed up as a ‘Bounty Hunter’.

Honestly, I didn’t know how to respond to that. But with my bewildered expression, he instantly replied –

“I believe that the culprit who demolished our family is still out there.”

… Again, I don’t know how to reply –

But how am I even sure that all the Briteria members in my family are gone?

Maybe there are a few left other than Abrenite, Rion and I.

“So, the reason why you’re asking about Rion, is because you want him to join you?”

“I want you to come with us as well.”

… he wants me to join him too?

What kind of dangers will I face?

And I’m already enjoying my life here in Mayatopia!

“… I don’t know.”

We both pause for a bit, unsure to what to say to each other. I think Abrenite thought thoroughly about me joining him. But, I’m already at the point where I’m really living well – and, I don’t want this peace to get away from my heart.

I want to finally rest and become a normal person.

“You know surely that only Briteria users, like us, can manipulate Briteria?”

“Yeah –”

“Did you find anyone else not from our family, but manipulated Briteria?”

Now when I think about it – I’m not exactly sure if the ‘purple-crystallised-like’ material is Briteria.

Briteria usually denotes itself with a crystallised, blue/sapphire, luminous texture right?

“I’ve seen two individuals using a purple-coloured stone. And it seemed like it worked exactly like Briteria”

Yeah, exactly like Briteria. Destroying the floor and reconstructing whatever they like by manipulating those purple-crystalline particles, followed by their skin being illuminated and particles gushing out of their wounds.

“Purple material -” I saw his questioned face. “… because if it wasn’t a purple material, someone must have been spreading the ability of Briteria throughout the world – through to people who aren’t from our family.”

… Giving this ability to ones who aren’t from the Briteria family!?

That’s preposterous!

“And clearly, Briteria is extremely dangerous for those who can’t manipulate it properly. Truly, the three abilities from our family of Briteria have the power to destroy the world.”

And then, I remember Vaxia quoting something –

‘Haha! We Briteria users will take revenge on all those people who rejected us!’

He blatantly stated that he’s a Briteria user as well.

“Abrenite, is Vaxia in our family?”

Psh, no.

No? Then what’s this?

“I remember him claiming that he’s a Briteria user.” I muttered.


“But, I remember him carrying a purple-like crystalline blade – instead of blue. Also goes for my friend who worked for Vaxia, sadly.”

I ended with a sigh, and then stared at his face of intrigue.

I mean like – Britenzo – he had the same ability as well…

He changed…

“He transfigured the ground into a purple-coloured shield which looked exactly like Briteria, but purple.”

“… I have no clue to what the purple material is.”

And then, there we go, silence surrounds us. Though, there are still questions that delude me –

“Abrenite, can you tell me about the Britoniah’s Cataclysm?”

I’m still obscure to the history of my own race, unfortunately.

I need someone to enlighten me about it…

“Thought you would already know?”

“No – I don’t.”

“It started off when Britoniah was still intact with its main island – an island much larger than the one we call ‘Britoniah’ now.”

Wait a second – I remember the island of Britoniah being quite small on a book that Annelie showed me…

Then I guess the reason why we call this island ‘Britoniah’ is because it’s the only aspect of Britoniah left on this world.

The history starts off with the largest city on Britoniah – Brigadonia – which is actually, our home now. Abrenite states that the city was larger than the island we’re on now, and our island only considered one part of Brigadonia – which that part, is the mining industry.

But before Brigadonia was separated from the rest of Britoniah, there was a King who ruled Brigadonia and the entire island. His name was King Junquious III. From the perspective of our family, Abrenite states that we all knew him as a tyrant instead of an actual ‘king’, and that he classified millions of slaves across the island as criminals without representing such evidence. The King manipulated the Knights – ordering them to shun the one who have a negative impression of him, and then turning them into slaves.

“These slaves were then ordered to mine the gold present within the South-Western side of Britoniah – which that side, is now classified as the island we’re on now.”

I guess I can say that it’s quite depressing to hear that the island we’re on now, or probably the only island present in this planet, is only considered to be a part of a larger city.

Though –

I can’t believe how much power this ‘King’ had back then?

Just from the way Abrenite is explaining it, I have an itch of anger toppling my spine when I hear the ‘King’ being stated.

Then, after forcing the slaves to mine, the King thought of a question –

A question that dominated the lives of the slaves –

‘How is the planet holding itself together?’

Several assumptions were made by the geologists back then – such as the planet being held together by an extremely dense material in the core. This amount of density must be so high that it contributes to the strong gravitational force that’s keeping every bit of matter on the planet together. With his ravaging intrigue, he ordered the slaves to mine until they reach the centre of the planet.

Now, with the technology we have now, that’s absolutely crazy – particularly when the only tools they have were, and are still a pickaxe and a shovel.

Though, without a choice, the slaves accepted the order of the King and eventually found something unusual –

They found something with a higher strength of molecular bonding, higher density and incredibly more beautifying than gold. And for this reason, it bolstered the King’s urge of grasping it within his hands.

They called it ‘Briteria’.

But, considering how tough the rock was embedded onto the ground, the miners weren’t able to pickaxe-it-out.

“I don’t care if you’re not able to! Use your bare hands if you have to!”

Then, out of all the millions of slaves, four of them were previous scientists who knew thoroughly about the world.

But in nowadays, they would be called ‘magicians’, instead of scientists. These four scientists were professions of certain skills –

Britelza Bayerische –imagination and creativity.

Brizenska Shwanseah – manipulation of such chemical compounds to devise methods of healing.

Falkenstein Jeutonburg – creation, conversion of particles and atoms through the basis of Quantum Mechanics.

And for the last one, Salzburg Neuschwenstein, he had the ability to control peoples’ thoughts through the knowledge he knows of hypnotism and his knowledge of psychology.

As years passed in the mines, numerous amounts of slaves around the four began to lose their consciousness by being exposed to the ‘unusual air’ around them.

This unusual air was being produced by the shiny, blue Briteria material.

Parts of it were being diffused into the air around them, and changing their physical characteristics slowly…

They were able to depict the individuals to have changed in their hair colour, some in skin colour, and some in eye colour.

Though, only the four were left in the mines after a total of five years.

From what they were able to see, their skin colour was the only physical characteristic that was altered – nothing else.

That’s what made them different to the other millions of slaves who died because of the air around them.

But this was already enough evidence that the Briteria should not be exposed to the population throughout Britoniah – and shouldn’t be used as a material for being exported and used in daily life.

Though, with Salzburg’s selfishness, he had the opposite idea – simply because, he didn’t want the King to execute him.

So why can’t we?” he suggested.

“What do you mean?! It’s blatant that if this ore was to be exposed to the cities, it would kill humanity!”

“Look what it did to everyone else that used to live in the mines, Salzburg!”

But with Salzburg’s selfishness and the ability he had to hypnotise others, he manipulated the actions of Brizenska and Falkenstein to devise a way to remove the Briteria from the ground. As for Britelza, he wasn’t hypnotised, and had to acquiesce his way through – abstaining himself to outrage a fight with Salzburg because of the fear he had for him.

And then finally – Salzburg succeeded.

By having their will manipulated, they successfully removed the ore out by the combined knowledge of Brizenska and Falkenstein knew of the world.

This was called magic, and the Briteria ore was transported to the King.

Ha! Excellent work, slaves! Now, get me more.” said the King.

As Falkenstein and Brizenska regained their sanity, they question the reasons why he had such an urge to having the ore – and yes, it’s because of its incredibly attractive looks. They then denied the King to do such an act – as by grasping such ore, they fear that it can deliver such a terrible effect to the human body. The change in the skin colour wasn’t much of a change that the King was able to actually detect for the four. So they thought the best evidence to show the King were from the people who died by the changes from the Briteria air. The other millions of slaves who had their physical appearances altered similar to some abnormal viral infection.

But it turns out, that those bodies already have vaporised through the change – and no evidence was procured.

As Salzburg felt guilty, he continuously rejected the orders of the King, also persuaded and followed by Falkenstein, Brizenska and Britelza. They became wanted fugitives throughout the entire island.

By being absent from the mines, the King ordered batches of Knights and warriors to rip the ore themselves out of the ground. After weeks, they decide to protect the Briteria ore for the sake of mankind.

With the four resisting to the King’s orders, he declares war on the four.

Exactly – only four people, verses an entire army. I don’t think you would describe it as ‘declaring war’ but more like ‘hunting for the fugitives’.

Then, they realise themselves changing in physical appearance as time passed – and becoming exactly like the other slaves who died.

Their eye colours were changing to a blood-like vermillion texture. Their hairs distributed from red, blue, lavender to pink.

But, actually, not only the physical appearance changed, but they were given supernatural abilities that beheld the power to destroy mankind.

It turns out that the gas being diffused from the Briteria ore released microscopic moving cells that roam the atmosphere.

And these ‘move’ depending on what’s inside the person’s mind and what they’re thinking.

The King saw how much they changed in looks, and then turned the wanted label of ‘fugitives’ to ‘aliens of mass destruction’.

This then compelled the King to have a better reason for him to ravage a war on the four individuals. “Remove them from the phase of this world!” The King ordered.

But obviously, the four couldn’t take an army of an island, and treasured the Briteria.

The four wanted to escape…

They yearned to escape from that island…

They yearned to flee from an army…

Since these Briteria cells ‘move’ depending on what’s inside the person’s mind, they simply grant anything that’s being thought in one’s mind.

Falkenstein – the one who can manipulate literally any form of element or atom – desired to flee from the country so much that the Briteria cells granted his will…

And made it true…

The Briteria cells ripped the part of the island that the four were standing on, carrying the rest of the city as well and everyone on it, somewhere else…

This event was called the ‘Britoniah’s Cataclysm’ – it carried the entire mining institute of Brigadonia through to another dimension, where they were far away from the King.

In the other dimension, where we are now, as time passed, so many individuals within the part of Britoniah that’s left started to be ‘taken away’ by Briteria.

Just like the individuals who died in the mines.

As later generations pass, and after living in a separated island for years, Falkenstein discovered the reasons to why the slaves were murdered by the ‘unusual air’ in the mines – and that’s because of the over exposure of Briteria cells throughout the atmosphere. Their bodies weren’t able to adapt to the change in air, and the low quantity of oxygen, that they started bursting out blood from their mouths, noses and ears and suffering from the rapid change of their body. This caused a quarter of the human population to disappear – and caused some people who successfully adapted to the exposure of the Briteria air to separate themselves from those who didn’t acquire an adaptation. Those individuals are now considered as the majority of the human population – the normal humans, and named themselves with their own factions – Algerian Union, Sheng-Quishi Empire, Schneizal Kingdom.


These factions wanted to find the ones responsible for splitting their country and causing the Britoniah’s Cataclysm…

So numerous wars raged out, and ended at World War Nine once a new enemy was discovered by the Schneizal Kingdom.

The true people who performed the Britoniah’s Cataclysm.

They were called, and we were called the ‘Briteria’ because we’ve successfully adapted to the change in conditions of the atmosphere by the microscopic Briteria cells.

Except for me – and most of the members in my family, we’re born from a Briteria parent. So we didn’t need to adapt to anything.

Hence, some people turned into a Briteria member by adapting to the atmosphere and changing physically by themselves, while others were born with the particular genes.

Then, after hundreds of individuals beholding themselves with the genes of Briteria, we isolated ourselves away from the rest of the society and forming a ‘family’ on top of the centre of the mining industry that found Briteria.

We called this Brigadonia.

After years, we were distributed to three families according to our Briteria abilities – Bayerische, Shwanseah and Jeutonburg.

All contrasts by the way we manipulate matter, but I’m completely obscure to all of them except mine –Shwanseah.

Since our island used to be connected to a much larger one – this could also be the reason to why everyone in Britoniah despises people from the Briteria family. If the island was still intact with the entire, then the economy could have been more stable and less people would be famine.

And that is why a new order was placed to restore the economy in this world, and that was by initiating the war – also known as – The War of Brigadonia –

Once our faction was discovered, the other three attempted to take us out for us performing the Britoniah’s Cataclysm and united as one super faction called the ‘Heiligen-Jaeger’.

But our family only sought peace, while the others urged for our destruction – so members of the Jeutonburg family devised a plan to finally stop the war by making weapons of mass destruction, and forcefully causing them to ‘fear us’. We had a higher knowledge of technology, and we were able to bombard our enemy with uranium warheads that instantly pulverised them. We also had the supernatural powers that allowed us to manipulate matter according to our desire because of our exposure to Briteria.

To be honest, it escalated quite quickly – and the Briteria family were victorious, and they had no chance at all against the Briteria legion. We won, but the entire world still despises us…

Even now, people still hate me because I’m from the Briteria family.

… But that’s not the end.

Our family was wiped out by an unknown phenomenon, and now there are some individuals not from our family, who intend to behold the same power as us Briteria users?

An example is Vaxia – but I don’t understand, he isn’t from our family, but I remember him stating that he wanted to take revenge for the ones who rejected us?

Taking revenge…?

For the ones who rejected us?

Wait – I’m going to generalise for a bit, but Vaxia isn’t even from our family and is from one of the other three.

One of the other three who hated us…

And now he’s addressing himself as a Briteria member?

He looks more like an Asian and a Caucasian – hence, half Jiang-Xi and Schneizal.

Abrenite and I are completely obscure to which side he’s from, but according to the way he spoke, it’s as if he’s from our Briteria family.

But now, I remember –

Britenzo had the power to manipulate something similar to Briteria, despite him not even from our family at all.

Rion and I knew him in the first year we arrived in Junquious, and he’s from the Sheng-Quishi Empire.

But once Abrenite said that, I was quite shock.

“Yep, I’m completely sure now.” I heard Abrenite mutter. “Your Britenzo friend has the replica of Briteria engraved inside him. It’s called ‘Carningrenate’.”


“An artificially made version of Briteria?!”

“Oh – I’m not sure, unfortunately.” He paused for a bit. “But what I’m going to say it’s my speculation of who the culprit is.”

Already? He’s this far?

Honestly, I’m quite amazed that he jumped to an assumption of the individual who destroyed our family. Through all the things he told me, I can be sure that he’s experienced more battles and fights compared to Rion and me.

“Some members of the Jeutonburg family were arrogant of their knowledge in magic, that they produced weapons that can wipe out the entire universe.”

I remember the day when Rion’s cat Elza was experimented on by one of our close scientists –

“Was Reaperion one of them?”

“Uhmm – I don’t know. But I’m sure that someone is out there, from the Jeutonburg family, who caused such a horrifying storm that wiped almost the whole population of the Briteria family. He might have also replicated the Briteria gene and made a copy.”

“But, isn’t there also a chance that someone who don’t behold Briteria genes did this to us?” I paused slightly. “I mean – wouldn’t it be understandable that they would choose to obliterate our family, because we won the war hundreds of years ago?”

I watch Abrenite rest his head, and staring at the floor beneath him. I can tell he’s going through some thorough thoughts.

“That can be true – but, sorry, I didn’t exactly think that they would be that smart.

“Abrenite, you’re not different to those who reject us if you continue to think that way.”

“I know…” He muttered with sorrow.

But surely, I understand what he’s trying to say.

There is, in fact, a large possibility that someone from the Jeutonburg family obliterated our home and caused that storm of rocks. But, what would be there reason?

Why would they do such a thing to their own home?

It doesn’t make sense.

Maybe there’s someone out there that had the ability to unleash such a supernatural storm on us. And someone who beholds the ability to replicate such a gene and making a replica of Briteria.

… If he stuck himself to the logic of how smart a Briteria person can be, he would in fact think that the culprit is someone from the Jeutonburg family…

So, I understand how Abrenite would lead to such a conclusion.

Then, another question arises.

“If Vaxia has the ability of Briteria, shouldn’t he have broken out of prison by now?” I asked.

“Vaxia is dead.”


I take a gasp with my face of agape.

“The Knight’s say that he went insane after a few days in prison – probably because ‘he failed his master’, as he said.”

Abrenite then continued on the day of Vaxia’s interrogation. The only information that they were able to extract from him were that he had the desire to be immortal. Though, the rest of his answers were simply –

I failed my master’.

Now with all this evidence, this master must be still out there. And at least, he may be a lead to the mystery of the destruction of our home.

With Abrenite’s final request of helping him, I absolutely agree.

We will find this culprit and the one who wiped out our family.

Finally, Abrenite walks back to the motel and I continue my journey to focus on my schedule. I was asked to babysit a few children in the western outskirts of the city. I’m really happy to help these people, despite me not planning to do much. Due to the lack of income the family had, the parents were forced to depart their way to the city in the east of Britoniah – Peonheight.

The past region of the Sheng-Quishi Empire.

The city is known for their massive manufacturing facilities, and numerous people work there for the available jobs.

I arrive thirty minutes later and find the three children waiting by the porch.

Oh no – I’m so late! Luckily they’re not in danger!

Their parents know me quite well, and I’ve known them ever since I joined the hospital in Mayatopia. This isn’t my first time visiting them in fact, I used to come here every weekend – having dinner, lunch or even just to play around with the kids.

“Sorry I’m late, kids! I was indulged in a conversation with my brother!” I replied with compelling guilt.

“It’s okay aunty!” The elder one out of the three replied with such a passionate tone.

Their ages are scattered from twelve to five – the elder one is Jaena, the middle is Shima, the youngest is Rei.

I gave them all a group hug after they run towards me with such delight of my presence.

Now, when I think about it, maybe one day I’ll be able to raise my children too? I guess it’s a slight dream for me too, but I’ll be considering this later on when I’m an adult.

It’s eight-thirty, and I’m putting them all to bed. I’ve read books for Shima and Rei, while Jaena is obviously too old for kid-stories.

While Jaena and Shima sleep on the same bed, I lay myself down next to Rei.

“Good night Auntie.” I heard her say in such a pure, cute voice that encouraged me to just squeeze her cheeks and poke her and hug her and – okay, I’ll stop. But as I watch her fall asleep comfortably in my arms, the feeling of nostalgia strikes me and dominates everything else in my mind. I remember when my mother used to put me to sleep – except, she’s gone now.

I just wish I could be a child again – being in the arms of my parents and having no care of what happens in the world.

I just want to spend those times again with my parents.

But – I guess it’s impossible.

As soon as I begin to lay my head on the bed, I hear someone knocking on the door.

Should I go over and open it?

Or should I just forget about it?

No – If it’s their parents, I don’t have the right to ignore it.

I guess I’ll just flip the curtains slightly just to ensure my safety.

I leave the room silently, closing the door as if I’m just some invisible entity and embarking my way down the stairs to the lower level of the house. I approach the door, slightly moving the curtains positioned on the same wall as the door and finding the children’s father. Instantly, I unlock the doors and see the man’s face.

“Seobi! Good evening!” He greets passionately. “Sorry, before leaving to Peonheight, my wife and I volunteered to help preparing for tomorrow’s performance. There was a reward for it, so yeah.

“Oh, fantastic! What performance is it?”

“It’s Emelseah’s concert.”

Oh – Emelseah. I remember her –

Didn’t Rion fancy her?

“And right now, in the carriage –” he gestured at his chariot. “… Some of the performance materials are inside.”

I take a nod, and I follow him to his carriage to find numerous collections of dolls with such grotesque masks.


“Yeah – there’s going to be a new feel for tomorrow’s performance. The album is called ‘Love as a Mask’.”

‘Love as a Mask’? What kind of – never mind. I’m not into music at all, so I wouldn’t understand what it feels like making up names for albums and such.

“And I’ll need someone to hold these dolls for me while I come back tomorrow to retrieve them.”

“Oh, okay. Sure.” I nodded with a delightful smile.

We both use immense energy to take the dolls into the storage room of the house. The heights vary from one-metre to about two-metres, and some are just unusually heavy. I decided to put them in the storage room instead of the living room – since if the children wake up to see these kinds of dolls, they may feel rather horrified by their grotesque looks or a bit uncomfortable. After about twenty minutes, we finally empty the carriage and successfully move a total of thirty-one dolls. I look at them again, and feel an itch of fear crawling down my spine.

“Alright, thank you!” I watched him embark his chariot once again. “I’ll see you tomorrow! And thank you again for taking care of my children!”

“You’re welcome!” I wave back and watch him disappear into the silent darkness of the night.

I’m glad that I was able to help them once again. The feeling of helping someone just fills my heart with content. Honestly, I want to continue helping people until the day I die.

Finally, I re-enter the house, closing the door tightly and pushing all the locks together. As I enter the living room and attempt to embark my feet on the stairs, I stare at the storage room to see the dolls lying there inanimately.

… Scary… it just gives me the chills.

As fear compels me, I decide to approach the storage room for my own satisfaction, and attempting to close the door slightly. But as fear continues to withhold my movement, it urges me to shut the door with such velocity, running up the stairs with such haste and closing the door in the children’s room as if a monster was chasing me. I take a few deep breaths, and remind myself that the children are now around me.

I feel safer here… despite me being the one who needs to protect them.

I can suddenly feel my bravery being restored, but deeply inside I know clearly that I’ve become paranoid.

With Rei’s head facing my direction of the bed, I pat it slowly to satisfy my feel of her cuteness.

She’s fast asleep.

So are the other two.

I then lay my head on the pillow, and fall asleep.

“Seobi.” Rion muttered. “The sun is nice, isn’t it?”

I look up to the sky of azure to see the sun’s incandescent light penetrate through my vulnerable eyes.

Oh, it’s blinding.” I complained. “Don’t look at it, you’ll get blind.”

Rion suddenly turns his head to me.

“Well, I’m sorry. Miss Shwanseah –” He said in a rather sarcastic tone.

Despite him being like that, he’s my best friend.

My best friend ever since I met him.

And, when I was seven, I remember him telling me that he would marry me in the future.

But, I wonder if he still gets that idea?

He’s from the Bayerische family, and surprisingly, we were born on the same day –except, we’re both quite obscure to when exactly, the time interval in hours of our birth was. If we knew, I bet we would be bossing each other to the max.

I look around myself and watch us lying down on the castle walls of Brigadonia. Everything is so peaceful –

Will life be like this until I die?

But out of all the hundreds of people in our family, the ones who I stick around most are Rion’s brother, Abrenite, Rion and someone who I slightly despise –

Her name is Shamiya Siglestria.

She isn’t from Brigadonia, and she doesn’t even have Briteria genes.

“Hey Rion!” I watched her emerge from the forests and waving at Rion with that seducing joyful look.

Damn it! She keeps manipulating the guys! I bet there’s some kind of magic when you look at her eyes. It bewitches any guy who looks at her.

Was-s-s-sup, Shamiya!”

I watch Rion regaining his posture instantly with such a passionate look on his face, while for me – I’m still lying on the floor.

“What’re you doing, Shamiya?” I heard him call out.

“Picking up some apples.”

“Do you want me to help you?”

“No, it’s fine.”

Then, there we go, the never ending chain of altruism.

I kind of hate it when it happens between those two.

Seconds later, I find myself behind Shamiya and Rion as they socialise. I feel so indignant for what they’re doing to me. No, what Shamiya is doing to me.

Suddenly, I bump into Rion’s back after they stop in front of me.

“Shamiya, are you okay?” I see Rion coming to Shamiya’s aid.

I look at her still back while Rion runs right in front of her and I detect an odd look in his face. I approach him closer, seeing what he’s seeing, and we both look at Shamiya’s eyes droop blood.

With the amount of shock inside me, I take a few steps towards my behind in fear. Shamiya suddenly turns to me, with her mouth as well drooping out blood. As for Rion, he regains his posture and approaches me with an emotionless look.

Both of them –

Both of their eyes, noses, ears and mouths are drooping out blood.

Horror compels my spine, and I begin running out of fear away from both of them.

“Come back, don’t leave me!” I heard Shamiya exclaiming sorrowfully.


I wake up suddenly, and hear Shima calling my name with the moonlight shining upon us.

That was all a dream –

But Shamiya, where is she now?

I turn around in shock and see Shima pulling on my arm as it hangs off the bed.

“I’m cold…” she muttered as she grasps her entire body with her arms.

I lift myself off the bed, and grabbing her hands softly.

“I’ll hug you when you sleep, okay?”

She nods, and lays her head on the bed while I do the same. I wrap my arms around her as she does the same to me. Her eyes close slowly, then opening once again.

“I’m still cold.”

I look at her innocent eyes and lifting myself off the bed to look for a spare blanket in the wardrobe of the room. With only by the light of the moon, I go over the bed and pillow sheets with such tired eyes.

But, there aren’t any.

What do I do?

The only choice for me is to look in the parents’ room for any spare blankets. Actually, if it’s necessary, I’ll just take theirs.

I surely care about this child, and I’ll do whatever it takes for her to be warm again.

“Just wait for me to come back, okay?” I delivered a delightful smile to her. “I’ll just go out to look for a blanket to use. Okay?”


I pat her on the back, turning around at the clock and finding the time to be exactly two AM. I leave the room and close the door silently.

But, I’m slightly scared to walk in the dark...

The house is completely pitch-black, and fear continues to compel me.

Remember, it’s for the child.

… It’s for the child.

To satisfy how much I’m afraid of the dark, I approach the closest light switch near me until I’m able to walk freely to the parents’ room. As I look back, it turns out that I end up turning on all the lights that leads from the children’s room to the parents’. I walk inside and going through their wardrobe. I know that it isn’t exactly right to do this, but at least I’m not in for any bad intentions.

Finally, I find the blanket I need – a rather thick and wool one in fact. I depart the room, closing the door and making my way back to Shima.

But then…

Something on the sides of my view prompts me.

With the light shun by the light from the top floor, parts of the living room is visible.

And that something certainly bolstered my fear, and compels me with my urge to run.

The door to the storage room is opened.

I’m pretty sure I closed it!

What’s going on?

I run back to the children’s room, shutting the door roughly and seeing Shima’s bewildered face. “What’s going on…?”

“N-nothing!” I smiled passionately. With anxiety compelling me, I quickly drag her to the bed with such a hasty pace. “Okay, let’s go to sleep.”

I cuddled her like a teddy bear and closing my eyes tightly.

Think of positive things, think of positive things!

As the fear inside me disappears away, I feel Shima breathing slowly in my arms. I look at her cute face again, and seeing that she’s already fast asleep.

And then… I hear the sound of movement coming from the living room.

I take a gasp, and cuddling Shima even harder.

I hear it again –

As I follow my crazy decision, I silently lift myself from the bed and slowly opening the room door.

The lights were still on.


I walk down the stairs with steps of fear, emerging myself in the living room, then towards the door to the storage room. I slowly grab my hand on the door knob and closing it slowly.

But wait –

Something isn’t right.

I open the door once again and find that something is missing.

The creepiest doll out of them all is missing.

I was able to tell straight away, since I recognise that doll the most.

As I turn on the light, I count the amount of dolls there are –

One, two, three, four … fifteen … twenty six… thirty.

There were only thirty dolls.

No, wait –

One, two, three, thirty.


I count them again repeatedly, and find that there are only thirty.

This can’t be true. This can’t be true. This can’t be true!

The fear inside me amplifies, and I run with haste back to the children’s room. As I step inside, I shut the door once again as hard as I can, then blocking it with my entire body to protect the children and myself.

There’s someone else inside this house.

It would’ve been much better if Frilldert, Abrenite or Rion was to do be with me.

Honestly, my bravery would have been bolstered.

Then, with myself realising so late, I find that all the children are awake.

“Aunty, what’s wrong?”

Just by hearing her say that, a speck of bravery climbs my spine. “Uh – nothing.” I said without giving them any scare.

I look over the window behind them, and finding a solution to ridding all of us from this misery. Maybe we can jump off? No – we’re two stories high. The children won’t be able to hit the ground without breaking their legs! Nor can I!

And I can’t leave them…

Wow – what was that?!

Suddenly, we all jump in shock after hearing the sound of a burst from somewhere inside the house.

What was that sound?

Rei starts crying.

Jaeena runs to her aid, then cuddling her instantly. I do the same, and so does Shima. We’re all together – and I quite enjoy it like this.

As soon as I hear the sound of thundering footsteps, I run back to the door of the room, shutting it as hard as I can and blocking it with the feel of fear compelling me.

I’m scared – I’m literally scared.

I’ve never been this scared in my life.

What do I do? Come on Seobi!

Now when I think about it, the entire house is quite large. I’m quite certain that there’s an intruder in our house, and he stole one of the dolls.

I continue hearing the footsteps getting closer to us.

But, what are the chances that they know of our presence?

If we were to sneak out of the room silently without developing any attention, we might be able to let ourselves free.

But, Rei is crying. That’s probably the reason why I can hear the footsteps getting louder and louder as if they’re approaching us.

Suddenly, once Jaeena approaches me with a large one-metre plank. She nods, and gestures a swing.

“Thanks.” I whispered silently as I take the plank. I continue pinning myself on the door, preventing the intruder to touch us.

Then, without myself realising, I feel the excruciating pain of a deadly-sharp object piercing through my waist from behind.

… The pain… it’s so deadly.

With my immobilised figure, the door bursts open vigorously, finding myself on the floor in front of the children.

My figure faces the ceiling as it lies on the floor dreadfully. I tilt my head to see the man emerge from the pulverised door. It’s someone who in fact, I thought to be dead.

Vaxia Alexandre.

I look behind him, and finding all the lights brightly turned on.

Damn – I didn’t turn them off! Obviously he knew that there were people inside the house!

Seobi Shwanseah.”

Did he just call my name…?

Brace yourself Seobi, he’s approaching you.

Instantly, he waves his hand to his sides, then parts of the ceiling and the floor rips apart into distinct luminescent particles. They assemble together to form a crystallised purple blade.

Definitely, just like what Abrenite said, it’s the replica of Briteria.

Did Abrenite call it ‘Carningrenate’?

With my immobilised figure, and the fear of dying compelling me, Vaxia crouches in front of me and lays his head closer to mine.

“Do you mind if I take the kids?”

What’s this guy talking about!

Instantly, I screamed out –

Please don’t!”

Crawling my way closer to the kids and shielding them from danger, I feel numerous amounts of blood trailing from my behind.

“Please don’t touch them!” I exclaimed desperately.

Please don’t! I would rather you to take me instead!

Please Vaxia, spare the children. Don’t kidnap them, please!

“Please Vaxia! They’re innocent!” I cry out with such fear and anguish. “Don’t do anything to them!”

Those eyes…

They’re creepy. They blatantly symbolise death.

With his malevolent face, I see him just looking at me without saying a word.

My voice tones down, then the tears stop.

“I’ll do whatever you want – please.

Secretly, I silently move my hand closer to the wound on my waist that restricts me from my free movement. I expand my palm and feeling the symbol of Briteria to engrave my hand once again, attempting to heal the wound.

… Wait – I think he’s got me.

You know, you don’t want to do that.” Vaxia expressed a tone of annoyance. He takes my arm instantly, then plunging a steel knife right through my –

“Ow! My hand!”

… No, don’t touch the children! Please!

He regains his posture and expands his hand out to the children behind me. As I realise so late, I can hear the children crying in such an exhaustive manner – calling my name and their parents’ repeatedly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t harm you. I promise.

That tone… it seriously enrages me.

My eyes begin closing, and I feel the presence of an intense migraine across my entire scalp. I’m losing too much blood – and I’m beginning to lose my consciousness.

But I might protect the children at all costs –

Someone, help me.

Then, with the energy I have left, I realise something rather odd.

All this time, there was a shadowed object behind Vaxia – a shadowed figure at the door.

As it approached Vaxia slowly, the moonlight shines upon it, revealing…

... Something rather unusual.

Like … a masked doll. The one which I feared the most.

In fact, it looked more like an actual person.

He holds a large cumbersome grey blade with numerous spikes protruding from its tip, moving silently towards Vaxia then hacking the blade towards his back violently. Instantly, Vaxia reacts to the strike, and flipping his head to face the ceiling as it immobilised him.

Yes – I remember seeing this ‘doll’ in the storage room, and now I can claim that it was the one that went missing.

No - obviously, it isn’t a doll. It’s an actual human being.

The man in the mask rips his blade out of Vaxia’s behind vigorously, then grasping the back of his collar and dragging him out of the room. With my immobilised figure, I’m still able to manage my free arm to reconstruct the wounds on my behind and my stabbed hand. I slightly regain my strength, and I place my hand on the handle of the steel knife that pins my hand to the floor, then clenching it like a tight ball. With the excruciating pain, I feel the blade passing through my inner muscles, and leaving my blood-gushing hand. With my other, I seal the wound with my power of Briteria, then finally realising that the children were watching me this whole time.

I rotate my body to face them with shock, and seeing their fearful expressions.

I’m so sorry for all that’s happened!”

I branch my arms out, then cuddling them all at once.

Aunty, it’s okay. We’ll tell our parents everything.” I heard Rei’s pure, soft voice.

“That’s right!” Shima responded.

Honestly, they’re such nice children. Their parents must be so lucky to have such children by their side.

“Thank you all. You’re such good children – I love you all.”

Suddenly, we all jump in shock after hearing the sound of a door bursting once again.

“Should we check it out?” Jaeena’s clear voice dominated the atmosphere.

I’m not exactly sure what I should do.

If I bring them along, wouldn’t they be prone to being in danger?

And I don’t even know who that person with the mask is!

Why did he help me?

Regardless – I have to stick to the children at all costs. I promised that I’ll help them, and that I’ll protect them.

But, if I’m someone who helps others, shouldn’t I do the same for those who helped me too?

… Particularly the man in the mask?

“Alright, let’s stick together.” I said with vehemence.

With haste, Jaeena grabs Shima’s hand, and I take Rei into my arms and carrying her. We all walk silently down the stairs, and wondering Vaxia’s whereabouts.

“Where did they go?” Shima muttered silently.

“I’m not exactly sure…”

“Look!” Jaeena called out. We all move our eyes to the direction she was pointing, and then finding blood tracks on the wooden floor. We follow them, and finding that it’s leading us to the backyard.

Through my left, I see the laundry hanged and pinned tightly on arrays of thick string. On my right, I watch Vaxia’s still figure being pinned to the floor by multitudinous amounts of crystallised, blue swords piercing through all parts of his body.

Instantly, I cover the eyes of Rei, then pulling Shima and Jaeena towards my shocked figure to prevent them from seeing the violent image. Then, I hear the sound of footsteps emerging, and then disappearing. I turn my head around and see the grotesque mask staring at Vaxia’s figure aimlessly, underneath the light of dawn.

Where’s my real body?!” the masked man exclaimed.

Real body?

What does he mean by that?

With an itch of intrigue, I find myself raising my voice –

“Who are you?”

He doesn’t respond.

“Why did you help us?”

Wait – he used a sapphire, blue, crystallised material as his weapon!

Could it mean that he’s a Briteria user like me?

Blue swords…

It just reminds me of Rion’s story. Oh, wait –


… I swear I just head Rion’s voice coming from behind the mask!

After a few seconds, I hear his silent voice once again, emit through the mask that continues to stay staring at Vaxia’s obliterated figure.

“I’m going to kill Rion.”


Suddenly, the man leaps his legs into the air instantly, then a large white object jets through the sky on top of us.

With the design of the wings, and the shape of the figure, I can conclude it’s a Hyperdrillion.

He lands on it violently after jumping through the air, then instantly disappearing from my sight.

Rion… he’s going to kill Rion.

I can’t let this happen.

I have to protect him.

Chapter 14 – Rion – Goodbye, my love

I wake up on the side of the couch to feel someone’s head sleeping on my shoulder under the light of dawn. Honestly, their jaw is really giving me some discomfort. I turn around, putting my index finger on the blue hair and –

Wait – blue hair?


My eyes widen in astonishment, and I find Seobi laying her head on my shoulder. I exclaimed in shock, leaping to my legs instantly, and then finding her head to slowly fall to the ground of where I was sitting. Simultaneously, I see Seobi’s knee lifting and causing a rather, young, teenage kid who was sleeping on her knee, to fall to the floor as well. Then behind her, I see another child tipping over her head consecutively. From all that, I finally realise that there’s one more child around the warm arms of Seobi, sleeping as well. This child seems like she’s the youngest.

But – what’s all this?

Seobi wakes up after realising that her head fell to the ground, then getting her body back to her previous posture. She realises the other two children with their heads lying on the floor. I watch her silently pulling their shoulders closer to her, and laying their heads on her thighs. Seobi closes her eyes slowly as she dozes off to sleep, but then opening them instantly to look around the room with her eyes of tire.

Then, after she spots me, I see her express a delightful smile.

“You’re alright…”

I’m… alright?

“Yeah…?” I expressed a bewildered expression.

Wow – I’ve never had this feel before in my life. Someone cared about me this much? It’s strange because, she doesn’t usually do this.

Suddenly, Frilldert emerges from the stairs with a large yawn.

“Morning Rion!”

Instantly, she detects my bewildered expression. “Are you alright?”

I watch her turn her head to the couch, and finding Seobi lying there – sleeping.

“Since when did Seobi have kids? Wow –” She then looks at me all of a sudden. “Since when did you two have kids?!”

Kids?! No! We don’t have kids!

I continue looking at her sleeping figure, then finding numerous blood marks on her right hand.

Something must have happened last night. So I guess it’s best for me to leave them alone and let them rest.

Frilldert and I decide to eat breakfast together, then leaving the motel for a performance that’s taking place in the centre of the city later in the afternoon. But before doing so, Frilldert decides to show me around the mall of Mayatopia.

“Ever been on a shoppin’ spree?”


We’ve always conserved our money, and prevented an excessive use of it. I would usually choose to go out and express my impulsivity but, Seobi would be a wall that prevented me from doing such acts. But now as I journey around the mall with Frilldert, it seems like she’s the opposite of Seobi.

Earrings, bracelets, necklaces – or should I just say, jewellery in general, are the assets which Frilldert enjoys looking at and buying the most. It feels so different now to be even able to touch these objects. Back then, Seobi didn’t even allow me to look at them.

Suddenly, Frilldert forcefully gets my attention –

“How does this look Rion?” I watch her putting a necklace around her neck.

“You look…”

Come on, what’s a good word to say to a girl? Pretty? Really? Will I really say that? I don’t think I’ve ever said that to a girl before.


Well, close enough to ‘Pretty’.

“Oh, thank you.” She instantly puts the necklace back to where it was. We leave the shop, going through such a large crowd in the central district of the city. I look towards the shops which we pass, and they’re all dominated with sales of fashion. Honestly – this isn’t a place for a guy like me.

I want a place where they sell armours, swords, shields and things I can use to slice my enemy down the centre.

I continue dragging myself with Frilldert aimlessly, and find myself in a shop of textiles. I forgot, Frilldert is a fashion artist – this is probably her ‘home’.

As we stroll around, I stare at the materials that Frilldert looks at, and find them to be in different coloured strings collected in hand-size rolls.

Sigh – nothing here appeals to me.

I stand on my spot aimlessly and stare at the window in front of Frilldert’s figure.

Wait a second – who’s that? I think I recognise her!

With such coincidence, I see Seobi walking pass the shop with the kids tagging along.

I suddenly had an urge to run at her, but Frilldert’s in my way.

Oh well, she’s awake now and I can finally talk to her.

As I keep my eyes on Seobi, Frilldert walks in front of me with two rolls of strings.

“Red or blue?”

She surprises me, and I stare at both of them with carelessness.

“Blue.” I muttered with boredom.

She looks at me for a bit, then turning to the blue roll of string. “But if someone with blue hair was to wear something I make, it won’t suit them.”

Oh my god, I don’t care!

Even if it’s for Seobi, it’s not of my concern.

“Get Seobi something else then!”

Ops – that might’ve been too far of my annoyed feeling.

“Seobi? Who said I was making something for Seobi?” I heard her mutter. “Oh, dFo you want to make something for Seobi?”

What? What did you say?

Suddenly, my feelings of annoyance stops.

Am I gripped and staring at her eyes?

Making something for Seobi? Make what? How will she respond to it if I gave her a gift?

As I continuously think about it, content indulges me.

“Alright then.”

In an instant, she starts jumping in passion –

Really? Really? Really?”

I walk towards the opposite direction of the cashier in slight embarrassment as she trails my path.

Now, what would be something that would suit her? A hair tie? A ribbon?

“What would you like to make her, Rion?”

“I’m not exactly sure what would suit her.”

We pause for a bit, and I stare at Frilldert’s silent, but thinking expression.

“Maybe something red that would contrast with her pale skin and blue hair.”

Blue hair –

I look at Frilldert’s scalp, and spot a few ribbons – suddenly, an idea rises to my mind. Maybe something that would tie up on her fringe? A ribbon or such?

“How about an accesso-”

“A ribbon made from a combination of two straps of a red material, and tied up on the side of her fringe!” She interrupted me.

Wow – that was almost exactly the idea I had in my mind.

Frilldert purchases the string rolls, then instantly giving them to me. “You should make it, I mean, it would be better for you to do it.”

“Th-thank you.”

No! I’m not shy! What are you on about, Rion?

But – will this ever be my first gift for Seobi?

I wonder how she would feel!

As I continue thinking about her, and the reaction she’ll have, I continue to feel happier and happier…

It’s as if, the content persists in filling my energy.

I find myself in the food court with Frilldert as she passes me a bowl of rice. “Come on, if you don’t eat, you’ll get skinny like a stick.”

I’m used to holding my hunger for hours, since I usually miss my meals often by the lack of sustenance we used to have. But, since Frilldert is insisting, I take the bowl of rice and gobble it up instantly with my hands.

“Did you wash your hands?” Frilldert muttered.

Washing my hands? I’m too used to having it too difficult to wash my hands.

… Is something touching me?

I can feel it, something under the table…

A ghost?

A dog?

A cat?

As soon as I attempt to reply to Frilldert, I feel something touching my knee. I look down to see a small child –


“Rion, calm down.” Seobi muttered.

“Aunty, the back of his head looks exactly the same as the man in the mask yesterday! But it’s just a different colour!”

Psh, how can I look like someone?

“Haha!” Seobi chuckled. “Yeah, he kind of does.”

“Did he beat the scary guy?” I heard the voice of a baby in the arms of Seobi.

No, it’s a kid.

And – scary guy?

Who’s this scary guy?

Was Seobi in a fight with someone?


Whatever happened, Seobi is surely concealing it from us – and I can see that by her delightful face staring at Frilldert and me.

“Hi Seobi.” I greet her with a slight itch of shyness.

“Hey Rion!” She waved back.

Start a conversation

Start a conversation


Seobi suddenly turns to her back, then taking four more chairs from other tables and bringing them to ours. As soon as she arrives, I see the top of her hand covered with dried blood.

What’s this? What happened last night to have caused this?!

Then, the first question I wanted to ask her rises –

“Seobi, what happened last night?”

Please don’t state it mister…”

What – wait – what does that kid want? Did she reply instead of Seobi?

Seobi keeps silent, avoiding eye contact and continues sitting the children to their seats. “Yep, comfortable?” she spoke with a joyful manner to the youngest child.

“Seobi…” I muttered with slight fear of her ignoring me.

Talk about it later! I hate remembering that guy! He destroyed our house and ruined everything!”

“Calm down Jae!”

… What’s wrong with this girl? Is she scared or something? I’m guessing she’s the eldest.

“I’ll tell you after the kids leave.” I suspected a cold tone.

And then, as soon as she said those words –

“But aunty, he was the one who helped us! You should tell him what the bad guy did to you!”

I don’t know what this kid is talking about – but I feel rather honoured. Plus, why is it as if Seobi is treating me like the bad guy?

But then suddenly –

Her expression changes to a piece of joy – then without a word, begin feeding the youngest one with rice and tofu. I’m not surprised to see Seobi putting so much consideration for the children. I mean, she was kind of like that to me before, when I didn’t know how to eat with my hands. But to me, she seemed more unlikeable – I guess. So probably, this might be a side of Seobi that I haven’t actually seen.

Seconds later, Frilldert and Seobi begin having a conversation about sewing. I continue concentrating on the food as another child approaches me (I’m guessing it’s the middle-aged one).

“Mister, thank you for last night.”

“Yeah.” Seobi sighed, probably because she’s fed up with all the kids manifesting the existence of an event last night. “I’ll tell you soon, Rion.”

One of the kids grabs a fork, piercing a tofu and giving it to me with a smile.

Wow – I’m utterly amazed at these children! Honestly, they’re really polite!

Well, the eldest one is probably not.

… Yeah, she’s not! I mean, she was like raising her voice in front of me!

Psh – annoyed.

I pat her on her head, with the nicest face I can express to her.

“Thank you – but, I wasn’t there last night.” I spoke in a soft tone, then giving the tofu back to her. “Here, give it to your aunty.”

Straight away, she walks over to Seobi and hands over the fork with the tofu at its tip. “It’s from mister.” I heard her cute voice.

“Oh, thank –” She paused to look at me, then instantly looking away. “… You.”

As soon as we all finish our meal, Seobi departs to the children’s house one more time while Frilldert and I journey to the venue of the performance.

Damn – I wanted to watch it with Seobi.

And she didn’t end up telling me anything!

She didn’t because the eldest child didn’t want to hear it, right?

But it seems really important – and it continues to worry me!

I continue following Frilldert’s tracks, then finding myself in a large auditorium with multitudinous rows of leather seats. In the centre, I see a large stage with numerous dolls. Each one had a varying size of about one to two metres, with a grotesque mask embedded on each of the faces. As we both journey our way through the row of seats, I find ourselves in the middle of the entire auditorium.

“Middle seats are the best!” I heard Frilldert say in joy.

As we both wait for the performance to take place, I look over the materials I need to use to make Seobi’s ribbon.

“So, where do I start?”

“Oh, I’ll help you.”

After about an hour of sitting down, the performance hasn’t started. With Frilldert’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the accessory – since I completely had no clue how to knit anything. Oh well, it was my idea, so the intention is on me!

“Wait, can you try put it on the side of my fringe?” I heard Frilldert kindly ask. The pin didn’t look so good on her, and it only blends to her red hair colour. If I were to give it to Seobi, how would it look like on her?

I wonder.

And I can’t wait!

And then, Frilldert begins a random topic –

“Did you see Seobi’s hand? It looked like an object went through her palm –”

Suddenly, the feeling of anxiety rushes to me.

“Yeah – I saw it too.” I muttered with worry.

“I hope she’s okay.”

Me too.

I mention about the kids stating that I helped them the night before. ‘The night before’ – it blatantly means that something happened last night. Before Seobi left the house yesterday night, her hand was fine. Then when I saw her again today, it’s as if there was a large wound, and probably cured by Briteria.

“She might have been helping someone last night. She did say that she went to the children’s house.”

I reluctantly accept the obscuration we’re in for what happened to Seobi. Probably there are some things that I shouldn’t know now, or even assume. Suddenly, Frilldert changes the topic once again.

“So Rion, when are you going to give her the ribbon?”

“As soon as I see her, I guess?”

Wait – or should I make it a surprise?

I really want to give this accessory to her as a gift – a first gift.

I wonder what her response will be as well –

Aw! Thanks Rion!’

Or maybe –

‘Ngaww! Rion, that’s cute of you!’

I suddenly smile out of the blue with joy.

“Looks like someone is having fun thinking about Seobi.”

Oh no – how accurate are her assumptions?!

“No! It wasn’t like that.”

Without me realising, she shuffles towards me with a malevolent smile. “Do you like her?”

“Yeah, I do.” I said in an emotionless tone.

Wow – what’s with that look you’re giving me, Frilldert?!

She takes a gasp all of a sudden, then looks at me with her eyebrows elevating up and down.

What? Yeah, I like her. But I don’t ‘love’ her.

“Wait, are you getting the same idea as I am?”

“What idea?”

“Like, those feelings you have for someone that encourages you to continuously…” She pauses slightly with her smile dominating her face, then gesturing a love heart with her hands. “… Want to be with them”.

Well, I always feel joyful and passionate whenever I see her. I also have this urge to always talk to her, and I feel rather hurt when she avoids my attention. Not only that, but I always have this desire to protect her where ever she goes.

And the only thing that stops me from expressing this is her absence –

And Abrenite.

Where is he anyway? He didn’t come back after Seobi left.

And he didn’t come back after Seobi came back, when she was sleeping on my shoulder.

She was sleeping on my shoulder…

“What idea do you get if I tell you that Seobi was sleeping on my shoulder?”

Oh – is it special? The way Frilldert just reacted – it’s kind of…


Frilldert suddenly gasps, and covers her mouth of agape with her hand.

And then, I suddenly get this thought –

“I think she loves me!”

Oh – yeah! She probably does!

I mean, the way she spoke to me too – it’s so different!

Yep – I’m quite certain she has those feelings towards me.

Aw Seobi, I want to hug you now!

B-But, what’s with Frilldert’s face now?

I turn around at Frilldert’s face to find a bewildered expression.

“Really?” She twitches her eyebrow. “You know, if a girl does that, it doesn’t mean that much actually.”

“Haha!” I chuckled. “Say whatever you want to say! I’m going to ask to marry her once I see her again!”

Yep! Decision made! She’ll be my wife! And I bet she’ll accept my proposal once I give her the ribbon!

Oh yeah!

“Rion…” I heard her mutter silently.

Unexpectedly, all of the lights turn off in the auditorium. A spot light appears in the middle of the stage and concentrates on a doll with a mask. In an instant, more lamps shine their light on more of the dolls wearing masks. A song in the background starts to play, with a high-pitched voice in the background playing –

It’s Emelseah.

Everyone cheers for her vigorously, and from the majority, I can hear the voice of mature guys. But what ticks me off is the way she dresses –

I’m not into people who expose so much of their body.

The whole stage is illuminated by the projecting lamps in the ceilings. I stare at the dolls in the background of the performance, and find the view to be rather itching my spine with fear.

As I continuously stare at them grouped up behind Emelseah, I suspect something unusual…

There are five dolls that I’m focusing at, and I thought that one of them moved by themselves.

But then, something else catches my attention. One of those dolls, one of those masks, I’ve seen them before.

Then it comes to me…

I’ve seen that mask in the maze I was in during the Knight’s exam!

Oh no – what does this mean

He’s here again – probably going to kill me now.

I see his head turning around to face me slowly; then a sudden urge to run compels me.

I stand up, keeping my eyes on him, and leaving the auditorium. But without me anticipating it, Frilldert catches my abrupt movement.

“Ri-Rion?! Where are you going?” She said with a confused face. “Rion, wait!”

I continue running through the exit of the auditorium and seeing the sudden change of brightness. I close my eyes tightly, letting them adjust, but coincidentally crashing into someone.

“Rion, what’s up?” I heard Seobi’s alerted voice. I go up to her, with part joy and part fear and finding out that she’s not with the kids anymore.

I can tell her anything.

“Seobi, I forgot to tell you this – b-but, back in the Knight’s ex-examination, I went through some unusual stuff.”

Damn it, I have so much to say to her but it’s all rushing out at once! And with this fearful feeling I’m getting, I can’t even speak properly!

“A-and I couldn’t complete the examination because a man in a mask –”

Mask?” She interrupted me. “I saw someone like that last night!”

What?! What’s this?

“He saved me from Vaxia…”

What?! Vaxia attacked her? And why would such a person save Seobi, but would want to hurt me?

“… and he said that he’ll –”

Seobi – what’s with that look? That he’ll? That he’ll what?

It’s as if she knew that this person was going after me.

“You didn’t say anything to me, Seobi.”

“No! I thought he would do it last night, but –”

Wait – what’s that sound? Is it screaming?

Unexpectedly, we both hear screaming coming from the auditorium. With shock, I turn around and see numerous people running off in such energetic pace.

That’s Frilldert!” I exclaimed as soon as I saw her figure. “What happened?”

“I think I know why you ran off now – Haha.”

Then, from a distance away behind Frilldert, at the entrance of the auditorium, I see him –

I see the man with the mask, and the ravaging white hair of his.

“He’s there!”

Without us realising, he branches his arm out towards my direction, twists the hilt of his sword, then a chain emerges between the hilt and the grey blade.

If this guy wants to kill me, then I’ll prevent it.

Instantly, the man twists and I see the chains flinging everywhere with a large immense blade at its tip flourishes through the air and coming my way.

Get out of the way Frilldert!

… Ouch!

… That bloody hurt.

I grunt in pain, not being able to breathe, and seeing Seobi and Frilldert’s shocked expressions through my peripheral vision. The man stands in the distance there and I feel the immense blade and its connecting chain to retract –

Wait, he’s in pain!

Seobi falls to my aid, and reconstructs the last wound on my chest.

Are you okay?” She muttered.

Honestly – her power of curing is impeccable.

I can live for almost as long as I like if I stay with her.

That’s another reason why I want to marry her!

I guess it’s kind of strange to be thinking about this now, maybe.

Once I’ve recovered my posture, I grab Seobi’s hand and preparing myself to run. But, before doing so, I look around to track Frilldert’s whereabouts.

She isn’t here…

Though, it’s no time for me to be looking for someone.

I propel my legs forth and begin running through the large crowd of people escaping from the destruction. We make sure that we lose ourselves within the numerous amounts of people, then taking a break in a large alleyway.

“Seobi –” I gasp for air. “You didn’t tell me anything!”

“I’m so sorry. I wanted to show everyone that I can deal with things myself – and plus, Jaeena di –.”


What…? She doesn’t want me to be with her? She wanted to deal with it herself?

“… But, we’ve been together in so many troubles for so long! Can’t we have it like that, forever?” I muttered with shyness.

Instantly, as soon as I said those embarrassing words, she looks at me with flabbergast.

“You’ve never said anything like that to me…”

Oh please, this situation is so awkward. Though, I feel rather happy that I said something like that to Seobi. Now, tell me that you love me, Seobi!

Say it!

Say it!

“I came home late because Vaxia assaulted our house – and was in fact, after the children.” She unexpectedly changed her flabbergasted face to a rather emotionless one. “… Then that masked man saved us, and told me that he’ll kill you. And that’s why I was, well –“

Seobi paused for a bit, avoiding eye contact and turning her head away from me. “That’s why I was sleeping next to you.”

… Seobi was protecting me?!


I grasp her shoulders once again and passionately looking at her shocked eyes.

Seobi! Can I marry you?”

Wait – was that a bit too loud?

Is there an audience gathering?

No! Don’t worry Rion!

Wait a second – Seobi, what are you doing?!

I look at her bewildered face, then watching it turn away from me. She tosses my hands off her shoulders –

… What’s this new feeling? It hurts…

“Come on, let’s get out of here.”

… She didn’t say anything about what I told her. No reply at all...

She’s not even keeping eye contact.


She just ignored it...

I feel the weight of my heart restricting me from my movement as Seobi pulls me back to the main pathway. We pass another crowd, and she releases her hand as if she forgot about me.

Wait, Seobi, aren’t you going to answer my question?

We run through malls, churches and motels and finally find the exit of Mayatopia.

But she still hasn’t answered my question.

“This is the only way out from the city.” Seobi gestured at the large gate.

We both begin running for it, but suddenly stopping until a large winged object flies pass it and breaking the sound barrier.

“Rion, it’s the wings of Brigadonia!” She said with slight confidence, then turning around to me with a delightful smile. “It’s a Hyperdrillion! We’re saved!”

But that smile isn’t from what I said to her…

She still hasn’t answered my question yet.

… But the Hyperdrillion’s –

Oh – aren’t those Hyperdrillion’s those things that the Briteria family used for war?

But, as soon as I take a speck of Seobi’s face, I see it changing from a passionate expression into a horrified one. I wonder what she’s staring at, but then instantly realising as the bricks that construct the gate disperse widely by a large slash.

As the pieces fall to the floor, a man appears in front of the rubble.

It’s the masked man. On his right hand, I see the same blade that was used to try and end my life. It’s that same one with the numerous spikes protruding from the tip of its grey blade.

Oh no – he’s coming this way.


As I begin to guard myself, my vision is blocked by Seobi running in front of me.

“If you want to kill him, you’ll have to get through me first!”

The man pauses, and stands on his spot. He strikes the ground with immense ferocity.

… Rion, get ready.

With fear jumping in my spine, I see it dispersing and reassembling together in numerous groups around the air surrounding me. Suddenly, I feel Seobi’s back collide with mine as soon as I realise that we’re both surrounded by blue, crystallised blades.

It must be Briteria as well. And what confuses me, is that I’m seeing someone else other than Abrenite, Seobi or I manipulating those blue crystals.

… But then my worries disappear once I hear her voice…

“Rion, I want you to know that if you die, I’ll die too.”

Seobi really cares for me! She MUST have those feelings for me!

She MUST love me as much as much as I love her!

I want you to know that I feel the same way, Seobi!

Instantly, I turn around, grasping both of her shoulders and pulling them to my figure. I wrap my arms around her tightly as I hear her surprised voice –

“Ri-Rion? What are you doing?!”

I love you Seobi!”


Unexpectedly, the array of blades surrounding us shatters into atomic bits.

What just happened?

I didn’t want to turn my head away from Seobi’s shoulder, but I can feel her heart panting faster and faster.

She must feel really happy that I’m doing this.

I grab her tighter, until my figure is propelled away from her by an incredible strength.

Don’t mess up our special moment!

The masked man pushes me away from her, forcing me to violently jet to the floor in shock. The next second when I open my eyes, I see the tip of the cumbersome blade right at my face.

Why do I care so much about a filthy person like you, touching her?”

Me? Filthy?

Are you serious?

“… Why do I feel so angry when I see this filthy person?”

Filthy again?! Does this person even know his place?

Seobi and I will get married later!

That’s right! And now let’s escape from this misery, Seobi!

I look pass the blade, and see his other hand grasping Seobi’s innocent arm as she expressed her fear. The feeling of bravery suddenly surrounds me; now, I will fight my way in order for me to be with Seobi again!

No – this can’t be true though!

I can’t move!

Suddenly, Seobi pushes the man slightly to the sides, and causing the blade to point elsewhere. It’s my chance –

I regain my posture instantly, branch my hand out and forming my own sword of Briteria on my hand. He swings his, and I swing mine.

Our blades clash repeatedly as we both attempt to engulf ourselves with our immense strength. He performs a slash one more time at me – his grey blade collides with mine, and causing it to fly out of my hand.

I’m weapon-less.

“You know, some people should really know their places.” I heard him mutter.

But wait – his voice… it sounds odd.

No – not again. Seobi, what are you doing?

As I attempt to regain my posture, Seobi runs right in front of me once again in such a fearful manner.

If you hate him that much, please tell me why!” She exclaimed as loud as she could. “… I’ll compensate for his sins. Just don’t kill him, please!”

“Seobi, what are you doing?!”

His masked face continues staring at Seobi’s vehement look as if he’s actually thinking to what she said. But then, the atmosphere around us is interrupted by a raging, luminous bullet. The man spins instantly and strikes it violently, delivering it to plunge through a nearby building with incredible speed. Abrenite emerges from the distance and ready’s his alien-like weapon, Brigandign.

“Whoever you are, were you the one who produced the replicated version of Briteria?”

What? Replicated version?

We all watch him keep silent –

“Answer me!”

Unexpectedly, we suddenly hear the sound of clapping. Through the random building not so far in the distant, we see a man just leaving a shop, clapping his hands and looking at Abrenite, Seobi, the masked man, and I with a malevolent smile.

It’s the man who brought me here - the man with the magician hat and the rather, intimidating glasses.

“Phe-Pheria?!” I heard Seobi exclaim in confusion. “What are you doing here?”

Oh – I feel quite shocked that they both know each other.

You guys nailed it!” He expressed through a joyful tone.

Joyful… why joyful?

Abrenite, the masked man and I stare at him in obscure.


He then begins walking through a series of pillars of the entrance of a building with his folded hands. I wonder who this person is.

You might have seen me in other places.” He muttered with a changed, vehement tone.

As he walks pass the first pillar, his figure suddenly changes –

Oh my – what? Who is this guy?!

He changes into someone who I’ve seen before – the president of the archery school in Junquious – President Bowemen.

He just turned into someone else! What’s going on here?!

I hear from my peripheral vision, Seobi gasping in shock. While the masked man and Abrenite are fully intrigued to what he’s showing.

Or even the most protected places throughout the entire Kepler 22-b.”


Suddenly, he walks pass the next pillar and changing into the General of Junquious.


Incredulity compels me – I fall to the ground in shock of what I see in front of my eyes.

All this time… he was another person.

I knew there was something odd about the General!

Then, we focus all our eyes on his last move.

“But, it’s time for you all, to see my true form.

... Who is that?

I regain my posture instantly, having the feel to run away but with intrigue entangling my legs.

I’ve never seen someone like this before –


With his diabolic figure, I see the light of the sun shining upon his oceanic hair, and eyes of vermillion. He wears a grotesque looking suit of armour, comprising of the colours of blue, white, red and black. Surely, I can claim straight away that he’s a Briteria user.

Reaperion Jeutonburg!” I heard the voice of the man in the mask.

Reaperion?! I’ve heard that name before!

He was the character that bullied the children in the kids’ book I read of Halloween!

And then, my mind is hypnotised by the man in the mask –

Outrageously, he brandishes his sword and strikes the ground violently. Within a large diameter, the ground blasts into the air above us and transfiguring into hundreds of blades of crystals – again. The objects hover themselves around Reaperion in a position of a circular array, surrounding and encaging him.

But as I look at Reaperion’s fearless posture, I get a hunch that we’re messing with the wrong man.

He closes his eyes, and maintains his arrogant posture –

Without knowing, numerous incantation circles emerge in the air, and floating around him – enclosing him like a ball. With fear compelling my mind, we all watch the circles suddenly ‘crack’ as if something is yearning to gush forth.

Yep – it’s cracking.

The air around him is cracking as if it’s an actual solid object.

Then, series of crystallised chains gush out of the circles, striking through all the Briteria blades surrounding him by the masked man.

They all shatter into atomic bits; dispersing in the ground and dissipating into the air. The man with the mask branches out his arm with the grey cumbersome blade once again, then leaping into the air vigorously to plunge it towards Reaperion –

Haven’t you ever learnt to control your anger?” I heard Reaperion say in arrogant satisfaction.

Another incantation circle emerges through Reaperion’s behind, then piercing straight through the masked man as he’s about to strike. Another array of incantation circles emerge around the man, then plunging through all of his limbs with the crystallised chains and locking him in the distant air above everyone else.

Reaperion’s treating him like a piece of steak.

We all watch the man’s immobilised posture, and fearing that Reaperion will do the same to us. Suddenly, in the bottom of my view, I see Reaperion’s blurry figure staring at me. “Rion Bayerische –” He began. I look at him with an abrupt build up of horror, and hesitatingly respond –

“… Y-Yes?”

He continues folding his arms, then approaching me with a malevolent smile. “It’s time for you to realise who you are.” He stopped his walking a few metres in front of me.

Who I am…?

What does he mean by that?

I feel myself being gripped by his words, same goes for Seobi and Abrenite as I see their bewildered faces looking at me.

It hurts to have them look at me like that!

I turn back to Reaperion, then seeing him flourish his hand in front of the masked man’s face in the distant air on top of us.

And then –

The mask disperses into the air, revealing the man’s face.

His hair colour turns lavender from white,

His face is illuminated by the light of the sun,

Then I hear Seobi and Abrenite calling my name.

Why are they calling my name?

“Ri – Ri – Rion?” Seobi muttered in incredulity as she expressed a face of agape.

“Se-Se-Seobi?” I reluctantly replied.

But, she wasn’t referring to me. She wasn’t talking to me.

As for Abrenite, he slowly approaches the masked man’s immobilised figure, and fully ignoring the presence of Reaperion.

“Wh-what happened, Rion?” I heard Abrenite’s weak tone.

They weren’t referring to me…

They were referring to the masked man –


… me.

“Rion – is that really you?” She spoke in such a quiet and shocked manner.

Wait – what the heck are they doing? They’re praising him as Rion? What?! Why?!

I’m Rion!

I run to Seobi’s flabbergasted figure, desperately seeking answers. “No! Why are you referring to ‘him’ as Rion?!”

She ignores me –

I grab her shoulders, stepping in front of her frozen posture. “Look! That’s not Rion! I’M RION!”

And then, I hear the words that destroy my heart –

And also, feeling the presence of a destructive feeling –

The feeling of jealousy.

“…It’s me Seobi – the one who you met when you were a kid.”


He’s lying.

I’m Rion!

Not that murderer who tried to kill me!

The man who used to wear the mask is calling himself Rion? What kind of piece of idiocy is this?

Seobi approaches him slowly with such an astonished, stunned expression. Her eyes have been widened in incredulity as soon as she saw his face.

And then, I see them both looking towards each other.

As if they were lovers.

It’s… you.” Seobi expressed a slight speck of happiness. “… my best friend.”

.. What?!

Best friend?

Not only do those words break my heart, but also –

“Then who are you?”

... Those eyes – those eyes that she’s using to look at me. They’re so scary, and they’re filled with bewilderment. It’s as if she doesn’t know me.

“Huh?!” I expressed my incredulity. “Who am ‘I’? What kind of dumb question is that?”

The person that I’ve been with almost the rest of my life, is asking me who I am? She’s the only person that’s been taking care of me since I forgot my memories – and now she’s asking me this question?!

Neither of them responded to my incredible shock, but only continued to stare at me as if I’m some kind of alien to them.

No. No.

They can’t reject me!

I’m Rion!”

I’m totally stressing out right now – am I undergoing some test? Is it some magical spell that causes me to dream of such horrendous thoughts and images?

Come on! I have to wake up!

If I can’t, I’ll bash this imposter!

With anger and stress filling me up, I run towards the man who addresses himself with my name. But then, with the excruciating pain of betrayal, I see Abrenite and Seobi branch their arms out to protect him.

Protecting him…?!

“Why are you guys on his side?!”

Suddenly, Abrenite flexes his arm and points Brigandign right at my face. “Whoever you are, you’re not Rion.”

What?! M-Me? Not Rion? THAN WHO AM I?! You guys are the ones who called me Rion in the beginning! SO WHO AM I NOW?!

After hearing those words once again, I fall to the ground in anguish.

I won’t let you touch Rion.” Abrenite said with disgust.

Seobi – I’m sorry, I’m going to have to kill your brother. Such anger is endowing me with the striking power of berserk.

Shut up, jerk.”

I flourish my hand out to the sides, feeling the ground beneath me to surround my hands and forming a crystallised blade of Briteria. As I swing it right towards Abrenite’s face, he catches the blade –

“Did you do this, Reaperion?

The anger inside me suddenly pauses by those words – and I feel myself being gripped to what he said.

“Would you think so, if I were to do this?” Reaperion said with arrogant satisfaction. As he clicks his fingers, a dark gas engulfs my left hand, and a purple textured crystallised blade appears.

Now I have Briteria on my right and some other material on my left. Reaperion is helping me.

I look at it, confused, and wondering why he would help me –

But then, I suddenly pause by the other-dude-who-looks-like-me talking.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t aggravate this freak. You don’t know who he is.”

I propel my legs towards Abrenite, thrusting the two blades on both of my hands ferociously as Abrenite avoids every attack of mine.

I don’t care – just keep striking your weapons at him as if you’re going to kill him.

Because, that’s what I want to do.


Whatever that is, it’s on my side.

And I don’t care what Abrenite thinks.

“The artificial version of Briteria is the cure to the malevolence that’s bestowed in this world.”

How can you, Reaperion?!”

Abrenite suddenly takes a step forth closer to Reaperion to express his vehemence –

So you’re the one who gave these replicated Briteria genes to Vaxia!”

Vaxia? So this is what he had as well?

“Ha-ha!” He bursts out in laughter. “Not only Vaxia – hundreds of others who don’t have a clue about what Briteria is!”

Wait – I think I know what they’re getting to –

The ability of Briteria, is being distributed to those who aren’t Briteria users?!

That would blatantly bring out destruction in this world!

I think I actually care now –

With the ability I have now, I can already slaughter anyone I see!

“Wh-what are you trying to do?” Abrenite muttered in incredulity.

Go to Brigadonia – you’ll solve all your mysteries there.”

As soon as he said that, one of the Briteria beasts, the Hyperdrillion, arrives in front of Reaperion – branching out its wings, and then slowly landing on the destroyed ground. I stare at its figure, finding out that it doesn’t look mechanical or organic. I scan its wings, and find a label displaying ‘Burkhilder’.

Reaperion steps foot on the wings, embarking the chest and grasping his hands on the rudder. Seconds later, it lifts off into the air then brandishing itself to the desolate sky.

We all turn around to hear the sound of chains breaking behind us, and the man who recalls himself as ‘Rion’ falls to the ground with a grunt of pain.

I feel something boiling inside me all of a sudden…

Seobi falls to his aid, wrapping her arm around him as he stares at the ground beneath us in shame.

I’ve missed you.” She muttered.

Those words…

… that aren’t directed to me – really, really hurts.

Seobi cures all the wounds of my copy, and I look away in incredulity.

If I keep looking at the two together, I’m probably going to die.

Instantly, I feel someone grabbing my shoulder and twisting my figure in front of my face.

“I saw you treating her like trash.”

Did my copy just say that to me?

“Even though this isn’t my body…”

This isn’t his body?

Which? My body or his?

Wait – not his body!?

Unexpectedly, I feel his hand plunging right into my stomach, causing me to fall to the ground in pain, and then he walks away like a coward. The next thing that prompts my feel of jealousy, are the feet of Seobi approaching me slowly – as if she’s hesitant of whom I am –

“Se-Seobi.” I muttered in pain. “I’m Rion.”

She doesn’t say anything –

But I can feel her hand on the area where the fist barraged me, then feeling the pain fade away instantly after seeing a glamorous blue light.

I’m only doing this because I can see you. I don’t want people to get hurt in my eyes.” Seobi said in a rather deep tone, without making eye contact.

As for my copy and Abrenite, they seem to be having some deep discussion.

But I completely don’t care about what they’re saying…

They’re just leaving me…

“You know Abrenite, all the Briteria users that’s alive still think of you as that reckless jerk –”

They’re just leaving me out here…

“… Who completely has no consideration of other people.”

I know – I was different back then. But I’ve changed!”

Seobi suddenly regains her figure, and approaches the other two –

“Rion, why did you treat him so badly before?”

“What do you mean?” I watch him express a vitriolic face towards Seobi. “He was the one who plunged his feet into my bloody face, sacrificed his pet Brigandign for an experiment that would destroy mankind and pulverised the cat who I’ve been with ever since I was born.”

“I didn’t do that – Reaperion did.” Abrenite muttered with guilt.

“Stop lying.”

I suddenly hear Abrenite’s foot twitch on the floor, and seeing his fist clench in anger.

Surely, he’s holding his anger.

As I watch my copy depart away, I also watch Seobi’s head turning to follow his direction.

Rion! Call out her name! Quick!

“Seobi, what are you doing?”

“None of your business.” She said again, in a deep and hurtful tone.

But as soon as she faces my copy again, her tone suddenly changes to a more, friendly one –

“Where are you going, Rion?”

… This can’t be happening!

“It’s Reaperion. He destroyed this body.”

“What do you mean?”

As soon as I turn around to face him, he branches his arm to the sky and calls out –


The way this person is talking …

‘This isn’t my body’ … ‘destroyed this body’.

Do I detect something fishy? He’s talking really weirdly...

Through the echo of the sky, we hear an object breaking the sound barrier vigorously. His Hyperdrillion lands in front of him just like how a dog would listen to his owner. Surely, these Hyperdrillion’s are controlled by something –

I’m going after Reaperion.”

Suddenly, the beast jets its way abruptly into the air – leaving Abrenite, Seobi and me.

And now… what am I to everyone?

I look towards Seobi, finding her to stare aimlessly at the sky. I regain my posture, reaching my hand for Seobi’s then feeling the excruciating pain arise once she tosses it off.

“Don’t touch me. I don’t know who you are, or what you are.

Se-Seobi that really hurt.

That really hurt!

I stay still on my spot, completely immobilised by those horrifying words that grip my muscles together.

… I can’t believe Seobi said that to me.

Am I really nothing to her? All this time?

As I attempt to forget of what she said, I see Abrenite’s Brigandign transfiguring into a Hyperdrillion. Seobi boards on it, and so does Abrenite.

“I think, you should also find out your truth.” Seobi muttered again without eye contact. “So come with us.”

But this time, she said it in her normal tone.

Suddenly, I feel someone else holding my hand –

It’s Frilldert.

She grasps it tightly, looking at my hurtful eyes and expressing a passionate smile. “Come on, let’s get on that thing –” I heard her say in a comforting tone. “Let’s see the truth!”

... That smile.

It’s the only thing that can give me ... confidence.

Frilldert – is she the only one on my side?

And what if I go?

Will I continue to be hurt by Seobi?

Will I finally know the reason why I lost my memories?

… I take it as my destiny.

‘And a test’ – as Seobi told me once.

“Don’t worry! I’m still your friend!” I noticed Frilldert still holding my hesitant shoulder.

Thanks Frilldert.

And we board the shell of Brigandign, and blast off into the sky with Seobi, Abrenite, Frilldert and I holding the rudder tightly. It feels rather scary to be about two hundred metres in the air for the first time – I can even feel the wind pushing me off, and if I’m not holding this rudder, I would fall off.

After about ten minutes of silence, we finally arrive at Brigadonia. The scenery is still a disaster, and I’m still not quite sure what happened here – other than a storm that crushed every bit of living, or non living object that existed here. We board off the beast, and find myself walking towards a random direction. Seobi and Abrenite probably know where they’re going, but Frilldert and I are just following. I look around the walls to see numerous pictures of people who I guess, used to be leaders of this place.

I continue following them, finding myself travelling through numerous elevators and finally reaching to an odd looking room. I see hospital beds scattered around the room, with chunks of dry blood coating the walls. Through my sides, I see a sink with collections of injections with different colours of liquids inside them – red, blue and pink.

“This is where he did his experiments.” Abrenite muttered behind me. He then takes a look at the injections then instantly grabbing one to examine.

What is he doing with that?

Seconds later, I find him travelling to the opposite side of the room where we see a large glass ball. He breaks the seal of the injection, then pouring the red liquid on it carefully. With Seobi at his behind, we all find a girls’ face appearing on the glass ball.

“Shamiya?!” I heard Seobi exclaim.

It’s that name again –

Who is this ‘Shamiya’?

“Shamiya was experimented – that probably denoted her red eyes.”

“Wait, where is she now?” Seobi expressed her intrigue.

“… I wish I knew.”

If only I knew who she was, I’d know what they’re talking about. But I remember Seobi telling me something repeatedly if I didn’t follow her directions. She would say – Rion, whenever a problem encompassed Shamiya’s life, you would always be there to help her.’

Wait – what if…

…. That statement was meant to be for –

No, I’m Rion.

He isn’t.

Out of the blue, we hear Abrenite’s voice echo through the room. “This is it!

Everyone, even I, approach him closely and see what caught his attention.

It’s a sheet.

No, a recipe.

Elderadea –

Immortality –


  • 1)Transfiguration of Briteria AND Carningrenate, to produce the Chains of Brigadonia(lovers from our Briteria family)
  • 2)Constant supply of human bodies who don’t have Briteria genes(kidnap/go through Britoniah’s Arc)
  • 3)Make the Ultimate Briteria User to maintain materialisation(Make a replica of Rion Bayerische – manipulate him until he dies)

Discovered by Falkenstein


… Replicate Rion?

… Britoniah’s Arc?

Ultimate Briteria user?!

Is this why Vaxia was kidnapping?

“I don’t get it…” I muttered in confusion, then lifting my head to see everyone looking at me with a shocked face.


Abrenite instantly grabs my collar, and drags me as I try to maintain my standing posture.

“Let me go!” What a freak!

We arrive in another room – a room that I’ve in fact been to already.

And I was here ‘unintentionally’ during my Knight’s examination.

He stops dragging me as soon as we arrive at a picture on a stand.

“Do you recognise this picture?!”

… That was pretty loud – and it hurt.


“No! I don’t know!”

Abrenite takes the picture and stares at it thoroughly.

“Look, the one with the scribbled face is Rion.”


Why would he scribble his face?

And what does it imply?

“Look!” I find Seobi pointing at the behind of the picture he’s looking at, then instantly snatching it off Abrenite’s hands.

What’s this…?

A note?

Dear: Anyone who reads this.

I’m pretty sure you all know who this person is. It’s the teacher of Shamiya and that other student who came here to study. Reaperion asked me if I wanted to become immortal - obviously, I disagreed. His name is Reaperion – the chef who usually feeds the whole family. It seemed like he was a nice guy at first, but then… after mentioning to me that he wants to be immortal, my impression of him suddenly changed. He tried to encourage me by saying that I won’t die and age, and that I’ll look young and handsome forever. Then he also said that I’ll have the ability to murder every bit of everyone who doesn’t behold the genes of Briteria. As soon as I told him that I didn’t want to, he kept on asking and asking. It got annoying, so I decided to run away. If anyone ends up seeing him, can they please stop him…?

Text Box: I’LL PROTECT HER, YOU BRITERIA FOOLRight now, I’m locked in my room. There’s some Briteria-like barrier preventing me from opening the door. I tried shouting for someone’s name, and it didn’t seem like my voice projected through. Even the windows are sealed tight. I can’t get out in any way. I’ll probably die here… or get replicated, just like as he said. Whoever is reading this, please protect Shamiya for me.


… Huh?

I wrote this letter?


‘Replicated’? Is this why... no!

... ‘I’ll protect her?’

Wait – Seobi – are you okay?!

Seobi suddenly drops the letter in shock, then taking a few steps back.

“So that’s why you don’t remember anything…”

She’s crying…

Her articulation in speaking is manifesting the tears…

I look towards Abrenite and even Frilldert’s faces, and see them expressing shock.

… Who wrote ‘I’ll protect her, you Briteria fool’?”

Even Frilldert is shocked.

Am I the replica of the real Rion?! Is this the reason why I don’t remember anything? Is it because I’ve actually never experienced those moments in the past?!

With my incredulity, I grab Seobi ferociously and pinning her to the closest wall.

I don’t know what I’m doing now…

Her tears flourish to the air, and I feel how weak she is.

“Yu-yu-you don’t believe this, right?!”

Sorry I’m speaking like this, and being this close to your face – but I want you to answer my question!

I look at her tears flow down her pale face, and also feeling my eyes drop a tear.

“Seobi, answer me.” I muttered in hesitation. “… Please?”

Silence breaks out between all of us – until Seobi’s soft voice emerges.

“This is why he wanted to kill you…”

I take another gasp –

“It’s because you took away everything he owned…”

I, what? I took everything he owned?!

Does she think I ‘really’ am a replica of the real Rion?

How can she think that?

I’ve been with her all these years, and she only thinks of me as a copy of a villain who tried to kill me?

You took away his family, by making them think that you’re actually Rion.”


“You took away his home…”


“… You even took me away from him.”


Freaking shut up you fat cow.

Wait – did I just – did I just push her to a wall?

And then…

I realised that I’ve hurt the person that I care most in my life.

She crashes to the floor violently, looking at me in shock.

As I stay stunned at what I did, Abrenite grabs my arm, pushing me to the floor as well, and then pointing the tip of Brigandign right at my face once again.

“Do that again, and I’ll blast your head off.”


Oh, this punk wants to ‘go me’ now?

I chuckle slightly –

“You want to go now, fat cow?”

He looks at me with a bewildered face, then lowering it down to the ground. Suddenly, I hear him muttering sorrowfully –

Not even the replica likes me...” He said with a face full of sadness. “Seems like ‘Rion’ will never have a friendship bond with me ever in my life.”

Instantly, he flexes his arm to the roof on top of us and pulling the trigger of Brigandign. It shatters, and the particles of brick and wood fall to the ground vigorously – revealing the dark night outside us.

Seobi and Frilldert cover their heads and begin running back to the hallway that led us to this room.

Though, with the morality I have left, I use the remnants of the ceiling for my advantage.

Casting my hand to the sky, I compel my mind with the urge of strength and destruction.

I want to kill Abrenite.

I want him dead.

I want him to splatter his blood and organs on the floor.

I transfigure the remnants of the ceiling into what only signified destruction. It turns out that the urge to murdering Abrenite resembles itself by the devastating image of numerous circular arrays of Briteria blades.

I remember my copy doing this to me before –

And now I’m going to use it to kill Abrenite.

“Seobi, Frilldert, get out of here. I might destroy the castle –”

As soon as he said those last words, I feel an itch of fear climbing up my spine. And then, I finally see something that I’ve been yearning to see ever since they all betrayed me –

Seobi runs to my aid, pulls on my arm and gets me away from Abrenite.

Abrenite, please don’t hurt him…” I heard her mutter.

She still has care for me…

Then instantly, the Briteria blades hovering in the air disperses into microscopic particles, and dissipating in the atmosphere.

Seobi suddenly goes between us and takes her hand off of my arm.

“I am going to hurt him – because he hurt you.

“Abrenite, this isn’t right!” I then hear Frilldert exclaiming through my behind.

Both of them are going for my safety –

He pauses slightly, and then lowers down his weapon.

“… Apologise to Seobi.”

I keep my face still at the floor, feeling the shyness inside me arise all of a sudden. As I attempt to face her, anxiety continues to build up –

Will she even accept my apology?

Hurry up Rion!

This is for Seobi!

Finally, I find myself looking at her teary eyes focusing on my face.

But then suddenly –

“No, I’m the one who’s sorry.”


I feel better now.

I don’t feel sad – and it’s as if – that sadness turned into content.

Content and care.

My body starts shaking abruptly, my vision is seized, and I can feel an object wanting to gush out of my right palm.

Eh? What’s this?

“Fine –” I heard Abrenite sigh. “I’ll just teach him a lesson, and then probably cure him if it’s necessary”. Instantly, I hear Seobi’s footsteps walk away, then feeling my hearing to suddenly diminish.

... Is she letting me get hurt by Abrenite now? What?!

Or is it something else?! Wait – why can’t I hear anything?!

I lose all my senses for a split second.



Huh – what’s going on? Why is Abrenite raising his voice?

My vision returns, and I see something protruding out of my palm –

It’s a needle, a large, purple, crystalline needle.

… What is this? What am I? What the heck is happening?!

No! Don’t take me as an alien! Please!

Abrenite suddenly draws his weapon and blasts his crystalline bullet straight through the needle – causing it to rip off from my arm.

What was that?!”

Ouch – that hurt quite a bit!

Instantly, I feel the hole on my palm of where the needle was, suddenly reconstruct and filling the gap.

It doesn’t hurt anymore.

I stare at it in wonder, and find a large Briteria layer covering the hole on my palm.

…. What just happened?

“What are you…?”

I can’t believe he’s asking me that question…

… Particularly in that fearful tone

I’m a human!” I exclaimed again ferociously, then casting my arm out and feeling a blade generate on my hand. I lunge it towards Abrenite as he strikes the bullets of Brigandign towards my direction once again, then leaping into the air instantly. I flip my posture to face the ceiling as fast as I can, then seeing the bullet that tried to pierce me fly right on top of my figure for a split second. I regain my posture, finding Abrenite leaping through the air widely and continuously striking me with his demolishing bullets. I run to my sides, seeking an object that would protect me from such, but find a large crystalline object generating on my left hand.

It’s a shield.

I cover my figure with the shield, and only slightly feeling the impact of the brandishing bullets pulverising as it strikes the shield.

This guy…

The brother of who I ‘cherish’ most in my life –

He’s the complete opposite – and the person who I ‘hate’ most in my life.

Abrenite falls to the ground from the air, and lowers down his weapon.

“Alright, let’s stop, or else one of us will get killed.”

What? He doesn’t want to kill me? I thought he did?

“Rion, I still care about you –“

… Huh?

What kind of nonsense is he saying?

“… I just wanted to teach you a lesson for a bit.”

“Shut up.” I expressed my vehemence.

You know what, I actually want you dead.

I propel my arms to my sides, feeling a black gas emerge.

You’ll pay for all the betrayal you disposed on me.

As my eyes focus on Abrenite’s solemn eyes, I then see to the sides of my view, a Briteria blade generating on my hand and plunging it through his waist.

Wait – no, the blade isn’t blue.

It’s not Briteria.

It’s what Abrenite called ‘Carningrenate’ – the purple crystalline texture.

... And it’s not a blade. It’s a scythe.

Oh, I bet Reaperion is helping me once again!

Yeah! We’re on the same side!

I realised that Abrenite didn’t have his guard up, as he’s probably too stupid to suspect such an abrupt attack from me –

Haha!” I chuckled, and realising that I’ve been prone to being malevolent.

But I don’t care.

“You’re weak Abrenite.” I exclaimed. “I thought you would murder me in the first few seconds but, it seems like you actually have some pity for me.”

“… I do.”

… Wait, am I being affected by the sadness in his words?

Well, it’s too late for you to express it.” I said as I release the tip of the scythe out of his waist. Suddenly, he slides down to the floor with the blood stain splattered on the wall.

And there’s the silence.

Oh, I killed him.

Haha! He was so weak.

My body starts vibrating, having the urge to burst out laughing in passion for his death. Then, there it goes.

I scream my laughter out across the whole demolished room.

I killed Abrenite! He won’t bother me anymore! Haha!”

Wait – Rion... Calm down!

But I’m happy! Why do I need to calm down?

I fall to the ground in laughter, slamming the ground repeatedly with my eyes shut tight in happiness.

Haha! Abrenite’s dead!”

Wait a second –

As soon as I open my eyes, I look ahead to the wall where Abrenite was.

He’s gone.

And the blood stain is still there.

Instantly, all of my passion for his death fades away, and I spin my body vigorously around my spot to track his whereabouts.

Oh no, where did he go?

He should’ve been dead!

As I spin once more to my behind, I see him standing with his arms folded in arrogant satisfaction.

“Don’t you know the ability of the Shwanseah, Rion?” he said sarcastically. “Well, it looks like you haven’t even been hearing a word from my sister!”

Rage fills me.

How dare he say something as atrocious as that?!

“I tried to surrender for your own safety, but it seems like that you deserve more than a ‘lesson’ from me.”

“I don’t care what you say – I’m going to kill you.”

“I knew it – you don’t deserve to be with my sister.”

I flex my left arm, transfiguring the Briteria shield into another crystalline scythe.

And you don’t deserve to even be Rion.

He’s so dead! I’m going to kill him!

I propel my legs straight to him, planning to lunge both of my scythes right through him, but then realising that I’m colliding with a wall. I accidentally plunge the edges into the brick walls, and finding it rather difficult to free my hands. With my mental strength, I focus on the bricked walls then transfiguring them into more Briteria particles. I turn around, and see Abrenite with his hand gushing to the sky.


Suddenly, a light engulfs Brigandign, and a large figure of a Hyperdrillion emerges. Abrenite leaps his legs, landing on Brigandign’s shell, and dissipating into the skies with such incredible velocity.

With the current Briteria particles I’m manipulating, I turn them into stairs that lead me hundreds of metres up in the air, nearing the troposphere of our planet about twenty metres of elevation. I run vigorously, and stop at the same height as Abrenite as he hovers with an intimidating, arrogant look on his face. I jump off the stairs, finding myself drop in the air until I find a platform of Briteria hovering beneath me.

That’s it! That’s my ability of Briteria!

I continue running on the Briteria platform that generates under me instantly as soon as I place my foot on mid air.

The Briteria knows exactly what I want.

With Abrenite’s bewildered look, he draws out his sword and jets towards me with Brigandign. I continue running at him ferociously – with the two scythes on both of my hands that I’ll need to butcher every bit of organ inside him.

... Scythe – why a scythe?

No! They’re disappearing – and they reform together to make ordinary Briteria blades again.

... Why?

Our blades collide, and the edge of mine splits his in half.

… His blade isn’t even as strong as mine! Ha!

But as the ‘passion’ inside me disappears, I feel the sharp edge of a bullet piercing my back. Instead of plunging it straight through my spine, I get pushed by its blasting force straight into the air, and then finally rolling on the Briteria floor that generates beneath me continuously. I grunt in pain, feeling my back fall into wetness by what I think is my blood gushing out. But then, without myself realising, I feel a thick solid material produce on the wound on my back.

Oh – how much do I love Briteria?!

I feel no pain at all now.

Through the distance, I see Abrenite rotating Brigandign to face me once again. Despite me not even penetrating him, but only his blade, I see him coughing vigorously on his spot.

… What’s wrong with him?

He never coughed this much.

Then, after the next second, blood bursts out of his mouth and on to the chest of Brigandign.

He raises his head, and looks at me with his sinister look.

That Carningrenate blade you have on your hand –” he suddenly coughs again. “… My cure didn’t do anything to the wound!”

That’s odd – shouldn’t the Shwanseah ability cure ‘anything’?

From what I can see, he isn’t lying about what he said. Surely, I can tell that he’s telling the truth.

Then through the distance, I see a red light – a red luminous light piercing through the darkness of the night.

It’s an eye of a Hyperdrillion – Burkhilder, the Hyperdrillion of Reaperion.

He flies pass Abrenite instantly, and stopping by in front of me.

You did enough, my son.”

He called me his son…

Is this because, he was the one who replicated me?

“But now, it’s time for me to take action.”

Though, I don’t care who he is.

Replicated me, or not, I want Abrenite dead.

“… Kill him.”

Roger that!” Reaperion replied with honour.

Suddenly, he leaps into the air off Burkhilder, while Burkhilder rams straight into my figure with his rudder, and forcing me to cling on to it like a spider web. As soon as I hear the sound of wind dominating my ear, I can feel it dragging me off the moving figure as its speed escalates. The force gets stronger and stronger –

Then in an instant, I hear the crushing roar of the sound barrier breaking.

I don’t know what time it is now, but I wake up to see the moon right in front of my face. I knew it – I fell to the ground after strolling around the forest for hours, looking for any signs of human beings. I’m thirsty, my lips are dry, and I can feel a migraine emerging on the back of my head. I continue walking up, until an invisible branch under me trips me. I crash into the ground violently with the feel of mud splattering all over my face.

As I lift my head up, I find an orange light that dominates the black darkness of the absence of the sun.

Someone has lightened a fire.

I run to it, tripping a few times while calling their names, but happily finding people who I actually know.

Frilldert stands up, and waves at me with... with a slight expressionless look.

I wave back in joy, and see another individual standing next to her.

It’s Seobi.

Straight away, I can tell she’s been through so much already. Despite me standing next to her, she’s simply just focusing her eyes on the ground beneath us, and totally not responding to my presence.

It doesn’t even seem like she cares that I came back, alive.

“Seobi, I’m back.” I said delightfully. As soon as I place my hand on her shoulder, she turns around with a –

Oh no…

What have I done?

“Where’s Abrenite?”

Did she just raise her voice?

… And wait – didn’t I tell Reaperion to kill him?

What have I done?


What did you do to him?!”

She just interrupted me. How angry is she?

“… I don’t know.”

She regains her posture, steps closer in front of me as I see her furious but teary look.

I’ve completely destroyed her feelings, and I’ve never seen her this angry before –


I look at her with a stunned face –

She just shouted at me.

I even hear the birds in the distance flock their way away.

No! Seobi, calm down! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!

I feel her hands grasp on my neck, and bringing me to the floor with ferociousness.


I couldn’t speak a word.

Not because she’s choking me, but because of all the fear I have from her disgruntled expression.

If I tell her about what I did to Abrenite, she’ll probably kill me as well.

Like, literally.

… Other than that, I need help!

Frilldert approaches us from our sides, and begins taking Seobi’s distressed hands away from my neck. But suddenly, she grasps Frilldert’s hands, taking it away as she keeps her crouched posture in front of me, then propelling her hands on Frilldert’s back to deliver her falling to the ground.

… Seobi, don’t look at me like that! Let go of that corrosive face, please!

But no – I don’t think she can. She has so much ferocity boiling inside her.

… No – those words. Those words that are leaving her mouth…

They hurt like a knife.

“I’ll kill you – just like how you killed my brother!”

… Definitely, she has changed. She even wants to kill me.

And how did she know…?

“Because of you, Abrenite and I are separated again!”

… I’ve went too far.

She takes one hand off me, then transforming it into a barraging fist.

I hate to say this but, she’s turned into a monster.

But, that’s because of me – because of what I did to hurt her.

As soon I close my eyes, I wait for the excruciating feel of pain to strike my face.

Though, nothing is happening.

I open my eyes again to see the fist stopping right in front of my face.

Why has she stopped?

She bursts into more ears, with eyes shut tight in incredulity.

“Abrenite…” I heard her mutter.

With the morality I have left, an echo of guilt endows me –

“I’m sorry…”

She suddenly interrupts me, grabbing my collar and exclaiming once again –

I hate you! Just leave!”

After about twenty minutes, Seobi falls asleep. From her behaviour, it doesn’t seem like I can even move an inch.

‘I’ll kill you’? Did she really say that?

The shock and sorrow she gave me really restricts my every movement.

So I just stand here, watching the fire consume the wood.

I dig into my pocket, pulling the ribbon out that’s meant to be for Seobi, and reminding myself the happiness I had making it.

I was so passionate about Seobi back then…

And now it’s the total contrary.

And it doesn’t seem like I can restore such a bond with her – because I’ve hurt her too much.

Too much.

I’ve hurt her too much.

I don’t deserve to be with her.

You know what, who cares about this ribbon?

I toss the ribbon I made to Frilldert as Seobi’s head lies on her shoulders.

… I don’t care about it anymore…

As it falls to the ground, Frilldert looks at me with a rather bewildered look.

You give it to her. I don’t think she’ll accept it from me.” I muttered.

No… she will never even accept my presence – because she already said that she wanted me to leave.

I guess I’m unwanted after all.

Finally, I accept it now – that this is the life of a replica.

I’m not a full human, and I don’t deserve to be with the ones who I truly cherish.

I regain my posture, keeping no eye contact at Frilldert at all.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“Away from Seobi.”

Chapter 15 – Seobi –

Oh man – my head hurts, and so does my throat. I wake up and find Frilldert sitting next to me, eating a few grapes.

“Good morning sleepy head!” She pronounced joyfully.

I yawn, and do my best to reply –


I look up to the trees of green and find the sunlight blinding my eyes. I see flocks of birds fly pass them under the azure sky.

Honestly, this place is beautiful during the day.

“Rion, wake up!”

Wait, Rion’s not here. I’m not in my hotel.

I’ve been saying that subconsciously despite me being separated with Rion for the past few months.

… Oh yeah, he’s a replica, and through the way he looked yesterday, it seemed like he killed Abrenite.

But, wait, where is he?

“Frilldert.” I turned around to see a solemn face. “Where’s Rion?”

Wait – are you okay Frilldert? Why are you –

She stares at the ground under us in sorrow, and consumes the grapes silently.

“I don’t know.” Frilldert muttered.

I wonder if he actually left.

A feel of guilt suddenly itch my spine – but wait, why guilty? Abrenite is gone because of him, remember?

I’m going to miss you, brother.

You tried to change your egoistic personality, and I guess you did in the end.

You were so nice to me when we were together.

But, I guess I’ll see you in heaven.

“Seobi, are you okay?” I heard Frilldert mutter. “Thinking about Rion?”

“No.” I replied coldly. “I miss my brother.”

Why would I be thinking about that jerk?

Silence bewitches us for a minute or two, until I feel Frilldert’s hand wrapping around my shoulder.

Despite me not being so close to him as you, I miss him too.” She muttered sorrowfully. “But, we can’t be sure if he’s dead or not – I mean, we haven’t seen it for ourselves.”

If he is dead, and if I were to see his dead corpse, that would be even worse.

But I guess, if he isn’t dead, I would search for Rion.




But if that’s false, I won’t look for Abrenite’s body.

No, I prefer not to see it myself.”

Honestly, I couldn’t say anything. My throat doesn’t even want to say a word. I’ve been compelled by a frozen feel.

“… I’d rather find Rion and confirm his death instead of looking for the body.”

“Do you mean the replica of Rion?”


I feel rather at ease after saying that.


Out of the sky, our attention is caught by the breaking of the sound barrier once again.

“What was that?” Frilldert’s shocked expression compels me.

There must be a Hyperdrillion nearby!

A figure emerges from the sky and lands right in front of us. With his oceanic hair and colourful suit of armour, I can tell straight away that it’s Reaperion. Frilldert and I stand instantly, preparing ourselves for a fight –

“What do you want?!”

We both stare at him with a sinister look –

Haha!” He laughed, and totally careless about our expressions. “Your brother is still alive, Seobi.”


Astonishment consumes my body instantly.

He is?

“I told you!” Frilldert patted my back with joy. “But, why are you telling us?” She then refers back to Reaperion.

“Well, wouldn’t you mind if I were to comfort a family member of mine?”

“Where is he?!”

Damn it, tell me!

“He’s back in Brigadonia, needing your cure.”

What? For real? Frilldert, let’s –

Frilldert steps in front of me instantly, then drawing out an arrow. “If you want to take Seobi to him, you’ll have to bring me.


Reaperion finally branches his arms from its folding and performs a shrug. “Up to Seobi.”

They all face me, and I see Frilldert’s vehement look.

Bring Frilldert with me to see Abrenite.”

We land in Brigadonia, and Frilldert and I follow Reaperion down a large hallway. Numerous pictures of Britelza and Brizenska arise on the walls on my sides.

I just hope that Reaperion doesn’t have any hidden trick up his sleeve.

Whatever it is, I’ll be ready for it.

Frilldert and I both arrive in the same room we were in last time, where we saw Shamiya’s face in the glass ball.

This is a laboratory, I’m sure of it now.

Through the distance, I find myself slightly jumping –


Did I just mutter that?

I see him lying on the side of the bench on the floor, with blood drenched on his face. His head hangs dreadfully, as if his body has been completely worn out.

… Rion did this.

It’s all because of him.

I run to his aid, emerging my face closer to his and wondering if he’s awake.


Wake up! Please! Don’t go! Don’t leave me here!

… Tear… I feel a tear dropping out my eye.

Is this my first time ever crying or feeling sad for this person?

Back in the past – he used to be always rejected.

… Despite all this though –

I’m still not sure if he can even hear me.

I place my hand on his heart, and luckily, it’s still beating.

It’s still beating… It’s still beating!

I take a long breath, and hug his unconscious figure as it lies on the side of the bench.

“So, how does she cure him?” Frilldert muttered behind me.

“Easy, just wave your hands around him and let the Briteria cells do the work.”

Is it that easy?

All this time, it was a necessity to find the area of pain in order for me to cure a person.

“What do you mean by ‘cells’?”

“They’re microscopic organisms, Seobi.”

… What?

Are these Briteria cells alive?!

All this time, they’ve been alive?!

I do as he said –

I guess – he might be telling the truth.

Instantly, I see blue particles of light emerge from my hands and engulfing Abrenite’s figure.

“These are all Briteria cells, Seobi. And they only follow your directions, and do the healing.”

… This whole time, these cells were what I manipulated? It’s what caused the healing?

But then, fear struck me.

Despite Abrenite being unconscious, his figure shakes on the spot vigorously – as if something wants to come out.

His eyes are still closed, but his body continuously moves by itself.

And then, suddenly –

Numerous purple crystallised needles gush out from both of his arms.

… What is it? What’s going on?

I find myself standing next to Frilldert with both of our faces engulfed in agape, about a metre away from Abrenite’s figure.

“What… just happened?”

… Like, what’s all of this? What are all of those things gushing out of his body?

“His body doesn’t accept your Briteria cells”

I still don’t get it – Reaperion, do you mind if you can enlighten me?

He walks over closer to Abrenite’s unconscious figure, then suddenly turning his face to me. “… Probably because there’s something else inside his body that rejects it.”

What is he talking about?

Shouldn’t all my Briteria cells work for anyone, regardless of their genes?

From all the thousands of people I cured, I never had a problem!

“How can his body reject it?”

What’s with that look?

He looks at me with a malevolent smile, turning back to face Abrenite.

What’s Reaperion doing? Is he planning something?

Reaperion takes his hand, then bewilderedness engulfs Frilldert and I –

Suddenly, he bites Abrenite’s palm and rips a large portion of his skin off…

… Revealing a luminescent, purple coloured crystal layer in the flesh of his palm.

Oh my goodness.

Purple… Coloured… Crystal…Protruding out of the palm.

… Does this stimulate my memory somehow? Like, Rion back then?

I clench Frilldert’s hand as she does for me as well, and we both stare at Abrenite’s hand in flabbergast.

“Rion stabbed a blade of Carningrenate through his abdomen yesterday.” Reaperion muttered emotionlessly. “The cells of Carningrenate dived into Abrenite’s genes…”

… Carningrenate cells…?

Abrenite’s genes…?

“And now, by you curing him with Briteria, you’ve brought out a stimulus that made the Carningrenate cells accept the blood being produced inside his heart.”

I – what? Brought a stimulus? Accept the blood?

No… Abrenite.

We watch Abrenite’s figure suddenly change –

The tips of his hair strands turn white,

A large tattoo emerges under his left eye,

And the wounds scattered around his body suddenly regenerates by a purple crystalline material.

A split second later, he opens his eyes and stands up to face me with a smile.

“My sister –”

That tone – it’s as if I heard an echo of delight!

… But, I find it rather scary.

No! No! What a second – Seobi – what are you doing?!

He’s back!

My brother is back!

He’s safe!

He isn’t dead!

I run to him instantly, branching out my arms as I see him doing so as well –

But then, Frilldert grasps my hand and restricts me from my movement.

Then the next words she said, destroys my heart.

“That’s not Abrenite…”

Instantly, he slams the desk behind him and lets out a malevolent laughter.

Good one Frilldert!”


What’s going on? Is this really not Abrenite? Has he lost his mind?

“Seobi, don’t listen to Frilldert. She’s just a Briteria-less son of –”

“Hey, you don’t want to say stuff like that!” Reaperion interrupted Abrenite.

It feels strange to hear Reaperion say that…

Abrenite – what’s wrong? Why are you acting like this?”

“I’ve got tricks up my sleeve.” He muttered.

“... You’re going on his side now?”

“You should join us.”

“... No.” You betrayed me, and for some reason, I’m used to that now, after realising that the Rion I’ve been with for the past four years was a replica.

“It’s because of Frilldert and Rion, isn’t it?” Reaperion interrupted. “And it’s true, you’re not meant be here, Heiligen-Jaeger animal.”

He just discriminated Frilldert!

Whatever he’s going to do to her, I have to prevent it!

... I’ll have to let Abrenite go. But for now... I need to save Frilldert.

… Come on Seobi, let’s be sneaky.

As Reaperion is indulges into his words, I branch my arm slowly to Frilldert’s back, and opening a few pockets strapped behind her waist.

Or more like dozens of mini bags.

… But still, how much is she carrying?

With my sense of feel, I find a test tube and begin taking off the lid.

“You’re race is the enemy of mankind!” Reaperion raised his voice with vehemence.

… You dare say that?

“Take this!” I exclaimed instantly, and spraying the chemical on his eyes.

... Oh – I sprayed Hydrogen Cyanide.

It’s my chance.

Reaperion screams in pain, falling to the floor with his face covered by his hands.

Uh oh – Abrenite’s got us.

But still – I’m hurt by how much he changed…

Did he have to change like this?

Rion… if you were just a bit softer… he wouldn’t be glaring at me with those eyes of evil.

I take Frilldert’s hand, and beginning leaving the room. She digs into her pockets again and throws a small steel ball at the entrance of the room. Suddenly, a foggy gas emits and surrounds the hallway with blindness. We continue running in fear, and finding ourselves crashing into a few walls and picture frames.

… Wait – what’s that sound?

Through the distance, I again hear the sound of a Hyperdrillion breaking the sound barrier.

Reaperion’s going to kill us.

And so is Abrenite. Or – will he? Despite him having those eyes of evil, will he actually do that?

But Reaperion did say to Frilldert, that her race is the enemy of mankind.

… He’s so inhuman. How can someone say that?

Still – this completely compels me to the belief that Reaperion is going to do something to Frilldert.

I need to save her. I’ll protect her, and I’ll let her run away from this wretched place.

As Frilldert continues grasping my hand, we run vigorously out of fear.

But then – someone emerges in the distance.

Shock suddenly compels us after we randomly see a man emerging throughout the fog. As he looks at us, we prepare for him to engage battle –

But no, he only looks at us with a rather ‘creepy’ smile…

Narukatsyu Britelza.jpg

… Then walking off without saying a word.

For a second, I thought it was Rion –

But his facial structure looked slightly different, his eye was blue, a more defined jaw-line, and his cheek was engraved with a large tattoo underneath.

And his destroyed suit of armour resembled one of the brigades of the Brigadonian army.

Another Briteria user that turns out to be alive.

As soon as he disappears from our sight, we continue running again out of the place.

Because I know – I shouldn’t think about him too much…

Not now, at least.

Seconds later, we hear the sound of blades clashing with such immense strength.

“Who was that man…?” Frilldert muttered as we stop in front of a door.

Shouldn’t we focus on escaping?

I pull the knob and find myself in an elevator.

“I don’t know – but, let’s hope he’s hindering us from Reaperion or Abrenite.”

As Frilldert closes the door, I look at the levels that we’re able to travel through. I used to catch elevators in Brigadonia because some structures here were just too tall.

I scan the levels which the elevator can go to –

They’re from ‘Floor Top-thirty’ to ‘Floor Bottom-fifty’, then in the middle, I see a red light shining upon the letter ‘G’.

That’s my current level.

I decide to go to level thirty, at the top, so that I could hide myself at least at the castle walls and devise some plan. The elevator rises slowly, and I feel anxiety rising continuously…

I’m scared… And I shouldn’t be! I have to be brave!

Frilldert grabs my hand, and we both lay our backs to the sides of the compartment.

We’ll be okay, Seobi. Don’t worry.”

I look at her eyes and see the kindness she has inside her.

Thank you.” I muttered.

Suddenly, the elevator slows down, and a red light shines upon the button indicating the twenty-fifth floor.

Someone must have pressed it.

The elevator slows down, and finally reaches a stop. Frilldert and I gather ourselves to the end of the elevator, where we’re furthest away from the entrance.

Her hand is trembling with fear…

So is mine.

The door opens, and I see Abrenite’s figure.

Seobi, don’t do that to our master.”

… Master?! How dare he call Reaperion our ‘master’?!

“What!? He doesn’t deserve that label at all!”

He looks to the floor, and looks back at me as if he has something big to say.

“He’s only trying to help us.”

“What – becoming immortal?”

“That’s right, but we need you Seobi.”

Huh…? Why do they need me?

But, no way, I will never ever choose to help them achieve that ambition of being immortal!

… That recipe – it’s from that.

It’s all from that! That’s where they’re getting their key to becoming ‘immortal’!

“Since it’s getting more complicated to kidnap people, we need to reach out for the next step – and that’s to go back to the mainland.

Mainland? Do you mean our home before the Britoniah’s Cataclysm occurred? The rest of our island?”

“That’s right!” He suddenly rests hid hands on his hips. “And everyone there is all Briteria-less individuals who don’t have a clue of the Britoniah’s Cataclysm!”

“… So what?”

That smile… he’s giving me that smile again!

By taking away their souls, we’ll be able to transport ours to their bodies, and using them to maintain our immortality.”

… I’m stunned out of shock.

Is this what they’re trying to accomplish?!

“This is the power of Siglestria.”

Siglestria? Why did he suddenly say ‘Siglestria’? Isn’t that Shamiya’s surname?!

Where did her name come from?

“We’ll also inject them with Carningrenate cells and making an army to take revenge for all those Briteria-less individuals who destroyed Reaperion’s he-”

He- what were you going to say?

No – Frilldert, why did you –

Frilldert struck an arrow towards Abrenite.

But he caught it.

“… And then, we’ll need you to form that particularly ‘bond’ with the replicated Rion, and allowing him to create the ‘key’ that would allow us to get to the mainland.

Is that another reason why Rion was replicated?

How can this be? The key?

So that I could be in a special bond with him, and creating … a key? What bond does he mean?

Abrenite suddenly takes my arm away, and we find ourselves in another laboratory. As for Frilldert, she’s left inside the elevator –

Get away from her, Abrenite!”

Frilldert – be careful!

Abrenite suddenly turns around, and branches out his arm. A dark gas engulfs it, and a purple luminescent material emerges on his hand.

“No! Don’t shoot!” I attempted to prevent him from pulling the trigger.

It looks like Brigandign –

But, the Briteria bullets protruding from its top are much thinner, but larger in length.

Its colour also determines the dominance of Carningrenate cells.

“She’s a hindrance!”

Abrenite pulls the trigger, but with the energy I have left, I push his arm off and forcing the bullet to blast through a different direction. It jets to the ceiling, through the wall and metres on top of the elevator. A split second later, the elevator that Frilldert is in falls –

I was so close! It would’ve just hit her by an inch!

No wait – she’s going to be falling now! The string that supports the carriage is cut!

What have I done…?

I try to run to her aid, but as I peak my head through the entrance of the room from the elevator, I almost find myself falling.

Thanks to Abrenite who caught my hand, I’ll still be alive.

But, he’s only helping me because he wants me to assist them in their way of immortality.

It’s too late – Frilldert is going to fall down dozens of floors…


I can’t lose her.

Abrenite pulls my hand, and drags me throughout the destroyed room. We arrive at another door, and in fact, it seems like a storage room fit for only one person.

More like a large wardrobe.

He’s probably going to stuff me in there.

“Say hello, to your future lover!”


Abrenite opens the door, and my body stops –

He’s here…

Right in front of my face.

The Rion that I’ve been with since the destruction of Brigadonia.


What is he doing here?!

He attempts to release his arms but he’s restricted by numerous ropes entangling him on his chair.

Abrenite – no! How can you be doing this?! Is this Reaperion’s order?

What are you doing to him!?” I exclaimed in incredulity to Abrenite.

As soon as I let out those words, he starts chuckling –

“Seobi, this man, has a strong feel for you.”

“And the only thing we need now, in order for him to generate the ‘key’ is for you to accept his feelings.”

… Me to accept his feelings?

I can’t lie about how I feel about him! That’ll be outrageous! Falsifying your feelings is outrageous!

What am I supposed to do?!

Come on Seobi, think!

And if I don’t?!”

“I’ll kill him.”

Those words destroyed my heart…

No… I can’t let that happen to Rion.

What does he even mean about a ‘key’?

Will Rion turn into the key?

Will he create one with his ability of Briteria?

But from what Abrenite said, about me forming a particular ‘bond’ with Rion, probably meant that he’ll still be alive if I were to express my feelings to him.

I look at Rion’s shameful face as he focuses on the floor beneath us.

Of course – I knew he had those feelings for me. He even asked me to marry him…

So I guess, he wasn’t able to express those feelings very well because he’s a replica. Due to his lack of knowledge of how we interact and express our feelings, it caused him to just ‘let it out’. And usually, a person says those things after they’ve reached a particular stage. But how long has the replicated Rion been living for?

I can assume that Rion was replicated a few days before the destruction of Brigadonia, since on that day, I remember him forgetting who I am.

A day before that was the day he got replicated.

And since then, for the past four years, I’ve been with the replicated Rion.

So then…

He has a body of a sixteen year old, but his knowledge of life is that of a four year old. So basically, a four year old piloting the body of a sixteen year old, and using it perhaps in the wrong way.

I slightly suspected this, but that’s because he lost his memory.

I thought that, he acted like a child because he forgot everything. But it turns out, he actually never knew anything.m,.

And hence, he acted so immature.

And that’s why, he just let out all of those words at me like that.

Suddenly, my mind stops after realising something –

But wait –

He wasn’t immature for the whole time.

In fact, someone changed him.

But she was killed by him.

And she was killed because …

… she was killed because of the needle inside Rion’s arm.

What if this is the key?! The needle is the key that Abrenite is looking for!

The needle came out when they were both alone in the oval –

And I’ve always seen Rion experiencing ‘unease’ of something inside his arm.

I remember when he used to always grasp it vigorously as if something wants to gush out.

And now, I know, it’s the needle.

It’s full evidence that he is a replica, and he’s undergone various unnatural experiments.

But why does the needle want to gush out at different times?

The first time I experienced it, was when I gave the birthday letter to him months ago. It happened a week before the death of Priscilla, when it seemed like Rion was back to his original, mature personality.

There were times when he avoided me from touching him.

There were times when he wanted to ignore me for some particular reason –

There were times when it seemed like he was hiding something from me…

And throughout all those times, he’s always been grasping his arm tightly.

And it only started happening after he met Priscilla –

Priscilla Edenburgh – the first love of Rion Bayerische – as I assumed, due to the way he acted during those days – must have caused that needle to produce on his hands.

… And that key is the needle.

And Abrenite did say that the key gets created once he establishes that particular bond – the band of love.

Could the needle be it?

… It all makes sense.

But wait – I think Abrenite wants me to be his love. Not Priscilla.

‘Seobi, this man, has a strong feel for you… And the only thing we need now, in order for him to generate the ‘key’ is for you to accept his feelings.’

I know now, whatever that thing is, the key, or whatever, relates to the way he feels about people.

“Seobi, I’m waiting for you.” Abrenite stands beside me with his arms folded.

Let’s see if this hypothesis of mine is true.

I regain my posture, approaching him slowly with his fearful face. I look at him straight into the eyes, and suddenly feeling my face smile at him. It’s as if, I’m actually happy to see him near me.

Now, let’s test my hypothesis of that needle of his.

I grasp his hand, and finding him to shake hesitantly of my presence.

Because I don’t want to tell Rion a lie, and telling him that I accept his feelings, I won’t say anything.

And because of Rion, Abrenite is standing beside me with the intention of becoming immortal.

He’s being manipulated by the Carningrenate cells.

He’s being manipulated by Reaperion.

I’ve got no choice but to not tell a lie.

And just by thinking of what Rion did to Abrenite compels me with the boiling hatred.

I stare at his eyes, and suddenly see a drop of sweat from his forehead.

I’ve got no choice but to focus on the assumption that I made.

I don’t want to make a lie about how I feel, but I’ll still follow Abrenite’s orders by testing this hypothesis.

I approach his face even closer, and finding him shake even more. My hand continues to grasp his, and I feel his muscles vibrating vigorously.

“Stop Seobi, my arm hurts.” I heard him mutter.

Yep… there’s something there.

I’ve got to keep going –

I’m sorry… but I’ve got no choice.

I lay my lips on Rion’s cheek, and feeling him shake even more.

Finally, I push them into his cheek, and feeling it harden like a crystal.

Oh my god –

Suddenly, Rion shouts in pain –

On the hand that’s grasping Rion’s, I feel a sharp object growing and stabbing it violently. I take my hands off his, and find numerous purple needles protruding from his entire arm.

What’s this?


… what’s happening?

Is the Carningrenate cells inside him too?!


Even Abrenite doesn’t know?

“What are you saying?” I said as I took a step back from Rion in fear. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Isn’t this the ‘key’?


Wait – what’s going on?!

He suddenly pushes me to the sides, takes out his weapon and points it straight to Rion.

I look back at him, and find all the ropes to have ripped. He continuously twitches his head like an uncontrollable animal, and finding it quite difficult to stand still.

… I can’t believe it.

What have I done?

“He was meant to make the Chains of Brigadonia – but I have no clue to what this is.

No clue what this is? Is that all?

Ignoring to what Abrenite said, I stand up, walking in front of Abrenite and approaching Rion’s figure.

Then, I feel the feeling of destruction as soon as I look at the amethyst needles.

“Rion… what’s all this?”

He looks so different.

Was this inside him all this time?

I focus my eyes on his, and find a tear falling with his emotionless expression.

But something else catches my attention, and I hear the ceiling behind me to be cracking –

It pops open, and Reaperion emerges with a rather disgruntled look.

“Don’t touch him” He suddenly pulls me away from Rion. “I knew it - he’s a failed experiment.”

… What?!

Failed experiment?!

How can you say that to someone who’s alive?!

“There’s only one way we can use this subject as another experiment –”

“And what’s that?”

“Get rid of his memories once again”.

“But we need the rapier, sir.”

“He’s creating one right now.”

… Memories…

He’s going to remove all the memories he had…

… with me.

No, I can’t allow this!

I would at least, want him to have those memories!

I run towards Reaperion, and stepping in front of Rion to branch my arms out as if I’m a shield.

“Please don’t! He already lost his memory once even though he’s a replica!”

Did I do the right thing?

We all pause for a few seconds.

“Oh, you’ve actually realised that he lost his memories?” Reaperion said with arrogance.

“Yes… it was before his fir-”

“Do you mean the death of Priscilla?”

“… What?”

What? He’s talking as if he knows…?

“I was the one who deleted his memories of Priscilla, since he needed to focus his feelings on…”

He’s pointing at me.

… you.”

Does he want me to make Rion the ‘key’ that much?

He wants me to get together with Rion, to make the key?

“But this time, the layers of Carningrenate cells sheltering the muscles inside him act too widely by his hormones.”

So he also has Carningrenate cells embedded inside him…

Rion is so different…

“I need to cool it all down. At the only way I can change him back from this horrendous form, is to alter his memory and to forget what Seobi did to make him like this.” Reaperion finished.

Wait – so will he lose all of his memories?

“Will he lose of his memories?!” I exclaimed as clear as possible.

If I did that, he’ll forget how to manipulate Briteria.”

… At least, he’ll remember me slightly.

“Abrenite, take her away into the prison. She’s a distraction.”

My body sets loose, not caring about where I’m going, and only thinking about Rion.

At least he’ll remember me.

Then I hear from my behind –

“Rion, won’t you always protect Seobi?”

… I stop, and begin hearing what he’s saying –

“Won’t you always?”

What’s Reaperion doing?

“If you are, then show me that you have the will.”

Rion? Wait can he even talk –

No – he said ‘show me’.


… What?!

Everything behind me jumps from its floor and collides with the walls and the ceiling of the laboratory.

I hear Reaperion grunting, and I turn around to see him crash into the wall with immense speed.

… It’s all coming from Rion again.

And it’s the blue light – the blue light of Briteria – it’s dominating the entire laboratory.

“… Ouch, this light! It hurts! He’s creating the WRONG key! I’ll need to take that and use it against him –”

Abrenite? The light hurts?

Wait – what’s that in front of Rion?

… Is that a rapier?

“Take Seobi away! Go Abrenite! I can only do this once!”


… Rion, stay safe.

I find bars in front of my face, and I lay down on the tiled floor aimlessly. The prison is merely, just a large room with several cubicles of cages fit for humans or animals. In front of me, I see the pathway separating the rows of cubicles.

On the right of the path, is the entrance and on the left is just a dead end. My lips are dry, and I’m hungry, and I need to go to the toilet. It’s rather cold too but, I don’t care.

I’m not dwelling on such trivial matters now.

When I see Rion again, I’ll need to apologise to him.

Not remembering what I did to him or not, I’ll still need to apologise.

It’s because of the kiss I did, isn’t it? It triggered those Carningrenate needles to gush out of his body because they can’t seem to handle it.

… And it’s somehow also related to his hormones apparently.

So now, Reaperion’s going to take out that memory of me kissing me, to cool down those Carningrenate cells in his body.

I just hope that this is the correct assumption that can be gleamed from.

Rion will still remember me though…

He will…

But in order to do that, he’ll have to take a whole chunk of his memories? And only keeping the ones before the time he found out about the manipulation of Briteria?

He said that.

Reaperion said that.

So that means, Rion will remember me?

Oh no – wait.

What if he only keeps that certain memory of transfiguring Briteria, and nothing else?!

No… Please don’t make that happen –

Please don’t make him forget me!

… Come on! I have to get out of here! I have to see Rion!

“Let me out!” I exclaimed. “Let me out! Please!

I need to save Rion!

I need to save him!

“Let me out!”

I continue saying the same thing again and again, until I lose my voice.

Can anyone even hear me?

It’s already been three hours, and I’m still stuck here. I’ve been pondering about Rion for three hours! I’ve been only thinking about him and even if he’ll forget me or not!

Wait! Someone’s coming! Am I saved?!

Abrenite approaches from the entrance on the right of me, and looks at me with a sinister look.

“You can’t get out until we need you.”

… What?!

What if I need to eat or drink?

Or am I saved?

I hear the door open again – but this time, the first thing I see is an arrow flying and piercing Abrenite’s back.

Arrow? Frilldert?! Is that her?!

He turns around, looks at the arrow behind him and we both hear a high-pitched ‘beeping’ noise.

Seobi! Get down! Quick!

A few seconds later, the incandescent light of fire surrounds the darkness that engulfs the prison.

Frilldert… she’s here!

And with – the man who we came across this morning!

I look at him, and finally remember who he is –

With his lavender hair, and vermillion eye, I can tell straight away that he’s a Briteria user.

But, why did he have blue eyes before? And all the parts of his armour that was blue, is now red?

He performs a slash on the bars in front of me, and branches out his hand.

“Long time no see, Seobi Shwanseah.”


The brother of Rion Bayerische.

Abrenite ready’s his gun, but Noir flexes his arm and disarms him instantly –

Wow – amazing.

With the tip of his blade right on Abrenite’s face, he begins speaking –

“Oh, where did your pet Brigandign go?”

True, he isn’t holding Brigandign anymore.

“He ran off.”

Am I not surprised that he ran off? Noir, look out!

He catches Abrenite’s fist and sends the weight of his feet to his abdomen –

Abrenite – he’s flying. He’s flying across the entire room.

I emerge from the cage and finding it so difficult to move.

I wasn’t able to get out before – I realise now – I needed someone to help me up. Frilldert takes my hand and gives me a bottle of water.

“Th-Thanks.” I muttered.

Noir strikes the wall at the end of the pathway that separates the two rows of the cubicles, and we find ourselves jumping straight into the air. Suddenly, I hear him exclaiming –


… Hyperdrillion? The one of Noir?

As we fall through the air, I grab Frilldert’s hand on my right, while Noir takes my left hand.

Hey – I guess I actually feel joyful right now! I mean, jumping like this, through the air, I feel so free.

We fall together, and Frilldert and Noir seem to be enjoying themselves as well –



Under us, I see a Hyperdrillion right below. We finally land on the shell in the middle of the air –

“Yes! We’re out of there!” Frilldert exclaimed in joy.

“Thanks to me!”

That joking tone – I’ve heard it a lot back in Brigadonia. It turns out, that all this time, he’s still alive too.

Oh – I miss that joyful expression of his.

As for me, well –

I don’t know if I’m happy or not.

But, it’s best for me to always look in the positive side of things.

Frilldert scrolls her figure closer to mine, and branching out her hand to reveal a red ribbon shaped as a cross.

“Look, Rion made this.”

… what?

How can he – what?

I stare at it, flabbergasted.

How can he make this…?”

“Come on, don’t say it like that!” She suddenly pats my back. “Rion isn’t all that bad!”


He made me this.

I mean, a gift is a big thing from Rion. He’s never made me a gift before…

Rion, I’m sorry for what I did. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings.

I’m sorry for treating you so badly.

I’ve been so inconsiderate to you –

Have I ever thought of how you felt after realising that you were a replica?

I’m so sorry…

And so what if you’re a replica?!

You’re still the same person that I met after the destruction of our home!

You’re the one that’s been with me ever since!

We came across the same troubles together, and we lived together like a family!

In fact, you’re the person who I’ve enjoyed being with the most…

You’re the one who I’m missing right now…

I’m sorry Rion.

Frilldert suddenly wraps both of her arms around me, and I end up covering my face with my bare hands.

I’m crying… aren’t I? My hands are wet, and … I can’t seem to speak at all when my body is trembling like this.

… That’s right, I’m crying.

I’m crying for Rion.

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131 Reviews

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Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:06 pm
MaryEvans wrote a review...

To begin, this is too long. Thing is, in browsers/online postings it’s hard to read a piece through if it’s so long. The reader has no way to mark where they stopped or come back and continue if they paused. It makes it harder for you to edit too, as you mentioned multiple times. Editor transfer causes odd things to happen (spaces, missing images), and you can’t just copy paste, you need to go over the text and see where things got messed up and fix them. So you should limit each post to about 3-4k words max. Just partition it by chapters.

It will be easier for you to add pictures too. The site editor has an operational option to add images.

The blurb should also be separate.

I will read a bit of it and tell you my thoughts, but I can’t go over the whole things, it’s too long and too hard to read due to formatting.

“Suddenly” is almost always unnecessary. Pay attention to when you use it and whether you need it. Same for “actually” and all adverbs you might feel compelled to use. They can be useful, true, but be cautious when using them, make sure you really do need them.
You need to work on those transitions too, you tend to switch around from action to action too suddenly.

Exposition might be an issue, avoid blocks of text telling us backstories, there are always better ways to introduce it seamlessly. Keep it out of dialogue as much as you can too.
Stick to the same type of tense and work on that style. It’s nice to go casual from time to time, but keep it coherent.

So yeah, work on those issues, most of all partition, else you won’t get many readers and that’s the harsh truth of it.

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767 Reviews

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Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:46 pm
SpiritedWolfe wrote a review...

Hello Ronenzel, Wolf here for a review.

Okay, first off, this is waaaaay too long. This entire part is over One Hundred Thousand words long, and your first chapter alone is about Four Thousand. Not many people have the time/the willpower to make themselves review something so long, even the one chapter. Here's a few tips:

1.) Upload your novel by chapter. Yes, yes, no matter how good your writing is and no matter how much people will beg you to upload more, don't just shove it all into one work. Nobody will want to read it, and lots of people get intimidated by super long works. So just start off small, chapter by chapter.

2.) Upload chapters in parts. So, like here, some chapters are also too long, and people will shy away from reading it. So an easy way to tell if a chapter needs parts or not, is if it has over 2,000 words. A good word count for a chapter (on here) is about 1,200 to 2,000. If it' over that it's perfectly fine, but just split it into parts for the sake of reviewing and attracting attention to your novel.

Alright, so I'm only going to read your first chapter, of course, for the sake of time.

~Chapter 1~

I'll start of with a nitpick:

"Hey, you screwed-up freak, take a nap and rest your demon-red eyes." as I remember an individual I met alongside the chariot road nearby.

I'm super confused here. Is this supposed to be a memory, or someone actually talking to her? Make this more clear with the tag. Speaking of tags...


This is a great article to help with dialogue and tags (as the title is supposed to say.) Ignore the typo.

Finally, about content. Yes this is interesting and you have a nice topic which seems original, but this is the first chapter. I'm supposed to be hooked and pulled in, but really it just dragged on for me and I was constantly looking to see how much more was left. Your descriptions are nice and we get a good background on these characters, but I wasn't dragged into the story and wanting more. Sorry if I sounded harsh. Keep Writing,

Ronenzel32 says...

Hey, thanks for the reply.
But, what did you mean by the 'tag'? I went over that link, and were you referring to the quotation marks that I put on?

And the bit you quoted is a memory of someone talking to her as it said 'remember'. How should I make it more clear with the tag? Just by using apostrophe's instead of quotation marks?
So like...

'Hey, you screwed-up freak, take a nap and rest your demon-red eyes.' as I remember an individual I met alongside the chariot road nearby.

(Note: The "s are now gone)

Wolfare1 says...

By tag, I mean dialogue tag, like:
"Hello," George said.
The 'George said' is the tag.

Alright, even if it a is a memory, the sentence doesn't make any sense. Maybe reword the second part a little bit so it's a complete sentence.

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Points: 100
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Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:05 am
Ronenzel32 says...

I just want to say, probably the story might have been more understandable if I was able to put in the .jpeg files...

Turn your demons into art, your shadow into a friend, your fear into fuel, your failures into teachers, your weaknesses into reasons to keep fighting. Don’t waste your pain. Recycle your heart.
— Andréa Balt