
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

The devil in you

by RituparnaBhowmik

I pull you back to the darkness,

I gift you depression and distress.

I shatter your sky high ambition,

Yet I never come to your attention.

I live in your shadow, I crawl in your mind,

I bear the sorrows you had left behind.

I chew on your hopes,

I bind you with deadly ropes.

I mock you on life's stage,

I blend in your apathy and rage.

You have to always fight me, with gulf or little force

As I am your frustration and also ambition's source.

I am a part of your, but I am unseen.

When success is ahead I come in between.

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:53 pm
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DrFeelGood says...

Awesomeness of this poem ia damn too high!!

thank you

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:36 pm
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TheBrokenAngel says...

Wonderful poem, my dear. This is one of the most accurate descriptions of darkness and depression I have ever seen. A very darkly lovely poem.

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:12 pm
Cole wrote a review...

Hello! I'm here to review.

So, while I appreciate the attempt, I don't like this poem. It needs a lot of tough love. At the moment, it feels shallow and cliche. There isn't any depth. You're manifesting internal roadblocks/doubts/fears/pains as a devil, which is pretty overdone. Poets throughout literary history have written similar poems, but have made it original (for example, Gerard Hopkins' poem "I wake and feel the fell of dark"). You need to steer this away from a cookie-cutter poem and make it something entirely unique.

I don't think the rhyme scheme works. Scrap it. It's a little corny and spoils the threatening atmosphere you're trying to construct.

I pull you back to the darkness,

This is uncomfortably cheesy.

I bear the sorrows you had left behind.

This line is confusing in particular. Bearing someone's sorrows almost sounds like a good thing. For example, there are numerous elements in Scripture regarding Christ bearing our pain. You need to rephrase this.

I chew your hopes

I stick to your steps.

So, here you briefly abandoned the rhyme scheme and these lines are actually the most interesting in the poem. Chewing and gnawing on people's hopes? Love it. Give me more detail. And sticking to people's steps like black gum? Awesome. Describe it more. Elaborate on these images. They're the best ones you've come up with.

I mock at you on life's stage

"Mock at you" doesn't make sense. And the use of "life's stage" here is just bad; this is why you need to get rid of the rhyming.

I blend in your apathy and rage.

This doesn't make sense. Rephrase it.

I am a part of yours, just that i am unseen

This line makes little sense. Rephrase it. And, the fact that you left the second "I" uncapitalized tells me that you didn't even bother revising this. In fact, you didn't even proofread. That's an easy mistake you should have fixed before publishing.

When success is ahead I come in between.

This ending is very, very weak. There's no punch at all. Give us a revelation about internal demons. Give us a strong image to cling to.

Overall, this needs a lot of work. I'd like to see how you revise this.

Take care.

-your old king

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:25 pm
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Aeros wrote a review...

Hey there, Aeros here!

This poem is really great. The subject matter is really close to home for a lot of people. I mean, its close to my life, at least.

Im not sure if this was meant to have a religious background, but whether it did or it didn't does not really change what I got from it. I think you have a nice portrayal of the doubt and anxiety that a lot of people face in their lives.

Some slight nitpicks, but nothing too major.

Your rhymes are nicely consistent except in lines 7-8. It breaks the pattern of all the others, for me at least. Im not exactly well-versed in poetry, so I'm sorry if I'm not seeing something significant about the change there, haha.

In your second to last line, I think it would sound better if you changed "I am a part of yours" to just "I am a part of you."

Thats pretty much all that I have to say! I love the content and the execution. Some small nitpicks but I think those are more of my personal preference than flaws with your work. Nice poem!

thank you

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:59 am
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TiffanyToy wrote a review...


When I was reading this, I realized, this is exactly how my Mother is. Well, how I see her to affect my life. I could never even try to get it out and it seems so perfectly done here! Also, I love the rhyme scheme and how it flows and there's a sort of rhythm...I guess. :/ Anyway, I know the poem is short and there isn't much to review because of that. But, I just wanted to say this is very, very good! Your work is exceptional!

Also, have I ever commented how when I read your username, I read Ritapurna? It's just something weird about me that happens every time.

Anyway, back to the work, I love this and see nothing to nitpick!

Great job!

Keep up the fantastic work!

Keep writing!,

thank you ...

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:53 am
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Mew2x wrote a review...

Somehow this poem is dark. If this poem is about you, in my honest answer I can really relate to this poem. I can actually feel it, but its like its lacking. Just need something that can actually make the readers amaze :)

Also, there is one error, I am not sure if you did that on purpose but the part "I gift you depression and distress", I think you meant by "I gift to you depression and distress" or "I give you depression and distress".

Over all the poem is good, but it feels really lacking like there is something else that you need to describe more. But I still love your poem. :)

i request please suggest what is lacking i will certainly try to introduce it. and yes i mean "give " by gift - i just wanted to make the word a little fancy

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:10 am
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donizback wrote a review...

I don't know if I should still review it, but I am free and I really haven't been reviewing your works lately, so here I go!

First of all, congratulations on making it to the literally spotlight! You deserve it, cute writer!

It is a wonderful poem and I am gonna continue it longer and write a poem same as this one, or at least with the same idea, very soon! You are awesome, Ritu. Pretty amazing stuff here.

The ending was really cool too. The rhymes and the way you described what and who is inside of us who stops us all the time and who demotivates us. Pretty cool but such a young writer.

Again, I really wanted it to be longer. I have to say it was really really really very good but short! Could you not describe it a little more? Could you make it longer and tell us more about how to overcome that silly devil inside of you? Well, maybe in part 2 of this poem? I really hope you'll expand it further. Believe me, the idea was there and it was awesome. So I just request you to make a part 2 of it. It is super awesome.

And I also wanna ask you something. Why don't you write your poems in stanzas? I mean, don't you like them that way or do you just like it the way it is here? I just wonder why. Oh well, there isn't anything bad about writing it this way but still, you know this is what I think - and nobody cares what I think. :P

Once again, it is really cool stuff from you and once again, you made me your fan. haha
Looking forward to reading more of your poems. I just love them!

thank you so much for this appreciation and actually as i got here i thought of trying new writing skills so i am mostly experimenting. and thank you for the part two idea i would think about it and i hope i can come up with something good.

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:23 am
Tuesday wrote a review...

Hello CapitalMonday here for a review. i like to begin that poem has a great message that isn't well felt (like you are trying to tell the reader about what you are feeling yet you can't really explain how you feel about it-- like telling a story from your perspective.) Also i enjoy the little internal rhymes that happen in this poem to give it that little beat and tone like helplessness or sorrow for why you can't move on.


I am a part of yours, just that i am unseen
i think that this stanza does not fit to me that well since the end of it makes me feel confused and -just that kinda threw me off (for the most part). i would consider changing just that i am unseen to however, i am unseen or something similar . Also capitalize the I.

Also in the beginning of this poem, it kinda just dragged me out of it or it was unreadable for to continue to read it. (if make the correction, I am sure that this poem could be an awesome poem.)

I chew your hopes
chew is really not fitting with what you have wrote. Maybe instead of chew put gnaw (or something similar).

Overall, i think this is a great poem and hope people could relate (if they could understand it more) also like Strange had said, what is the satire in this poem? Also i do hope you continue writing these amazing poems that come from inside your head.


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Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:34 pm
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Authorpink wrote a review...

It has several points to improve on, but it was interesting. I think that your theme of darkness is interesting, but this poem can feel a little scary to young readers. Try putting a warning on it to keep little kids from reading it. I hope that this is not based too much on personal experience. I find that you have reel potential.
Great try!

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Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:21 pm
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Morrigan wrote a review...

Hi there!

Here is my honest opinion. It's filled with good intentions.

I don't feel like this poem is really doing anything for me. It doesn't go anywhere, or describe anything in a way that's going to stick with me.

If you're trying to send a certain message, maybe you should use an example instead of simply telling what happens. If I hadn't read the description, I would have no idea what this poem is about, and poems should be self-explanatory, as that's how they're often presented: that poem, no description, no nothing.

Try to get an example story going, so at least it goes somewhere. To be honest, I think that the logic is flawed as well. For our downfalls, we have no one to blame but ourselves. i think that that's a healthier way to think than to think there's a predator on our heels all the time, waiting for us to mess up, or making us mess up.

I did like some of your use of language, like the active verbs you use. There's nothing in language that beats strong sentence structure. Good job on writing easily understood sentences.

Happy YWSing!

for the message of my poem i intend to portray what are the obstacles we face in our way to success while some of they are self made other some unavoidable, life is not a bed of roses so to live in it we have to fight this devil in each step. thank you for your review i would take care of the points you suggested

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Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:33 pm
TheSilentBagpipe wrote a review...

Hello RituparnaBhowmik! CelticThunder1438 here for a review of your work!

First off I would like to say I liked your poem. I am new to poetry, since I have only wrote a couple poems. I love reading other people's poems, its always very inspiring. The one thing I like to see in poetry is familiarization. I am very familiar with the feeling of depression and rage and I can relate to this poem quite well. You kinda made me start thinking about it. I find myself blaming God a lot also, lately.
I like how your poem was real. Everything in it I could relate to and that made it come to life- if you get my meaning.
I noticed that sometimes you forgot to capitalize "I" like in the second last sentence, but other than that I cant find anything else. Your poem is really good. I like it and think you are very good at poetry and could go far :)
A couple tips - 1. KEEP WRITING.
So many people write a little bit and quit. You have very good potential so I advise you to continue. I look forward to reading more from you..
2. I liked the size of this poem. The one thing I don't like is when people make poems soo long. It makes me not want to read them, much less review them. Short poems are always the best :) So keep your size ;)

Question - Could you please review some of my work? I have some poems and some stories on here :) If you have time...but if not that's okay. Thanks!

~CelticThunder1438 a.k.a Selina or Seliter

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Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:14 pm
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Willard wrote a review...

Hey, yo, RituparnaBhowmik! Strange here and I have a review for you!

To kick it off, there is a piece of advice that I have heard about satire that I would like to share.

For it to be satire, the audience has to be in on the joke

I do not know what is satire about this. Yeah, this does follow themes of satire but what are you talking about that is creeping up? Cancer? Dead dogs? It gets confusing with the lack of explaining. You could be talking about anything, that isn't the best thing in the world. Some clarifying would do this poem good.

Another thing I have a problem with is how you constructed this. I do enjoy the lack of stanzas, but you use the AABBCCDD rhyme pattern, which doesn't elevate it. Elevation is key for satire. If it doesn't have bitterness or anything like that, it just isn't effective.

This didn't have a punch. If anything, it felt flat. It felt like an average "general" poem. With clarification, more bitterness, and stuff around that area could really help this poem. The flow was solid, but I wasn't that impressed since of the pattern. There was an over repetition of I to the point where it became redundant.

I chew your hopes

I stick to your steps.

I mock at you on life's stage

I blend in your apathy and rage.

I am a part of yours, just that i am unseen

When success is ahead I come in between.

Compare this part to the rest of the poem. You used commas often to separate the lines, but yet you stop. Think about the third and forth line together. Those don't piece. A comma is needed after those lines.

Overall, it was an okay poem. It needs some slight improvements here and there, but otherwise it is solid.


this was my first attempt at satire and i would certainly try improving. thank you

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Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:25 pm
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rainforest wrote a review...

Hey there! CaptainSaltWater here with a review for you!

I really like this poem. Except you repeated "I" very many times. It gives it repetition, but it doesn't make it sound good. Otherwise, great job. It described the devil within us on so many levels. Good job with achieving that. It uses a lot of metaphors, hyperbole's, and things like that. I want to read more of your poems. Don't give up and always write!


i here is an alliteration and a stress, this is a form of poetry i was trying to create, pardon me if it was irking but it is indeed a well established form of many great poets. thank you for this review and i would try make my works better nxt time

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Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:13 pm
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Odd wrote a review...

Here to review.

I liked this poem. It has a nice flow to it that makes it easy to read and the message that you wanted to convey shows well with the atmosphere you created. However, there are some things that I think you could improve in your poem.

Firstly, rhyming. In poetry, there isn't a rule to what has to rhyme and what doesn't, mostly everything in poetry is up to the poet. However, if you are rhyming everything but two verses, it changes the flow a bit since the reader is expecting a rhyme but never gets one. So I think it would be better if you made "hopes" and "steps rhyme in a way.

Then there's punctuation. Same goes for punctuation as for rhyming, it's up to you to choose what is best. However, most of this piece has punctuation, so I think you should punctuate everything. The words lacking punctuation are: "hopes" in which you could use a comma or a semi-colon; "stage" in which you can also use a comma or a semi-colon; and "unseen" which could probably use a full stop after it.

I feel like you could also improve a couple of things with your flow. Following the rhymes you made, people may read two verses "together" in a way, so if two verses that rhyme are similar length but not exactly the same, it may stop the flow a bit. This is especially the case with:

I chew your hopes

I stick to your steps.

The first verse has four syllables while the second one has five. An easy way to fix this while not changing much and with the sentence remaining correct would be to write:
I chew on your hopes

That way, both verses would have the same number of syllables and the flow would be better.

Finally there are some language errors.
I gift you depression and distress.

I think it is incorrect to say that, the correct way would be to say:
I gift you with depression and distress.

I mock at you on life's stage
The "at" in this sentence is incorrect.
On the sentence before the last:
I am a part of yours, just that i am unseen
The second part of the sentence sounds a bit wrong. Try changing "just that" by "but" and it might sound more correct.
Last but not least:
When success is ahead I come in between.

This sentence confuses me. You come in between what? I know you wrote this probably because you wanted it to rhyme, but the verse doesn't mean much really and it confuses the reader, which is very inconvenient since this is the last verse of your poem. Try changing it so that it says something more explicitly.

That is all I have to say. I like your poem, and you have good potential.
Keep writing,

thank you, this review was a great help. and for the last line i mean to say that when you have to achieve success this devil in you would try to obstruct you, so if you are truly determined and can overcome all these obstructions only they you will taste success

Odd says...

I'm glad this helped. And I had understood the general meaning of it, except I'm saying it may confuse some readers.

“It doesn’t matter what you are, it only matters what you do. It’s your choice.”
— Sam Winchester