
Young Writers Society

16+ Language Violence Mature Content

Mind over matter (18+)

by Raziza

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language, violence, and mature content.

I don't know a good way to start this off, so I'll do the obvious. My name is Jason. Most of my life I have always been active. I was always very sociable, I liked people. Everyday was a challenge and a new mountain to climb, a new Princess to save, and another person to help. I was living in what most would consider a fantasy. But in most peoples lives there comes a time when change happens. My happy go-lucky spunky outlook on life would soon be taken from me in a way I wasn't expecting.

Around the age of eight my parents and I moved to a new house. This was an amazing experience for me of course because I had never had the "pleasures" of moving. I was excited to say the least. Our new house was considerably bigger then our old one. It had two stories, a large deck, and was located in quiet suburb in the middle of a busy city. Although it had beauty, it was also quite a bit older then the other homes. It had an old dark wood look to it (not very modern if you asked me). When I walked in there was a faint odor of wet wood and something of a basement that was flooded with water. This smell was complimented by a slight sense of something being off about the house. Something just felt out of place. Looking back now, I'm pretty sure I just shook all of it off because of the new experience. Looking back I probably should have taken the hint.

After a few days of getting settled in and unpacking our stuff, we finally got to relax. For my parents, this was a dream. They had been working up for years to get the money for a house. It was a huge next step for them. To me, hell, it was just a bigger playground for me to bounce around in. Through all the excitement the queer feeling in the house still didn't leave. It was almost stronger after a few days, a mix between the feeling of someone watching you and a strong sense of feeling alone. Weird right? Feel like someone's watching you, but you don't. Don't think about it too much. I still loved the house, but the hard to explain feelings were taking over my comfort.

As the days went on this feeling got stronger. It ripped me from everything I tried to enjoy. If I played outside, watched T.V, played video games or any other menial everyday task, the feeling would follow me. I couldn't escape it. It was making me extremely depressed and paranoid. I decided to do the only thing that I could think of, I asked my dad about it. All he could give me was a simple answer of "It's just you getting used to the new house, it'll go away soon enough." This didn't make sense to me when he said it, we had been in the house for a little under a month and this feeling hadn't gone away. I tried my best to take my father's intuition and just accept it until it goes, but I couldn't. I asked my mom the same thing, and got a similar answer but in a nice motherly tone. My thoughts still didn't change despite their attempts at an explanation, but I did my best to ignore it.

After another month past, things weren't looking up. This apprehensive feeling worsened into me hearing whispers. I kept hearing these faint cries when pure silence was present. Almost like white noise with a message behind the fuzzy sound that you cannot get to. I couldn't sleep. I sat awake, listening. Trying to figure out what all these blank voices were saying. I couldn't make out anything. I was slowly slipping away from reality and letting these voices consume my thoughts and time. Days past, and I was still listening, and they were sure still talking. I would hear faint knocks and whispers at my door every time I even attempted closing my eyes. I still couldn't make any of it out, but I knew they were determined on talking.

One night around 7:30 pm while I was watching T.V downstairs while my parents were at work, I got another almost deadly whiff of a rotting wet wood smell from the basement. This was the smell almost fell right before I heard my name being called "Jason". Whatever said it didn't sound very friendly. It was a low growl almost fitting in with the voices on T.V. My heart skipped a beat when I heard it. I was looking around the infinite darkness to find nothing. I turned my attention back to the T.V to see nothing but static. By that point I was shaking out of pure fear. I felt completely empty inside, nothing but darkness and dread was around me. I didn't dare take my head from under the blanket. I sat there for what felt like hours, just to be saved by the sound of the door opening and my parents chatting. I flipped the blanket over my head running towards the door to hug my parents. They had been gone for hours at work, so they probably brushed my extreme happiness off to me being lonely. They had no idea.

That same night I experienced something more then the usual whispers and the emptiness of the house. While lying in bed, listening, I felt a cool breeze float over my head. This breeze traveled through my body, head to toes. I had an old feeling come back to me that I hadn't felt in months; Relaxation. It was almost like I was floating on clouds. My room felt like it was spinning ever so gently, as if it trying not to startle me. I did something I couldn't imagine, I slept. It was the most refreshing, deep sleep I've ever felt in my life. My dreams consisted of my youth, running around enjoying my life. Playing with friends, visiting family, the whole nine yards of the good times. But like all good sleeps, I awoke. I didn't awake in the place I expected either. It was about 3 am and I was downstairs, on my knees staring into the T.Vs dead fuzz. This brought me full circle back into my anxious state. I was never one to sleep walk, never mind going downstairs and gluing myself to the T.V not sitting but two feet away. This deep sleep, soon became my nightmare.

Christmas approached soon. I couldn't even be enjoying the holidays knowing about my deep sleep issues. The events had been repeating. A cool breeze, relaxation, then waking up in some odd place I guarantee I didn't fall asleep in. I did odd things too in these sleeps. I would wake up somewhere random in the house, and notice things missing. Items were being misplaced. Everything from my tooth brush to larger things like the T.V being moved from it's spot. My parents were concerned someone may be stopping for nightly visits, I had a hunch that wasn't the case. My overwhelming feeling that it was me doing all these things in my sleep, was becoming more and more obvious as it happened every night. I was worried for Christmas, God forbid I steal the tree and hide everything in the house.

Christmas eve was upon us. I was nervous to say the least. Laying in my bed with my thoughts, I awaited the breeze. Surely enough, it came. It felt much more calm then before, almost as if it new this was my moment of utmost nervousness. One thing I didn't expect, was a knock at my door. It came from no where and shook the breeze away from my body. Whatever made the knock was trying to speak, I heard the same whispers I always did, but they were clear. I kept hearing "Get out" in the same low monotone growl I heard my name spoken in. I froze. I couldn't move. My entire body felt like it was in a stone cast completely paralyzed. I was sweating an oceans worth and I heard with each breathe I took, them getting closer together to the point where I thought I was breathing over myself. My eyes were stuck open to the door, watching. The handle rattled quietly, and slowly turned making almost no sound. The door creaked open with the most ear piercing noise I had heard. The sound shook me to my core. "Get out" got faster and louder as the door opened just enough for the thing to but it's hand around the door. I saw four claws all black and hairy. The rugged nails made a sadistic click when they landed on the door. The creature swung the door open with full force revealing itself. A dark shadow stood before me in my doorway. I could only make out the figure of a person, completely black. No mouth, but eyes that seemed darker then the rest of it's body. It slowly crept toward me making no a peep but the disgusting sound of aching bones cracking and flesh moving. I felt like I was going to vomit. It stood near the end of my bed. It raised it's disgusting finger up to where it's mouth should be, and let out a "Shhhh" sound. I felt another breeze. As it hit me, the shadowy creature faded away. I knew what came next, and I dreaded it. I cried. I was balling, I couldn't even begin to imagine what I would do. The thoughts flowed through my head too quickly to even comprehend. Alas, it happened. I felt myself drift off into my wonderland of hell. I didn't know what came next, but I wasn't too eager to find out.

All I can remember from my dream is seeing nothing but bad reminders of what had taken place in the house. Nothing but darkness, a feeling of dread, and anxiety. I didn't think it could happen but I was paranoid in my sleep. I felt myself waking, things started going away. My vision was fuzzy like someone had rubbed Vaseline over my eyes when I was asleep, but I when it came to focus I was in a very familiar place. I was right outside my house. Something was different though, I saw lights. Bright and vibrant red and blue lights flashing in front of me. I noticed a wetness on my pajamas, it was red and thick. Looking at it more, it was blood. I smelled of death. In my right hand was a kitchen knife, soaked from base to tip. I saw police gathered around me, some going into my home. My heart sank. I could only think of one possible thing that happened, and it tore me to shreds inside. I broke down right there on the street, in total confusion and sadness I lay down and wept. I didn't have too long to cry before I lifted up by police, and put in the back of their car. The officer didn't speak. I don't blame him, he was probably trying to comprehend it just as much as I was. As we left, I looked back at the house, I saw two large backs coming out, and lifted up onto an ambulance. Out of the corner of my eye before I turned my head back into my hand, I saw it. The thing just sitting in the window. It looked, happy. Rage filled me, I couldn't even fathom why or how, but I tried. I tried to make sense of it all, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"3, 2, 1," the camera man says as he points his hand to the news team.

*The news reporter looks into the camera and says* "Welcome to TTV news. Late last night there was a 9-11 call made after a man saw a child walking into the street at midnight with what he assumed to be blood on the child. The man also saw a knife in the child's hand. Once on the scene police noticed the child sitting on his knees on the curb outside of his home. Inside the home police found two dead which upon asking around the neighborhood turned out to be the boys parents. Both had lacerations to the neck and were pronounced dead on scene. After taking the child in to the police station and him being examined by a psychologist, no mental disorders were found. Police are investigating into the child's home life, and if there was any possibility for the child not being responsible for his parents death. We will continue to give updates on the story as we receive them."

So now you might be asking yourself (if this ever gets out), where are you now? Well, after getting numerous tests and months of investigation, they deemed me mentally insane. I've been thrown into a mental hospital. It's nothing easy for a normal person. It's been fifteen years since it all happened. I've been in hear for fourteen of them. This isn't the life I want to live. I'm stuck in a room, maybe 8x8 feet, I haven't counted. All made of cement, painted over. It's bland, just white. I'm not given much other then a bed, a T.V and a few menial things like a pen and paper. At least I'm using it. It's depressing in here, seeing all the mentally unstable. Despite being in here for the wrong reasons, I can't complain all that much. I'm hoping to get out of here some way, someday at least. Pursuing my life, and trying to forget. I still go into deep sleep despite being out of the house. Might just be my minds way of forgetting. If it is, it doesn't work. This is my goodbye. If this reaches anyone, at the very least even if you don't do anything with this paper, throw it out for all I care, just pray for my parents. Remind them that I love them, that I didn't do it by my choice. It wasn't their fault. Please, if anything, just that.

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Points: 466
Reviews: 3

Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:46 am
Raziza says...

The story has been rewritten to better improve it. I hope you enjoy.

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Points: 466
Reviews: 3

Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:11 am
Raziza says...

Thank you all for the critique and suggestions. I'll consider making a rewrite if I get the time.
But just to clear a small confusion up, the child telling the story was telling it at a much older age then the events occurred, hence the swearing.

I will read up on some other stories and take a few pointers. Thank you all for taking time to read my story and help improve my writing, I greatly appreciate it.

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49 Reviews

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Reviews: 49

Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:26 am
thehotinpsychotic wrote a review...

Hey, thehotinpsychotic here to review!

First off, here's some grammar nitpicks:
"Me and my parents moved to a new house". It should be "My parents and I moved to a new house". "Lot's of places to run around...." "Lots", not "Lot's". "Our furniture and painting..." "Our furniture and paintings." "To me, hell it was just a bigger playground"..... It should be "To me, Hell, it was just a bigger playground...." Not having the comma in there interrupts the flow a bit. "After another month past..." it should be "After another month passed..." "Even more" should be "Even move". "It was much darker then before...." "It was much darker than before....." "I was starring..." "I was staring...."

I feel like you overused the word "uneasy". Try to throw some synonyms in there, especially if there's a constant mood you're trying to give off.

At the "I get presents and my birthday is just around the corner", you switched tenses, going from past to present. Try avoiding that.

"All I see is fingers slipping through the cracks..." Again, you changed tenses from past to present.

"Nothing felt right to the normal" struck me as very odd and not fitting.

I LOVED THE ENDING. I'm way into the little news reports in stories, particularly horror. I feel like the last sentence "The news continues with other stories" kind of ruined it, though. I wouldn't put that in there.

Neat story, overall. Good job!

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19 Reviews

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Reviews: 19

Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:23 am
Scoeri wrote a review...

Hey there, and welcome to YWS! I think! This looks like the only thing in your portfolio, but your profile says that you have no reviews, so, I don't know what to think. However, I digress. This is really excellent. You've got a great start here, and it's really quite terrifying, I love it! I must say that it is missing some things though. First of all, your grammar needs more work, but that'll come with time and experience, so I'm not going to nitpick too much. Secondly, your work seems to be missing something, and I'm going to attribute that to Imagery. You do a good job here and there, with the whispers and such, but seriously take my word for it when I say that it's best to describe absolutely everything. From how the static on the TV felt, to what the parents looked like. Similes and metaphors are a great way to do this if you know how. It'd also be a good idea to paint your world with colors. It'll do a lot more for you than you think. Otherwise, this is excellent. Seriously, keep up the work and you'll have something absolutely terrifying. Finally, your buildup is a little bit anti-climactic. Describe the man in the doorway as terrifyingly as you possibly can. Also a little side note here, schizophrenia is caused by a parasite that lives off of cats and mice. It'd be a good idea to have some wallowing about. Anyway, keep it up, and fare thee well!


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Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:20 am
CorianderLee wrote a review...

Hello there,
well this a very interesting story line and I really like the idea.

Like greentulip said you do need to make more paragraphs.
you also need to give the character more personality.
and give more background on the ghost.

I also think that the swearing is unnecessary considering the narrator is only eight.

there were a few typos and fragmented sentences that you can see if you do through and read it out loud.

I would like to read the rewrite. Can't wait :)

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285 Reviews

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Reviews: 285

Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:38 am
GreenTulip wrote a review...

Hi, GreenTulip here to offer you some advice with a review.

1. Do not just ramble through ideas in your paragraphs. If you switch ideas...make a new paragraph. It will flow easier.
2. Make everything flow easier. The last bit was just to sudden of a change.
3. We never truly find out about the boy, we didn't even know that he was a boy when it started out. Work on your character, make him more known.
4. Explain the man just a little bit in like an author's note or something. He is just there...something must have happened.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
— Dr. Seuss