
Young Writers Society

Plushoriam: Chapter 1 (Revised edition- third time lucky)

by Plushoriam

Okay, this is what I hope to be my first novel. I will post the first chapter up for now and see what you think. Constructive Criticism is appreciated :) Enjoy!

The 13th Birthday (Yeah, I need a better title)

“Happy Birthday!”

Heather gazed at the thirteen burning candles on her birthday cake, slightly worried they could set her long, flowing blonde hair alight. She couldn’t believe that this one moment, one that she had awaited her whole life, had come already.

“Blow out the candles, Heather.” said the brown haired girl next to her. Saffy, or Sapphire on her birth certificate, was always smiling, and was always trying to live up to her name by wearing blue clothes, especially her favourite sapphire jumper. She sparkled like a Sapphire too- not in beauty, but in brains. She was clutching a pink squirrel, that was struggling to keep still.

“Yeah, come on, Heather.” moaned a dark haired boy on her other side, picking at his purple sweater. Darius was the impatient type, always moaning if things took one second longer than they should do. His thick, spiky hair and little goatee beard might have given you the impression he was tough, almost macho, but this was far from the truth. Darius was actually easily scared. He was clutching a squirrel similar to Saffy’s, but grey and scowling.

Heather glanced at the two squirrels wistfully. The pink, hyper one was Nissitau and the grey, wrathful one was Uatissin.

“Perfect Plushes for a set of twins.” said Heather.

“You should get a strong one, Heather. You’d deserve it.” said Darius, petting his plush. Uatissin instantly nipped his owner’s finger.

“You reckon?” smirked Heather, unable to control her pride. She thought of all the possibilities of her first Plush- Pugar? Koafla? Maybe even Onxare!

“We haven’t a second to lose! Let’s go!” gabbled Heather, dragging her friends to the door.

“We, my friends, are going to see Billie!” declared Heather, feeling excited. She was soon to be a confirmed Plush Battler- something she’d waited for for 13 years.

The three friends made their way through a dense forest that was crowded with Oak and Silver Birch trees. Despite all the cuts and bruises from sharp thorns and heavy branches, Heather was still looking forward to her first Plush. Plush were magical Plush Dolls, capable of movement and noise, and if they were trained right they could become powerful fighters.


“Darius, are you alright?” inquired Saffy, sounding concerned.

“No,” said Darius, his voice a little muffled. He was holding his nose in a pained way. “Blooming branch just whacked me on the conk!”

The two females giggled, much to Darius’s annoyance.

A few more steps and the three friends emerged from the forest. Heather looked at a deep cut on her hand and gave it a lick.

“EWWWW! Heather, that’s sick!” shrieked Saffy, giving her friend a push.

“Aaah, so this is Heather.” said an older-sounding voice.

Heather looked on. Standing in front of her was a beautiful, long-haired woman, who had eyes of the deepest, sapphire blue. They spoke of experience, as Heather could feel the excitement of confirmed Plush Battlers from years before.

“Don’t be scared, Heather.” said Darius, reassuringly. He took a step back, giving Saffy an experience look.

Heather was so nervous that she couldn’t speak. She did manage to curtsey though, causing Billie to giggle.

“There’s no need to be so formal.” she said, placing a hand on Heather’s shoulder. The young girl tried to retaliate but soon learnt to trust her. It was if she was looking deep into Heather’s soul, her feelings, reliving her best memories. After a minute or so, she gave a contended nod and stepped back.

“I have never seen such a life full of strength and determination. But with such force, there’s also compassion and friendship. In fact, you remind me of me.” she said, sounding rather poetic.

“You saw all that?” gasped Heather. “I mean, of course you saw all that.”

“Billie is blessed with deep clairvoyance, so she can do a lot more that just read minds.” explained Darius. “She’s like a female Obi-Wan-Kenobi.”

Suddenly, sparkles began to form in the air, dancing closer and closer until they made a recognisable shape. A click from Billie’s fingers produced a Plush; a little brown beaver with red boxing gloves.

“BeaKO!” exclaimed Saffy, only to be shushed by Darius.

“Oh great. Stuck with a beaver!” muttered Heather, rather bitterly.

“Now, if BeaKO will accept you as it’s owner, then you will have your first Plush.” explained Billie.

Heather bent down, in an attempt not to intimidate the scowling beaver, but glared all the while. BeaKO kept glaring back at Heather, causing her to have doubts. But after a twitch of the nose and a contented squeak, BeaKO scurried over to it’s new owner. It gave another sniff and lunged at Heather’s nose, not for a nip but for a gentle lick.

Billie was looking at them in a contented manner, confident that these two were made for each other. But the unity and calm were soon broken.

“You utter cow, Billie!” shrieked a voice. “You told me that my plush would be strongest.”

A brown-haired, pony-tailed girl approached them, fury etched on her face. Neither Heather, Saffy or Darius had seen her before, but she looked like one of those spoilt, superior types. An equally bratty white kitty with pink details was following her, it’s tail snootily stuck up in the air.

“Strongest in your ownership, Chloe,” said Billie, still in a calm and contented manner. “Each person “demands” a different Plush.”

“Why couldn’t you have given her something useless like a Fenixa or a Saltoon?!”

Billie gave the Plush Battler a stern stare, but didn’t reply. People like Chloe weren’t worth wasting words on.

Chloe just scowled, before turning on Heather.

“What’s with the cowgirl look?” sniggered Heather, trying not to laugh.

Chloe blushed deep crimson. She thought her emerald jumper, velvet cowboy slacks and brown leather boots were a cute combination. Embarrassment only raised her fury.

“You don’t deserve BeaKO, and everyone knows it!”

“Is that a challenge?” Heather asked, rather darkly. She wasn’t quick to anger, but Chloe was seriously getting on her nerves.

Chloe looked a little unnerved, but didn’t let it make her look weak.

“That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said all day. BATTLE!”

“Oh boy,” muttered Darius.

“Darius, Heather doesn’t know how to battle,” Saffy said, sounding concerned.

“She’ll be fine,” said Billie. Saffy relaxed, as it was rare for Billie to be wrong.

BeaKO looked more than ready for battle, throwing a few swift punches in mid-air.

“Cabate, Cat Scratch!” ordered Chloe.

Woah! Heather wasn’t expecting that. This Chloe was using the bratty kitty’s energy technique as her first attack! Was the little brat really that confident of victory?

The only thing to do was to fight bratty fire with fire.

“BeaKO! Wood Punch!” commanded Heather.

As Cabate rushed towards it’s foe, BeaKO was busy bouncing a little. When the white kitty unleashed it’s claws to execute the attack, BeaKO retaliated with a well aimed punch, which left quite a few splinters in Cabate’s snow white fur.

“You mean pig, Heather!” whined Chloe.

Heather simply replied, “It’s a battle.”

Cabate struck a paw in BeaKO’s face. Knowing it’s foe would repeat this, the brown beaver gripped it’s foe in a painful headlock. Cabate flailed it’s arms, demanding to be released, and BeaKO obeyed- by launching it’s opponent into the air.

The blow from the fall knocked the poor, pretty kitty out.

Both Heather and BeaKO struck a victorious pose. Chloe was too stunned by defeat to do anything.

Heather approached her, offering a handshake.

“Good battle.” she said, smiling.

“What do you mean, “good battle”? I lost!” snapped Chloe.

“Well, you know, if that’s how you’re going to be about it.” muttered Heather.

“Winning isn’t everything,” said Billie, clapping. She looked at Heather. “You have potential, young Heather. You could be a Key Guardian in years to come.”

“Have you thought about becoming a Plush Keeper?” Saffy inquired. “We need someone to put Nick in his place.”

“That’s my dream!” shrieked Chloe, rather protectively.

“Team Slash are ruthlessly strong,” said Billie, sounding a little worried. “If either Chloe or Heather decide to travel, they’ll need all the help they can get.”

Darius didn’t say anything but his frowning expression summed up how he felt about Team Slash.

“And what if I didn’t want to have anything to do with this Nick?” said Heather, an expression of boredom etched on her face. Heather may have looked the angelic type, perfect in every way, but she had vices like everyone else. If she didn’t want to do something, she could not do it, even if it cost the world.”

“Heather, Nick is looking for the Chaos Key.” warned Darius, looking rather worried.

Heather knew what the Chaos Key was, but it still didn’t bother her. The Chaos Key was the most powerful control key in the world, only able to control Lucian Argon, the most powerful Plush in the world. Legends said that Lucian caused havoc in the world of Plushoriam, claiming himself Emporer of the World, before he was locked away in the Chaos Tower. If he was to be released again then the world wouldn’t be destroyed. If that happened, Lucian would have no world to cause havoc in.

Now, in the 21st Century, Nick and Team Slash looked for this Chaos Key, as they wanted Lucian Argon for their own selfish monetary and power desires.

“Fine, Heather! You don’t give a Pig’s Bum about it, but I do!” declared Chloe, tears almost welling in her hazel eyes. “Don’t worry, Billie. I’ll make sure that Nick and his cronies don’t get that key.”

And with that, Chloe and the party made haste, with Heather only following because she wanted to see Chloe fail.

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297 Reviews

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:41 pm
Kaylyn says...

This sounds alot less like a comic book now, thats better. Also Heather never blows her candles out!

[quote]A brown-haired, pony-tailed girl approached them, fury etched on her face. Neither Heather, Saffy or Darius had seen her before, but she looked like one of those spoilt, superior types. An equally bratty white kitty with pink details was following her, it’s tail snootily stuck up in the air. [quote]

You could put a girl appraoched them her brown ponytail swinging behind her with fury etched on her face.

This would be better because this would show not tell.

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:26 pm
Plushoriam says...

Hopefully this will be third time lucky.
As this is the opening chapter, yh, some aspects will seem a LOT like Poke/Digi. But as more chapters are posted, you will notice their differences.
Note I have utterly changed Heather's character. Is she better like this, or have I totally messed her up? Please give your views.

Please give constructive crit again as all your suggestions have been very valid and vey thought-out.

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:25 pm
Kaylyn wrote a review...

Okay here goes. I don't mean to sound harsh in any way. I agree with Bickazer, I could see this being on an animated show or even a comic book. It would be a great show.

Something that wasn't pointed out is that in this book you do alot more telling than showing. Let me explain, telling is saying somone is scared, showing is someonoe showing their fear of something.

Another thing I have a problem with is that you have a lot of characters in the beginning and this is a little bit confusing. Don't slam the charcters in there, introduce them little by little. It isn't that well to just have everyone already n there.

I would also suggest that you put in a little more detail. You don't put enough and when you change scenes you leave the reader confused. Add more detail.

When I was reading I found no grammatical mistakes that jumped out at me, so great job there. I usually have problems with that *cringes*

Overall, it is a great idea and as Bickazer said it could be a great show. If you have any questions just Pm me and I'll help you. Good luck with your writing.

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:25 pm
Bickazer says...

3) What do you mean the whole Plush concept doesn't work? Maybe I should have mention that these are magical plush dolls that can walk and make noise in some way. Man, I thought I had a good chapter going there.

See this:

The whole plush battling thing is also...again, I can't see it working out that well in a full-length novel. Like I said before, it's a little too juvenile, and the cynic in me almost sees it as a marketing ploy. But you're free to ignore than cynic. Quite simply, as a previous reviewer stated, the idea is too reminiscent of Pokemon/Digimon--both fairly successful TV shows, but do you think they'll make compelling novels? Again, if you were aiming for younger children, this will work fine, but if you're aiming for a more sophisticated audience, it won't.

I understand how difficult it is to come up with good ideas, and how much of an investment you're making when you write a novel. It hurts especially to be critiqued on your ideas, but in this case...I really can't see a novel like this selling too well to the audience you seem to be aiming for. Maybe younger readers, as I said, but most preteen and YA fiction is a tad darker and deeper than this. Not to say "most preteen and YA fiction" is better than this, since most of those books are utter dreck. But I'm grumpy and cynical and jaded and my favorite books were all written over forty years ago. So yeah.

Remember one thing--novel writing is NOT the only way you can make your living as a writer. There is nothing wrong about writing for TV shows or comics; I, in fact, nurse a vague ambition to write for television. This idea could probably work out wonderfully as an animated TV show or a comic. All I'm saying is, you don't have to lock yourself into the "novels only" trap. If an idea will work better in a different media, then by all means experiment with different media. :)

In fact, I'm wondering why these forums have a "Plays" section but no "Screenplays" section. What's up with that? I've been cooking several TV show ideas for the longest time now. :(

Okay, I looked at your edits, and I have to say--MUCH better. Particularly in the arena of description; I honestly didn't even know who half the characters were last time because you introduced them so quickly without even describing them. Now I've got concrete pictures of the characters in mind, which is a good thing. I really like Darius this second time around, which is odd because he didn't make much of an impression on me in the first draft.

The way Heather and Chloe did a total 180 at the end is a bit...odd, though, particularly since nothing they did before indicated their actions at the end. I can see you're trying to make Chloe more admirable and give Heather a few vices, and that's better, but don't do it so that it's inconsistent with their established character (if that makes sense; I'm not feeling very lucid right now). Just build their flaws and virtues into their characters throughout the narrative, in a more natural way. I know character building is difficult, so again, I recommend the Character Development Group, because it has been HUGE help to me when it comes to building my own characters. :)

Nonetheless, I really do like the direction this story might take if you keep up the Heather's-only-questioning-because-of-Chloe thread; it could add an intriguing angle to an otherwise overdone plot. How many people have let personal grudges take precedence over the greater good? It's a very realistic thing to do and could deepen your story if done right. So that is good. :D Perservere and keep on writing!

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:17 am
Plushoriam says...

Hey guys!
Thanks for critiquing. I know you mean well but I couldn't help feeling a little knocked down. But I'm alright now, they're all valid points and suggestions, and I am currently rewriting the chapter! Woo Hoo! Hope you all read the amended version.

I just want to point out a few things.

1) I understand the point of not understanding everything like PLush Battling and the Chaos Key. I wanted to avoid a first person narrative (I work better with third person) and wanted to avoid "talking" to the reader, if you know what I mean.

2) Even though it does have the Poke/Digi essence, I can assure you it is not exactly like them in any way. For example, Pokes and Digis evolve in some way. Plush don't. In Poke/Digi, you earn experience by fighting other Poke/Digi. Plush can gain experience via critters most of the time as well as other Plush.

3) What do you mean the whole Plush concept doesn't work? Maybe I should have mention that these are magical plush dolls that can walk and make noise in some way. Man, I thought I had a good chapter going there.

4) You mentioned about Heather being perfect? Believe me, she WILL have her vices and downfalls in later chapters. And Darius being macho? Pur-lease. You will see his true wimpiness in the future.

5) I have also taken the bit out about Chloe hug.

Well, anyhoo, I hope you all read the amended version and give your views on that. :)

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:50 am
Bickazer wrote a review...

Well. Um...first of all...

I honestly do not mean to be harsh, but to be frank, I don't think this would work very well as a novel.

Really, I don't mean to offend and I'm very sorry if my comments are hurtful in any way. I understand perfectly how hard we as writers work on our craft, particularly a novel--it's a huge commitment and you've probably spent loving hours working on this. But I would do myself a disservice if I didn't tell you what I truly thought. Remember, receiving honest critique is how you grow as a writer. :)

Not only do I agree with the previous critiquers' comments, about you needing to improve more on detail and characterization, but I also just feel this idea itself doesn't lend itself well to a novel. Quite simply--it's too juvenile. I can see this idea working for, say, chapter books aimed at a younger audience, heck, even a pretty successful animated TV show--but not a full-length novel for preteens and young adults, which, if I'm not mistaken, seems to be the demographic you're trying to reach for. The plot is just too simplistic and formulaic, unless you're going to shake things up in the future, in which case I recant everything I've said previously. However, if you continue the direction you've set things out...the plot is going to move in a very predictable and uncompelling way. Think to yourself, how many times has the "group of kids must adventure for an artifact that could destroy the world" plot been used before? Unless you present a highly original twist on the idea, such as having their adventure go wrong or have the object not even be powerful in the first place (I don't know, these are just random suggestions I pulled from the top of my head, they're probably not that great either), you're not going to attract many readers.

The whole plush battling thing is also...again, I can't see it working out that well in a full-length novel. Like I said before, it's a little too juvenile, and the cynic in me almost sees it as a marketing ploy. But you're free to ignore than cynic. Quite simply, as a previous reviewer stated, the idea is too reminiscent of Pokemon/Digimon--both fairly successful TV shows, but do you think they'll make compelling novels? Again, if you were aiming for younger children, this will work fine, but if you're aiming for a more sophisticated audience, it won't.

Ergh, I'm really sorry I don't have anything more positive to say...I do think that maybe after some revision in the area of characterization and description this could be a fun read, but as it is now...the plot and plush battling aspect just leave a sour taste in my mouth. I like how you didn't info-dump on the plush battling, but just dropped us right into the world and let us find out for ourselves--I love that kind of world-building above all, the kind that lets us feel like we're almost a part of the world. Other than that, though...the concept needs some serious revision.

I do like the name Billie for the lady (like Billie Piper! XD) though I have to wonder why she's the only adult around. If this is one of those things where the parents don't seem to exist or exist only to be obstacles for their children, no offense...no, I don't want to finish that sentence. Suffice to say that you should let us know the parents exist, and factor into their children's lives. That's all.

Argh, I feel like a jerk for saying all this. I'm sure this can be improved and expanded; just keep working and don't get discouraged, okay? :D It is PERFECTLY OKAY to use cliches; every writer does. But you have to do SOMETHING original with the cliches--don't just make this a "battling monsters" thing with a "save the world" plot; try to make it different and original. I know it's hard, but it'll be worth it. More than that--make your characters more than archetypes (i.e. the boring perfect heroine, the spoiled bratty rival); make them into real people with real hopes, dreams, and fears. Making believable characters is one of the most important components of writing stories. If you need help with that, feel free to join the "Character Development" group. They offer a plethora of tips on fleshing out more believable, dynamic characters.

All in all, keep writing. Don't get discouraged! Remember--critiquing is NOT just for the purpose of knocking down; it's for the purpose of knocking down and building something better in its place. I'm sure this idea can be salvaged; I'll leave it to you to do it. Good luck! :D

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Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:44 pm
Twit wrote a review...


I read all this chapter, and it was well written and easy to read. Enjoyable. :) However, I did notice some things.

The "plush battling" is... well, it's weird, "plush" being a soft toy and all. It sounds rather silly. Perhaps you could find another name?

The characters. I don't feel that much emotional connection to any of them, but that's not too bad as this is just the first chapter. However, you tell an awful lot in the beginning:

Darius was the impatient type, always moaning if things took one second longer than they should do.

You know those spoilt, annoying types who think they’re superior? Chloe was like that too. She claimed she was the best Plush Battler in Lily Mill- and no one had proved her wrong. Cabate, a white kitty with pink details, was very strong, as it had had the best training money could buy.

So far there's impatient macho male, rather prissy but cheerful female, spoilt shrieking brat, and a very strong main character who impresses the local wise-personage. I'm sensing cliches. Sorry, but there it is. You can develop Saffy and Darius more later on, but Heather is boring. She's quiet, she's going to become a new kind of warrior, she is strong though raw, she beats the spolit brat in a fight and is completely generous and friendly afterwards.

All the above is boring and cliched.

I'm sorry if that's harsh - I'm not saying this because I'm simply a sadistic person who likes to make themselves feel smug. Might be hard to believe, but it really is true. The best help is harsh help, no? Like brain surgery and dentist drills.

In essence, Billie is like a female Obi-Wan Kenobi who tells a young new warrior that they have great potential and they sense great power in them. It's been done before. And the Plush battle commands - they're like Pokemon and Digimon. You can't nick stuff blatantly like that. Quite apart from anything else, it's boring.

To finish off:

“Don’t worry, Billie. We’ll make sure Nick and his cronies don’t get the Chaos Key.” declared Chloe, proudly.

Heather gave a smile and knew it was time to start their journey…

Chaos Key. I'm assuming this is a magical artifact that will wreak havoc and destruction in the wrong hands, a la Lord of the Rings? And I also assume that the rest of the story will be an account of this sudden journey that they will have to take, also a la Lord of the Rings?
If I'm wrong, then all well and good, but if that is true, then you really need to change it. You want this story to be as good as possible, right? Then it's going to need a heck of a lot of changes.

Sometimes I wonder how Stan Lee managed to do the things he did. Or George Lucas. Or Steven Spielburg. My dream-baby and current obsession Scavenger is now in its six draft, and I'm seriously considering starting over again once more, because it still needs such a lot of work.

This isn't an attack on you or your story. It's one of those weird cases where being cruel is actually being kind in an inverted kind of way. Do PM me if you have any questions or anything. :D

Writing an original good fantasy story without it getting horribly tangled up is hard, but it can be done. That's what I constantly tell myself to keep me going. Still, Shakespeare must have made umpteen drafts before the finished result, and even then the actors thribbled and ad-libbed.

Have fun editing! :D

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287 Reviews

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Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:37 pm
Maki-Chan wrote a review...

Hello ^_^

Alright Here is my review (in a very long time)

I couldn't find any grammar, or spelling problems. The only thing I think you need to work on is the detail. In the beginning you didn't explain who Heather is and what she looks like. Unless is there a prologue, explaining what plushes are, or why they allow humans to be their masters, and so on. Maybe you are saving the detailed explanations for later chapters?
Another thing is when you explained how Darius, Saffy,Chloe, or their plushes. i don't think you did a very detailed explanation of them. All you just said was a "brown haired girl, or a "browned haired boy". Perhaps you could do something like "A tall pale girl come into view. Her long brown silk-like hair flowed like a velvet stream as she walked towards the thing." You could also describe what they wear. "Her black, long sleeved jacket made her pop out in front of the light blue sky." You get the point. Make it so there is a variety between characters, then just instead just telling their hair color, and even when you do that spice it up a bit. Make it so its really easy to see how they look. Don't worry I had the same problem too, and even now I sometimes find my self rushing through that; however it's very important to make sure you take your time and paint how your characters look in words.

Other than that good job. I liked the way you used dialogue for them. it should their personality, and emotions. I like the story-line. It somewhat reminds me of pokemon. Hopefully (and I don't think it will) it won't end up exactly like it.

GOOD LUCK! I will review future chapters, and this one after (If you choose too) you edit it a little bit ^_^

If a story is in you, it has to come out.
— William Faulkner