
Young Writers Society

Unfinished Business

by Plume


ROWAN: Any gender. Deadpan. Psychology major. College student. Wants to go back to bed.

OSBERT/OLIVIA: Any gender (change name accordingly). 16th century English actor. Vain. Very actor-ish.

TIM/TESSIE: Any gender (change name accordingly). 1860s Wild West cowpoke. Bit stupid, but well meaning.

AARON/ASHLEY: Any gender (change name accordingly). 1980s teenager. Aloof. Teenager-ish.


Unfinished Business

At rise: ROWAN, a college student, sleeps downstage left. Somewhere, a clock reading 2:59.

A few moments pass. 3 o’clock hits. ROWAN shifts.

Then, THREE GHOSTS (sheets and all) emerge from stage right. They are doing ghostly things and making ghostly noises. You know, spooky. ONE, ASHLEY, is less enthusiastic than the others.


The GHOSTS continue this spooky spectacle, forming a semicircle around the sleeping ROWAN. They don't stir. The GHOSTS continue for a while, until…

One drops its arms, tearing off the sheet to reveal a person dressed in 16th century England garb.

OSBERT: ‘Tis but a folly. ‘Tis no use; they slumber still. And this cloth doth shroud my good side.

A second GHOST rips off its sheet, revealing TESSIE, a cowpoke.

TESSIE: Aw, the point ain’t to look good, Ozzie! It’s to scare the bejeezus outta ‘em!

The third, least enthusiastic GHOST removes its sheet, bunches it up, and throws it offstage.

ASHLEY: Well. This is a kinda stupid way to do it. I told you we should’ve written weird messages on their mirror or something.

OSBERT: Indeed. Or flogged them as they slept!

ASHLEY (concerned): Oooor maybe not doing that!

TESSIE: I guess y’all are right. Don’t know what I was thinkin’, honestly.

She tosses her sheet down. It hits the clock, dragging it down. ROWAN jolts awake.



They examine each ghost carefully. TESSIE is frozen, OSBERT is posing, and ASHLEY looks indifferent.

ROWAN: Am I… dreaming? Is this real? (pauses) Are you my sleep paralysis demons?

OSBERT: No, fool. See you horns? I think not.

TESSIE: Oz, you ain’t too good at this ghost thing.

OSBERT: Dost thou expect me to remain mum when another so accuses me of witchcraft and devilry? Cattleherd, thou art foolish.

ROWAN: So you’re ghosts?

ASHLEY: You don’t seem too shocked.

ROWAN: I’m a psychology major. Not much fazes me. So, uhhhh. What brings you to my dorm? And why’d you knock over my clock?

TESSIE: The clock was my fault, and I apologize. You seem like a real upright person, and knockin’ your clock over wasn’t how my momma raised me. I’m sorry.

TESSIE tips her hat. ROWAN looks amused.

OSBERT: And we toil still on this mortal plane, for reasons we know not fully, but only surmise on— that the inopportune nature, untimely as it was, of our deaths, keeps us here to someday resolve that which we could not.

ROWAN: I beg your pardon?

ASHLEY: He’s saying he thinks the reason we’re still ghosts here instead of over in the next life is because we’ve all got some “unfinished business.” We never reached our true potential when we were living, so now we’re doomed to haunt the earth until it’s finally achieved.

ROWAN: And you really believe that?

ASHLEY: Well, I think it’s all bull. But Osbert believes it, mostly cause it gives him hope that even though he’s dead, he can still have a successful acting career.

OSBERT: Mine own visage was nearly that of Hamlet’s, I tell you!!

TESSIE: Yeah, sure it was.

OSBERT: Upon my coxcomb, ‘twas indeed!

TESSIE and OSBERT continue to debate, speaking over one another. ROWAN watches for a bit, before speaking over the two.

ROWAN: As much as I’ve, uh… enjoyed talking to you all, it’s pretty early. Could you clear out? You know, leave? I’ve got an early psychology class in the morning, and—

OSBERT: Again, you mention this…psy-chology. What strange words you speak, fool.

TESSIE: I’m with Osbert on that. Sounds suspicious, this… psycho-ology stuff.

ASHLEY: Shut up guys, they’re just saying they’re a head shrinker.

OSBERT begins worriedly grasping his head.

ROWAN: Well. Studying to be one. And I prefer the title “psychologist.”

TESSIE (interrupting): A head shrinker? I’m awfully fond of the size of my head, so, uh… I think I’ll pass. But (tipping her hat) thank you kindly.

OSBERT: Thou dost wish to make smaller my head? A fool thou may be, but a witch fool at that! ‘Tis enough shock to halt my heart yet again!

ROWAN: No, it’s not… it’s not like that. Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. We don’t literally shrink peoples’ heads, so you can let go of your head now… was it Osbert?

OSBERT nods once, and then slowly lets go of his head.

TESSIE: Sounds awful boring.

ROWAN laughs.

ROWAN: It can be, at times. But it’s worth it, knowing that someday, I’ll get to help people through their problems. Regardless, if I want to succeed at that, I need a good night’s sleep. So please. Could you all go?

OSBERT: Hangeth on but a moment, fool. You spoke of helping goodly personages through their strife?

ROWAN: Yeah…?

ASHLEY: I see where you’re going with this, Osbert, and I don’t think they’ll agree.

ROWAN: Agree to what?

TESSIE (catching on): Aw, Ozzie, that’s pretty smart!!

ROWAN: What’s smart?

ASHLEY: Since you’re a shrink, maybe you could help us pass on to the next life. Lead us in our journey of finding our unfinished business and help us have profound moments so we can finally be at peace.

ROWAN: Oh. Uh. I’m not so sure I could do that. They don’t really train us regarding… ghostly therapy.

OSBERT: Prithee, fool. ‘Twould mean the worth of five hens to me should you agree.

TESSIE: We’d all be greatly in your debt.

ROWAN looks at ASHLEY, who shrugs.

ROWAN: If I try to help you, even if it doesn’t work, do you promise to let me sleep and leave me alone?

The GHOSTS ad lib agreement.

ROWAN: All right, all right. Who’s first?

OSBERT jumps up, waving his hand.

ROWAN: Come on, then.

They pat the bed beside them. OSBERT sits down.

ROWAN: So, do you want to start with how you died, or—

OSBERT immediately stands, assuming a dramatic pose, and moves dynamically through the following lines, à la campfire story.

OSBERT: Twas a night much like this one, when I met my demise. Dark, as is the way of the night. I was but a mere child, or felt as weak as one. And there it came; but smoke, what shadow, dashing o’er the cobbles! In through my eyes and ears, a pestilential cloud, and so this world became dark, and I departed, cut off from the mortal coil into the immortal one.

ROWAN: Could we, uh... try that again? Maybe without the flowery language?

OSBERT: The plague, fool!

ROWAN: Ah. I see.

OSBERT: And all before I made mine own debut performance!

ROWAN: Oh! Were you starring in something?

OSBERT: Alas, no. My career as a player had yet to begin. Such potential, wasted!

ROWAN: Would you… like to give us a demonstration?

OSBERT: ‘Twould be a pleasure.

OSBERT moves to center giddily and stands. He clears his throat.

OSBERT: To be or not to be, that is the question—whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them? And, methinks, then it continues into something suchlike ‘death, death, die, sleep…’ ‘Tis been a while. I remember… not all.

ROWAN: Oh, bravo! I thought it was quite impressive. Didn’t you all?

TESSIE: That… that was a mighty fine performance, Oz!

ASHLEY: It was… alright. I guess.

OSBERT is glowing with praise.

OSBERT: Speak you all the truth? Never have I been so praised. Ah! I feel as though I walk within the shoes of Hermes himself. My heart be lifted with your kindly words. And— oh! What might this feeling be? An unspoken force doth pull me away.

Fun lighting begins. OSBERT begins to move further stage right, as if pulled.

TESSIE: Aw, stop messin’ with us.

OSBERT: ‘Tis no trick, cattleherd! Verily, I believe myself to be ascending to heaven!

OSBERT continues to be “pulled” offstage. The OTHERS watch on in stunned silence. After a few moments, OSBERT is gone.

ROWAN: Well… that worked. Surprisingly.

TESSIE: I can’t help but feel a tad sad. I know he was already dead ‘n all, but I wasn’t expectin’ him to just… vanish like that.

ASHLEY: ‘Death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.’

TESSIE: That’s some profound spoutin’ you’re doing there.

ROWAN: What’s that from?

ASHLEY: Julius Caesar. It’s Shakespeare. I figured it’s how Osbert would have wanted to go out.

TESSIE: I reckon you’re right about that.

They all look at the spot where OSBERT disappeared.

ROWAN: Well. Which one wants to go next?

They pat the space next to them. ASHLEY motions for TESSIE to go forward. TESSIE sits.

ROWAN: So. Do you know your unfinished business?

TESSIE: I think I do. See, I’ve got a prejudice.


TESSIE: I’m awful ashamed of it, too. See, it’s only because I’ve got a bad past with ‘em. It’s just… rocks. Well, just one of ‘em, really.

ROWAN: Rocks?

TESSIE: Yup. See, I got killed by a rock. My momma did too.

ASHLEY: Care to elaborate?

TESSIE: Alright, though ‘fraid I can’t promise no waterworks.

ROWAN: This is a safe space, Tessie. Feel free to say whatever you want, however you want.

TESSIE: Thank you kindly.

TESSIE stands.

TESSIE: See, I was raised by my Ma and Pa in the good ol’ West. When I was still a youngin, Ma died. She tripped over a rock in the yard. At least, that’s what Pa told me. He also said that “she had it comin’” and that “the poison he put in her breakfast that morning finally kicked in,” but I didn’t think too much of it.

ROWAN: Whoa there. Have you ever thought that maybe… your dad killed her?

TESSIE: Mmm… Nah, I’m pretty sure it was the rock. ‘Course, Pa kicked me outta the house real soon after. I got a job herdin’ cattle, and it paid the bills for a bit, but then I fell into trouble. Ran my mouth out at the saloon, and found myself pacin’ ten with Killer Kenny, one of the most villainous outlaws that side of the Rio Grande. We started the shootout, but then I felt my legs fly out from under me. I do not believe you’ll be able to guess what caused it.


ASHLEY: Won’t you enlighten us?

TESSIE: It was that same rock! ‘Course, I was shot three times straight through the chest at that point, so everything got a little fuzzy, but I’d know those non-clastic planes anywhere.

ROWAN: Mm. Did you ever think that maybe you died because of those three chest shots, and not the rock?

TESSIE: Oh, nah. I was too consumed by my contempt of the rock to consider any other options. So now you see.

TESSIE sits back down.

TESSIE: It ain’t very righteous of me to have hate in my soul, so I was hoping you’d work your psycho-ology to make it disappear.

ROWAN: So, you think the reason you’re still here instead of in heaven or whatever is because you hate rocks?

TESSIE: That is veritably correct.

ROWAN falters, obviously unsure of how to handle this.

ROWAN: Alright. Okay. So. Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe it wasn’t the rock’s fault?

TESSIE: How do you mean?

ROWAN: Maybe the rock was just doing what it was supposed to. It’s not like rocks move, right?

TESSIE: Right.

ROWAN: Maybe the rock feels really bad, you know? And if it’s remorseful, then do you have a right to hate it? Could you find it in yourself to forgive it?

TESSIE: Well, now… I’ve never thought about it like that.


TESSIE: I do believe I could find forgiveness.

At that moment, the lights begin again. TESSIE moves slowly to stage right.

TESSIE: Oz wasn’t lyin’, it does feel like heaven’s callin’ me home! I’m comin’, Ma and Pa!

ASHLEY: I’m betting she’s not seeing her dad up there.

ROWAN shushes ASHLEY but smiles. TESSIE vanishes offstage.

ROWAN: So. I guess it’s just you left.

ASHLEY: But I don’t… I think I’ll stay.

ROWAN: No offense, but I want to go back to bed.

ASHLEY: I’ll be quiet!


ROWAN: Come here.

They pat the bed beside them. ASHLEY groans but obliges, settling down.

ROWAN: So what’s your unfinished business?

ASHLEY: I don’t know.

ROWAN stares at her.

ASHLEY: I’m being serious!

ROWAN: Well, why don’t we start with how you died?

ASHLEY looks away.

ROWAN: Was it cancer?

ASHLEY looks up.

ASHLEY: Why would it be cancer?

ROWAN: I didn’t see any obvious injuries and… well. You’re what, sixteen?

ASHLEY: Fourteen.

ROWAN: Fourteen? Jesus Christ.

They pause.

ROWAN: So what was it? Poison? Internal bleeding? Head trauma? Pneumonia? Influenza? Arsenic? Bad burrito? Early-onset arthritis?

ASHLEY (yelling): I killed myself, okay??

ROWAN falls silent.

ASHLEY: So yeah. That’s why I don’t have any unfinished business or whatever. ‘Cause my life wasn’t taken from me. I didn’t have big dreams, or plans, or a destiny, or whatever. It wasn’t a big tragedy, like some accident or disease took me dramatically from the world of the living. It was just me in my bathroom and some Tylenol. Too much Tylenol. And so I have no idea what the hell my unfinished business is, because this? This was what I chose. There was nothing for me in my old life, and so I left it. By choice. And ended up here.

ASHLEY sighs.

ASHLEY: If I’d known death would be like this, maybe I would’ve… stayed.

ROWAN: Oh, Ashley. God. I’m sorry.

ASHLEY: I mean. I’m already dead. So you don’t really have anything to be sorry about.

ROWAN: No, but still. I was… gosh.

They start and stop speaking, trying to get something out. It is evident that it’s hard for them to say.

ROWAN: I used to have… thoughts. Thoughts that I think you had too. And it got so bad that one day I found myself on my bathroom floor and I just… I didn’t want to be living. I wanted it all to be gone. I felt worthless. Of course, I didn’t actually… kill myself. I— my parents— I saw a therapist. I got some medication. I felt a lot better. It’s actually part of the reason I uh… decided to study psychology. I want to help people like me. Like you.


ROWAN: If I could hug you right now, I would.

ASHLEY laughs.

ASHLEY: Thanks. But still. Now you see. I’m just as hopeless as I was alive. First I was stuck there, and now… now I’m stuck here.

ROWAN: Well, you will be if you keep up that attitude.


ROWAN: Have you ever thought that maybe your unfinished business is just… learning how to love yourself?

ASHLEY: It can’t be that dumb.

ROWAN shrugs.

ROWAN: Osbert finally got a sense of achievement. Tessie was able to accept the truth. Maybe all you have to do is learn that you’re not worthless.

ASHLEY: That’s cheesy.

ROWAN: It’s still worth a shot. Come on. Tell me five things you like about yourself. Take as much time as you need.

ASHLEY: This is stupid.

ROWAN: Ab bup bup! I don’t want to hear it. Come on. I believe in you.

ASHLEY: I like… I like the way my nose looks.

ROWAN: Good. Four more.

ASHLEY: I like the fact that I could make my friends laugh.

ROWAN: Three more.

ASHLEY: I like how I always helped my teacher wipe off the chalkboard after class even if it made me late.


ASHLEY: I like how I’m kind and sarcastic and a little bit insufferable but still fun. I like that I’m able to be loved.


ASHLEY: I like how you didn’t think I was beyond help. How there’s something in me that you saw that wasn’t broken.

ROWAN: You were never broken, Ashley. You were always enough.

ASHLEY leaves the stage, dreamlike. Again, lighting. ROWAN pauses for a moment after she’s gone.

ROWAN: Well. I guess it was that easy.

They yawn, and settle back into bed. They sleep for a few seconds, until…

The alarm clock sounds from the floor. ROWAN groans.


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Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:40 pm
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foxmaster wrote a review...

Hello this is Foxmaster!!!🦊
Tis was a very original idea. I liked it a lot and all the characters

At rise: ROWAN, a college student, sleeps downstage left. Somewhere, a clock reading 2:59.

A few moments pass. 3 o’clock hits. ROWAN shifts.

Then, THREE GHOSTS (sheets and all) emerge from stage right. They are doing ghostly things and making ghostly noises. You know, spooky. ONE, ASHLEY, is less enthusiastic than the others.


The GHOSTS continue this spooky spectacle, forming a semicircle around the sleeping ROWAN.

I love the way you make the ghosts so funny sounding and not scary at all. Buuuut the part with the sheets makes me feel like you're reinforcing ghost stereotypes (until they remove the sheets). I am just curious though. Why do you make all the names capitalized? (I am not an expert at screenplays so if I am wrong just let me know.)
TESSIE: See, I was raised by my Ma and Pa in the good ol’ West. When I was still a youngin, Ma died. She tripped over a rock in the yard. At least, that’s what Pa told me. He also said that “she had it comin’” and that “the poison he put in her breakfast that morning finally kicked in,” but I didn’t think too much of it.

ROWAN: Whoa there. Have you ever thought that maybe… your dad killed her?

TESSIE: Mmm… Nah, I’m pretty sure it was the rock. ‘Course, Pa kicked me outta the house real soon after. I got a job herdin’ cattle, and it paid the bills for a bit, but then I fell into trouble. Ran my mouth out at the saloon, and found myself pacin’ ten with Killer Kenny, one of the most villainous outlaws that side of the Rio Grande. We started the shootout, but then I felt my legs fly out from under me. I do not believe you’ll be able to guess what caused it.


ASHLEY: Won’t you enlighten us?

TESSIE: It was that same rock! ‘Course, I was shot three times straight through the chest at that point, so everything got a little fuzzy, but I’d know those non-clastic planes anywhere.

ROWAN: Mm. Did you ever think that maybe you died because of those three chest shots, and not the rock?

TESSIE: Oh, nah. I was too consumed by my contempt of the rock to consider any other options. So now you see.

This part is great, the way that Tessie has no idea how she and her mother actually died and thinks that the rock did it.
Overall I really liked this. It was funny and the characters were likeable.

Plume says...

Thanks for the review! To answer your question, character names are capitalized because it's easier to tell who's speaking and who's in the scene. It doesn't serve much of a purpose from the writing standpoint, but when the scripts are turned into plays (like this one is intended to be), it's easier to produce, cast, and act through! Once again, I'm glad you enjoyed.

foxmaster says...

thanks for letting me know!

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Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:04 pm
ccarson wrote a review...

-C. Carson speaking

I like how you give the option to change character genders, depending on the reader's preference. I like the general concept of someone giving therapy to ghosts, as I don't think I've seen it before. Also very wholesome.

Personally I use " to indicate speech("Like this") and * to indicate actions(*Like this*).

-Corp. Cleo Carson
-[REDACTED] County Sheriff's Office

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Sat Sep 03, 2022 5:06 am
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KateHardy wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: Okay...this was a really interesting little script here. I think it would work wonders as a short, funny piece that still manages to hit home about a couple of pretty heavy points if you let yourself think for a bit.

Anyway let's get right to it,

Then, THREE GHOSTS (sheets and all) emerge from stage right. They are doing ghostly things and making ghostly noises. You know, spooky. ONE, ASHLEY, is less enthusiastic than the others.

I genuinely can't tell if this is genuinely just the way this is or if this is meant to be humorous. One thing is for certain, and that is the fact that I am laughing my face off here.

The GHOSTS continue this spooky spectacle, forming a semicircle around the sleeping ROWAN. They don't stir. The GHOSTS continue for a while, until…

One drops its arms, tearing off the sheet to reveal a person dressed in 16th century England garb.

OSBERT: ‘Tis but a folly. ‘Tis no use; they slumber still. And this cloth doth shroud my good side.

A second GHOST rips off its sheet, revealing TESSIE, a cowpoke.

TESSIE: Aw, the point ain’t to look good, Ozzie! It’s to scare the bejeezus outta ‘em!

The third, least enthusiastic GHOST removes its sheet, bunches it up, and throws it offstage.

ASHLEY: Well. This is a kinda stupid way to do it. I told you we should’ve written weird messages on their mirror or something.

OSBERT: Indeed. Or flogged them as they slept!

ASHLEY (concerned): Oooor maybe not doing that!

TESSIE: I guess y’all are right. Don’t know what I was thinkin’, honestly.

Oh wow, I am loving the chemistry between these three characters already. I love how its all definitely sort of meant to be relatively serious, the humor just oozes out of these characters just generally being themselves.

They examine each ghost carefully. TESSIE is frozen, OSBERT is posing, and ASHLEY looks indifferent.

ROWAN: Am I… dreaming? Is this real? (pauses) Are you my sleep paralysis demons?

OSBERT: No, fool. See you horns? I think not.

TESSIE: Oz, you ain’t too good at this ghost thing.

OSBERT: Dost thou expect me to remain mum when another so accuses me of witchcraft and devilry? Cattleherd, thou art foolish.

ROWAN: So you’re ghosts?

ASHLEY: You don’t seem too shocked.

ROWAN: I’m a psychology major. Not much fazes me. So, uhhhh. What brings you to my dorm? And why’d you knock over my clock?

Oh dear...I'm in danger of the old fall off the chair situation. This is just so funny without ever really trying to be funny and I am falling hard for it. Well, let's see where this takes us, something about the title makes me think we'll have some sincere things scattered in here too.

TESSIE: The clock was my fault, and I apologize. You seem like a real upright person, and knockin’ your clock over wasn’t how my momma raised me. I’m sorry.

TESSIE tips her hat. ROWAN looks amused.

OSBERT: And we toil still on this mortal plane, for reasons we know not fully, but only surmise on— that the inopportune nature, untimely as it was, of our deaths, keeps us here to someday resolve that which we could not.

I feel like this is the part where we maybe dip towards sort of the more serious aspects of this and get to the actual heart of the plot here. Love the way this is brought up here, after what I think is a very good amount of prelude to the whole situation.

ROWAN: As much as I’ve, uh… enjoyed talking to you all, it’s pretty early. Could you clear out? You know, leave? I’ve got an early psychology class in the morning, and—

OSBERT: Again, you mention this…psy-chology. What strange words you speak, fool.

TESSIE: I’m with Osbert on that. Sounds suspicious, this… psycho-ology stuff.

ASHLEY: Shut up guys, they’re just saying they’re a head shrinker.

OSBERT begins worriedly grasping his head.

ROWAN: Well. Studying to be one. And I prefer the title “psychologist.”

Okay...I have a feeling I know where this unfinished business is going to be resolved here. Loving the way this was slowly setup here in the background, assuming of course that I'm guessing correctly that psychology plays a part in solving this unfinished business.

ROWAN: Agree to what?

TESSIE (catching on): Aw, Ozzie, that’s pretty smart!!

ROWAN: What’s smart?

ASHLEY: Since you’re a shrink, maybe you could help us pass on to the next life. Lead us in our journey of finding our unfinished business and help us have profound moments so we can finally be at peace.

ROWAN: Oh. Uh. I’m not so sure I could do that. They don’t really train us regarding… ghostly therapy.

OSBERT: Prithee, fool. ‘Twould mean the worth of five hens to me should you agree.

TESSIE: We’d all be greatly in your debt.

ROWAN looks at ASHLEY, who shrugs.

Well...that went exactly as planned. I also love how we've got tessie almost playing translator there to Osbert and his speech there. It is some genuine old english being tossed out there, not just the exaggerations you normally do for laughs so it really does need a bit of a translator sometimes.

OSBERT: Twas a night much like this one, when I met my demise. Dark, as is the way of the night. I was but a mere child, or felt as weak as one. And there it came; but smoke, what shadow, dashing o’er the cobbles! In through my eyes and ears, a pestilential cloud, and so this world became dark, and I departed, cut off from the mortal coil into the immortal one.

ROWAN: Could we, uh... try that again? Maybe without the flowery language?

OSBERT: The plague, fool!

ROWAN: Ah. I see.

OSBERT: And all before I made mine own debut performance!

ROWAN: Oh! Were you starring in something?

OSBERT: Alas, no. My career as a player had yet to begin. Such potential, wasted!

Okay....that is actually quite sad to see. Never fun to see a life taken like that so even if we've got plenty of opportunities for a little bit of a laugh here you can't help but feel sad instead when you think of how that must have felt for this many years.

OSBERT: Speak you all the truth? Never have I been so praised. Ah! I feel as though I walk within the shoes of Hermes himself. My heart be lifted with your kindly words. And— oh! What might this feeling be? An unspoken force doth pull me away.

Fun lighting begins. OSBERT begins to move further stage right, as if pulled.

TESSIE: Aw, stop messin’ with us.

OSBERT: ‘Tis no trick, cattleherd! Verily, I believe myself to be ascending to heaven!

OSBERT continues to be “pulled” offstage. The OTHERS watch on in stunned silence. After a few moments, OSBERT is gone.

ROWAN: Well… that worked. Surprisingly.

Oh kay...I was not expecting things to be just that easy. Wow that went very well....I have a feeling its not going to be quite as easy going forward, but that was quite an interesting moment there in this story I would say. Right as we feel happiest for Osbert he is pulled off.

TESSIE: See, I was raised by my Ma and Pa in the good ol’ West. When I was still a youngin, Ma died. She tripped over a rock in the yard. At least, that’s what Pa told me. He also said that “she had it comin’” and that “the poison he put in her breakfast that morning finally kicked in,” but I didn’t think too much of it.

ROWAN: Whoa there. Have you ever thought that maybe… your dad killed her?

Oh that was a definitely rock, no doubt there whatsoever. Wow things certainly kicked up a notch in terms of how bad these deaths were, but then it does make sense it would be deaths of this nature for these ghosts to still be hanging around here.

TESSIE: Mmm… Nah, I’m pretty sure it was the rock. ‘Course, Pa kicked me outta the house real soon after. I got a job herdin’ cattle, and it paid the bills for a bit, but then I fell into trouble. Ran my mouth out at the saloon, and found myself pacin’ ten with Killer Kenny, one of the most villainous outlaws that side of the Rio Grande. We started the shootout, but then I felt my legs fly out from under me. I do not believe you’ll be able to guess what caused it.


ASHLEY: Won’t you enlighten us?

TESSIE: It was that same rock! ‘Course, I was shot three times straight through the chest at that point, so everything got a little fuzzy, but I’d know those non-clastic planes anywhere.

ROWAN: Mm. Did you ever think that maybe you died because of those three chest shots, and not the rock?

TESSIE: Oh, nah. I was too consumed by my contempt of the rock to consider any other options. So now you see.

Well that is certainly a very interesting take there. At the very least it certainly isn't a mystery as to why Tessie here hasn't been able to leave just yet. That is quite a level of denial to be stuck in and you really do a wonderful job of taking a story that would almost be funny in terms of seeing these deaths obviously meant for something else be attributed to a rock but turning it into something that makes you really think as a person instead.

ROWAN: Maybe the rock feels really bad, you know? And if it’s remorseful, then do you have a right to hate it? Could you find it in yourself to forgive it?

TESSIE: Well, now… I’ve never thought about it like that.


Oh Rowan is going to make a great psychologist one day. Rowan really does seem to have this routine down very well, at least from the little I have seen of this in real life.

ROWAN: Come here.

They pat the bed beside them. ASHLEY groans but obliges, settling down.

ROWAN: So what’s your unfinished business?

ASHLEY: I don’t know.

ROWAN stares at her.

ASHLEY: I’m being serious!'

Of course we must save the hardest bit of the situation for the last. I have a feeling this is why we had the warning up there too. Well, things are certainly getting to be more and more serious the longer this situation goes on.

ASHLEY (yelling): I killed myself, okay??

ROWAN falls silent.

ASHLEY: So yeah. That’s why I don’t have any unfinished business or whatever. ‘Cause my life wasn’t taken from me. I didn’t have big dreams, or plans, or a destiny, or whatever. It wasn’t a big tragedy, like some accident or disease took me dramatically from the world of the living. It was just me in my bathroom and some Tylenol. Too much Tylenol. And so I have no idea what the hell my unfinished business is, because this? This was what I chose. There was nothing for me in my old life, and so I left it. By choice. And ended up here.

That was almost whisplash like there. We have a mildly hilarious list of various fun ways to die and then BOOM we're hit with this very sobering reality and I think that's just perfectly executed here.

ROWAN: I used to have… thoughts. Thoughts that I think you had too. And it got so bad that one day I found myself on my bathroom floor and I just… I didn’t want to be living. I wanted it all to be gone. I felt worthless. Of course, I didn’t actually… kill myself. I— my parents— I saw a therapist. I got some medication. I felt a lot better. It’s actually part of the reason I uh… decided to study psychology. I want to help people like me. Like you.


ROWAN: If I could hug you right now, I would.

ASHLEY laughs.

ASHLEY: Thanks. But still. Now you see. I’m just as hopeless as I was alive. First I was stuck there, and now… now I’m stuck here.

Well...this is really putting in some work on those emotions here. I did not expect to have something quite this profound hidden in here even despite seeing some of the more serious moments from earlier, but well here we go. It makes for a nice counterpoint to all the humor we did see.

ROWAN: Osbert finally got a sense of achievement. Tessie was able to accept the truth. Maybe all you have to do is learn that you’re not worthless.

ASHLEY: That’s cheesy.

ROWAN: It’s still worth a shot. Come on. Tell me five things you like about yourself. Take as much time as you need.

ASHLEY: This is stupid.

ROWAN: Ab bup bup! I don’t want to hear it. Come on. I believe in you.

And this is now becoming nice and wholesome too. The best way to cap off a start like the one that we've had today. Let's see where this takes us here. I have a feeling this story is going to be the type to leave you with a big goofy smile on your face.


ASHLEY: I like how you didn’t think I was beyond help. How there’s something in me that you saw that wasn’t broken.

ROWAN: You were never broken, Ashley. You were always enough.

ASHLEY leaves the stage, dreamlike. Again, lighting. ROWAN pauses for a moment after she’s gone.

ROWAN: Well. I guess it was that easy.

They yawn, and settle back into bed. They sleep for a few seconds, until…

The alarm clock sounds from the floor. ROWAN groans.

Ahh well that's a lovely ending. Given the size of this story, that was a really good amount of proper therapy crammed in there and I love how we have that wholesome moment before everyone is sort of broken out of the trance there with the alarm clock and the bit of humor from that. I love it.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall, I think this is a wonderful piece here. I genuinely couldn't really find much of a spot I would suggest improving on. It has a clear goal here and it sticks to it and executes it really well I think.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

Plume says...

Thank you so so much for your review!

KateHardy says...

You're Welcome!

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Wed Jun 22, 2022 8:54 pm
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MailicedeNamedy wrote a review...

Hi Plume,

Mailice here with a short review! :D

A nice little story you've written here that was entertaining from start to finish, with some unexpected twists that were extremely effective and well inserted. I came into the piece completely ignorant, and was surprised to find some moments in there that made me not only laugh or smile, but also think. It was strange because you started off really impressively.

They are doing ghostly things and making ghostly noises. You know, spooky. ONE, ASHLEY, is less enthusiastic than the others.

I like that you approach it a little differently, and add humour to the descriptions as well. It's a different kind of voice and, above all, it loosens up the reading pleasure. I only found that this was a single point because the descriptions to come tend to go back to the "normal", probably also because the subject matter has changed a bit, but I think you could easily add more "moments" like this.

Especially because there are hardly any more descriptions in the first half. Only when the three ghosts begin to talk about how they died and whether they have unfinished business is this more frequent. You could insert these moments from earlier in the descriptions so that the reader notices that something is changing.

OSBERT: Again, you mention this…psy-chology. What strange words you speak, fool.

I don't know if it's a good thing, but I think because Osbert is trying to pronounce psychology that it's not directly known how it's pronounced or written, you could write it the way you would actually pronounce it. I don't know if it's understandable, but for example, instead of psychology, say "spy-cology" or something like that.

ROWAN: So what was it? Poison? Internal bleeding? Head trauma? Pneumonia? Influenza? Arsenic? Bad burrito? Early-onset arthritis?

Somehow a very humorous interjection inserted itself here, which threw me off for a moment because Rowan doesn't directly strike me as a funny guy. Nevertheless, I liked this short interjection.

Overall, I liked the story. It has something interesting about it and also feels new from a plot and narrative point of view because it goes in a different direction, contrary to what you might anticipate as a reader.

Have fun writing!


Plume says...

Thank you so much for your review, Mailice! I really appreciate your feedback!

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Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:01 pm
RandomTalks wrote a review...

Hi Plume!

RandomTalks here with a short review!

I don't think I have ever reviewed a script before, so I apologize beforehand for anything I might interpret wrong. I also may no have any criticism to offer about the structure of the script (owing to the fact I have never reviewed any!), but this was such an entertaining read that I felt like I had to share my thoughts about it!


Something that I really like about your writing style is how you manage to create this lightness about your stories that make them such an effortless read. Even when dealing with serious subjects like suicide and death and murder, you managed to capture an energy that contrasts sharply with the heaviness of the issues you have presented here. And in turn you presented something that was so wholesome and fulfilling that you really left me with a smile.

I really liked the way you have interlaced humor with emotion to create something that is both entertaining and meaningful. At times, I was laughing out loud at the hilarity and the theatrics of the characters and other times, my heart was aching at the innocence of the characters who probably do not even realize the ordeal they have gone through. However, throughout the story, you had us completely enraptured. And I think that is something else I admire about your writing style - your ability to elicit genuine reaction from people through your simple narration and realistic characters.


And coming to the characters, you have portrayed them all with such a wild energy that it took almost no effort at all to connect with them from their very first appearance. All the three ghosts had such distinct personalities that complimented each other in this perfect chaotic way. I loved all three of them - whether it was Osbert's flair for theatrics, or Tessie's oblivious yet endearing innocence or Ashley's tragic and well-meaning character. All three of them tugged at different corners of my heart and had such a strong and established presence that I almost felt sorry when of them left the story after attaining peace.

Another thing that I really liked was how instead of focusing on the tragedy of their pasts, you presented their stories in a hilarious manner that somehow engaged our emotions even more. Because these characters are so good and well-meaning and genuine, it really breaks our heart when we realize how oblivious they are to certain truths that could have probably made a whole lot of differences in their lives. It was so easy to invest in their stories and empathize with them along the way.


I loved how distinct the dialogue of every character was. You have really succeeded in giving them their own voice and their personality was very evident in the way they expressed themselves. For examples, while Osbert's voice was a little dramatic and boastful, Tessie's was almost childishly innocent and naive. At the same time, we go on a different route with Ashley who does not share any similarities with the other two ghosts. We can sense the guarded insecurity and vulnerability in him especially in the moments he tries his hardest to remain stoic and unmoving. In the short monologue that follows his admission of committing suicide, the tone of the dialogue changes, deepens and presents us this raw vulnerability in a carefully controlled delivery. I appreciated the fact that you didn't try to pack the scene with tragedy and deep meanings; they came naturally and effortlessly because of the simple way you have dealt with this character.

Some other points:

Could we, uh. Try that again? Maybe without the flowery language?

I feel like you could replace the period or the full stop here with a comma because otherwise that first sentence sounds incomplete. It feels more concrete this way, "Could we, uh, try that again?" But, of course, that's your personal choice!

I know it’s he was already dead ‘n all, but I wasn’t expectin’ him to just… vanish like that.

The 'it's' here is sitting quite aimlessly in the first half of the sentence and I think you probably did not mean to write it.

If there was something that I had to change about this story or script, then it would be the ending. I really liked the way you had been developing Ashley's story, especially because we get to connect more with Rowan as well when he recounts his own experience of dealing with the same to Ashley. I felt that we were embarking on this journey with Ashley when he was listing five things that he liked about himself, when suddenly, it was over. The end came a little too abruptly for me, almost as if you were in a hurry to wrap it up and somehow I felt it stole the fulfillment that the scene was supposed to deliver. I think if you had expanded it with even one or two more dialogues, we would have experienced the closure that Ashley deserved.

That's all!

Overall, this was a genuinely good read that had me invested throughout. Thank you very much for sharing it with us!

Keep writing and have a great day!

Plume says...

Aw, thanks for catching that "it's"; I don't always write in an exactly linear way, and sometimes words from previously drafted sentences end up in the final version by accident lol. And I totally get what you mean about the abruptness of the end; that's something I've been looking to revisit and fix. And overall, thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful review! it really made me grin. I'm glad you enjoyed reading!

RandomTalks says...

You're welcome! :)

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Sat Jun 04, 2022 10:34 pm
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Horisun wrote a review...

Hello and good afternoon! Before I get into this, I should say that I'm no expert in regard to screenplay, so most of my compliments and criticism may stay at a certain surface level.
However, despite my inexpertise on the matter, I could still easily see that this was everything from fun, wholesome, and heartbreaking. You got several laughs from me, but by far my favorite line was "They examine each ghost carefully. TESSIE is frozen, OSBERT is posing, and ASHLEY looks indifferent." Not only does it perfectly incapsulate each ghosts character, it immediately endeared me to every one of them. Honestly, I almost wish we could spend more time with them, as they were all so much fun! I even related to Rowan, and loved how three ghostly beings haunting their room hardly phased them.
My one real nitpick was that you used two question marks in "ASHLEY (yelling): I killed myself, okay??" It was a heavy moment, but the punctuation felt a tad cartoonish and it almost took me out of the narrative. It's a really minor thing, but I would consider changing it. I feel like if you wanted to emphasize "okay" you could've just italized it, and it would have a similar effect.
Other than that, this really was a fantastic piece! I mean, you managed to make me feel attached to four different characters in the span of a couple short minutes, which is no easy feat! Keep on writing, and have a wonderful day! :D

Plume says...

Thank you so much for your review!! I appreciate the comment about the question mark, especially. And I'm glad you got attached to the characters and almost craved more time with them%u2014I did feel like I could have beefed up the script a bit, since I felt like it moved kind of fast, and hearing that encourages me to go back and add some more! Once again, thank you so much for your review!!

Horisun says...

No problem!

You wanna be a writer? You don't know how or when? Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.
— Paul Simon