
Young Writers Society

16+ Violence

Prakfura Raiders: Chapter Two: Pecking Order: Part Three {Redacted}

by PiesAreSquared

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for violence.

Word count:1250+ still aley's POV with some memories from. Fate.

A daze flooded me. My mind crawled through my memory, sifting for any recollection of my captor. It hurt my head, but I kept searching. I felt myself transported into memories. Memories not my own.

A hammer descended, showering sparks in a dark room, lit only by the furnace. Somewhere, somehow, I remembered that this was where I began. I was being forged. My smith emanated terror sufficient for a city. He wanted to stop. To leave the sword. Let it founder out of existence, misshapen. I coiled a thought at him, primal in its addiction. He struck again.

The memory faded. Black silhouettes filled my unfocused vision. An acrid taste stuck to my tongue as I heaved the contents of my stomach. "How do you know me?" I asked, my voice weak with exhaustion.

"Know you?" His voice was ripe with sarcasm as he bowed an apology. "Oh, I forgot. Knowing your name actually means knowing you. Forgive us country lads. We are ignorant of your city customs."

I cough up bile. My vision returns. Thick piles of white thistle adorned his chin. I felt my teeth mesh together.

"Oh, gritting teeth! That's a Trant trait." He gnawed at his own.

"Why capture me? Your leader will be dead by now."

"I wouldn't think of it." I shrank, recognizing the voice. It came from behind me.

"How? What? You're not possible!" I stammered in my surprise.

"Possible? I suppose not. Shut up." He retorted. I felt his hands on my waist as he reclaimed his scabbard. His hands lingered as he turned silent for a moment. "Now where was I? Oh, right, talking to you."

"Creep!" I tried to turn, my checks scraping bark. "There's nothing you could want from me, so why hold me captive?"

"Huh? What? I wanted something from you? Oh yes, I, of course, I wanted something from you." He rounded the tree from my left to stand beside Thistle Chin. "I already have it."

"Have what?" I growled.

"This. My friend." He hefted up his magic sword and gave it a light kiss.

"Don't call me your fri-"

"I wasn't talking to you." He reprimanded. He was speaking of his sword.

"Then there's nothing else you could want from me."

"Three patches of skin? I'm not sure. Why would I hurt my own daughter anyway?"

"Your daughter?"

"So my friend tells me." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't believe him, naturally. But he never is wrong, I'll bet my life on that."

"If you are going to stand there and regale me with tall stories, make it worth my while!" I shouted. To insinuate that he was my father infuriated me. My anger constricted in my throat. Never! I have no father!

"Well, feisty!" He choked a laugh away. "He can do it better than I, but," he sighed, "he's been trying to teach you for days. Even after I came back, he still wanted you to learn, but your thick skull just wouldn't absorb his lessons."


"Well, weeks, actually. When Jale decided to turn outlaw the day of my execution, let's just say I'm a lucky man." He smiled a crooked grin.

"Jale? I don't believe a word of it. I won't!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Oh, of course. Neither did I. I had him thrown to the unicorn." He waved his arms with an unconcerned laugh.

"The unicorn?" Hope welled up in me. This fool had actually taken a unicorn from the Emperor.

"That." He spat. "We covered it in a prakfura's pelt and sent it to the Emperor. It's blood we drank, of course. Well, I mean, he did. I pity the man who stood before his majesty with that carcass!" He roared with laughter.

I set my teeth, remembered what Chins had told me, and parted them slightly. "Oh, so now you think you are mighty smart eh? Breaking out of a dungeon, killing a unicorn, capturing officers of the Calvary? Very smart indeed. You just stirred a hornet's nest for yourself, old man."

"Huh?" He looked confused. He shook his eyes to clear it. "Well, yeah maybe. That's what I intend to do!"

The fire I had observed earlier in his eyes came back. His cheeks rose along with the light. I bit my lips and followed his grin. “Well, if you like what you’re doing, there’s nothing I can do to stop you, is there?”

“No, nothing at all.”

“So, you’re just going to keep me tied to a tree until the world burns?”

“Ah!” He waved his arms in derision. “We didn’t tie you to the tree. It merely cooperated with our efforts to place you in a restricted posture.”

“What?” I let disbelief flood my face.

“What what? You never head of the Blackwoods? What a sheltered life your mother must have given you!”

“You don’t even know my mother!” I almost screamed the words. His jabbering was getting to me.

“I can’t say I do, and I never did.” He lowered his voice to a rumble. “What I can say is, I can’t let you go. The Blackwood is an evil place. I have no say in its doings.”

“You speak of it like you know-” My mouth ceased to work. A blackness took hold of my mind. No! Not again! I screamed. I felt myself swimming in emptiness. The darkness swirled, and funnels me to slam hard against a ground strewn with roots.

Hands strangle me in a tight embrace. I fell in a swoop, my edges cleaving away another tendril. The fight seemed endless. I felt the sweaty palms of my wielder as he fought the tree. Its leaves whistled in derision. In soft whispers, it mocked our efforts. Little man, it seemed to say, it has been such a long time since I have had meat!

I snarled at it. You will never get the master. Scum!

Your master? Ha! Why swear yourself to a mortal, my fellow immortal? Why make yourself the slave when you can be the master?

I was forged by the master!

And that makes you his slave? How dull.

You are the slave of the ground.

No! He struck hard with a tendril, I felt as though I would snap. No! The ground is me. We are all the same. My master’s feet sank into the earth like it was water. Like I said. All the same.

I could feel his terror, as great as when he had forged me, as he slowly slipped beneath the ground. His breath choked away.

I faded back to where I was bound. I gasped in a lungful of air. My body shook with the transferred memory. A chill ran through my spine as I turned to glance at my captor.

"Please don't eat me." I did not fear death. At least, not the regular types. To be eaten alive by a plant, I could not bear to think. Shivers raced along my spine.

Don't call me a plant. I am the Blackwood. A small wispy voice rode the wind to my ears. More evil than many another forests.

"You know you can't eat me, Blackwood."

"Oh don't be silly, child. He can. My grandfather, your great-grandfather, died in this very woods." I threw up at those words. "But you see, now, us and the Blackwood, we have, shall we say, a deal. He keeps us safe, we give him meat."

"So that's what you made me? A sacrifice?" Emotions burned in me. I felt confusion, terror, anger, and admiration for his ruthlessness, all together.

The vines tightened around me.


So far my worst chapter! I just can't do dialogue properly!

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Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:43 pm
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kayfortnight wrote a review...

Yikes. Fate forced its creator to create it? That is seriously awesome and seriously twisted at the same time. I like it :D

I find it interesting that Ryandrol takes the sword back. I'd almost think he'd be happy to not have Fate messing with him. I'll reserve info for now.

Hmm. I did get the impression before this chapter that Ryandrol and Aley were around the same age, but obviously not. I thought her "old man" comments were an insult, not the truth :) Also, I'm not sure if this was meant to be a surprise to readers. Since Ryandrol was hinting Aley was related to him from chapter one, it's really not.

Who's Jale?

Dialogue suggestion-you usually put dialogue in front of the description. Maybe sometimes put the description in front.

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Sun Apr 27, 2014 10:22 pm
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Aley wrote a review...

I'm not sure I've left you a review before, but since it's review day for the next few hours and I've been reading along due to the pestering that's well overdue for an argument, I might as well review.

The story so far is rather hap-hazard. We're in the second chapter and you've already upped the tension so far that I feel like the climax should be within the next group. You've given us a plethora of information that you really don't dwell on, and you don't introduce us to people, just move along as if it wasn't that important. I liked the other chapter of Aley's point of view better because it seemed clearer for plot. Main baddie is kidnapped, transported, and ready to execute. Our main good guy is a self-righteous prick who needs to learn some manners. All of this seems perfectly on the level, but at the end of the chapter before this one, she's kidnapped, tied to a tree, and tormented with a sword. Now I'd say that this was character building, evolving our main good guy to someone who's more reputable, but I don't think it's going to teach her anything. Personally I think it's just to see her suffer. Then you drop things like "Jale turned bad" and I honestly don't know who they are because you didn't spend any time developing the lack of a relationship.

If I had to say something about this, I'd say it seems rather shot-gun like you just set out a lot of things you wanted to do and blew a shot gun at the wall to see what it would hit. That's where your plot is. Why would Aley be revealed as the daughter now? What purpose does that serve? We already know they're related. Can't she just get left in the woods or does the sword, or fate, have some greater plan for tormenting her before they go? It seems like they should have left after he got his sword back. Instead you info-dump about the Blackwood, Jale, and family relationships. It is too much in such a disoriented state.

I just knew my plot was bad! I shall spend this week in rewriting the entire thing. Hopefully it will get better and not worse!

I'm not sure I understand you because this story, doesn't have a good guy. Or was it Raymond?

Rewrite in progress! Thanks so so much for the critique! I loves you! <3

I'm going to focus this on Aley rather than Fate. I like Aley anyway! I might, marry her? I don't know. So Aley grew up in an absentee father environment, and I really want to show her search for her father. hmm. Yes good idea!

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Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:15 pm
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OliveDreams wrote a review...

Sagey Olive has arrived and I’m going to try Tenyo’s method of reviewing chapters this week. Let me if it’s helpful to you!

#0040FF ">Plot & Characters

So, we’re still on Aley at the moment and, as I’ve told you before. I’m beginning to really like her. I like that you’ve now explained her teeth gritting! :) I thought it may be a habit...

Your atmosphere is always good. I especially like the section about the attacking tree. Is this a memory of Ry? Have you thought about putting the memories that aren’t Aley’s into italics? I might reinforce the point that what we’re seeing is completely new to her too.

I know what you mean about finding dialogue difficult. I find it horrendously hard to sound natural. I think you’ve done a good job though! Maybe you could give us a little more clarification about who or what is speaking every now and then. It gets a little confusing between Ry and Chins.

My plot questions at the moment are, Surely he’s not going to allow Aley to die? And FATHER?! WHAT?! I thought this was going to be a romantic thing! How wrong I seem to be.

Has he really stirred up trouble from stealing a unicorn? I think so! :D

#0040FF ">2. Tutorial

You’ve gone back to using ‘I’ a lot at the start of sentences. Here, let me see if I can rearrange this section a little to help.

The memory faded. I could not focus on anything. Black silhouettes surrounded me. I heaved the contents of my stomach. An acrid taste stuck to my tongue. "How do you know me?" I asked, my voice weak with exhaustion.


The memory faded. Black silhouettes surrounded me but I couldn’t focus on anything. An acrid taste stuck to my tongue as I heaved the contents of my stomach. “How do you know me?” I asked, my voice weak with exhaustion.

#0040FF ">Summary

I feel like you got bored of writing this week and you’ve not made this chapter like you wanted it to be.

#FF4040 ">Brush yourself down and get back into this plot! You know how amazing this could be. Think of Fate. Could this be a more genius creation?

Think of all the things you could do with this sword and run with it.

I want to see this finished Pies! You can DO it!

Alright I hopped onto my computer to do some editing. So i fixed those typos and stuff. I got the "I" starters fixed. :P

All the memories are Fates, if you read the "I" is saying "maker" and "forged" so clearly Fate! :D

I don't know exactly where to clarify the speakers. Could you point to the unclear places?

Also I don't understand the words in red. I need long winded explanations. :\

Thanks for the review, Sage!

OliveDreams says...

The dialogue confusion is where you introduce Ry back into the setting. You only use 'he' to indicate both Ry & Chins. I would write either "said Chins" or "said Ry" etc.

The red writing means - this week, I want you to love writing this story just as much as you did when you began it! I felt like you fell a little bit out of love with it this week. Do you agree?


Chins doesn't say anything at all after Ry comes onto the scene.

I do love to write. I'm just not in love with my horrible writing! Not this week anyway! ;)

You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.
— Stephen King