
Young Writers Society

Halfbreed Chapter Two

by OverEasy

A/N once again I am looking for a view on the plot rather than the nit picks :)

Chapter Two: Lost and Found

Dracen traveled north, as she’d told her mother she would. She followed the path that had been marked for as far as it would take her, and sighed inwardly when she reached the point where the path stopped and the wild underbrush took over. She stumbled forward for days, daring to rest her eyes in the night, despite the fear of vicious animals finding her while she slumbered. This area was utterly feral compared to her forest, and she missed the feel of soft ground moss beneath her feet. Brambles seemed to reach their angry claws from every shadow, and still she continued forward, determined to find her way from the forest.

The further she went forward, the rougher the terrain became, as the territory worsened her progress slowed. Dracen was unsure whether she had gone days or weeks, but when her food supply had diminished severely, she started to truly fear for her survival. She started to ration the salted fish jerky, as it was the only protein she carried. And her heart sank when the last bits of bread she had with her were coated in mold. She picked the rotten parts off, and ate the inside bits that would not make her sick. Fresh water and berries were easy enough to find, but they could not sustain her forever.

Still she continued forward, following a river she’d stumbled upon as much as she could. When she came to high rocky edge she nearly gave up, what was once an unstoppable inner willpower had diminished into a fragile hope that she would simply make it out alive. And now, with one more road block ahead of her, she was unsure she could continue.

She reached out to brush her fingertips against the jagged rocks that formed the cliff she was dreading so much. She collapsed, staring aimlessly at the water billowing over the edge and down into rapid waters. Of course she could go back, find a place where the water was running softly enough for her to swim across, but it could be days of backtracking before she found a place. The water here was too rapid for her to make it across safely, and even if she did the cliffs on the other side were just as steep.

Dracen stared up, a hopelessness taking over her and devouring her last bit of strength. This was so clearly her only option, but she was unsure if she could make it up, and she was even more unsure whether she wanted to attempt it.

Her head fell back against the bank, and she closed her eyes tightly, praying to the Goddess for assistance in her task. She sat silent for a time, gathering what strength she had left inside herself, and taking a small meal to help her along the way. She took stalk of her supplies, cringing when she realized there were but three small pieces of fish left for her.

Dracen drew in a large breath, composed herself, and took grasp of the first jagged rock. She tried to get a good foothold, but her thick leather boots prevented her from clinging to the rock in a helpful manner. Inwardly groaning, she pulled the boots from her feet and strapped them to her back tightly. She shook her head of all her fears, and took hold of the rock once more, with one great heave she lifted herself from the shore and started the treacherous climb up the rock face.

Her muscles tightened, her body growing more and more tense as her strong limbs pulled her onward. She let out a screeching cry when her foot caught on a particularly sharp edge and sliced open, spilling her blood onto the cliff below. She steadied herself for a moment, gritting her teeth against the pain, and daring one glance down. She gasped and clung harder to the rock, pressing her forehead against the cool, rough surface. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and each moment that passed made her only quake more. Tears spilled themselves freely down her cheeks and onto her chest.

She closed her eyes, took as much air into her lungs she could manage, and with one deafening battle cry she continued forward. She did not slow, even when she slipped, her bloody feet scraping helplessly trying to catch hold of something, even then she did not stop. Her heart hammered in her ears, drowning out the noise of the water spilling off the cliffs beside her. She didn’t dare stop, she didn’t dare take one more break, the image of herself falling hundreds of feet down to her death propelling her forward with a fortitude she had never before known.

So when she reached the top, and her limbs taking her over the edge to the blessed surface and flat ground, and she finally collapsed for pure exhaustion. When she finally reached the top, she burst out laughing, rolling onto her side and gasping for air, clutching her sore ribs with her arms. The last of her adrenalin wore itself through her system within a time, and she allowed herself to rest where she had landed, not daring to try to move herself just yet.

Dracen woke again, she did not know how long it had been since she had reached solid ground again, but night had fallen around her. She stood on trembling limbs, immediately regretting the decision when an unbearable pain shot itself up her leg. She whimpered quietly, sitting back down to examine her injured foot. The wound had since split further, green and white puss oozed its way out. Too fearful of walking, she dragged herself along the ground into the river, where she did her best to cleanse the wound of infection.

Leaving her foot in the water for the night, she drifted into sleep again.


The low rumble of a growl woke her again, her eyes widened and she backed away upon seeing the source of such a snarl. The creature was larger than anything Dracen had seen in her forest. Its feet alone were nearly as large as one of her legs. It stood upright, cowering over her like a defensive bear might do. Though its body held the shape of a large bear, in place of fur were large brown and gray feathers, and a beak stood where a row of teeth might. Atop its head was a pair of anthers that would put any buck from her forest to shame.

Dracen slowly got to her feet, shivering as she watched the beast’s eyes follow her every movement. She savored her good leg as she stumbled backwards trying to gain distance between herself and her attacker. With one great leap the creature was before her again, and she let out a startled cry. It lunged at her, she tried to move out of the way, but between her injured leg and her malnourished body, she was unable to maneuver out of the way. The beast took her down, her head hitting the ground hard. Black dots formed before her eyes for a moment before she lost consciousness completely.


The scent of stew cooking aroused her senses once more; Dracen opened her eyes slowly to measure her surroundings. There was a small fire a few feet away, a stew pot hung a few feet above if. Her stomach rumbled hungrily as the smell wafted her direction more. She didn’t go for it just yet though. Her eyes surveyed her surroundings; taking in the leather shall that covered her, and the stitches that were now in place on her bandaged foot. Her head was still splitting; she ran her fingers through her hair, to find that it had been bandaged as well. When her stomach could no longer take it, she hobbled over to the pot of stew, salivating more as she grew closer.

She stirred it with the metal spoon that sat inside, she glanced around one last time before spooning some of the meal into a bowl that had been set near. She drank greedily, slurping broth onto her face and clothes.

“You’d best slow down else you’ll make your stomach sick.” The voice came from behind her, startling her enough to make her yelp and toss the bowl into the air.

A bellow of laughter met her ears after that, and she turned with wide eyes to see who her helper was.

Her eyes grew impossibly larger when her eyes scanned him. He was taller than her by maybe a few inches, his skin a few shades darker. His features though… soft yet sharpened, an odd mixture of proportions. She gasped quietly, taking him in to her greatest capability.

“You’re… you’re like me.” her shock was evident, as she studied the man that saved her life.

He chuckled again, the smile dancing in his eyes. “Yes, I suppose so. Now answer me this, little half-breed, what were you doing playing in my forest?”

She was taken aback by the question, and fumbled for her own words for a moment. “I had not know that this forest belong to anyone, sir.”

He jumped off his post and made his way to her, tilting his head and watching her curiously.

“And I was hardly playing! I nearly died in your forest!” Dracen exclaimed, clearly offended by his assessment of her journey.

“I know.” He picked up her bowl and refilled the contents with more stew before placing it back into her hands. “Eat, you’ll need it.”

She frowned, but sipped on the stew anyways, this time closing her eyes and savoring the taste. “What happened to the creature?”


“The creature that attacked me, what became of it? How did you defeat it?” Dracen tried to feign disinterest on the subject, but she was clearly fascinated that such a creature could be conquered.

He smiled and glanced down to the bowl in her hands. “You’re closer to that creature than you think, milady.” He grinned, clearly enjoying the shock written on her face as she stared down into the empty bowl in her hands.

“You…you cooked him?”

His laughter filled the air again, his head falling back in his delight at her distress. “Her, and yes! Can’t let good meat go to waste, out here good meat is hard to find sometimes.”

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, enjoying the feeling of her full belly. “What is your name?” She asked, her eyes still closed, her head lolling to one side.

“Where I come from, they called me Elias.”

She smiled to herself, her eyes blinking up at him. “Thank you, Elias.”

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196 Reviews

Points: 3098
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Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:16 am
OverEasy says...

The explanation is pretty simple for him being there right on time. He's been tracking/following her through his forest since she got there and decided to step in before she got eaten lol

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245 Reviews

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Reviews: 245

Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:05 am
LowKey wrote a review...

“You…you cooked him?”

That made me laugh. XD

And cheers for not having the guy confess or make an obvious lie about being the thing. And this one is even smoother than the last, which is odd, as the last one is older, and you posted these at the same time. Perhaps you're getting into the flow of it more?

Plot, don't have much to say right yet. I'm interested in this guy. A fellow half-breed, in the same direction from the elves as she was going... woo! Interesting. I'm wondering if we'll ever see her father. It seems almost like a false start to mention him and then that's it. However, that he ran off when he found out about her is probably a good indication that he won't be seen in this story. Still, it would definitely be interesting.

It's been done millions and millions and millions of times before, and it'll happen millions more in the future, but why was it that he was there right when she needed rescuing? It doesn't need explanation, I wouldn't have even questioned it all that much if I hadn't been expecting it earlier. Since she first ran into the rocky wall, actually. And then again when she cut her foot, and again when she got to the top, yet again when she woke up to find her foot infected... yeah. Basically, at every possible opportunity for it to happen since she ran into the wall. I was just beginning to wonder when you finally introduced him, and it's only because I was waiting for it that I noticed it.

Again, it doesn't need an explanation, but if you wanted to add one, assuming it's not contrived, it could only make it better.

Also, would they know what protein is on that world? Nitpik, yes, but it bugged me, so I'm ignoring your request. :P

Part three soon, yes?

But even the worst decisions we make don't necessarily remove us from the circle of humanity.
— Wes Moore, The Other Wes Moore