
Young Writers Society

Statistics for The Rage (Chapter 24)

by MissGangamash

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Total Views: 48 includes author
Unique Views: 7 includes author

Times shown are in New York time. You can select a specific range by clicking in the smaller graph below the larger graph. Keep scrolling down to see data for ages, genders, and countries. The author and anonymous users are automatically excluded from the below data set.

United States of America3
United Kingdom1

Age 152
Age 161
Age 171
Age 241
Age 121
Average Age17

None specified1

"The trouble with Borrowing another mind was, you always felt out of place when you got back to your own body, and Granny was the first person ever to read the mind of a building. Now she was feeling big and gritty and full of passages. 'Are you all right?' Granny nodded, and opened her windows. She extended her east and west wings and tried to concentrate on the tiny cup held in her pillars."
— Terry Pratchett, Discworld: Equal Rites