
Young Writers Society

Playing The Field - Chapter 7

by Meep(:

Firstly, Sorry to everyone out there, if you dislike me flooding the forum with my story!

I hope you guys like this chapter. I won't say whether I like it or not,

Because I'm known to be harsh on myself. For some reason. Low self-esteem maybe?

Anyway, thanks for all your help! :D

[This one is probably the shortest chapter yet.]


“Wha-? OUCH!” I yelped as my head bumped on the top bed when I sat up abruptly. Rubbing my head to soothe the throbbing, “How in the world did I end up in my room?” I asked. I looked at the digital clock at the side of my bed; it was two in the morning.

“Liz? Issat you?” Yawning, I heard Miranda’s voice ask me from the top bed. She sounds groggy. Was she asleep? Oh wait, she was. Oops.

“Sorry Miranda, I didn’t mean to wake you up. But how did I end up here? The last I remembered, I was talking to the guys after football practice about something and next thing I know, I wake up here.”


“What about Alex?” I asked, perplexed.

“They said it was unbelievable. Halfway talking to them then you suddenly dropped to the floor and slept like a baby.”

If they took advantage of me while I was incapacitated, I’ll kill them. “So what has this got to do with Alex?”

“He was the one who brought you back to the room. I was wondering where you were, then I saw Alex coming my way with you in his arms.” She giggled.

I could feel the heat flash to my cheeks.

“You know, I think he totally likes you. They way he looks at you in class when you don’t notice…”

“Not you too!” I wailed. These people and their over active imaginations!

“It’s true!”

“Whatever, Miranda.” I grumbled. “I’m hungry. You got any snacks?”

“Nope. I need to stock up. I’m not surprised though, that you’re hungry. After Alex brought you to our room, you slept till now and skipped dinner. I didn’t change you out of your clothes because I didn’t want to wake you. You’re still not bathed and reeking of sweat.”

“Fine. I’ll go to the vending machine.”

There was a vending machine that sold snacks and drinks outside the building where all the students stayed.

Grabbing my wallet, I put on my jacket and left the room in search of food. When I reached the vending machine, someone was there.


I stopped dead in my tracks. I squinted, trying to make out the person’s face. The school really ought to replace the lamp’s bulb. It died centuries ago.

“Is that you Alex?”


He made way for me to access the vending machine. Slotting some coins in and buying a packet of chips, I asked, “What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?”

I kept silent. He was missing something totally obvious.

“Oh. Right. You missed dinner. You must be hungry.”

Buying myself a carton of apple juice, I repeated my question. “So why are you here?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

Now that my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I could make out his figure, seating with his back against the pillar and patting the empty space beside him. He wants me to sit with him. Sit with Alex Taylor.

I gulped then placed myself next to him, leaving a considerable amount of space between us.

“Hey, you afraid of me or something? I promise I won’t bite.” He teased, referring to the space I had allocated between us.

I shifted closer and started feasting on my chips, while he ate his cookies.

“So you couldn’t sleep and decided to come out in the cold to eat?” I questioned, picking up where we had left off in our conversation.

“Whenever I can’t sleep, I snack a little. After a while, I’ll doze off.” He explained. “Always works.”


We ate in silence, then gazed at the twinkling stars in the sky. A cool breeze blew past me and I shivered.

“You cold?” Alex asked.

“N-no.” My teeth were starting to chatter.

“Aww, c’mon. You’re shivering. Here,” He started pulling off his jacket, thrusting it at me “have my jacket.”

“I h-have a j-jacket already.”

“This thing?” He tugged at my sleeve, the thin fabric clinging delicately to me.

“Fine.” I took his jacket and started to slip it on. “Thanks.” It instantly warmed me up; the heat radiating from his body, trapped in the layers of the jacket. Without his jacket, he was top naked, and I gawked at him, my eyes as big as an owl’s. The ripples of muscles on his abdomen showed he had been working out. A lot.


“You’re not wearing anything.” I managed to squeak.

“Don’t worry, I still have my pants on.”

“Why don’t you have a shirt on?”

“Because I just slipped on a jacket and walked out here?” He’s implying he sleeps without a shirt on!

“You sleep without a shirt on?”

“Uhh, yeah. Most guys do that. I thought girls too.”

“NO!” Then again, those Barbie dolls… “Well, some of us sleep fully clothed.” I corrected.


Must not look at his body. Must not look at his totally hot body. Must not look at his totally hot and muscular body. Shit.

Silence again. We continued our star-gazing until I felt a sudden pressure on my shoulder and heard a light snore. I turned and my face landed in a nest of brown hair. My head jerked back in surprise, causing my whole body to move and Alex’s head fell from my shoulders and onto my lap. I stiffened. Oh. My. Gosh. He dozed off. Just like that.

Gently I patted his cheek, appreciating the silky texture of it. “Alex? Alex, wake up sleepyhead.” I repeated this until he came around.

“Wha-?” His head looked up at me, eyes abruptly flying wide open and he sat up straight.

“S-sorry about that. Told you food is my natural sedative.”

I didn’t say anything, a thousand and one things running through my head.

“Well, I’d …I’d better get back. Bye, Liz.” He got up and left before I could hand him his jacket.

He had already disposed his litter. I threw mine away then headed back to my own room. Return that jacket to him first thing tomorrow before anyone sees you with it! My brain hissed at me.


I could not find him the next morning, his jacket with his name clearly displayed on it, resting on my right arm. For some reason I was drawing dirty stares from the Barbie dolls that passed me that morning.

He must be with Daniel and the others at breakfast.

Daniel! His name sparked something in me, a trigger. Anger flooded my mind as I recalled the events of yesterday. Instantly, I was back on the war path, R21 scenes playing in my mind as I contemplated their death.

As I made my way to the dining hall, I was halted by the girl I recognised as the head cheerleader. Her name was Alyssa Goldlock, and she was five hundred percent airhead. She was your generic blond hair, blue-eyed, ‘I’m-so-hot-but-there’s-nothing-in-my-head’ girl.

“Is that Alex’s jacket?”


“Why do you have it?” Her eyes narrowed, crossing her arms over her very likely cosmetically enhanced chest.

“Is it any of your business?” I growled. I didn’t have any time for her snooping. I was on a mission to annihilate the entire football team.

“Of course it is. Now hand it over.”

“I don’t think so. I have a message to deliver.” And by message I mean death threat. Followed by me obliterating them.

“I could help you pass the message along, now give me the jacket.” She stuck her hand out.


“You wanna be that way? Fine.” She snapped her fingers together, showing off her perfect nails. Her perfectly fake nails. “Bianca? Francine?”

Immediately, two of her Barbie minions came to her side, hands on hips and scowling at me.

“We need to teach Lizzy here, a lesson.”

“I think the one that needs lessons is you, dunce.”

“He’s mine! Back off!”

“Oh wow, I didn’t see your name on him, did I?”

“He will be my boyfriend. Soon. I’ve already got him wrapped around my finger.”

I snorted. “Delusional.” I had used up all my patience with her, turning to continue walking. From the corner of my eye, I saw Alyssa’s hand flying towards my face. My reflexes were quick and I caught her by the wrist before her hand could come in contact with my face.

“Listen carefully, Alyssa.” I snarled, her two sidekicks were too shocked to help her. “If you ever try that again, you will regret it. I’m perfectly capable of breaking you like the guys can.”

She glared at me, “I’m not scared of you.”

I bent her wrist back so that it sent a wave of pain shooting through her arm. “You will be, Goldlock, if you try that again.”

She whimpered and I released her, stalking off in the direction of the dining hall. “Get a life!” I told her, before leaving. Jeez. There are never any teachers around, are there?


Thanks to Alyssa, my bad mood had doubled.

“I will not, and I repeat NOT, wear a miniskirt!” I hissed at the footballers when I spotted them, slapping my hand down on the table.

“You’re not getting out of this, Liz. We already discussed this yesterday before you fell asleep and we thought you died. Besides, we’ve already picked out the skirt. Here.”

Dan passed me a bag. There was no logo on it or anything, so I did not know where they got it.

“Have a look.” Greg insisted.

I glowered at my brothers. “First, I’m going to dump you guys into a huge vat of strong acid, and then I’m going feed you to the lions in the zoo. After which I will run you over with a steamroller and shred you into-” I said through gritted teeth.

“Just look, Liz.” This time it was Miranda who spoke, backed up by the basketballers. The cheerleaders sat at one end of the table, shooting me poisonous looks.

I snatched the bag from Daniel’s outstretched hand. I pulled out the skirt.

Horror of horrors.

It was everything I had dreaded. It was deep, sexy shade of red, all frilly and the ends were trimmed with lace. Worse, the thing was unbelievably short. There was more in the bag.

“We saw something that matched, so we got it to save you the trouble. Aren’t we thoughtful?” William snickered.

It was a short sleeved white v-neck, lacy, unmistakably tight-fitting and translucent.

“PERVERTS!!!” I yelled, and the students in the dining hall turned to stare.

“Hey, at least the shirt isn’t low cut!” Daniel reasoned.

“I’ll freaking kill you freaking idiots, I swear. You are SO dead!” I screeched uncharacteristically.

“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Liz. We have the whole day to spend with you.” Jackson laughed, as Miranda started to haul me out the dining hall with Sean’s help, before I launched myself at the guys and clawed their faces out. Dammit! It’s a Saturday tomorrow and we don’t have practice. I’ll have the entire day to make a complete and utter fool of myself.

“Guys, stop it. We’ve won the bet so stop teasing her already.” I heard Alex tell them quietly. My stomach did back flips but I dismissed them as indigestion from last night.

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228 Reviews

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Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:06 pm
Linx says...

Oh, sorry Meep. Usually when I don't know how to spell a word, I type it in my computer under Word. If it gets the red underline thingy, I know its spelled wrong. That's what it did, so sorry! :D

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Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:22 am
Threnody wrote a review...

Amazing... as always!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:29 am
Meep(: says...

Yupps, thanks guys!
I tend to go a bit overboard sometimes.
Plus this story was written on a whim. Spontaneous.
So there was no planning.
I wasn't sure about the miniskirt thing, but I've never worn one (and never will).
So I don't exactly know how the reaction will be.
Seems like I've made Liz kind of mood swing prone, eh?

Cat: Haha, I think I use British spelling, so it's 'apologise' for me.

THanks for your help and support :D
Much much appreciated.

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228 Reviews

Points: 1203
Reviews: 228

Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:41 pm
Linx wrote a review...

He fell asleep just like that!!! Ah!!!! *screams some more* My stomach did flips when I read that. I am loving this!!!!!
The only think I caught was that you spelled apologized wrong once. Other than that, all good!
Plus, you do have low self-esteem. This is great! :D

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Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:22 pm
*writewatiwant* wrote a review...

Hi! nice work, I like it. But i this time I have to agree with someone (I don't recall) that said you were making a big problem out of wearing skirts. I think you're making a way to big of a deal out of the skirt complex. I don't like skirts either, but after bugging me a while I'll just wear them if I have to and shut up. I'm sorry.
Anyway, I really like it! Can't wait for the next chapter!

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Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:01 pm
Eleriann wrote a review...

hey again, i like the direction your keeping but your characters all react really dramatically it seems and possibly sometimes they dont need to be so... well dramatic i guess.

and ahh this is very minor but i was just thinking she sounds very awake here! considering she just woke up

“Sorry Miranda, I didn’t mean to wake you up. But how did I end up here? The last I remembered, I was talking to the guys after football practice about something and next thing I know, I wake up here.”

also i think you missed out a word here?

“They said it was unbelievable. Halfway talking to them then you suddenly dropped to the floor and slept like a baby.”

should it be "halfway through talking.."?

and this line makes me go eek

"You’re still not bathed and reeking of sweat.”

"you're still not bathed" doesnt make a whole lot of sense really and maybe she would say "and you reek of sweat" if she said that at all
maybe it would be enough to say "you still need to have a shower" or something?

anyway keep writing i really like it so far :)

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