
Young Writers Society

Shaping Faith: Chapter 15, Part 2

by Mea

Colonel Ritter leaned back in his office chair, eyeing Analia’s application, which was displayed floating above his desk. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Competition in the departments on the Homeworld is fierce. Why not just stay here? You’re sure to get a good position with that degree, but over there you’re a lot more likely to start at the very bottom.”

Analia shivered - the colonel liked to keep his office cold, and the metal chair she sat on didn’t help. She forced herself to meet his eyes through the holoprojection. Remember, act professional. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to live there. I thought it would be later in my career, of course, but when I saw there was an opening, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to apply.”

The real reason, of course, was that the Absolutes had asked her to. She could gain a lot more information through the grapevine at the center of the Hundred Worlds. Rithane was an older colony, but relatively quiet politically.

“Well, all right, but at least be sure apply locally in case you don’t make it in,” he said.

“Oh, I already have,” Analia assured him. She had no intention of missing her chance for a job. Besides, I’m hoping they’ll reject me anyway.

“Good, good,” he said. “Well then, I think there’s nothing more to do here.” He submitted the application with a gesture and stood up. “Good luck.”

They shook hands and Analia moved to leave. “Send in the next person on your way out,” the colonel said.

Analia nodded, already distracted by the prospect of finally being able to go home. She had waited for her appointment for nearly an hour, and there were still several people clustered in the hallway.

She told the next person to go in and tried to hurry out, keeping her head down to try not to make eye contact with anybody. She thought she had seen Willion walk up just as Analia went in the colonel’s office, and she would rather avoid him right now. Things were a bit awkward at the moment.

But then Analia heard her name over the chatter of the other initiates. So much for that. She swallowed and turned to face Willion.

“Did you do it?” Her friend was trying to keep his expression neutral, but his wide eyes betrayed his sadness.

Analia nodded. “I…”

She was about to offer some excuse, but only the lamest came to mind. “I’ve just...always wanted to go there.”

Willion shook his head. “No. You’ve never said anything to me about it before. It was always me who wanted to go. What’s going on, Analia?”

“I just...I heard they were hiring and thought it would be a good opportunity.” The lies burned in Analia’s throat, but what else could she say? “It’s time for a new start.”

Her friend’s expression softened. “I can understand why, I mean, after your mother and Verona, but….I’m just really going to miss you, okay? I thought we were going to do this together.”

Analia felt all of Willion’s pain and more, but she still suppressed a sigh of relief that her friend had so easily provided a good reason for leaving. She swallowed the lump in her throat and said “Are you sure you can’t come? There’s still time to change the application.”

Willion shook his head “I’d never get in with my qualifications. You’re so much better qualified than me.”

“But you’ve always wanted to live on the Homeworld,” Analia said, baffled that Willion wouldn’t at least try. “We could do it together. It’ll be amazing.”

“I just can’t, okay? I was never really serious anyway - it’s just one of those things that you say and don’t really mean. I couldn’t go now.” He studied the floor.

Analia caught his arm as he turned away. “Don’t lie to me - you and I both know that wasn’t an idle wish. What’s the real reason you won’t go?”

He sighed. “Everything’s just moving too fast, okay? You go to the homeworld. I’m happy for you, I really am. But I’m staying here.”

Just then, Analia felt something change in her mind. It was like a dam had been released, and a flood of sensation returned. She felt excitement and worry and hope all washed together before receding quickly. Disorientated, it took her a moment to realize that it was Verona’s emotions she was feeling.

She stuttered out an “I’m sorry” and turned away, picking up speed as she walked until she was almost running.

She made it around a corner and stopped, leaning against a wall and trying to sort out what had happened. Why wasn’t Verona in the Blocking field anymore? And why did it have to be now of all times? She waited on tenterhooks. Should I say something?

Then she felt Verona’s message. /I love you. And I miss you. And I’m sorry./

Even as Analia fought back tears, an odd fury rose inside her. Did Verona think that would make it all right? What was Analia supposed to say back?

She waited, warring within herself. She knew not saying anything would hurt Verona, but she also just couldn’t bring herself to talk to her. They were so distant now, and Analia had so many other things to worry about. Three months ago, Analia would never have been able to imagine living without Verona by her side, figuratively if not physically. Now, too much had happened and Analia wasn’t sure their relationship was worth fixing. Maybe we should just move on.

No, she wouldn’t say anything for now. She stood up straight, her mind made up, and made sure no stray thoughts could spill over into Verona's mind. Then she walked home with head down and shoulders hunched against the cold.

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Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:26 pm
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Carlito wrote a review...

Hello again!! :D

General thoughts.
I had to refresh my memory with where we last left off with Analia and where this scene kicked off confused me a bit. Last time we checked in with Analia she accepted that she will now be a spy. Now the Absolutes have asked her to do something (when did that happen) and she's applying for a job somewhere else (why?) and Willion is very sad to see her go (I don't remember him). The writing itself is good, but I kind of feel like we missed a step here.

I really liked the last bit when her conversation was interrupted because of Verona. Her reaction surprised me a bit, but in a good way. Analia used to be this sweet, do the right thing sort of girl and I kind of like the anger and the hurt she has now. Her reaction to Verona getting in touch with her felt really authentic. I liked that at first she was surprised and almost glad to hear from her and then was mad. I totally get why she's mad and I'm glad there isn't a happy reunion yet.

I think your writing is definitely improving. Your descriptions have always been on point, but you're doing a really nice job of incorporating more feeling and emotion and thoughts and stuff into your writing. It makes it even richer and I really enjoy reading it! Nice job!

Specific thoughts.

Besides, I’m hoping they’ll reject me anyway.

Who is "they" here? The local job or the Homeworld job?
And as a clarifying world question - what is the Homeworld? To me that implies the world that she was born, but I didn't think Analia had gone anywhere.

Willion shook his head. “No. You’ve never said anything to me about it before. It was always me who wanted to go. What’s going on, Analia?”

And when did these conversations take place? He seems hurt and I don't really understand why. Sure it competitive, but does he think she's more qualified or that she has a better shot than him? Is it just about the betrayal that she didn't tell him in advance?

“Are you sure you can’t come? There’s still time to change the application.”

Come where? And change which application in what way?

Just then, Analia felt something change in her mind. It was like a dam had been released, and a flood of sensation returned. She felt excitement and worry and hope all washed together before receding quickly. Disorientated, it took her a moment to realize that it was Verona’s emotions she was feeling.

Lovely description here!

Now, too much had happened and Analia wasn’t sure their relationship was worth fixing. Maybe we should just move on.

No, she wouldn’t say anything for now. She stood up straight, her mind made up, and made sure no stray thoughts could spill over into Verona's mind. Then she walked home with head down and shoulders hunched against the cold.

Loved how you showed how she came to think and feel this way and how this ended. Very dramatic, but in a good way :)

Let me know if you have any questions or if anything I said was confusing! (Sorry this was also a short and lame review :P) Looking forward to the next chapter as always! :D

Oh, and did I ever say congratulations on Best Novel? You so deserve it!! (I definitely voted for you.) :D

Mea says...

<3 Thank you.

Yeah, Willion was introduced in one chapter ages ago, then I kind of forgot about him. But he's back now. xD

Also, the Homeworld is the original planet their entire race came from, which is why they call it the Homeworld.

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Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:22 am
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Wolfi wrote a review...

Happy Review Day!!!

Oh, Analia's perspective! Cool! :)

She had no intention of missing her chance for a job. Besides, I’m hoping they’ll reject me anyway.

I think the underlined part is missing some italics.
Then she walked home with head down and shoulders hunched against the cold.

I like that the temperature and atmosphere is matching what's going on in the book. From what I can remember, it's never been cold in your descriptions before, nor has Analia ever wanted to go to the Homeworld, or ever considered becoming a spy. There's a cold change in the air, just like there's a change in Analia's heart.

Remember when you weren't going to have Analia's perspective at all in this novel? Look how important she is now!

Simply because I could understand things a lot better, I preferred this half of the chapter. Analia's perspective is usually the more straight-forward, comprehensible side anyway. There's less you need to explain because Analia's society is comparable to our own. Verona's? Not so much. :p I don't know about you, but I don't live in the top-secret underground headquarters of some revolutionary society. When you combine this unfamiliar setting and fresh, unique plot with unfamiliar abilities - mainly the Room things - it's a lot to handle! And so far, I think you've done really, really well. I love how far the plot has gone. When I think about when Verona attacked that guy who accidentally killed her mother, that feels like so long ago! You're only on Chapter 15 (which is, I admit, nearly double the most I've ever managed) but so much has happened!

I'm super excited to see Analia off into the spy world, into a position that's just as dangerous as her twin's. It's also an extremely interesting factor that the two twins are open to one another's minds again. Something tells me that's all going to come into play soon enough. Just like Carlito, I'm evilly hoping that they're going to have to be forced to work against one another and get all wrapped up in a confused, love-hate relationship. (Sorry, dear characters <3)

All I can reiterate is that you shouldn't be afraid to slow down and explain some things, lengthen conversations, and focus on your MCs' feelings. The last one you've been pretty darn good with, but a bit of encouragement never hurts!

Good job, Youandnovels. Write, write, write! :)

Mea says...

Thank you! :) Tbh, I've always been evilly trying to get them to be forced to work against each other because fun and conflict. Logistical things were a problem, but I think I've got that worked out now. So not yet, but... *evil laughter*

Also, just forewarning, I have literally no idea what I'm doing with the spy plot. :P

Wolfi says...

:P Shhhh don't tell us that. Just act like you know exactly what you're doing and we'll all believe you.

Being a hero doesn't mean you're invincible. It just means that you're brave enough to stand up and do what's needed.
— Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena