
Young Writers Society

16+ Language Violence Mature Content

The Elemental Survival Games Chapter 5 The Promise

by MajorKillaClown

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language, violence, and mature content.

Authors note: I know that there's minimal use of strong language and violence and mature content at the moment but possibilities of this happening later on is high therefore all chapters will be given this rating and possibly going up to an age 18+

The Elemental survival games

Chapter 5: The Promise

Saturday 21st of September 2013

Ben was in a deep slumber in his bed after fainting due to the high amounts of pressure, insanity and confusion that has set upon his mind and ravaged it thoroughly. He started to wake up and was thinking “Uh…damn it why do I feel so heavy? Like something’s on top of me crushing me, but it feels…warm? And what’s this soft thing I can feel in my hand? What even happened last night…oh wait…yeah I remember it. The survival game, the elementalists and subject red death, well Isabella. Crap what am I going to do? Well first things first I need to check what this thing on top of me is, wait why does my hair feel so long all of a sudden? Okay what’s going on?” Ben yawned as he opened his eyes to find that Isabella was sleeping on top of him with only her panties and her school top that was unbuttoned. She has also now dyed her hair red.

Isabella awoke whilst Ben didn’t know what to say. “Ah good morning Ben, did you sleep well?”

Ben then shifted his startled gaze towards his hand that was misplaced on Isabella’s left breast on accident from where he had been sleeping. Isabella didn’t seem to mind as he tilted her head and smiled whilst blushing “WHA-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM!?!?!?!” He took his hand off of Isabella’s left breast.

Isabella replied calmly back with “well sleeping of course, that’s what you do in bedrooms.”

Ben sputtered out “THIS IS MY ROOM THOUGH! I-I why are you in my bedroom!?” He started to calm down a little now but it didn’t last long.

Isabella still on top of Ben answered with “well after we were teleported back by the creator I got caught with it and it was too late to walk home and I was tired so I decided to spend the night with you!” She giggled away before yawning and then stretching her arms back and leaning forwards exposing her chest that had no bra on.

Ben’s eye’s pupils widened as he covered up his face “GAH! AND WHY ARE YOU NAKED!?”

Isabella still keeping calm and cheerful “why this is how I normally sleep.”

Ben trying to cover up his eyes was losing in the battle to fight against his manly urge to see his crush naked. “Well don’t you think you could have made an exception for this time? And you could have just slept on my mum’s bed.”

Isabella asked “oh yeah where is your mum?”

Ben replied with “she works abroad as a and rarely comes home. And if your wondering about my dad” his face grew serious “he-. “

Before Ben could finish his sentence Isabella cut in “died ten years ago”

Ben looked surprised “but…but how did you know?”

Isabella stated “you told me about it around a year ago, and I haven’t forgotten it since.”

Ben looked baffled but had felt touched that she had remembered something about him that happened as long as a year ago. “I did? No wait I-I remember it now. It was around a year ago…my mum had just been in a car accident and was in a critical state and the doctors had told me that… she was most likely going to die soon.

Friday 28th September 2012

Ben was mentally unstable at this point as he was shocked from the fear of losing his mum when he had already lost his father nine years ago. He didn’t go to school for Monday to Thursday as he was too occupied with visiting his mother in hospital to comfort and care for her. Be that as it may his mother didn’t want Ben to fall behind in his school studies so Ben promised her that he would go to school on Friday.

He didn’t get a whole lot of school work done however as he just found it impossible to take his mind off of his mother. He thought to himself whilst in his lunch period of the school day, sitting isolated in the library. “I shouldn’t be here, I know I promised my mum…but it just doesn’t feel right, what if she’s already dead?” Ben looked down and started shaking “no…no there’s no way that could happen…”

He then remembered what the doctors had told him “I’m so sorry Ben but…your mother, I doubt she’s going to pull through.”

He couldn’t bear the thought anymore he had just stood up to leave the school and go to the hospital when suddenly, a familiar voice appeared from behind him “you shouldn’t go to the hospital, Ben.”

As Ben turned around he saw James holding onto his wrist. “But my mum, she’s hurt badly!” Ben pulled his arm away from James’ hand, breaking the grip. Everyone in the library darted their eyes towards Ben and his sudden outburst.

James used his extraordinarily friendly smile. “Come one Ben, you and I both know that your mum’s tough, she isn’t gonna die. Come on take a sit, I’ll it with you this lunch time.”

Ben was astounded by his kindness, he did then remember that whenever he was down James would always instinctively know and cheer him up like a guardian angel. “I…well…okay I guess” he sat down and so did James at a table faced to each other. James looking very relaxed with his right arm behind the chair dangling down and his left arm on the table whilst Ben sat still looking partially tense with both of his hands faced down flat on his knees/thighs. “So what about your football, aren’t you going to go play with all of your friends?”

James replied back “well I could have done, and they all seemed really psyched for it. But I can’t leave a friend, a close friend stuck on the gloomy side o’ things. It just doesn’t sit right with me and besides it’s what friends do, they cheer each other up when they’re going through tough times. I know you’ll end up doing the same for me one day too.”

Ben didn’t know what really to say in response to that other than “thanks” he murmured out. He then smiled as well with James “ha you know you’re a good friend, one I can rely on.”

James smirked and announced sarcastically “well what can I say I am just so amazing that everyone relies on me.” His hands opened up and his palms faced to the ceiling before readjusting his body posture back to how it was.

Ben then joined in on the sarcastic fun “ppfftt yeah sure whatever, I’m always helping you with house duties and tasks.”

James laughed and scratched his head with his right hand “aha yeah well no one’s perfect.”

Ben responded with a more cheerful manner whilst laughing in addition “aha yeah I guess.” He went back to his sarcastic tone of voice “I’m more perfect than you though.”

James looked at him and replied “oh really now?”

Ben acting arrogant in a sarcastic way said “well yeah of course, I know way more survival skills than you do hehe.”

James then came back with “oho but who got higher in the recent history exam?” grinning whilst saying the last part.

Ben then still acting confident but fooling around nonetheless said “yeah well who needs history anyways.”

James then chuckled “aha yeah to be honest I don’t know as if that will help me become a professional footballer when I’m older.” They both looked at each other and held their stomachs whilst chortling away carefree. A few moments later they both topped and then James reported “I need to go to the toilet, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Ben now charged on laughter and cheerfulness answered back “yeah okay, I’ll wait here.” He thought to himself “wow I’m lucky to have a friend like James, he always looks at for me there’s not many people that I particularly like at this school and not many people that like me back. Still…mother.” Ben optimism haltingly drained away, although it was soon stopped by the person Ben least expected to see.

Do you mind if I sit here?” requested Isabella pointing to the chair that James was previously sitting on.

Ben couldn’t believe his luck, that his crush had just came out of nowhere and was now requesting to sit at the same table he was. “O-oh well James was sitting there but he had to go to the toilet but yeah there’s plenty of other chairs around the table so go I don’t mind.” he looked and to his surprise there were many other vacant tables she could of sat on.

Ah thanks, you’re a nice friend you know.” Isabella replied with and smiled gracefully towards Ben

Ben thought to himself “Jesus that smile really is one of her best qualities, I’ve never seen it face to face before, and wait she really considers me a friend?” We’ve barely talked before, in fact this is the first time we’ve ever been together just by ourselves.” He then came back with “oh thanks, yeah you’re nice as well aha everyone’s always talking about how you help them out.”

Ah really? Well that’s nice to know.” She tilted her head whilst still smiling “so what are you exactly were you doing in the library?” She asked him

Ben was caught off guard by the question and didn’t know how to respond because the real reason is that he doesn’t have any friends to hang out with at lunch time and wanted to act cool in front of his crush so he tried changing the topic to the only thing he could think about at that time. “Well…you see…my mum’s currently in hospital, and I didn’t really wanted to be bothered by anyone, so I just came here, it’s quiet in here after all, it lets me… er you know just get my mind straight, try to put it to one side and all.”

Isabella reacted with “oh yeah James told me that your mum’s currently in hospital.”

Ben suddenly started thinking “James told her? I wonder why? Wait a minute, James might have bumped into her on his way to the toilet and he probably knew I was still upset on the inside. Plus he kinda knows that I fancy Isabella, so he told her to come and find me to cheer me up. Ha James really knows how to cheer me up then, I’m pretty lucky to be talking to my crush right now after all.”

Isabella resumed “I’m sorry to hear about that, it must be horrible not knowing what’s going to happen, and paranoia and fear start to consume you.” She looked down and her smile was shattered as she touched her lip looking tense.

Ben responded with “oh thanks, it seems like you’ve been through something similar before.” Ben leant forwards crossing his arms on the table and resting his head on them.

Isabella looked down with her hands gripping her skirt tightly. “Yeah…I guess you could say I have been through something similar before.” Ben’s ear’s and interest perked up. “My Nan passed away a few years ago…I-I was devastated by it. My Nan and I were really close, I used to go down there most weekends and she taught me how to cook. She always told me how good of a chef I was.” Ben was distraught and puzzled, he always believed Isabella to the most optimistic and cheerful girl he knew but for the first time Ben saw her looking like she was about to burst into tears.

He then mentioned what happened with his father nine years ago. “I guess you and I really are alike then.” Isabella looked at him with a hint of curiosity. “Around nine years ago, my father passed away because of cancer…”

Isabella gasped as her eyebrows rose up. “Th-that’s horrible, I’m really sorry to hear that. But yeah I guess we’ve been through similar things then after all.” The atmosphere started to grow tenser and tenser

He thought to himself “I’ve got to do something, she’s upset damn it and she’s my crush it’s…it’s my duty to protect her and comfort her.” He put on a smile attempting to readjust the tense and depressive atmosphere and then said. “You said she taught you how to cook… right?”

Isabella answered back “I…yes she taught me a bit but even now I’m nowhere near as good as her.” She put up her hands waving them slightly in front of her as to signal that she lacked confidence in her cooking prowess.

Ben keeping his smile then replied back with “do you think that…well…I-I could possibly try your cooking one day?”

Isabella blushed and felt very touched by this request “I- yeah sure!” Her smile regenerated from its broken shards of joy and optimism and was brighter than ever. “I’d love for you to try my cooking one day Ben, it’s a promise.”

Ben felt ecstatic as his smile returned to shinning rays of joy and glee. “Yeah, it’s a promise.” Isabella giggled a bit “also, if you ever, and I mean ever! Need someone to talk to about what happened with your Nan, th-then I’ll always be here.”

Isabella’s cheeks grew red like a sweet strawberry “thanks that means a lot, really it does. Not many of the other boys of kind to me like this, they’re just always trying to flirt with me and other stupid stuff” her eyes narrowed a bit and so did her eyebrows “but you’re different from them, it’s nice to know that there’re still some good boys left in this world. And it wouldn’t be fair for you so I also promise that if you ever need someone to talk to” she grabbed both of Ben’s hands and gently clamped them together with hers “then I’ll be here for you!” She giggled whilst her cheeks remained red. Ben was overwhelmed by Isabella grabbing his hands and was a bit speechless but needed to respond so he mustered up all of his courage and gripped Isabella’s hands as well “ah thanks, I can’t wait to try out your cooking one day.”

Isabella nodded “yeah, we could go out somewhere just the two of us!”

Ben’s face started to become a bit serious and shocked with love as he thought to himself “wa-wait, did she just say the two of us? Isn’t that, isn’t that like a date? Thank you so much James!” He gulped and responded with “y-yeah that would be great!” He tried his best to conceal how excited and lucky he felt.

The bell then rang startling all of the students including Isabella and Ben. They then regained their lost senses and saw both of them holding each other’s hands over the table. They both started blushing as they both pulled their hands away hastily yet clumsily.

Ben responded with “sorry I didn’t realise aha.” Whilst scratching his cheek

Isabella replied back “no, it’s fine I grabbed your hands first aha, I don’t realise what I’m doing sometimes.” They both sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say.

Just then James returned back to the scene. “Hey we gotta go now you two love birds or we’ll be late for afternoon registration.”

Both Ben and Isabella instantly became very flustered additionally their blushing wouldn’t cease as it got worse and worse. They both repeated each other at the same time. “Hey! We don’t fancy each other, we’re just close friends.” They both then realised by sheer chance they said the exact same thing at the same time.

James then chuckling to himself “hahaha both of you are even in sync with each other, plus the blushing tells me otherwise about not having a crush for the other.”

Isabella now quite agitated stood up from her chair “it’s true we don’t f-fan-… look we’re j-just close… friends!” She was discombobulated and couldn’t speak properly

James now realising going any further would be dangerous and rude stepped back “aha okay okay I was just teasing you that’s all. Come on we gotta go now back to our form room or we’ll be late.”

Ben casually thought to himself “wow Isabella is so god damn cute when she’s all worked up.” He laughed to himself a little on the inside. He then stood up “yeah that’d be best otherwise we’re all gonna get a thrashing from Ms Edmund, she hates students who are late.”

Isabella put her hand to her mouth and a tiny gasp emerged from her partly sealed mouth “you’re right let’s go back there now.”

Saturday 21st of September 2013

Ben spoke out loud to himself “so that’s how you know about my dad dying ten years ago.”

Isabella still half-dressed nodded “yeah, I never forgot it.” She smiled at him. Ben felt recognised for once. Isabella then learned towards him and whispered into his ear “I didn’t forget about that date between the two of us as well.” Ben suddenly remembered that and before he could speak Isabella kissed him on the forehead and then jumped of the bed “I’m going to get changed now hehe, still I have a bit of a concern…”

Ben looked a bit puzzled “oh, what is it?”

Isabella then turned her head over the shoulders towards him “I think the condom might of broke last night.”

Ben’s right eye started twitching, he could hardly talk “t-t-t-th-” he gulped “the condom broke?” He still couldn’t even process what she had just said and when he finally came to terms with it he sat up slamming his hands on the bed.“ARE YOU TELLING ME W-W-W-WE DID THAT LAST NIGHT!?!?!?

Isabella responded quietly “yeah… it’d be a problem if I got pregnant.

Ben still baffled and vexed hollered out “BUT I CAN’T REMEMBER US DOING IT LAST NIGHT!!!”

Isabella then exclaimed “you were really good at it though” she suddenly looked very turned on with an erotic voice.

Ben was speechless and completely bewildered and dumbstruck. “Bu-but howwwwww??????” He was lost in a desert without any guidance or help, he had no idea what to do

Isabella then burst out crying with laughter “AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! Ahahahaha!”

Ben still looking confused merely tilted his head and demanded “what are you talking about!?”

Isabella still cracking up from her booming giggling answered back. “It was a lie! A lie! Ahahaha!” A tear trickled down her cheek from laughing to much “you’re so gullible, Ben!”

Ben sat there again dumbstruck “i-i-it was a lie?” He looked very enraged “GOD DAMNIT ISABELLA DON’T SCREW AROUND WITH ME LIKE THAT! YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!” All she did in response though was slump down to the floor still dying of laughter. Ben then smirked as he thought of an idea for payback, he slowly reached for his pillow and whilst Isabella was distracted crying with laughter she couldn’t even open her eyes Ben grabbed the pillow and shot it right at her face ceasing her from laughing. “AHAHA! SERVES YOU RIGHT HEHEHEHE!” He felt victorious for once in his life.

The pillow slid down Isabella’s face and as it did it revealed a smirk “hehe, my turn.” She whispered as she picked up the pillow lobbing it back at Ben whilst he too was distracted by laughing.

He slowly muttered underneath his breath whilst groaning “Jesus Christ Isabella you have a strong throw…”

Isabella grinned “yep, hehe looks like I’m stronger than youuuuu.” She was attempting to tease Ben again whilst he shoved the pillow off of his face before his attention was dragged towards Isabella again. “Also Ben…”

Ben looked up at her “yeah what is it?”

Isabella blushed as her feet were rubbing against the carpet floor and her left hand was twirling her hair as she looked to the floor too nervous to look Ben in the eye. She then giggled “when we win this survival game, me and you…are going to do that. And I’m serious this time.” She then darted her eyes back towards Ben’s, giggled, and ran off to get changed inside his house. Leaving Ben again astounded and shocked with a hint of excitement. He thought to himself “…no way…is she actually serious? She definitely seemed like she was, and she has said that she loves me. So wait all I have to do is ask her out then, right? She definitely has a crush on me, there’s no way she doesn’t, so I’m this close to getting my dream girl? Aha sweet, okay you can do this Ben, once she’s finished getting changed, I’ll ask her out. I was always afraid of rejection, yet now there’s no way that could happen, it’s almost like we’re already going out, and after all she was just sleeping in my bed, with me…half-naked.” He stood up and was going to go to the toilet but he noticed something on his desk. “Huh what’s this?” He inquired as he picked up a hard cover back book that was probably made out of A5 paper. He looked at the title of it and read it aloud “Ice elementalist user guide manual. Wait this is the thing that the creator was talking about, he took a quick gander of what was inside it and saw many instructions on how to create objects made from ice, including a variety of weapons ranging from standard handguns to destructive rocket launchers and from simple daggers to legendary samurai swords and vicious chainsaws “I guess I’m going to have to learn how to use these in order to survive, but how exactly am I going to?” He pondered his mind for answers but came across none “oh well I’ll forget it for now, after all I do have Isabella here to protect me.” He then remembered the dark disturbingly terrifying secret about her. “But there is now that disturbing thing that happened yesterday.” The image of the now deceased serial killer flashed into Ben’s mind. He put his hand on the door knob to his bathroom “I don’t know now actually, I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing that I saw that happen.” He turned the door knob opening it fast and swiftly wide open to find Isabella was changing in that room and was now completely naked. Ben stood there in dismay but at the same time amazement from the sight of seeing a naked girl in person for the first time in his life. “Ah! Sorry!”

Isabella shrieked “EEEEEKKKK!” She then quickly shoved Ben out of the doorway before slamming it shut “you’re too fast Ben, I’m not ready for it just yet as she stood there shaking from the shock of being seen naked.

Ben now rubbing his head from having it slam against the wall thought. “Ow! How the hell is she so frigging strong!? And there go my chances of asking her out, well for a while at least.”

After some time Ben and Isabella were dressed and eating their breakfast.

Isabella was grateful towards Ben for letting her have breakfast and a shower there. “Thanks for the breakfast Ben it’s really good!”

Ben responded back “it’s okay, I’ve learnt how to cook as well just like you because I’m normally on my own aha.”

Isabella came back with “oh yeah, you are aren’t you? Well I guess that means I’ll have to come around and keep you company then!” She smiled seductively at Ben.

Ben became a bit shy “I-well yeah I guess that’d be a god idea haha.” He thought to himself “that part of her personality is gonna take some getting used to.” He felt a bit awkward having Isabella smile seductively in lust towards him so he rapidly tried changing the subject. “Oh and Isabella, how come your hair is red now?”

Isabella giggled “aha I’m glad you noticed, well I’ve always like the colour red, and the creator ordered me to so that it fits in with my code name, the red death.”

Ben thought to himself “shit yeah, I still have that to worry about, I’m not going to be able to push this whole survival game idea out of my head, actually on second thought that might be a bad idea. I need to somehow learn the contents of that ice elementalist user guide manual book. He sighed very loudly resting his head on his right hand with his right elbow on top of the table.

Isabella looked concerned “is everything okay Ben?”

Ben felt a bit better as he was grateful for Isabella’s concern “yeah, I’ll be fine.” He then decided to turn the television on to take his mind off of all that’s happened recently. Although the second they turned it on it was already on the news channel and there was a frightful urgent news topic about the chaos caused by the two-thousand criminals that had been released. The news reporter reported “We now have the top story of the year, two-thousand criminals have escaped from the prisons in The south-east of England, it is hugely recommended that you stay indoors in safety until it is safe to go outside, please do not answer the door to anyone and we mean anyone. We will have more updates about this topic later on so please stay on this channel or keep a close watch of it for more advice to help keep safe. That is al for now.

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17 Reviews

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Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:34 am
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braydog25 wrote a review...

Hey mate im back again :). This chapter is another quality chapter I must say its a bit boring in places but the boring places are understandable. Isabelle and Ben being together and the humor you added between the two of them during this chapter is priceless. A few small errors id like to point out , I don't usually point out errors so correct me if my points are invalid. First one
Come on take a sit, I’ll it with you this lunch time.”
First of all you've forgotten to put the speech mark in before Come, you put them at the end of this sentence so it seems a little weird that you didn't put them at the start.
Secondly the word "sit" that just threw me right off, I think you mean "seat" am I right ;) and lastly "I'll it with you this lunch time" I had know idea what you meant by this until I read it through a few times, I think you meant to write I'll sit with you this lunch time.
Also I would use the word "today" instead of "this lunch time"
Most are probably typos but I thought I might as well point them out.
Overall great chapter, sorry if this review was hard to read I don't know how to quote stuff yet :)

ah thanks for the review braydog :D and yeah there are a few typos I've noticed whilst looking back through it, if I find time I'll try and amend it. Also just wait till the next chapter, that's when things get interesting! Hehehe ;)

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Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:13 pm
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deleted5 wrote a review...

Hey there MajorKillerClown! (lol) I'm here to review your chapter! I would like to say though before I start is that I haven't read the other four chapters so excuse me if I miss something obvious.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story, painted a very good picture in my mind! I do find that it roots from the hunger games, but I can tell that you are planning something a little bit different! I think you used the flashbacks very smoothly and effectively in the correct places, they also told us what we needed to know whilst not giving away the story!
There are a few things though that need to be improved, one for example is that you need to treat dialogue as a new sentence, as in you need a capital at the start, sometimes you did that but others you didn't. Like this one:

Ben felt a bit better as he was grateful for Isabella’s concern “yeah, I’ll be fine.”

I also found the excessive caps in the dialogue a little bit annoying, ok sometimes, but not all the time:
“Bu-but howwwwww??????”

Finally, I did find some of the dialogue a bit rushed and robotic, especially the news report. Maybe bulking it up or something else. Try reading out the lines as you type them to see if it would sound like something someone would really say.
These problems just root from the dialogue which, I think may not be your strong point. It's not mine strong point to but you can improve with practise. I did like the stuttering you added in, seemed realistic.
That's all! I liked this chapter and I would read more!!
Toodle ooh!

ah thanks for the review Alex! I agree with what you said, I do probably need to do a bit more work on my dialogue if I want my story to become a great one, and I would highly recommend if you enjoyed it to read the previous chapters. Ben and Isabella are going to develop a bit of a problematic bond due to certain future "factors" that are discussed in the earlier chapters. I should be getting chapter 6 up in a few days time as well which is where you'll start seeing some of the "problems" occur with Ben and Isabella's relationship.

What orators lack in depth they make up for in length.
— Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu