
Young Writers Society

The Life Of A Writer

by MagnusBane

Writing. Sometimes, it's a battle to get those words onto the paper... literally.



The Author

The Muse

Writer's Block

Main Character

Edward Cullen

Stephenie Meyer


The Author's house

Narrator: *in a dry, monologue voice* And here we see the writer in her natural habitat.

*An author sits alone in her bedroom, frantically scribbling a story*

Author: *mutters* Yes! Yes! And then she says... *giggles* Oh, I can't wait to show everyone YWS this story! *continues writing*

Narrator: Ah, yes, the beauty of a writer at work. The peaceful writing bliss never lasts long, however…

*Suddenly, the doorbell rings*

Author: *snaps* Go away! I'm busy!

*Doorbell rings several more times, playing the Jaws theme song*

Author: All right, all right! I'm coming! *reluctantly tears herself away from the story and stalks to the door*

*Author flings open the door*

*A hooded finger stands there, looking menacing*

Author: *impatiently* What the heck do you want? I'm kind of busy right now.

Figure: *in a soft, threatening voice* Don't you recognize me, little girl?

Author: Nope. *looks longingly over her shoulder to the room where her story waits for her*

Figure: I'm your worst nightmare. Mwahahaha!

Author: *gasp* Not Michael Jackson!

Figure: What? No, you fool! I am - *lightning flashes dramatically in the background and fries the neighbor's cat* - Writer's Block!

Author: *screams* Get away from me! *slams door and sprints back to her story*

Writer's Block: *materializes in front of her, laughing maniacally* You can't escape me! I will destroy your puny story!

Author: *throws herself in front of story* No! You can't! I have to finish this story! I have to!

Writer's Block: *sighs* I didn't want to have to do this, but... *pulls out poster of Robert Pattinson*

Author: *screams and covers her eyes* No! Too... much... hair... gel... *collapses*

Writer's Block: *scans the story* Hmm. This one actually had some promise. Too bad I'm going to have to erase all your ideas and plot plans. *pulls out giant pink eraser* Now hold still. This won't hurt... me.

*At that very moment, the author's Muse bursts into the room*

Muse: STOP!

Writer's Block: *exasperated* Oh, for God's sake, what now?

Muse: *gallantly* Don’t worry, my aspiring little writer! I'll defend you from the dreaded Writer's Block!

*Muse pulls out a giant pen, while Writer's Block brandishes a sword. The two begin an epic swordfight*

*After a few minutes, the Muse appears to be losing*

Writer's Block: *backs Muse into a corner* Haha, I've got you - *cell phone rings*

Muse: *impatient sigh*

Writer's Block: *adopts a whiny, childish voice as he speaks into phone* What, Mom? Yes, I clipped Grandma's toenails. What do you mean, one's embedded in the wall? That's not my - oh, you found those. *lowers voice* I just got excited and had a... spill. *appalled* No, Mom, not that kind of spill!

*Muse clears her throat pointedly*

Writer's Block: Look, Mom, I have to go. Uh-huh, yeah, love you too. Bye! *hangs up and instantly looking menacing again* Now, where were we?

*Muse and Writer's Block continue battling*

*Author crawls to her story and tries to write, but the words just won't come*

*Slowly, Writer's Block pushes Muse back towards the wall*

Writer's Block: Prepare to meet your doom!

Muse: Never! *chucks corndog at Writer's Block's head*

*Long silence*

Writer's Block: *in a sassy, teenage girl voice* Oh, no you didn't. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

Muse: That's right. I went there. *slashes at Writer's Block's throat. He deflects the pen just in time* Ooh, little author! I just had an idea that will improve your story!

*A girl suddenly appears in the middle of the room, holding a toothbrush in one hand*

Author: Who the heck is that?

Muse: A new main character for your story! *smacks Writer's Block in the shin with her pen*

*The Main Character drops her toothbrush and tries to run*

*Author pounces on her and tries to drag her towards the story*

Main Character: *kicking and flailing* No! I won't go in your story! I won't! *bites Author*

Author: Ow! You little -

*Stephenie Meyer appears*

Stephenie Meyer: Oh, no! A defenseless girl! I must send my ridiculously overprotective vampire to defend her before she breaks a nail! *kicks Edward Cullen towards Author and disappears again*

Edward Cullen: *squints at Author, obviously confused* Bella? Is that you, my Belly-welly-shelly-kenelly-kins?

Author: What? No way, you sparkling freak!

Edward Cullen: *tries to look macho and fails miserably* No fear! I'll save you, Bella!

*Edward attempts to speed run to Author's aid, but since I can't afford special effects for this script he just looks really, really stupid*

Author: *panting* You... are going... into this... story! *pushes the protesting main character towards the story and watches while she is sucked into the paper*

*Writer's Block shrinks a little*

Muse: *triumphantly* Yes! One improvement down! What else do you need, girl?

*Author scans her story, sidestepping away from Edward Cullen, who has been blinded by his own bushy eyebrows and is now wandering in circles*

Author: *to Muse* A better plot! This story is too boring!

Muse: *nimbly dodging Writer Block's swinging sword* One fantastic plot coming right up! *snaps her fingers*

*A small box labeled PLOT appears on the floor*

Writer's Block: Think fast! *flings a Girl Scout at Muse, then pounces on the plot box* Haha, you'll never fix your pathetic little story! *frantically starts to erase box*

Author: No! *stabs Writer's Block with a pencil*

Writer's Block: Um... was that supposed to hurt?

Author: *looks crestfallen* Darn. I really thought that would work.

*Muse snaps her fingers again, and a unicorn appears*

*The unicorn knocks Writer's Block off the plot box and then promptly begins eating the Author's wallpaper*

Author: Out of my way. *pushes Edward Cullen out of the way and seizes the box* Hehe, mine! *tosses the plot box onto the paper, where it is sucked into the story*

Writer's Block: NO! *shrinks again*

*The story begins to glow with awesomeness*

Muse: Ready to surrender, scum?

Writer's Block: *snarls* Never! *lunges at her with the eraser*

*The battle continues, but Writer's Block is half the Muse's size and she obviously has the advantage now*

Muse: Here, Author, catch! *sneezes, and a banana falls out of the sky and lands in Author's hands*

Author: *eagerly* Is this for the story?

Muse: No, silly, it's for this. *grabs banana and smacks Writer's Block with it*

Writer's Block: AH! Banana in the eye! *drops sword and eraser and clutches his eye*

Muse: *to Author* Quick, take this! *holds out her pen*

Author: Why? So I can stab Writer's Block in the other eye?

Muse: *patiently* No, to finish the story, darling.

Author: Oh. *looks disappointed* Okay. *scrawls a few more lines with the giant pen, then straightens up, smiling triumphantly* There! I'm done! The story is officially finished!

*The story is so filled with awesomeness that it glows like a miniature sun*

Writer's Block: NOOOOOOO!!!! *shrinks to pocket size*

Muse: *dusts off hands* Okay, my job's done here. *scoops up Writer's Block and herds the unicorn out of the room*

*Author follows them to the door*

Muse: You have that essay to write next week, right?

Author: *rolls eyes* Unfortunately.

Muse: *beams* See you then! *starts to walk down the driveway*

Author: Wait! What about him? *points to Edward Cullen, who is still wandering around her room, blinded by his own eyebrows*

Muse: Oh, here. *pulls out gun and shoots Edward*

*Twilight haters converge on the Muse. Cheering, they lift her onto their shoulders and parade down the street*

Stephenie Meyer: *appears in front of Author* Darn. Now I'm going to have to create more shallow, clichéd characters to populate my poorly written books!

*Author slams the door in Meyer's face*

Stephenie Meyer: No! Wait! Where are you going?

Author: To post my story on YWS, of course! And after all that, someone had better review it!

Narrator: And all is well in the life of the writer. Until the next time she tries to write, that is…

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:32 pm
lele253isme wrote a review...

I loved this script I would like to see it as a short comedy show that comes on when commercials are supposed to. It would be that good. I love this part:

Writer's Block: *in a sassy, teenage girl voice* Oh, no you didn't. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

Muse: That's right. I went there. *slashes at Writer's Block's throat. He deflects the pen just in time* Ooh, little author! I just had an idea that will improve your story!

I like that it is really random and the Twilight comedy I loved, really good job. I don't like twilight either, bleeghhh. Anyway, I am going to like this.

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:36 pm
Prats wrote a review...

I like randomness... So I'd say I loved it... :D Would love to watch it live... :)
And yeah, this part was really crazy, but I found it hilarious:

Writer's Block: *backs Muse into a corner* Haha, I've got you - *cell phone rings*

Muse: *impatient sigh*

Writer's Block: *adopts a whiny, childish voice as he speaks into phone* What, Mom? Yes, I clipped Grandma's toenails. What do you mean, one's embedded in the wall? That's not my - oh, you found those. *lowers voice* I just got excited and had a... spill. *appalled* No, Mom, not that kind of spill!

*Muse clears her throat pointedly*

Writer's Block: Look, Mom, I have to go. Uh-huh, yeah, love you too. Bye! *hangs up and instantly looking menacing again* Now, where were we?
:D Keep writing more... :)

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:21 pm
MiRaCLeS says...

This is such a funny story.Rather random, but still funny.
Loved how Edward Cullen dies as well. :)

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:35 pm
Flux wrote a review...

Why hello there! I'm here with a teeny-tiny review to give!

First off, for script-writing, use brackets instead of those star-thingies!

Writer's Block: [scans the story] Hmm. This one actually had some promise. Too bad I'm going to have to erase all your ideas and plot plans. [pulls out giant pink eraser] Now hold still. This won't hurt... me.

For that example, I think that a little touch of manical laughter would be nice at the end -- just a little finishing touch, as Writer's Block is already a maniac in itself.

*Muse and Writer's Block continue battling*

*Author crawls to her story and tries to write, but the words just won't come*

*Slowly, Writer's Block pushes Muse back towards the wall*

This could probably be written as a block of text, as such:

[MUSE and WRITER'S BLOCKcontinue battling. AUTHOR crawls to her story and tries to write, but the words just won't come. Slowy, WRITER'S BLOCK pushes MUSE back towards the wall.]

*The unicorn knocks Writer's Block off the plot box and then promptly begins eating the Author's wallpaper*

Huzzah for unicorns!

Just a few nitpicks with the format of the script, obviously. But other than that, this was great! Funny, to the point ... and complete with an epic battle. Now everytime I have writer's block I'll think of crazy Writer's Block in this script/ story thing! As for the Edward and Stephanie Meyer, I didn't see much use for them in the script -- but thinking about it now, I think if it were acted out, Edward stumbling around with giant eyebrows would be quite hilarious ... and a unicorn eating wallpaper.

I really liked the fact that you wrote this with the characters of Muse and Writer's Block as like, a super-hero and super-villain (or, at least, that's what I imagined!) I also just liked the fact that you had a writer's block, as I've had people tell me there's no such thing ... BUT THERE IS! THERE'S PROOF OF IT IN THIS SCRIPT!

That is all! Very nicely done!

-- Flux

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Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:05 pm
ExposedSoul wrote a review...

A couple things:
1. What happened to the Girl Scout? You put her in the script but never took her out.
2. Where did the Twilight haters come from? Was a memo sent out?
3. Most authors would never admit that their stories are “poorly written.”
4. The author obviously likes writing (seeing as she was so desperate to get the story finished) so why does she think an essay is unfortunate?
5. What do you do with the body of the hair-gel junkie?
6. I think the narrator would appreciate more lines.
Other than that I found the story extremely humorous. Keep up the good work.

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:17 am
Shadowhunter14 says...

LOL awesome!! its about time sum1 put down twilight!!!

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:53 pm
TalaPaulwic says...

It was simple. I like it like this. I just went pee, I have to go again now.

Very funny, simple humor. I think you could turn this into a detailed work if you wanted. If not it's great like this!

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Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:42 am
Bard wrote a review...

Two things.

Blocking and direction. Hard to understand with the **** things around them italicized is you best bet, also tooooooo muuuuuch. Let the dialog speak for its self don't rely on the blocking as a crutch. Please, you will grow enormously as a playwright if you don't leave out tedious unnecessary blocking notes.

(And very superficial)
Why does everyone on this forum post stuff about twilight. I'm so tired of it. If there was a place i could rant about this on i would but, gosh i'm so tired of seeing Twilight on this script forum. Come on guys. Don't you have something better than twilight references. Jeeze.

Over all though interesting idea. If you want a similar piece but about actors and their struggles check out Christopher Durang's "An actors nightmare" quite good.

Keep up the good work.


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Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:07 pm
WritingWords says...

It was HILARIOUS!!!!!!! :lol: THe funniest part was about MJ!

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Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:13 pm
Rosendorn wrote a review...

Hi Mangus! Here is one of your requested reviews for winning my contest!

My gosh, I was laughing my head of reading this! The BBCode could use some work (You're missing the bolding on several lines) but I'm having a hard time seeing anything fundamentally wrong with this. I shall point out bits and pieces, though, in hopes that this will be a productive review. xD

*Doorbell rings several more times, playing the Jaws theme song*

I liked this detail a lot. Funny, with a sense of foreboding.

Writer's Block: *sighs* I didn't want to have to do this, but... *pulls out poster of Robert Pattinson*

Interesting foreshadowing for kicking Edward into the mix. I think it would be interesting should Edward's actual appearance get a similar reaction from the author.

Author: *screams and covers her eyes* No! Too... much... hair... gel... *collapses*

I'm having a hard time completely picturing the "collapses" bit here. it doesn't seem dramatic enough for the rest of the work and the tone that's been set up before this. Make it "collapses into a withering mass" and it would be fine.

Writer's Block: *scans the story* Hmm. This one actually had some promise. Too bad I'm going to have to erase all your ideas and plot plans. *pulls out giant pink eraser* Now hold still. This won't hurt... me.

This is so funny yet so creepy at the same time. xD

Muse: Never! *chucks corndog at Writer's Block's head*

*Long silence*

Writer's Block: *in a sassy, teenage girl voice* Oh, no you didn't. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

Writer's Block's reaction counters what I expected, especially after the long silence. I thought he'd say something like "And you thought that would do something?" That little unexpected reaction pushed me out of the story a bit. That didn't last long, but keep that in mind.

Muse: A new main character for your story! *smacks Writer's Block in the shin with her pen*

Not sure if I like this being the new "main" character. Changing main characters usually requires a rewrite, which seems to contradict the whole point of trying to finish this story.

*Edward attempts to speed run to Author's aid, but since I can't afford special effects for this script he just looks really, really stupid*

After this, Edward just sort of vanishes. Author doesn't try to dodge him, nor is there any mention of this backfiring and he's really slow so Author doesn't need to dodge him.

*Muse snaps her fingers again, and a unicorn appears*
*The unicorn knocks Writer's Block off the plot box and then promptly begins eating the Author's wallpaper*

*Points to username* I was very happy to see a unicorn show up here. xD I'd have liked to see it show up a bit more, though.

Author: Out of my way. *pushes Edward Cullen out of the way and seizes the box* Hehe, mine! *tosses the plot box onto the paper, where it is sucked into the story*

As this happened, I wondered how much affect the plot would have on the story since it was partially erased.

Writer's Block: NOOOOOOO!!!! *shrinks to pocket size*

Normally, I'd say that caps, such long extensions of words, and multiple punctuation marks shouldn't be used, but this line is just too epic. xD

Muse: Oh, here. *pulls out gun and shoots Edward*

*Twilight haters converge on the Muse. Cheering, they lift her onto their shoulders and parade down the street*

I'd like to see a mention of Twilight lovers in there as well, and them being thwarted. xD

Stephenie Meyer: *appears in front of Author* Darn. Now I'm going to have to create more shallow, clichéd characters to populate my poorly written books!

I'd think her reaction is more extreme than this? It would fit the tone of the story better.


There weren't that many major issues here. As you can tell from the comments above mine, this is still funny as is.

I'd work on making some reactions a bit more extreme. The work is so crazy and over the top that some of the calmer reactions just don't seem to fit. They pulled me out of the story slightly, and even though I was pulled back in quickly I still think they'd be better more extreme.

Some of the random things were a bit too random, like Edward. Sure, it turns this into something more than just a battle between evil writer's block and a muse, but do we really need more? Same time, I can't imagine this without Edward. Guess I'd like to see it more melded into the story or completely taken out.

How much revision seemed to happen once the muse stepped in seemed a bit odd. I consider a Muse to help move the story forward, not cause it to be rewritten. Clear that up please.

Overall, this was priceless. xD I really loved it, and have felt this way a few times.

PM me with questions!


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Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:06 am
irishfire wrote a review...

Hey there!

Haha! That really made my day! (Well that and taking my sister down in Walmart :twisted: )

I loved this! I sometimes get this way when I think I have a pretty good story going, if only I had a Muse to help defend me from Writer's Block with a pen, a unicorn, and a banana :roll:

I totally loved these parts:

Writer's Block: Prepare to meet your doom!

Muse: Never! *chucks corndog at Writer's Block's head*

*Long silence*

Writer's Block: *in a sassy, teenage girl voice* Oh, no you didn't. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

Muse: That's right. I went there.

GO MUSE!! MMMHM! :smt005

*Author scans her story, sidestepping away from Edward Cullen, who has been blinded by his own bushy eyebrows and is now wandering in circles*

:thud: <- me from laughing

Muse: Here, Author, catch! *sneezes, and a banana falls out of the sky and lands in Author's hands*

Author: *eagerly* Is this for the story?

Muse: No, silly, it's for this. *grabs banana and smacks Writer's Block with it*

Writer's Block: AH! Banana in the eye! *drops sword and eraser and clutches his eye*

:lol: :lol:

I think you did an awesome job on this script and I hope to see more of them from you!

Keep up the awesome work!

-Irish :elephant:

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Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:12 pm
Vandria wrote a review...

That was extremely funny!
The fighting scene went on for a bit too long, but I still liked it.
The whole bushy eyebrow thing made me laugh so hard. My favorite part was when she opened the door and the guy was like, "I am writers block!" That was hilarious! I was a little confused when Edward and Stefanie Meyers just popped up out of nowhere. lolz

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Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:53 pm
Ellyphant wrote a review...

hahaaaa....eh that was funny...*wipes tears from eyes and smacks...and walks away*

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Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:19 am
VeraWinters wrote a review...

This is definitely a very different kind of work,
I think a lot of people, especially on this site can relate to this.
making the writers block and the muse living people is a very cleaver way to make a script on writers block.
Mixing Stephanie Meyer and Edward Cullen in the mix made this piece even more unique, although I think maybe you should have chossen a athor os a renound master piece like jane austen or charlotte bronte.
The author is very romantic about his work, it's just an idea to do the story again but in a level headed writer who is struggling with writers block, or trying to bring something whimsical into it's work.
This is a really well done work, there is something funny about it although it it not a funny issue.
You push some barriers to make this very UN-cliched.
this is very well done, keep writing.


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Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:10 pm
LordLoredaen wrote a review...

On terms of "masterpieces of our time", this isn't anywhere close.
However, on terms of "Most Kick-butt hilarious thing on this side of the Moon", this is up in the top ten!
It was incredibly creative, witty, timely, and just what I needed: a good long laugh!
Indeed, the randomness of this story combined with the complete honesty of the message (This is almost exactly how I think of writers block!) makes one of the best comedy scripts I've ever read!!

long live Magnusbanefan13 and down with Edward Cullen!!!

Beannach leibh!


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Mon May 25, 2009 10:36 pm

YES!! Die Twilight/Edward Cullen!! DIE!!! God Stephine Myer sucks!! Instead of writing she should be shopping at RC Willy. The Mormon place!

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Sun May 24, 2009 10:20 pm
Juciebox wrote a review...

wow, just wow. I think this is one of those stories were randomness actually works. Though there is a lot of space. Maybe if you filled in some space. When the characters appear, is there a light, a mist, a vortex, or a waterfall. Fill in the spaces and you will go far.

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Tue May 19, 2009 8:41 pm
tori1234 wrote a review...

That was probably one of the best scripts I've read on here!

I absolutely love the randomness! This is like my brain on paper! (Totally random and sometimes doesn't make sense)

Here are some suggestions:

Edward was really random. Like they said above me, scripts are for plays and you can't just have Edward appearing out of no where. How about in the beginning (or anywhere else in the story before Edward appears) add something like this : *As the Author is writing, she keeps nervously glancing at the trash can, where a Twilight book lays, hoping it's no where near as bad.* and when Ed-sparkly-ward comes in maybe something like *And then, the poorly written Twilight book starts to burn, and out of the flames comes a sparkling Edward*

And I think "corndog" is two separate words.

And did Writer's Block mean to say "funny" instead of "puny"?

Favorite Parts

Figure: I'm your worst nightmare. Mwahahaha!

Author: *gasp* Not Michael Jackson!

Laugh out loud! Loved it!

Writer's Block: *sighs* I didn't want to have to do this, but... *pulls out poster of Robert Pattinson*

Author: *screams and covers her eyes* No! Too... much... hair... gel... *collapses*

Muse: Never! *chucks corndog at Writer's Block's head*

Writer's Block: *in a sassy, teenage girl voice* Oh, no you didn't. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

Writer's Block: Think fast! *flings a Girl Scout at Muse, then pounces on the plot box* Haha, you'll never fix your pathetic little story! *frantically starts to erase box*

Muse: You have that essay to write next week, right?

Author: *rolls eyes* Unfortunately.

Muse: *beams* See you then! *starts to walk down the driveway*

Muse: Oh, here. *pulls out gun and shoots Edward*

The last one was my favorite part!


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Tue May 19, 2009 5:36 pm
*writewatiwant* wrote a review...

Hi magnus!

*pants from laughing too much*

I only have one comment and one suggestion to make on this piece.

I really liked how it was without the whole Twilight thingy. Don't take me wrong, I've read the books, but this would be much more interesting if it was only about the fight for creativity to finish a story.

As Zinnie has mentioned, where did the characters came up from?
When you're writing a script, you usually should write as if it was to be read by actors and played on a stage. Like: *Stephenie Meyer pops in from a blue mist* or something.

Overall: This was very funny! I absolutely loved it and *clears throat* Robert Pattinson is cute!
*runs away afraid of an attack*


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Tue May 19, 2009 3:27 pm
XYZinnia wrote a review...

Hello! :D
This was funny! I liked it. So, for a bit of my opinion.

1. I agree with Gale, it gets very random. I got kind of lost near the end. The unicorn, the corndog, the Girl Scout, and the banana make the story very confusing. (Not to mention Edward.)

2. The whole thing was basically a giant fight scene. Remember, even awesome, mind-numbing battles can get a bit old. :wink:

3. I don’t know how you would do this, if you were actually performing it. With all the appearing and glowing, it would be pretty hard. (Not to mention things being sucked into a book.)

I just notice something.

Stephenie Meyer: Oh, no! A defenseless girl! I must send my ridiculously overprotective vampire to defend her before she breaks a nail! *kicks Edward Cullen towards Author and disappears again*

When did Edward come in? Did he appear with Meyer? Was he suddenly at her feet?

Anyway, I like the perspective this was in. I think you could add the Narrator in there a bit more, because he’s supposed to be commenting. But overall, I think it was very nice.

So that’s about it. I do have one last warning for you: If someone wasn’t reading the script, it might get very hard for them to fallow. (Who is this lady, and why is she helping the author? Why is the story glowing?)

Good luck!

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Tue May 19, 2009 3:52 am
Gale wrote a review...

Well, that was interesting. Another reason why we all need a show on the Animal Channel. It certainly was funny, and random. And twilight haters will love it (if you run with vampires, remember- We are the reasons vampires are running) The only thing I didn't like was the fact that it gets a bit too random (Where did the Girl Scout come from?) Otherwise, keep writing, writer of prey!

hmmm. you know, the quote generator deserves some garlic bread
— SilverNight