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Young Writers Society

No. 15



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Sun May 01, 2011 5:05 pm
Lavvie wrote a review...

Hi there Bolshevik. Lavvi in to review for you today.

Nice formation of the poem. Must have taken a bit, eh?

I really thought this was a good concept and you executed it extremely well. However, near the end of the sort-of inverted triangle, you had "0"at the end. I don't really think that was needed and it feels like you just added it there... =/

Interesting, though, having it about death. And the title suits well.


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42 Reviews

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Reviews: 42

Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:50 am
Kaywiia says...

I love the form of this! It really looks amazing. that was the first thing that caught my eye here.

I get where you were going with this, and I like the presentation of your poem overall. Aplause to you!

Keep Writing!


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Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:05 pm
AmeliaCogin wrote a review...

Hi! Aww...poor you, no reviews! Never fear...OK, so, yes this looked 'real cool'. I had no idea what you were going on about, quite frankly. I guess it's just one of those uninterpretable pieces of modern poetry. I really don't have anything else to say. Good effort on presentation...:)
If you're willing to explain further, PM me...I'll gladly listen!
~ Amelia

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:43 am
MUCHO says...

Looks real cool.

"And the rest is rust and stardust."
— Vladimir Nabokov