Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!
First Impression
Well this was quite an interesting piece. The title suggested it would go one way, that opening another and the ending ultimate takes us to yet another place but in the end I think it comes together to be a nice little hopeful message to all here.
Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;
The scars that adorn my body aren’t me, they don’t define you, some of those scars are on the inside some of them haven’t closed and are still bleeding their pain
All day most everyday, just a little nudge reminds you that the pain is still there, and the only way to help it is to stop what’s causing the pain. It may not be easy, it seldom is, cause things worth that much are often hard to get back or find again.
Ooh a powerful little start here. Showcasing the pain that people experience on a daily basis and those scars that you have to live with often, not always physical and visible but present all the same.
The time that people spend hiding what they should share is immense, at the very moment you read this someone stopped themselves from leaving, and 2 others did leave.
They left because they either would speak or others couldn’t listen, people forgot me. Those people are none the wiser as to what could have happened. They likely will never know how close I was, but I found something. Not a purpose for that I’m still searching, but a promise and friend.
Ooh I love the interaction across to the reader there, showcases almost a bit of an interaction of how the person in the tale feels about other receiving this news perhaps when they tried to communicate it in other ways to feel seen and heard about the issues but some people just don't want to be a part of it for various reasons.
Most would stop reading here thinking I had already finished saying what was important. But no, that friend that I mentioned was someone greater who cares, sometimes it doesn’t feel like he’s listening but he is. Any time you speak to him, he’ll respond, you just might not hear it right away. Someday though your clogged ears will be opened and you will hear a whisper that may someday grow into a shout.
That day will be the one where you find the fullness of that friend. If you listen they will never lead you astray, the only thing they will lead you to, is a better place. But that place will come in time for the entrance is in that friend's hands.
Ooh this is an interesting message to almost sort of circle back to, bringing up not just people who might go away with disinterest but also those who might stick it out but appear like they aren't helping but in reality they are and you just need to be able to listen.
So for all those who live adorned with scars, inside and out, the ones marked physically and mentally, those stuck with addiction and fear and sadness and the feeling of being lost. For those people, there is a friend who will help and listen, one who doesn’t care how you look. They will always be there for you. That friend is God. He listens and helps, no problem is too small or too big, and everything can be brought to him without fear.
So find him, search for him, because he is looking for you too. He is not going to stop trying to help even if it’s just listening. There is nothing anyone can do that God cannot forgive, he loves everyone. So you should try talking with him for a little while and see how it feels to have a friend who cares for you like no other. Good luck and don’t give up quite yet, go and talk with someone who will listen.
Ooh this went in a bit of a different direction that what I was thinking there but that little pivot to how maybe you just aren't hearing the reaction makes a lot more sense now, to establish this scenario that its just that you need to give it a chance and to not give up. I think its an interesting way to bring that point across and give people that hope to keep wishing to be heard.
Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!
Overall quite a nice little message of hope this one. Definitely going out to people that are going through this tough time and having to deal with many scars and need that listening ear.
As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!

Points: 317314
Reviews: 4431