
Young Writers Society

The Guardians: Elemental: 1.1-1 (Fruits Basket FanFic)

by Lsph99

Hi, everyone! I absolutely love Fruits Basket, so here is my first fan-fiction of the first part of the first chapter of the first book of the first Guardians series. Yup, a lot of firsts. :) (Oh yeah...please keep in mind this is my first story here. That always helps.)


There were three new girls at school. It was as if they'd suddenly dropped out of nowhere, and had arbitrarily decided to go to Kaibara Middle School. Yes...where Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru also go.

Faith Alexandria Wilson was very kind and shy normally--but when with her cousins, the other two new girls, she was extremely outgoing. Then there was Claudia Wilson, a mysterious girl who wore only black. She had black everything--black clothes, black hair, black nails, black eyeshadow, you name it. And finally, Julie Taylor Wilson. She was different in some unknown way as of yet. But everyone noticed her sometimes light-less eyes, her toughness of manner, and especially her fierce protection of her cousins.

When the new trio of students joined halfway through the year, they were assigned to class 3-D, where Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru also were. But that first morning...


"Ah...what a nice, beautiful day!" Faith exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she skipped up the path leading to school.

Claudia smiled. "Yes, it is, isn't it?"

"That's right," Julie replied. "I can't believe we've finally found the right school, where all three of us can be together all the time!"

"Er...that is, um...how did you work that out, Julie?" Faith timidly asked.

"Ha ha! You'll see soon enough, Faith," Julie answered, chuckling.

Suddenly, all three girls were shoved to the side as a blur of orange sped past them.

"Hey, you idiot! Watch where you're going!" Julie exclaimed, shaking her fist at the disappearing orange-haired teen.

"Please, excuse Kyo's rude behavior. Hello, girls, I'm Yuki Sohma."

The three girls turned and saw the most handsome, delicate boy ever. His voice was soft and calming, and his eyes seemed to welcome them to the area.

"Uh, hi. Pleased to meet you, Sohma-kun. I'm Julie--Julie Wilson," she said, shaking hands with the surprisingly gray-haired teen.

"Yes...it's nice to meet you, Yuki Sohma. I am Claudia Wilson." Claudia also shook hands with Yuki, noting his unease at her goth-like appearance.

"Uh, um, hello! I-I'm Faith Alexandria Wilson. It's a pleasure to meet you," she introduced herself, bowing to him the formal Japanese way.

Abruptly, a new girl, with long brown hair and kind eyes, came up the path. Noticing the three newcomers, she also bowed and gave her name. "Ah! I'm Tohru Honda. How nice to meet you! Oh! Are you three going to our school?" Tohru asked, eyes shining in anticipation as she danced around on the sidewalk.

"Uh, I guess. It's the school about one block away from here, right?" Julie looked from Yuki to Tohru.

"Yes, that's right. So since we're all going to the same school, will you three join Honda-san and I?"

To make a long story short, the three cousins walked with Tohru and Yuki to school, then everyone dispersed to their lockers. Coincidentally, Julie, Claudia, and Faith's lockers were all right next to each other. Once Julie and Claudia were done getting their stuff out, they helped Faith with her stuff.

"Um, er, you two can go to class without me," Faith said while closing her locker. "I just have to use the restroom real quick."

The instant she came out the ladies' room, a group of four other eighth-grade girls cornered her.

"So, you're the new girl, eh?" the leader sneered, stepping forward until her face was inches away from Faith's.

"Actually, one of three new girls," Faith quietly replied, looking down at the floor.

"Hmph! Even worse. Girls, state her crime and force her to admit that she acted wrongfully!" The other three girls immediately responded to their leader's command, marching forward until the whole gang of four girls surrounded poor Faith, trembling on the inside but standing proud and strong on the outside.

"You have come into close contact with the Royal Prince Yuki Sohma-kun," they said, like robots following its mother-board's instructions. "Although you are new at this school, you will soon learn the rules of the Prince Yuki Sohma-kun Fan Club. Now explain to us why you happened to be walking with the Royal Prince Yuki Sohma-kun. Or else." Suddenly, all four girls' eyes shone brightly as they stepped closer to Faith, inching forward slowly.

"Uh, er, it was just a coincidence! He was the one who invited Claudia, Julie, and I to walk with him and Honda-san! Besides, don't you think you're...over-reacting...?" Faith noticed that their eyes only shone brighter as they growled, "Honda-san also walked with him?! Tell us...tell us exactly what happened!"

"Be quiet, you big-mouthed idiots. Miss Wilson hasn't done anything wrong, and on her first day here at this middle school, instead of welcoming her, you frighten the poor girl to death! Where is your shame and humility?" Yuki fiercely intruded on the conversation, his own eyes shining a bright gray.

To Faith's amusement, the four Fan Club girls instantly bowed to her and apologized, then ran off. Faith then turned back to Yuki and bowed. "Um, thank you. I owe you one."

"Don't mention it," Yuki replied, smiling. "As long as those bullies don't bother you again, you don't need to do anyth--"

"Faith! My gosh, are you OK?! We heard the raised shouts and--" Julie's breath caught when she saw Yuki with Faith. Then she continued, "Thank you so much, Sohma-kun! I'll never be able to thank you enough for protecting Faith!"

Claudia also came up, having run all the way from the classroom halfway across the school. "Yes, indeed, Yuki Sohma. We are most grateful for your protecting her from...those idiots, did you call them?" She smiled.

Suddenly, the bells started ringing. "Oh great...I didn't even go to 1st period yet! Now what should I do...?" Faith trailed off.

"Hey, no matter. We'll just vouch for you. Claudia and I," Julie said, hugging Faith to comfort her.

"You...that is...do you mind if I come along?" Yuki asked.

"Of course you can come with us, Yuki Sohma. As long as you also vouch for Faith in front of Mayuko-sensei, we'll be just fine with you coming along," Claudia replied, turning her impassive eyes on him.


Author's Note: To understand this fanfic, you'll probably need to read the Fruits Basket books. Or you have to be able to understand Japanese honorifics in some way. (Y'know, -kun, -sensei, -san, -sama, etc.) That's right. Anyway, if you do understand them, I really hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading and reviewing. :D

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50 Reviews

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Reviews: 50

Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:37 pm
armstronge wrote a review...

I've only read some chapters of the manga, but I know what's going on. I think your story is really good! You might want to describe what the characters looks like and what the school looks like. Is the school big or small?

But it's great so far! Keep writing!

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83 Reviews

Points: 7538
Reviews: 83

Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:23 pm
Fruits_Basket99Tohru wrote a review...

Geez, how many Furuba fans are out there? The world is coming to an end...! No, just kidding. :P

Thank you for the reviews on my stories! I need to update them, yes, I know. Anyway...to return your kindness to me, I myself will be the first reviewer of your first story here!

So, first off, I noticed a couple discrepancies between your story series and the real thing. Like, Yuki's character is totally different. I'm sorry, but that's what I think. (Is that what you call OCC? Whatever...) And Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru were in high school at the beginning of the first book, right? (Well, not Kyo, but...you get my point!) But here you have them in middle school. I'm pretty sure that was on-purpose on your part, but I can't be sure.

Here's a little tidbit of my own: That first little 'prologue' section of the story? I think you should rewrite it. 'Cause you make it sound like you actually go to the same school as our heroines, and that's not what's happening here. Is it? I don't know, but it doesn't seem like it, going with what the rest of your story says.

Still, this was a pretty darned good story in my opinion. Unfortunately for me, yours was so much better than mine! :smt022 Anyway, great job and keep up the good work! Argh, I can't believe these people don't know about Furuba! Well, most of them don't, at least. Still...great job! Love it. :D

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