
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone


by Ljungtroll

  As I loosened the girl’s soul and took her in my arms, a sob sounded behind me. The girl’s seven-year old brother sat by her bed, head in his hands. They had been very close before the girl came down with tuberculosis.

I longed to comfort the boy, but he was unaware of my presence. His pale hair ruffled slightly as I left the room, holding the twelve-year old girl’s soul in my arms. It was a shimmering outline of a sleeping golden retriever puppy, breathing softly in content.

I reached into the boy, hoping to find the same soul inside. Instead I discovered a tiny rabbit, pushing against the child’s heart in an effort to escape the suffocating confines of sorrow. I retreated. It wasn’t his time. Outside, the soul in my arms stirred, whimpering softly. I ran a bony hand down her back, comforting the tiny creature. She wriggled around, transparent paws batting the air.

I opened up the Void, stepping through the dark hole and into my domain. The soul immediately wriggled out of my thin arms, running off into the black field to play with the tall German shepherd dog that was her father.

I strode toward my throne, a grisly chair made entirely of femurs, tibias, and skulls except for the backrest. That was a giant ribcage. Stone, the ever faithful raven, flew to my shoulder . She pecked at my ear, demanding food. I produced a small bit of liver, which I tossed upward. Stone shot upward; catching the morsel before it even began falling.

I stood and stretched, spreading my twelve-foot wingspan out from end to end. The translucent membrane in between the finger-like bones absorbed what little light filtered into the underworld and transformed it into darkness, eventually spitting the newborn night back out into the world of the living. The cries of those in the punishment valley echoed around the throne room. I sat back down, keeping my wings spread out. 

Life was good.

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Tue May 11, 2021 12:09 pm
KateHardy wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: Well...this was quite the little story here. Packs quite the punch despite it being as small at is. At any rate, this is really well written and you do a great job conveying the kind of person that's the protagonist is here.

Anyway let's get right to it,

As I loosened the girl’s soul and took her in my arms, a sob sounded behind me. The girl’s seven-year old brother sat by her bed, head in his hands. They had been very close before the girl came down with tuberculosis.

Oh dear...well this off to a very sad start right off the bat...that does not sound good for the girl there, and ahhhh adding that touch with here I'm assuming younger brother coming in and sobbing near her bed...well...onion time I suppose...

I longed to comfort the boy, but he was unaware of my presence. His pale hair ruffled slightly as I left the room, holding the twelve-year old girl’s soul in my arms. It was a shimmering outline of a sleeping golden retriever puppy, breathing softly in content.

Oh no....we're starting right away by killing, of course...and the puppy....ahh...this is just trying to get me to cry isn't it...with all this amazingly wholesome and yet so sad imagery.

I reached into the boy, hoping to find the same soul inside. Instead I discovered a tiny rabbit, pushing against the child’s heart in an effort to escape the suffocating confines of sorrow. I retreated. It wasn’t his time. Outside, the soul in my arms stirred, whimpering softly. I ran a bony hand down her back, comforting the tiny creature. She wriggled around, transparent paws batting the air.

Ahh..loving that imagery...there...all that very human emotion clouding everything and then this emotionless figure going about everything with a cool calm sense of just total lack of emotion here...you definitely get a sense that you're seeing the world through the eyes of Death itself here.

I opened up the Void, stepping through the dark hole and into my domain. The soul immediately wriggled out of my thin arms, running off into the black field to play with the tall German shepherd dog that was her father.

I don't whether to be happy about the reunion of the girl and her father or cry about the fact that the boy has lost his sister and his father....ahh...this story is just soo good at bringing up emotions.

I strode toward my throne, a grisly chair made entirely of femurs, tibias, and skulls except for the backrest. That was a giant ribcage. Stone, the ever faithful raven, flew to my shoulder . She pecked at my ear, demanding food. I produced a small bit of liver, which I tossed upward. Stone shot upward; catching the morsel before it even began falling.

Well that's a great little image there to nail into our heads exactly who this is and the fact that he absolutely does mean business.

I stood and stretched, spreading my twelve-foot wingspan out from end to end. The translucent membrane in between the finger-like bones absorbed what little light filtered into the underworld and transformed it into darkness, eventually spitting the newborn night back out into the world of the living. The cries of those in the punishment valley echoed around the throne room. I sat back down, keeping my wings spread out.

Life was good.

Well that is appropriately terrifying depiction of the controller of the afterlife, mixing in with some really well written scenes up front that do a great job stirring up emotion there.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall, this is a pretty well written story that you've got going here and it was quite a good read here...a little sad...but ehh..it's good. Anyway that's all I've gotta say here.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

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Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:33 pm
Clairia wrote a review...

hi it's me eleven i am ready to review 4 u
remember that i'm a horrible human but i mean well sometimes, like right now
so let's get started!

Hey, Raven, first off, I wanna say that I loved this! It was short, interesting, and especially mysterious. I was thrown off a bit at the transition to the Void, and was sort of wondering where it came from. The entire story was just a bit "woah what's that" and "where's the...wait, what?" But it was written so beautifully so it didn't really matter to me. I suggest maybe going back and editing a bit more-- maybe giving more reason to the transitions/why the main character was doing, exactly. I couldn't really tell if they were a soul collector, or...
All in all, great job, Raven! You did well.

ily lol


Ljungtroll says...

You have seen my worst piece ever published. Be very proud that you got through it.

Clairia says...

i had n-no idea wh-what--

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Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:04 pm
Ishan212 wrote a review...

Hi Raven Lord, I am Ishan and I am here to review your short story. So here we go ;

Your story was just fantastic. Hats off a million times to your imagination. I liked your story very much. Especially the part where you told us the animal inside the girl's, her brother's and her father's body. You chose a theme beyond everyone's imagination. You can write a novel on this theme and it will surely become on of the finest novels on the planet. Your style of writing was just fab. I can not stop praising your work so I'll just follow you on the society. I will write it once more;
Very well written story. Unique theme.

Keep Writing!!!

Ljungtroll says...

Thank you so much!!!! :D You have no idea how much I appreciate your praise.

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Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:55 pm
PCA123 wrote a review...

Your short story is very good and it is nicely written. I appreciate how the daughter and father had the same kind of soul (dog). I was wondering why the son's soul was a rabbit, and I wasn't sure if it was because he was shy, quiet, or fast paced. I would have liked to see more of a description of why the souls were what they were. I would have been more invested emotionally if I understood the souls. I would also have also liked a little explanation on why Death has a pet and has wings. I didn't' understand why Death needed wings if it could just open up his domain. The ending...did that mean that death was once a living being. Was Death an actual person before he/she became Death. Does Death still hold on to his/her human emotions, if he/she was a human.

Ljungtroll says...

The son was shy and quiet, but the girl had been working on getting him more bold. The souls were like that for the personality of the characters. Death has a pet because he found Stone when he was taking an old man's soul at the scene of a car crash. Stone had been hit and wounded when the car swerved, and Death had been lonely so he took her in. Death is still a living being, but had been gifted (or cursed) with immortality. God gave him the wings so he could get places faster. The girl's house just happened to be close to one of his few openings. Death had been a soldier once, and with the dead souls just floating around aimlessly (now this was during the Civil War), God decided that when Death (originally known as Ronny McFarthing) died, he would become the immortal Grim Reaper. Any more questions??????

PCA123 says...

No, now I understand the story. Thank you for enlightening me. I thoroughly get the story and now I like it more.

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Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:54 pm
winterstar wrote a review...

Why did you end it with "was"? Shouldn't your character say "Life is good"?

Okay, that was the first thing that popped out at me as I finished reading it. Other than that, this is a very good story. I can tell that you wrote from the point of view of Death, and it kinda reminded me of The Book Thief (but without the Nazis obviously). My only question is this, why did you decide to make the human souls animals? It kinda was reminiscent of the patronuses in Harry Potter. Also, the girl has a soul like a golden retriever puppy, the father has a German shepherd soul, but the boy has a rabbit's soul. Does that mean that he had a different father? Or are the animals reflective of the human's personalities? Why would Death be exhausted at the end of the day of retrieving a soul when that's the main thing that he does? Wouldn't he relish it rather than resent it?

So with the critiques out of the way, here's what I liked about this story. First of all, and this is going to sound very shallow so just hear me out, I liked that it was short. Some of the most effective literature I've ever read was the kind that had a very powerful message and got straight to the point rather than drag on and on. Case and point: Night by Elie Wiesel. The imagery in this story was also very powerful, and if I, an ADD dyslexic, can clearly see it in my mind's eye, then you've clearly done something right. The premise behind the story was also a unique one that we do not see every day, and I find that you chose to write it the way you did very commendable.

Ljungtroll says...

Thank you for your criticism and praise. I based this story on the "Book Thief", yes, you guessed it. Obviously many people have read that book. As for the last sentence, the story is in past tense, so he said was instead of is. As for the souls, it reflects the person's personality. I hadn't thought of the patronuses, but yeah, you're right about that. Death was exhausted because he doesn't like to see the sadness of the living, yes, Death has a heart (quoting "Book Thief"). Thank you for commenting on my work!!

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Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:05 am
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summerlovee wrote a review...

Wow. This was incredible. When I finished reading this, the first thought that had popped up in my head was 'The Book Thief' as it was the first book I had read where it continually personified death and you had also managed to do it beautifully. I love the use of animals to represent the characters and the main Grim Reaper, he reminded me a lot of Hades... minus the wings :p I liked how it contained both elements of the transience of life and the inevitable sadness that follows while also exploring less serious themes, especially the last line (Life was good) was a good finishing touch. :) Overall, it was a really good piece and thankyou for sharing it! :)

Ljungtroll says...

I was actually going for the Death thing that the Book Thief had done. Thanks for the praise!!!!! BTW, that was very observant. I didn't know if anyone would understand it.

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Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:47 am
Kelpies wrote a review...

Hello RavenLord!

This is kind of creepy... In a good way though. What I don't understand is how death could forget about the boy so easily. But, then again this same event has probably occourred many, many times, so death has kind of gone numb to it. But I like that in the after life, the girl joined her father, but I'm confused, how did a raven get there if those who are ready are dogs? Did death take one that was not ready yet? Just putting it out there. I really like the end, where death says

Life is good.
It kind of puts a funny touch to an otherwise tearful story.


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Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:32 pm
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Wolfi wrote a review...

Hey Raven! Wolfie is here to repay the favor!

Oh my extremely lovely Eucalyptus trees! Okay, let me just say... this is excellent.

Stone flew to my shoulder, ever the faithful raven.

Since "Stone" isn't a common name, it would be best if you could rearrange this sentence to diffuse the reader's confusion. Try this: "Stone, the ever faithful raven, flew to my shoulder."

Life was good.

This wonderfully ironic sentence could be displayed best if you gave it a paragraph all to its own.

I absolutely loved how you described the girl's soul as a golden retriever puppy, and her father's as a Gernam Shepard. This story was on the morbid and dark side, but the underlying tone was friendly. Sad, yes, but sweet. You explained death in a unique way, describing the translucent souls from the point of view of Death himself.

Your descriptions were fabulous, as was the storyline. I look forward to reading more of your works, so be sure to write a few reviews this Review Day to gather your points!

Keep up the awesome writing!

Ljungtroll says...

Thank you so much for your advice and praise. I really appreciate it!!

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Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:11 pm
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Amindor says...

Hi RavenLord, Amindor here.
This short story is very detailed, containing a great perspective from the spectacular Death. I don't see any errors, and that's even better. It's wonderful.

Ljungtroll says...

Thank you so much! I've been waiting forever for someone to like and comment on my work, so this is really big!

I didn't want to slow time, I just wanted to make a little rock.
— MomoMajesty's brother