I love interpreting symbols and would have done it without a reward :>. So sure, allow me to explain my vision on your work.
"Peephole eyes" is roughly translated if we consider the eyes a mirror to the soul and therefore peephole eyes refer to the ability of people to look inside a person's whole being and observe their soul.
The soul as is portrayed as a flame so bright it is compared to a sunshine. Flames of this kind are free and playful however our flame seems to be burdened by the condition of a human which is limited by their own education, culture, morals etc. The soul's free spirit is further accentuated by their plead to scour the Earth. I love how you chose to make it be a flame and give the feeling of surrealness, something you can't touch but know it's there.
The following image involves a large variety of materials. Copper, as it is a little cheap, is dressed in jade and gold to accentuate the feeling of preciousness. In comparison the bronze canvas, on which it is dressed, pales significantly due to the circumstances I just mentioned. This image refers to the eyes and from what I could get these are some bright brown eyes with a white shine and golden sparks. The canvas therefore is the face on which the eyes rest and they are miles above in terms of beauty and significance.
The clouds of life made the face pale in comparison to the eyes it seems. The only thing precious on a face like this seems to be a diamond smile which, as you may have guessed, is a whole lot more expensive than the gold lined jade eyes. A diamond smile refers to the quality of a genuine smile, one so bright it destroys any attempt to say it is not.
What follows are some rhetorical questions that hit pretty hard. The hand inconsistent with the chest are , in my view, the way someone loves and their heart beats really hard for that person but don't do anything to keep the love, to match it on a practical level. The flawless are false, this work states. It refers to the flawless persona the other person made for themselves and which is slowly crumbling apart.
The removal of the veil is the reveal of the cold reality. This might cause a chain reaction in which the other person, disappointed in what they see, will betray and lock the love treasure that was given to them. The treasure is priceless, the feelings were genuine and even if it may have been considered ugly, it is priceless.
The salt dripping refers to the tears some may spill as an effect of having their love locked and stopped. The poet side of the person comes forth and they will write blue (sad) poems, in silky gold syllables to match the sadness and beauty of a lost love.
Points: 18
Reviews: 78