
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Life, Love, and Peace. It's pretty simple.

by LightWolf777

I only ask that you take ten minutes out of your day, and read this with an open mind, it will be worth it. Whether you're religious or not, I'm simply trying to open your eyes. I'm not trying to put down any of your beliefs, I'm not trying to convert you to some religion or anything like that, I'm only trying to help interpret your beliefs in a more understandable way, that won't conflict with science, logic, philosophy, or any other religion for that matter. I believe in love, I believe in peace, I believe in life.

To start off, nobody argues that every religious script we know has been penned by man, and translated so many times, it's utterly impossible to say that any of them are the literal word of God. People need to stop arguing about who's right and which is historically accurate and often killing so heartlessly over it, and open their eyes to see that it's not important which one happened and which didn't. What's important is that it's written down for us to read and learn from it. Virtually all of the world religions are saying the same thing, and you can sum it up pretty simply; Love everyone as yourself. Gandhi did, MLK did, the Dalai Lama, Jesus, Buddha, Abraham, Hermes Trismegistus, the list goes on.. Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and all of it's varieties, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, you name it. Even non religious people teach it, here in the USA, it's against the law to teach religion in public school, yet I still learned the Golden Rule; "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." I think it's safe to say that loving the entire world as yourself is how to truly be happy and radiate that happiness to those around you. And there's a simple answer why. We are all one. Everything. I know that sounds blasphemous when I just say it like that, but hear me out:

A recent scientific study has shown that mitochondria have some form of conscious thought. They put mitochondria in a maze with food at some ends, the mitochondria would navigate the maze, and any end that didn't have food, they wouldNEVER go down that way again. This proves that there is thought process, possibly even complicated thought, I know I get lost very easily in hedge mazes and find myself in the same place a lot. Mitochondria are only a small small part of a cell, and the fact that single celled organisms existAT ALL, proves that cells are a conscious being on some level, and to think that all those mitochondria living their lives inside a cell, have no idea that they are part of a larger living organism, living their life, and those cells probably don't stop to wonder if maybe in fact they are a small part of a larger conscious being, such as you or me, or even a tree. That's right, you are an entire civilization of cells, built with a wall of skin for protection and warmth, allowing your cells to thrive inside of you, their home. With that said, nobody can argue that it is very possible that we too are only part of something bigger than us. I believe God, is everything. He's not separate from us, he is us. It even says this in the Bible and other religious texts.. God is omnipresent. What does that mean? That he takes up all the space around us? WHAT SPACE? That's all taken up by gaseous elements, only different between them is us is that we're made up of solid and liquid elements, so if God can exist in the space, he would exist is us too, right? Wouldn't God be everything? The stars and planets are God, the mountain and trees, and all the creatures of the world are God, every one of them. You are God. Hard to imagine, considering you only have one point of experience in this world, and that's your physical body, but that single physical body has a very real effect on everything that will ever happen.

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? Where hypothetically if you go back and time and do anything as simple as killing a butterfly, the effects on your time when you return home could be catastrophic, which is also saying if I kill a butterfly now, a thousand years from now the world may be infinitely different than it would have been if I didn't kill that butterfly! But don't worry, I wouldn't kill a butterfly! But for example, I just snapped my fingers. Snapping my fingers made typing this note take a little longer, and the thought process in my head will certainly change what I write from here on to the end of the paper, and it already has because I'm talking about snapping my fingers. And the fact that you just read that will effect you, maybe ten minutes from now you would be doing something different if I hadn't snapped my fingers, and think about how much different that could make the next hour, or day, or year, and how much that could change the life of every single person you interact with for the rest of your life, and every person, being, object or place they interact with for the rest of their lives, so on and so forth. Just because I snapped my fingers! But here's a secret.. I didn't even snap my fingers, and I just changed your ENTIRE life, even if only in the slightest, most unnoticeable way. So it's safe to say that we are interconnected, every action any one of us makes effect the entirety of this planet, and this entire cosmos for that matter. So even though you can only experience the world though your own physical body, you have had a very literal effect on the entire world since the day you were conceived, and every person in existence has had their effect on you too. Which brings me to my next topic, who are you?

What makes you, you? Why are you different than anybody else? Well, the answer to that is pretty simple as well. You have a physical body, you have a personality, you have a soul. Let's start with you body, how did you get it? You got it from mom and dad, and you look probably look kind of like them too. They got theirs from their parents, and if you believe in evolution that will go all the way back to the first single celled organisms on Earth, and you could trace it back further to the stars above, if you believe all that. Which frankly, I don't understand how the world could work in any other way. Now I'm not hear to change your beliefs, but if you don't believe in evolution because you think it conflicts with creationism, think again. If God really is everything, then wouldn't evolution still be creationism? Ask anybody who believes in God and they will say God works in mysterious ways, who's to say evolution isn't Gods way of creating us and all of the plants and animals, fungi and bacteria, and everything else. I'm not necessarily saying we came from monkeys, and I'm not saying we didn't come from monkeys either, I'm just saying we didn't all pop up out of nowhere one day as the life forms we are now, I think the fact that you have parents and didn't birth yourself is enough proof of that, and honestly, if you ask me evolution is one hell of an impressive way to create, and really just enforces my belief in God more! So.. let's rewind a little bit back to your physical body. You are a product of the universe, constantly working through reproduction and natural selection to make a stronger, smarter, better being, and we all branched out of each other, as a family tree illustrates so well. And that body has a very real effect on who you are, because it changes how you see the world. If you're six feet tall you're going to see the world differently then if you're four feet tall, and if you are a dog you will see the world differently than if you are a human, or even a mushroom or a tree. And the world will see you differently too, and that will greatly effect the outcome of your personality and who you become.

So lets talk about your personality. Understanding that your body is a big part of what makes you who you are is half of it. But even identical twins come out different, because they don't live the same life. Even if they grew up in the same home with the same parents, the same things didn't happen to them, and the entire world is seen from a different angle, and everything that happens to them will effect who they become as a person, so that explains why no two people have identical personalities, because no two people have lived the same life, and even if they did, no two people have the same physical body, and even if they did… the couldn't take up the same space at the same time, so they couldn't live the same life. So that kind of explains what makes us who we are, and why we're different from the people around us, and the animals and life forms everywhere, yet still so interconnected and all part of one and the same. A favorite quote of mine, from Alan Watts says; "There is an interdependence of flowers and bees. Where there are no flowers there are no bees, and where there are no bees there are no flowers. They're really one organism. And so in the same way, everything in nature depends on everything else. So it's interconnected! And so the many many patterns of interconnections lock it in together into a unity, which is, however, much to complicated for us to think about."

So back to who you are, I've explained your physical body, and how you becomes who you are, in terms of your ego and personality, but this still leaves your soul. This is a difficult one to explain in words, but I'll do my best. I'll start by saying your soul certainly is not your mind or your thoughts, Your mind is just another addition to your experience. You experience sights, sounds, smells, feelings tastes, and you experience thoughts. You can observe your thoughts just like you observe any other object, now I ask you, who, or what, is doing that observing? Maybe that who, or what, that's observing from inside, is the same soul that inhabitsEVERYliving being in the entire cosmos. You can't say I'm wrong, because you haven't been any of those other beings, at least not as far as you can recall. But thinking that beneath our personality and ego, beneath our body and situation, beneath our experiences and life path, that we're all the same, is really a very comforting feeling, and it would explain so much! That would explain why you generally tend to like people you get to know better, because you can relate to them. Relate what? If we're not the same then what is there to relate? We have different bodes and lives and personalities, what is it that allows us to relate so well to each other? Sometimes as if we've even lived the same lives! Maybe what LOVE really is, is being able to see somebody for who they really are, deep deep down inside, and recognizing that you're looking back at yourself, you're looking at God's divinity, the same divinity that resides deep inside of you, deeper than your body, life, or personality. Deeper than you.

Isn't it just starting to make sense, that at the core, we're no different from another. If you can really open your eyes to see that you are the entire world, so to say, and you can recognize the divinity in everything, wouldn't that be as if you loved the entire world as yourself? Just like every great philosopher, prophet or god ever taught. And even if you don't agree about that, understanding simply that everything that happens will effect you, why would you want anything bad to happen to anybody at all? It's obvious that this is the world you're going to live the rest of your life on, and your children's lives, and grandchildren, and their children. Spreading harm, disrespect, unhappiness, and sorrow will only add to the harmful, disrespectful, and unhappy nature of the world we will all have to live in, and personally, I don't want that, I really hope you don't want that either. So before you say or do something mean, stop to think about why you're saying that. Stop to think about who that person is, do you get anything out of being unjust? Do they get anything out of you being unjust? Is it really worth it? Even if that person deserves it.. If you understand that at the core we're all the same, and aside from that we're nothing more than a mere compilation of our life experience in the body we've been given, and you really can't control who you're born as, or what life you're born into or what happens to you along the way, so no matter how horrible a person may seem to be, you need to recognize that is not is a horrible person. That is a living being, and something in their life caused them to do what they do, and as much as they may have chosen to do that, you can't blame them because something caused them to choose to do that. For all you know, if you lived the same life as them, you would do the same thing. Well you would. If I was born as Adolf Hitler, and I lived the life he did, I would have killed millions of people and started a World War, indefinitely. But I was born as Andrew Ludolph. And I have lived the life I have lived, and I chose to write this note. You chose to read this note, and I thank you for that. Now I only have one more question, who are you, and what are you going to do with your life?

"Don't stop chasing the dragon, because one day you will understand the dragon. Then you won't need to chase your tail anymore."

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Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:31 am
JayeCShore wrote a review...

Hi, J.C. here for a review!

Well, it definitely was worth the read. It's rare that I read an essay or article of any sort that I agree almost entirely with. Most are biased or one-sided in some way, but the whole point of yours is to take the middle road and get rid of all that junk.

Wouldn't God be everything? The stars and planets are God, the mountain and trees, and all the creatures of the world are God, every one of them. You are God. Hard to imagine, considering you only have one point of experience in this world, and that's your physical body, but that single physical body has a very real effect on everything that will ever happen.

Now, while your language is not very eloquent, you have just stated the most controversial fact ever disputed by mankind. I myself am Christian, but setting all religion aside, (even though atheism and evolutionism and etc. are all just different forms of religion,) it is a fact that God can exist in everything. Honestly, that's the entire point of God being God, so whether or not we believe in Him as a being, we all have to accept the fact that we can't explain everything.

Is it really worth it?

And that is the ultimate question. None of the others really matter if we haven't ever taken this to the core and truly thought about it. I feel, as you feel, that if we could just understand this one thing and apply it, there would be no place for things such as war and hate, because we'd all understand that the negative will outweigh the positive every time.

Overall, you've done a great job of simply stating the truths which should be self evident to everyone, but which seem to have been forgotten.

As far as the essay goes itself, I personally feel that it needs work. I usually don't do this part in a review, but I'm reading these to vote for Writer of the Week, Writer of the Week-Article/Essay Edition Because of this I feel I should add the more nitty gritty parts to my review, so here goes.

As far as grammar, there are almost always mistakes, though they are usually small and unimportant.

Isn't it just starting to make sense, that at the core, we're no different from another.

There should be a 'one' before 'another' there, for instance. There are several other mistakes in here, and while they do not ultimately affect the outcome of the essay, they do affect it's value, in a manner of speaking. Anytime you are writing something to speak directly to people, for the people, and about the people, it needs to have an air of completion about it, otherwise it will be rejected, even if it's just a few grammatical errors.

The writing itself, as I said before, is not very eloquent. Although I personally like to read things with beautiful, flowing lines, in most essays it's not imperative that there is, so I think you've done all right there. The length, though, is a big kicker, especially when we are reading this on a screen sitting upright in a chair, rather than on the nice warm couch with a book in our hands. I would suggest breaking up the paragraphs into smaller, more individual thoughts and statements, to make it easier to read.

Now, in fear of making this an extremely long lecture, I'll end her by saying, 'It's about time!' Actually, people write this sort of thing all the time, but it's hard to find one such as this that never strays from the path or attempts to 'convert' you in some way. Very well done.

Thank you LightWolf777!

- JC -

LightWolf777 says...

Thank you so much for your time and thoughts! I guess I don't have to much to say back to your comment because you got pretty much exactly what I was going for. (: And thank you for the corrections too! I know it needs it and it makes it much easier when people point them out to me. (:

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Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:12 am
MooCowPoop wrote a review...

YO! I am going to start with a sentence-by-sentence analysis and then talk about the piece as a whole.

People need to stop arguing about who's right and which is historically accurate and often killing so heartlessly over it... [/u]
I think a specific reference to some of these killings would be a nice insert.

... yet I still learned the Golden Rule; "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."
I think this entire paragraph would run much more smoothly if you [i] started with this quote.

A recent scientific study has shown that mitochondria have some form of conscious thought...
Can you reference said study?

This proves that there is thought process, possibly even complicated thought...
It proves that there is thought process? Wait, then what are humans doing? Not thinking? Or is it that it suggested (proved is too strong) that there is a thought-process within presumed unconscious particles (or something along those lines)?

...I know I get lost very easily in hedge mazes and find myself in the same place a lot.
This has nothing to do with the previous sentence.

It even says this in the Bible and other religious texts...
Again, any specific references to make your argument stronger?

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?
This hook sounds like you're writing another essay... Maybe saying And this brings me to my next point: The Butterfly Effect" would be stronger.

I like the whole description of the butterfly effect. You are good at explaining things. :D

Let's start with you body, how did you get it?
"You" should be "your".

Now I'm not hear to change your beliefs...
"Hear" should be "here".

I'm not necessarily saying we came from monkeys...
They aren't called "monkeys", they're called hominids .

>Emboldening words to emphasize your points is very distracting. I keep thinking that they're going to make out some sentence if I put them all together. I'd say cool it on the Ctrl + B or at least minimize it down to the words that really matter.

>Where is that quote in the end from? Can you reference it?

>Can you create some sort of closing sentence to sum up your essay at the end... Like, right before the profound question so that reader comes away with the specific argument you are making?

> General question: who or what audience are you specifically targeting? I am guessing the Christians, but it's not all that clear.

Though this is an opinion article, I do believe that you need some specific references to strengthen your arguments. I've listed above where those parts can be implemented.

All in all, this is a good piece of writing. You very thoroughly explained your arguments (though you still need that concluding sentence). Good job. :)

LightWolf777 says...

Thank you for your comments! I suppose I could use a more specific reference for killings, but it happens all the time. Islam extremist terrorist attacks, the Crusades, all sorts of hate crimes, people fight and kill over religion all the time, and it's been happening for years and years and years.
About the mitochondria, I have been asked to reference that study before and I searched for where I read about it, but I can't find it anywhere online, so I will continue to search, but I'll post it here if I find one! I was trying to suggest (I agree, suggest is a better term) that there is a thought process within presumed unconscious particles, and I only referenced the hedge maze to relate to the maze where the mitochondria were looking for protein. But to elaborate on the comparison a little, imagine being in a hedge maze looking for brownie, if you found brownies in one end of the maze, ate them all and kept looking, would you be able to find you way back to where you found the brownies if there were more there?
Here's some references in the Bible to God's omnipotence; http://www.openbible.info/topics/omnipotence
Yes, I do have lots of corrections to make, and thank you for pointing them out! Makes it easier for me to fix them. (: But one reason I used monkeys, was just because I feel like a lot of people wouldn't really understand the reference to Darwinism if I used the word hominid, more people know what monkeys are. :b
I did overdo the fonts a bit, but this started as a Facebook note directed towards friends, so I had some fun with it. And the quote in the end about the dragon is my own quote. I guess if you want a reference it would be Andrew Ludolph. (:
I suppose the argument I'm trying to make, above anything else would be that we're here to love everyone and everything as we love ourself, or as God would.
It probably seems targeted towards Christians because I was raised Christian so it's the easiest way for me to relate and it's the journey I took myself, but this is intended for absolutely anybody who wants to read it! I'm in the beginning stages of writing a book now about the puzzle pieces of life and I'm going to be writing about as many different religions, sciences, philosophies, and media that I can, to try to make it understandable to everyone. And yes, I am going to reference as much as I can in my book. Thank you again! (:

MooCowPoop says...

Thank you! :D This is all really great. I'm glad you considered my review so thoughtfully. thanks :)

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Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:38 am
Legibletext wrote a review...

Hi LightWolf,

Now, I'm not going to go into the grammatical errors and all that jazz, because I'm not here to correct your work, but here to simply review and express my take and opinion of your work. But then again, I will provide you with advice, and hope it does serve you well. Ok, to the point. On a whole, due to my personal idea of life, I couldn't help but only moderately take a liking to your expression on what life really is. However, from a literary perspective, this piece was quite impressive and some good points were made. I loved the snapping the fingers analogy, it was very clever and made me laugh. Although, I can't help but say what I think, so prepare; I love how you have such a positive outlook on life, but I feel that as brilliant as it is that you are urging people to stop judging, and try and understand this world a little better, it is a little bit unrealistic. People are naturally flawed I suppose, and won't always be able to develop a what some may call 'an open mind'. Another thing, it's really quite sweet (not trying to undermine your ideas) that you have such a passion for believing in love, peace and but again, those things are unfortunately utopian ideals that would be practically impossible for everyone to have. Anyway, sorry for my ramble, I just love debates and couldn't help myself. Keep it up, you wrote well. Maybe just reconsider putting words in bold, and do italics instead.

This is a very common argument, and really, it has a point. "Why do something if you know that your going to mess up anyway." The point is, how do you know you would mess up this time if you don't try again?

LightWolf777 says...

Thanks to both of you for your time and thoughts! But in response to Legibletext, in the world we're living in now, I definitely see why you think that way, but life is always evolving, and it seems like the further we evolve as a species the most peaceful we become, as much as it is an incredibly slow process. Plus with the internet now, we really have a 'global consciousness', and we have the ability to see the atrocities happening worldwide and people are waking up to how cruel the world can be, and I think it's safe to say most people want to be happy, be loved, and live their life, and if that's not what they would want for everybody else too then they are hypocrites and kinda just shitty people to be honest. I think the world is going in a good direction, I honestly do, and as much as there probably won't be a crazy change in global mindset and love in our lifetimes, the more positive energy put out into the world now will spark more in the future, which will spark more and more and more, and I fully believe that it is completely possible to for everyone to believe in love and peace, and I do think one day our species could work in unity, if not beyond our species. It's just a long, long work in progress that's hardly started. But it's not impossible.

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Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:33 pm
chancesnchanges wrote a review...

Hi! there LightWolf777 :) ..

I admire the honesty that beams through your essay. Especially, the message that you're trying to convey. And at some point, it made me think... as I reflect on my actions. I must say that you have a profound understanding of your topic that you were able to come up with this essay. Leaving us with questions to ponder on. Anyways, I like that you made use of the inductive method to better express your thoughts.

Keep going..

LightWolf777 says...

Thank you so much. It's always good to hear when people pick up what I'm putting down. (: If you have any questions you'd want to talk about, feel free to talk to me on Facebook! My name is Andrew Ludolph. I'm not by any means saying I have all the answers, but I would love to chat about them and try to better understand the world we're living in!

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Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:58 pm
QuillFlame22995 wrote a review...

This is very beautiful, though I sort of have the same sort of feeling I had after reading this line in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

"The argument goes something like this: 'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'
"'But,' says Man, '[humanity] is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED.'
"'Oh dear,' says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
"'Oh, that was easy,' says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing."

...which I found hilarious, even though I am a believer in God. Anyways I just wanted you to know I would give this nine out of ten stars, and would give you a good pat on the back for being smart. This was amazing, with good, well thought out arguments and a good theme.

You had a couple of grammar mistakes in there, so I suggest you read it through again and see if you catch them. I'd tell you where they are, but frankly I'm afraid that if I read it through again it will give me quite a thorough headache. Thank you so much for sharing, and I give you commendation to the whole human race. :D

LightWolf777 says...

Thank you so much! I like that quote, pretty funny! I'm having an English professor correct it for me, and I certainly plan on either adding to it or writing a new one sometime soon. (: Thank you again for reading it and putting in your two cents!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
— Mark Twain