
Young Writers Society


by Lethero

Chapter 3

I looked around and saw a man with a black cloak, and I knew him by those red bloodshot eyes, the Vampire. “Ah, you remember me, and I remember your brother.” Then I saw his neck which had a big scar allover the front throat.

“If you came looking to kill Scado you are to late!” I yelled. “But I suppose you came here to kill me though. If so, I dare you to try.” I picked up a knife on a barrel nearby and ran at him with all the anger I had towards him, which anger was dangerous for a Lycan to have because they might plunge into a bloodlust.

As I got close he lifted his hand, there was no way I could dodge it now. He grabbed my throat and threw me to the ground.

“I have not come here to kill you or hurt you or any other pathetic wolf in anyway,” he said calmly. “But I would like just a few minutes of trust.”

“Why should I trust you, you damn Vampire, you killed my mother and I’ll kill you!” I yelled and ran at him again, but he just stepped out of the way. “Hold still!”

“Would you just shut the hell up and listen!” he shouted. I ceased my attacks but keep the knife at ready. I looked at his back and saw the blade that had killed Nicarga.

“Look if this will get you to listen to me take my blade you seemed to have noticed.” He removed his blade set it on the ground and kicked it towards me, was this a trick. “Now I have news you and your pathetic wolves might want to know,” he said coldly. “The humans have made an amry to destroy any race that isn’t fully human. That includes you,” he said pointing to me, “and me.”

“But are you not there damn mercenary who they pay to kill us?”

He laughed, I hated that laugh. “Paid me, you must be joking. If they were going to pay me in anyway it was to let me live, and what more in a cell in their towns prison. As long as I kill you guys I get to live, but I finally escaped.”

“But couldn’t you just escape when you hunted us?”

“Ha, they wouldn’t even let me pee in peace without a dozen guards watching, let alone hunting you alone. I had to snap a few necks to escape. But know I have come here for peace.”

“Peace, peace with you, Lycans would rather kill you than work with you.”

“Well they’ll die if they don’t at least try to listen,” he explained. “I’ll explain it in short simple words for your wolf ears, the humans are amassing an army of Werewolf and Vampire slayers and sending them to known places to where we live and have us all killed.”

“And why should I believe you. You’re a Vampire, and Vampires don’t give a damn about Werewolves.”

“I don’t expect you to believe me, but I know that if we don’t at least put an effort against humans they’ll wipe us off Earth.” I was shocked at this information, Werewolves and Vampires working together, I mouthed a simple phrase. “Yes wolf, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We, Vampires and Werewolves, share a common enemy, humans.”

I straightened up and dropped the knife at my feet. “You know you’ll have to gain the trust of other Werewolves for us to join you.”

“I have gained yours, have I not.” He was right, I realized if we didn’t stop human threats, with there army or without they would eventually kill us all.

“You better get ready,”the Vampire said, “the moon is rising.” And when he said that the my bones began to ache and in seconds I was a wolf.

“So Vampire, what do you suggest we do with this human threat?” I asked in my coldest voice.

“We, have to first gain the trusts of our fellow races to trust each other.”

“I guess were not going to get friendly enough to sit around a fire singing religious songs of those cursed humans.”

“No, but I think we can manage a mutual friendship. Oh, if you Werewolves don’t know what mu...”

“We know what mutual means, and I still think you’re a damned Vampire.”

“And you are still a pathetic wolf to me and for future refrence my name is Kalian” I grinned a wolfish smile, shows the teeth but can still looks like a smile.

A snarl came from behind me. “Lethero, you talking to a cursed Vampire, you traitor!” It was Kado, with his body full of his white wolfish hair.

“Don’t you dare call traitor!” I snarled back as I turned around. Kado growled aggressively. “He gave me information on human movement and says they are amassing an army against us.”

“You are a fool to believe him, he’ll just kill you as soon as you back is turned.”

I picked up Kalian’s blade and showed it to Kado. “See Kado, he has come here on good terms and wishes mutual friendship between our two races.”

“Mutual friendship, you might as well feed me their dung, I’ll never show them mercy!” he roared back. “And don’t you remember, he is the reason Nicarga is dead.”

“Shut the hell up!” I snarled.

“Besides,” Kado laughed out, “how do you know he doesn’t have another weapon under that cloak of his?”

“Here,” shouted Kalian, “I’ll remove my cloak for you!” He threw off his cloak and underneath was black leather clothes, and no weapons. But on his back was a set of large bat-like wings. “Now do you believe I have no weapons?”

“Your fangs!” shouted Kado.

“Don’t worry your furry ass, I despise the taste the that hellish blood of yours.”

“But why should we believe you? You are the reason many of us are dead!”

“All you wolves are damn idiots, I wasn’t doing it out my own free will!” Kalian shouted. “If I had a damn choice, I would be at my home village! But I was captured by Vampire slayers, I wished they killed me now!”

And now everything was silent until the sound of padded paws broke the silence. Werewolves started forming a circle around us, shouting and cursing at Kalian.

“What is that damn Vampire doing here?” shouted a Werewolf.

“He is talking to the traitor, Lethero!” shouted Kado.

“I said, don’t you dare call me a traitor!” I yelled back. “And the Vampire is here to warn us of a elimination of all Vampires and us Lycans, by humans.”

I sat there listening to their taunts and remarks, but they all agreed one thing; is it possible to believe the Vampire? Some seemed to believe his answers, others were not sure if it was the truth or a lie, and others thought it to be a down right lie.

“We don’t have to have a friendship,” I explained, “but just mutual agreement. And if this human army is real and we’re unprepared for it we’ll be killed. Isn’t it better to listen to advice from someone we share a common enemy with, even if he is a Vampire.”

I saw few Lycan heads nod in agreement, but others weren’t convinced. I had one more strategy left and I planned to use it: “If we destroy this human army the humans will fear us and won’t want to take the risk and attacking us again. We could beat them down and we could take their lands and treat them like animals like they have been treating us. If you don’t wish to find at least a mutual agreement between Vampires and Lycans, then I suggest you leave, because I swear we’ll be seeing more Vampires in the future.”

Every Lycan sat there for a moment, but after awhile some got up and left and others stayed waiting to hear more. Then to my dismay, Kado got up and started to walk away. As he stalked off he said over his shoulder, “You may have been swayed by this filth’s words but I’m not. Go ahead and form this army, but I’ll tell you this: those Vampires will stab you in the back and you’ll never see it coming. Lycans and Vampires will always be enemies you’ll never stop that,” and with that he disappeared into the woods.

A lot more Lycans stayed than I thought would, but I say some were unsure if they were doing that right thing. “I thank you for staying, fellow Lycans,” I called into the crowd. “We shall need all the help we can get. I know this, as well as you do, this army might not be real, but if there is one it never hurts to be ready.”

Then some murmur started, softly and then gradually got louder. I heard some of it like: “How will we convince other villages.” “Can we really join with the Vampires.”

“I know how you feel,” Kalian said for the first time in awhile, “if I had not seen them amassing the army myself, I would have been the first ones to pick up and leave, but I assure, this human army is real. I (and if Lethero here wants to join) will go around to other Lycan villages and my fellow Vampire villages and try to convince that the time has come to make a stand against humans.”

“Now we need our best smiths to make swords that we can use at night or during the day, and anyone who is a tanner to make the hardest leather armor that can fit a Lycan and human form body, and head.”

One Lycan stepped up and said, “I’ll make my swords the sharpest there’s ever been.” and anther said, “And I’ll make my leather as hard as steel and as flexible as the hairs on our back.”

“Thanks again my brethren, I know it is hard going against long hatreds against Vampires, but I assure, it’ll be woth it,” and with that I dismissed them and turned my attention to Kalian. “And yes, I’ll join you on your fool’s mission. Now let’s get some rest and prepare for tomorrow’s journey.”

“I’m glad you’re coming, and I also assure you: this is no fool’s mission.”

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133 Reviews

Points: 1206
Reviews: 133

Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:16 am
Royboy wrote a review...

AHHH! Read over your work! Please! I really love the story and all, but just a few nitpicks here and there and you'll throw the entire audience off. If you read your chapters carefully, you might see some things you didn't realize you wrote.

I grinned a wolfish smile, shows the teeth but can still looks like a smile.
Read it yourself and tell me what's wrong.

Fix your commas! I'm not even going to try and quote every little comma that's placed wrong or every place where there should be a semicolon/period instead of a comma.

I really love the story and all, but you have to try and put this through word processing. Use a program that'll catch spelling and grammar mistakes, oki? Another thing, if you want more crits, take the advice people give you. I'm not saying you should read something and say "yes master" but at least take the suggestions into concideration.

When you read your work over, don't just skim it. Read it like you're reading it for the first time. Forget everything else you've written, any ideas you've formed, or any sentences you've removed. Read it like your audience will be reading it. I assure you that you'll catch about a billion little things that nobody else would. If you can't find anything, then just trust the spell check, okay?

I really enjoyed reading what happened next. I'll be waiting for the next chapter, be sure of that! *and by the way, I DID crit later on! shows that I won't go back on my word!* PM me with questions, as always. If I'm blunt telling you all of this, i'm sorry. That's just how I am; my friends get enough of it every day! I love the story lineeeee!!!!!! YEYEEEEEEKKKAEE! That means I'm anticipating your next chapter like I anticipate snow.

~Royaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =]

today we are possible.
— Lucille Clifton