
Young Writers Society

18+ Language Mature Content


by Legibletext

Warning: This work has been rated 18+ for language and mature content.

I wanted to escape, I always have. There I was, sitting on my battered old couch that hadn't been dry cleaned in months in my crummy three room apartment, pondering about the emptiness that made up my life. Yeah sure, you might say I’m self-absorbed, but aren't we all? I mean, who can blame anyone for feeling low, when they are surrounded by everlasting products that tempt their desire.

Desire. Such a funny thing, so juicy and arousing, yet tainted by deceit. Everyone always wants more. I remained slumped on the couch, my face all droopy, hanging out for an excuse to go to bed. It was only 6 o’clock so bedtime would be ridiculous now. The TV was on, the worst show in the world; Neighbours was screening. What dull lives those soapy characters must live. Never leaving that court.

As I stared aimlessly into the nothingness of the screen, I thought about Brian; my boyfriend. He was going to head over tonight, to ‘cheer’ me up. I’d told him I’d been sad again. Last time was bad; I tried to kill myself.

It was a rainy evening, and I’d just got back home from the pub. The drink is always my savior; it gives me thrill, excitement. Changes me for the better, until I sober up again. Usually when I’d get home from the pub, I’d either stumble along the footpath home laughing, or I’d catch a cab. And I’d always feel happy. But that time it was different. The happiness wasn't enough, I’d realised how fake it was and then things just became overwhelming. I collapsed into the bathroom of my apartment, clutched my head, squeezing my temples tightly. Then I gurgled a scream and shouted “fuck!” three times with all the throat power possible. It was enough. Life was enough. And it still feels that way now.

I wanted more, I always do. I wanted thrill, I wanted to feel something. You know those horror heads that watch horror movies 24/7? I’m one of those except nothing scares me, not even the scariest films in existence. I watch them for a thrill, yet in return I get disappointment.

I lay in the bathtub, sobbing, almost drowning in tears, the heat of the tears caused me to sweat, which created more anxiety. I finally said to myself, after wiping my eyes it’s too much, time to fly. There was a razor on the soap holder right beside me, surely it was destiny. I picked it up and smiled in relief at the realisation that I almost had it.

Even now when I reminisce about that moment, it comforts me. I placed the razor down against my left wrist, and without hesitation began to cut. Slit. Slit. Slit. Each cut was a deeper cut, after three slashes the thick red blood oozed out rapidly from a vain. The more blood that leaked from my wrist, the less fear I felt. The curse of life was draining from my body, abandoning what had broken me all along. I was verging on finding happiness. Happiness. A lovely word. Happiness. To me, death has the connotation of happiness.

I’d almost found peace.

But no, Brian had to come and stop me. As I basked in my blood, waiting to die in blissful agony, Brian came knocking at the door. And when I didn't answer, he knocked harder. Until he finally realised something was wrong. He kicked the door down to ‘come to my rescue’.

I love Brian, I do, but he ruined my life even more when he did that, but then again, there wasn't much left to ruin I suppose. Because of him, I am on suicide watch. So each night a relative has to come check up on me. And no sharp objects are to be in my possession.

Neighbours finished on TV; thank Jesus. I continued to gaze blankly at the consistent ads flashing before my eyes. Such superficial crap. Numbness started to consume me; it was that time of the night. Usually around 6 30 I get particularly emotionless, and have no feelings whatsoever. It’s usually what drives me to suicidal thoughts, or sexual ones.

Another show was starting now, but I resorted to lying back on the couch, letting my body flop where it pleased. The L word; an interesting enough show, something different. Lesbians. Different. It triggered a memory of my most recent sexual experiment. I sat up, getting slightly engrossed in the show now.

Her name is Rosie. She and I have been friends since high school. We’d never been best mates, but we’d always hung out together, and she knew me. Been through a whole bunch of shit with me, through thick and thin.

Last month, I was bored, and sitting at home as per bloody usual. She was on babysitter duty of course. I remember feeling really horny that day. She was sitting next to me on the couch, probably bored out of her brains. But I had been checking her out, just because. She was wearing tight jeans and an ordinary, pink T-shirt. Nothing flash, but I still found her hot.

No I’m not a lesbian. But that day I wanted her. Brian wasn't there, so I had nothing to lose.

I wanted to feel something, have an orgasm. Hadn't had one in a while. So I impulsively leaned over her and rested my head in her lap, and looked up into her eyes beaming as much as energy allowed me to.

“Do you want to fuck?” I asked forwardly

She flinched in shock at the question, but didn't push me off her.

“Umm, what?” she responded

I pushed myself up, nearing my face to hers.

“I asked if you want to bang me. It’ll be nothing serious, just sex. I’m bored and need a thrill fix, and you don’t look like you’re that entertained yourself.”

I just dived onto her neck, smooching it up and down.

She was frozen, but inhaling in arousal and shock. She urged me to stop, pulling me off her delicately.

“Wait, just wait….we’re friends” she said, still holding my arm “and I’m not gay, and neither are you, so what....what the hell.”

I grinned cheekily, “Just answer me this, and be fucking honest. Do you want to fuck me or not?”

She was frozen for a few seconds, even bit her lip thoughtfully. But after a few moments of contemplating she finally gave in and let me go down on her. I don’t know why she did, but it happened. I sometimes wonder if she felt empty to, and perhaps everyone does. We might, but just never admit it.

I hoped it would be fulfilling and something that would make me think life wasn't so bad after all. But it didn't do the trick. We just did it, enjoyed it but then felt guilty afterwards.

Now Rosie doesn’t come anymore, she just calls. Brian doesn’t know, but I wouldn’t care anyway if he found out. I really don’t give a flying shit about anything anymore.

Zapping back to the present, I continued to pretend-watch the TV. The only thing I could really be stuffed doing these days.

Knock. Knock. Went the door.

“Ey’ Babe, its Brian, open up the door sweetheart.”

I won’t get up, he can wait. He’ll get in eventually. He always does.

I’ll just stick to the couch.

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Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:54 pm
ChangeTheWorld wrote a review...

Hey there! Change is here to change your life! Get it? heehee. Here I go ;)

There I was, sitting on my battered old couch that hadn't been dry cleaned in months in my crummy three room apartment, pondering about the emptiness that made up my life.

I see why you might want to add this about the couch, but for this particular sentence I think it's a bit too much so maybe add it in later if you want. If you don't want to, I think it's perfectly fine without it.

my face all droopy

This doesn't sound that great, I think there's a better way to say what's trying to be conveyed.

hanging out for an excuse to go to bed.

This sounds a bit awkward, I think it could be said better as "waiting for an excuse..." or something similar.

The TV was on, the worst show in the world; Neighbours was screening.

This is just phrased awkwardly. Maybe: "The TV was screening Neighbours, the worst show in the world..."

What dull lives those soapy characters must live, never leaving that court.

I think this would be the correct punctuation.

I collapsed into the bathroom of my apartment, clutched my head, squeezing my temples tightly. Then I gurgled a scream and shouted “fuck!” three times with all the throat power possible.

Good emotion and imagery, I can really see and feel this situation she's in.

It was enough. Life was enough.

Should these say "wasn't?"

I finally said to myself, after wiping my eyes it’s too much, time to fly

You've really created a great character here. She's depressed and bored, but also still has the gall to be funny about it, which in a way makes her seem even more depressed to me. Good development.

As I basked in my blood, waiting to die in blissful agony

Great wording! They are such contrasting ideas but you do it well.

smooching it up and down

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be sexy, but the word smooching sort of "detached" me from the reading so I think "kissing" or something would be better.

I sometimes wonder if she felt empty to, and perhaps everyone does

Great line!

Zapping back to the present, I continued to pretend-watch the TV

It feels like you're trying to remind me she was remembering, but I don't think you need the first part of the sentence because you can remind me more subtly.

Good ending! It's kind of depressing, and you did a good job of creating the character and translating her emotion. All the things I mentioned are minor, it's a good piece.

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Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:15 pm
thebookthief wrote a review...

Reading this genuinely gave me chills during the attempted suicide, so that is an amazing start.

I think the character herself is great. Bored and yet almost helplessly amusing with the things she says in reaction to what happens around her, and yet she switches so suddenly to this overpowering anger and sadness. Great work on the development there.

"What dull lives those soapy characters must live."
Personally I think you should change 'live' to 'lead' or 'have', this sentence just doesn't seem to flow right.

Also when you write Neighbours, that should surely be in italics as The L Word was? It would also need a capital the first time it is mentioned ("neighbours was screening")

For me, the plot does seem to jump about a lot, but I suppose with the mindset of the character, that kind of fits, so I can't really pick on you for that.

However, this is a really great piece and like I said, it gave me chills.

Legibletext says...

Thanks, I appreciate the help.

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Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:00 pm
SunsetSprite wrote a review...


The name is Sarah and I'm here to review this for you!

To start off with, I love your writing style. It's as if the person is talking to me about her life's story and how she wants to give up right there and then! I liked that! I also like the story idea, you don't see these types around too often. I also found the main character funny.

Now, a few things. To me, it seems a little choppy. However, with the style of writing you've chosen I understand why, however it was hard to imagine some things to me.

Another thing that annoyed me was the wording in some places and the grammar. Like...

" I’m self- absorbed"

What's with the giant gap between self and adsorbed?"


"I’d almost found peace."

Okay, with the paragraph saying before that she cut herself I was expecting more description from this. However, in one line, it doesn't feel as if she is 'found peace'.

On an another note, she does say 'fuck' a lot. Maybe try say something else.

Overall, I don't read these types of stories at all but it was nicely done. Good job!

Until next time,


Legibletext says...

Thanks for the advice :)

SunsetSprite says...

You're very welcome!

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Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:41 am
ArcticMonkey wrote a review...

Hiya Legible! Here to review your story~

I saw the little info things about this, and it looked really intriguing to me. I think when you write things in the perspective of someone who isn't really up to their normal form it can get really interesting. I did like this, although it didn't really seem to have a clear story-line I liked the free-ness of it. I'm not sure if you plan on writing anymore, but either way I like the style that this is written in. It's quite original, well done!

I mean, who can blame anyone for feeling low, when they are surrounded by everlasting products that tempt our desire.

I think 'our' should be 'their' because it fits more with 'anyone'. I hope that made sense!

neighbours was screening.

Are you talking about Neighbour the TV show? If so it's going to need a capital! And as a side-note, I love how much it's dissed in this story because I really hate it too xD.

Last time was bad; I tried to kill myself again.

I don't think the again should be there unless she's attempted suicide twice in the past. It just doesn't really fit in here because it's the past tense.

A quick thing to mention here is that you switched tenses a lot and sometimes it was correct to and sometimes it was also correct to but it just seemed a bit odd how much the tenses were changed. I guess it's quite hard to not do this because of the narrative you're using, like they're telling the story as they write sort of thing, almost like a diary entry, but this can get a little bit distracting.

At the end, the word fuck or fucked is used quite a bit. I think it's okay in the dialogue but you should try and avoid it a bit more in the narrative. I guess if anything is over-sed it gets a bit tedious, and it brings away from a great piece of writing you have here to have a lot of swearing. So I suggest you go over the last bit again talking about her friend and just maybe cut out a few of the f***s.

I think that the bit where you describe the suicide attempt where she cuts herself could go into even more detail! Not necessarily with the gruesome descriptions about the blood and stuff, but her feelings too. I mean, you've started this already, so I think it would be good to carry on describing the blood as beautiful and just peaceful.
I’d almost found peace

Here, I'd love to see more detail or like what peace is to her, how it feels. Does she feel she's reached that point in life where she wants nothing more? Pleaaaaaase, add a bit more to this bit because you've got a great start and I think it would really add to the story loads! Also, when Brian come to stop her it could be more abrupt, and more like he's bursting her peaceful bubble if you see what I mean.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this story. I think it's a cool idea, and even though a bit frightening, you've written it really well. Next steps would be to add some more detail to bits here and there, (I'd love to see more in the cutting bit though), and maybe go over the tenses a bit more. I've been a bit vague about the tenses, but if you want me to pick out specific examples where it just feels a bit off feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to do that- or PM me with any other questions you have. I hope this review helped!

Keep writing!
~ArcticMonkey x

Legibletext says...

Thank you! This was exactly what I was hoping to receive! I'll fix it up :)

ArcticMonkey says...

Hiya! So I read this again, and I really enjoy your edits ^^

Legibletext says...

thank you so much :)

People ask if I ever experience writer's block and I just have to laugh... that's my default position.
— Aaron Sorkin