
Young Writers Society

16+ Language

The Days We Forget to Love- *Chapter Two*

by LadySpark

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language.

*Chapter Two*
“Make sure the person you fall for catches you.”
Standing near the big double doors of the reception hall, Elodie looked out over the crowd of happy wedding goers. She felt conspicuous and out of place, especially when she saw Daniel's mother headed her way. She'd known this would happen at some point, but she'd hoped to avoid it.
"Elodie, darling!" said the voluptuous woman, her simpering smile painted on with too much lipstick.
"Hi, Mrs. Maxwell," Elodie tried to smile, but she imagined it came out as more of grimace.
"I'm surprised to see you here, to tell the truth, Elodie. I didn't think you'd show your face."
"Oh, well, life is full of surprises," It was definitely a grimace now, but it was better than the scowl she was holding back.
"But really, darling, is it appropriate for you to be here?"
"Excuse me?" Elodie wanted nothing more than to walk out of those doors that were behind her, and never look back to see if Daniel was following. She didn't need closure. She shouldn't have come. And where was Mike anyway? Her resident wing man seemed to have disappeared, probably dancing with some random on the crowded floor.
"Well, you didn't separate on good terms, did you? And from what Daniel has said, you never reconciled. How did you manage to get an invitation? Did you come with someone who did? Because that might appear to be--"
Elodie, having had enough, interrupted quickly. "We didn't separate on good terms, no. But please take into account, we were both very young to separate on good terms. I never wanted to reconcile, but when I received my invitation, I decided to come and cut my losses. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get a glass of champagne."
"Better get something stronger," said the bulky woman behind her, "it'll take a lot to hide the jealousy on that pretty face."
Elodie's shoulders tensed, but she didn't turn around, instead started shifting her way through the people to the bar. "What can I get for ya?" the tender asked, his cockney accent so heavy she could barely understand him in her haze of anger.
"What? Oh, um, a bloody mary, I suppose. Don't forget the vodka."
He nodded, and started mixing the drink. How fitting, she thought, standing and waiting for the glass of alcohol. That I'm drinking another bloody mary because of Daniel. She suppose it's become her signature 'Daniel' drink. She didn't know why Daniel's mother bothered her so much, except for the fact she'd never really approved of Elodie. She thought Daniel was dragging himself down because of all of Elodie's problems when they were young. Well, she'd be pleased to know those problems had never left. Elodie had just got better at hiding them.
She picked up the drink, tipped the tender, pasting a smile on her face and turning away from the bar. "Elodie!" shouted a voice, obviously drunk.
She turned and was greeted by the sight of a large man barreling through the crowd towards her. "Oh, hello, Alan."
"Where you been, girl? We've missed you! I haven't seen you in..." his eyebrows drew together, as though he was trying to think of the last time he'd seen her.
"It has been a while," she jumped in, smiling for real this time. Alan, Daniel's best friend, had always been a source of entertainment for her.
"It has! Way too long! What've you done with your life?"
"Not much, I have to admit."
"Same here. Still in school?"
She nodded, "You forget, I'm younger than you and Daniel and the crew."
"Speaking of the crew, you gotta come talk to them! They'll be so excited to see you."
In the back of her head, she knew it was a bad idea to surround herself with drunk friends of Daniel's, that something would be said that couldn't be taken back, something that would hurt. Something that would send her into a tailspin. But she wasn't known for doing things that were healthy for her, so she decided to follow Alan into the crowd.
"Look who I found, wandering around in the crowd with no one to talk too!" Alan cried, clapping his hand on her shoulder, causing her to stumble, her drink sloshing dangerously around in the glass. There were cries of greeting from the men sitting around the table, their ties undone around their necks, vests hanging open lounging in the chairs with drinks in their hands. She smiled, her heart beating quicker than normal.Calm down, Elodie,she thought closing her eyes for a second.You know all of them. Just take a deep breath and make small talk.She let her eyes fly open again, and said a hoarse hello.
"Here, El, sit here," said Andrew, swiping a chair from the next table over, earning a reproving glance from the stiff old lady sitting there, the flowers on her hat quivering. Andrew ignored the look of disdain, and gestured for Elodie to sit down. "So, how've you been?" Andrew asked, settling back into his chair and taking a large swig from whatever he was drinking in a glass.
"I've been good," the lie slipped off her tongue so easily.
"That's good! What happened to you after you and Daniel went your separate ways? You disappeared! We've missed you!"
"I changed majors, Andrew. I wasn't around you guys anymore."
"Well just between us," Chuck interrupted, "Daniel never got over you. He dated the ugliest bitches for a long time, and then he met this whore, and decided it would be a good idea to marry her. He's never made good decisions."
Elodie managed to strangle out a laugh, smiling indulgently at Chuck, who was swigging beer from his bottle and watching the dance floor with feigned interest.
"Well, El, Dan obviously missed his chance. You've turned into quite the hot--" Alan started, but was interrupted by a girl coming up behind him. "She's turned into quite the what, sweetie?"
"Oh, nothing," Alan jumped and turned around. "This is my old friend Elodie, princess. Haven't seen her in years."
"Oh," the girl said frostily, tossing her perfectly curled blond locks. "Nice to meet you, Elodie."
"You too."
"Come dance with me, Al," said the girl, fluttering her fake eyelashes. "you've been ignoring me all night!"
Alan sent a pleading look in the direction of Andrew, who started laughing and waved. "See you later,Al." Turning to Elodie, Andrew began to explain "he hates her. It was a blind date and now he can't get rid of her."
Another forced laugh. Elodie looked around, hoping to catch sight of Mickey, so he could come save her. There he was, getting a drink from the bar and talking to some guy. Elodie stood up, looking back at the boys sitting around the table. "Let me go get my date, I'll be right back."
She walked towards Michael, praying he wasn't too smashed. "Mickey," she grabbed his arm, pulling him away.
"Elodie!" he whined, glaring at her. "I was talking to him! Do you know how little action a gay working college student gets?"
"Shush, you're supposed to be straight for me, remember?"
"Oh, yeah. Sorry," he stumbled a bit into her, and she tightened her grip on his upper arm. "Pull yourself together, you're going to meet some of Daniel's old friends." A groan was all she received in response. "Please, Mickey. For me." Another groan.
She ignored this one though, because they were standing at the table. "Everyone, this is Mickey." A chorus of hello's greet the two of them, and Michael grinned and waved. "Hello, all." he sits down, hard, pulling Elodie down on top of him. "Oh," she gasped, her heart swooping up into her throat. Andrew raised his eyebrow at the two of them, then shook his head. "Young love," he said to Chuck, raising his beer and then gulping from it. "It abounds."
Chuck raised his tumbler to clink against Andrew's bottle and then gulping. His face turned red, and Elodie had to repress a real laugh at the look on his face. "What's in that drink?" She teased, picking up her own and taking a gulp from it. Proud of the fact that her face didn't even turn red from the sharp taste of the alcohol. Chuck raised his eyebrow. "Well, I suppose things have changed. The El I knew never drank."
"Elodie? Not drink?" Michael laughed a little too loudly, his eyes widening beyond their normal capacity.
"yeah, she never used too. And when she was around, Daniel wouldn't either. He was so whipped."
Michael continued to laugh. "I've only know Elodie for a year, but she can definitely party."
Elodie had to stop herself from leaning back and digging her elbow into Michael's chest. She let him ramble, watching the dance floor, looking for that head she knew so well. She knew he was dancing withher, somewhere out there. He hadn't seen her yet, she'd sat at the very back of the church, behind the tallest people she could find. Though she thought her mind might have just been playing tricks on her, she thought she might have seen him scanning the pews, his face looking a little hopeful. She thought he might have shifted from one foot to another after looking up and down the padded seats, in obvious disappointment. She knew she was fooling herself, knew that it couldn't have been her he was looking for. They hadn't spoken in three years, why should he expect her to come?
She had lost track of the conversation while watching the dance floor, but she was drawn back by Michael telling her to tell the story about the time she'd drunk so much she collapsed on the dance floor. Elodie blanched, then blushed. A forced laugh, panic rising in her throat like bile.Calm down, calm down. They won't know, you'll be fine, just brush it off.Shaking her head at Michael, she started chattering about how he was over exaggerating, as usual. "You'll have to excuse him, he's drunk."
Andrew and Chuck roared with laughter, and Elodie felt her chest loosen.Life, she decided, looking back out at the dance floor,was a terrible thing.
"Elodie?" heart frozen in her chest, breathing suspended. She hadn't heard the voice, she hadn't felt the swooping of her stomach at the sound. At her name issued from those lips. She turned slowly, looking up under her eyes to see him, her heart resuming it's steady thumping, quickening at the sight of his face. She hadn't been this close since that day, since the day he'd stood there, shouting at her for there being no food in the fridge, screaming about how there were dishes in the sink. Hadn't stood this close since she told him it was over and watched him walk past her and leave. Never come back. "Hi," she said, finally fighting the words out from behind the feelings that were swimming into her mouth, wanting so terribly to spill out.
"How are you?" his face was unreadable, though flushed.
"I'm good," the fake smile wouldn't even come to her, she was unable to move. Whether closer or farther away, she didn't know, but she did know she wanted to move, but her legs wouldn't start the process of taking her away from this. This sharp unbearable pain that was shocking through her veins. On his finger, shining like a lighthouse lamp on a storm sea, was a silver band, a band that connected him to that slut, the vile evil creature in the bejeweled wedding gown. There were so many words she wanted to say, so many slurs she wanted to throw at him. So many whispers intended only for his ears. "Elodie? Are you quite alright?" he said, reaching forward, to touch her arm. She now had the power to move, he can't touch her, he can't. He has to stay far far away from her, or she'll vomit all the words she never said before. She jerked away, stumbling back a couple of steps, her eyes clouding over with tears she swore she wouldn't shed. "No," she spat, her breath rising in uneven gasp into her throat. "I'm not okay."
He opened his mouth, but she was gone, out the doors of the reception hall and into the soft evening air that filled her lungs with the sweet sorrow of being able to breathe again.
"Elodie?" she closed her eyes. It wasn't Daniel's voice, but the slightly uneven voice of Andrew.
"Yes?" she meant it to sound cold, meant it to sound indifferent and soft, but instead it came out like a strangled scream.
"Are you okay?"
"Of course!" Now her voice was unnaturally high, and she stayed turned away, trying to get the emotions flitting across her face under control.
"No you aren't." he stepped forward to stand beside her, looking out across the parking lot. "Want a smoke?"
She hesitated, thinking of how she used to hate cigarettes. "Sure."
He handed her a Marlboro, and she took it, letting him light it. Lighting his own, he took a drag, blowing the fragrant smoke into the air. She lifted the cigarette to her lips, and tried sucking in the nicotine, wondering if it was true what they said, that the drug would calm you down. Instead, an overwhelming sense of burning in her lungs. She coughed a bit, spitting out a puff of smoke. An ache began to form behind her forehead already, and she decided to just stand there and hold the cigarette instead. "Don't like it?" he said, grinned and snuffing out his own cigarette below his toe.
"Not really."
He plucked the cigarette from between her fingers, and puffed on it himself, his eyes closed as he sucked the drug into his lungs. "So, talk to me, Elodie. Tell Andy about your troubles."
"You don't need to hear about my problems. And you don't want to either." A chilly wind blew, and Elodie hugged herself to keep warm.
"Are you cold?"
"No," she said sarcastically.
"Here," he put his jacket around her shoulders, squeezing them and then letting go.
"Thank you."
"No problem. I may be a drunk gentleman, but I'm still a gentleman."
The laugh that Elodie let out wasn't quite forced, but it's ringing quality wasn't quite real either. She pulled the jacket tightly around her shoulders, closing her eyes and breathing in the chilly air, tainted with the smell of cigarette smoke. "You know," she said, watching his shaking hand lift the Marlboro to his cracked lips. "When I was younger, I hated the smell of cigarette smoke. When I'd smell it, my stomach would cramp up and I'd have a headache for days."
"Intriguing," Andrew said dryly, dropping the second cigarette to the ground by his shining dress shoes, watching it burn on the cold asphalt for a second before smashing the light out with his toe. Elodie watched, the sparks dying from the burnt end, the cigarette cooling and just becoming litter on the otherwise clean parking lot. Just a few seconds ago, there had been a point to those white cylinders. They'd had a job to do, whether it be calm down Andrew, or kill him. Now, they were just a blight on the landscape. She didn't know if she was just distracting herself from the pain floating at the top of her stomach, but the idea of those cigarettes almost dying under Andrew's shoes fascinated and repelled her.
"What are you thinking about?" Andrew asked, watching her stare at the ground.
"How much I want to go home, but that Mickey won't be willing to leave so early."
"I'll take you home."
A hopeful flutter inside her heart rose into her throat. "Would you?"
"Sure, kid," he ruffled her once perfectly styled hair, now limp and slightly frizzy. She ducked out from under his hand and followed in his slightly uneven footsteps.
"Where are we going?" he asked, after they were both enveloped by the warm heat from the car.
"To the stars," she said, grinning.
"You did not just reference the Titanic."
Her grin was all he got in reply.

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Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:10 pm
Carina wrote a review...

hihi sparky. Back for chapter three.

Style and tone is great, as usual. For the most part, I can picture just about the whole chapter in my head with little troubles. There are a few suggestions to make it even crispier and colorful, but I'll get to that later.

Anyways! I like the beginning:

“Make sure the person you fall for catches you.”

It does draw me in and I like how you start off each chapter with a quote. However, this one might be a liiiiittle cheesy. Might just be me, though.

Now let's move on to dialogue. No no, not the punctuation that comes with dialogue (bet you're getting tired of seeing that, eh?), but the literal stuff the character says. One thing that writers often have trouble with is if a piece of dialogue is realistic for the character or not. For example, I can be so totally blatant and boring and be like:

"Cakes are good," Sparks said.
"Yeah, they are delicious," Carina said.
"What makes them delicious?" Sparks asked.
"I like how they taste," Carina replied.

Ewwwwww. So booooring. But as a writers, sometimes it's hard to get in the head of the character we're writing about and we just often write what we want to see. No no, you can't always trust your grubby fingers; close your eyes, take a deep breath, and become the character.

So the previous example might be changed to:

"Mmmm," Sparks moaned after taking a bite of her chocolate cake. "Cakes are good."
"Dude," Carina said. "Don't make me hungry."
"Caaaaakes," Sparks taunted. "Caaaakes cakes cakes."
Carina screamed, getting up out of her chair and jamming her hands through the magical computer screen, attempting to strangle Sparks. "Say cake one more time," she threatened.

ANYWAYS. You get the point, so now let's apply this wondrous knowledge to your piece. I think it can be applied to Daniel's mom. It's been said that she didn't like Elodie, and I kinda get that vibe through her words, but I think it can be magnified x387348327432 and become big and epic...but secretly big and epic. Make her glares become staggering daggers and lace some deadly venom behind her words as she half-hisses, "Elodie, darling, what brings you here?"

See what I mean? Let her character breathe and pulse alive like some Medusa. Make me, the reader, scared that her character seems so real that I want to run away and scream for my life. (Yeah, not really, but it'd be cool if you did.) Have Daniel's mother push Elodie away, and make her feel more than down in the dumps when they separate. Or would the mom continue to pester her? Up to ya, Sparky!

Anyways, let's move on. I'm not sure if this is a format problem or not, but I've noticed that everytime there is an italic line/word somewhere, it messes up with the spacing. Although it's real minor, they kinda make my eyeballs itch from OCD lol. Perhaps go back and fix it? Little things like this can bring the reader out of the story, too. Plus if you fix it my OCD eyeballs can rest in piece.
Also, since we're talking about formatting, I'm going to repeat the paragraph spacing thing I said before. Try chopping it down whenever the story is moving on to something else. It, too, will rest my OCD eyeballs.

Who is Daniel marrying, anyways? Since Elodie already went to the wedding, surely she knows her name, right? And what does she look like? These details can really bring out the picture.
I also think the transition of Elodie meeting Daniel at the reception could be elaborated. I know it sucks, ughhhh, transitions suck and all, but trust me, the readers will just love it!

Now for some quick (yes, quick) nitpicks.

"What's in that drink?" She teased, picking up her own and taking a gulp from it. Proud of the fact that her face didn't even turn red from the sharp taste of the alcohol.

Red = lowercased. (But I only brought this up for the underlined part!)
Underlined = fragment. If there is a comma instead of a period before 'proud,' then it will be grammatically correct. (Yay for easy fixes!)

They hadn't spoken in three years, why should he expect her to come?

Oh no, the dreaded comma splice! Comma splices are two independent clauses brought together by a comma. So, basically, it's two sentences turned into one sentence with a comma, and it's usually looked down upon. I personally like to fix comma splices by putting in a semi-colon instead of a comma; it has the same effect, and it's correct! (That was an example of one, bee tee dubs. Man, I'm smoooooth.)

And that's it! This little novel is doing great so far, so keep doing whatever you're doing and don't stop, alright? Looking forward to the next chapter.

Keep writing!


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Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:27 pm
Sins wrote a review...


She suppose it's become her signature 'Daniel' drink.

This should be She supposed it had become her signature 'Daniel' drink

"Where you been, girl? We've missed you! I haven't seen you in..." his eyebrows drew together...

You need to capitalise the [i]his

"It has been a while," she jumped in, smiling for real this time.

You need a period at the end of while and then you need to capitalise she

She nodded, "You forget, I'm younger than you and Daniel and the crew."

You need a period at the end of nodded. Also, the dialogue sounds a bit awkward here as it is, so I'd maybe suggest changing it to something like this: "You forget, I'm younger than you, Daniel, and the crew."

"I've been good," the lie slipped off her tongue so easily.

You need a period at the end of this dialogue

"Come dance with me, Al," said the girl, fluttering her fake eyelashes. "you've been ignoring me all night!"

You need to capitalise you've

She walked towards Michael, praying he wasn't too smashed. "Mickey," she grabbed his arm, pulling him away.

You need a period at the end of Mickey

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," he stumbled a bit into her, and she tightened her grip on his upper arm.

You need a period at the end of sorry

A chorus of hello's greet the two of them, and Michael grinned and waved. "Hello, all." he sits down, hard, pulling Elodie down on top of him.

Greet should be greeted, and he should be capitalised

Chuck raised his tumbler to clink against Andrew's bottle and then gulping.

You need to use gulped rather than gulping here

"What's in that drink?" She teased, picking up her own and taking a gulp from it. Proud of the fact that her face didn't even turn red from the sharp taste of the alcohol.

She doesn't need to be capitalised, and Proud of the fact that her face didn't even turn red from the sharp taste of the alcohol is technically incorrect because it's a fragment. You need to put a She was at the beginning of the sentence, or use a comma instead of a period to connect the last sentence with it.

"yeah, she never used too. And when she was around, Daniel wouldn't either. He was so whipped."

You need to capitalise at the beginning of this dialogue

"Elodie?" heart frozen in her chest, breathing suspended. She hadn't heard the voice, she hadn't felt the swooping of her stomach at the sound. At her name issued from those lips.

Okay so I find the phrasing of these few sentences rather awkward, confusing, and disjointed in a way that sort of makes them not make much sense... I'd suggest some rewording

Never come back.

Again this is a fragment, I'd reword it if I were you

"How are you?" his face was unreadable, though flushed.

"I'm good," the fake smile wouldn't even come to her, she was unable to move.

You need a period at the end of this dialogue

"Elodie?" she closed her eyes.

You need to capitalise she

"No you aren't." he stepped forward to stand beside her, looking out across the parking lot.

You need to capitalise he

"Don't like it?" he said, grinned and snuffing out his own cigarette below his toe.

Snuffing should be snuffed. Also, the way you've referred to his toe here kind of makes it sound like he's not wearing any shoes... haha, maybe use a different word there!

"Here," he put his jacket around her shoulders...

You need a period at the end of this dialogue

"Sure, kid," he ruffled her once perfectly styled hair, now limp and slightly frizzy.

You need a period at the end of this dialogue too


I must say that I think this novel is progressing really well so far. This is the first novel I've started reading since returning to YWS, and I'm really glad I have decided to read what you have so far because it's a good piece of work. It's also made me want to find and read a load of other YWS novels so I can sink my teeth into them! I really like the addition of Andrew's character, and I think there are loads of ways you could progress the storyline with him now involved. I also think you've done a good job of Michael's character here because I feel like I know him better know, and I feel that he's a lot less one dimensional. So yay!

I don't actually have an awful lot of critiques for you this time, but I did pick up on one or two things. Now I will admit that I have the attention spam of a small child and the memory of a goldfish, but I couldn't help getting occasionally confused and somewhat overwhelmed near the middle of this chapter when Elodie was sitting with all of Daniel's friends. The problem for me was that there were various names being thrown about and I kept forgetting who was who, and who'd said what previously, and who was talking to who, and... well, you get the idea. Plus with other character introductions going on around the same time such as Daniel's mother and one of the men's girlfriends, it became that much more confusing for me. I'd maybe consider taking out a minor character or two, or differentiating everyone more clearly, but it's your call :)

Something else I want to mention is about the bride (Daniel's new wife). We hear about her relatively often without actually seeing her, but everyone is very... negative towards her. Hey, maybe she is a massive slut and is generally awful, but it just seems a bit cruel and unlikely for people to be speaking so negatively about a bride on her wedding day. Daniel's friends do it, for example, but I can't help thinking someone could be listening in on their conversation considering the place would obviously be drowning in her family members and friends. Surely, they'd realise that too and not be so openly negative about her? Plus y'know, it's not awfully polite to be so rude about a bride on her wedding day, regardless of how much someone dislikes her.

To be honest, I don't think I'd see this as so much of an issue if we actually saw the bride either. Show us that she's not a nice woman, don't just tell us. That way I wouldn't find all the negativity surrounding her so rude and what not, and I'd be more like Go Elodie, you know it, gurl! when she refers to her as "that slut, the vile evil creature in the bejeweled wedding gown." As it stands, that line just seems very aggressive and offensive to be honest. I mean, yes, Elodie still loves Daniel and this woman has somewhat taken him away from her but wow, what's his new wife ever done to her?

The only other thing I want to quickly mention is that I really want to know how Elodie came about chatting to Daniel. I mean, you skipped some time and all of a sudden she was alone with him with no one else around. How did that happen?! She couldn't find him previously and now all of a sudden he's right there speaking to her. This is just something I personally want you to do, I suppose, because I love knowing details. I would suggest you explain it a bit more though anyway because I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling like this.

And that's all I have to say! Great job overall, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins

LadySpark says...

thank you again darlin! You'er the best.

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Sun May 26, 2013 9:00 pm
Iggy wrote a review...

Hey, Sparky! Iggy here of Team Hot Sauce to give a review. :)

First off, I love your writing style! The way to start an end your chapters are always great. You have a way with words, describing Elodie's pain and such. :D

"Elodie, darling!" said the voluptuous woman, her simpering smile painted on with too much lipstick.

"Better get something stronger," said the bulky woman behind her, "it'll take a lot to hide the jealousy on that pretty face."

In the first line, you describe the other as voluptuous. In the second, bulky. Which one is he? I think you should make it a bit more clear.

"Calm down, Elodie,she thought closing her eyes for a second.You know all of them. Just take a deep breath and make small talk.She let her eyes fly open again, and said a hoarse hello.

Alan sent a pleading look in the direction of Andrew, who started laughing and waved. "See you later,Al." Turning to Elodie, Andrew began to explain "hHe hates her. It was a blind date and now he can't get rid of her."

There are a lot of mistakes, wherever you use italics, the word following is missing a space. You should go through and add in all of the necessary spacing.

I think that's it. I'm excited to see what happens next! It looks like Andrew has a crush on her. ^-^

Can't wait for chapter three!

~ Iggy.

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Fri May 17, 2013 6:39 am
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paula08 says...

I'll tell you just one word about this:-AMAZING.

Really it couldn't have been better......keep it up!!

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Wed May 15, 2013 12:51 pm
GrapeNerd wrote a review...

I personally like this! In fact, I love it! I love how you made it so interesting and REAL. I normally do not read romance novels, but this one is the only exception. I loved how you made it so interesting!! I did not find any errors at all, which is awesome. Your grammar and spelling was great, though there were some typos I did find. Anyways, keep working and writing!

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— Aaron Sorkin