
Young Writers Society

12+ Language Mature Content

Infinite Prolouge

by KnightTeen

“So, what now?”

We were arguing again. I don't think I even remember what it was about now. My family. His. Ours. It didn't matter. These days we always found something to fight about.

“Whaddya mean, what now?” I asked.

“What do we do now Tris? Where do we go from here?”

Where did we go from here?

“I dunno. You tell me.”

He exploded, and I wished that I hadn't said anything.

“Damn it, girl! I've been trying to tell you for months, years about how I feel about you, but you just won't listen!”

“I would if there was anythin' ta listen to!” I shot back.

We were out by the barn. His car was parked by my paddock, and the horses and dogs were sniffing at it like always. Being a member of lower society, I couldn't afford things like that. Electricity, running water, and cars were always out of my reach.

We argued about that too.

“What do you mean by that?” he shouted, “I tell you that I love you every single day I'm with you! How is that nothing to listen to?!”

“It jus' is!” I felt childish, standing there screaming at him in nothing but my nightclothes. But then, when he had drove up into my yard it had been almost bedtime, and now it was several hours later.

We must have been a sight, the two of us, me in a nightdress and him dressed in a suit. When we first got together, he had hated the things. Now he seemed to wear them every damn day. Drove me nuts, just like all the other habits he seemed to have picked up from his family over the years.

“Is that it then? Just like that, we're done?” It took me a moment to realize that he wasn't raising his voice to me anymore. And that his tone sounded as defeated as I had felt the day that it all went to hell for us.

Apart of me wanted to scream some more, to keep on fighting with him. To let out all the hate, anger, betrayal, and other things that I had secretly been feeling over the years. But I didn't. Just like always, I bottled it up inside and didn't let anyone else see the turmoil that was going on in my head.

To be honest, as much as I wanted to fight him, I wanted to hold him more. To have him close like he used to be, with us clutching each other like we were the only two people left on earth. The only ones that mattered anyway.

I wanted to kiss him, hard and deep and without holding anything back. To explore him again and again and again, taking in the taste that I knew so well while cradling the face that I could draw in my sleep. I wanted him to want me again, like he hadn't for the past few months. And god-dammit, I wanted him to forgive me.

But I knew that he wouldn't.

If I still couldn't forgive myself, why should he?

“Just git outta here, Jeremy Turner. Git outta my yard, git offa my farm, I don't care where the hell you go, just git.”

I couldn't hurt him anymore. Every time he looked at me now, the knife cut a little deeper, and the guilt drove me a little more mad. No matter how hard I tried to be good enough for him, I always managed to screw him up one way or another.

Whether it was because his parents hated me, my parents thought that I was whoring around with him, or that society in general viewed our relationship as something wrong, it didn't matter. Either I hurt him directly or indirectly.

I was a toxic piece of trash that hurt everything I touched. But, if I had my way, he was going to be gone from my life forever, so that I couldn't hurt him anymore. And as much as that thought hurt me, I knew it had to be that way.

His face had gone white the second I had finished talking, and he looked a bit like a fish the way his eyes bugged out and his mouth kept opening and closing. I suppose if I had been him, I would have looked like that too. In all the years we had been together, through all the arguments, I had never told him to leave. In fact, they usually ended up in the opposite direction, with one of us dragging the other into my house or his (whichever was closer) and into the bedroom where we became a tangled mass of limbs.

“God,” he said, sounding so desperate that I had to look away from him, “God, Tris, tell me you don't mean that.”

I wanted so much to break, to tell him that I didn't mean it, and to love me and never let me go, but I didn't. I held firm. I looked him dead in the eye, and told him to leave and never come back.

He cried.

In all my life with him, I had only ever seen him cry once. Once. And that had been at a funeral. But now, seeing him like that, shocked me to my core. He didn't sob, didn't make a sound in fact, but just stood there staring at me with tears streaming down his face. Then without a word, he walked straight up to me, dragged me to his chest, and kissed me the way that I wanted him to.

And God, it hurt. It hurt because I knew that he was pouring everything that he had into that kiss, hoping that he could make me change my mind. I responded to the kiss with equal fervor, yanking on his collar and letting him lift me up so that I could wrap my legs around his torso. The kiss was quiet, with none of our usual moans or words. It was one of the most beautiful, passionate acts that we had ever committed together. But it had to end.

And end it did.

He broke away first, and looked deep into my eyes. Whatever he saw there cause him to deflate even more than he already had, and he set me on my feet without another word. Taking my face in his hands, he stroked my cheeks for a moment, as if he were memorizing how they felt. Then he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, and left without a word.

I waited until he was in his car driving away before I broke down. My knees the ground with a thud that sounded as hollow as I felt, and my hands soon followed them. I pressed my face into the dirt, feeling as if I couldn't get enough air even though I was breathing. The sky opened up as the tears started to fall, and I lifted my head and watched his headlights fade into the distance as I cried.

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93 Reviews

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Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:40 pm
Lefty wrote a review...

Hello, Lefty here to review!

Wow. This is great. You wrote it all fantastically. I could see everything that was going on and my eyes were glued to the page. I really felt for them at the end and you did an amazing job of showing how she felt. Just from this prologue, I can see that they have a ton of history together and that shows how painful this really is. How she basically loves him but let him go because she didn't want to hurt him anymore... So selfless! I really enjoyed reading it.

I didn't find any typos and your sentences flowed very smoothly. Very nicely done.

Great job... Keep writing, you're great at it.


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109 Reviews

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Reviews: 109

Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:32 am
MargoSeuss wrote a review...

You wrote this scene fantastically! It was as if you wrote it straight into my head. Like Judas, I don't usually read romance, nor do I write it. But I think you very acurately portrayed the strong emotions going on here. Anger, lust, sadness..that's a lot of emotions! I feel there is a back story involved with the reason for the break up. Seeing as this is a prologue, I trust there is more to come..and I am curious.

I think Judas has covered all of the technical stuff here..so I won't delve much into that. I agree that Tris uses far too much slang. I beleive what you were trying to show was how she was in a lower class than her boyfriend (perhaps one of the reasons why the relationship didn't work out)? But as Judas said, her thoughts don't match her speech. If you are indeed trying to show the difference in class, you have already established this through the character's dress and place of habitation. Tris lives on a farm and was wearing her pajamas and Jeremy was wearing a suit.

One other thing I want to mention pertains to the description of this story. You state "everything bed that ever happens, happens because of me..." or something along those lines. I think you mean to say "everything bad..." A typo like this in the description could turn people off towards this otherwise excellent piece of passion!

The emotion is really powerful in this story, well worth reading on. Can't wait to see what you have in store for this!

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289 Reviews

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Reviews: 289

Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:17 pm
Caesar wrote a review...

Good day to you.

I don't usually read romance, and I don't like romance as the focus of a novel. Therefore, mayhaps my opinions will be valuable, as someone completely new to the genre. Feel free to discard them entirely, as I said, I am not skilled in the genre.

Rapid grammatical nit-pick before I get on with the review proper:

Apart of me wanted

Should be A part. You tear something apart.

A brief digression on the use of slang, I wouldn't, certainly not so heavily. It's not exactly believable, considering how pretty and proper her thoughts are, while thoughts tend to be even more chaotic. I just can't take it seriously. We understand she's a country girl from the helpful digression on her economic condition, there's no need for anything else.

Thoughts on everything else: this seemed ineffective. I say it's ineffective because this strikes me as the climax of many events that come before, which lead to this argument. Reading it this way, it just seems plopped here to garner the reader's attention. Is that why it's labeled as a 'Prologue'? Because you're going to cover the events prior in the 'first chapter'? For me this had the opposite effect, it bored me to death. I need to feel at least somewhat involved with the characters for their angst to hit me. It's like as if I was watching two perfect strangers arguing in a very loud voice. I wouldn't feel bad for them, I'd step away, or mutter something about calling the police.

These characters are, essentially, perfect strangers. I need to know and understand them before I can be hit with their angst. I would first cover their interactions prior to this. That's not necessarily boring, it shouldn't be boring, it should be interesting and packed with tension and character development right from the start. You played a very big card right off the bat without the proper support, and to me it crumpled. This chapter is good release, but I need to appreciate what's being released before I can shed a tear at the release itself.

I don't like repeating myself, and I feel like I've already done that enough. I apologize for calling the way you phrased some of the angst bland without suggesting how to make it better, I wouldn't know what constitutes as better, not, as I said, knowing the genre. However I will try to be a little more specific, so that maybe you'll understand me better. What annoyed me somewhat is the whole 'I'm not good enough for him, I'd better just leave before I hurt him more' vibe. I find it's generally unrealistic, but maybe here it is. Maybe she actually has justification for saying this, other than hormones and vague knowledge that this is the proper thing to feel if you want to be an angsty girl with a difficult life. What is this justification? See, this is bringing me back to the previous point. My main issue with the chapter, its wording, everything, is its vagueness. Words become powerful through context. Pretty words with nothing to back them up are just pretty words. It's like contemplating the figure of god without having experienced anything personally. Make us experience the events that are significant in the characters' lives, make us understand, make us cry, but you can only make us if we have been provided reason to. The words and the expressions used will become 'original' through context.

These are my thoughts. Hope they helped

The wince that you wince when you see your quote in the quote generator is quite a wince, I tell ya. To know that the whole YWS community has read and judged your quote is quite an awkward feeling like oh noes. *manly blush*
— Arcticus