
Young Writers Society

POD 9- A fate worse than falling

by JC

:!: Philosophy of the Dark- Chapter Nine. PG-13 for adult language and violence :!:

Chapter 9

-A Fate worse than Falling

-On both accounts

Jamie carefully shut the notebook, her hands were shaking, every nerve still alert and waiting for the blow. After a deep breath she pushed herself away from the desk, despite her shaking and fear, she felt more alive than ever. As if she could walk down the stairs with a feeling far from fear. Pride, maybe, she wasn't sure yet.

Her mother was sitting in the kitchen, at the beat up, time worn, dining table.

“Are you okay?” She asked when she say Jamie.

“Yeah, actually,” Jamie replied, “never better.”

Her mom tilted her head slightly to the left, as if she didn't understand

what her daughter meant.

Jamie smiled as she grabbed a pop-tart from a brand new box and left the house from the side door. It took her until she reached her car that she realized she didn't know where to go. She could go anywhere, Jamie believed that she could fly if she wanted to. Fortunately she didn't want to, otherwise she would have been disappointed.

She started the car and drove away, through streets she had driven over so often she didn't even have to think about it anymore. She saw a brown sign on the side of the road, and suddenly she knew where she was going. To the lake.

It had been years since she had been there. She was at the age where it's hard to remember if you were six or eight, all she knew was her parents were still together at the time, and fighting viciously.

Her mother brought her here after one particularly bad fight, which had ended with Richard leaving Jamie's mom a crumpled mess on the ground. Jamie didn't think about that day very often, she just remembered one thing.

Her mom running to the edge of the water, making it waist deep before she tripped and fell with a splash into the icy coldness of spring.

Jamie walked across the damp sand, it was raining and nobody was here. Every emotion that she had ignored for the past years came flashing back in one flesh gripping moment. Leaving Jamie breathless and unmoving.

She started again, with a new determination to her step. Eventually she broke into a jog, and finally the edge of the water greeted her eyes.

She found the small dock, ran across it's slippery sand speckled surface. The edge raced toward her as she got closer to it, a race to the end, see who would last longer.

Jamie reached the end and jumped, landing into the icy water. It closed over her like a fist, forcing the air out of her lungs, chilling her to her very core. She emerged from the water, icy water dripped from her eyelashes down her face, black hair like her fathers clung to her like a wet blanket. Her clothes were weighing her down, and it took all of her strength to tread the water.

She forced air into her lungs, and let it out in a long scream. Her throat burned, but she screamed again, and again. Until she couldn't talk anymore. Until she couldn't even laugh.

Joy bubbled in her has she pulled her self, dripping wet, back onto the dock. Her clothes were heavy with water, her shoes waited for her in the sand. She sat down near them, still on the dock with her feet dangling into the water.

This would be the perfect place to write, and the perfect thing to write about.

If only she had her notebook with her. She froze, unmoving as fear clutched her heart, shoving it back into her throat. Only this time it didn't beat.

“Holy shit,” she said, her voice only audible to her mind.

The house was chaos when she arrived. There was screaming, doors opening and closing, a person yelling.

“Jamie, where are you, you fucking little whore!”

Jamie's main thought was not of fear, but something else. Her father had called her Jamie. All of a sudden she didn't care that he was looking for her. Nothing would hurt with the knowledge that he could actually speak her name.

He threw himself down the stairs, then saw her. In three steps he was a few inches from her, in his hand was a red notebook, crumpled and bent in every way. Jamie's heart fell back into place, where it beat with the sad, slow determination of loss.

“What the fuck?” Richard yelled in her face, saliva flying out of his mouth like a rabid dogs.

Jamie took a step back from him, he followed her.

“Talk to me bitch! I know what's in here!”

Jamie lashed out, and if she could have screamed she would have. Her first kick landed at it's desired target, crumpling Richard to the floor. She took the notebook and ran up to her room, shutting the door and locking it.

She searched frantically for a place to hide it, finally she threw open her closet door, and dropped the notebook into a shirt drawer, she slammed the door and locked with a key, which she slid in the small space between the carpet and door to her closet.

Footsteps coming up the stairs, cursing, yelling, tears.

The door flew open, and Jamie was on the other side of the room, crouched

in a corner. Sobbing so violently that she chocked on her tears. Literally a killing sadness. Her lungs burned, her throat was raw, and there was a man walking toward her with murder written in his eyes.


The things we do for what we have. Risking our lives for simple things. But to me, it's different. It's my job to protect the words, as they protect me. No amount of metal can heal like words, not even lead.

I protect my words the way some animals protect their young, because all I have to do is write, and the words will survive. Even if I die, my words will live on. So, here are my words, dear reader. Treat them well.

If I do nothing else in life, it will be to shed light on a topic so undiscussed, so misunderstood. But a topic it is, real to me because it is my life. It always has been my life, and until I do something it always will be. There are colors, starting with deep purple, to black, puke green, sickly yellow and finally skin. These are the marks.

There is a certain way of talking, a certain walk, an edge at the lift of an arm. Those are the symptoms.

A broken spirit, a lost soul, are the results.

The diagnosis- a fate worse than falling.

To be within reach just to be pushed back up again to relive the fall, again and again. Never quite hitting the ground, but never being high enough to save yourself.

:arrow: POD 10- The Cure. POSTED NOW on a computer near you!

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Thu May 31, 2007 4:39 am
JC says...

Well, have you ever seen somebody go down the stairs so fast you thought for sure they would fall? They used their body velocity to go faster...well...that's considered "throwing yourself down stairs"

Ahh, yes. Nano, I'm going to do that for the first time this year, and I'm already thinking about it. I know what I'm going to do and everything. I have lines of it running through my head and I have to stop myself from sitting down and writing it all down right now... =D

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Wed May 30, 2007 9:12 pm
Emerson wrote a review...

Jamie walked across the damp sand, it was raining and nobody was here.
Separate sentences.

He threw himself down the stairs, then saw her.
Wait, he literally threw himself down the stairs? :-P word choice.

Lovely ^_^ But like I said: Develop her father. There must be more to him than a cursing, yelling beast, jah?

You had some typos, but I'll stop mentioning those. This is probably your first draft? I also saw some more sentences that needed to be connected in this one, but over all good job. You're doing real well with this, it isn't so bad for the subject matter. Rather than being cliché you're only making it lively, and we can really connect. You're making me look forward to Nanowrimo, when I write my own realistic fiction :-)

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Sun May 06, 2007 5:37 pm
Alainna says...

Another great part, so good that I can't really say much about it.
I wish I had started reading this when you first started posting!!!


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Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:58 am
Royboy wrote a review...

Fit it, you shall? Shakespeare or Yoda... haha i'm just messing. I really liked this chapter. The Attack brought up the point in the back of my mind the entire time: so much language... It doesn't matter if the story is vicious like this one, though.

I found a few technical errors. I'm a comma nazi, so it's mostly misplaced punctuation hehe.

She was at the age where it's hard to remember if you were six or eight, all she knew was her parents were still together at the time, and fighting viciously.

Take out the last comma all together.

Her mom running to the edge of the water, making it waist deep before she tripped and fell with a splash into the icy coldness of spring.

I read this and thought her mom had hurt herself! I read faster from there on to see if she had or not, but I think that's just be being pesimistically stupid.

The edge raced toward her as she got closer to it, a race to the end, see who would last longer.

I think this would sound better if you said to see rather than just see who would last longer.

She froze, unmoving as fear clutched her heart, shoving it back into her throat. Only this time it didn't beat.

Put the second sentence into the first one, or elaborate on it. It seems too sharp to me. (when I say sharp i mean it's just out there on its own with serious emphasis because of how short it is)

Footsteps coming up the stairs, cursing, yelling, tears.

Parallel structure says that every word in the list needs to be of the same tense and part of speech. You've got three verbs there, but the last one should have -ing on it. Try crying instead of tears.

This was a very.... I can't say fun because of how morbid it is, but it was very intense towards the end. I love the way it started out soft with Jamie driving to a lake and swiming, but then it ends up with her father yelling at her all of a sudden. Quite a turn of events! You can always pm me if I said something unclear or vague. =] Enjoying it, for sure!

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Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:18 am
JC says...

Fix it, I shall.

Thank you for the replys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:46 pm
Mad wrote a review...

I'm glad that Jamie took a swing (or boot) at her old man I'm kind of dreading what may come up in the next chapter though. There is really much I can add to what you've written. There are a few typos in there, just so you know.

The house was chaos when she arrived. There was screaming, doors opening and closing, a person yelling.

With the closeness of the narrator to Jamie, or the events - well the knowledge that he seems to possess - I think that you should replace a person with her father.

“What the fuck?” Richard yelled in her face, saliva flying out of his mouth like a rabid dogs.

Really good piece of description here.

“Talk to me bitch! I know what's in here!”

I don't know about this - if he already knows whats in there why would he bother talking to her instead of just beating her. Possibly change the last bit to something like "What the fuck did you write this for?" Something that requires a response.

Footsteps coming up the stairs, cursing, yelling, tears.

I like the tears part, it shows that the book somehow really affected him. Hopefully there will be a change in personality now. (I doubt it)

Really nice ending, captures the essence of whats happening and reveal more of Jamie - I liked it.

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Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:10 pm
miyaviloves wrote a review...

I like this, So later I shall go back and read the rest :D


when she say Jamie
-Should be saw right?

She could go anywhere, Jamie believed that she could fly if she wanted to. Fortunately she didn't want to, otherwise she would have been disappointed.
-I liked that bit :D

water, icy water
-Using the word water twice so close together sounds a teeny bit odd.

The door flew open, and Jamie was on the other side of the room, crouched
- Did she not lock the door or was it forced open? You might want to make this a little clearer.

I really enjoyed this, like i said i will go back and read the others to make a little bit more sense of it all but I'm at college so cant right now :(

Good luck with the rest!


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Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:09 pm
The Attack says...

ooh. too much language, but it is a good story

He knew that elbow.
— soundofmind