
Young Writers Society

POD 37-Lost in Time and Space

by JC

:!: Sorry about the long wait on this one! :!:

Philosophy of the Dark

Chapter 37

-Lost in Time and Space

All the lights in the house were on, it was the first time since her father

had left. Her mother was big on conserving energy as she was deathly

afraid of changing light bulbs.

Jamie stepped carefully into the house, peering her head around the corner

before stepping into the bright room.

Every light was lit. The one on the ceiling, all of the lamps, and even the TV

was playing. Despite the bright lighting, the room was empty.

“Mom,” Jamie called as she went into the next bright room. She walked

from empty room to empty room. Lights that hadn’t been lit in years were

suddenly on. Jamie felt a slight twinge of fear in her gut as she walked up

the stairs.

At the top of them, she heard a noise. It was faint at first, so quiet it’s

existence was questionable.

The noise got a little louder, Jamie followed it down the hall to her parents

room. Darkness leaked out from underneath the door, as did small noises.

They were like an animal whimpering, soft and sad.

Jamie opened the door slowly and peeked her head around it. Her mom

was sitting on the bed, grasping tissue with one hand, and her leg with the


“Mom,” Jamie gasped. She let the door open all the way and light spilled

into the room. Her mothers eyes were red and puffy. Her face was pale,

and the blue of her veins tinted her green.

Jamie ran to the bed and sat down next to her. Mary’s eyes had not moved

from where they were fixated in an empty corner.

“Mom,” Jamie asked frantically, “What’s wrong?”

There was no answer. Her mom reached for another tissue as fresh tears

fell from her eyes.

“Mom, tell me!” Jamie put a hand over her mothers. As if she were

awakening from a trance, Mary turned an looked at her daughter.

“What?” She asked. It was like she finally realized that Jamie was there

with her.

“What’s wrong?” Jamie asked. Her voice was frantic and high, she knew

something was wrong. Very wrong.

“It’s…your father,” She said. “The doctors called. They said they don’t think

he has much time.”

Mary had stopped crying. Her eyes were back to the corner, reliving the

night with a lifeless stare.

“They think we should visit him…before it’s all over.” Calm had taken over

her voice.

“What? Why are we here then?” Jamie stood up, still holding onto Mary’s

hand, “We need to go see him.”

“No Jamie,” her mom pulled her hand back. Finally she looked up at Jamie,

meeting her eyes for the first time in what had seemed like forever. “I’ve

done enough to you. We need to find out what to do about you.”

“What about me?” Jamie kneeled down, both of her palms rested on Mary’s


“Ortega says that if Richard dies, we’re going to press charges.”

“You can’t do that.” Jamie gripped tighter on her mom’s legs. It was like

when she was little, and relatives would come over for holidays. Jamie

would sit below her mom, grasping her leg for protection.

“We’re going to have you charged as an adult,” Jamie’s mom continued as

if her daughter wasn’t grasping her leg. Crying for protection.

“And if we win the case, you’ll be sent to a state prison.”

“Mom, you can’t do that.” Jamie fought back the tears, holding onto anger

to help clear her mind. “Why would you do this to me? What did I ever do

to deserve this?”

Mary looked down. Her eyes filled with hate. Hate from everything that she

had ever gone through with Richard, and with her family. At that moment,

every fiber of her being was hate. She directed that feeling toward Jamie.

“You killed my husband.”

Jamie’s hands dropped as if she had been burned.

“I didn’t,” she said pathetically, “you know that I didn’t.”

Jamie stood up and backed up toward the hallway.

“Your own daughter, Mom. That’s me. You’re going to get me sent to

prison because I wanted something different for us. Something better. Is

that really worthy of this?”

The look in Mary’s eyes didn’t change, though for a second there was a

flash of uncertainty. The anger came back full force.

“What you did to Richard was worse than anything he ever did to either of


Jamie stumbled with the force of the words. It wasn’t just that her mom had

said them, it was that she’d believed them. Two very different things.

Fighting against the tears Jamie ran down the stairs and left the house.

She was beginning to wonder if she would ever be able to just walk out.

Never having to run away from something, never crying. Leaving because

she wanted to, not because others wanted her to. Just once she would like

to stay home for more than ten minutes.

She got into the car and drove away, trying to convince herself that she

never had to go back.

If only.


I don't know. Something seemed iffy about this chapter. Maybe I just need to get back into the POD mode after not writing for such a long time.

Thanks for reading!


NEXT: POD 38 -Code

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2058 Reviews

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Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:38 am
Emerson wrote a review...

The emotions worked in this ^_~

Her eyes filled with hate. Hate from everything that she
had ever gone through with Richard, and with her family. At that moment,
every fiber of her being was hate. She directed that feeling toward Jamie.
Show, don't tell. Use body language, dialog, all that to show it. You almost never use body language, and in real life, we say a lot more through body language than through words. But please, show me how she feels, don't tell me.

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Reviews: 133

Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:56 pm
Royboy wrote a review...

“No, Jamie,” her mom pulled her hand back.
Add in that comma for direct adress.

Basically, I couldn't really find anything that ShadowTwit hadn't already gotten. I read that one part and I was stunned. It was one of those wtf moments where what you were thinking would happen and what you're reading are so far apart it's not even funny.

I thought it was pretty good. The writing was extremely good, but the feeling kinda lacked compared to the rest of your chapters. Hope you post again soon. I'm sure you can't be that far out of your POD mode, right? hehe


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410 Reviews

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Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:22 pm
Alainna wrote a review...

I wouldn't say this was iffy, just that Jamie need to react a bit more.
*Darn, I really wanted her to slap her mother.....Hehe*

A bit more......is all I can suggest. A bit more emotion and a bit more thinking.

This was good, there's room for improvement but there isn't anything wrong with it (stop worrying!!!). ShadowTwit pointed out the mistakes so I'll be off!

Keep it up!

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1176 Reviews

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Reviews: 1176

Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:04 am
Twit wrote a review...


Mary is insane.

I don't think there's anything wrong with this, but get other people's opinion on it as well.

JC wrote:All the lights in the house were on, it was the first time since her father had left.

Semi-colon instead of a comma.

JC wrote:It was faint at first, so quiet it’s existence was questionable.

It's = its.

JC wrote:Her mothers eyes were red and puffy. Her face was pale, and the blue of her veins tinted her green.

Her green what?

JC wrote:“Mom, tell me!” Jamie put a hand over her mothers.

Mothers = mother's. And this is awkward wording; change it to something better.

JC wrote:As if she were awakening from a trance, Mary turned an looked at her daughter.

An = and.

JC wrote:“What?” She asked.

Small letter on "she".

JC wrote:Her voice was frantic and high, she knew something was wrong.

Semi-colon here. I think.

JC wrote:“It’s…your father,” She said.

Small letter on "she".

JC wrote:“What about me?” Jamie kneeled down, both of her palms rested on Mary’s knees.

Rested = resting.

Sad. So sad. :(

Too bad all the people who know how to run this country are busy running taxicabs or cutting hair.
— George Burns